#id be a crypid
dumbass-tiefling · 1 year
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none-of-your-beeswax · 3 months
i am simply a cryptid trapped in a teenager’s body
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cryptidapprentice · 1 year
i know as a monsterfucker i want to be the beauty who loves a beast, but i think (for me personally) thats at least in part bc in reality i feel like the beast who longs to be loved by someone who will see me for me
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xstrawberryshiftsx · 1 month
My waiting room <3
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@norumis @coquettebratzdoll
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THEME: cottage-core
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A fridge full of my favorite food
Big comfy bed
A laptop: I can script that I have access to every movie and show ever and watch it there.
Phone: Script that I have good wifi, (for fame dr shifters, script that you can watch edits of yourself)
A mirror where I can change my appearance (like diff colors of hair, eyes, etc)
A book with the answers to my questions, any questions.
A book with the opinions people have on ME (personally id love to see that)
an appearance room where I can see what I look like in each dr
A photo album full of my dr friends
My golden retriever Misty, my black cat Willow and My caramel cat Sage
I have a movie room where I can watch interviews/Movies/Memories of myself in my dr's
any book I could possibly want/this is where I write (ideas come straight away)/books I’ve created in my dr
any game i could possibly want with all the mods I need
the locals from the town near my cottage/farm rarely see me and think of me a bit like a crypid/urban legend (i do pop in time to time)
I’m always a subject of gossip and mystery
known as the strange-little-farm girl
no one actually knows my name
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also please feel free to use any of these ideas and feel free to replog an add some extras <3
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mythicandco · 1 year
ok the phone number is censored for the Hat Man’s privacy but this random drawer in the hall at my school is apparently the best way to get crypids’ contact information
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[image description: a white drawer pulled open to reveal a white envelope and some business sticky notes. written on one sticky note, in purple marker, is the message “does anyone have the Hat Man’s phone number? he owes me money”. another, adjacent sticky note of the same type has the Hat Man’s phone number (written in dark green pen but censored with a light green smudge) and a small drop of red marker/blood next to it. underneath, on the same sticky note, the purple marker reads “bro no way thanks dude”. end ID.]
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If you were a crypid/mythical creature, what would you be?
Some sort of fog creature in the forest whispering in lost wanderers ears, my corporeal form would probably be flowy with antlers and feathers
if i were a crytpid that already exists though id be mothman
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trenchcoatsbi · 7 months
may i request a stim or moodboard (you can choose!) for mayoi ayase from ensemble stars? id love it if you could include themes of crypids aand ink! ^-^
i know nothing about enstars but uhm yea! cool themes I decided to do a stimboard cause uh frankly i just like making stimboards and I get bored doing moodboards sometimes. something something haha look at those silly gifs goes keeps me motivated while i do stimboards -phil
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unatsi · 6 years
im wearing a goth as fuck outfit and a ton of sparkly makeup and i, feel so valid
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sweetpeauserboxes · 2 years
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[id: a light purple userbox with a pastel purple border, and pastel purple text that reads “this user prefers to be referred to as a creature/crypid or other beings'” on the left is an image of a small purple heart./end id]
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autumnsky · 7 years
I wish I knew which province has the stereotypical "Canadian accent" bc like it's a bigass country, I don't talk like that and I can't understand Newfoundlanders for crap bc their accent is so different wtf. And obviously most folks in Quebec probs have a French-ish accent. My best guess would be Ontario?
Like my Linguistics prof says there are certain things most Canadians pronounce differently, but I've never heard someone unironicly say "aboot". Like that's a SCOTTISH accent?
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dontcallmecarrie · 4 years
One Step Forward...
just realized that while I have quite a bit on Tony’s time in college for BDEL, it’s pretty general so here’s an attempt to remedy that. Bear in mind that there’s a timeline squish going on, otherwise things won't make sense.
Tony looked around the enormous lecture hall with wide eyes, practically vibrating in his seat. He knew he stuck out like a sore thumb, but he didn't care: his shiny new student ID was burning a hole in his pocket, his messenger bag was a near-clone of his neighbor’s, and in the next few minutes he’d start on the next chapter of his life. 
