#idc if tom has hard feelings he can put them aside so i can get content of my two favs again
kittyhazelnut · 2 years
What makes you think midnight rain is about Tom? She already had made her name and fame when she was with him. She didnt have to chose between him and making a career
It's about an ex that she still likes and she still thinks is a good person and she still has love for, and there aren't a whole lot of exes she still likes, so that knocks out a lot of the competition cough fuck you john mayer cough. And when she says she was making her own name, it's right after saying that he wanted a bride, which means it had to be recent. I doubt Taylor Lautner or Connor Kennedy were looking to get married fresh out of high school. And with the rumors that Tom actually did propose to Taylor -- rumors I'm not sure I believe because they make me sad, but champagne problems almost sounds like it was inspired (but not directly about) someone that very situation -- it seems a lot more likely that it's about Tom than Calvin. So when she says she's focused on making her own name and chasing that fame, I'm pretty sure she doesn't mean it was the start of her career and she's just a young girl in Nashville trying to make it somewhere in the country music capitol of the world; I think she's talking about how 1989 was her peak, and she was so focused on making the most of it and trying to hold onto that popularity that she couldn't give her all to their relationship. And that seems to track with what little she's sung about him, because ever since Getaway Car, she's been implying that Tom was far more dedicated to their relationship than she was, and she's given a million different reasons why, ranging from him being a rebound to her love for Joe to, now, her desire to hold onto her fame.
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hella1975 · 2 years
hella can u give me a visual description of some of ur ocs for toab i need to draw them
anon is facing the classic dilemma of taob readers since the dawn of time (august 2020) and for once im gonna actually do something about it so i present unto you, artists of tumblr dot com, an exhaustive rundown of taob oc descriptions:
kanut: i feel like kanut is one whose appearance is pretty solidified now. he has white hair that falls down to the base of his back that he typically pulls back into a half-knot, with a short white beard. go grandpa go. he's described as generally having a 'rough' 'sea-faring' apperance bc he's one of those people that really doesnt give a fuck about appearance especially when it has nothing to do with his healing, so while he wears the typical water tribe clothing, he'll usually have his sleeves rolled up or stains on his tunic etc. he has blue eyes and isn't very muscled because he stays out of all combat due to being the healer, but he's one of the taller tribesmen. he has those scars on his hands that cover his palms and knuckles and quite sharp features.
chena: COLOSSAL freak of a man. like i wanted him to be comically large seeing as i was working with a kids show universe where shit like that happens, so zuko literally just stands past this man's ELBOW. fucking giganotosaurus rex. he's incredibly broad and muscled as well as just tall, very thick-necked and beefy face. like it's v important to me that chena's muscle isn't the streamlined, airbrushed kind; he's a total beefcake. he's COVERED in scars like he has a specific slit in his eyebrow that needs to be mentioned bc ZUKO GAVE IT HIM but aside that honestly go ham with the scars. his eyes are grey but more of a blueish grey, and he has dark brown hair that he does quite detailed braids in to pull back out of his face and fall down his back.
tomkin: he's v skinny/lanky and trying very hard to look bigger than he is. he wears his dark brown hair in a warrior's wolf tail and effectively looks like an older, less-burdened-by-The-Horrors version of sokka. he does tend to style the braid part of his wolftail to come out of his hair a little though instead of lying flat bc he thinks it makes him look taller (it doesn't). his eyes are a very light blue.
nanook: he has shoulder-length hair that's a light brown colour but ive realised some people mean 'nearly blonde' when they say light brown whereas i just meant 'not nearly black' like a lot of the other warriors. he wears a bead on one of the front strands and it usually falls so that it's sitting by his jaw. nanook is the tallest of the tom nook & ko trio and he's pretty toned but more in a 'has actually grown into himself' kind of way than a 'seasoned warrior' kind of way. he has a round face and generally looks very steady and calm. he has a birthmark on his hand (between his thumb and forefinger) that looks like a wave and he wears ivory bracelets on each wrist.
