#idgaf anymore jesus 😭
tuckersno1defender · 3 months
So in conclusion,
• Tucker got shot by an AI fragment that was possessing the person that was supposed to be their medic
• found out that one of his best friends was also an AI fragment and had to see him die multiple times
• got mpreg with a fucking alien ????😭
• was stuck in the desert for months
• had to bring down a rouge military organization while quite literally fighting for his life in the snow
• got into a space ship crash and then when they thought they were finally getting help got thrown in the middle of a civil war, saw his boyfriend sacrifice himself and spent months thinking him and the rest of his friends were being tortured while simultaneously having to learn how to be a leader for the rest of his friends but struggling because he didn't think he could ever fill Wash's footsteps
• he had to also relive that very moment while being able to do nothing about it, shit man, HE had to be the one that made sure things played out the way it did
• fought mercenaries
• got stabbed in the stomach
• had to lead a battle against ANOTHER rouge and corrupt company that was trying to destroy the planet while unknowingly destroying himself in the process because the suit that he wore would be the same one that would drive him insane months later
• (not really canon anymore but in my eyes it is idgaf) just when he thought things would get better he got tricked by people who were manipulating recordings of church and in turn had to be the one to finally break the news to Caboose that this time Church was never coming back and he was gone for good
• saw his boyfriend get shot in the neck and then went through months of self hatred for it while also having self esteem issues
• oh yeah and got tormented while he was in the meta suit
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hellonerf · 1 month
im too shy to draw for this fandom anymore but this has been in my head for literal years and i figured if anyone was going to support my delusions it would be tumblr ame torture jesus. Listen. child ame with long hair and child cana with short hair.
ame learns to do his hair and it’s always really cutsie with pigtails and bows and whatever (please please please pay attention to how angelic and perfect I am right now also stop abandoning me I will light myself on fire) idk something about little ame comes across as very prissy to me rather than just like neat or bratty. Or maybe I just want to put bows in his hair idk.
cana is all prim and proper but not the way ame is, more subdued and easier to manage so his hair reflects that.
And then ame cuts his hair for the rev. And then cana takes over that hairstyle. But it’s never really the same because cana never learned how to do long hair and he doesn’t like the moe look the way that ame did it. and vice versa too ame doesn’t like the neat way canas short hair was. and now when they look at each other they’re vaguely reminded of themselves when they were kids except it’s worse and. uuguuuufhggh. Do u understand. Do you see the vision. banging my head on the walls. hair.
tumblr ame torture jesus OKAYYY anon im reading this and getting lightheaded.
ame is prissy as hell fuckingtrue 😭😭😭😭 you know i truth long hair ame pre-rev (at least when i draw nyo... They're all girls to me anyways idgaf smokescigarette) oh my god hairstyle swap is fucking insane tho. Please i just love pigtails and cutegirl hairstyles really... thinking about this with my nyo designs because im rly predictable 🙏
younger ame is meant to have a kind friendly innocent demeanor, when really young the pigtails i'd imagine would be a little higher up than cana's is now and also straighter and messier... cana's is very fluffy. ame's had a refreshing feel to it i think. cana's pigtails nowadays are big and fluffy but also has the feeling like he's trying to hide behind them, or he could... rather than cute energetic you know... cana's short hair would have a very soft silhouette then 😖 kind of demure... softer curlier hair... while ame now is like, easy quick hairstyle to be swept by the wind alot. caname they're so similar that when you put them next to each other the differences are too noticeable(??i love bodyswap for this reason) THX ANON this is so fun
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earlysunshines · 2 days
omg dm me spill the tea i wanna hear it😝
no but yeah its this whole crazy thing rn idk its a lot but yeah
no bc rn i can work completely fine but soon there are soooo many ecams and im probs not gonna be able to work that much so
no it’s in the past😭😭😭im trying to forget ab it idgaf ab it anymore so
oh nkoooo i hope u work as much as u can and get your money up 😭😭jesus christ idk i can def work more but i lit hate the older ppl working so i only work when it’s with my coworkers that i like
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alistairlowes · 7 months
finished redoing my room and s3 of 13rw this is by far worst season so far 😭😭 i truly didn't think it could get that bad... afraid of s4 but i'll have to find something else to do while watching it
- what the hell is the color grading this season
- bryce dead? good hope jessica got him
- srsly who is this girl i hate this because i watch these shows specifically so i could only listen to them but she has an accent and now i got lost
- oh they think they are in elite... well elite could do 13rw but 13rw could not do elite
- ohh i forgot we are doing the pregnancy plot zZz
- no bryce you can't sit with us
- omg he's getting bullied lmaao deserved SUFFER!!!
- tyler needs to grow his hair back
- oh he DEAD dead
- i'm still confused why is this girl a narrator??? 
- justin and clay being brothers is so cute 😭😭💕
- color grading ugly ass fr it's so gray
- it is... why is their character giving... sjw twt account
- i do not... and i can't stress this enough... GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BRYCE. idc who killed him good riddance begoneee
- how am i only on ep 4 i've been watching this season for 5 years now. worst season so far bdw lich rally zero plot
- not bexs character telling tyler to shut up because he doesn't know what being SAd is like 😭😭
- monty gay now too???
- gay and homophobic pick a struggle
- i hate how bryce actor speaks lower this season to make bryce have gentler voice. i will not be sympathetic for that cunt fuck off
- this show has the most token gay characters ever. like courtney and ryan are there just to be gay and annoying and occasionally show up and be like oh i'm not single anymore cuz i'm out and proud!!! 🥰 i'll be written out now and you'll never see me again 🥰 and then there is tony with his boring boyfriends and their undeveloped relationship that no one gives a fuck about!! but when you have someone with nice chemistry like zack and alex then it's one sided ha bitch you thought!! but hey we also have monty who is a literal rapist but let's give him mlm era 😍
- jake weber is eating everyone up with his acting
- i don't understand the point of the new girl??? so clay gets a gf???