This was the first time he’d set foot in an institute of higher learning, for the express purpose of learning. Sure, he still had to lay low, since Tony Stark was still #1 on America’s Most Wanted Missing Children [even if his twenty-second birthday came and went months ago, take a hint already Howard], and living with someone still getting used to the world after an involuntary ice nap, but...for the first time in his life, he could let loose. 
Could finally poke at some of the things he’d been itching to try with like-minded individuals, could research and leaf through theses and journals without having to sneak around anyone who might be curious as to what a ten-year-old was doing with a textbook on fluid mechanics.
Child prodigies were easy to pick out; enterprising college students, though?
When everyone was broke and scrambling to stand out, especially in a university big enough for some of its courses to have upwards of 300 students, while also having some cool-sounding research going on? 
Nobody’d look too closely at some freshman asking too many questions. 
That’s what he was counting on, anyway. 
The professor strode up to the podium, and Tony straightened up in preparation for his first day of college.
Mistakes were made.
Many, many mistakes were made.
Tony walked out of the latest round of exams with a bounce in his step, already thinking about whether or not he’d be able to make it to the guest lecture in time to find a seat...only to pick up the dark muttering of some of his classmates. 
“Ugh, that was brutal and I think there was a typo somewhere in there because how—”
“—had like one slide covering it during lecture, why was it—”
“—an I’m going to fail, this stupid class is going to tank my GPA, fu—”
Some were almost in tears, some were fuming. More than a few were bleary-eyed, clearly having pulled an all-nighter cramming for the test that made up a good chunk of their grade.
Tony tried not to feel too guilty about wrecking the grading curve because he had no doubt he’d aced it, and had done the extra-credit question too just because he could and it’d seemed like a fun thought exercise.
Then he checked his watch, bit back a curse as he clutched at his messenger bag, and started to jog towards the building he’d seen on the flyer about public health talks.
Culver University had several of the typical crypids for a college campus: that one bookstore five minutes away with just about every book under the sun, that hole-in-the-wall restaurant that somehow managed to avoid getting written up for health code violations, that one professor who was always listed on the roster but hadn’t been seen since the first day of class.
However, not three months into the new academic year, a new cryptid was being added to the roster: Caffeine Rush Undergrad. 
If Tony hadn’t known just what the hell he was doing, he would not have managed to secure a space for his research project. As it was, his obvious interest and experience in computer programming had been a plus, so even if he’d had to bullshit his way out of declaring a major while also convincing everyone he knew what he was doing— it was worth it. 
He now had a bench dedicated to his work on cloud computing, and even if Culver didn’t know his end goal was getting JARVIS even more mobility than before on top of seeing what else he could do with what resources he now had at hand, well...this place was a goddamn candy store, alright?
Also, as a bonus he was now a familiar face to several departments he hadn’t quite gotten around to checking out, including a free pass to continue arguing with that one philosophy chair whenever office hours were slow and his code was compiling.
Caffeine Rush Undergrad had a name, presumably.
However, when looking at short freshmen and transfer students and seeing the only one in the room who looked actually excited about the upcoming exams, well...it was hard to remember to ask. 
Tony met Bruce Banner and Betty Ross after he found some of their publications, and his glee at discovering that they were working on something a few wings away from his own bench was...something. 
Not explosive, because he knew better than to attract the wrong sort of attention, but something. 
Sure, they’d eyed him suspiciously at first, but after seeing he knew what he was doing and that he had no interest in stealing their research, they got along swimmingly!
Well, at least they didn’t treat him like a younger sibling the way Foster and Selvig did, anyway.
More like a second set of eyes, and even if Tony didn’t entirely get the finer points he was able to follow along well enough. Kind of like the way Bruce was a great rubber duck whenever he shared what he was doing with JARVIS, even if he sometimes seemed more than a little amused by the comparison. 