aput: IDC WHAT YOU DO WITH APUT BUT KNOW HE'S HOT. HE IS THE FIT ONE OF THE SWT. HE'S THEIR CASANOVA. MAKE HIM ATTRACTIVE OR DIE BY MY BLADE. he has black hair that falls to around shoulder length and he doesnt usually style it in any way, and he's the second burliest in the group. he's got a much more lean muscle than chena and it makes him quicker, so fighting-wise those two are almost evenly matched (chena just wins out though. pure aggression will get you everywhere). aput has a sharp jaw and deep blue eyes
tulok: he's the smallest of the adults and has brown hair that falls to the middle of his back. he usually just braided it back or wore it in a style very similar to korra's with the blue ribbons, but since shuhon prison he's been wearing it in an earth kingdom braid. he's easily the most put together of the group bc he has a real thing for keeping clean and tidy, so his clothes are always pristine and his personal grooming is always up to date.
tovah: she's incredibly tall and lithe with sleek, black hair that falls to her hips that she wears in a PERFECT ponytail like not a HAIR out of place. she's all sharp angles and narrowed green eyes and she tends to wear earth kingdom uniform. her skin is tanned and she doesn't visibly carry any weapons on her unless she's undercover in the army and they're military-issued.
some references from beautiful fanart i have the absolute pleasure of being gifted! i wish i could put every bit of art ever made for my ocs here but im going mainly off whose showed up first when going through the tag and also any that i think just Really Captured how i personally see the character in my mind:
this portrait of kanut by @pyro-bee
atla-style tovah by @lordrei
tom nook (+ zuko) by @gloomybirdie
tovah elle woods supremacy by @herebutnotpresent
another pyro-bee kanut by @pyro-bee
tovah character sheet by @herebutnotpresent (this one is SUPER helpful)
and tons more under the 'taob art' tag if it helps!
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kelleycubes · 7 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @cloudykent​
Rules: Answer some stuff and Tag Others If Ya Want
1. Drink: Coffee 2. Phone call: Teddy 3. Text message: “are you cry typing me” 4. Song you listened to: Artifice by SOHN 5. Time you cried: idk like maybe a month ago. I was just having a really bad day
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: Weirdly enough, twice. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nah 8. Been cheated on: Yup 9. Lost someone special: Mhm 10. Been depressed: I AM depressed  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope. I also don’t get hangovers. Take that alcohol, my liver is god.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: Pastel Blue, Peridot Green, & Magenta
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends:  Mhm! I think just a few, but they’re all rad 16. Fallen out of love: In the last year? No 17. Laughed until you cried: Give me wine and I’ll do it right now 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yea 19. Met someone who changed you: Everyone has helped me grow in their own way. So yea. 20. Found out who your friends are: I always have known who my friends are this is so vague what 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Y u p
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Idk, I don’t use facebook and I’m not about to open it up and look. But I’m pretty sure I’ve at least met everyone on my friends list yeah. 23. Do you have any pets: I have my old kitty Oreo. I love him dearly 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah, I like Josh and I like Kelley. Both are names I’m happy being called interchangably, I don’t think I’d use Tyler apart from being attached to Josh or as a part of JT but yeah. I’ve got a good name I think. 26. What time did you wake up: like 1:30 lmao 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching Archer I think. 28. Name something you can’t wait for: I’m excited to go get some money from an account I’ve had since I was like 2. Never opened it up- so that’s exciting. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Like an hour ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life? More Money 31. What are you listening right now: Sound and Color by Alabama Shakes 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yea, I recently ran into him again at walmart. Weird. 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Messy room, but that’s being fixed. It’s not a huge deal really, but I’m in a good mood rn. 34. Most visited Website: Youtube for sure.
