#identity v Kevin
sirenjose · 9 months
Theory regarding Kevin's 4th Letter
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Orpheus sent Kevin to drug contaminated racecourse
Kevin drugged in basement (like Alice) before able to leave
Both Kevin and Jose have strange headaches that go away soon before they're to leave
Kevin & Jose in Emma's 2nd game?
Alice went to the racecourse. Orpheus has her dig up the box/gem herself (while they not around). Soon after, she hallucinates Mary as Frederick, and shortly thereafter is knocked out (after something flies into her face).
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Kevin exits his game after drinking a drug. Orpheus later tasks him with “repairing the racecourse”. Once he’s finished, Orpheus holds a banquet for him, during which Kevin talks about his past. Orpheus presses him regarding whether Kevin remembers Angelina is alive or not. Following this, Kevin discusses having had frequent headaches, but they’ve gone away. He suspects the wine. Despite his headaches having gone away, he says “everything I said grew increasingly blurry in my mind”. In any case, he states he’s leaving “once I wake up in the morning”.
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The backstory for Kreiburg Racecourse explains that, on the opening day of Lily’s father’s “expensive new horse racing series”, Cyanus, the “White Steed of Death”, “went berserk and caused a trampling incident” (and potentially scaring other horses as a result). In Ashes of Memory part 1 it describes it as a “fatal stampede”. Before this, it was said Mary Kreiburg would pin a cornflower on Cyanus and the rider as a “victory blessing”.
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Both Alice and Kevin go to the racecourse. If there were drugs somewhere at the racecourse, such as in the ground or in the cornflowers (or on/in the box potentially), to make Alice hallucinate, potentially set up purposefully by Orpheus, it’s possible Orpheus did the same thing to Kevin. No, Kevin doesn’t hallucinate, but we do see he’s having issues remembering. Maybe Orpheus just switched out the drugs he was using from Siren Song for Alice to Hydra or Mnemosyne for Kevin.
(I wonder then if Orpheus purposefully sent Kevin to the racecourse, knowing what would happen and/or to affect Kevin even more with the drugs over a longer period of time. I wonder if he sent anyone else that escaped their game to do this before they could leave to do the same to them.)
While comparing Alice and Kevin, Kevin says he plans to leave in the morning, but there’s no proof that this is exactly what happened.
Alice was knocked out twice (likely both times by Orpheus), and after the 2nd time she was sent to the secret basement and given Hydra. It’s possible something similar happened to Kevin. Potentially either he was knocked out before he could leave or was taken while he was out (potentially drugged to ensure he stayed asleep, likely with the Orpheus coma drug) and sent to the basement at the point. Once there, Orpheus could either give him Mnemosyne to forget what’s happened during the game and/or Hydra to reconstruct his memory to make him think Angelina is alive.
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We already know Orpheus is quite interested in messing with Kevin’s memories to make him think she’s alive, to the point Kevin says Orpheus “ignored my unhappy silence and pried, trying to force an answer out of me. Shattered glasses, overturned silverware, shaking figures... It wasn't until I expressed my desire to leave that he realized how rude he'd been. After repeated apologies, he returned to his polite self, then nodded with satisfaction and went on listening to the story”. Considering that sort of reaction, it would be easy to believe Orpheus isn’t ready to let go of Kevin yet, and thus would be interested in reusing him in his experiments.
Now I want to go back to Kevin mentioning his headaches. Right after this he says “everything I said grew increasingly blurry in my mind”. Oracle from the 2nd anniversary did have some side effects beyond the main one (namely dizziness, and the manor owner said he wanted to work on eliminating those side effects). And even though it’s not part of the main story, the Eternal Beauty and Delphi drugs from Truth & Inference that are described in the Zinaida anniversary event seem to clearly be meant to parallel or at least relate to Orpheus’ drugs from the main story, and these 2 drugs were described to have side effects (this time hallucinations and drowsiness). So I think it’s likely Orpheus drugs also had side effects, some of which could include “headaches”, while another drug could cure the headaches but at the same time cause his memories to blur.
