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#Atención | Las islas de #SanAndrés están en alerta por el paso de una perturbación en el occidente del #marCaribe , denominada AL97, que presenta un 50 % de probabilidad de desarrollo ciclónico en las próximas 48 horas y un 80 % en los próximos 7 días. Según el #ideam este fenómeno está generando fuertes lluvias #colombia🇨🇴 #actualidad #flypシ #news #noticiasdelmundo #parati #las_noticias_de_mai #viraltiktok #viral
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myfashions · 7 months
Utilizando Plataformas de Crowdfunding para Financiar Proyectos Innovadores
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Introducción :
En un mundo donde las ideas innovadoras abundan pero el financiamiento tradicional a menudo escasea, las plataformas de crowdfunding emergen como faros de esperanza para emprendedores y creativos. Este artículo explora cómo estas plataformas pueden ser el puente entre una idea brillante y su materialización, democratizando el acceso al capital necesario para proyectos innovadores.
A través de esta guía, descubriremos qué son las plataformas de crowdfunding, cómo funcionan, cuáles son las mejores opciones disponibles y cómo puedes utilizarlas para dar vida a tus proyectos más ambiciosos.
¿Qué son las Plataformas de Crowdfunding?
Las plataformas de crowdfunding, o financiamiento colectivo, son sitios web que permiten a individuos y empresas recaudar fondos para sus proyectos a través de pequeñas contribuciones de una gran cantidad de personas.
Este modelo de financiación ha ganado popularidad mundial, ofreciendo una alternativa a los métodos tradicionales de obtención de capital como préstamos bancarios o inversionistas ángeles.
El crowdfunding no solo proporciona los recursos económicos necesarios para llevar a cabo proyectos innovadores, sino que también valida la idea en el mercado y genera una comunidad de seguidores comprometidos desde las etapas iniciales.
¿Cómo Funcionan las Plataformas de Crowdfunding?
Iniciar una campaña en una plataforma de crowdfunding es un proceso relativamente sencillo pero requiere preparación y estrategia. Primero, el creador del proyecto debe definir claramente su idea, estableciendo metas de financiamiento y creando un plan de recompensas para los contribuyentes.
Una vez lanzada la campaña, es crucial promoverla activamente a través de redes sociales, correo electrónico y otros canales de comunicación para alcanzar a potenciales patrocinadores.
Las plataformas como Kickstarter e Indiegogo han facilitado el éxito de numerosos proyectos, desde innovaciones tecnológicas hasta campañas artísticas, gracias a su amplia visibilidad y base de usuarios entusiastas.
¿Cuáles son las Mejores Páginas de Crowdfunding?
La elección de la plataforma de crowdfunding correcta puede ser determinante para el éxito de tu proyecto. Kickstarter es conocida por su gran audiencia y su enfoque en proyectos creativos e innovadores.
Indiegogo ofrece más flexibilidad en términos de tipos de proyectos y opciones de financiamiento, mientras que Verkami se destaca en el ámbito hispanohablante, con un enfoque particular en proyectos culturales y creativos. Ideame es la plataforma líder en Latinoamérica, diseñada para apoyar a emprendedores locales.
Al elegir una plataforma, considera su audiencia objetivo, estructura de comisiones y tipo de proyectos que mejor se han desempeñado en ella.
Kickstarter y Verkami: Casos de Éxito
Explorar casos de éxito en Kickstarter y Verkami nos ofrece valiosas lecciones sobre lo que hace que una campaña de crowdfunding destaque. Estos casos demuestran la importancia de una propuesta clara, recompensas atractivas y una comunicación efectiva con los patrocinadores.
Por ejemplo, proyectos que logran captar la imaginación del público con innovaciones únicas o con causas sociales poderosas, tienden a superar sus metas de financiamiento.
Continuaremos desarrollando las siguientes secciones en los próximos mensajes, manteniendo el enfoque en ofrecer un contenido valioso y atractivo para el lector, siguiendo las pautas proporcionadas.
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ideameblog · 8 years
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Somos una comunidad de miles de personas dispuestas a impulsar ideas creativas para llevarlas a la acción y convertirlas en realidad. Siéntete libre de utilizar nuestros logos para la difusión de tu campaña.
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Ideame es la Comunidad que reúne a emprendedores, artistas, gestores, y agentes de cambio social con colaboradores dispuestos a apoyar sus ideas para hacerlos posible. También es sinónimo de transparencia e ícono del Financiamiento Colectivo.
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social.idea.me es un espacio donde se impulsan ideas que están cambiando el mundo y la forma en que lo habitamos. Es una plataforma creada exclusivamente para difundir y financiar proyectos impulsados tanto por ONGs como por personas particulares que buscan crear un impacto positivo en la sociedad. Identifica tu proyecto con esta iniciativa.
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Cuéntale al mundo que tu idea fue posible gracias al apoyo de la Comunidad, donde cientos de personas, incluso sin conocerte, confiaron en tu idea y te impulsaron para que la hicieras realidad. Identifica tu producto con el Sello de Financiado en Ideame.
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¡Cuéntale al mundo de qué se trata Ideame y el Financiamiento Colectivo!
Si bien el Financiamiento Colectivo (también conocido como crowdfunding) ya es una herramienta conocida, no deja de ser para muchos una novedad. No te olvides de incluir en tus comunicados de prensa una descripción breve, que explique el  tema con información clara y sencilla de Ideame.
Puedes utilizar esta como referencia:
Ideame es una plataforma que ayuda a talentosos creadores latinoamericanos a realizar sus ideas a través del financiamiento colectivo, las redes sociales y servicios de valor agregado. Es una comunidad on-line que aporta pequeñas (o no tan pequeñas) sumas de dinero para apoyar iniciativas creativas. A través de la misma, emprendedores de diferentes ámbitos presentan proyectos que precisan financiamiento y distintos colaboradores descubren, financian y ayudan a compartir esas ideas a cambio de recompensas, generando entre todos un impacto social, educativo y económico en América Latina.
Twitter: @ideamecom Facebook: ideamecom
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Desarrollo proyecto final: DAR (Parte 1)
Como proyecto final, se nos planteó idear un emprendimiento vinculado al diseño colaborativo que culmine en un material audiovisual. Un proyecto colectivo y multidisciplinario siguiendo la metodología del Design Thinking.
¿Qué es el design thinking? a continuación, se podrá ver un video explicativo del canal PlatziLab, que nos ayuda a entender sus fundamentos:
Dicho proyecto tendría que ser relevante para la comunidad. Preferentemente, que pudiera ser incubado en el CIE, o financiado a través de plataformas colaborativas de crowdfunding, como por ejemplo Kickstarter, Ideame, etc.
Para comenzar el trabajo primero definimos los equipos. El mío está conformado por:
· Luis Chacón - Diseño Industrial
· Valeria Duque - Diseño Gráfico
· Florencia Yannuzzi - Diseño Multimedia
Comenzamos nuestras primeras reuniones haciendo brainstorming. Todo tipo de ideas o emprendimientos que nos gustaban. Las seleccionadas fueron dos:
Una red social, especializada en videos tutoriales de corta duración.
Una aplicación para ayudar a recuperar espacios públicos destruidos en Venezuela. 
Sobre la red social, hablamos sobre su importancia, su utilidad y sobre sus posibles características. Estudiamos Instagram, como principal referente. A continuación se puede ver un video tutorial, de características similares a las planteadas en nuestra idea:
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by la•faby• (@fabiolamairamakeup) on Dec 17, 2018 at 2:37pm PST
https://www.instagram.com/p/BrgTvwcAY9z (fabiolamairamakeup)
Es importante recordarles que estábamos en la etapa de empatizar con el problema y la idea, yo personalmente, no conecté mucho con la misma. Si bien este emprendimiento buscaba centralizar la información en una sola plataforma, me agrada tener la libertad de poder elegir dónde buscar mi información, o en donde publicarla. Cada red y cada sitio tiene un formato distinto, tener que casar todos los videos tutoriales con un solo formato, me parecía poco efectivo y poco factible.
Por otro lado, la idea de Venezuela, tenía un impacto social de mucha mayor importancia, creo yo, y la idea podía resultar en algo mucho más efectivo y utilizado, de lo que podr��a ser la propuesta anterior.
Demás está tratar de explicar la situación que hoy vive Venezuela. Desde un inicio ya aparecían miles de oportunidades para poder ayudar, oportunidades que comenzamos a discutir inmediatamente. Luis nos brindó un “inside look” el cual fue y es casi que imposible de no poder empatizar con él. Tras escucharlo e investigar individualmente, fue una decisión unánime, el de seguir por el camino que nos planteó.
Pero esto no terminó ahí, de hecho, recién empezó. Los invito a leer las siguientes entradas, para conocer más, sobre nuestro proyecto, y sobre nuestro proceso de trabajo.