35. Mole/s: I don’t know the exact number, I have one behind my ear in my hair that Teddy discovered recently. Which is weird. I now can’t go bald just for this one mole. Doesn’t really change my plans for my hair anyhow. 36. Mark/s: Giant birthmark across my entire right shoulder blade, a scar on my forehead,  a weird tan on my right arm from a silly sunburn, other small scars in various places. Idk. 37. Childhood dream: Superhero was there for a long time. I mean. It’s been artist or writer or director or video game designer since i was like 7, but superhero was a solid one.  38. Hair color: Brown 39. Long or short hair: Shortish 40. Do you have a crush on someone: my gf. I love them 41. What do you like about yourself: idk, I’m funny I guess?? My eyes are kinda neat. I have good hands. 42. Piercings: Kinda want my ears pierced, but I don’t have any no 43. Bloodtype: No clue, I’m really curious. I think AB+ but that’s just a guess. 44. Nickname: Josh, Joshy, Jishy, Kelley, Kells, Das, JT - stuff like that 45. Relationship status: Taken  46. Zodiac: Virgo 47. Pronouns: They/Them, She/Her, He/Him, I’m not picky 48. Favorite TV Show: B99, MR ROBOT, Archer, Rick and Morty, man Idk. I love media 49. Tattoos: SOON 50. Right or left hand: Lefty, but I use both hands pretty often. Mostly ambidextrous 51. Surgery: Uhhh, wisdom teeth? Stitches when I was like 3? Idk. That’s about it I think 52. Hair dyed in different color: No but I think I’d look good with blue hair 55. Vacation: I wanna see the world, I wanna see so much, visit my friends world wide.  56. Pair of trainers: I have a few pairs of shoes. I like my converse, but my Nikes are very Comf
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: What is this asking. I’m not a picky eater? Is that what this question wants. I do enjoy eating yes. This is perplexing me. 58. Drinking: I like milk, coffee, and water 59. I’m about to: Plan more D&D stuff. 61. Waiting for: Teddy to get home so we can watch more archer and clean and stuff. 62. Want: to play some more PUBG, probs gonna in a bit. 63. Get married: idc about getting married, doesn’t really cement anything to me aside from making taxes easier. But, I’m not apposed 64. Career: Entertainer, idealy
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs for me 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes probably, but I do love some good lips so ? 67. Shorter or taller: You’d think I’d say shorter, because everyone I’ve dated is shorter, but I kinda like being tall so who knows. I like reaching and seeing things easier. Though I do miss fitting in things easier 68. Older or younger: Younger because I don’t wanna die or get old.  70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach? Idk 71. Sensitive or loud: I’m both. .72. Hook up or relationship: Relationships for me, but I mean I’ve never done a Hook-up so idk. I’m happy where I’m at tho 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I’m both.
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a stranger: Nope 75. Drank hard liquor: Yea 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Only to the ocean 77. Turned someone down: Maybe? Idk, I don’t think so. 78. Sex on the first date: Nope 79. Broken someone’s heart: Maybe. Hope not. Probably have. 80. Had your heart broken: Mhm, but I got over it.  81. Been arrested: HAHA. No. 82. Cried when someone died: I’m not really a crying kinda mourner. But I’ve only lost aunts and stuff. That sounds bad, but my way of dealing with death isn’t really crying I don’t think. 83. Fallen for a friend: I mean I think the whole point is that the people you date should be your friend.
84. Yourself: Not really, but I try 85. Miracles: I believe in luck and coincidences. I guess miracles could fall under that. 86. Love at first sight: It’s dangerous, but it does happen. 87. Santa Claus: I believe that kids should believe in him. It’s a really cool bit of magic to have as a child. 88. Kiss in the first date: Yea 89. Angels: Doesn’t fall under my beliefs no, but it’d be cool if they did exist.
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: I have more than one best friend. Tawny, Sterling, Jame, Teddy, etc. 91. Eye color: Blue/Grey 92. Favorite movie: Can’t do it sorry. Wish I would. Baby Driver is in my Top 3 though. Damn good movie. I tag @mortallydankmemes @qwenis @yeeeem @rooster-teeths and whoever else wants to do it
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