#idgaf about fandom fame anymore
theangrypomeranian · 2 years
tfw you've been thinking about deleting your most popular fic from a past fandom
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twopoppies · 3 years
Hey! There is something I want to share with u...I have been in the 1d fandom for quite some time now like 5 years or so...and in have been a Larry since 4 years...and I know h and l are together and he I definitely not straight...but idk I feel like I am having 2nd thoughts about my image of him..I mean he does these things like saying things like "femal orgasm" nad "pussy juice" and then seeing hld story and also posting the pic of hands instead of a couple ig...and I read some of your recent recpits in which people were saying that he was looking at them in a creepy way...and things like this makes me second guess my opinion about him...it makes me think that maybe he is straight and us actually happy with Olivia and like Larry was never a thing...I know Larry is not a fairly tale which is surely going to end with a happy ending and stuff but still I do doubt myself...that I maybe be thinking too much about them...and they are not together anymore...I know his instagram is not completely in his control anymore but saying things like female orgasm and pussy juice and all... don't get me wrong..I just thnk maybe u'll help me clear this doubt in my mind...
Hi love. I don't normally answer these sorts of things because honestly, I can't convince you to believe one thing or another. But I do want to point out a few things.
1. Harry 100% absolutely did NOT say "pussy juice".
2. IMO, Harry is behind pushed, hard, behind the scenes to play into this het image the label wants for him. I think Harry did his best to swerve on the "female orgasm" comment, but his attempt was too subtle and drowned out by louder voice (both, literally at the concert, and figuratively on social media)
3. I had one receipt of a person who said H was watching them and their boyfriend be cute and publicly affectionate with each other. That person referred to Harry as looking at them with his "creepy stare". We all know what stare that is. It's his intensely focused laser beam stare. So, you read that receipt and your take away is that maybe he's straight and happy with Olivia. I read it and thought Harry is alone in New York, stuck with a parasitic PR girlfriend while his boyfriend has gone back to England the day or two before, and he misses him. And perhaps he's feeling some jealousy about a straight couple getting to be so free with their PDA. Am I right? I don't know. But it makes more sense to me than the idea of him pining over Olivia who's literally in the same city while he's papped pretending to be with her. And it absolutely makes more sense to me than "maybe Harry is straight" (and for the obligatory addressing of the "multi-gender attraction" brigade that will invariably descend on my ask box, IDGAF how he identifies; nothing will ever convince me that he's attracted to Olivia in any way).
4. I can't even begin to address the "maybe Larry was never a thing". I honestly don't understand thinking that way. It's just so far beyond obvious that they were a couple 2010-2015. As for 2016 -2021, there's enough for me to comfortably believe they're still together. Do I think their relationship has been a fairytale? No. Not at all. Do I think they broke up and dated other people? No, I actually don't. I do think they've struggled a lot with a lot of things. And it's possible they separated at times. But I've said this 85 different times, I think they always have known that they are it for each other, and the've worked hard to overcome all the shit that was thrown their way.
5. I don't blame people for being confused and wondering if their perceptions have been wrong. Because that's what years of gaslighting does to you. And I don't even mean just gaslighting from outside the fandom. There are people within this fandom who spend an awful lot of fucking time writing essays about why Harry Styles is a bad person, why Harry Styles never loved Louis Tomlinson, why Harry Styles only cares about fame and money, Why Harry Styles is problematic... if you read enough of that garbage, plus the media's endless bullshit, plus random people saying things like Harry Styles is "a walking venereal disease" in comment sections of articles about him, you start to wonder if maybe you're the crazy one.
I don't know how to help you with that. I try to take each bit of information I get and compare it to what I've seen for the past eight years and I just don't see a different person than I always have.
"The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth. Modern dictatorships have become far more sophisticated still in how to achieve their ends. They learned that by constant bombardment, your senses become overwhelmed. You start to doubt, to shrug your shoulders, to tune out, and that makes you vulnerable. Instead of pushing one lie, one fake, they can push a dozen, or a hundred, and that’s pretty good odds against one lonely truth. They win when you say: ‘Who can be sure what really happened?" - Gary Kasparov
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