#identity v faro lady
quoththeowl31 · 2 months
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kalopaaa · 11 days
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stupid doodles with rambling because Uni ruins my skill to draw orz
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sirenjose · 4 months
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Evelyn Mora's Backstory
(Just a couple of thoughts)
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So the argument we saw was between a debtor (left) and Evelyn's foster mother (right), with her foster mother being the same lady on Vilhelm's right, since it says Vilhelm would cure her mom if Evelyn helped train people like Evelyn.
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I am confused what it means about Evelyn supposidly "losing her sense of smell and taste". Was it because of whatever "special 'tricks'" she was doing (though "tricks" probably refers to her deception skills and such).
*Edit: Oh I think it's because there's emphasis on "normal" sense of smell and taste. I think it's a reference to her acquiring a "taste" for luxury?
But now we know that Evelyn did shoot in that 1 scene in her trailer, and it was to defend her foster mom. Interesting that she did have a chance to escape being caught but only lets it happen because of her mother again (which goes to show how much Evelyn cares about her).
Then we learn that Martha was so good, especially in regards to disguise/deception, that she was to be Evelyn's "successor". And that would've finally given Evelyn her "freedom" from Vilhelm and her currently.
So Martha defecting meant Vilhelm doesn't get her talent and Evelyn is unable to be "free". That explains why she has to go to the manor, and also why Evelyn may potentially be upset with Martha/want her caught sooner than later.
Anyways, regarding the people Evelyn taught, it talks about them as "dangerous blades". Which of course implies what sort of tasks they were being given (so i assume murder was on the table for them too).
Feels like they'd fit the ones tailing Alice in her deducs.
And if Vilhelm sends Evelyn to bring Martha back, it would make sense he would do the same for Alice (aka, sending his "blades" to retrieve or kill her). Though it may also explain how Alice doesn't have fear and, if she was familiar with or trained by Evelyn too, her skills.
But again, why did Vilhelm need them? Or did he just see how good Evelyn was and decided he needed people like that under him too? But still, what's his goal? If he wants "blades", is there someone particular he wants to kill or deal with?
Also interesting it says Evelyn grew up in an orphanage. I wonder if it's a new (different) one or White Sand Street?
And if this deal was for 10 years with Vilhelm, I wonder if that means she potentially encountered Alice too...
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koffeeih · 5 months
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mattmatart · 1 month
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tigamiri · 3 months
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hot-coffemilk · 5 months
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Richard and evelyn
I post more on twitter now
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circus-blades · 26 days
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Well let's start posting then
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t0bey · 4 months
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origin story of Florian’s carefree whimsy
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jaxsterrapp · 2 months
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Knight and Faro Lady
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ronironiica · 4 months
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quoththeowl31 · 4 days
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Super quick sketch featuring Evelyn, Martha, Alice and Johnny.
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cinnamoowithauuu · 5 months
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haii! fanart
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sirenjose · 3 months
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Theory: about Vilhelm, Alice, Orpheus, the final game, and who made the assassination request
The organization Vilhelm has had Evelyn train and grow for him, an organization (skilled in secrets, deception, disguise, and the like) which included women like Martha Behamfil, are highly likely to be the ones spying on Alice, who had been adopted and taken to Melbourne by Vilhelm for his experiments until she managed to escape with Orpheus' help. Vilhelm likely wasn't happy by this, which would explain why he might've sent his spies to find and investigate her. They were eventually exposed though, leading to their recommendation the target be "eliminat[ed]".
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This could be when Vilhelm made the assassination request. Possibly because he couldn't let any information about his secret organization leak (or anything else bad he might've done), which could've been her intent eventually considering she decided to be an "investigative journalist" (solving mysteries and reporting on her findings).
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And considering based on this we know Vilhelm was recommended to eliminate her, that would relate to the "assassination" request we knew Norton was given. This was the reason Norton went to the manor (for the final game), meaning the 2 options (so far) are Melly or Alice, and if the request came from Vilhelm, Alice is the more likely answer.
Melly on the other hand I think may currently be blackmailed by Orpheus, who I think found out about what she did to her husband, and thus why he would've sent her the same "rare" bee specimen that caused his death (implying he knew the truth).
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I think everything Melly said is technically true (maybe could call it a lie of omission). She is here due to her husband's death, which was caused by a "type of rare bee venom" that wasn't recorded in his observation notes. And she did likely receive a bee specimen from the manor, the same that caused his death, and was promised info on the bee species and the cause of her husband's death if she participated in his game. But I think what is missing is she was the one to find and utilize that type of bee, which based on the Ashes of Memory Concept Video may have been the "Apis Mellifera Scutellata Lepeletier" or Africanized bee, and likely that Orpheus may have threatened to release the truth about how she killed her husband to the public if she didn't participate in his game. The Concept Video even had an article that talked about how they attack, how deadly their sting is, and affects caused by their sting, with the following frames showing a path for the bee from Cape Town in Africa to London, England.
