#identifies as a classic gentleman?
thegreatcaptainusopp · 9 months
Brook is basically old man Sanji send tweet
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justforbooks · 1 year
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The word “great” is somewhat promiscuously applied to actors. But it was undoubtedly deserved by Sir Michael Gambon, who has died aged 82 after suffering from pneumonia.
He had weight, presence, authority, vocal power and a chameleon-like ability to reinvent himself from one role to another. He was a natural for heavyweight classic roles such as Lear and Othello. But what was truly remarkable was Gambon’s interpretative skill in the work of the best contemporary dramatists, including Harold Pinter, Alan Ayckbourn, David Hare, Caryl Churchill and Simon Gray.
Although he was a fine TV and film actor – and forever identified in the popular imagination with Professor Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter franchise – the stage was his natural territory. It is also no accident that, in his private life, Gambon was an expert on, and assiduous collector of, machine tools and firearms for, as Peter Hall once said: “Fate gave him genius but he uses it as a craftsman.”
Off-stage, he was also a larger-than-life figure and a superb raconteur: a kind of green-room Falstaff. I have fond memories of an evening in a Turin restaurant in March 2006 on the eve of Pinter’s acceptance of the European Theatre prize. Gambon kept the table in a constant roar, not least with his oft-told tale of auditioning for Laurence Olivier as a young actor in 1963 and cheekily choosing to do a speech from Richard III; but the next night Gambon gave an explosive rendering of Pinter’s poem American Football that threatened to blow the roof off the Turin theatre.
However, Gambon’s bravura was also mixed with a certain modesty. In the summer of 2008 I met him for tea in London and found him eagerly studying the script of Pinter’s No Man’s Land, in which he was scheduled, several months later, to play Hirst. He told me that he had started work on it so soon because he found it difficult to learn lines at his age.
“Sometimes,” he said, “I sleep with a script under my pillow, or just carry it around in my raincoat pocket, in the hope the lines will rub off on me.” I think he was genuine; but with Gambon, one of life’s great leg-pullers, you were never entirely sure.
Gambon achieved greatness without either the formal training or genetic inheritance that are often considered indispensable.
He was born into a working-class Dublin family that had no artistic background; his mother, Mary (nee Hoare), was a seamstress, and his father, Edward, an engineer. When the family settled in Britain after the second world war, the young Gambon went to St Aloysius school for boys, in Somers Town, central London. On leaving at the age of 15 he signed a five-year apprenticeship with Vickers-Armstrongs, leading to a job as a tool-and-die maker. With his mechanical aptitude, he loved the work. But he also discovered a passion for amateur theatre and, having started by building sets, eventually moved into performing. “I want varoom!” he once said. “I thought, Jesus, this is for me.”
With typical chutzpah, he wrote to the Gate theatre in Dublin, creating a fantasy list of roles that he had played in London, including Marchbanks in Shaw’s Candida; in the end, he made his professional debut there in 1962 as the Second Gentleman in Othello. His best decision, however, on returning to London, was to sign up for an improvisational acting class run by William Gaskill at the Royal Court.
Gaskill was about to join the newly formed National Theatre company at the Old Vic and recommended Gambon for an audition: hence the celebrated story of Gambon’s first encounter with Olivier, which ended with the young actor, in his excess of zeal, banging his hand on a nail in an upstage column and bleeding profusely. Far from being the nail in Gambon’s coffin, this led to a productive four years with the National in which he progressed from walk-ons to substantial roles such as that of Swiss Cheese in Gaskill’s revival of Mother Courage.
On Olivier’s advice, however, Gambon left the National in 1967 to hone and pursue his craft at Birmingham rep – a shrewd move that saw him, at the astonishingly early age of 27, playing his first Othello. He moved on later to the Royal Shakespeare Company, and in 1968 made his first foray into television with the leading role in a BBC adventure series called The Borderers.
However, it was through working on another TV series, The Challengers, that he made a contact that was to transform his career. His fellow actor Eric Thompson was moving into directing, and in 1975 was set to do an Ayckbourn trilogy, The Norman Conquests, at the Greenwich theatre. He cast Gambon, against type, as a dithering vet.
He revealed, for the first time, his shape-shifting gifts; and the sight of him, seated at a dinner table on a preposterously low stool with his head barely visible above the table’s edge, remains one of the great comic images of modern theatre.
This led to a highly productive working relationship with Ayckbourn including key roles in Just Between Ourselves (Queen’s theatre, London, 1977) and Sisterly Feelings (National, 1980).
At the same time, Gambon began an association with Gray by taking over, from Alan Bates, the role of the emotionally detached hero in Otherwise Engaged (Queen’s theatre, 1976).
That was directed by Pinter, for whom in 1978 Gambon created the part of Jerry in Betrayal at the National. It was a production beset by problems, including a strike that threatened to kibosh the first night, but Gambon’s mixture of physical power and emotional delicacy marked him out as a natural Pinter actor. That power, however, manifested itself in the 1980s in a series of performances that staked out Gambon’s claim to greatness.
First, in 1980, came Brecht’s Galileo at the National: a superbly triumphant performance that brought out the toughness, obduracy and ravening intellectual curiosity of Brecht’s hero. It was a measure of his breakthrough that, as Gambon returned to his dressing room after the first night, he found the other actors in the National’s internal courtyard were shouting and roaring their approval. Two years later, Gambon returned to the RSC to play both a monumental King Lear and a ravaged Antony opposite Helen Mirren’s Cleopatra.
But arguably the finest of all of Gambon’s 80s performances was his Eddie Carbone in Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge, directed by Ayckbourn at the National (1987). It helped that Gambon actually looked like Miller’s longshoreman-hero: big and barrel-chested with muscular forearms, he was plausibly a man who could work the Brooklyn docks.
Gambon also charted Eddie’s complex inner life through precise physical actions. He stabbed a table angrily with a fork on learning that his niece had got a job, let his eyes roam restlessly over a paper as the niece and the immigrant Rodolpho quietly spooned, and buckled visibly at the knees on realising that a fatal phone-call to the authorities had ensnared two other immigrants. In its power and melancholy, this towering performance justified the sobriquet once applied by Ralph Richardson of “the great Gambon”.
When you consider that the decade also saw Gambon playing the psoriasis-ravaged hero of Dennis Potter’s TV series The Singing Detective (1986), you realise his virtuosity and range.
And that became even clearer in 1990 when he played the mild-mannered hero of Ayckbourn’s Man of the Moment (Globe theatre, now Gielgud, London), had another crack at Othello for Ayckbourn in Scarborough and appeared, in 1989, as a romantically fixated espionage agent in Pinter’s TV adaptation of Elizabeth Bowen’s The Heat of the Day: that last performance, alternately sinister and shy, was one of Gambon’s finest for television and deserved a far wider showing.
In later years Gambon successfully balanced his stage career with an amazingly prolific one in film and television. In Hare’s Skylight at the National in 1995 he combined the bulk and weight of a prosperous restaurateur with a feathery lightness – a skipping post-coital dance across the stage with the balletic grace often possessed by heavily built men.
Gambon was equally brilliant as a disgusting, Dickensian, accent-shifting Davies in a revival of Pinter’s The Caretaker (Comedy theatre, 2000), as a perplexed bull of a father in Churchill’s A Number (Royal Court, 2002), as a Lear-like Hamm in Beckett’s Endgame (Albery, 2004) and as a brooding, alcoholic Hirst in Pinter’s No Man’s Land (Duke of York’s, 2008). Even if Gambon’s Falstaff in a 2005 National Theatre production of Henry IV Parts One and Two did not quite match expectations, his work for the theatre revealed an ability to combine volcanic power with psychological depth and physical delicacy.
Ill health and increasing memory problems forced him to retire from stage acting in 2015, but not before he had given memorable performances in two Beckett plays: Krapp’s Last Tape (Duchess, 2010) and All That Fall (Jermyn Street theatre, 2012), where he played, opposite Eileen Atkins, the sightless but stentorian Mr Rooney.
He also continued to work in television and film for as long as possible. He belied the whole notion of the small screen by giving large-scale performances as the black sheep of a big family in Stephen Poliakoff’s Perfect Strangers (2001) and as a reclusive plutocrat in the same writer’s Joe’s Palace (2007).
He was nominated for awards for his performances as Lyndon Johnson in an American TV movie, Path to War (2002), and as Mr Woodhouse in a BBC version of Jane Austen’s Emma (2009). Later TV series included The Casual Vacancy (2015), Fearless (2017) and Little Women (2017).