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Patents Prove COVID Fraud and Illegal Dealings
In the early 2000s, David Martin, Ph.D., founder of M-CAM International, started finding large numbers of patents that violate biological and chemical weapons laws In 1999, Dr. Anthony Fauci funded research to create “an infectious replication-defective recombinant coronavirus.” In 2002, Ralph Baric, Ph.D. and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, filed a patent on recombinant coronavirus, and within a year, we got the world’s first SARS outbreak Since 1999, at least 4,000 patents involving coronavirus have been filed, including patents detailing key features of the so-called “novel” SARS-CoV-2 virus The 2001 anthrax attack, which came out of medical and defense research, led to the passage of the PREP Act, which removed liability for manufacturers of emergency medical countermeasures The funds for entitlement programs and pensions will dry up by 2028, at which point the drug industry will go bankrupt as well. With a burgeoning population that is sick from the COVID jabs, we need to prepare new systems to care for each other
In this interview, we continue our coverage of the COVID “plandemic” by speaking to David Martin, Ph.D., who has done a phenomenal job uncovering the paper trail behind the virus now known as SARS-CoV-2. As it turns out, this is not a novel virus at all, as patents and government grants detailing key features of the virus go back two decades.Martin finished his doctorate at the University of Virginia in 1995, after which he was hired on to the medical school faculty in radiology and orthopedic surgery. In 2006, he set up the first medical device clinical trials organization for the University of Virginia — a company called IDEAmed — which conducted medical device clinical trials for U.S. Food and Drug Administration submission. So, he has an extensive background working with FDA clinical trials.Monitoring Biological Weapons Violations In 1998, he founded another company called M-CAM International, which is focused on finding ways to bring intellectual property into conventional finance. M-CAM also started auditing the U.S. patent system at the request of the U.S. Congress.In the early 2000s, M-CAM worked with the Senate Banking Committee and was a contractor for the United States Treasury to expose white collar criminal activity around intellectual property and tax fraud. In doing that work, Martin also discovered something else.“Quite alarmingly, we found an enormous number of patents [detailing] biological and chemical weapon violations,” Martin says. “That was not something we were looking for. I let people know this was not something we set out to find. This is something that landed in our lap. I developed a technology a decade earlier called linguistic genomics, which is a means by which you can look at unstructured text data and find the metaphoric meaning inside of what is being communicated. As you can imagine, if people of ill intent are trying to do something, they often hide what they're doing in plain sight, but they use language that is not conventional.So, when you find a patent, for example, on a blast-resistant pathogen from a rocket-propelled grenade — did you hear what I just said? ‘A blast-resistant pathogen from a rocket-propelled grenade.’ Does that sound like it's a common way to inoculate a population or does that sound like [a bioweapon]?And so, finding a number of bioweapons patents, we started taking into account some very serious things. I published once a year the literal global phonebook of every biological and chemical weapon violation that took place anywhere in the world.[It tells you] the who, the where, the who funded it, what their addresses are. It was … used by U.S. law enforcement, intelligence communities and elsewhere around the world to track things that were being done inappropriately. And, it was in 1999 [that] we started detecting that there seemed to be an alarming event around coronavirus, which we're going to get into.”Coronavirus Identified as a Potential Vaccine Vector As explained by Martin, in 1999, the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, identified coronavirus as a possible vaccine vector.At the time, the disclosed rationale was to try to come up with an HIV vaccine, and to that end, Fauci, in 1999, funded research to create “an infectious replication-defective recombinant coronavirus.”In 2002, Ralph Baric, Ph.D. and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, filed a patent on recombinant coronavirus, and within a year, we got the world’s first SARS outbreak. The Real Tony Fauci For more background on Fauci, be sure to read Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book “The Real Tony Fauci,” which details how Fauci’s promotion of AZT during the 1980s ended up killing hundreds of thousands of people. And the pattern we’re seeing with coronavirus is basically a repeat of previous behavior. Martin says:“It’s important to realize that at the time [in 1984 when Fauci became director of the NIAID] we were transitioning from an STD environment in which syphilis and
gonorrhea and those types of STDs were the things that we were concerned about …HIV became a political and social hot potato because it was associated in many respects with lifestyle branding, and as a result it became a political issue to essentially identify a class of the population that could be the basis for research without consideration.The notion by Fauci was that people with HIV had already made decisions that somehow entitled them to less humanity. As a result, the clinical trials around developing both management techniques as well as potential treatments … were done in a very reckless fashion. Numerous people died in [those] clinical trials, and by the way, still are …He has been obsessed about this HIV situation as a platform to, essentially, use humans that he determines to be some form of sub-human for clinical trials. It is a horrific blight on the United States’ medical establishment that we have been willing to allow this to go on in the name of science, in the name of health promotion, since 1984, without any significant disruption or check.”The First SARS Outbreak The first SARS outbreak occurred in late 2002 going into 2003 in China. Curiously, before Baric’s team invented and patented a recombinant infectious replication-defective coronavirus, no one had ever heard of SARS.“I'm not drawing a causal relationship,” Martin says. “I'm making an observation that humans and what we call coronavirus seem to have cohabitated this earth for hundreds of thousands of years.And then we manipulate that [virus] in 1999. We start playing around with putting it into different animals and different human cell line models, and then in 2003, we have SARS. Like a lot of other things, it's an observation worth noting.What makes the observation more problematic, obviously, is this was happening during the unfortunate results of the 2001 anthrax attack, which as you know came out of federal labs …[It] became very clear that this was not [due to] a bad actor, per se. This was medical and defense research gone bad that got into the public and people died. But the real benefit, if you will, of the anthrax attack was the passage of the PREP Act.”Anthrax Attack Provided Desired Liability Removal Inside the PREP Act we now have the carte blanche removal of liability for manufacturers of medical countermeasures. As noted by Martin, the PREP Act has “made pharmaceutical companies much more capable of instilling terror in the population, coercing a population into taking an untested measure, and doing so with absolute impunity.”Curiously, while Martin’s annual report on bioweapons patents was, with only a few exceptions, appreciated and used by agencies around the world, when it comes to the information he has amassed on coronavirus, not a single agency anywhere in the world has been willing to address it.“No one … seems to be willing to look at the fact that beginning in 2016 we started seeing very alarming language being used, which was ‘coronavirus poised for human emergence.’ This was in patents, but also in scientific publications. And when you start referring to a coronavirus allegedly poised for human emergence, after the World Health Organization has declared SARS eradicated, there's something desperately wrong with that picture.”Racketeering and Organized Crime The biggest alarm bell was published February 12, 2016, by EcoHealth Alliance president Peter Daszak1 who, according to Martin, has been “the money laundering agent” for gain-of-function research coronaviruses after the U.S. implemented a moratorium on that kind of research in 2014. Rather than close it down, this research was simply moved over to China instead. In 2015, Daszak stated:2"To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase the public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan influenza or a pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors
will respond if they see profit at the end of the process."That statement was made by Daszak in 2015, and was published in the spring of 2016. The statement “set off alarm bells very loudly within my organization,” Martin says, “because when you have somebody who is promoting gain-of-function research, and clearly blurring the line on what is even legal … saying we need ‘media to create the hype’ … and ‘investors will follow if they see profit’ … that doesn't sound like public health.To me, that sounds like organized crime. That sounds like racketeering, and we need to raise this issue.”What the Coronavirus Patents Show In all, since 2002, some 4,000 patents have been filed on the genome, vaccines and detection of coronavirus. According to Martin, this is alarming, “because you don't file patents on something that you don't intend to commercialize.” Evidence of intended commercialization can also be found by looking at the dates of certain patents by certain companies.April 28, 2003, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention filed a patent on the genome of the SARS coronavirus. Five days later, Sequoia Pharmaceuticals received a $935,000 grant and filed U.S. Patent 7151163 for a treatment for that same virus. How can you file a patent for the treatment of a virus that was only discovered five days earlier?“That sounds like an inside job,” Martin says. “Because you cannot have a pathogen identified and a cure for it in five days, when all of the information was held from the public, because when the CDC filed its patent on the genome of coronavirus, it paid to keep that patent secret.So, somebody somewhere knows that this thing was going to turn out to be a moneymaker … The proliferation of proprietary controls around SARS Coronavirus probably exceeds at least by two or three times most other pathogens …Dana Farber had a monoclonal antibody patent system that came out of three NIH grants. Their patent 7750123 on the monoclonal antibody for SARS-Cov treatment took place in 2003.”So, while we’ve been told that SARS-CoV-2 is something we’ve never seen before, there are 4,000 patents and patent applications that say otherwise. The same can be said for the testing and the COVID shots. For example, Pfizer filed the first S1 spike protein vaccine patent on coronavirus in 1990 — 30 years ago.“Regardless of what part of the story we look at, the patent record is full of thousands of patents where commercial interests funded by NIAID and the National Institutes of Health have been building the economic cabal around coronavirus. This is not a new thing. It hasn't been a new thing.And regrettably, we're being told continuously that somehow or another there's something novel about this experience, despite the fact that every single part of what we are told is being detected with PCR … the injections, every single one of those things has been known and isolated for over 30 years.”How Did We Get Here? How did we get to a point where taxpayers are funding research on pathogens that are being designed to sicken and kill us, only to drive profits into the drug industry and all these various patent holders, which include the government itself?In large part, it goes back to the implementation of the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, which allows the beneficiaries of federal grants to file patents on work derived from federally funded research. The idea was that the economy would benefit by allowing scientists to be entrepreneurs first, rather than simply publishing their research.This piece of legislation has undermined health care by bringing the patent office, the FDA and CDC into an unholy trinity that serves and promotes private pharmaceutical concerns. So, what we have now is an insidious funding loop. Martin explains:“Corporations and pharma lobby to get people elected. Once they're elected, the lobbyists flow an enormous amount of money into the various NIH programs. In the case of NIAID, since Fauci took over [in 1984], $191 billion have gone through his fingers. Now, is that because