Caffeine Rush Undergrad was like a goddamn puppy, all wide eyes and running around all the damn time, leaving behind towering stacks of books whenever he went to the library and sneaking into lecture halls for classes he wasn’t even in just to ask the speaker questions later.
It was impressive. And exhausting, and intimidating, especially when word got out that Caffeine Rush somehow had managed to secure a research position in one of the most competitive programs on campus.
...and then he disappeared after the Green Incident, which only cemented his notoriety.
Tony had two coffees in hand, one for Betty and one for Bruce, and nearly dropped both the moment he glimpsed General Ross in the hall, headed towards—
He turned on a heel and ducked into the nearest office he could find, before Howard’s old golf buddy could spot him and risk putting two and two together.
“You didn’t tell me your old man was Thunderbolt Ross.” Tony said as he passed over a cup of now-lukewarm coffee. His voice wasn’t accusing; he was better than that. But his hands were this close to shaking, and there was a tension he couldn’t shake because he’d foolishly, naively assumed he was safe here, why had he—
“What’s wrong?” Bruce asked, eyes sharp and damn it he was slipping if some civilians could see it. 
“Nothing.” Tony plastered on a smile, and shoved his cup in his direction as he mentally readied himself as to what he’d need to do now because if his mom hadn’t picked up chatter then they were okay, but...
Oh, right. 
Geez, seeing Ross had really shaken him up. But his family was safe, and he had a plan and a story and he could bullshit with the best of them, he just had to get a grip.
Deep breath, steady hands. DUM-E was pressing against his leg in his messenger bag, while Butterfingers was a comforting weight in his jacket pocket. He could handle this. 
“Nothing,” he repeated to their disbelieving looks, “it’s just that my mom was a... Vietnam protestor. She broke a lot of shit, and... may or may not have several warrants with her name still out there.”
He hated lying to his friends, but his family was on the line. Uncle James was still living with him, his mom didn’t need any more stress than she already had. 
Also? It wasn’t actually a lie. Technically, his mom was a kidnapper. Jury was still out on the treason charges, though, because enough people counted her as a whistleblower that Howard hadn’t been able to get those charges to stick.
Bruce relaxed, but frowned in concern. “You recognized Betty’s father from that?”
Tony didn’t hide how awkward he was feeling now, after the fact. Especially because it was the truth, in a way. If only even weirder.
“There’s a strong resemblance going on, and he...mayormaynothavebeenlookingforherpersonally.”
Misleading? Yes. Did he regret it? Nope.
Betty shared a look with Bruce, then looked at the doorway and blanched before surging forward and shoving him behind her desk.
Fortunately, Tony knew enough to roll with it and so ducked and curled himself the best he could just as the footsteps got louder and General Ross’ voice came from the doorway.
“Oh, almost forgot— Banner? What are you doing here?” 
Bruce’s shoes had a very distinctive squeak whenever he shifted his weight nervously. Tony’d noticed it before, but never quite like now.
“Hello, General Ross—” He started, before Betty cut in.
“Dad? I wanted to tell you this in person. I have a boyfriend.” She must have gestured or made a face, for the choked noise coming from Bruce’s side of the room and how did he get himself in these situations, seriously?
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crowrelli · 4 years
I live in the country so I do morning runs and night runs, it's nice and cool at sunrise and sunset, it's very pretty. Plus with night runs I like to look at the stars (I can see a lot where I'm at).
You run. At night. IN THE COUNTRY. The only reason id run at night is if a nonhot crypid was chasing me and even then id be begging for a time out after about ten feet.
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character-palettes · 2 years
♡ Requests/asks: OPEN ♡
My name is Ro and I fucking adore fictional characters and colors.
I thought it would be cool as hell if I made a side blog where I generate color palettes for characters or an image based on a fictional universe.