In film, he had a rich and varied career that ranged from the violent hero of Peter Greenaway’s The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover (1989), to a heavyweight mafia boss in Mobsters (1991), the aged Lord Marchmain in Brideshead Revisited (2008), a cantankerous old director in Dustin Hoffman’s Quartet (2012) and the bearded Hogwarts headteacher (whom he privately referred to as “Dumblebore”) in six of the eight Harry Potter films, taking over the role for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) following the death of Richard Harris.
He also provided the narration for the Coen brothers’ Hail, Caesar! (2016) and voiceovers for the two Paddington films (2014 and 2017).
But Gambon brought to everything he did, in life as well as art, enormous gusto, a sense of mischief and a concern with precision: he was almost as happy restoring old firearms as he was working on a new role.
In 1992 he was appointed CBE, and six years later was knighted.
He married Anne Miller in 1962, and they had a son, Fergus. From a subsequent relationship with Philippa Hart, whom he met on the set of Gosford Park, he had two sons, Michael and William.
He is survived by Anne and his three sons.
🔔 Michael Gambon, actor, born 19 October 1940; died 27 September 2023
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lovejustforaday · 3 months
Gay Pride Anthems (According to Me) - Tristan
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Tristan - Patrick Wolf
Genres: Folktronica, Goth Rock, Art Pop
Okay, so this one is definitely gonna be stretching the definition of a "gay pride anthem" quite generously, but hear me out on this one.
There's an undeniable anthemic, queer anti-hero energy festering under the darker lyrics and theatrical mannerisms of Patrick Wolf's 2005 single "Tristan", and I'm gonna tell you all about it.
Patrick Wolf is an openly queer and largely subversive singer/songwriter originating from London, UK.
He's a millennial indie folk artist, so naturally he had his big heyday in the latter half of the 2000s, when artists such as Sufjan Stevens, Fleet Foxes, Joanna Newsom and the like were becoming big names in the indie music sphere. The Big Indie Folk Boom of the 2000s, might I call it, which indirectly lead to the subsequent (shudder) Star Bucks Folk or "Stomp Clap Hey" Boom of the early 2010s.
Patrick Wolf has described himself at different times in the past as bisexual, though in more recent interviews he has identified himself as a gay man. Patrick has also remarked in the past how his record labels have tried to pin him down, pushing him to embrace a more camp gay archetype and less of the soft, mildly androgynous energy and aesthetic he often cultivates.
I discovered Patrick's music fairly early on in my coming out years of high school and my freshman year of university. The song in question today was actually one of my first favourite songs from an explicitly queer indie artist, even before I discovered more contemporary artists like Perfume Genius if I am remembering correctly.
To this day, I've still only listened to Patrick's 2005 LP Wind In The Wires, an LP which I highly recommend as a somewhat forgotten classic of its era. The record marries theatrical, angsty poetics and macabre cabaret with beautiful, nocturnal folk chamber music and art pop eccentricities. There's also elements of indie rock in the mix.
It's the kind of record I imagine Oscar Wilde might've made if he was born at the end of 20th century and decided to become a musician (Take that with a metric ton of salt - I read like one or two Oscar Wilde poems in high school).
I'd also highly recommend "The Libertine" and the title track off of that record for a better picture of his unique artistic style. But today, we're gonna be talking about the GAYEST song on the record which is definitely "Tristan".
My name is Tristan...and I am alive.
ugh. uff. HAAHHH ✨
"Tristan" is the vampiric ballad of a man who is a miserable lone wolf and walking contradiction. It's also a complete and total fucking banger, the likes of which is so rarely achieved through such a bizarre approach to pop songwriting.
The track opens with these hollow, mildly grating acoustic guitar twinges, before it all comes together with an accordion riff, piano stabs, and electronic filtered drums and effects creating a very awkward, hiccup-y rhythm. I feel like "Tristan" is wading through swamp water and digging his feet out of sink holes as he pleads his story to whoever will listen.
Patrick snarls and grunts, performing as a sort of beastly creature, and yet an elegant gentleman with his romantic declarations during the chorus. The performance could've been much too goofy in the hands of a lesser talented vocalist, but Wolf pulls it off. Hell, he doesn't just pull it off - he knocks it out of the park.
The lyrics offer the perspective of someone who feels he is monstrous and at war with himself. lines like "I am the victim / but I'm the murderer" paint the picture of self-destruction and self-loathing. But despite his woes and general misery, he compiles his identity together in the chorus with the iconic affirmation that, ultimately, "[he is] Tristan, and [he is] alive". This song is just filled with awesome. It's original, it's dark, it's symbolic, and it's catchy as all hell, even though it probably shouldn't be for how oddly it's conceived. Lesser-known gems like this song are the ones that get me really excited to post my silly little reviews on this music blog that maybe four or five people read each time, because if I can even get just one more person to listen to it, then it will feel like a huge accomplishment on my end.
I could just state the obvious that "It's by a gay man and it's about another man so it's gay", but I think we all can dig a little deeper with our queer analysis than that, can't we? Let me offer my interpretation. Have you ever noticed that like, a lot of gay men carry a significant burden of self-loathing? Or how many times have you felt as a gay man, or any type of queer person for that matter, that you were essentially a beast because of the way that society and especially religion has cast you into the role of the dangerous "other"?
Of course, feeling like a monster in the eyes of society in the way that the eponymous Tristan clearly does, will often lead down paths of self-destruction and self-harm. Indirect ways of trying to disengage or even disappear from a world that feels full of rejection for you as a person.
In the gay male community especially, I've seen this manifest a lot in the forms of substance abuse, as well as the phenomenon some psychologists and social scientists are referring to as "sex as self-injury". I have known of, and even met a few Tristans in my life time, and many of us have some degree of a Tristan personality inside of us to varying extents. In a different timeline, I could've even become a full-on Tristan myself, and I was certainly not terribly far from it during my worst years. it's very easy to interpret this song just as a cautionary tale, so why should I include this in a list of "gay PRIDE" anthems? Well, it's complicated.
Pride isn't always the way that mainstream media depicts it. It's not always bright pink feather boas and sunny days and big beautiful happy gay couples and radiant drag queens.
Sometimes pride is just having the ability to wake up the next morning and the will to press on. It's having the self-respect to fight for your autonomy to live as the person you truly are.
Tristan states it himself. He might be all of these things: troubled, a tragedy, a victim, metaphorically fucked, but he is also clearly not willing to give up. He's "working for joy on overtime", fighting for his happiness. He is Tristan, and he is alive, and that's just a little bit uplifting, isn't it? It is often the music that acknowledges the pain in this world, and tells you to press on despite everything, that has gotten me through my darkest hours. That includes, of course, having to navigate all of the bullshit homophobia online and in the real world.
And it's never that far off - I live in the statistically gayest province of one of the most LGBTQ-friendly countries in the world, and there was still a reported hate crime in my own city this year. Patrick Wolf himself was once the victim of a hate crime by bouncers at a concert, and experienced relentless bullying in his school years. "Tristan" is very likely informed by his lived experiences.
Don't get me wrong - when I'm feeling my oats and going to a gay club, I expect to be dancing to some loud and proud disco bangers. We need that kind of music in the community to empower us and give us that collective hope.
But there is definitely a much needed place as well for more complex, bittersweet, and even tragic gay anthems in the lives of gay men, and all queer people in general. We need anthems that tell our stories without any pretenses. We need to hear that our pain is real, just as much as we need to be told to keep going.
So thank you Patrick Wolf, for this unsung timeless classic. May Tristan, and all the Tristans in all of us one day heal from our scars.
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radondoran · 1 year
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Happy birthday to my favorite radio actor, Larry Dobkin (September 16, 1919 – October 28, 2002)!
Character actor Lawrence Dobkin was a frequent supporting player in radio, with hundreds of credits across dozens of different programs. He appeared in over 170 episodes of Gunsmoke, playing all kinds of characters from gunmen to gentlemen. Other shows where he was often heard include Escape; Romance; Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar; The Whistler; Let George Do It; Frontier Gentleman; Fort Laramie; Have Gun, Will Travel; NBC University Theatre; etc.
Larry Dobkin's only leading role in a radio series was the title sleuth in Ellery Queen from February 1947 to April 1948—and even there he wasn't exactly a headliner, because, in keeping with the pseudonymous source material, the show tended to be coy about identifying the actors who played Ellery. You might recognize him as Lieutenant Matthews on The Adventures of Philip Marlowe, the first of three main Archie Goodwins on The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe, Dave on The Man From Homicide, or Pat McCracken (usually) on Johnny Dollar—and if you ask me, his most memorable and lovable radio character was Louie, the Brooklyn cabbie who sometimes played sidekick to Vincent Price on The Adventures of the Saint.
A graduate of the Yale School of Drama, Dobkin also played numerous roles on stage, film and television, and later did writing and directing work for television.