he's successful?No, as a matter of fact, under his watch, allergies and infectious diseases have increased over 60 times. Yet somehow or another, he's still the director of a failed [agency] that's gotten $191 billion to solve a problem that is getting worse every single year.If it was a company, we would have fired him. The problem is, it's not a company. It’s a money laundering agency. It moves public funds through the hands of a federal agency into the research laboratories, which ultimately are going to conduct research that is then licensed back to the benefactors, which are the pharmaceutical companies that paid to get people into office in the first place.So, this is a revolving door problem, and the Bayh-Dole Act created an insidious incentive that said that the only research that was going to be conducted was going to be research that ultimately would flow back to the pharmaceutical industry and create juggernauts, where the risk of R&D was taken by the public and the benefit for that R&D was taken by the private. That's a horrible thing, and that is exactly what Fauci has run.”Why Did Fauci Pick Moderna as Vaccine Frontrunner? Martin also points out that Fauci has also lied to Congress about the NIAID’s financial interests in drugs. During this pandemic, Congress and the Congressional Budget Office asked for an accounting of NIH-owned patents where they have potential commercial interest in the drugs being produced. Fauci did not disclose any of them. Instead he lied and said there are none.“The evidence is stacked a mile long,” Martin says. “Moderna stands alone as the only recipient of NIAID funding that fails to comply with the law and fails to disclose the federal government’s interest in their intellectual property.Despite the fact that everyone knew Moderna failed to disclose the federal government’s interest in its research, Fauci picked Moderna to be the frontrunner for an untested, commercially unsuccessful and entirely unproven mRNA vaccine technology in the spring of 2020.There was no rational justification for that, and there would have been less rational justification, given the fact that Moderna is on record as having violated the federal law, the Bayh-Dole Act, 141 times at the time they were picked to be the winner.This is a known fact, but it was overlooked entirely, and not a single law enforcement agent anywhere in the United States has decided that having a criminal organization supply a product sounds like a bad idea.”Violations of Law Everywhere Since the beginning of this pandemic, the number of rules, laws and regulations that have been broken in the name of public health boggle the mind. Even laws that are absolutely clear and in no way ambiguous are being broken. For example, under Code of Federal Regulations Title 21, section 50, no one can be forced or coerced into a clinical trial of an experimental medical product, even if it’s a pandemic countermeasure.“It's black and white, and this clinical trial does not end until 2023 in the first best instance. So, there is no such thing as an approved or even authorized use of a [COVID ‘vaccine’] that can be compelled on the population,” Martin says.And yet they’re bribing, threatening and coercing people everywhere. The drug companies also violated basic principles by eliminating all of the controls and giving the test vaccine to everyone in the trials, leaving us nothing against which to compare side effects. They also do not have an independent investigational review board, or the statutorily required approval processes for the protocol.The companies themselves decided to modify their protocols midstream, which simply isn’t how it’s done. Basically, we do not have an actual clinical trial on these COVID shots, because so many of the basic principles of clinical medical research were violated.Collapsed Judicial System Has Put Big Pharma in Charge The federal government is also violating the False Claims Act by telling you the COVID shots are safe and effective, when the studies are still
years from being completed, and have been undermined in all the ways just mentioned.“What we have is a situation where the deaths are actually considered to be acceptable,” Martin says. “I don't know what world you have to come from to find that term even remotely speakable. I think the utterance of that phrase is horrific … We are killing people willfully, and we are doing it with impunity in the name of what we call a love affair with science.The only problem is we've desecrated science in the process because it turns out that when I did randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, you know what I had to do? I had to keep the populations blinded. I had to keep it placebo-controlled for the whole clinical trial. And the reason I had to do that is because that's what the statute requires.This entire process has been willful acts of harm to humanity. And the only hope we have is a very small note in the Department of Justice opinion that took place under the Trump administration, which says that if this was based on felony acts, then the entire emergency use authorization and all its benefits would collapse.In other words, if we can show that a felony has occurred — racketeering, lying to Congress, the public coercion … [and] in the Fauci dossier3 I outline dozens of felony violations — [it] would bring this entire thing to its knees, because the moment the PREP Act protection falls away from Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca and others, I can guarantee you [Fauci] will not be promoting a vaccine.If they are liable for a single injury or death, they'll pull the plug on what they know to be unsafe. That requires law enforcement to do its job. And somewhere there has to be a prosecutor who's willing to do their job … Right now, I genuinely do not think we have three tiers of government. I don't think there is a Department of Justice.The judiciary is functionally gone … When we allow the judiciary to be an arm of the executive [branch], then what happens is we've actually lost the three-tiered structure of government. And, as a result, the system collapses. The judiciary was the only thing that was explicitly independent. We don't allow judges to get sponsorship in campaign finance. We don't allow judges to be elected.We appoint them, we go through an approval process. We do all sorts of things to try to make sure the judiciary is independent. So, the only risk to the pharmaceutical industry, the only risk to an executive out of control, was the judiciary.By collapsing the judicial system in the United States, we have effectively made the government a servant of its benefactors — and that is the pharmaceutical industry.”How Will It End? With what appears to be a near-total collapse of the judicial system, it looks like we’re on a straight path to global tyranny, with no routes of escape. Martin, however, believes there may be a way out, but it will require action on behalf of rational individuals blessed with foresight. He explains:“You have to have currency to buy off politicians. Back in 2008, when we had the global financial crisis… we instituted a policy that [will] functionally bankrupt our entitlement program (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) in 2028 [or 2033] …The best math we have is that the annuities and pension programs of the United States functionally run out of their trust fund in 2028. What does that mean? Well, one of the things that people overlook is there's an unholy alliance between the insurance companies and what we call health care.Insurance companies are long-dated asset holders. These are the people who have to have money today to cover issues in the future. That's what a long-dated asset holder is. The problem is that the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank and other central banks have suppressed the value of the return on funds, so the funds are running out of money faster than expected …You know as well as anybody else that for a politician to stand up and say, ‘I'm going to abolish or significantly alter
Social Security’ is the death knell to any political aspiration. Tiny problem. But whether they say it or not, the trust fund runs out of money in 2028.Now, here comes the kicker: So does the pharmaceutical industry because it turns out that the money that's going into that system is actually paying for the drug dependency of this country.And if we go all the way back to 1604 — to the establishment of the British East India Company and the establishment of the Virginia Company — we'll realize that the 400-plus-year tradition that we have, where we have built nation states on the back of the drug trade, is coming to its end.The good news for all of us is it's going to end around 2028, because we have a convergence that they didn't figure out how to cover up. The convergence is that the people with the money, the big pharmaceutical players, are the beneficiaries of a system that is going to bankrupt itself by virtue of their actions.This is the brontosaurus that ate too much because it was the biggest dinosaur. And the great news is they have the brain the size of a pea, just like the brontosaurus. They are not smart. And the best thing we have going for us furry humans is that we actually are nimble.Now, does that mean that we are not going to have an ounce of pain through the process? Absolutely not. There is social disruption that we can't even imagine on the horizon in 2026, 2027 and 2028, because 86 million people will lose what they thought was going to be their retirement funds.When we see that number now go to 100 million people, and the 100 million people are sicker because of what we've injected today … those people who are going to require greater health care then are going to be faced with a bankrupt system incapable of supporting their life and their livelihood. And that is the death knell of this story.The best news about this is we have time if people of good conscience get together and say, ‘We're not going to let that apocalypse arrive because we have time to start building communities that actually care for each other. We have time to start building accountability structures.We have time to start doing things that bring our social fabric together so that when that system collapses, we can come back to a rational view of what life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness is’ because, until we can reclaim the sovereignty of our health, we cannot celebrate the sovereignty of our life.”What About the 2030 Agenda? By now, you’ve probably heard of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda, which includes the transition to a Central Bank Digital Currency. With that, they can abolish the dollar and “reset” the entire global economy that is now tottering on its last leg. However, even here there may be kink in the plan that can save us.“Like a good [James] Bond villain, he's actually ignorant of history,” Martin says. The reason Martin remains optimistic that the Great Reset doesn't have a chance at all to succeed is because there’s no way the global public will embrace an all-digital system that can be annihilated by an electromagnetic pulse or electromagnetic disruption.This year alone, we’ve seen internet failures, power outages and digital finance hacks that would leave people stranded without a single penny were they reliant on an all-digital financial system.“The digital currency illusion is the most bizarre and pathetic Dr. Evil plan anybody's ever concocted,” Martin says. “The fact of the matter is the digital currency craze is one of those fantastical illusions that unfortunately has a single-point failure.We live in a world where actors of both anarchist intent, and very, very laudable privateers and pirates are more than happy to make sure that digital currency never sees the light of day because they will, in fact, hack, crack and disrupt every system out there.And so, I look at the whole Great Reset as great theater … But the entire illusion is being run because they're out of ideas. And … when the incumbency is out of bad ideas, they try
desperately to force you into a behavior that you would not otherwise accept. All you have to do is just say no. Just don't play along.”The Financial Incentive for Depopulation
Is it possible that the COVID jabs might cause premature death and be an intentional form of depopulation? Well, since we’re following the money, there’s certainly a financial incentive for such a scenario. As noted by Martin, if you’ve made financial promises to people who are closing in on retirement, the fewer there are of them the better.