Main: @techs-holopad
So here I am. Some of my favorite series and fandoms I am in are:
◇ Peaky Blinders
◇ Star Wars
◇ Marvel
◇ Merlin
◇ Creepypasta
◇ Slenderverse
◇ I adore Cryptids
◇ Narcos
◇ Stranger Things
◇ Naruto
◇ My Hero Academia
◇ Kotaro Lives Alone
◇ Hollow Knight
◇ Assassins Creed
◇ Supernatural
◇ Pokémon
◇ Resident Evil (7 and 8 specifically)
◇ Gravity Falls
◇ Here's how it works ◇
♡ Submit an image of a character you really like and what they are from
♡ I generate a palette based on the image
♡ If you don't have an image or want to see what I come up with, just choose a character and let me know the franchise. I'll find an image I like, and find/come up with a palette for what I find
♡ You can also submit OCs! If you don't have a picture, you can give a description of colors and I'll see what I find or come up with
♡ I can also do Cryptids! Just send me a crypid and I'll try and create a color palette that I think suits them
♡ I will include the colors that are in the palette so you have the specifica color IDs also, so no worries there
♡ Other than that, the obvious rules are to be nice and respectful. I will not hesitate to block people
♡ No inappropriate stuff. Shirtless character? Whatever. Thats fine. But no NSFW things like sex scenes or full on nudity and shit like that. I will automatically delete it, and I will block you if it is a continuous thing
My go-to for palettes and generating palettes is:
I highly recommend Coolors for those who love art or color aesthetics! It's super cool to use.
(I am not paid to say anything, they are just super chill to use and I think they are one of the best palette generators/finders out there. So I highly recommend them)
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fruit-punk · 6 years
star fruit, tangelo & cranberry!✨
star fruit 🌟 : my favorite sea creature would be between dolphins, otters and any super colorful tropical fish 🐠
cranberry ❤️ : my favorite time of day is morning even though im a huge night owl. i always sleep through the cool and bright parts of the mornings that i love unfortunately ☀️
tangelo 🍊 : if i could be any mythical creature id probably be a mermaid because i love the ocean or something that flies because that would be neat lol another fun fact ~ my favorite crypid is el chupacabra 🐐
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the-healing-hero · 7 years
1. Name: Alice
2. Nickname(s)?: Many. Bunny a lot lately! 3. Gender and pronouns?: Female, dont care 4. Age?: 19 5. When is your birthday?: march 14 6. Nationality: finnish 7. Race: white as ur whitest white bread 8. Have any special features?: i got long eyelashes 9. How tall are you?: 5′9 10. Body type?: tol. kinda fat. idk. pear shaped 11. Do you have any moles / freckles?: so many 12. Do you have any significant scars, birth marks or other marks on your body?: surgery scars on my leggy 13. Do you wear glasses?: occasionally 14. If not, do you wear contact lenses?: no... 15. Have any facial hair?: probably 16. If not, would you like to have facial hair?: no 17. Do you regularly shave your legs or arms?: no 18. Are your ears pierced and how old were you when you got them pierced?: I do but uh. idk like 14? 19. Do you have any other piercings / body modifications?: nop and never 20. Do you have any tattoos? If so, how many and what are they?: nope but i wanna get one or two or three someday 21. Is your hair currently its natural color? Or is it dyed?: natural i guess. dyin it costs 22. What color is your hair right now? dark brown 23. Is your general outward expression masculine or feminine, or is it more androgynous? What do strangers most often recognize you as?: androgyne im pretty sure but i do have feminine qualities 24. Skin tone: pale and acne ridden. gros 25. Do you wear make up?: nno ★ RELATIONSHIPS, FRIENDS, FAMILY AND LIVING ★ 26. Do you prefer to have many friends or hold close just a few good friends?: i hold close to a few close ones 27. Do you have a best friend? What's their name? (List as few or as many as you'd like): yeppo froze who im living with rnnnn also otter 28. How / where did you meet your best friend(s) and for how long have you been friends?: froze ive known for like 10 years met on the internet. otter a bit less but samestory 29. Do you still live with your parents?: nope actually 30. Are your parents still married?: ya! 31. Were you raised by