#show lydia fumbled
haiihellooo · 8 months
I know I talk too much, but I had to get this out, because, like I said, I have nothing better to do. Okay, so, first of all I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT ANYMORE!! I don't know why so many things piss me off, like, to the point where I'll be like "I won't think about this tonight" and it keeps me up all night. Idk if this is some childish shit or I'm genuinely gonna burst a blood vessel. Some stupid fucker says something online and I HAVE to respond. Misunderstandings piss me off so much, and with that, I will name shit that's been pissing me off lately. 1. The comic Lydia situation- I LOVE comic Lydia to death, and I'm sure the two people who, yearly, accidentally click on my posts know that too, but these DUMBASS bitches don't know that. Every FUCKING time I see a post about comic Lydia, it's some braindead idiot saying the same thing we've seen a million times. YES, SHE LICKED CARL'S EYE! WE FUCKING GET IT! "I can't believe Lydia would do that 🥺" If it's so traumatizing, DON'T.READ.THE.COMICS! Another thing is how Lydia was 16 and Carl was 13. I've already established that I ONLY ship TV!Carl X Comic!Lydia/TV!+Comic!Carl (whatever fucking fusion I created) X Comic!Lydia, but people be saying shit like "OMG, LYDIA'S SUCH A CREEPY CREEPER FOR THAT 😭😭!" Bffr, bitch, this girl has been to hell and back, AND was taught so much bullshit. 1. That childhood didn't exist, 2. That people could do WHATEVER the hell they want to her, and 3. That she was an animal. What the fuck do you expect? Lollipops and daisies? Open your eyes, brotha. For some reason, people are saying that Lydia SA'd Carl and trauma dumped on him about her situation at camp. Really? That's what we're going with? Dude, she was TAUGHT to DO these THINGS! Holy CRAPPPPAPAPAP!! 2. The SHOW Lydia situation- This girl makes me want to peel the skin off of my nonexistent balls. People will sympathize for TV Lydia SO much! "She didn't deserve what she went through!!" Be so fr. TV Lydia didn't even scratch the surface of what comic Lydia went through. Sure, she was in a shitty situation too, but girl got TWO boyfriends AND two father figures. Comic Lydia got slapped in the fucking face by her mom, and, in the end, didn't even get to be with Carl. Wtf is this? And people say: "Well, she got bullied." I'm not sure being bullied is worse than being r-worded and nearly killed to spite your mother. I see all these FUCKING "TV Lydia >>> Comic Lydia" shit. What did this girl do? They make her seem like a monster for doing WHAT SHE WAS TAUGHT! If someone tells you "Hey, y'know red means go and green means stop" from the time you're 10, I bet you'd get hit by a fucking 18 wheeler. Another thing, that bitch was ANNOYING! Jesus Christ, I don't wanna sound one-sided but HOLY CRAP! Nothing against Cassady, but "WAAA, MY MAMA HATES ME!" Girl, stop. The Chandler Riggs situation- Stfu about this horse shit. It never happened. Kys. Free my man Chandler 💪 Empty fanbase- I can't do it. I can't fucking do it. I have to keep recycling the same comic Lydia images over and over and OVER AGAIN! There's hardly ANY fanart of her, hardly ANY edits, and the ONLY time I see anything with her "Me reacting to Lydia licking Carl's eye 🤓" These pussy baby bitches, bro. I'm literally alone here. Whenever I try to defend my point online, some overweight person behind a computer SHITS on my FUCKING point, leaving me looking like a damn idiot. All because I'm saying you shouldn't label a kid as a creep because she's scared. But NOOOOOOOOOO, one person says something and the fucking hivemind begins. I'm here with my SCRAPS of comic Lydia content. My SHITASS DRAWINGS, all because people, for some reason, want this girl dead. And with that, I will stfu. Idgaf. Suck my ass. Show Lydia sucks ass, (not) respectfully. I will defend comic Lydia 'til this earth blows. My girl deserves better. If comic Lydia has one fan, it's me. If she has zero fans, I'm dead. And, yes, I will keep being dramatic and rant about dumb shit I read online.
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ominous-horse-noises · 4 months
my last couple of fhjy posts have been popping off (by my blog's standards) so now i present to you: serious + unserious finale pt 2 predictions
Squeem makes a final heroic sacrifice for the bad kids. it is very emotional. Gorgug almost gets rage starred over it.
Gertie cameo in the post-fight epilogue + Kristen letting her down easy (I think Kristen's going to realise she's kind of been taking their flirtationship less seriously than Gertie and end it) -> also a possibility Kristen is going to see online/get a call from Tracker that Nara and Tracker have broken up but decides against trying to rebound back
The Rat Grinders (including Lucy) are resurrected by Ankarna and Fabian immediately gets an alert from his bank that he's gained 5 new nemesises: he is miffed that Mary Ann isnt one of them
The FBI agent shows up mid-battle trying to arrest Fig and all the bad kids yell at him to fuck off simultaneously. Adaine pushes him into lava.
Buddy pulls a Kristen and creates his version of Yes! out of Baccarath
Newly revived Yolanda boots Bobby Dawn out of her office and it's extremely satisfying
I dont think Brennan is going to reuse the deus ex machina of fhfy so Ayda and Aguefort are definitely only showing up post-fight, but Fig tells Ayda on the spot that she's dropping out to go travelling with her OR Fig very excitedly introduces Ayda to an uncorrupted Ankarna ("My girlfriend's back in town!!!")
K2 uncorrupts Cassandra in a move that makes Brennan leave the dome again. Zac once again has to narrate it.
Either Aelwyn or Ragh/Lydia show up during the battle as back up allies. Personally I hope it's Lydia because I'd love to see her confront Porter on the correct use of rage
Turns out TRGs they're fighting are simulacrums bc of their disproportionately small hp- ngl I'd hate this outcome, bc TRGs having shit coordination and hp feels like a justified consequence for them cheating the system, but it would make sense since Porter needs followers to become a god of rage and war, and he has to know these kids don't stand a chance considering TBKs obliterated the Last Stand
Adaine smug callback to resurrected Oisin's oracle taunt/killing his grandma but she fumbles the execution and hits him with an Adaine's Furious Fist instead. Bonus if Riz threatens to eat him
Mary Ann is revealed to have never been rage starred she's just here bc she was told by Porter that it was mandatory to attend
Bucky asks Kristen to meet Cassandra and very clearly begins to want to convert
Hallariel drops that she's actually pregnant during a tirade about Fabian crashing the house
Aguefort tells TRGs that they're being held back a year
'hey girlieeee' callback during climatic moment
Ecaf cameo
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bamboozledbird · 17 days
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IGNITE: A Teen Wolf S1 AU (Reader's Version) // Prev. / Chapter 4
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, fem!reader, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, OMC Pairing: Eventual Stiles x Reader, but man are we talking slow burn Word Count: 4.5k Warnings: Canon typical gore/violence, parental death (rip to your fake mom), depictions of depression (apathy, dissociation, 'numb little bug' vibes), alcohol as a coping mechanism, season 1 Lydia behavior (her comments on addiction are wrong and insensitive and she's knows it) Tags: Canon has been lovingly scrapped for parts, author is a chaotic bi and it shows, prolific overuse of the em dash, the slowest of burns i fear
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Summary: You can always smell ash long after the fire is gone. Perhaps, that’s why you still can’t breathe without choking on the past. It’s been four years since your mom died. Four years since she burned alive. Four years since you didn’t. You survived, but they must have buried your heart with her because most days you feel like a shadow, some horrifically sad creature caught halfway between a ghost and a lamb for slaughter. 