“The financial interest for depopulation is a thoroughly compelling argument,” Martin says. He recently reviewed this argument in a lecture given at the Church of Glad Tidings in Yuba City, which you can view above.
In short, having people live long enough to tap into their Social Security benefits and live to the full maturity of their life insurance policies is problematic with respect to the financial collapse that is looming.
Based on these financial realities — which certainly are not advertised or publicly discussed — there’s clearly an economic incentive to shrink the population and get rid of as many people as possible before 2028. Unfortunately, based on previous lipid nanoparticle and mRNA trials, the chance of a mass casualty event is high.
“There is no question … they jumped over animal trials for a very important reason,” Martin says. “We've been told it was to save time, but it wasn't to save time.
It was to put this particular pathogen into humanity, so that a lot of people suffer and ultimately die of effects that we could have picked up if we had done it the traditional way, which is seven to eight years of safety studies, before we decide to put it in the arms of humans.
That's not what we did. And if we look at the safety data from animal studies on mRNA, and on the lipid nanoparticle, there is no question that there is going to be a fatality increase because of this …
But the concern I have, [which may be] more egregious [than] the death … is the malingering morbidity, people who will require around the clock medical care is going to be a drain that will infect our economy so deeply that we may not recover.
Because if we have people who have to stay at home with children who are sick, if we have people who have to care for elderly parents who are sick, if we have people who are caring for a spouse or a family member who are sick, that means we do not have the ability to enjoy life and liberty. And the fact is that I think we're going to have a bigger morbidity than mortality event.”
Now, as if all of that weren’t enough, Martin has also discovered CRISPR patents that describe how they can “clip” the effects of mRNA/DNA-based vaccines from people. He believes they may be building a pathogen set that is then introduced into the population so that they can later introduce a more expensive technology that can fix what was broken. This, unfortunately, could mean survival may be based on your ability to pay.
Were There Excess Deaths Due to COVID-19?
To backtrack for a moment, while we’ve been told COVID-19 caused excess deaths in 2020, one way to double-check that is to look at the number of life insurance policies paid. And in 2020, there were actually fewer life insurance policies paid out than normal, according to Martin.
“Whose numbers are you going to believe? Are you going to believe the CDC who's trying to pump and dump this terror campaign of people dying, and therefore you need to have your mask on, you need to socially distance, you need to vaccinate?
Or are you going to believe the numbers from the people who actually pay claims when real human life ends? It turns out that if you look at the audited financial statements of the world's largest life insurance companies, we can find no excess death evidence. Is COVID so smart that it only kills the uninsured? Is that what we're supposed to believe?”
Live Consciously, Aligned With Health
In closing, I, like Martin, believe we can survive this and keep our freedom. But we must act. Individually, every single person needs to take actions that are in line with pro-life and liberty morals and ethics. As suggested by Martin, spend your money on certified organic foods and locally grown foods to help build a healthier food system.
Make sure that what you put into your body is aligned to your health. Make sure that what you do with your body is aligned to your health. And then as you do that, invite other people into living a life that in fact models that behavior, so that we start building communities of consciousness. ~ David Martin, Ph.D.
Spend time with friends and family and share information. Start building a sense of community again, in whatever way makes sense to you. When you make a purchasing decision, analyze whether you’re supporting the evil being perpetrated, or choking its money supply. We need to start building micro-economies that can later grow into alternative economies. We need to start building support structures for when the financial and health care systems break.
“The fact is we are in a very unique moment in human history, and it probably is as close to the story of Joseph in Egypt as you can get. You know the seven fat years and then the seven skinny years? Well, guess what? We have a couple of fat years left. You know what we should be doing?
We should be investing in our networks of relationship. We should be investing in our networks of community. We should be building those resilient fibers that hold us together because we know that there is a famine coming. And we are in a unique position right now to actually do something about it.
So, start with yourself. Make sure that what you put into your body is aligned to your health. Make sure that what you do with your body is aligned to your health. And then as you do that, invite other people into living a life that in fact models that behavior, so that we start building communities of consciousness. And as we build those communities, we will start building currencies of consciousness ...
There are a bunch of ways that we can solve these problems, and we can do it using the market. We can do it using our consciousness, but we need our consciousness, we need our community, and we need our currency to be organically aligned to humanity again.”
How to Break the Propaganda Cycle
Doing the things mentioned above will also further another task at hand, which is to break the propaganda cycle. The key, really, is to simply live your life as healthily and joyously as possible, so that people around you can see there are others out there who aren’t living in fear. Eventually, they’ll start seeing they actually have a choice.
“Listen, propaganda cannot stand against the truth of a life well lived,” Martin says. “It can never stand against that truth. What we're trying to do is the wrong energy. We're trying to confront irrationality with rationality. But what we need to be doing is being persistent in showing up and living in a way that people look at it and say, ‘I'll have what she's having.’
This is your ‘Harry Met Sally’ moment. This is that restaurant scene. This is your moment to be a person who outlasts the half-life of the propaganda reflex. And I've seen way too many people try to engage energetically in the debate where they enter into conflict and it destroys their well-being.
Don't be the miserable angry one. Be the one at the table who is the one worth looking at and going, ‘I'll have what he's having. I'll have what she's having.’ Live a life that is desirable, and you'll see propaganda become emasculated instantaneously …
All the time while Gov. [Ralph] Northam here in Virginia was telling us that we could not have gatherings, we continued our workshops. We had our table full of 15, 20, 25 people, and our official policy was that if you signed up for our workshop, for the time you were in our home we adopted you as family, because the legal exemption in Virginia was that family didn't count.
So, we adopted everybody for the week. We had every kind of cousin, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, child, granny. It was all family. We went through the entire shutdown having a table full of fellowship. And you know what? Everybody in the neighborhood said, ‘I'd love to have what they're having.’"
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Artículo e imagen tomados de Agencia Prensa Rural.
Escrito por  Agenda Ambiental Campesina Étnica y Popular.
Sabado 6 de marzo del 2021 -  En nuestra región, ante las promesas del Estado y la expectativa general luego de firmado el Acuerdo Final de Paz, se han presentado diversidad de actores que desconociendo nuestras normas de convivencia ordenan tumbar más y más la montaña; y mientras esto sucede el país no conoce acciones contra los grandes deforestadores y acaparadores de tierras.
El campesinado ha sido excluido de la construcción de paz con justicia social y ambiental.
Ha pasado un año desde que el campesinado exigía nuevamente cumplimiento a lo acordado y respeto a los espacios de concertación en medio de una multitudinaria movilización. Ejerciendo el derecho consignado en el artículo 37 de la constitución política, los habitantes de los Parques del Área de Manejo Especial de la Macarena (Cordillera de los Picachos, Tinigua, Sierra de la Macarena y Sumapaz), serranía del Chiribiquete y municipios que pactaron Acuerdos colectivos del PNIS, denunciaban el reiterado incumplimiento del gobierno nacional resumido en el abandono de Parques Nacionales Naturales en 2017 de la Mesa Nacional de Concertación instalada en 2014; la no convocatoria de los espacios acordados en Vista Hermosa en mayo de 2019; la no instalación de la mesa de concertación entre el 29 y 30 de enero de 2020 acordada en Villavicencio el 18 de diciembre de 2019; la negativa de instalar la mesa de concertación acordada el 26 de febrero en la vereda el Tapir y el incumplimiento de los compromisos firmados según acta del 16 de marzo de 2020 en San Juan de Losada.
