injailoutsoongato · 8 months
Yandere/dark khamzat please
Khamzat x Reader
c.w : dark content
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Khamzat really was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, during his time in the UFC. Much to the others, Everyone hid behind a mask,
Khamzat was one of them. Though he seemed friendly out in the media and was a kind soul, but really his mind was a tornado and hazard of never-ending dark thoughts. It was a hellhole inside there, it was always consisting of , ‘what if;’ that was the question. What if? Khamzat wouldn’t really know why they came into his mind or how it started. He’d think it was nothing, but it didn’t take soon to realize right away, it was in his nature. The Borz who was already destroying everyone who stepped in his way, it made it worse that if he had these thoughts while fighting it was as if could this get any more brutal? The male ushered away thoughts of his love life until he meets you all the way back in Dubai. You had been working at ringside as a nurse. His infamous fight with Li that ended in just 5 minutes was worse, They’d wait until they saw his off aired-matches, there was no rules as if it was nothing barred. He never held back. If he needs, he’d go bare knuckles. He was cruel in the octagon, he recognized you being the one who rushed to his opponent who seemed to have been injured badly because of the harsh knockout Khamzat had given the poor man. Yet the story had never ended here, he seen you more often, but you did wonder. How the hell he knew your shoe size.Yes it was seemingly that he had found out you worked at a retail store nearby. Near a boutique. And he happend to ‘pass by’ to check around the store and buy himself something. And since that day he’d been sending you his letters in broken English. Flowers. Chocolates. And you were confused. At first you didn’t know it was him, but suspected it since when those gifts came, he never visited on those days. But he did directly the day after. The gifts would not stop. Going to your home was even worse as it started to feel unsafe. ‘I ADORE YOU’ Looking like it was written by a mad man on the sink. With blood. And the murders that happened around town? And he didn’t seem to bat an eye, and was gone like a hiatus. Until you came to him sobbing the day, you didn’t know why you went to him. It was all confusing.he gave gifts. Or not? He disappeared. He appears again, now disappears yet again, and it was a loop.He was shushing you and rubbing your back as his other arm went to wrap around your mid back. Pulling you closer to him and laying you on the soft black sheets of his bed as he snakes both arms around from under you, he had acted all concerned when he knew this was a facade and he had planned this step by step like a Wolf luring in its food. He knew what he was doing lying to a sweet girl. He didn’t even give this time. How could he do this all under a few weeks? But now he had you, the big Russian male cooing at your ear as his hand brushed your wet cheek and rubbed it, knowing you would melt at his gentleness. He had always expected you to kiss him if you got something from him. Soft lips on him as his beard nipped at your soft skin, it was how much you listened to him. Affection payed by affection.
Feeling the sharp tip of a needle dig into your shoulder before passing out in his arms was the last thing that had happened. You felt betrayed almost as if you knew what just happened after a minute it seemed, your eyes pricked with tears as you looked up at him. It was the last thing, he left you pressed against him panting and huffing, crying out in pain as the needle jabbed in while he was putting your tears away as he wiped them with his knuckles but they kept flowing like a river. The liquid burned and its effect was heavy. Puffy lips around his, you were too out of it, and you couldn’t do anything, he bowed to slip in a third or fourth kiss until you were breathless. Still laying against him immobile. And his lovesick look took over, he wasn’t really sorry, he had his sweet girl now.
And you went missing
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injailoutsoongato · 8 months
hi, if you are still accepting requests, anything but with yandere/dark Nate Diaz (only if you're comfortable with it, of course)
Dark! Nate Diaz x Female Reader
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“Close your eyes, hun. Don’t want you to see this.” He sighed, your sobbing made him feel bad deep down, but he reminded himself. This was for the ‘best’ for you. “I had to do this,” his hand rested on your small head as his eyes shifted over you, he put on a soft tone but he wasn’t really sorry. He was clearly lovestruck, he really didn’t have to do this,
It was completely unnecessary, but what could you say? As much as you wanted to deny it, this bloodied male infront of you was the murderer all along. No one would’ve guessed the big star ended up being some psycho, with his flamboyant, boyish demeanor all on the media was all a mask, a man of many masks and that was one thing clear. He wiped your tears away softly. Taking your face into his hands, the disgusting blood on his hands smearing your cheeks in the process, “I know this hurts, honey. But you have to learn. We said no running, right?” Although these words were soft. His eyes were anything but soft. He was being cruel, you nodded your head up and down to acknowledge his words. If he didn’t have his way this was gonna be no way. He looked at you yet again with the lovestruck eyes when in reality this relationship was toxic and unhealthy, he isolated you if he needed to and wasn’t shying away if he had to cut off your usage of any social media or even talking to others. He cut off all loose ends. He got rid of everyone, like the dead man infront of you and him
His way or the highway, “But now you have to go back to the basement.” His eyes darted to you again. Seeing you not oblige, “Do I have to use force with you? Sit down,” He looked down, this kind of behavior meant he was probably mentally ill now, why ‘probably’ when this was the clear truth, but you had feared the day he got bored of you, he had not used poison to kill you, it was chloroform and heavy amounts of sleeping pills and powder, but he called it that
“I won’t poison you too much again, sweetheart…”
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injailoutsoongato · 8 months
Sean Strickland
MW (Middleweight) Division + UFC 297
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My honest reviews on the fight as of today was :
Dricus Du plessis during the first R1-R2, was mostly him and Strickland kind of just the jabs n shi, not much happened during it which reminded me of Sean’s fight with Adesanya which wasn’t all that good except R1 where Strickland lands a knock down to Adesanya. In Round 1 Du plessis did seem hurt, his eye got a swelling, his left eye I guessed.