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Actually, the Oracle drug would fit here. If the food at the banquet Orpheus provided had Oracle, while Kevin ate it, there’d be no effects, but once he stopped taking Oracle, he would forget everything that happened while he had been taking Oracle. Only issue is Netease seems to have replaced Oracle with the 4 drugs we know of from the Time of Reunion drug list (Orpheus, Mnemosyne, Siren Song, and Hydra). But who knows. Maybe one of them does something similar (or they could work in Oracle somehow). Anyways.
Speaking of Kevin’s headaches, I happened to notice that Jose actually describes something similar happening to him. In Jose’s 4th letter, he talks about waking up with “another splitting headache”, which implies he’s had more than one headache. His headache though seems to have been “alleviated” once he found the umbrella.
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In the letter it states “’You can take everything you find there.’ At least this time, the voice in my head isn't just full of lies”. It’s possible Orpheus was the one to tell Jose this. Jose then says he plans to leave soon.
It’s curious both Jose and Kevin complain of headaches, both after they leave the game, but then the headache goes away soon after they complete their tasks (Kevin fixing the racecourse, Jose finding the umbrella) and soon before they are to leave. Not to mention Orpheus seems to have likely been involved with both.
Kevin we know Orpheus is interested in to make him think Angelina is alive.
Jose we know is someone Orpheus “treasured the opportunity to use”, to the point he considered suspending the experiment when Jose’s mental state seemed to deteriorate too much, and calls Jose a “’gift’ from a friend who passed away”.
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Orpheus was the one to throw Kevin the banquet before Kevin leaves, and Jose Orpheus may have told Jose to go to the room he found the umbrella in and that he could take whatever he found.
Either potentially could’ve been drugged before they could actually leave, so Orpheus could ensure he could reuse them in his experiments.
Kevin potentially could’ve been exposed to drugs while at the racecourse, as well as potentially in the food Orpheus gave him during the banquet. Jose could’ve also been subjected to drugs, potentially in the breakfast he ate before leaving, or potentially somewhere in the room he found the umbrella in (what if the umbrella itself had been sabotaged or contaminated with drugs?)
Considering the umbrella is still at the manor when Alice is there, we know something happened to Jose. And if something happened to him when he thought he was able and ready to leave, something similar could’ve happened to Kevin.
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If anything, there is Emma’s 2nd game. After she escapes from Arms Factory, we know she was put with another group of people. These “new friends” had “warned me in secret to keep a record of everything, just in case my memories would start to deceive me. They said their memories were like children’s jigsaw puzzles, and there were gaps and parts that did not fit”. This comment tells us that the others Emma is with have had their memories tampered with. They have forgotten some things, meaning Mnemosyne is likely to blame, while other parts “did not fit”, implying Hydra is likely the cause.
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We know both Kevin and Jose have memory issues. Kevin is the most obvious, though Jose we know has seemingly forgotten parts of his game, considering he doesn’t seem to remember what happened to the others in his game (Edgar and Vera at least). There’s also how he describes seeing the umbrella “for the very first time” in the greenhouse, even though we know the umbrella was at Lakeside during his game.
At least for this latter issue, it is possible that Jose went to the ship where the umbrella was at and didn’t actually see the umbrella while he was there. Wu Chang’s 3rd letter states Jose noticed an “abnormal watermark”, but never specifically says he saw the umbrella. We know Patricia describes Jose as a “psychic medium” so it’s possible Jose at that point forgot everything, but it’s hard to say.
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In any case, the point is it’s possible Kevin and Jose could’ve been some of Emma’s “new friends” in her new game/group. That then just leaves what happened to them and Emma afterwards, by the end of that game.
(This is honestly less of a complete theory and more I just started writing this because I noticed some curious similarities I couldn’t let go of while rereading stuff, even though I didn’t quite know what everything may mean yet due to a lack of info at this time)
(Though it’s possible something else happened to Jose.
It’s possible he disappeared similar to those in game 6 considering Jose’s 4th letter being wet and the parallels/implications from the Christmas event and his skin)
(It’s also possible whatever happened to him during the game happened again considering the heavy rain/storm and how this affects the umbrella/magnetic fields, and we know from Wu Chang’s 3rd letter this did affect Jose, and it ties to his Bobolink skin)
(So for all we know Jose just disappeared, just without the umbrella. Or maybe he is with Kevin in Emma’s 2nd game. For now all I can do is suggest possibilities. Hopefully we get more answers soon)
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acosmicblizzard · 1 year
hello I am here for your writing skills!?!!??! can I request romantic headcanons for hanging out with Jose, Murro or Kevin on a snow day ❤️
thank u for ur time🐠
Thank you for the compliment heheh! Of course you can, hope you enjoy little fishy anon!