You can’t scrub the bitter smell of hospital from your memories, not even with denial. Maybe, that’s why death and disease follows Stiles wherever he goes now. It’s been eight years since his mom died. Eight years since he didn’t. Eight years since he decided that he wouldn’t let anyone he loved die ever again. He survived, but Beacon Hills’ bloody underbelly is making it pretty damn hard for him to keep his promise.
Time never stops turning. The grief never dissipates. Children soldier on—but in a town where all the monsters under the bed are real, and old family secrets rattle in every closet, how long can two fragile, breakable humans survive?
Maybe, the real question is: How long will they want to?
Chapter Summary: Your life somehow becomes further entangled with Stiles and Scott's strange secret world, and Lydia is concerned in her own aggressive way. 
A/N: this is in fact a scott mccall stan account. i love that boy like he's my own. you can also check me out on ao3 (dork_knight) for the full lore version!
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The drive home was ultimately uneventful. No need for tasers, silver bullets, or wolfsbane goop. You would need to get gas before you left for school in the morning, but you supposed that was a relatively minor inconvenience when the other end of the scale was being torn apart by a fanged monster. 
Your jaw cracked with an aggressive yawn as you slowly stumbled through the garage door, fumbling for the light switch on the wall. You flicked on the light and paused, shivering a little as the cold air from the vent above your head skimmed over your bare arms. After a moment of hesitation, when that little persistent wriggling in your ear wouldn’t go away, you ducked back down the concrete steps to poke around the garbage can. Underneath a few Styrofoam take-out boxes, there were four empty beer bottles. The glass bottles clinked against each other as you nudged them out of the way, unearthing the real object of your paranoia. A drained bottle of 100-proof rye whiskey was cradled between two sacks of trash from the night before. You just stared at the bottles, heart and lungs wound tight, and then you dropped the lid back on top of the can.  
When you reentered the house, you were careful to keep the noise to a minimum. It wasn’t that late, only a little past nine, but you didn’t want to disrupt your dad’s slumber. Usually, he was a night owl—which, of course, was really just a pretty way of saying chronic insomniac, another thing you’d inherited from him—but it’d been a hard liquor night. Your dad always went to bed early on hard liquor nights. You didn’t know if he actually slept or if he stared at the ceiling, watching memories play on spackle until dawn streamed through the cracks in the blinds. Probably the first. You hadn’t ever heard him cry through the thin walls, not even once. You, however, couldn’t ever stop crying, not on the nights you trembled for something potent enough to mask the scent of the coconut oil your mom used to remove her makeup. The echoes of your mother had seeped into the walls, saturated the insulation with the faint sounds of the 70s pop rock vinyls she put on when she was in a good mood. They faded sometimes, but they always came back. You desperately hoped, and you hopelessly feared, that they always would. 
You rubbed at your eyes with the back of your hands aggressively and slipped under the covers, still in your plaid skirt and black t-shirt. Mascara smeared against your silk pillowcase, blurred your vision as it melted into your waterline. You stared at the wall until the silver swirls in the teal wallpaper started to sway. The teal was so dark it almost looked velvet with the lights off, and you had a heavy-eyed impulse to stroke it, but your hand was too leadened to lift. 
Your lids slipped shut, and in the haze between consciousness and slumber you felt the vague sensation of something solid against the back of your head. You murmured something incomprehensible and pulled your arms closer to your chest, taking in a breath of sharp whisky and a familiar woody cologne. You kept your eyes closed, and the warm weight cupped your skull for a moment. There was a brief kiss pressed against the top of your head and then the warmth was gone. Something large caught in your throat, and you squeezed your eyelids until your forehead wrinkled, forcing yourself to fall into a restless sleep filled with dreams of pancakes swimming in bourbon and howling beasts. 
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Stiles was waiting for you by your locker when you arrived at school the next day. His friend—Scott, you reminded herself—was leaning against the locker next to him. Scott’s eyelids were heavy, and there was a coolness underneath them that stained his tan skin with a swathe of puce. Puce: From the French term ‘couleur puce,’ meaning ‘flea color.’  You dug your incisor into your tongue once you recognized that the intrusive internal narration was in Stiles’s voice. You didn’t even know if he spoke French, but it seemed like the kind of weird detail he’d know. You ran your tongue over your teeth and shoved your fists into your jacket pockets, thumb poking through the hole in the lining from previous twiddling—when the hell did you start thinking about the kinds of things Stiles would and wouldn’t know?  
You pivoted sharply, and your traitorous leather boots ruined your attempted exit when they squeaked against the freshly waxed floor. Stiles’s head popped up from his hushed conversation with Scott, and he waved vigorously when he made eye contact with you, “Hey! C’mere!”
You tipped your gaze towards the tiled ceiling and sighed. It was inevitable, really; you had to get your English binder before homeroom—homeroom, yet another reason to hate Wednesdays. It was one of your few classes with Lydia, and there wasn’t ever any actual teaching to distract you from the disgusting goo-goo eyes she gave her boyfriend. Studying was your only respite.
“Patience,” you nudged Stiles out of the way and spun your combination into the padlock, “work on it. It’s an essential skill.”
Stiles scoffed and leaned his shoulder against the locker next to yours, arms folded over his chest, “Essential. There’s nothing essential about wasting time. It’s actually unvirtuous if you think about it.” 
You swung her locker door open, blocking out Stiles’s frown, and rested your backpack on your knee so that you could unzip it. “Was there a point in there somewhere, or are you stalking me again?”
Stiles ducked around the locker door and placed his hands on Scott’s shoulders, shoving him a little closer to you, “Scott had a question for you.”
Scott’s eyes didn’t look so tired when he reared his head back to stare at Stiles. They had an intense conversation for a moment. There weren’t any words exchanged, but you got the gist: Scott was pissed, and Stiles was relentless. In the end, Scott lost the battle and swallowed thickly, “So, uh, you know a lot about supernatural stuff. That’s cool.” Stiles rolled his eyes and smacked the back of Scott’s head. Scott glared at him before mumbling, “Do you have any more of that wolfsbane…potion?” towards his muddy Converse. 
You directed your annoyance over Scott’s shoulder, more than confident that the real culprit of this request was the idiot avoiding your eye-line. “What? You already burned through your goo sample? Are the streets finally free from the demon beast of Beacon Hills?”
Stiles held up his hands and shook his head, “This is all Scott. See, me, I’m a fan of not being a greedy little bastard, but Scott—” This time Scott smacked Stiles with a resounding thwack. Stiles rubbed his shoulder, mouth agawk with indignation. 
“He…dropped it.” Scott glowered at the side of Stiles’s face, “‘Doing something stupid.” 
You smirked, “Sounds about right.” You shoved your binder into your backpack and brushed your hairs out of your eyes, “I’d give it all away for free, but it’s not up to me. Sorry.” Zipping your backpack shut, you slung one of the straps over your shoulder and shrugged, “You could always buy some more, but I’d strongly advise against such a dumb financial investment.”