Round 1 to 2 Strickland wins, R3 the tables turned and Du plessis kept advancing with the takedowns and getting up on the significant strikes. As much as I didn’t like du plessis and liked Sean more, it just really felt like Sean was sort of holding back or he felt off during the fight. There was a lot of hype during the conference. And overall the fight but this was my opinion and if anyone else thinks otherwise it’s all fine.
Round 3 was when Strickland did get cut in the brow and maybe at the end of round 2 was when Dricus landed some shot towards stricklands eye. R4 and R5 were no other. Arguably Dricus won R3-4-5 and landed more strikes and the take downs, plus he injured Sean. Both did good. But Sean got cut in the head and the slight (swelling)? Near his eye and etc..
A lot say Sean got robbed. I would say yeah, at the almost end of R5 he did start landing a few hits but mostly missed and it was kind of too late and Dricus won and now he’s the champ, so R1-R2 Sean wins. But then Dricus really pulled a 180
Now with Dricus being the champ as of current. A lot were speculating that Alex Pereira or Khamzat were coming back to fight Dricus. I doubt Pereira would come fight Dricus. But if he did, good luck. That would be the shortest championship reign in MW history despite the fact you JUST won it. Khamzat winning the belt from Dricus. If that happens I’m not so sure anyone is gonna take the belt from khamzat. He’s gonna wipe the floor with half the middleweight division is what I think and it’s just gonna take so long to dethrone Khamzat. A fan of the Borz here 🫡
But what do you think? I am upset that Strickland lost. Same way I felt when Tony lost to Paddy :(
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injailoutsoongato · 8 months
Who ever knew the relationship with someone like a fighter would ever go wrong?
(Yandere, Obsessed Justin Gaethje x Innocent Reader,)
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He was a nerd. A complete nerd. Some said he still was a goof, which he was. But it was really what only the media saw, as much as you were wanting to deny it, it wasn’t any use. He was the same violent man from all those years ago, the nerd became whatever the hell he was now. Who really knew what happened, all you remembered since thst night where everything changed. The prom night, during it one of the more popular guys, the arrogant meathead was constantly all over you. There was no need to even put effort to think about it as it was very obvious those people just wanted to take your innocence away, Justin knew this all damn well and he would be so damned to know someone would just go ahead and do that while he was there, as long as he was with you. No one was gonna get to you. He would just flunk you out of that little blissful sleeping state to make sure you were here, safe infront of him.
Beauty is pain. They said
Pretty little Y/n fell victim to it all the time, she was pretty, she was a virgin, she is pretty. When she was asked out she often turned them down politely since she really wasn’t ready for a relationship, she was yes and adult. But she really wasn’t as prepared yet, and those men went a far as to call the female a whore for doing so. When all she did was turn them down because she didn’t want to, bruised ego. Much. But in all honesty even if Justin wasn’t the most attractive, he had something in him that made her flutter. He had subtle actions though. The way he always got a whiff of her when she passed by was unnoticed but that was the sad truth. He was just as lovestruck with her, he wasn’t a healthy guy to be with. And his compete 360 in what he was compared to before and now shook everyone to the core, even you. His constant compliments towards her. His gentleness with her made y/n melt and get all flustered. He couldn’t. Her chubby cheeks were just so adorable. When they filled with a reddish-like, hue and how her expression shifted to the embarrassment she always felt sent this shiver up his spine. How could he resist her when she was as sweet as this. He could go on for hours talking just about you. He left so many love letters in hopes of confessing. But that pig meathead would push Justin and you around all the time and it drove Gaethje to insanity. He really was gonna the touching you and let that slide? Seeing the guy look, breath, or touch, anything like that near you instantly sparked up Justin’s jealousy. Breathe.? Was overboard. But touching you and looking near you was what was the main issue, he knew all the guys wanted to get into your panties. Justin wasn’t like that. He cared, he really did. But it broke him when his love letters were ripped by the same guy, and you were stolen away.
“I’ll just have you someday, that pig might aswell fucking die for all I really care. I asked for something and I want it, why won’t you just see that I do this because.” He paused. Hands gripping your cheeks. “Because I love you?” No. This wasn’t right. This was wrong. But those doe eyes looked fooled so already…
Just the lovesick look on his face said everything, he wasn’t sincere.
“Are you..going to kill me?”
You feared the day he got bored of you.
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