Hanging out on a snowy day headcanons with Kevin
Warnings: Possible ooc
Story type: Fluff
Pairings/Characters: Kevin Ayuso.
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If you're looking for a endless day of fun and goofing off Kevin is definitely the best choice. Kevin will do all the classic snowy day activities such as building snow forts, having snowball fights, making snowmen and snow angels, and other activities most people normally do in the snow.
Also sledding, definitely sledding. Kevin will always challenge you too sledding races and he gets wayyy to hyped about them. There's 0 holding back and even if you're his partner he's gonna win this, sorry darling.
If you ever get too cold or a blizzard starts picking up Kevin will grab your hand and say it would be good to go back inside. Once back inside the manor he'll make hot chocolate for you and then personally bridal style carry you too the fireplace and lay you infront of it, flirting with you as he does so.
Though he doesn't know what skiing or snowboarding is if you introduced it too Kevin he'd be hyped as hell. Excited to learn and try new things out. No matter if you're both novices or you're god at it and he's new to it Kevins gonna enjoy it no matter what.
A habit kevins picked up on due to his wild spirit is looking for animal tracks in the snow and tracking down the animal to look at it. Obviously he knows the difference between different animal tracks so he wouldn't trail a bear but if it's something harmless like a dear then he'll ask you if you'd like to find it with him. if you say yes, he'll grab your hand and start to walk into the forest.
Speaking about walks in the forest, walking through the snowy landscape on a trail with kevin while holding hands is very common. Talking and admiring your surroundings as you walk around the beautiful white landscape. Walking as the few birds that don't migrate during the winter chirp in the tree's.
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holymaccaronii · 2 years
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Kevin! I miss playing identity V ;; , I got a Kev S badge twice just because I though carrying ppl was fun and useful.
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manycatsandthings · 2 years
Identity V Aesthetic Game
Search "name" + "favorite color" + "aesthetic" and create a collage from the images it gives you
Kevin Ayuso: Brown
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nightwonder7 · 6 months
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"How is your head as dense as your body?"
Duo hunter shenanigans.
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chawawanya · 6 months
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Another batch
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t0bey · 7 months
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diegusting · 18 days
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The Duo Kevin Experience
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janitorbot · 11 months
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The burden of wealth.
Comic commissioned by Klennentine and Miiyumi from IG, thank you :)
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nikfishstix · 1 year
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nightonight · 3 months
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sirenjose · 1 year
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About Game 5 (before Jose's 4th bday)
Game 5 Summary:
Patricia puts herself in opposition to the others, who don't believe in Papa Legba.
Edgar using his paintings to "bring out the fear in others and playfully observe their reactions".
Vera is bothered by Edgar's painting. Wants to quickly find the Delphi herb.
(Later) Given perfume making equipment and makes her Euphoria.
Jose hypnotizes Vera and Edgar cuz he wants allies.
(At some point) Hypnosis doesnt last long + Vera uses her perfume to get around it.
Told 1 of them needs to drink the "poison". Kevin does so cuz he compares Patricia to Angelina. He doesn't die though, but the others think he is dead.
Vera and Edgar accuse Jose of causing Kevin's death. Jose has a near mental breakdown.
(At some point) Deep hypnosis left a "spiritual anchor" that acted as a "mental defense" and allowed him to go "through all the experimental processes prepared for him, completed self-hypnosis again with the energy of 5-0-3-U, and was exempted from self-judgement"
(At some point) Before game, they discover a "handwritten note" in the "lobby", likely written by Sam
(At some point) Vera forms a "temporary agreement with Jose to place Patricia at a disadvantage".
Patricia uses Edgar's blood against him. He "doesnt fight back and realized the 'swan song' was his ultimate goal". His art "led to his fall by making him give up all resistance and willingly sacrifice himself".