Scott rubbed the back of his neck and gave you a smile. It was small but riddled with warmth—like he just couldn’t help it, like sunshine leaked through every one of his pores, and you were filled with the sudden urge to buy the stupid wolfsbane gunk for him. “That’s what I figured,” Scott looked at Stiles pointedly. His voice dropped a few octaves and a growl slipped into the end of his sentence, “But someone thought we should ask anyway.” 
The bell rang, and Scott flinched, smashing one of his ears into his shoulder. He turned around, a little dazed, and Stiles trailed after him after giving her a distracted wave. As you watched them leave, a parasitic impulse wrangled through your throat, prying the hinge of your jaw open as you shouted, “Hey!” The hallway was abuzz with various conversations and clomping feet, but your voice was still a bit too loud for the short distance between you and definitely too urgent for 7:45 in the morning. 
Stiles turned around first, almost tripping over his sneakers, and then he yanked on the scarlet hood of Scott’s jacket until he stopped too. You shifted your weight from one foot to the other and licked your bottom lip, suddenly realizing how dry it was. “I, uh,” you sighed and took a few steps forward so that you didn’t have to raise your voice, “I could talk to Maggie. I bet she’d cut you a deal if I asked.” You let out a little laugh and raked your fingers through your hair, accidentally dislodging the satin bow tying your hair out of your face. “I know, actually. I know she’d give you some for free. She’s a terrible business woman.” 
Scott’s smile put the moon to shame, and Stiles looked like he’d been waiting for you to change your mind since the moment you told them no—when the hell did he start thinking about what you would and wouldn’t do? 
“That would be awesome,” Scott ducked down to grab your black ribbon and held it out to you with an open palm, “thank you. I’d owe you big time.”
Stiles looped his arm around Scott’s shoulders and smirked, “We’d. We’d owe you. I’ll stop by the store and bless you with my scintillating conversation sometime.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” you smiled softly at Scott, taking your ribbon from his hand. You attempted to tie your hair back in a neat bow, but it was difficult without a mirror. You assumed it was halfway decent because Stiles didn’t take the opportunity to tease you—you, on the other hand, had no such qualms about mocking him. You smiled at Stiles, far too sweetly to be considered congenial, and sneered, “Seriously. Don’t worry about it.” 
Stiles’s eyes narrowed, face curved around a smirk that screamed trouble, and Scott slapped his hand over Stiles’s mouth before he could say something to make you reconsider, “Thanks again. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to pay you back. Name it, and we’re there.” Stiles winked at you with a glint in his eye that was as vexing as it was bright, and Scott rolled his eyes as he hauled him away by the nylon material of his backpack, “C’mon, dude. My mom’s gonna kill me if I’m late again.”
You watched Stiles’s buzzed head bob amidst the congested crowd of students, all shoving each other in their rush to get to class on time, until you couldn’t hear his surly complaints anymore. You rubbed your hand over your chapped lips, swallowing hollowly, like you could erase every impulsive word that’d spilt from your stupid mouth.
You were still thinking about what you’d gotten yourself into when you walked into Mrs. Farias’s classroom—and that must be why you forgot your copy of Metamorphosis in your locker. You groaned internally and dropped your forehead against your desk, bumping it against the cool laminate finish a few times, before ducking out the door with a hall pass. 
The halls were empty—silent too. You could hear your own footsteps and the tick of the large clock above the main office as you walked around the corner, and then, just as you approached the hallway your locker was in, you heard something else. Voices. Angry voices. One familiar—your face scrunched as the recognition wriggled through your ears to your brain—and one not. You cautiously glanced around the corner and frowned. Jackson, Lydia’s arrogant prick of a boyfriend, was talking to a hulking, leather-clad stranger—or rather infuriating him based on the murderous look in the man’s dark eyes. 
The stranger looked a good five years too old to be in a high school hallway, but the grown-out stubble and over-defined muscles weren’t of immediate concern. You were more focused on the color of his face. His skin was pale, clammy, and quite honestly a little corpse-like thanks to the purply-blue tinge carving out the hollows of his face. You assumed that he was too strung-out to care if anyone noticed their altercation because you could hear him from halfway across the hall. 
“Where’s Scott McCall?” His voice was deep and gravelly, as expected, but there was a desperate undertone you hadn’t anticipated.
You could only see the back of Jackson’s head, but you knew exactly what his face was doing when he puffed out his chest and folded his arms—no one else could make a smirk look quite so punchable. It was a gift, truly. “And why should I tell you?” “Because I asked you politely,” the man leaned forward, bared his canines, and you couldn’t believe that Jackson didn’t even flinch, “and I only do that once.”
“Okay, tough guy,” Jackson sneered, meeting the man’s challenge with another step forward and a shrug that reeked of false-superiority, “how ‘bout I help you find him if you tell me what you’re selling him. What is it? Dianabol? HGH?”
“Steroids,” the man’s voice was dry, and if he didn’t look like he was about to double over and puke all over the floor, you’d say the menacing glimmer in his eyes was a little amused. 
“No, Girl Scout cookies. What the hell do you think I’m talking about?” Jackson tutted, maddeningly haughty, and shook his head, “By the way, whatever it is you’re selling, I’d stop sampling the merchandise.” He let out a low patronizing whistle, and you kind of hoped that the stranger would suckerpunch him in the throat for it. “You look wrecked.”
The man didn’t punch him. Instead, he pushed himself off of the locker he was slumped against and started staggering stiffly down the hall, “I’ll find him myself.”
Jackson grabbed onto his broad shoulder and yanked. The veins in his bicep bulged with the strength of grasp, “We’re not done here.”
Your limbs suddenly remembered how to function. You ducked back behind the brick wall and closed your eyes, waiting for the inevitable sounds of bone colliding into flesh. Your right eye cracked open a sliver when the noise never came. Instead, there was a loud thud and the echo of clanging metal. You peeked around the corner again and froze, eyes wide and throat dry. Jackson was pinned against a locker by his neck. You’d already noticed that the stranger was tall, but you didn’t truly realize just how large he was until now. Jackson was a lot of things, but he wasn’t small. He was captain of the lacrosse team—everyone within a ten-mile radius knew that thanks to his constant reminders—and if anyone on campus was taking steroids, he would’ve been your first guess. But next to this sickly beast of a man, Jackson looked meek and mousey, and you didn’t even get to savor it. After a brief moment, no more than a second, Jackson’s assailant sniffed the air and slowly turned his head in your direction. It wasn’t an accident; he wasn’t surveying his surroundings. His eyes landed on yours, and he didn’t look the least bit surprised. 
The man’s irises were dark, nearly black, and they didn’t stray from your face. You forgot how to breathe, feeling distinctly like a rabbit trapped in a fox den as your heartbeat hammered against your ribs. He spared you after a few seconds of paralyzing eye-contact and turned his petrifying gaze back to Jackson’s neck. You recoiled, slipping back to your spot around the wall, and pressed your back against the bricks until the sound of your heartbeat wasn’t so loud in your ears. 
When you found the courage to look down the hall again, the man was gone, and Jackson was bleeding from the back of his neck. There were four distinct punctures along his cervical spine, trickling crimson droplets onto the stark white collar of his polo. The gouges were small, almost like…nail marks. Baffling. This town was fuckin’ baffling.
