#ideally I’ll get names dates & occupations tied to their parents & siblings
ringneckedpheasant · 5 months
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tentative family tree for johannes. Still working on all the precise causes of death but synnoeve, ivar, & johannes all succumb to the black death
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crimsontobreak · 6 years
Full Name: Vivenna
Nickname: Viv, Azure, there’s probably others
Age: 22 at the start of Warbreaker, kind of up to the interpretation of time in each world from there, though assuming time on Nalthis runs similar to how our time runs, she’d be approximately 38-39 when on Roshar (which is, without doing extensive math, about 34 in Rosharan years), but even that’s assuming Vasher almost immediately goes to Roshar after he and Viv leave Nalthis. She may even be older.
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Date of Birth: idk but she fits an Aquarius pretty well
Place of Birth: City of Idris
Astrological Sign: Aquarius is where I’m leaning
Ethnicity: Idrian 
Orientation: I get a particularly demisexual vibe from her? Borderline aromantic.  
Religion: Austrism, though while she still believes, she becomes less devout as time goes.
Occupation: Princess of Idris, almost bride of the God King, beggar for a minute, Awakener, supposed bounty hunter, Highmarshall, uhh...vagabond?
Parents: Dedelin, father; unnamed mother, deceased
Siblings: Ridger (eldest younger brother), Fafen (eldest younger sister), Sisirinah (youngest sister)
Children: None
Relationship status: She was engaged to the God King for 22 years, but now she’s a free spirit. Or whatever. Also, this will probably end up verse dependent as time goes on. (I may or may not secretly ship things.)
Height: 5′11”
Weight: During Warbreaker, probably 135 soaking wet.  During the events of Oathbringer, I’ll put her at 170. Check those muscles.
Hair Color: Varies. For the first 22 years of her life, she kept it black and tied back into simple knots and buns. During the events in T’Tellir, she stops caring so much about keeping her hair so strictly under control and begins to let her royal mood ring of hair follow her mood. Once she begins worldhopping, she keeps it a little more under control, at least when people can see her, until she knows the world better. Even then, she knows the importance of not drawing unwanted attention, and when in public, she will keep her hair one natural color.
Eye Color: Also varies, though less so than her hair, and changes mostly when she wants it to change. It takes a conscious effort to do. As a child, she kept her eyes grey to stay in line with Austrism. As she gets older, she does whatever she wants with them. She’s a little less wary of what color her eyes are.
Hair Length: She changes it up depending on what suits her mood or need. Earlier in life, she kept it long, but as time went, she started keeping it shorter. She doesn’t mind it long, but will usually keep it held in braids, knots, buns, and ponytails if it’s long. (Catch her with it down, though, this lady is stunning.)
Build: Warbreaker era: slender, willowy, not much by way of definition but had an ideal hourglass shape. Oathbringer era: Athletic, muscular, still an obviously feminine shape (as noted by multiple characters in the book, she is distinctly a woman) but with more muscle mass.
Scar(s): Consistently, she has small scars on her fingertips from when she did embroidery while training to be the God King’s wife. After the events of Warbreaker, she begins learning the blade, usually using shorter, one-handed swords, though she attempted a two-handed sword once (she’s convinced Vasher did this intentionally, as a lesson, because she wouldn’t stop demanding that she wanted to try a dual-handed blade, even though she’d had minimal single-handed training) and ended up with a scar across her right leg, starting on the side of her knee and leaving a clean, straight cut about 7” long. (If we’re counting her fake Oathbringer scars, then the two across her face.)
Distinguishing Feature(s): I mean. Those royal locks, am I right?
Dominant Hand: Right-handed
P E R S O N A L I T Y    T R A I T S
Positive: Determined, loyal, stands up for what she believes in, can take well-placed criticism and learn from it
Negatve: Stubborn, enigmatic (which could be positive or negative), blunt, can be abrasive, develops a general disregard for things that don’t directly affect her (unless they’re in line with something she believes in)
Tagged by: I stole it
Tagging: idk I have like 2.5 followers, so if you see it, you’re tagged
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