Here are a few of my favorite radio episodes featuring Larry Dobkin:
Ellery Queen 1947-12-04 "Man in the Street": A swindler is murdered before Inspector Queen and Ellery can put him in jail. Whodunit? There were only about ten thousand people with a motive!
The Saint 1950-11-19 "No Hiding Place": The Saint tries to help a young man who has escaped from prison after several attempts on his life. Who framed him, who's out to get him, and why? (Louie isn't in this episode as much as in some others, but the lines he does get include some of my favorite lines ever, and anyway I think it's one of the strongest episodes of the series.)
Escape 1949-07-07 "The Fourth Man": Dobkin narrates this classic story of three "civilized" men adrift on a raft in the tropics, battling thirst and one another while their "savage" pilot calmly sits by.
Richard Diamond, Private Detective 1949-07-09: An escaped convict, bent on revenge against Richard Diamond, kidnaps Diamond's girlfriend.
Philip Marlowe 1950-01-21 "The Bid for Freedom": A woman has escaped from an asylum, and now her husband is in danger. Or maybe it's not that simple.
Philip Marlowe 1950-07-28 "The Glass Donkey": Lieutenant Matthews calls to ask about a girl Marlowe used to date—a girl who's just been murdered. It's real personal as Marlowe offers his services to find out why a nice girl had to die.
Philip Marlowe 1951-08-18 "The Young Man's Fancy": There's no murder in this somewhat atypical Philip Marlowe episode by Kathleen Hite. Marlowe goes out for Moscow Mule ingredients, and gets involved in the family troubles of the nice old man from whom he buys his limes.
The Story of Dr. Kildare 1951-02-16: A madman with a gun is holed up inside a school building. Dr. Kildare goes in after him, while Dr. Gillespie scrambles to remotely diagnose a mental illness without ever talking to the patient.
Gunsmoke 1952-06-28 "The Ride Back": This recently rediscovered Gunsmoke episode is almost entirely a radio play for only two voices, as Marshall Dillon brings a twisted killer through hostile Indian country.
Gunsmoke 1952-08-02 "Renegade White": Matt goes after a white man who's been selling guns to Indians, and winds up a prisoner of the Indians himself.
Gunsmoke 1953-02-21 "Meshougah": Matt and Chester find a whole town held hostage by a crazed killer and his gang of outlaws.
Fort Laramie 1956-05-13 "War Correspondent": A smart newspaperman from the East tags along with Captain Quince, hoping to show the folks back home a fair picture of life on the frontier. He's got a lot to learn!
Fort Laramie 1956-06-03 "Don't Kick My Horse": One of Captain Quince's soldiers is a meek little man whose only friend is his horse. He's been in the cavalry ten years, and it's time for a new horse. Dude is not ready to accept this. Tragedy ensues.
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar 1956-01-09 – 1956-01-13 "The Todd Matter": A tip on an old burglary leads Johnny into a very fresh shooting. Dobkin plays five roles in this story, and what always strikes me is that he doesn't do five radically different voices—he doesn't even change his accent very much! He just acts each character so completely that you're not even inclined to notice the actor.
Have Gun, Will Travel 1958-12-14 "The Outlaw": Paladin makes a deal with a convicted killer who wants to see his newborn son before being hanged.
Suspense 1954-07-27 "Destruction": "And it had a kind of warmth to it, this dying…" A strange, melancholy, poetic script by radio noir greats Fine and Friedkin, about a pathetic little man at the end of his rope.
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hplovecraftmuseum · 7 months
Continuing my assertion that nearly all the character and place names in Lovecraft's fiction had personal significance for his own life, family, and beloved hometown of Providence, RI: in HPL's often anthologized tale, THE DUNWICH HORROR, the mother of protagonist Wilbur Whateley is an albino woman named Lavinia. Historically the name Lavinia is cited as a woman considered to be the "Mother of Ancient Rome." HPL himself was a great admirer of the Classical World. Although that fact might not be evident from reading his fictional efforts alone his letters make the declaration inescapable. Lovecraft even considered his large brown eyes - rare for most old time Yankees - to have been the result of some distant Latin strain in his ancestry. Many dacades back I read an essay in which it was suggested that the whole Whateley family featured in THE DUNWICH HORROR was a sort of terrifying allegory for Lovecraft's own imeadiate relatives. Lavinia, the simpleminded albino represented Lovecraft's own mother. Wilbur's warlock grandfather was a stand-in for his beloved maternal grandfather. Yog-Sothoth, the unseen and nebulous father of Wilbur would represent Lovecraft's own father - a man whom he hardly knew or remembered and who was committed to an asylum when HPL was 3. According to the author of of this essay Wilbur Whateley would be the symbolic Howard Phillips Lovecraft himself! Now granted on the face of it an uncouth giant goat-demon like Wilbur Whateley might seen about as far from the neat, reserved, well-spoken, gentleman of Providence as anything could be, but beneath the clean- shaven face - bizzare though his facial features may have been- and the neatly pressed (though often threadbare) suits may have been, there lurked a morbid and extraordinary mind and outlook. So what of Wilbur Whateley's twin brother? Well, the idea proposed in the essay was that the invisible and inhuman 'twin' was HPL's own artistic creations, a side of the man that a fellow Yankee might never recognize if he or she were to pass Lovecraft in the street. Now, I should admit that I found the speculations of this essay far-fetched and insulting when I first read it. However, as I myself began to study Lovecraft's fiction and compared the concepts with the man's personal views and history presented in his voluminous letters, the idea that Lovecraft's own family was reflected in Wilbur Whateley's became less and less unreasonable. Thanks to noted Lovecraft scholar Scott Conners I was able to identify Mr. Donald R. Burleson as the author of the essay in question. It appeared in LOVECRAFT STUDIES # 4, Spring 1981. "The Mythic Hero Archetypes in "The Dunwich Horror" was its title. Scott Connors also included the essay in "A Century Less A Dream, from Wild side Press. Pictured below is a photo of the child Lovecraft with his mother, a marble (white) statue of a female from the Classical World, the face of a satyr - possibly meant to represent The Great God Pan himself and lastly HPL. (Exhibit 459)
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gentlemanforager · 7 days
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bliss0709 · 3 months
Crafting Love- Customizing Your Dream Engagement Ring
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Subtle Sophistication
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Try on the rings virtually so as to identify the kind of style which you prefer then accurately get a ring that fits that style and is eye-catching.
Finding Your Perfect Match
Now you do not have to visit a jewellers and spend time trying on virtual engagement ring try on option. The aspect of this technology enables the wearer to have a view of how various rings appear when worn on the hand without making a physical trip to the seller. Virtual fitting of the engagement rings is recommended before purchasing the product as there is a virtual guarantee to the correct fit and style.
This is considered an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the women engagement diamond ring without any pressure.
It also recommends an attempt at ‘window shopping’ for engagement rings to understand women’s diamond ring only for instance without having to make a purchase.
Convenience and Variety
Explore a gallery of glamorous women diamond rings that are sure to catch your attention and that of whoever is nearby. Starting with women’s unique diamond engagement rings styles and ending with timeless traditions, the expert offers to choose from the best. Discover how to find the best and the most suitable loose diamonds to be used for creating women’s unique engagement rings or to match your selected engagement ring. To get a lot of choices and affordable prices, choose diamond engagement rings on the Internet. Here are some of the various Engagement rings trending on online retail stores; Solitaire engagement rings Gemstone engagement rings. Try on rings virtually should also be employed so that customers do not have to visit the physical store in order to acquire the right ring set.
Explore elegant women’s diamond ring that are simply irresistible to anyone out there in the market for such accessories.
The facility of purchasing engagement rings online presents styles such as solitaire and highlighted gemstone engagement rings. Virtual try on rings will be used to guarantee one gets the correct ring without leaving the comfort of your home.
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Visualize Your Design
Determine the online source where you can purchase loose diamonds and begin your process of designing engagement rings. Search for sites that will be offering the best diamond prices and that there are many to select from. Integrate features like ‘Try It On’ for rings that overlays the selected stones on your hand to see how they’ll look with the setting.
Discover the best place online to buy loose diamonds and start your quest to having an ideal engagement ring made. It is recommended to search for the best diamond prices and most importantly, the availability of many pieces to pick from.
Add the augmented reality ring try-ons if you wish to see how you will look with the stones you chose for the setting on a custom ring.
Enhancing Decision-Making
Try-on with the help of augmented reality ring, such as engagement rings, entirely revolutionizes the concept of purchasing engagement rings. Ring visualization is one of the innovative technologies that enable potential customers to visualize how a ring, or any other piece of jewelries, looks like on their fingers before they proceed to make the purchase. Irrespective of whether you are comparing between the 3 diamond engagement ring or 6 prong engagement rings, augmented reality comprehension improves your purchase decision.