You poured over the incident all day, barely conscious enough to take down notes and roll your eyes at Stiles’s badgering and bad jokes. You’d never been more ready for the final bell to ring, not even during sex education with the extraordinarily sweaty Mr. Peterson. 
You twisted your pendant around its onyx chain as you walked out of your last period, winding and unwinding the charm over and over again as you mulled over your thoughts. Scott didn’t seem like he was on drugs. You didn’t exactly know him, but he was the least aggressive person you’d ever met, and he had to be eternally patient if Stiles was his best friend. You spun the medallion again and shouldered your way through the cramped halls to the parking lot, scolding yourself. What Scott McCall did or did not inject into his bloodstream wasn’t any of your business…even if his alleged dealer looked like he was on death’s door and had a habit of throwing teenage boys around when he got mad. 
You’d just convinced yourself that you didn’t care what happened to Stiles’s best friend when a discord of honking stopped you in your tracks. You flitted your gaze around the parking lot, searching for the cause of obnoxiously loud cacophony; your shoulders wilted along with your resolve when you spotted the guilty party. The man from the hallway was sprawled on the asphalt, and Scott and Stiles were scrambling to help him off of the ground. 
Your feet reluctantly trudged towards the peculiar trio, arms tightly folded over your cropped sweater. You would’ve laughed at how wide Stiles’s eye stretched when he finally noticed your presence, but you were a little preoccupied with the fact that he was currently trying to stuff a ghoulish grown man into his front seat. You watched him struggle to hold up approximately 200 pounds of solid muscle with his spindly arms, absentmindedly lamenting that you couldn’t truly appreciate the humor of the situation. “Hey,” you slanted your head and searched Stiles’s face for any sign of an SOS signal, “you good?”
“Ayup,” Stiles nodded emphatically, and Scott shot you a weak thumbs-up from his squat next to his tipped-over bike. 
You looked between the two of them, waiting for the truth to crack through the awkward pretense, and narrowed your eyes, “You sure?” 
“We’re good,” the man barked from inside the jeep, teeth bared. It was a little less intimidating now that he was slumped over and at the mercy of a sixteen-year-old with a dork complex, but you still flinched. You couldn’t help it. It was a small twitch, but Scott still managed to track the minute movement from his low perch. He glared at the man, shockingly firm for such a sweet-faced boy, until the stranger stopped scowling at you. Mr. Sour Face turned his head towards the window and stared intensely at the hazy tree line over the hill. Your fingers relaxed. You hadn’t even realized that you’d dug your nails in your palms until the stinging stopped. 
Scott jumped to his feet and pulled his bike up by the handles, rushing through his weak explanation, “Stiles is just…doing me a favor. Derek needs a ride, and all I’ve got is my bike.”
Letting out a flimsy snort, your brow pinched, “So…he walked here?”
“Uh,” Scott squinted, and Stiles nodded behind him, “yeah?” 
You pursed your lips, ignoring all the students who’d started shouting over the beeping horns, and watched Derek grit his teeth and clench his fists through the dashboard window. You looked back at Stiles and chewed on your lip. Stiles was taller than you, but he was on the scrawnier side of lean and wouldn’t stand a chance against a man of Derek’s size—even if he was barely clinging to the rapidly fraying threads of consciousness. “I could use a ride to work,” you pulled the backseat door open before you could talk yourself out of it. 
Stiles lurched towards you and slammed the door shut, narrowly avoiding your fingers, “Normally, I would seize any opportunity to have you further indebted to me, but—that’s Lydia Martin.” His eyes bulged out of his head, and he leaned against his jeep, slipping down the blue frame as his legs went boneless, “Walking towards me. Cool. Cool, cool, cool.”
The prospect of riding in the same car with Mr. Resting Bitchface was being more appealing by the second. Lydia didn’t even look in Stiles’s direction. Her cutting green eyes were fixed on you and you alone. “Are you an idiot?” Lydia snatched your wrist, mauve manicure digging into the delicate skin on the inside of your wrist, and yanked you back to the sidewalk.
“What?” you went brainless for a moment, taking in all the glory of an enraged Lydia Martin. 
Lydia’s cheeks were flushed pink from anger and adrenaline, “Or just suicidal?”
The shock had worn off. Now, you were thoroughly pissed, “What?”
Lydia’s eyebrows, perfectly tapered and freshly threaded, knitted together until she was in danger of developing a unibrow, “Do you have any idea who you were about to get in a car with?”
Your eyes flicked to the side, and it took gargantuan strength not to roll them too. “Stiles?”
“What the hell is a Stiles?” Lydia’s riptide of fury gave way to confusion, but her soft features sharpened abruptly when she returned her attention to your scowl, “I meant Derek Hale. Obviously.”
Your hip cocked to the side as you crossed your arms, “And?”
“And he’s a murder suspect,” Lydia’s lips curled into a vehement sneer. It was so strange to finally see it first-hand. Lydia had such a sweet face, cherub cheeks and doe eyes—a clever smile. She hadn’t quite mastered disdain when you were friends; the ice queen routine wasn’t performance ready until you’d drifted apart. It was an awful face, you decided; it completely erased the last few pieces of the Lydia you knew.
“In an animal attack,” you muttered under your breath. 
Evidently, it had been a long time since someone dared to disagree with the Lydia Martin because she was struck speechless. It didn’t last for long, but it was still satisfying. “He’s dangerous,” Lydia hissed. “He went completely off the deep end after his family died. Seriously, his life is like a textbook precursor to violent behavior; he’s a profiler’s wet dream.”
“Because his family died,” you repeated. The numbness eroded some of the snark in your voice. 
Lydia either didn’t notice or didn’t care about the glaze creeping over your eyes. She continued, barbarous and unashamed, “Because he watched them turn into charcoal, and his sister was just ripped in half. At best, he’s unstable—but his little hobby of trolling for minors is a bit of a red flag, don’t you think?”
“Charcoal,” you spoke—more of an echo really with its resonating hollowness. Your eyes were on Lydia’s face, but your mind was somewhere far away. A lifetime ago, with the ashes of everything you once knew. 
Lydia’s eyes went wide, and her mouth gaped into a perfect little ‘o.’ Her dainty fingers twitched by her sides, and then she smoothed out the non-existent wrinkles in her flouncy mini-skirt. “Most of his family died in a fire,” her voice was much softer this time, a bit of tenderness accidentally rooting through the cracks in her veneer. Lydia looked away and gripped the thin strap of her handbag, “Accidental house fire. It was all over the news like five years ago.”
You stared at Lydia, and for the first time in the last four years, you didn’t miss her. For the first time in such a mind-numbingly long time, your anger strangled your heartache with a wrought-iron grip that felt a whole lot like hate. It was always going to be like this, you realized. You would just have to walk around with all these what-ifs, if-onlys, and what-really-happeneds needling your heart with every thud—always. You had to learn to live with this: knowing that Lydia was never going to apologize and that there would be no closure. Ever. 
“Right.” You laughed, shark-like, with your canines on display. You hoped it would make all your constants sharper. “So he’s gotta be a lunatic now.”