La deforestación desafortunadamente ha tomado magnitudes catastróficas en el mundo, y en Colombia ya se han perdido 2.8 millones de hectáreas en diecinueve años, una superficie similar a la del departamento del Cauca.
Frente a esta situación, el CONPES 4021 de 2020 recoge un argumento central para entender este problema: “El Ideam sostiene que la praderización se ha identificado como la principal causa de deforestación, y que el agente praderizador desde el área urbana y con capital, direcciona esfuerzos a través de terceros para eliminar la cobertura de bosque y lucrarse de la tenencia y valorización de las tierras ocupadas” Coincidente con esto, en la región del Sur del Meta, Guaviare y Caquetá somos testigos directos de lo que ha significado la ausencia de la institucionalidad del Estado sobre todo en la configuración del mercado irregular de tierras y la valoración efectiva de las formas organizativas de las comunidades como las Zonas de Reserva Campesina, mecanismos efectivos para reducir la presión sobre los Parques, cerrar la frontera agropecuaria y garantizar condiciones que promuevan el buen vivir de las comunidades con relación al ecosistema que habitan y protegen desde hace años.
En nuestra región, ante las promesas del Estado y la expectativa general luego de firmado el Acuerdo Final de Paz, se han presentado diversidad de actores que desconociendo nuestras normas de convivencia ordenan tumbar más y más la montaña; y mientras esto sucede el país no conoce acciones contra los grandes deforestadores y acaparadores de tierras.
Ante esta situación hemos sido claros con el gobierno nacional y los gobiernos de estos tres departamentos, en trabajar en la construcción de soluciones dialogadas que nos permitan mantenernos en el territorio en condiciones dignas y con plenas garantías para nosotros y nuestras familias. Ya estamos cansados de correr, somos víctimas de la violencia y el actual tratamiento a la deforestación nos ubica como objetivos de alto valor en costosos operativos militares.
Aunque es poca la voluntad política real reflejada por el presidente Iván Duque debido a la manera como se aborda en todos los niveles de gobierno esta errada estrategia de control de la deforestación, militarizando el territorio, judicializando, desplazando y aterrorizando a las comunidades, sin importarles la difícil situación de derechos humanos en que nos ponen, los campesinos y campesinas, insistimos en el dialogo como única ruta. Ejemplo de nuestro compromiso es la Agenda Ambiental Campesina, Étnica y Popular, documento metodológico y propositivo de 13 puntos para abordar este grave problema ambiental de manera estructural.
Con este documento hemos tocado todas las puertas posibles, pero lamentablemente el resultado ha sido el mismo: más operativos, más detenciones, más deforestación, más señalamientos y violencia.
Exigimos al gobierno nacional, a los gobernadores del Meta, Guaviare y Caquetá, a la defensoría del pueblo, procuraduría, la inmediata creación de un espacio de interlocución que nos permita concertar soluciones integrales y acordes a la problemática y que este cuente con el acompañamiento de ONU, Mapp-OEA, organizaciones defensoras de Derechos Humanos, organizaciones sociales, jurídicas, ambientales y académicas; así como invertir el orden de implementación de la STC 4360 de 2018 que otorga derechos a la Amazonía la cual se viene ejecutando con la acción policial, judicial y administrativa y en su lugar debe implementarse desde el Pacto Intergeneracional por la vida del Amazonas Colombiano (PIVAC) y los demás espacios de planeación y ejecución participativa de la sentencia.
San Juan de Losada, marzo 03 de 2021
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Spazio Alipinta a Cagliari | Alipinta. Tu come sei. |realizzazione soprabito giacca spolverino mantella sartoriale | Prodotto Sardo | via San Giovanni 336 Cagliari - Sardegna
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Benvenute a casa!🏠🏠🏠 Finalmente è tutto pronto per ricevervi nel nostro nuovo spazio di via San Giovanni 336 Vi aspettiamo per conoscervi, offrirvi un caffè o una tisana fresca rigorosamente sostenibile 😉 provare i nuovi modelli per la bella stagione☀☀☀giocare e sbizzarrirvi con la nostra coloratissima selezione di tessuti🔝🔝🔝 Contatteci sui nostri canali social per fissare un appuntamento e seguiteci nelle stories per rimanere aggiornati sui giorni di apertura 🏃‍♀🏃‍♀🏃‍♀ ATTENZIONE però uno spazio non è per caso.. Lo abbiamo scelto oltre per la sua storia (ve la racconteremo) anche perché avere una compagna con cui dividere lo spazio come Elisa di @ideame ti migliora la giornata. Allerta spoiler se venite a trovarci godrete della vista di bellissime stampe di Cagliari, originali e spumeggianti accessori ottimi per farsi/re un regalo😍 Iscriviti alla nostra newsletter per un buono sconto del 10% e restare aggiornata su tutte le novità di Alipinta. Visita il nostro negozio online su shop.alipinta.it #giacca #donna #cappottino #sartoriaitaliana #madeinitaly #sartoriale #giacchetta #capispalla #spolverino #personalizzato #personalizzazione #onlineshop #casual #outfit #negozioonline #capounico #elegante Read the full article
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lanetasiempre · 5 years
Siempre hemos visto a los personajes de la farándula con una óptica muy diferente que a los políticos. Es como si existieran dos mundos diferentes separados por una profunda brecha.
Al parecer la distancia de ese abismo entre estas personalidades públicas, realmente lo divide una línea muy sutil que permite el salto de un lado hacia el otro.  Es así como en los últimos tiempos grandes figuras de las redes sociales, la música y la actuación han brincado la talanquera para incursionar en el polémico mundo de la política.
(Te puede interesar: Conoce a Susana Harp, una cantante que ahora es Senadora) 
Así quedó demostrado en las pasadas elecciones presidenciales de México en donde una cantidad importante de celebridades del espectáculo fueron postuladas para optar a ocupar cargos públicos como diputados al parlamento alcaldes, gobernaciones, entre otros nombramientos. Tal es el caso de la actriz Carmen Salinas quien exploró los curules del parlamento nacional.
(Te puede interesar: Carmen Salinas, de las pantallas del cine y la televisión al parlamento nacional) 
Esta misma ola se pudo sentir en las elecciones primarias de República Dominicana, efectuadas el pasado 6 de octubre, donde grandes personajes de la farándula exploraron la experiencia de la vida política al ubicarse como candidatos para las futuras elecciones que tendrán lugar el venidero febrero del 2020.
El sitio Web Listín Diario��publicó los nombres de algunas estrellas donde bailarines, periodistas, cantantes y los muy populares influencers, resultaron candidatos para la contienda electoral que se aproxima. Aquí te presentamos a las talentosas celebridades que se suman a la lista de famosos artistas que saltan de los escenarios a la política.
1. Héctor Acosta “El Torito”: Es uno de los casos más comentados; este intérprete de bachata y merengue se mueve en dos ambientes, la música y la política. Medio donde aspira alcanzar la senaduría de la provincia Monseñor Nouel abalado por el Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM). 
Todo apunta al éxito del popular Torito,  así lo arrojaron los resultados de la encuesta aplicada por el Instituto Dominicano de Estudios Aplicados, Mercadeo y Encuesta (Ideame) donde obtuvo el 63.8 por ciento de preferencia de votos.
2. Bolívar Valera “El Boli” (@bolivarvalera): Este comunicador social es el segundo con mayor intención de voto; es decir, este famoso del micrófono es uno de los influencers con mayor aceptación. Su aspiración es resultar electo diputado en el municipio de Santo Domingo por el Partido de la Liberación Dominicana (PLD) 
3. Manuel Jiménez: Este cantautor cuenta con el apoyo del partido PRM. Tiene sus aspiraciones en el mismo municipio que “El Boli” pero como Alcalde. ¿Será que el par de personalidades conquistarán sus metas políticas en el 2020? Por cierto, artistas como el salsero Rouel Camilo Pier Jérez y el merenguero criollo Amalfi, han manifestado en público el apoyo a Manuel Jiménez. ¡Wow, la farándula en plena acción política!
4. Michael Miguel Holguín: Otro famoso de la farándula que aspira a ser Alcalde, pero esta vez en el Distrito Nacional con el aval del Partido Verde Dominicano, es el animador Michael Miguel Holguín. Esta figura de la comunicación sostiene en sus discursos que “la realidad real del pueblo dominicano es inquietante”.
5. Betty Gerónimo: Una talentosa bailarina que formó parte de los ya extinto programas “Divertido con Jochy” y “Perdone la hora” resultó electa para participar en los próximos comicios de febrero del 2020, proceso en el que aspira a coronarse como diputada por la provincia de Santo Domingo.
Estos son algunos de los famosos que saltaron el sutil límite existente entre el mundo de la farándula y el espectáculo a la controversial y polémica política. La lista es muy extensa, así sucedió en México. Este tipo de acciones nos confirman que aunque nos resulte difícil comparar el campo artístico con el político, solo hay un paso de distancia.