Mobile applications using augmented reality ring try-ons enhance physical shopping for engagement rings as one can see how the ring looks before purchasing it.
Looking at the options, such as the 3 diamond engagement ring or 6 prong engagement rings, augmented reality brings the closer look into the styles’ appearances.
Symbolism in Design
3 diamond engagement rings represent the things that you two have been through; the things you are going through currently, and all that you are yet to experience in your life as a couple. The followers and Catholics will benefit greatly from this design due to the meaningful and large font size used. Accompany with 3 stone engagement ring for a harmony or there are large engagement rings for those who like big things.
3 diamond engagement ring are associated with the three attributes-your past, the present and the future which makes this engagement ring style beautiful and meaningful.
Wear them with 3 stone engagement ring so that you can achieve the best symmetry or try extra large engagement rings if you want to up the ante.
Pairing with Boldness
Another ring that is more secure and fashionable for ladies is the 6 prong engagement ring. This setting means your diamond will not move or shift out of place and it is going to give your diamond the maximum brilliance. Mate the jewels with large engagement rings for the bold look you desire or buy diamond engagement ring online for affordable and more variety online.
When getting engaged, it is advisable to go for more secure designs such as the 6 prong engagement ring, which will hold the diamond tightly while at the same time making it look more beautiful.
Accompany this setting with big engagement rings to give a touch of daring and class or choose to purchase diamond engagement rings online for easy shopping and numerous choices of designs and variations.
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Explore Without Commitment
Experience the new form of jewelry, the AR jewelry. With this technology you will be able to visualize how garments will fit you before purchasing them. If you are out for large engagement rings or if you would rather get engagement rings made of diamonds online, then augmented reality acts as an innovative shopping platform for you.
Try on augmented reality jewelry and wear them without having to buy them because you get to see how they will look on you.
Whether a person wants to buy a large engagement ring or is comfortable in buying engagement rings with diamonds online, they get the best of shopping aided with augmented reality jewelry that lets them make the best decision without making a mistake.
When you start to look at the many different engagements rings available today, from the basic band to the cutting edge augmented reality fit and everything in between, each decision is one that aims to fulfill the desire to tell a couple’s story of love. Whether you select white and sparkling diamonds, or colourful gems, the process of chasing the right ring is full of choice. Enjoy the simplicity of shopping from a large variety available online or have it made with loose diamonds, the choice is all yours. However you would like it, let your ring speak of your love and be a unique symbol of your relationship.
What is a thin engagement ring called?
A thin engagement ring is also called a thin band engagement ring. Such rings are characterized by the use of a narrow band that emphasizes the center stone, so thin engagement rings are rather elegant and discreet.
What does a 3 stone ring mean?
A 3 stone ring is also referred to as a trilogy or trinity ring and it basically has three stones placed side by side in the shank of the ring.
Can I virtually try on engagement rings?
Yes, it is possible to virtually try on engagement rings on through the use of AUGMENTED REALITY kits that are obtainable online.
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manhor1 · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Men’s Hair Salons in Melbourne: Finding the Perfect Style
Melbourne, renowned for its vibrant culture, stunning architecture, and bustling coffee scene, is also home to a thriving hair salon industry. Whether you're looking for a classic cut, a modern hairstyle, or a grooming session, Melbourne offers a plethora of options tailored specifically for men. This guide delves into the best mens hair salon Melbourne, highlighting what makes each one unique and providing tips on how to choose the right salon for your needs.
Why Choose a Men's Hair Salon?
Men's hair salons have evolved significantly over the years. No longer are they just places to get a quick trim; they have become sanctuaries where men can enjoy a variety of grooming services. From precision haircuts to beard trims and even skincare treatments, these salons cater to the modern man's grooming needs.
Top Men’s Hair Salons in Melbourne
1. Barber Black Sheep
Located in the heart of Melbourne, Barber Black Sheep combines traditional barbering techniques with contemporary styles. The salon's rustic interior and friendly atmosphere make it a favorite among locals. Their expert barbers are skilled in a range of styles, from classic cuts to the latest trends, ensuring every client leaves looking sharp.
Skilled in both traditional and modern styles.
Offers beard grooming and hot towel shaves.
Complimentary beverages during your visit.
2. Rockit Barber Shop
Rockit Barber Shop is known for its edgy vibe and top-notch service. Situated in the trendy Fitzroy area, this salon attracts a diverse clientele. The barbers here are passionate about their craft and are adept at creating personalized looks that reflect each client's personality.
Unique, stylish interior.
Focus on personalized haircuts and styles.
Wide range of grooming products available for purchase.
3. Men+Co
Men+Co is a premium men's grooming lounge that offers a luxurious experience. Located in the CBD, this salon is perfect for the busy professional who values high-quality service and convenience. With a team of experienced barbers, Men+Co provides a variety of services, including haircuts, beard trims, and skincare treatments.
Luxurious setting with a private lounge.
Comprehensive grooming services.
Convenient location in the CBD.
4. Electric Brain Barber Shop
For those looking for a unique experience, Electric Brain Barber Shop in Collingwood offers just that. This eclectic salon has a retro vibe and a team of talented barbers who specialize in creative and unconventional styles. If you're looking to make a statement with your hair, this is the place to go.
Retro, eclectic atmosphere.
Specializes in creative and unconventional styles.
Excellent customer service and attention to detail.
5. Captains of Industry
Captains of Industry is more than just a hair salon; it's a complete men's lifestyle destination. Located in the city center, this venue combines a barbershop with a caf← and a bespoke tailoring service. This unique concept allows men to enjoy a holistic grooming experience in one place.
Multifaceted venue with barbershop, café, and tailor.
High-quality grooming and styling services.
Perfect for the modern gentleman looking for a comprehensive experience.
How to Choose the Right Men’s Hair Salon
Selecting the right salon can be daunting with so many options available. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:
1. Identify Your Style
Before choosing a salon, consider the style you want. Some salons specialize in classic cuts, while others are known for modern or edgy styles. Look at the salon’s portfolio or social media pages to get a sense of their work.
2. Read Reviews
Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of service. Look for reviews that mention specific barbers, as a great barber can make a significant difference in your experience.
3. Visit the Salon
If possible, visit the salon before booking an appointment. This will give you an idea of the atmosphere and whether it aligns with your preferences. Pay attention to cleanliness and customer service during your visit.
4. Consider the Services Offered
Some salons offer additional services such as beard grooming, skincare treatments, and even massages. If these services are important to you, make sure the salon you choose offers them.
5. Location and Convenience
Consider the salon's location and how convenient it is for you to get there. A salon that is easily accessible will make it more likely for you to keep up with regular grooming appointments.
The Future of Men’s Grooming in Melbourne
The men’s grooming industry in Melbourne is continually evolving. With a growing emphasis on self-care and personal style, more men are investing time and money into their grooming routines. Salons are responding to this demand by offering a wider range of services and creating more personalized experiences for their clients.
Technological advancements are also shaping the future of men’s grooming. Online booking systems, personalized hair care products, and virtual consultations are becoming increasingly popular, making it easier for men to maintain their grooming standards.
Mens hair salon Melbourne offer a diverse array of options, ensuring that every man can find the perfect place to suit his style and grooming needs. Whether you prefer a traditional barber shop, a luxurious grooming lounge, or a unique, eclectic salon, Melbourne has something to offer. By considering your personal style, reading reviews, and visiting salons, you can find the ideal spot to keep you looking sharp and feeling great. As the grooming industry continues to grow, Melbourne remains at the forefront, providing world-class services for the modern man.
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ahmedperfumes · 6 months
12 Tips to Find the Best Perfume for Men in Dubai Online & Offline Outlet
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Dubai, a city known for its opulence and luxury, presents a myriad of options for those seeking the perfect scent to complement their style and personality. Whether you prefer the convenience of online shopping or the immersive experience of exploring offline outlets, Dubai caters to every discerning gentleman's fragrance needs. 
Let's embark on a scented journey and uncover the secrets to finding the Best Perfume for Men in Dubai, seamlessly blending the allure of online convenience with the charm of offline exploration.
1. Understand Your Preferences
Before diving into the world of perfumery, take a moment to introspect and understand your personal scent preferences of Best Perfume Shops in Dubai. Are you drawn to the earthy warmth of woody fragrances, the exotic allure of oriental blends, the invigorating freshness of citrus notes, or the crisp cleanliness of aquatic accords? Identifying your preferred fragrance family will serve as a guiding light, allowing you to navigate through the vast sea of perfumes with clarity and confidence.