- [speaking in spanish] thanks i understand it all
- not the ICE 😭😭 they just throwin shit in now
- clays new i can fix him project is tyler
- alex needs to calm down he needs to get railed or something
- aww new girl and bryce having a moment how cute too bad I DONT GIVE A SHIT!!! to hell with bryce.
- clay talking to dead bryce now jesus christ this show gave me rabies
- how are they doing bryce redemption while also making him a serial rapist. like wasn't the whole point he didn't feel guilty about the rape because he felt entitled but now he literally has rape fantasies even tho he knows it's wrong what???
- one thing this show does right is make all the other guys trust clay who helps them idk
- bryce listened to tapes and realized he evil and now he wants to apologize i'm killing myself ENOUGHH THEY DID 180 ON HIMMM UNDESERVED NOT ALL MEN BUT SOMEHOW ALWAYS A MAN
- clay is a suspect due logic known only to this show
- yeah ok now bryce is threatening monty because of the rape and monty is like why are you booing me when you're a rapist too... HE MADE SOME POINTS OK
- what is this scene 😭😭 i think i saw this somewhere like a clip. honestly dumb fucking idea to take off your clothes
 - clay got arrested for what girl
- who is this rando guy wanting to help tyler he is giving major fruit vibes
- why is he defending him omggggggg
- i'm freee
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haiihellooo · 8 months
I know I talk too much, but I had to get this out, because, like I said, I have nothing better to do. Okay, so, first of all I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE!! I don't know why so many things piss me off, like, to the point where I'll be like "I won't think about this tonight" and it keeps me up all night. Idk if this is some childish shit or I'm genuinely gonna burst a blood vessel. Some stupid fucker says something online and I HAVE to respond. Misunderstandings piss me off so much, and with that, I will name shit that's been pissing me off lately. 1. The comic Lydia situation- I LOVE comic Lydia to death, and I'm sure the two people who, yearly, accidentally click on my posts know that too, but these DUMBASS bitches don't know that. Every FUCKING time I see a post about comic Lydia, it's some braindead idiot saying the same thing we've seen a million times. YES, SHE LICKED CARL'S EYE! WE FUCKING GET IT! "I can't believe Lydia would do that 🥺" If it's so traumatizing, DON'T.READ.THE.COMICS! Another thing is how Lydia was 16 and Carl was 13. I've already established that I ONLY ship TV!Carl X Comic!Lydia/TV!+Comic!Carl (whatever fucking fusion I created) X Comic!Lydia, but people be saying shit like "OMG, LYDIA'S SUCH A CREEPY CREEPER FOR THAT 😭😭!" Bffr, bitch, this girl has been to hell and back, AND was taught so much bullshit. 1. That childhood didn't exist, 2. That people could do WHATEVER the hell they want to her, and 3. That she was an animal. What the fuck do you expect? Lollipops and daisies? Open your eyes, brotha. For some reason, people are saying that Lydia SA'd Carl and trauma dumped on him about her situation at camp. Really? That's what we're going with? Dude, she was TAUGHT to DO these THINGS! Holy CRAPPPPAPAPAP!! 2. The SHOW Lydia situation- This girl makes me want to peel the skin off of my nonexistent balls. People will sympathize for TV Lydia SO much! "She didn't deserve what she went through!!" Be so fr. TV Lydia didn't even scratch the surface of what comic Lydia went through. Sure, she was in a shitty situation too, but girl got TWO boyfriends AND two father figures. Comic Lydia got slapped in the fucking face by her mom, and, in the end, didn't even get to be with Carl. Wtf is this? And people say: "Well, she got bullied." I'm not sure being bullied is worse than being r-worded and nearly killed to spite your mother. I see all these FUCKING "TV Lydia >>> Comic Lydia" shit. What did this girl do? They make her seem like a monster for doing WHAT SHE WAS TAUGHT! If someone tells you "Hey, y'know red means go and green means stop" from the time you're 10, I bet you'd get hit by a fucking 18 wheeler. Another thing, that bitch was ANNOYING! Jesus Christ, I don't wanna sound one-sided but HOLY CRAP! Nothing against Cassady, but "WAAA, MY MAMA HATES ME!" Girl, stop. The Chandler Riggs situation- Stfu about this horse shit. It never happened. Kys. Free my man Chandler 💪 Empty fanbase- I can't do it. I can't fucking do it. I have to keep recycling the same comic Lydia images over and over and OVER AGAIN! There's hardly ANY fanart of her, hardly ANY edits, and the ONLY time I see anything with her "Me reacting to Lydia licking Carl's eye 🤓" These pussy baby bitches, bro. I'm literally alone here. Whenever I try to defend my point online, some overweight person behind a computer SHITS on my FUCKING point, leaving me looking like a damn idiot. All because I'm saying you shouldn't label a kid as a creep because she's scared. But NOOOOOOOOOO, one person says something and the fucking hivemind begins. I'm here with my SCRAPS of comic Lydia content. My SHITASS DRAWINGS, all because people, for some reason, want this girl dead. And with that, I will stfu. Idgaf. Suck my ass. Show Lydia sucks ass, (not) respectfully. I will defend comic Lydia 'til this earth blows. My girl deserves better. If comic Lydia has one fan, it's me. If she has zero fans, I'm dead. And, yes, I will keep being dramatic and rant about dumb shit I read online.
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