your biological parents or were you adopted?: biological parents. love them, lit the best parents 32. Do you get along with your parents?: ya i love them to bits  33. How about with the rest of your extended family?: I love most of my family tbh we’re mostly good folk 34. Do you have any pets? If so, how many?: I got 2 cats 1 dog and 1 hamster. the doggo and hamster live at my parents’ tho 35. Do you prefer to have cats, dogs or both (or neither)?: cats I think but I love my doggo to bits... 36. Are there any animals you don't have but would like to have someday?: possibly? im pretty content with these asshairs rn 37. Do you have any siblings?: yeee 38. If so, how many?: one big brother 39. Are you an only child, the youngest, oldest or the middle child?: youngest boy 40. If you have a sibling / siblings, do you get along with them? What's your relationship with them like?: we get along really well! my brother is such a sweetheart and i love him so much 41. Are you in a relationship?: yes 42. What's your romantic / sexual orientation?: uh confusing. im just into some people 43. Are you monogamous or polyamorous?: mono. pls. im too jealous for that stuff 44. If you're in a relationship, what's your partner's name?: Dandan 45. Are they a boy or a girl?: boyo 46. How long have you been together?: lil over 6 months 47. Where did you meet them?: omg. via rp. omegle. 48. How long have you known them?: like a year and a half? 49. Is your significant other your best friend?: like. in a significant other way! we’re really close but like. i like to keep my friends and lovers separate for reasons 50. Are you long-distance or do you live close to them?: long distance 51. If you're long-distance, have you ever met them in person?: not yet but plannin 52. Have you had your first kiss?: ye not with him but we dont talk abt that 53. What's your favorite thing about your partner(s)?: he’s really loving and emotional and obviously loves me like. a whole lot. and he can also withstand me being completely gross so like. a gift? he’s a gift. 54. Are you happy in your relationship?: ye ye 55. How many exes do you have?: uh. 4? ★ SOME MORE PERSONAL STUFF ★ 56. Do you have a collection of anything? Or would you like to collect something in the future?: mugs.... 57. Do you have a job?: nah i go to school 58. If so, where do you work or are you self-employed?: i do commissions sometimes 59. Last person you called: me mome 60. Do use alcohol?: not really no. on very rare occasions  61. Do you use tobacco?: no ew 62. Do you use any other (currently) illegal substance(s)?: no ew 63. What's your favorite food and drink?: mnt dew and uh fish i think 64. What type of clothing do you wear most often (Tshirts, hoodies / sweatshirts, etc.)?: like long lazy shirts 65. What color is your underwear? black 66. What's your favorite type of kind of pants to wear (shorts, sweatpants, joggers, skinny jeans and so on)?: just underwear or lazy sweatpants  67. Favorite television and / or Netflix shows?: bhhh hard to say i dont watch a lot. some trash reality. 68. Do you play video games? What are some of your favorites?: ya I do. re6 i enjoy. but anything really 69. Do you prefer to play games on consoles or PC?: both, froz introduced me to pc gamin after years of consoling. 70. Favorite movie genre(s)?: action comedy 71. Have any favorite movie movies to watch?: kingsman was real good 72. What kind of deodorant / perfume / cologne do you wear?: just. something neutral 73. Favorite soda(s): mnt dew  74. Do you eat sweets? What's your favorite candy?: this finnish chocolate type. but chocolate in general 75. Ever done anything illegal?: uh. i cant really recall?? ★ PERSONAL BELIEFS, CONTROVERSIES AND OTHER VIEWS ★ 76. Religious / spiritual beliefs (if applicable): agnostic prob 77. Do you attend any sort of religious services regularly (like church)?: not anymore omg 78. Do you believe in a higher power (god / gods, spiritual beings, some sort of creator)?: no and yes idk 79. How about evil? Do you believe in demons, the devil or other inherently malicious beings? yeah kinda 80. Angels and demons? not in that kinda way i guess but ye??? 81. Ghosts and / or other crypids? im scare but not really on cryptids but i believe in ghosts on some level 82. How about aliens? ya 83. Pro-life ("Abortion is murder") or pro-choice ("Women should have the right to abort unwanted