2. Research Top Perfume Brands
In a market saturated with myriad fragrance options, it's essential to distinguish between quality craftsmanship and fleeting trends. Take the time to research renowned perfume brands renowned for their commitment to excellence and artistry. Brands like Creed, Tom Ford, and Amouage have established themselves as paragons of luxury perfumery, consistently delivering exceptional blends that captivate the senses and leave a lasting impression.
3. Explore Online Reviews
Harness the power of the digital age by delving into online reviews and forums dedicated to fragrances. These virtual communities offer a wealth of real-life experiences and insights shared by fellow fragrance enthusiasts, providing invaluable guidance in navigating the labyrinth of perfumes. Whether you're seeking recommendations, deciphering scent descriptions, or comparing notes, online reviews can be a treasure trove of information to aid you in your quest for the perfect scent.
4. Visit Perfume Websites
Embark on a virtual fragrance odyssey by perusing the websites of reputable perfume brands and retailers. These online platforms serve as digital showcases, allowing you to explore an extensive array of fragrances from the comfort of your own home. Dive into detailed fragrance descriptions, peruse customer reviews, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of perfumery as you narrow down your options and curate your olfactory wishlist and Best Arabic Perfumes in uae.
5. Utilize Fragrance Finder Tools
Navigate through the digital landscape of online perfume retailers armed with fragrance finder tools designed to streamline your scent selection process. These intuitive algorithms analyze your preferences and previous purchases to recommend perfumes tailored to your unique taste and style. Whether you're seeking a signature scent or venturing into uncharted olfactory territory, fragrance finder tools can be invaluable companions on your scented journey.
6. Attend Perfume Exhibitions
Indulge your senses in a sensory feast by attending perfume exhibitions and expos held in Dubai. These immersive events bring together a diverse array of fragrances from both local artisans and international perfumers, offering a kaleidoscopic tapestry of scents to explore and experience firsthand. From niche fragrances to iconic classics, perfume exhibitions provide a curated showcase of olfactory delights sure to tantalize even the most discerning noses.
7. Seek Recommendations from Experts
Tap into the expertise of perfume connoisseurs and fragrance consultants who possess an intimate knowledge of the scent landscape. Whether you're seeking advice on seasonal fragrances, niche brands, or timeless classics, these seasoned experts can offer personalized recommendations tailored to your individual preferences and lifestyle. By leveraging their wealth of experience and insights, you can navigate through the maze of perfumes with confidence and clarity.
8. Test Perfumes In-Store
While the convenience of online shopping is undeniable, nothing quite compares to the tactile experience of testing perfumes in-store. Visit reputable perfume outlets and department stores in Dubai to sample a variety of scents and experience their nuances firsthand. From the initial spritz to the lingering dry-down, testing perfumes on your skin allows you to assess their compatibility, longevity, and sillage, ensuring that you find a scent that resonates with your unique chemistry.
9. Consider Seasonal Scents
Tailor your fragrance selection to suit the ever-changing seasons and climates of Dubai. During the scorching summer months, opt for light and refreshing scents with citrusy or aquatic notes that offer a cooling respite from the heat. In contrast, embrace warm and inviting fragrances with woody or spicy accords to ward off the chill during the cooler winter season. By adapting your scent preferences to the rhythm of the seasons, you can ensure that your fragrance wardrobe remains fresh, relevant, and seasonally appropriate year-round.
10. Don't Overlook Niche Perfumes
Venture off the beaten path and explore the realm of niche perfumes, where artisanal craftsmanship meets creative innovation. These hidden gems, often crafted in limited quantities by independent perfumers, offer a refreshing departure from mainstream fragrances and provide an opportunity to discover unique scent profiles that defy convention. From avant-garde blends to unconventional accords, niche perfumes invite you to embark on a sensory journey of discovery and self-expression, allowing you to curate a fragrance collection that reflects your individuality and discerning taste.
11. Invest in Quality
When it comes to selecting the perfect perfume, prioritize quality over quantity. Invest in well-crafted fragrances made with premium ingredients and meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a sensory experience that transcends the ordinary. While mass-market perfumes may offer affordability and accessibility, luxury fragrances crafted by esteemed perfumers promise unparalleled elegance, sophistication, and longevity. By investing in quality perfumes, you not only elevate your olfactory repertoire but also imbue each day with a touch of luxury and refinement.
12. Trust Your Instincts
Amidst the myriad choices and expert recommendations, never underestimate the power of intuition when selecting a perfume. Trust your instincts and follow your heart as you embark on this scented journey of self-discovery. Whether you're drawn to a timeless classic that evokes nostalgic memories or a daring new fragrance that pushes the boundaries of creativity, the Best Perfume in Dubai is ultimately one that resonates with you on a deeply personal level. Embrace the journey, trust your instincts, and revel in the transformative power of scent as you embark on a fragrant odyssey through the vibrant city of Dubai.
In conclusion, finding the best perfume for men in Dubai is an artful blend of exploration, discovery, and self-expression. Whether you choose to embark on a virtual fragrance quest or immerse yourself in the sensory delights of offline exploration, Dubai offers a myriad of opportunities to indulge your senses and discover the scent that speaks to your soul. By following these expert tips and trusting your instincts, you can unlock the secret to finding the perfect perfume that encapsulates your style, personality, and aspirations, leaving a lasting impression wherever you go.
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reddyannasblogs · 8 months
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Reddy Anna Online Cricket is the Ultimate Sporting Experience
Official website:-https://reddyanna-id.in/
Follow us on :- https://www.instagram.com/reddyannabook_id/
Contact no:- 7776907778, 7303721985
Reddy Anna, a passionate cricket enthusiast and avid reader, recently sparked an exciting trend by introducing the Reddy Anna online book club. This unique platform allows members to exchange their Reddy Anna IDs and delve into the world of online cricket. With the Reddy Anna book as their guide, club members can immerse themselves in thrilling match analyses, engaging sports discussions, and exclusive interviews with renowned cricketers. The carefully curated collection in the Reddy Anna book provides unparalleled insights into strategies used by legendary players who have left an indelible mark on this beloved sport. By sharing personal experiences and exchanging ideas within this dynamic community, participants gain valuable knowledge that enhances their overall understanding of cricket tactics and techniques. With each captivating page turn or stimulating digital discussion thread, Reddy Anna continues to foster a vibrant community of fanatical cricketers who connect through their shared passion for both literature and sportsmanship.
In the realm of Reddy Anna book Exchange, avid cricket enthusiasts experience an unparalleled camaraderie as they immerse themselves in the world of sportsmanship and online connectivity. The magnificence lies not only in the prowess displayed on virtual pitches, but also in the exchange of invaluable knowledge and insights shared among members. At its core, Reddy Anna's all-encompassing platform boasts a plethora of resources that revolve around his acclaimed book—a testament to his unwavering passion for cricket. With every page turned, readers are bestowed with a profound understanding of this beloved sport while admiring Reddy Anna's masterful storytelling. As empowered individuals join forces within the esteemed Reddy Anna Club, their collective energy reverberates through forums and discussions dedicated to analyzing match strategies or dissecting players' techniques. However, it is within the confines of virtual spaces where true connections are forged - unique identifiers known as "Reddy Anna IDs" serve as passports into a world brimming with enriching opportunities and like-minded peers united by their unwavering love for this gentleman's game. For it is here that novices can glean wisdom from experts—gathering inspiration from renowned coaches who share exclusive training sessions via video conferences or perhaps even be partaking in exhilarating contests held exclusively amongst club members—an enclave nurturing both skill development and friendship formation amidst an abundance of talent thriving under one digital roof; such is the essence encapsulated within each keystroke bearing witness to countless fond memories etched forevermore thanks to Red
In the ever-growing virtual realm, Reddy book emerged as a distinguished figure, bridging the gap between avid readers and boundless literary pursuits. It was amidst this dynamic setting that Reddy Anna's book club came to life, drawing enthusiasts from all corners of the globe into its digital embrace. The virtual sanctuary boasted an impressive collection of literary treasures covering genres ranging from classics to contemporary works. As members gathered in this cyber haven, they reveled in their shared passion for literature and engaged in scholarly exchanges with like-minded individuals yearning for intellectual stimulation. In this immersive online world, even cricket had found its place within  Reddy Anna club  expansive sphere. With every turn of a page or swing of a bat cursorily captured onscreen through engaging discussions on message boards and comment sections alike, it enthused passionate camaraderie amongst strangers turned confidantes bearing common interests.United by their ardor for both literature and sportsmanship, members soon sought to forge deeper connections through the exchange of personal identifiers - culminating in the coveted "Reddy Anna ID." Symbolic yet practical at its core, these IDs simultaneously represented one's affiliation with Reddy Anna's esteemed community while lending access to exclusive benefits reserved solely for trusted participants. Equipped with said identification prowess granted upon becoming partakers of this captivating universe curated by Reddy Anna himself; newfound friends could readily explore member-only forums brimming with discussions divulging hidden facets within beloved novels or unraveling intricate batting techniques indicative of cricket mastery.The digitized dimension
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paulrennie · 8 months
Things I Like • Heavyweight Herringbone Tweed Overcoat • Austin Reed • 1948
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I just found this beautiful made-to-measure vintage tweed overcoat. The cloth is a brown heavyweight herringbone, and the coat was made by Austin Reed, of Regents Street, London. The coat is calf length, in a broad shouldered and wide lapelled style, with a single-breasted front. The inside is half-lined, and very neatly finished.