“Y/N…” It was surreal to hear your name out of Lydia’s mouth after so long. You didn’t know if you liked it, and, currently, you didn’t even know if you cared. Lydia chewed off what was left of her nude lipstick and then squared her shoulders, “So we’re just going to pretend that he wasn’t completely strung-out and totally embracing the heroin-chic aesthetic?”
You slanted your head a bit and then let out another serrated laugh. There wasn’t any point in having it out, you decided, because Lydia didn’t care. She got to move on and erase your entire existence—live her perfect, popular girl life without all this suffocating quicksand binding her to the past. Must be nice, you thought venomously, souring your tongue, stinging your eyes. Showers were probably just showers for Lydia. She didn’t singe her skin until the water went cold, imagining what she’d do, what she’d say—how she’d hurt her back. Must be so fucking nice.
“Lydia, I really don’t think you really want to get into all the things we’re pretending,” your voice was tight, strangled at the ends. You would not cry. You could not cry. Lydia sensed weakness like blood in the water, and you refused to give her the satisfaction. 
“Fine,” Lydia’s curls spilled down her back like strawberry wine as she pivoted in her designer heels, “ride off into the sunset with a 'roid-raging creep. Don’t act surprised when you turn up dead in a crack den.” 
Truthfully, Lydia had a point, but at this moment being contrary seemed far more important than being right. “It’s kind of difficult to act like anything when you’re dead,” you called, eyes zeroed-in on the back of her head as she slid into Jackson’s Porsche with a sensual grace you would never possess. Lydia was too far away to hear your retort, but you felt a little less like punching something after you said it. 
You didn’t notice that Stiles and Scott were gone until the threat of bitter tears stopped burning your sinuses. The last thing you needed was to cry like this upset you, even if the only nearby witness left on the vacant sidewalk was yourself. You scoured the parking lot for even a flash of powder blue, but the jeep was nowhere to be seen. Probably long gone by now—your spat with Lydia must have taken longer than you thought. It was certainly louder than you meant it to be. Little clusters of ambling students were looking at you a little too long to be casual, and the indiscreet whispering once they turned back to their friends forced your legs forward. 
You didn’t know where you were going when you started your car, but far, far away sounded pretty damn good.
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strangerstilinski · 1 year
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Stiles Stilinski / Original Female Character
TW | S2
chapter seven
fic summary; as if the last month and a half hadn't been stressful enough – now there were a few more werewolves, a kanima, and a seriously disturbed old man added into the mix. but amber, stiles, and scott could totally handle it. it would be fine. everything was great.
word count; 19k
warnings; the possibly triggering scene from the show with Jackson being creepy in the locker room, slight gore maybe?, eventual explicit sexual content, oral sex (both m and f), fluff fluff and more fluff
chapter notes; the group tries to figure out who's been controlling jackson all this time. ben davis makes a brief return as my own personal plot device. stiles is his typically over-dramatic self and amber is, as usual, super into it.
c h a p t e r s e v e n
Amber's nerves had her nearly dropping her phone to the floor of her car as she climbed behind the wheel while simultaneously trying to get ahold of Stiles. Fingers of her free hand fumbled over the touchscreen, already turning her key in the ignition as the call began to ring through. Stiles was answering before the first trill through the speaker had even finished sounding out, his voice frantic.
"Why the hell haven't you been answering your phone?" He shouted through the speaker, the pitch of his voice higher than normal.
"Is Scott still with you?" She asked immediately, taking the turn off of her street a touch too quickly than was probably good for her tires, "Because I was just with Lydia and-"
"Jackson escaped." Scott's voice supplied through the phone.
"He what?" Amber squeaked, letting off the clutch to shift gears and increase the speed of the car that much more, "Guys he's not-"
"Yeah, he got out and the asshole went straight to the police," Stiles told her, "His dad's here and my dad's pissed and Scott's mom is on her way down to the station."
"You guys are at the station?" She cursed, slamming on the breaks so she could make a messy three point turn and backtrack in the direction of the Sheriff's station.
"Yeah, and we're totally screwed," Stiles was telling her as she reoriented her car in the right direction, "My dad said the Whittemore's are filing a restraining order against Scott and I. As soon as Scott's mom gets here my dad has to read out the terms and-"
"Stiles!" Amber interrupted sharply, "That sucks but it's not important right now, okay? Lydia translated part of the kanima entry from the bestiary-"
"How'd she do that?" Scott cut in.
"She knows Archaic Latin, Scott. Now shut up and listen to me," Amber snapped as she turned onto the next street, "Mrs. Morrell translated it wrong! The kanima doesn't seek a friend, alright? The kanima seeks a master! Which means someone's controlling Jackson-"
"Woah, what?" Stiles exclaimed through the speaker.
"Stiles, you said that Jackson still didn't believe you when you were explaining everything to him earlier, right?" She asked, shifting gears as she went around a sharp corner.
"Yeah, pretty much." Stiles agreed.
"Well, so- If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing then he must not know someone's even controlling him." Amber deduced.
"Or he doesn't remember." Scott supplied.
"What if it's the same kinda thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?" Stiles questioned.
"Right!" Amber recalled, "Like a fugue state-"
Scott's voice came through the phone again, "But then he'd have to forget everything.. The murder-"
"Getting rid of all the blood-" Amber offered up, an image flashing behind her eyes of Jackson's bloodied body at the nightclub. She thought of how he would've had to have washed the blood away himself after he'd killed Tucker, and Isaac's dad, and then the hunter-
"Yeah," Stiles agreed, "He had help with one thing though.. The video. Someone else helped him forget that." He reminded them of the erased footage.
"Whoever's controlling him." Scott said quietly.
The tires of Amber's car squealed quietly in protest as she peeled into the parking lot at the station and jerked to a slightly crooked stop between the painted white lines.
"Jackson thinks that being with Lydia somehow made him immune and, like, delayed the whole werewolf bite thing-" Amber told them, throwing herself from the vehicle and nearly falling to the pavement in her haste to slam the door shut behind her, "Where exactly are you guys?"
"What d'you mean?" Stiles asked in confusion as Amber pushed the front door to the station open, "I told you we're down at the station-"
"Yeah, so am I," She panted slightly, adrenaline still pumping in her veins from the wild drive from her house, "So where are you guys?"
She let her phone drop from her ear to her shoulder as she stepped up to the door that led to the interrogation rooms, only to find the door locked, the handle stiff and unmoving when she jiggled it. She turned to cast an incredulous look at the female deputy who was watching her from behind the front desk and Amber gestured wildly at the door with her free hand.
"Tara, I know you recognize me," Amber said in exasperation, "C'mon, buzz me in-"
Tara frowned, slowly eyeing the girl's frazzled state, but pressed her finger down on the button to unlock entry into the hallway. Amber sighed gratefully as she rushed through, nearly running straight into Stiles' chest when she stepped into the hall at the same time that he and Scott stumbled out of the room at the front end of the corridor.
"Jesus!" She exclaimed in surprise as her boyfriend's hands came up to steady her.
She abandoned her phone completely, ending the call and shoving it into her pocket as she looked at her best friends.
"We need to find out who's controlling him." Scott quietly continued their conversation from before.
"D'you think he'll talk to us?" Amber questioned, "I mean.. After what we did? Kidnapping him and all?"
Stiles shrugged, "Yeah, it's us. He'll talk to us," He nodded before catching Amber's unsure frown, "..Right?"