(At some point) Vera recovers her memories and suffers "something close to a mental breakdown"
Jose's codeword is "boat". On Lakeside boat the umbrella is placed, and the "humidity in the area" is "controlled" until it "reaches the point where the highest degree of change is observed in the magnetic field"
Jose "successfully entered the game", goes to the "marked location" and encounters the umbrella, "falls into confusion" but soon "emotion is gradually stabilizing and his mental state is taking a turn for the better" before he leaves the location and heads to Vera's location
(At some point) Kevin told to repair racecourse by owner. Owner asks him about his health and what he remembers and if angelina was still alive. Owner tries to force an answer until he composes himself again.
According to Patty, their fates are: Jose a psychic medium for Wu, Vera "eternal slumber in the forest of memory", Edgar "sing swan song in repent", Kevin drinks poison and "reborn"
Note about Patricia (she doesn't necessarily want to kill anyone) + the Fates of the Participants of Game 5:
Patricia does necessarily want to kill anyone. Her 3rd letter is the only place that uses the term "sacrifice". Otherwise, her 2nd letter says she just wants them the "face their sins" and that "An enchantress only has to send the sinful souls to the crossroad by any means, so that they will receive counseling from the guide". Her 3rd letter agrees with this when it says she "decided [their] fate" with a "ritual", the success of which depends on "'whether the prey can repent before the gods': the prey must accept their past in order to escape from their predicament"
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We know Patricia wants a "sinful soul" to "pay Papa Legba's remuneration" for being able to talk to the soul of her real mother.
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It does necessarily say she needs multiple. And we know she definitely uses Edgar based on his 3rd letter, which says "his paintings that gave [Patricia] an opportunity to use his blood against him. At the final moment, [Edgar] did not fight back and realized that the 'swan song' was his ultimate goal". It also later says "it was art that led to his fall by making him give up all resistance and willingly sacrifice himself".
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This fits with Patricia's 4th letter, which says (about Edgar) "may you be surrounded by rivers of blood and sing your swan song in repent".
As for the others, they seem to fit too.
She says about Vera "may you be blinded by falsehoods and fall into an everlasting slumber in the forest of memory". We know Chloe (Perfumer) has been using her perfume to forget killing her sister (Vera). We also know from Vera's 4th letter that "I have no choice but to increase the ratio until I obtain the ultimate peace". From her 3rd letter, it states know she has "something close to a mental breakdown" when she remembers.
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About Kevin, she says "may you be wakened by a bite from the serpent and reborn after baptism". This ties to Kevin drinking the poison (for her) which he doesn't die from. It also ties to his 4th letter, which implies the manor owner is using his drugs on Kevin to mess with his memories and try to make him think Angelina is alive (likely because the owner wants to use it on himself regarding his own memories of the tragedy regarding Alice and the events that killed the DeRoss family aka Alice's parents).
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About Jose, she says "I wish you'd fall into the mire of illusion and relish in becoming a psychic medium". This connects to Wu Chang's 3rd letter, which says Jose enters the game, goes to the location with the umbrella, becomes "confused" but his emotions soon "gradually stabilize, and his mental state is takinga turn for the better" before he leaves the location and heads to Vera's location. There's also Jose's 3rd letter which states he had used the mental defense provided by the spiritual anchor from when he had "deep hypnosis" performed on him" as well as with Wu Chang's helps, as it says he "went through all the experimental processes prepared for him, completed self-hypnosis again with the energy of [Wu Chang], and was exempted from self-judgment".
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It is interesting that unlike the others she says "I wish" instead of "may you", which could imply he is somehow different from the rest. Considering her 3rd letter states she "decided the fate of the preys", the fact she says "wish" instead of "may" could mean she was unable to "decide" his fate.
What that may mean, I'm not sure. Could imply he's alive. Could imply he didn't become a "sacrifice" for her ritual. Could imply something else happened to him. Maybe she couldn't do anything to him once he was with Wu Chang. Who knows...
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akuma-tenshi · 11 months
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here's a giant post of some of my more recent idv memes
as always, discord screenshots are from @outofcontextdiscord
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justletmein0 · 5 months
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Super fighting Demi and her "useless" male besties.
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veryaren · 6 months
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nightwonder7 · 7 months
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Support your teammates
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