There's a label which gives the details of when it was made, and for whom.
The coat is in pristine condition and looks to never have been worn.
The general style of the coat is Robert Donat, as Richard Hannay, in Afred Hitchcock's, The Thirty-Nine Steps (1935). That's perfect, as that is one of my favourite films. I've posted about the film before, and about Alfred Hitchcock. His films were always the best-dressed, for both boys and girls.
The 39 Steps (1935) was a dramatisation of John Buchan’s famous adventure story, The Thirty-Nine Steps (1915). 
In Buchan’s story, the issue of mistaken identity is played out against a background of great-power espionage. The police and British secret-service mistakenly identify Richard Hannay as a murder suspect. Hannay flees to Scotland and uses his bush-craft skills to evade capture. Eventually, Hannay exposes a fiendish plot and saves the day. The tweed suit and bush-craft are a combination that speaks to the military and sporting traditions of the English gentleman, and his tailor. This is reflected in the personality of Hitchcock’s male leads as both dynamic and enterprising, and expressed in their clothes and style.
The main protagonists of Hitchcock films, always remain remarkably poised throughout their travails…and Hitchcock was a master of dynamic action, point-of-view, and editing. Hitchcock allows the personalities, and the clothes, to shine.
The Richard Hannay template provides for a proto James Bond OO7 style that has lasted a 100 years...through Robert Donat, and Cary Grant, to Sean Connery and Daniel Craig.
The Scottish setting of Buchan’s adventure, provides a suitable background for thorn-proof shooting tweeds. The tweeds allow him to remain hidden from both the police and his enemies. There are some dramatic images, in the chase sequences, of tailored silhouettes and action backs against the skyline of the Highland sublime…
Hitchcock returned to the themes of The Thirty-Nine Steps in his classic, North by Northwest (1959). The climax of the film plays out against the backdrop of Mount Rushmore, ND. Cary Grant looks great, as always, in his Kilgour two-piece lounge suit...probably the best suit in the history of cinema.
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Austin Reed were pioneers of good quality menswear, that combined handmade quality made-to-measure and economical volume. The catered for military, city and country tastes...The made-to-measure industry developed as a consequence of the mass manufacturing of uniforms for WW1. It provided a commercial compromise between volume cutting and hand-finishing. Made-to-measure suits were a staple of the British workplace, and of the high street until the 1990s. Suits were from Burton, Austin Reed and Hector Powe etc.
My interests is vintage menswear and old posters intersect at Austin Reed. Although the firm was not as progressive as, say, Simpson's of Piccadilly, they employed Tom Purvis, Tom Eckersley and Fougasse, amongst others, to create sophisticated advertising and promotional designs.
I have a history of the firm with lots of great images. I discovered that Austin Reed had shops on the great Cunard trans Atlantic ocean liners, the Queen Mary and the Queen Elizabeth...
Hurrah for this beautiful coat, that is ten years older than me!
I was delighted, yesterday evening watching The Third Man (1949), that Joseph Cotten wears a very similar coat. Some small details are different; but the cut, cloth, style and details are very similar. The coat looks terrific in movement...
Two of my favourite old films referenced in a coat. Perfect.
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PS as I get older and more eccentric, I will wear the coat around the house, and save on heating
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ifeelblankoblog · 8 months
Unveiling Timeless Elegance: The Ultimate Guide to Premium Perfume for Men 
In the realm of personal grooming and self-expression, fragrance plays a pivotal role. A premium perfume can elevate a man's presence, leaving a lasting impression that transcends time.  
In this guide, we delve into the world of premium perfumes for men, exploring the essence of sophistication and luxury that comes with each meticulously crafted bottle. And if you're in search of the epitome of premium scents, look no further than ifeelblanko – your gateway to a world of olfactory excellence. 
Understanding the Essence of Premium Perfume: 
Premium Perfume for Men is not just about scent; it's an art form, a statement of refined taste and elegance. The fragrance you choose reflects your personality and leaves an indelible mark on those around you. As you navigate the vast landscape of perfumery, it's essential to understand the components that make a perfume truly premium. 
Quality Ingredients: Premium perfumes are distinguished by high-quality ingredients. The finest essential oils, exotic flowers, and rare woods are meticulously blended to create a symphony of scents that captivate the senses. 
Long-Lasting Fragrance: One hallmark of a premium perfume is its longevity. These scents linger on the skin, offering a consistent and alluring fragrance throughout the day. 
Unique and Distinctive Notes: Premium fragrances boast a complex composition of top, middle, and base notes that unfold over time. This layering creates a multi-faceted scent experience, ensuring that the fragrance evolves and remains intriguing from the first spritz to the last. 
ifeelblanko: Elevating Your Fragrance Experience: 
Amidst the plethora of options available, ifeelblanko stands out as a beacon of excellence in the world of premium perfumes for men. With a commitment to quality and an unwavering dedication to craftsmanship, ifeelblanko offers a curated collection that embodies sophistication and luxury. 
Craftsmanship: Each bottle of ifeelblanko perfume is a masterpiece crafted with precision and passion. The brand's commitment to excellence is reflected in the meticulous blending of rare and exquisite ingredients, resulting in scents that are as unique as the individual wearing them. 
Timeless Elegance: ifeelblanko perfumes are designed to transcend trends, offering a timeless elegance that never goes out of style. The brand understands that true luxury is enduring, and their fragrances are a testament to this philosophy. 
Wide Range of Scents: ifeelblanko caters to diverse tastes with a wide range of scents, from fresh and invigorating to warm and sensual. Whether you prefer a classic woody fragrance or a modern citrus-infused scent, ifeelblanko has the perfect option for every discerning gentleman. 
Choosing the Perfect Premium Perfume: 
Selecting the right premium perfume is a personal journey that involves understanding your preferences and exploring various scents. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect fragrance: 
Identify Your Preferred Notes: Consider the notes that resonate with you. Whether it's the freshness of citrus, the warmth of spices, or the richness of woods, understanding your preferred notes will guide you in finding the perfect scent. 
Seasonal Considerations: Different scents complement different seasons. Opt for lighter, fresher fragrances in the warmer months and richer, warmer scents during the colder seasons. 
Skin Chemistry: Perfume reacts differently to individual skin chemistry. It's advisable to test a fragrance on your skin before making a purchase to ensure it harmonizes well with your natural scent. 
In the world of men's grooming, a premium perfume is the finishing touch that elevates your style to new heights. The essence of sophistication and luxury encapsulated in each bottle is a testament to the craftsmanship and artistry of perfumery. And when it comes to Premium Perfume for Men, ifeelblanko stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering a collection that embodies timeless elegance and unparalleled quality. Embrace the journey of olfactory exploration, and let your signature scent leave an indelible mark on those around you. 
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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USA wants to limit the flight tracking of its military aircraft
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 07/29/2023 - 11:00am Military
Earlier this year, we reported on the U.S. Air Force Air Mobility Command making a drastic change to its fleet of cargo and tank aircraft, removing all identification markings, including tail numbers, ???? unit markings and the iconic writing of the U.S. Air Force usually found on the fuselage.
The decision, which left the aircraft with a smooth gray paint with a small U.S. flag on the tail and the low-visibility USAF roundels, was attributed to operational safety reasons.
Since then, several AMC aircraft have been sighted without markings, including several C-130 and KC-135. Now it seems that other aircraft are losing their markings, since the C-32A executive transport jets and the "secret aircraft" for personnel transport C-32B Gatekeeper, both military variants of the Boeing 757, were photographed without serial numbers.
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Last month, a C-32A was photographed first at Phoenix airport and then during landing at Yokota Air Base, Japan, and the lack of the serial number painted on the tail, just below the U.S. flag, immediately caught the attention of airplane observers. Even if the serial number was removed, observers were still able to find it, along with the flight code, using open source flight tracking (ADSB system).
The same has happened at least since April with the C-32B, which was photographed with the serial number, usually painted near the passenger's rear door, replaced by a small US flag. Once again, flight trackers were still able to determine through open source data the identity of what would otherwise be a "ghost aircraft", with its completely white paint.