It was at that moment that Sheriff Stilinski stepped out from a room further down the hall and cast a disappointed look at the three teens.
"Scott, your mom just pulled in. So, you boys get your asses into this room," He said firmly, "Now."
Stiles and Scott lowered their heads and followed the order, moving down the hall and into the larger interrogation room. Ms. McCall hurried past Amber only a moment later and the girl immediately moved to follow but Sheriff Stilinski held up a hand in signal for her to stop.
"No." He said simply.
Amber spluttered, taking another aborted step forward, "Wh- But- If I could just-"
"This doesn't concern you," He told her firmly before raising his eyebrows in question, "Does it?"
"Um.. No?" She told him cautiously.
"Then you stay out here." He said, giving her a serious look before moving into the room himself, leaving the door into the hallway open behind him.
Amber moved to the edge of the doorway, attempting to listen closely to what was going on just on the other side of the wall. Ms. McCall hovered at the edge of the room, her arms crossed over the scrub top she was still wearing after having rushed down to the station straight from work.
"Scott. Stiles. This is going to apply to both of you, so listen to me very closely," The Sheriff said in a stern voice, "You will not go within fifty feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him.. You will not approach him.. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically."
"What about school?" Stiles questioned immediately.
His father sighed, "You both can attend classes while attempting to maintain a fifty foot distance."
Amber shook her head, unsure how such a thing was possible when they shared so many classes with the other boy in addition to lacrosse.
"Bu- Okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time-" Stiles started, words rambling together quickly as Amber clenched her eyes shut and silently willed him to stop talking while he continued, "-And there's only two stalls available, and those two stalls are right next to each other?"
There was a brief silence and Amber brought her fingers up to pinch the bridge of her nose in exasperation.
"-I'll just hold it." Stiles said quietly after a few moments.
A few minutes later, Stiles' father was leading him out of the room with a hand fisted in the collar of the boy's sweatshirt, "Do I need to remind you how lucky we are that they're not pressing charges?" The Sheriff demanded.
"Oh, come on! It was a joke!" Stiles attempted to justify their actions.
Amber had to physically fight the urge to press the palm of her hand against her forehead in vexation.
"It was a joke?" Sheriff Stilinski repeated incredulously.
"Yes!" Stiles agreed quickly, "I didn't think it would be taken this seriously. Dad, humor's very subjective, okay? We're talking, like, multiple levels of interpretation here."
His father's gaze cut to Amber and she stepped forward slowly as if pulled by the weight of his glare.
"You and Stiles have a pretty similar sense of humor," Sheriff Stilinski pointed out, "How would you interpret the situation? You think it was funny?" He questioned sternly.
"I, um.." She bit down on her lip as her eyes bounced between her boyfriend and his father, "Not.. Not wildly funny."
'Traitor' Stiles motioned with his lips silently, shaking his head at her cowardice under his father's attention.
"Uh huh," Sheriff Stilinski looked between them with narrowed eyes for a moment before refocusing on his son, "Well, uh, how exactly am I supposed to interpret the stolen prison transport van, huh?"
Stiles spluttered, hands waving around wildly, "We filled the tank!"
His father raised his hands with a deep breath as he stepped away, removing himself from the conversation entirely with a shake of his head and leaving the two of them alone in the narrow hall.
"A prank?" Amber hissed, landing a hard punch to her boyfriend's shoulder, "You told them it was a prank?"
"What? Like you had a better excuse lined up?" He questioned while he rubbed at the sore spot on his arm. Amber's face pinched as she tried to quickly come up with something and Stiles nodded at her after a few seconds of silence, "Yeah, that's what I thought, smartass."
Her eyes narrowed at his words, "You are infuriating sometimes, y'know that?" She muttered quietly.
Stiles' lips pulled into a slow grin, his cheek dimpling as his eyes flicked over her frustrated expression. He noted the way she'd petulantly crossed her arms before his gaze trailed back up to her face, "Infuriating in a way that kinda makes you wanna kiss me to shut me up?" He questioned in quiet optimism.
She glared despite the flutter in her stomach at his words, "No."
Stiles took a step closer, his palms dragging softly up and down over her upper arms, "You sure? Because I could keep saying infuriating things if that'll-"
"Move!" Ms. McCall yelled at her son sharply as she shoved him out of the interrogation room and they stepped out into the hall, "It's not just this. Although, a restraining order is a new low that I didn't think you would reach quite this soon." She scolded loudly.
Amber and Stiles both winced as Scott followed closely behind his mother, the family unit walking a few steps past where the couple had been loitering.
"-It's everything on top of it!" Ms. McCall continued, spinning around to face her son with a disappointed look, "The completely bizarre behavior, the late nights coming home, having to beg Mr. Harris to let you make up that Chemistry test that you missed-"
"I missed a Chemistry test?" Scott questioned in genuine confusion.
"Really, Scott? Really?" His mother shook her head with a deep sigh, "I- I have to ground you. I'm grounding you. You.. Are grounded."
Amber blinked in surprise. She couldn't remember a single time in their lives when Scott's mom had been angry enough with him to do such a thing. He'd been punished, sure – lots of times – but never to the point of a grounding.
"What about work?" Scott questioned immediately.
"Fine. Other than work." His mother acquiesced, "And no TV." She added as an afterthought.
Scott merely shrugged, "My TV's broken."
Amber shook her head silently and tried to catch his eye, pleading for her best friend to shut up.
"Then no computer." Ms. McCall said easily.
"..I need the computer for school." Scott said slowly.
His mother's face pinched in annoyance, "Then no, uh.." Her gaze drifted over Scott's shoulder, eyes catching on her son's best friends. Her face seemed to light up with an idea, "No Stiles and no Amber."
Amber squeaked in protest, "Wh-"
"No Stiles?" Stiles repeated, voice high.
"No! No Stiles! No Amber!" Ms. McCall repeated with more authority than before, looking back to her son again, "And no more car privileges. Give me your key-"
Scott reared a small step back in response to his mother's words, "But-"
"Give 'em to me!" Ms. McCall snapped.
Scott pulled his keyring from the pocket of his jeans and handed it over weakly. The three teens all watched his mother pulled frantically at the split ring, trying to separate the pieces enough to slip the car key off of the loop with clumsy fingers and working herself up further the more that she struggled.
"Oh, for the love of God." Ms. McCall muttered with a frustrated sniffle.
Scott reached out toward her with caution, "Mom, do you want me to-"
"No." His mother snapped.
"Mom, come on. Just let me- Mom!" Scott pleaded, his hand wrapping around her shaking ones to grip the keys, "Mom."
Ms. McCall sniffled again and Amber took a small step back, her knuckles knocking lightly against Stiles' before he tangled their fingers together wordlessly.
"What is going on with you?" Ms. McCall asked quietly, "Is this about Allison?"
Scott turned his head to shoot his friends a pleading look and Amber instinctively chewed at her lower lip, knowing exactly how badly Scott wanted to come clean about all of the supernatural crap that had suddenly infiltrated their lives.
"Do you really wanna know?" Scott asked his mom slowly.
Stiles began to shake his head vehemently at Scott as Ms. McCall begged her son to explain what his problem was. Scott looked to his friends desperately once more and Amber gave him a small shrug as Stiles continued to silently display his disapproval.