No olvides seguirnos en nuestras redes sociales para tener más notas como estas. 
via La Neta – La comunidad más grande de influencers emergentes y creadores en español
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wflinches · 6 years
Facebook: Alerta por creciente súbita en varios ríos de Colombia, dice el Ideam
FacebookFacebook is an American for-profit corporation and an online social media and social networking service based in Menlo Park, California. 
Alerta por creciente súbita en varios ríos de Colombia, dice el Ideam
Dec 13th 2018, 00:39, by Facebook
El Instituto de Hidrológia, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales, Ideam, lanzó una alerta roja en los departamentos de Antioquia, Córdoba, Caldas, Santander y Boyacá.
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from Facebook: Alerta por creciente súbita en varios ríos de Colombia, dice el Ideam via Facebook: Alerta por creciente súbita en varios ríos de Colombia, dice el Ideam December 12, 2018 at 08:28PM Copyright © December 12, 2018 at 08:28PM
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abelesinningc-blog · 7 years
Los “Millonarios contratos por la PAZ” de gobierno Santos con cuestionada empresa MARKETMEDIOS
A pesar de las múltiples denuncias que vienen desde el 2002, fecha en que se conoció la relación entre Roberto Prieto, representante de Colombia ante el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) y la empresa Market Medios, quien ha realizado múltiples contrataciones con el estado, se ha destapado, en las últimas horas un escándalo en el que evidencia la participación de Prieto para beneficiar a la firma Marketmedios.
Por cuenta de esto se evidenció el escándalo en que se vieron involucrado los sobrecostos de más de 6.500 millones de pesos en sospechosos contratos con la firma Marketmedios y el gobierno de Juan Manuel santos por cuestiones logísticas y operativas durante la cumbre de Cartagena en el 2012.
Entre alguna de las irregularidades en estas  contrataciones  encontramos como la firma Marketmedios  licitó en múltiples ocasiones unas en individual y otros en colectivo a través de Subatours SAS, quien subcontrataba de nuevo a Marketmedios,  teniendo múltiples contratos en simultánea a través de varios nombres.
Esta firma en cuestión en la cual  Roberto Prieto  es accionista ha logrado licitaciones en los últimos años con entidades del estado y distritales como el Transmilenio, RTVC, el Fondo de Vigilancia y Seguridad de Bogotá, el Fondo Rotatorio del Dane, el Fondo de Inversión para la Paz, la Cámara de Comercio de Bucaramanga, el Ideam, el Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo, la Superintendencia de Sociedades, la Asociación Canal local de Televisión de Medellín ,el Servicio Público de Alumbrado de Pasto, el Instituto Municipal de Cultura y la Gobernación de Antioquia entre otros.
De acuerdo a la información revelada en varios medios de comunicación a continuación se relacionan los numerosos y millonarios eventos en los que fue contratada la cuestionada empresa MARKETMEDIOS para la Casa de Nariño, durante los últimos ocho meses:
22 diciembre: Taller del posconflicto en Quibdó / 24 millones
23 diciembre: Agenda protocolaria Anapoima/ 1.447.680
12 enero: Taller del posconflicto y consejo de seguridad en Arauquita/ 19 millones
17 enero: Mesa de trabajo de la Alta Consejería para las Regiones /750.000
18 enero: Evento con la Federación Nacional de Departamentos de la Alta Consejería para las Regiones/ 2.552.000
23 enero: Visita del presidente de Francia Francois Hollande /4.600.000
24 enero: Visita del presidente Francois Hollande a la zona veredal de Caldono / 82 millones
26 enero: Conmemoración de los 100 años del Instituto Nacional de Salud/ 4.688.000
26 enero: Transporte de alimentos evento protocolario/ 166 mil pesos
28 enero: Asamblea de gobernadores Valle del Cauca, evento de la Alta Consejería para las Regiones / 3.949.000
2 febrero: Cena y transporte durante la cumbre de premios nobel de paz/ 2.247.000
9 febrero: Colombia Repunta, balance de exportadores, evento de Minhacienda / 11.028.000
9 febrero: Consejo de seguridad en Caucasia/ 15.769.000
10 febrero: Reunión presidencial Partido de la U en Hatogrande/ 80.311.000
10 febrero: Evento Chaparral/ 593.000
14 febrero: Evento en Palacio por la visita del presidente de Irlanda Michael Higgins/8.105.000
14 febrero: Colombia Repunta/ 2.608.000
17 febrero: Inauguración escuela y doble calzada en Montería/ 434.000
20 febrero: Visita zona veredal del Putumayo/ 61.970.000
21 febrero: Mesa sectorial regional Armenia /621 mil pesos
24 febrero: Plan decenal de justicia en Palacio /6.468.000
3 marzo: Sesión mesa de inclusión social/ 11.249.000
4 marzo: Refrigerios en Pereira/ 1.738.941
7 marzo: Agenda de entrega de obras e inauguraciones en Chocó/ 1.316.000
10 de marzo: Declaración de la Conferencia Episcopal con motivo de la visita del Papa/ 2.335.000
13 marzo: Mesa intersectorial en Córdobaa, evento del Alto Consejero para las Regiones/ 2.284.000
15 marzo: Reunión gremio petrolero, Salón Bolívar/6.609.000
22 marzo: Colombia Repunta ‘menos pobreza’ evento del Minhacienda/14.800.000
2 abril: Agenda de gobierno Mocoa/ 385.000
5 abril: Firma de decreto de la Comisión de la Verdad 5 de abril/ 3.784.679/
5 abril: Reunión empresarios Andi / 9 millones
10 abril: Bosques de Paz en Antioquia/391 mil
18 abril: Consejo de ministros en Mocoa/ 10.772.000
18 de abril: Consejo del Riesgo en Florencia, Caquetá/ 4.804.000
23 abril: Visita de Estado Paraguay/ 99.000
25 y 26 abril: Gobierno en las regiones/ 33.288.000
27 abril: Reunión Asociación Colombiana de Minería/ 4.323.000
Mayo 3: Reunión Comisión de Garantías, Salón Bolívar/ 3.470.000
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ideameblog · 7 years
¡Quiero que Ideame publique mi proyecto en sus redes!
Ideame es una herramienta para que los emprendedores publiquen y difundan sus proyectos a través de una plataforma ya legitimada por la comunidad. Es importante que tengas en cuenta que por la gran cantidad de proyectos activos, sólo algunos de ellos pueden ser publicados en nuestras redes sociales.  
A continuación te contamos qué tiene en cuenta nuestro equipo de Comunicación a la hora de seleccionar los proyectos.
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Antes que nada, es esencial derribar un mito: el sólo hecho de publicar tu idea en Internet no garantiza su éxito. Si, ¡a nosotros también nos encantaría que fuese así! pero nuestra experiencia nos demuestra que las campañas exitosas son aquellas que cuentan con un emprendedor activo detrás. 
Sin embargo, Ideame puede ayudar a impulsar algunas de las campañas publicadas en la plataforma a través de sus redes sociales. Una vez más, te recordamos que son muchos los emprendedores que se unen a Ideame día a día, y si bien nos gustaría darles un espacio a todos en nuestras redes, esto es realmente imposible. 
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Erin offers leadership in building and also applying strategies that attach area information and quality plans for little ones and parents, featuring parent-education strategies and also area collaborations, which better Major Thought and feelings's goal as well as objectives. Virtually 40% from dark South Africans lived in these locations and were actually, for all efficient reasons, governed through their very own individuals with no type of racial discrimination. This makes scientific psychology the initial postgraduate training in psychology to become offered in Ghana. My company, right from the start, devoted to paying all the operating costs and also this is actually something I have actually carried on individually since marketing the company.
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Joshua Dunn, Lecturer as well as Chair from the Division from Political Science, Supervisor from the Facility for the Study of Authorities and the Person, Educational institution of Colorado Colorado Springs. Karmen MacKendrick is a lecturer in the theory department at Le Moyne University in Syracuse, New york city. If you have questions concerning Pupil Nourishment Programs, volunteering, ending up being a contributor, or even just about anything else, our company 'd adore to speak with you.
Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey (@Cheryl_SB) is actually Professor in Government in the Federal government Department at LSE, where she educates courses in the national politics from financial policy and legal politics. Summer season of Chance, the Chance Renovation summer months camp, started by offering children grows older 3-18, but now focuses on kids grows older 5-12. Tues 11 Nov, Everyman Movie house, Albion Road, Leeds, 1500 (90 minutes), ₤ 8 (₤ 6 concession), feel free to check out for tickets. You have to fit in passing the job into somebody else and let all of them take it to the following measure," claims James Adams, Big Notion's Programs Supervisor. Instructor Muhammad Yunus I make use of words 'entrepreneurship' in the context of personal-profit owned company simply. Lilford (2010, p. 5) has actually intimated that African understanding systems tarnish the disciplinary borders which have been actually a component of European learning due to the fact that Aristotle. Interest is actually then pulled to Anton Wilhelm Amo's dissertation, De Humanae Mentis Apatheia" as well as Disputatio Philosophica Continens Ideam Distinctam (both filled in 1734) along with some 18th as well as 19th century Ghanaian historians. You are actually specifying such a wonderful instance for business owners and also clients alike. And if nothing else, joys as well as keep discussing these forms of messages - this's one thing every entrepreneur in every area can easily relate to as well as profit from. From 1992 to 1996, the CFM provided systems to offenders and adjustments staff and also officials in the Massachusetts Department of Corrections along with support coming from the Massachusetts Committee on Criminal Compensation.