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The C-32A is used for the U.S. vice president, the secretary of state and the first lady or gentleman, but on some rare occasions it can get the role of Air Force One and transport the president where the VC-25 is not a suitable option. Your highly visible painting makes it immediately noticeable wherever you go, so removing the serial number may not seem so useful.
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A C-32A photographed last month, serial number still visible on the tail. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
The C-32B, on the other hand, is used to transport U.S. Department of State's emergency support teams (FEST), which unfold in response to terrorist incidents around the world, but can also fly in support of the CIA's "dark" special activities, according to some sources. In this case, the "anonymization" of the aircraft may make more sense, because the special operations assets can be moved without everyone knowing that the American forces are in the city, but a completely white aircraft without markings also attracts a lot of attention.
The C-37 VIP jets also appear to be among the aircraft with their serial code removed, with the C-37B used by the U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff, General Charles Q. Brown, Jr., photographed without the tail number. The C-37A and B models are twin-engine, VIP turbofan transport and special air transport aircraft built by Gulfstream Aerospace and usually employed in the transport of high-ranking government and military officers. While some C-37 exhibit the classic blue and white painting, some are painted in a more discreet white painting, with only a horizontal golden stripe from the radome to the tail.
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Although these measures have complicated the visual identification of the aircraft, the military is making arrangements to move around discreetly without being immediately identified by airplane trackers. Last week, the Joint Special Operations Command released its annual unclassified document identifying the technologies that the military may be looking for, a kind of technological "wish list" for the defense industry that could develop new products.
With this document, it seems that the military is recognizing what aircraft trackers are capable of doing using simple methods of open source intelligence and are looking for ways to better "mix" with air traffic and hide in plain sight, without being exposed quickly. The document also includes an example scenario in which this tool can be used:
"SOF seeks to carry out the movement of personnel and assets to an area of interest with a reduced profile. When determining whether the planned movement is adequate and appropriate, the "Aircraft Combat Profile Management Database Tool" reveals that the aircraft is mainly associated with a distinctly different geographical area. In addition, "spotters" post on social networks photos of aircraft at various airfields. Based on the available information, the commander decides to use a different aircraft for the mission.”
JSOC aircraft are already quite difficult to identify, because they usually fly with paintings and civil records. However, some of them are identified by experienced spotters using all the tools available for free on the web. Given the "unofficial" nature of many of the missions carried out by JSOC, having your identity revealed on the web can be a serious problem.
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A Beechcraft King Air "ghost" set up with Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance equipment photographed in Somalia in 2021 and possibly operated by JSOC. (Photo: USMC)
The U.S. Senate is also trying to bring the matter to the table, with senators asking the Secretary of Defense to resolve the situation as soon as possible with a policy throughout the Department of Defense to apply the operational risk reduction tactics of joint transponder/interactions/aircraft, techniques and procedures (TTPs) that have been developed to prevent the tracking of military flights. Here is an excerpt from the Congressional orientation presented last week:
"The Department of Defense (DOD) confirmed in briefings that it has developed a series of tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), which it calls Joint Transponder/Interagency/Aeral Operational Risk Reduction, which aim to mitigate the threats to operational security represented by third parties by tracking DOD aircraft through open source data transmission by dependent surveillance automatic transmission transponders [ADS The Department also confirmed that it has tested these TTPs and that they can be effective against tracking.
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Tags: Military AviationUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Diego Alves
Diego Alves
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
Hannibal NSFW Alphabet
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content: gn reader, mentions of sex, minors dni
reblog, like, and comment <3
Aftercare༄ Ever the gentleman, Hannibal will lay momentarily with you before preparing a bath for you both, followed by a massage, and a nice meal to regain your energy. Afterwards, you will sleep. He only wants the best for his beloved.
Body part ༄ Neck and hands. Choking, perhaps? Hannibal loves this because they’re so intimate and vulnerable. He can leave a trail of kisses on your neck or slice it open. Your hands can pleasure or suffocate him. What will it be?
Cum ༄ Wholly depends on you. Hannibal respects your wishes. If you want to do it without protection or not, he will do so. Though, if we’re being honest, Hannibal would want to release his seed inside. It makes him feel closer to you. If not, he might cum inside the condom or pull out and spill on your tummy.
Dirty secret ༄ Obsessed with your scent. Since Hannibal has a strong sense of smell, he can’t ignore it. He can’t ignore you, even if he tried. You’re irresistible, you know? Hannibal is intimately familiar with your scent. He can tell when you are near. He will literally identify you amongst a crowd, which is impressive but slightly scary. Anyway, for this, Hannibal will smell your clothes (underwear) shirts, scarfs, sweaters.
Experience ༄ Quite experienced. Hannibal never really got around a lot, preferring to keep minimal partners but he’s adept with his hands and mouth. He’s a master of the human anatomy. He’s a fast learner and applies this knowledge to the best usage possible.
Favorite position ༄ Missionary. A classic never goes out of style. If you ride him, he wants to see your face. Hannibal is all about the expressions. He likes to commit them to memory and replay them later when he’s missing you.
Goofy ༄ Mm usually he’s quite serious when it comes to being intimate. However, Hannibal can be more lighthearted if it eases you. Your wish is my command, type of man.
Hot spots ༄ Amongst the erogenous zones, Hannibal prefers when you touch his pelvis. Not really dwelling towards his cock, but near it. He wants to feel a taste of what’s to come. His back, shoulders, and neck also do something. What? You’ll have to find out.
Intimacy ༄ Very intimate and romantic during the moment. You will be nude in many ways. Hannibal will see through you and allow you to see the real him. Giving into each other completely. The two of you will become one.
Jack off ༄ Hannibal’s a very patient man. While he’s perfectly capable of releasing his urges and sees nothing wrong with masturbation, he prefers to wait and release it all with you. Part of me wants to say other matters occupy his thoughts, but he’s also horny af. Life is about balance, and so is Hannibal Lecter.
Kink ༄ I just know he has a doctor kink and you can’t convince me otherwise. You’ve probably done it in his office several times. I feel like he wouldn’t be averse to BDSM either. Oh! Blood play too. Yours? His? Someone else’s? Doesn’t matter. As long as you’re covered in it, he’s already coming.
Location ༄ Bedroom. It’s just ideal. Where else would he find the same level of comfort and peace? Exactly. Its also a place where he knows no one will bother him and one few have seen. Hannibal can be vulnerable with you there.
Motivation ༄ It really turns Hannibal’s cogs if you’re into the whole murder thing. It’s really about seeing you give in and committing the act of taking another’s life. The control or lack of, is truly what fascinates him. Other times, just looking at you stirs that primal sense of devouring a delicious lamb like you.
No ༄ Hannibal wouldn’t partake in anything that can potentially harm you or make you extremely uncomfortable. Yes, he might prod at your boundaries but he will not cross the line. There are just certain things that aren’t his cup of tea.
Oral ༄ Again, very skillful. He’s got a silver tongue in more ways than one. Hannibal would rather give but is not opposed to receiving. He will pin and eat you out till both of you are satisfied. His knowledge of human anatomy makes Hannibal a monster. Can make you or break you.
Pace ༄ Slow and sensual. Unless you want it otherwise. As mentioned previously, Hannibal prefers to take his time. If it’s too fast, he won’t fully enjoy it. He can be quite rough, though.
Quickie ༄ Prefers not to. Don’t get me wrong, he’s not against it but prefers to savor the moment. It would be a shame if the both of you got interrupted. He might literally kill someone if they get in the way of your lovemaking.
Risk ༄ Of course. Hannibal likes the thrill of taking controlled risks. He will experiment with your body (in a good way!) Trial and error, perhaps? He’s a good teacher, so don’t worry your pretty little head over it.
Stamina ༄ Hannibal can last as long as you need. Might last all night, but he’s content if you both come. It just depends on the situation at hand.
Toys ༄ He doesn’t always employ toys. Hannibal knows your body like the back of his hand, he’ll surely use what he has to, in order for you to orgasm. Personally he prefers restraints or blindfolds. Perhaps a paddle?
Unfair ༄ Teasing really depends on Hannibal’s mood. If you’re an impatient little dove, he won’t play with you too much. That’s if he’s feeling merciful, don’t expect leniency if you misbehave though. Naughty darlings deserve to be punished.
Volume ༄ Expect a lot of grunts, low moans, and whispers of adoration from him. Hannibal’s not afraid to be vocal about his pleasure, he’s simply not loud.