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It's possible Orpheus may have done similar to Norton, and maybe that could explain why Norton worked with Orpheus to capture and drug Alice in Orpheus' secret basement. Unless Alice did hallucinate Orpheus as Norton in that 1 basement scene where she's drugged.
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If it wasn't a hallucination, that would imply Norton is working for both Orpheus and Vilhelm, unless the request came from Orpheus.
It's clear that Orpheus cares for Alice considering Alice's 1st letter shows he helped her to remember him (Orpheus) and escape from Vilhelm, with him calling her his "Nightingale" at the end of the letter (potentially a hint to Alice maybe being connected to "Miss Nightingale" in the present day). So Orpheus doesn't actually want her dead, but it's possible he might've made the request in order to create a situation where he could act like a hero and save her from death, gaining her trust and potentially helping them to grow closer together.
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The order would've come from the manor owner (Baron DeRoss), meaning Norton (and everyone) wouldn't know Orpheus is the owner, and thus (if he does actually try to kill her) he would just think someone random (not the person who made the request) was trying to stop him.
Additionally, Orpheus most likely knows Alice is Alice, based on his behavior in Ashes of Memory 1 and 2, expressions, and how he knocks her out and drugs her. It's likely he kept an eye on her the whole time, including her time at White Sand Street Asylum (based on his 1st letter) and her time with Vilhelm in Melbourne, based on Alice's 1st letter and Alice's flashback during Ashes of Memory 2, as well as likely afterwards, after he helps her escape. It's probably just that Alice doesn't know who Orpheus really is (her friend from before the tragedy, or the fact he's the manor owner).
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So, if Orpheus doesn't want to kill Alice, but is still trying to use his drugs on her, that may mean his goal has to do with her memories. We've already seen he cares about what she remembers, considering he made sure she remembered him. Maybe his goal then is to change her memories of the tragedy, the most significant and tragic moment of both their pasts. Her backstory even states she "suffered from hysteria" afterwards, while Orpheus' 1st letter states she is "unstable" and even includes the comment "what happened in the past wasn't a great memory to her". Therefore, maybe he wants to change that memory so it's no longer so painful for her. It's possible he may want her to completely forget, but as he didn't want her to forget him, I think it's more likely he wants to change the memory somehow, which could fit in with how the Hydra drug (which "reconstructs" memory) seems to be the drug with the most focus or emphasis (it's the drug Orpheus drinks near the latter part of the Time of Reunion event).
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How exactly he wants it to change, I'm not quite sure yet. There is the possibility he wants to at least change her memory of his involvement in it, considering Bonbon's deductions implies he may have helped his real parents take some valuables from the manor. Maybe he also wants to disassociate himself from his real parents, so she doesn't remember it was his own parents that caused the events that led to her parents' deaths. He could do other things as well that would make the memory less painful, maybe even change who she thought her real parents were so she doesn't have to deal with the memory of losing them, who knows. Maybe he wanted to change it so he was the son of the DeRoss couple while she wasn't, so it'd be him in her memories that'd have to deal with their deaths rather than her as much. That could fit with the story he tells her, where he phrases it as he was the kid of the DeRoss couple instead of her. Whatever else, I don't know.
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But we know from Alice's trailer that she wants to "face" the truth and whatever other troubles she encounters. She doesn't want Orpheus to be trying to make her avoid the pain by making her forget or changing her memories, nor does she likely agree with his experiments or methods he uses to test his drugs, and thus why she in the end will work to stop him (potentially with the help of Melly and Norton, considering Tracy's game as well as COA 4 emphasize the importance of teamwork to achieve victory).
I still wonder about the specifics regarding what Orpheus' end goal is, but I also wish I knew more about what Vilhelm (and Count Barriere) was trying to do. We know he wanted "goods" from the Mediterranean based on a deal he made with Jose's father, Joaquin Baden. We also know from Evelyn's backstory that he was having her training people like her (in deception, disguises, acting, tricks, good social skills, how to be dangerous, etc...) to work for him like some type of spy organization.
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This is likely the same organization from Martha's 4th letter, which is referred to as some type of "unregistered organization" that even an official intelligence agency are unable to investigate with all their manpower and resources. Though it is suggested information on that organization may be "beyond our clearance level", suggesting it is pretty important.
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Speaking of Martha, who we know was 1 of the most gifted students Evelyn trained, Martha we know from her 3rd letter is unable or unwilling to be herself. Considering how she was meant to take over for Evelyn, I wonder if this was the type of person Vilhelm wanted Alice to become. We know from her 1st letter she had been forgetting some things, including who Orpheus was. Maybe if Orpheus hadn't saved her sooner, Vilhelm would've been successful.
Maybe the "goods" Vilhelm wanted from the Mediterranean were for his experiments. Maybe it was some of the goods included the "Delphi" plant that we know is used in Orpheus' drugs, as well as Vera's Euphoria. Maybe like Orpheus, Vilhelm wants to mess with people's memories too, maybe to help his organization and to get whatever else it is he wants.
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artbyramen · 5 days
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coooldair · 2 months
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