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That is, possibly, crucial to additionally take note that the University University of Cape Shoreline (now College of Peninsula Coastline) was actually set up in 1962 and affiliated to the Educational institution from Ghana to teach educators for the colleges (Agbodeka, 1998 ). The achievable part from the College from Cape Shore as a driver for the introduction of the college training program in psychology at the University of Ghana has not received any sort of significant focus. Steve Instance At a wide-ranging amount, entrepreneurship is about possessing a positive influence on the world. Sandra Jovchelovitch is a Teacher in the Department from Social Psychology at LSE. Young Creatives at Leeds Fine art College// Live Celebration// 1000. Today, by means of a collaboration with Head Start from Greater Dallas, Dallas Police Team and Park's Female's Facility, Lakewest YMCA participants take pleasure in health and wellness as well as health courses and also over 20 plans for youth, teens and also adults. Earlier, she functioned as instructor as well as chair in the Division from Physics as well as Astrochemistry at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. David Stevenson is actually Stevenson Teacher of International Record at LSE. If you loved this write-up and you would certainly such as to obtain more information relating to http://fibalon.info/eco-slim-aumento-de-las-erecciones-2-sencillos-pasos/ kindly see our web-site. The 10 Finalist Teams will get an all costs compensated travel to the TFF International Top, where they will definitely take part in world-changing dialogue along with sector managers, entrepreneurs, as well as policy creators off around the globe. The Youngster's Comic Honor celebrates and promotes the finest in English comics aimed at, as well as appropriate for, a younger reader. Christoph Gorder is Head of state & Main Water Policeman at Charitable organization Water Christoph grew up in the Central African State and Nigeria, where obtaining clean water is actually still a goal for thousands.
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In this write-up our team talk with Frank Willem (FW) de Klerk (Former Head of state of South Africa and Champion from the Nobel Calmness Aim), George Takei (Star & Social Fair treatment Lobbyist), Prof. Diana L. Hayes is emerita lecturer of methodical faith at Georgetown University and also writer of several publications on dark Catholics in the United States. Definitely, similarly that these African innovators entered into power may be the same manner in which they as well are actually 'forcibly gotten rid of off energy': by means of the barrel of the gun, rather than by means of the election carton. Trainees try brand new traits, they grow psychologically and intellectually, and they start to imagine a future packed with options on their own as well as their communities. If you liked this article and you would like to acquire more info relating to just click the next website page please visit the site. He took up his blog post as LSE Director on 1 September 2012, having actually left behind the United States where he was actually College Lecturer at New York College as well as director of the Principle for Open secret and also Head of state from the Social Science Research study Council. Last summer months roughly 35,000 students took part in plans and also occasions that belonged to Dallas Metropolitan area of Learning, the Huge Thought-managed effort that makes certain all students have accessibility to summer discovering opportunities. The fact that you may sign everything electronically as well as off a range, do your taxes, established as well as conduct your company fully on-line - this creates that all less complicated, a lot faster, easier. Lilford (2010, p. 5) has intimated that African knowledge systems blur the punitive limits which have been actually an attribute of International education since Aristotle. Interest is actually then drawn to Anton Wilhelm Amo's treatise, De Humanae Mentis Apatheia" and Disputatio Philosophica Continens Ideam Distinctam (both written in 1734) and also some 18th and also 19th century Ghanaian intellectuals. Let's have Facebook as an instance ... 4 years earlier, a great deal of people were creating Facebook off saying, 'effectively ... this was actually an amazing suggestion to possess socials media on your big-screens, now whatever is actually removaling mobile phone, as well as Facebook doesn't have a placement in mobile phone ...' - Suppose exactly what ... 4 years later, Facebook gets practically 80% from its own profits from mobile phone services and products. Naturally our team are ever-conscious from the durability from the created environment also, therefore perhaps our team must alter the means our team examine points to create structures much more amazing in different methods which comply with the needs these days. Universities have to removal from charters, declarations, and boards - vital as these are - to developing and also spinning out Pan-African course of studies that demonstrate the African situation where South Africa is located.
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Sunshine Sixth Nov, Movie theater from Battle, Royal Armouries (Second Floor), 14.45-15.00, free admittance along with Sunday/Weekend convention elapsed, All Ages, but feel free to note: Thought and feelings Blister does certainly not control board content. One of the characteristics linking our greatest business people is their ability to produce platforms. Keith Carmichael (Founder of REMEDY, an organisation that seeks fair treatment as well as adjustment for torture survivors) and also Prof Juan Méndez (the UN Special Rapporteur on Misery and also Other Cruel, Inhuman and also Degrading Therapy or Penalty) - both abuse heirs. , if our team look at the US and its military actions in the Middle-East and North Africa; battle Libya, drone strikes in Yemen and also Somalia, invasion of Iraq, engagement in the Iran-Iraq war ... and so forth ... this is actually challenging to envision how anybody from that region- or even with associations to that region- could possibly consider the US as just about anything other than a downright aggressor without any moral high-ground.
Tim Draper I presume entrepreneurship is actually the absolute most philanthropic undertaking on earth. Proof of the essential thoughtful as well as psychological thought and feelings appears off examination from African adages. . And yet each has an unique goal: Big Night, May 6 off 7-10 pm, is actually a casual, adults-only function targeted at increasing funds for cutting-edge programs created to finalize the possibility gap that disproportionally affects our most under-resourced students.
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Being one from the few people to have actually stood on all 8 from the Earth's poles, Dr Paulsen has a deeper historic and clinical interest in polar exploration and in 2015 was a creating participant of the Swiss Polar Principle His around the world philanthropic rate of interests range coming from the isles from South Georgia, to Russia, Western Europe, the US and to the Empire from Bhutan, in the places of learning, science and culture. We'll be actually declaring the champions reside on stage - and also they'll come to observe their job published in 2015's Thought Blister Anthology coming from Graphic Comics! Minority ones on PSB have commonly been actually amongst babies and also kids or even the aged. If there is actually no discussion of the African circumstance in which Ghana exists, it is actually worth taking note that a conversation of psychology in Ghana will definitely be actually poor.
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lasnoticiasenred · 7 years
Segunda sesión del Consejo Ambiental Municipal – CAM de 2017
La Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Agropecuario de Envigado realizó la segunda sesión del Consejo Ambiental Municipal – CAM, presidido por el Alcalde Raúl Eduardo Cardona González, con la participación de los Secretarios de Despacho de las diferentes Secretarías que conforman el CAM, Entes Descentralizados, representantes de las Curadurías de Envigado, la Cámara de Comercio del Aburrá Sur, Universidades asentadas en el municipio, el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá, los consejeros por las ONG´s y las Organizaciones Sociales y Comunitarias de Envigado y funcionarios de la Administración Municipal.
Durante el CAM, la Ingeniera Ambiental María Teresa Rojas, presentó el Plan de Mitigación y Adaptación al Cambio y la Variabilidad Climática de Envigado, elaborado por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, institución que acompaña y orienta al municipio en la construcción de este importante plan
Aunque este plan tiene un alcance proyectado para el año 2030, Envigado desde ya piensa en estrategias que le permitan identificar oportunidades para prevenir situaciones que pueden producirse por los efectos del cambio climático.  Es un trabajo coordinado con la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Agropecuario, que ha involucrado a la comunidad, a la Administración Municipal y a estudiantes de diferentes instituciones educativas.
Dentro del análisis de vulnerabilidad y riesgo realizado por el IDEAM, Envigado ocupa el puesto 21 en términos de vulnerabilidad y riesgo, entre los 125 municipios de Antioquia. Este resultado evidencia la necesidad de empezar a trabajar para disminuir los riesgos a futuro. La seguridad alimentaria (pérdida de áreas para cultivar), los biodiversidad y servicios ecositémicos, la salud, el recurso hídrico, el hábitat humana y la infraestructura (insuficiencias hidráulicas) son los aspectos que más pueden verse impactados.
Dentro de la presentación, se destacó el Sistema Local de Áreas Protegidas – SILAPE como una estrategia que puede contribuir para que los riesgos disminuyan y que es reconocida a nivel regional y nacional por su importancia significativa.