X-ray༄ Hannibal packs an average length, if girthy, member. Once you open the suitcase, you will come to view a pleasant and neatly trimmed package. It’s quite elegant. Never one to disappoint, Hannibal will use what he’s got to the best of his ability. Size doesn’t matter if the person with a massive schlong doesn’t know how to weaponize it. Hannibal will do everything in his power to please you. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Yearning ༄ Please, Hannibal is the king of yearning. He may seem somewhat expressionless to others, but his eyes tell a different story. It’s all about his subtle touches and mannerisms.
Zzz ༄ Hannibal likes to watch you sleep—not in a creepy manner though. There’s adoration in his eyes; he’s glad that you’re safe at his side. With one final glance, he will follow you into the land of dreams.
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mostly-mundane-atla · 2 years
Do you have any more headcanons about Eska and/or Desna? I was disappointed we didn't get anything more substantial with them.
I do love Desna and Eska content ^-^ have some headcanons!
Desna got hit in the face in a way that noticeably chipped one of his teeth, so Eska told him to help her chip her tooth the same way so they could match. Unalaq caught them before any damage was done and Eska still bites into hard foods with that tooth so it can match Desna's
Eska is actually much handier with a spear than her brother, as well as more sensitive to changes in the ice. Desna, on the other hand has the neatest, steadiest, and sturdiest stitches of anyone in their family and an incredible singing voice. Both are surprisingly skilled swimmers and have read all the classics
They are both members of the latest wave of the Imaģuq Movement, a post-war spiritual and cultural revival in the Water Tribes and among the Water Tribe diaspora with emphasis on reincarnation and the fleeting nature of the physical. Eska is well known for her poems musing on decay and Desna rewrites Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation romances into Water Tribe settings with Water Tribe cultural values, altering the themes and plots pretty heavily as a result. Critics have very mixed opinions on his works
Each of them have exactly one official portrait and both are avant-garde and push the boundaries of photagraphy. For passports and similar identifying documents, they actually swap places for photos. No one has caught on yet
Tahno has an ongoing turbulent on-again off-again relationship with each of them. He has found it a bit odd that neither seems to care about their twin's involvement with him, but he won't question fate's generosity. He has been asked about anectdotes and circumstances that suggest an agfair by many an interviewer, but he always insists a gentleman never tells.
That's all i have for now. Maybe more in the future. Until then, remember:
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lifeofkaze · 2 years
Caitlin Elinor Fraser
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If asked, Caitlin would say she never had it easy in life. Being born and raised by her proud, unmarried single mother, it was only because of the reputation Selene Fraser built for herself that Caitlin wasn’t shunned by society. Everyone expected her to be the same unruly child her mother was, but all Caitlin ever wanted was to lead a life that she deemed proper. She and her mother regularly got into fights about the right and proper path for a woman to follow, both stubbornly insisting the other one was acting ridiculous. Marrying a proper English gentleman and declining the offer to work in the family business was the greatest open act of rebellion against her mother Caitlin ever committed. When she decided to become a Healer, she found herself facing troubles Caitlin wouldn't have imagined, sending her on a journey questioning herself, her roots and the strict ideas of decorum and grace she imposed on herself and others.
Name: Caitlin Elinor Fraser
Nicknames: Cat, but she doesn’t like being called that
Birthday: 9th September 1906 (Virgo)
Nationality: Scottish
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Fraser Hall, Scottish Highlands near Glenfinnan growing up
Dorset, England, as an adult
Fraser Hall after her husband passes
Face Claim: Claire Foy
Measures: 162 cm, 52 kg as an adult
Build: Petite, not very athletic
Hair: Dark brown 
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Very fair, prone to red blotches when she’s upset  
Style: Prim and proper, classic, lady-like, not ever wearing trousers
Misc: None
Positive Traits: Conservative, diligent, motherly, caring, calm under pressure
Negative Traits: Stubborn, strong ideas about what’s right/appropriate and will say so even if unasked, flaring temper when provoked
Favourite Food: Shepherd’s Pie
Favourite Drink: Tea
Interests: Reading, crafting, knitting, gardening, cooking (she’s not as good at it as she likes to think)
Boggart: A Golden Stag
Patronus: Hen
What she smells like: Vanilla, rose, wool  
What she smells: Soap, talcum powder, bergamot
House: Gryffindor
Extracurriculars: Prefect, Head Girl, Poetry Club, Herbology Club, Head of Student Feast Committee, Knitting Club
Best Class: Herbology, History of Magic (thanks to her honorary Uncle Henry), Defence Against the Dark Arts (she hates it, but here we go)
Worst Class: Flying, is generally at least average in any class 
Third-Year Electives: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies
1917 - 1924: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry
1924 - 1926: Housewife, trying to become a mother
1926 - 1927: Training to become a midwife and failing due to inability to see blood 
1927 - 1930: Training to become a Healer at St. Mungo under Dr Eliot Gerard
1930 - 1936: Healer at St. Mungos in the Department for Identifying and Lifting Curses
1936 onwards: Caitlin decides to quit her job and stay at home to become the dutiful and devoted mother and wife she always wanted to be once her daughter Lexie is born
Selene Fraser The relationship with her mother grew from heartfelt to tense once Caitlin started to understand and adopt societal views on females and their role in the world, which was pretty early on. Over this and the secret of her father’s identity, the (sometimes not so) silent resentment grew until Caitlin eventually decided to move as far away from her only living relative as possible.
Angus & Elizabeth Fraser Caitlin doesn’t remember much of her great-grandparents, but she wished she hadn’t had to grow up in a running whiskey distillery.
Mortimer Fraser Her mother’s uncle was like a grandfather to Caitlin. She loved him and his husband and felt confused upon learning that his lifestyle was frowned upon by society. Uncle Mortimer favouring her mother’s side in arguments above hers hurt Caitlin more than she cared to admit.
Gordon & Lucretia Fraser Caitlin was never allowed to meet her grandparents and wasn’t told why either. The only recollection she has of them is the voice of her mother shaking with rage from the one time Gordon and Lucretia visited Fraser Hall, and Caitlin was sent to her room. When she took it upon herself to meet them as an adult, she soon saw why her mother didn’t want any contact with them.
Romantic History: Andrew Jameson
Caitlin wasn’t raised with conservative ideas about womanhood, but that didn’t stop her from adopting them all the same. As soon as she graduated, she married Andrew Jameson - a nice boy from Ravenclaw House, who had been courting her for a while. The expression on her mother’s face when she told her that she and her thoroughly-English husband would build their own lives far away from spacious-but-remote Fraser Hall in South-West England gave her a satisfaction Caitlin never knew she could feel. They went on to have two children - Alexandra ‘Lexie’ Jameson and Michael Jameson - and lived a perfectly happy (even if somewhat uneventful) life together.
Henry Lovecraft Caitlin was very young when Henry died. Her recollections of alive-Henry are vague, but the memories of her ghostly 'uncle' are many and fond. She was glad when Henry decided to spend his afterlife haunting the Hogwarts library upon her starting her education there. She asked him once if he was her father, which Henry had to deny. When she wanted to know if he wished that he was, he told her not to worry about things like these and that - no matter what - there'll forever be a story waiting for her when she comes to see him.
Eliot Gerard (@kc-and-co) When her dream of becoming a midwife failed because she didn’t have the stomach for it, a heartbroken Caitlin was approached by Eliot Gerard, a renowned Healer, who heard her crying in a quiet corner of St Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Too embarrassed at being seen a crying, bubbling mess, Caitlin couldn’t turn down Eliot’s offer to become his apprentice. She thrived under his guidance and grew into a Healer in her own right. More than once, she daydreamed about someone like Eliot turning out to be her unknown father. 
Marius Hexley (@the-al-chemist) Knowing each other from early childhood, Marius Hexley has tried to teach Caitlin how to fly a broomstick since the beginning of time. Seeing her pathetic attempts in Flying class, their lessons didn’t stop once the two of them started Hogwarts. 
Lucienne Hexley (@the-al-chemist) Being Marius’ sister Lucienne Hexley’s prefect and helping her navigate life in Gryffindor House, Caitlin was neither surprised nor displeased when she heard that Lilou had been appointed prefect as well. 
Beatrice Mercury (@the-al-chemist, @slytherindisaster) Although a few years older, Caitlin saw it as her duty to try and keep her surrogate cousin Beatrice Mercury from causing mischief. The degree of her success varied.
Rivals: Caitlin doesn’t have any rivals as such, but with her strict attitude and sense of morality as prefect/Head Girl, she didn’t exactly make herself popular
Alan the Ghost Ferret (kind of, he’s family, after all)
Peep, a little sparrow Caitlin found with a broken wing and wanted to nurse back to health. This attempt abruptly ended when Morag, the stray cat her mother had adopted, found its way into Caitlin’s room.
After the Peep-incident, Caitlin had no desire to have another pet whatsoever.
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