"-Is this about your dad?" Ms. McCall asked weakly.
The question seemed to catch him off guard and Scott was still trying to decide on his next words when his mom continued.
"It is, isn't it?" Her gaze caught on Amber and Stiles still hovering just a few feet away and her posture straightened up with a final sniffle, "Okay, you know what? Um, we'll talk about this at home. I'm- I'm gonna go get the car."
They all watched her go with varying expressions of dismay and Scott waited until the door at the end of the hallway sealed shut with a click before turning to face his friends fully.
"I'm the worst son ever." Scott said with a shattered look.
"Well, I'm not exactly winning any prizes either." Stiles countered easily.
"It's gonna be okay," Amber assured them, her voice coming out sounding less firm than she'd intended, "It- It is gonna be okay, right?" She asked after a moment as she looked between them anxiously.
Stiles wrapped his arm around her neck, their joined hands coming up to rest at her shoulder as he pulled her into his chest, words muffled slightly in her hair, "Yeah. Yeah, everything's gonna be fine."
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Upon arriving home, Amber was entirely surprised to find her brother standing in their living room. His shift had only started at the fire station a few hours before, so she wasn't expecting to see him for another eighteen hours, but he was currently dragging his feet across the hardwood restlessly as he paced back and forth across the space.
His attention snapped up at the sound of the front door closing as Amber dropped her keys onto the table in the entryway, his face pinching in a tight frown the moment his gaze found her.
"Jase..?" She asked cautiously as she toed off her shoes, "Is uh, is everything okay?"
"Get in here. And sit." He demanded, gesturing vaguely in the direction of the couch.
"Okay.." She said slowly, stepping into the room, "What's-"
"Amber Evangeline Callisto-"
The girl's eyes widened at the use of her full name, something she was nearly certain she hadn't heard in a scolding since their mother had been alive.
"-Sit. Down." Jason finished sternly, the volume of his voice was wholly surprising and Amber's butt landed on the couch immediately.
"I- Um, I'm going to take a wild guess from the fact that you're, y'know, here, and the deeply pissed off look on your face.. And assume that Sheriff Stilinski called you?" She pulled her socked feet up underneath herself on the cushions nervously, eyes focused on her brother's stiff jaw as he clenched it in anger.
Jason ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the strands as he looked around the room and neither confirmed nor denied her assumtion, "Am I supposed to confiscate your phone and take away your car keys?" He questioned frantically, "Lock you in your bedroom and just.. Homeschool you? Is that what it's gonna take to keep your ass out of trouble, or what?"
She balked, "I- I'm not even in trouble! Jackson only filed for restraining orders against-"
"If you honestly think that I am gonna believe you didn't have anything to do with this so-called 'joke' your knucklehead best friends pulled-" He took an angry breath that sounded loudly through his nose, "Do you think that I'm stupid? Or just insanely fucking unobservant?"
"Well, I -"
"Amber, I am fucking trying here, okay?" His voice cracked and Amber felt a little like her heart might have cracked too as she watched her brother's internal struggle, "I feel like I'm just watching you kids spiral out of control and I don't know what I'm supposed to do about it-"
"You don't- You're not doing anything wrong-"
"Well clearly I am!" He yelled suddenly. His own shout seemed to catch him off guard and he sat down on the edge of the coffee table in front of her with a sigh, "I- I don't know what I'm doing. It's been four years and I still feel like I'm fucking drowning sometimes, trying to be your parent and your brother at the same time."
"I'm sorry." She spoke quietly, her voice thick with unshed tears as her eyes welled.
"I don't want you to apologize. I want you to stop getting into trouble.. To stop showing up at all of these crime scenes, and inserting yourself into murder investigations, and-"
"I- I don't know what to say." She admitted quietly as a few tears broke free and rolled down her cheeks.
Even she were to try and explain, Amber didn't know where she could possibly start.
She could start with Derek; how he'd come back into town and started showing up everywhere all suspicious-like before revealing that he was a werewolf and that Scott was no longer her sweet best friend, but instead, a genuine danger to be around. She could tell him about Peter; explain that he hadn't been as weak and incapacitated as everyone had initially thought and that, really, this whole thing had all started with him. She could mention how Allison's family played into it all; the heinous things her aunt had done before her demise and all of the things her father and grandfather were still a part of now. She could tell her brother about all of the new teenage werewolves running around town and the murderous rampage her classmate had unknowingly undertaken and okay, yes, she'd helped kidnap him but they'd had no other choice because Jackson was seriously dangerous and he didn't even know what he was doing-
Amber couldn't find it in her to voice any of those things, however. Instead, she gnawed on her lower lip and sniffled quietly as she guiltily avoided her brother's gaze, settling back into the couch with the acceptance that the evening was only destined to get more difficult.
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"Did Lydia finish translating the entry about the kanima?" A hushed voice questioned from only a few inches behind Amber, causing the girl to flinch in surprise.
"Jesus," Amber exclaimed as she spun around, locker door slamming shut when her shoulder collided with the cool metal, "A bell. You need a bell."
Allison rolled her eyes with a fond smile and crossed her arms over her chest, "Well? Did she?"
With a nod of her head, Amber pulled a crisp, brand new composition notebook from her bag and held it out toward the other girl.
"She did. I went over first thing this morning to get it. She's, uh, pretty annoyed with us, but she did it."
Allison studied the words on the pages with determined focus for a few moments before pulling a tablet from her own bag and motioning for Amber to hold the journal for her. Amber dutifully held her arms out to display the pages, flipping through them slowly as Allison photographed the information to create a digital copy.
"Have you shown Scott or Stiles yet?" Allison asked as she finished.
Amber slapped the book shut and slipped it back into her bookbag with a shake of her head, "I was on my way now. They're waiting in the library."
"I'll come with you." Allison said easily, adjusting the strap of her shoulder bag and moving in the direction of the library while still studying the photographs she'd taken of the notebook pages.
As they pushed through the double-doors, Amber's eyes peered through the spaces between bookshelves, flicking over the students spread out at tables trying to finish up last minute assignments before the start of morning classes.
She toyed with her lower lip between her teeth as she searched for her best friends and when she finally spotted them, Scott and Stiles were tucked at the back of one of the stacks having a hushed conversation. As she approached, hand absentmindedly dragging over her boyfriend's shoulder and up to his neck, her fingertips dug into his skin softly as she stepped up beside them.
Her backpack hit the ground at the base of the bookshelf and their attention turned to her, Stiles' eyebrows raising a fraction as he took her in for the first time that morning.
"Hello," He greeted with emphasis, reaching out until the backs of his fingers could skim over the soft material of her sundress, "You're looking spring-y."
He pinched the hem between his thumb and forefinger, his knuckles brushing against the smooth skin of her bare thigh as he idly rubbed at the fabric.
"Thanks," She said somewhat breathlessly. Her own hand dropped to wrap lightly around his wrist in warning and she waited until he let the skirt fall back down against her legs before she continued, "I, uh, I'm trying to manifest warmer weather or something."
His lips pulled into a small smile and she felt slightly overwhelmed by the butterflies that bloomed in her stomach.
"Well, you look really beautiful." He told her softly.
"Can you guys be disgusting later?" Scott interjected in clear impatience.
The couple flinched as they were torn from the romance-heady bubble they'd somehow managed to slip into.