offspring")?: pro choice and i think pro life people are just. disgusting 84. What country do you live in and what is your political stance?: finland and no comment 85. Do you believe in witches, witchcraft and / or magic?: eh 86. Do you believe in equal rights among all people of all shapes, sizes, color, gender, sexuality and beliefs?: ye boy if youre peaceful youre fine in my books 87. Do you believe that keeping wild animals in zoos, aquariums or as pets is right or wrong?: to some extent it’s okay. but it’s hard to say so broadly 88. Thoughts on the death penalty?: id much rather people stay in jails for the rest of their lives 89. Thoughts on Donald Trump?: whoawee 90. Should marijuana be legalized for medical and / or recreational use?: not really 91. What are your views on humans creating organic, artificial life? ya sure i dont see why not 92. What about immortality? What are your views on humans searching for the key to eternal life?: no need it’ll be bad 93. Thoughts on overpopulation, what do you think we should do?: educate. help countries that need it. 94. Thoughts on the Flat Earth theory: stop 95. Thoughts on birth-control: absolutely ya 96. Is global warming a myth?: n o??? of course not omg 97. Are your beliefs more liberal or conservative?: no comment 98. Do you believe in Santa Claus and other holiday-related beings?: not really but sh
99. Thoughts on pit bulls. Do you think they're too dangerous to be kept as pets and should be banned? train em proper i dont care 100. Are you vegetarian or vegan? no. i wont be. if youre chill abt it all the power to ya ★ OTHER QUESTIONS ★ 101. Do you have your own computer?: a laptop ye 102. Do you have a mobile phone of your own?: yepo 103. Do you sleep with any stuffed animals and do you have any favorite plush toys?: i sleep with a tiger... 104. What color is your bedset?: depends 105. What is (are) your username(s)?: look at my current one. it me. 106. Do you prefer to draw digitally, traditionally or do you do a bit of both?: digital 107. Do you draw (digitially) with a tablet, mouse, trackpad or by some other means?: tablet 108. How long have you been on DeviantArt? whoa boy too long 109. What was the first website you regularly visited when you first started using the internet?: yt 110. Favorite band(s)?: coldplay, mother mother... 111: What are some of your favorite songs right now? family by mother mother 112. What platform / app do you use most often to listen to your music?: yt mostly 113. Are you missing any fingers, toes or teeth?: teeth ye 114. Ever go through a scene or emo phase?: uh not reeeallllyyy 115. Are you still in school? What grade are you in?: wow just. idk how to answer this. im in school. semi-uni?? 116. Have you ever failed a class?: no 117. Have you ever failed and had to repeat a whole grade?: no 118. Ever been suspended?: no 119. Have you ever been fired or almost got fired from a job?: nno 120. Have you moved away from your parents?: yeee
121. Do go to college / plan to go to college?: yeeeee 122. What color are your curtains?: pale 123. Ever broken a mirror?: no 124. What was your favorite thing to do as a child? all kinds of things. play. 125. What color are the walls in your bedroom? Is there anything decorative on them? purp n white. pic of my fam there. 126. Do you have your own room or do you share it with somebody? w the roomie! my homie! 127. Does your bedroom door have a lock on it? no 128. Can you drive? Do you have your learners permit or license?: i can do a drive and also am licensed 129. Do you like your ID / School ID photo?: been pretty long since that happened 130. What material is the floor in your kitchen made of (wood, tile, fake wood, etc.)?: tiles 131. What's your favorite book?: I quite enjoyed confessions
132. Do you like cereal? What's your favorite kind?: they dont sell them anymore... this chocolate puff things 133. What color is your wallet (if you have one)?: black asm y soul 134. Do you like milk? Do you drink it straight from the carton?: occasionally and nah das nasty when u sharin a house 135. Tag some friends: no 
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ask-drawdroid · 7 years
Where in America would you want to live?
i wouldnt live in one place tbh id rather travel around in a trailer, visit all the crypid and paranormal spots, live the dream
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