El Plan de Mitigación y Adaptación al Cambio y la Variabilidad Climática de Envigado, contempla unas medidas de mitigación y de adaptación, de acuerdo a las necesidades identificadas a nivel metropolitano y enfocadas en Envigado. Son medidas identificadas y medidas cuantificadas de acuerdo al Plan de Desarrollo actual. Cuenta además con una batería de indicadores que aporten información valiosa. Esta es una hoja de ruta de gestión a corto, mediano y largo plazo.
Dentro del CAM, El Secretario de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Agropecuario, César Augusto Mora Arias, además de revisar los compromisos de la sesión anterior del Consejo Ambiental Municipal – CAM, presentó los avances y los logros más representativos de cada uno de los Comités Temáticos que conforman el Sistema de Gestión Ambiental Municipal – SIGAM y cómo se viene trabajando la Política Ambiental Municipal.
Hilda Elena Castaño Consejera Ambiental por las ONG y Rubén Darío Villa, Consejero por las Organizaciones Sociales y Comunitarias, compartieron además su gestión durante los últimos meses y algunas inquietudes sobre temas puntuales que serán respondidos por las unidades ejecutoras correspondientes. from Blogger http://ift.tt/2xvgfik via IFTTT
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Artículo tomado de Contagio Radio.
Miércoles 8 de mayo del 2019 -  En medio de polémicos debates, el Congreso aprobó el pasado 2 de mayo al Plan Nacional de Desarrollo (PND), una hoja de ruta que el Presidente Iván Duque usará los siguientes tres años para guiar su gobierno. Esto a pesar de las fuertes críticas que ha recibido por profundizar en políticas extractivistas y otras que ocasionarán fuertes impactos ambientales. 
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Foto: Ministerio de Ambiente
Entre los 337 artículos aprobados, algunos de los que más preocupación generan son la construcción de un puerto en Chocó, el avance de proyectos piloto de fracking, el aumento en la meta de deforestación en el país a más de 1.000.000 de hectáreas en tres años y la disminución en las regalías  que aportan empresas mineras.
Puerto de Tribugá
El artículo 78 en el PND da prioridad al desarrollo de infraestructura portuaria y de transporte que conecte los accesos marítimos al resto del país, hecho que impulsaría la construcción del Puerto de Tribugá, en el municipio de Nuquí, en Chocó, así como la conexión vial Las Ánimas – Nuquí, dos megaproyectos que habían quedado dilatadas desde los años 90.
Como lo denunció Luis Alberto Angulo, coordinador de comunicaciones del Consejo Comunitario Los Riscales, la construcción de un puerto, que sería más grande incluso que el Puerto de Buenaventura, amenaza ecosistemas enteros, incluyendo flora y fauna endémica de la zona. Además perjudicaría a las comunidades quienes dependen de la pesca artesanal y el ecoturismo para su sustento.
Cabe resaltar que la realización de este proyecto pasaría por encima de la voluntad de las comunidades, quienes a través de una consulta previa establecieron esta zona como un Distrito Regional de Manejo Integral para la conservación de la diversidad biológica de esta área. 
Un sí al fracking
Durante su campaña presidencial, el primer mandatario prometió que no implementaría el uso de la técnica de fracturación hidráulica conocida como fracking, dadas las consecuencias nocivas que podría tener para el agua y el ambiente. Sin embargo, en el PND quedó plasmado dos apartados que hablan sobre la viabilidad del fracking y la hoja de ruta que se debería seguir para su implementación.
Según Carlos Andrés Santiago, integrante de la Alianza Colombia Libre del Fracking, más de 40 congresistas presentaron una contrapropuesta para que se eliminaran estos apartados de las bases del plan, no obstante, representantes del Partido de la U, el Cambio Radical, el Partido Conservador y el Centro Democrático activaron su maquinaría para hundir la iniciativa en la Cámara.
Asimismo Santiago señala que la inclusión del fracking en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo es otro respaldo del Gobierno a las empresas petroleras, como Ecopetrol, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobile, Parex, Canacol y Drummond, que insisten en desarrollar proyectos usando esta técnica de extracción no convencional. Esto a pesar de las advertencias de organizaciones sociales, el Comité de Expertos y la Contraloría sobre la falta de la capacidad del Gobierno para hacerle seguimiento y control a este tipo de proyectos. (Le puede interesar: «Comunidades rechazan el avance de proyectos piloto de fracking«)
A pesar de ello, Santiago resalta que no se podrá proceder con los proyectos piloto hasta que el Consejo de Estado levante su moratoria, que suspende provisionalmente el uso del fracking. Situación que solo se puede dar en el momento en que el Alto Tribunal decide sobre la demanda de nulidad que interpuso el grupo de litigio de interés pública de la Universidad del Norte, trámite que podrá demorar meses o incluso años.
¿Colombia sin bosques?
Tras conocer las bases del Plan Nacional de Desarrollo, que permitiría aproximadamente la  meta de deforestación de 220.000 hectáreas  anualmente, es decir, 880.000 hectáreas durante el mandato del Presidente Iván Duque, ambientalistas prendieron las alarmas sobre este hecho.
Razón por la cual organizaciones como Dejusticia entregaron una petición de más de 90.000 firmas al Congreso para recordarle al Primer Mandatario su compromiso, bajo acuerdos internacionales, de reducir la tasa de deforestación a cero para el año 2020.
En cambio algunos congresistas modificaron el PND de tal manera que el Gobierno ahora permitiría la tala de 252.000 hectáreas de bosque al año, es decir, 1.100.000 hectáreas de bosque durante la presidencia de Duque. Esta decisión solo reducirá la deforestación en Colombia en un 30% basado en las proyecciones del Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (Ideam).
Camilo Prieto, vocero del Movimiento Ambientalista Colombiano, calificó esta política del Gobierno como una «claudicación ante las mafias de la deforestación y por otro lado, una decisión irresponsable que no está comprendiendo que la el mayor problema ambiental que tiene Colombia en este instante es justamente la deforestación». De acuerdo con estimaciones del Ministro de Ambiente Ricardo Lozano, en el 2018 se talaron alrededor de 280.000 hectáreas.
Menos regalías que pagar para las empresas
Finalmente, un gran mico que se aprobó en el PND es la reducción del porcentaje de regalías que aportarían las empresas mineras. Según las bases, la explotación de carbón a cielo abierto pasa del 5 al 3,5 % y la de oro y plata veta solo pagará 0,4% en regalías. Cabe recordar que el dinero que se recoge de estos impuestos sirve para financiar obras de infraestructura en las regiones, educación, desarrollo y la recuperación del pasivo ambiental.
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journalliberal · 7 years
El territorio en el posconflicto
El periodico el espectador publico este articulo hecho por Julio Carrizosa Umaña, dice asi: “Poco se tienen en cuenta las características ecológicas del territorio colombiano cuando se discute su futuro en los foros y en el Congreso, a pesar de que los institutos de investigación y las universidades ya tienen mucha más información que la que existía hace veinte años. Casi la totalidad de las discusiones acerca de los proyectos del posconflicto ignora la información científica que existe sobre las características específicas del clima y sus cambios proyectados, los datos concretos acerca su historia geológica, los estudios geomorfológicos, lo que ya sabe el IGAC acerca de la calidad actual de los suelos colombianos, las investigaciones del Ideam acerca de la contaminación de las aguas y del estado de la cobertura arbórea, los análisis del Humboldt sobre el desequilibrio en la fauna silvestre y su interrelación con la abundancia de plagas agrícolas. En los textos legales y en las polémicas en las redes y en los medios, todo eso se remplaza por la palabra tierra.
Una de las razones de esta simplificación es que esa palabra, tierra, tiene una gran fuerza ideológica. Es la palabra que se usó en la economía clásica y en las teorías marxistas desde su elaboración hace varios cientos de años. Otra razón es que al usar esa palabra se facilitan las decisiones, se mantienen entusiasmos, radicalismos, sectarismos y lealtades tradicionales. Es más fácil pelear por la tierra y obtener un cualquier pedazo de esa tierra que discutir acerca de cómo darles a los campesinos pobres un suelo que tenga las características geológicas, climáticas, geomorfológicas y edafológicas adecuadas para producir competitivamente. Eso es posible que esté sucediendo cuando se reitera que las tierras declaradas reservas forestales se van a usar para reparar las injusticias sociales en el campo colombiano sin tener en cuenta las características ecológicas de esas áreas y su impacto en la productividad de los cultivos.
La realidad es que en Colombia sólo unos pocos millones de hectáreas, la mayoría utilizados desde hace siglos en los valles del Cauca y el Sinú, en la sabana de Bogotá y en las laderas de la cordillera Central, son aptos para producir eficientemente sin mayores inversiones. Hay ejemplos extraordinarios de familias campesinas que logran llevar un buen vivir en malos suelos, pero en buenas condiciones culturales y sociales. El gran reto del posconflicto es aprovechar la paz para multiplicar esos ejemplos.”
* Miembro de Paz Querida.
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