Amber was quick to recover and she laced her fingers with Stiles as her eyes narrowed in Scott's direction, "You're just jealous because of the whole Romeo and Juliet thing that means you can't flirt with your girlfriend unless it's in a dark creepy corridor or, like, a janitor's closet-"
"Ha," Stiles said in amusement, seconding her assessment, "What she said. The green monster's not a great look on you, buddy-"
A soft throat clearing from the other side of the bookshelf caught Amber's attention and she spotted Allison peering through a gap from the next aisle over.
"Lydia's translations.." Allison prompted gently as she pulled a book from the shelf and pretended to look at it in interest.
"Right, yeah," Amber nodded, "So Lydia gave me her translations this morning. She was up pretty late last night writing it all down for me-"
"Apparently she's not thrilled about still being left in the dark." Allison supplied quietly, sliding her tablet through the gap in books so that Scott and Stiles could peer down at the photographs she'd taken of the translated pages.
"Oh, yeah," Scott realized as his gaze found Amber, "What'd you tell her?"
Amber winced, rolling her shoulders and tightening her fingers around Stiles' hand, "Um, I'm only about thirty percent confident she bought it.. But I, uh- I told her we were a part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures."
Stiles perked up, "I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures." He said quietly, the words fanning out over his girlfriend's neck as he peered down at the tablet.
A breathy laugh slipped from her lips and she knocked her hip against his lightly, "Yeah, I know. I helped you figure out that part with the evil goblins, remember?"
"They were actually gnomes." Stiles corrected immediately.
Scott was shaking head at his friends in clear exasperation, "Okay, does it say how to find out who's controlling Jackson?" He questioned in an attempt to redirect the conversation.
"Not from what I read." Allison frowned, swapping the book in her hands for another as she tried to hide the fact that she was conversing with them.
"But Stiles was right about the murderers." Amber revealed.
"Yes!" He cheered excitedly, dropping his girlfriend's hand to punch the air at the small victory.
Scott and Allison both narrowed their eyes at him for his slightly too loud reaction and his hands slowly lowered under the weight of their glare. Amber shuffled closer as he deflated and his arm slipped beneath her cardigan to wrap around her waist, pulling her into his side as she continued to share the information she'd recently obtained.
"The bestiary calls the kanima a 'weapon of vengeance'," She recited quietly, "There's a story in there about this South American priest who used the kanima to execute murderers in his village-"
"Alright, see?" Stiles interrupted, "That's not so bad."
Amber leaned more heavily against him with a grimace, "-Until their bond grew so strong that it eventually just killed whoever he wanted it to. Murderer or not." She finished.
"All bad," Stiles backtracked, "All very, very bad."
"Thing is, though-" Amber continued quietly, dragging her finger lightly over a sentence displayed on the tablet, "The kanima's actually supposed to be a werewolf. But, it can't be until-"
"'Until it resolves that in its past which manifested it.'" Scott read aloud.
"Okay, if that means Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy, I could've told you that myself." Stiles said with a roll of his eyes.
Amber sighed, "Yeah, no shit. The guy's basically unresolved anger and toxic masculinity all wrapped up in a stupidly handsome bow-"
"Euck, handsome?" Stiles repeated with a displeased frown.
"Oh, be quiet," She scolded him, turning in his grip to brush her lips lightly over the corner of his mouth, "You're the most handsome." She whispered quietly against his cheek.
With a satisfied huff, Stiles slid his arm up around her shoulders to tug her back against his chest, releasing his exhale into the loose waves of her hair to hide his grin.
"What if it has to do with Jackson's parents?" Allison pondered, "He's adopted, right? So maybe its something to do with his real parents."
Scott nodded in agreement, "Does anybody actually know what happened to them?" He questioned, eyes flicking to Amber curiously as he spoke.
"I mean.. I know he never really knew them. He was adopted as a baby. Like, really young, I'm pretty sure-" She said slowly, face pinched up in thought, "But, I- Lydia might know more."
"Great," Stiles nodded, "You guys talk to Lydia and Scott and I'll talk to Jackson-"
"Nope. Not gonna work." Amber interrupted with a shake of her head. "Restraining order." She reminded him.
He sighed in annoyance, "God, fine. Then what-"
"During free period, you go talk to Lydia," She told Stiles, "Allison and I will team up to talk to Jackson. And Scott-" The boy in question looked at her with wide eyes, ready for whatever job his best friend was about to dole out, "Scott's gonna go and ace his Chem make-up test."
He made a face like he was going to argue but his girlfriend cut in quickly.
"Scott, she's right." Allison said softly, reaching through the gap in the bookshelf to take Scott's hand.
He sighed in reluctance, "If he does anything, you both run the other way." He said seriously, looking back and forth between the two girls.
"We can take care of ourselves." Allison whispered with a frown.
"I'm serious," Scott whispered, "If either one of you gets hurt while I'm taking some stupid test, someone's gonna need to take care of me," His jaw clenched, hand tightening around Allison's as his eyes continued to bounce between them, "If he does anything-"
Amber scoffed, "Like-?"
"Anything.. Weird. Bizarre. Anything-"
"Anything evil." Stiles interrupted finally, arm tightening around his girlfriend.
"We'll be fine," Amber told both boys, "This is serious, okay? If either of you guys get in trouble for breaking the restraining order, it could mean serious, like, legal consequences. And, Scott, You know you need to retake this test to bring your grade up." She said firmly.
Scott groaned but nodded, pulling his backpack onto his shoulders as they all slowly broke away from one another and filed out of the library.
"We, uh.. We're totally sure it's safe for you and Allison to be talking to Jackson alone?" Stiles worried privately as they stopped in front of his locker.
"We'll be fine," She assured him in a soft voice, "And besides, it's kind of our only option right now-"
"Yeah. Because those are reassuring words." Stiles muttered sarcastically, yanking his locker open to grab his books for English.
"Okay, worry wort. I'm pretty sure we've established that he doesn't actually want to kill any of us," She reminded him as he slammed the metal door shut again, "I mean, if he wanted to kill me, I'd be dead like three times over at this point, right?"
His face scrunched in clear reluctance to agree with her, "Yeah, I guess."
She reached out to cup the side of his face, her thumb skimming over the tiny constellation of moles that created a path toward his mouth. The tip of her finger had barely brushed the corner of his lips when Stiles leaned in to press them to her own in a quick kiss.
As they finally turned to head in the direction of the English classroom, they only managed to get a few steps from Stiles' locker before a familiar voice was calling out loudly behind them.
"Stilinski! Amber! Wait, I- Hold up!"
They both turned as there was a loud crash. Ben Davis slammed his shoulder into the lockers beside them in what both looked and sounded like a painful collision. He rubbed at his shoulder with a frown as he righted himself and looked between Amber and Stiles wide-eyed.
"Davis," Stiles greeted with a wince, "Listen, if this is about the ball that almost hit you in the junk this morning at practice, you should know that I haven't perfected my backhand and I swear it was-"
Ben shook his head in surprise, "What? No. Stilinski, you're fine." He assured the other boy before turning his attention toward Amber, "I actually, really need to talk to you, if that's cool-"
She frowned at the urgency in his voice and began to step forward when Stiles pulled her back with a hand fisted in her cardigan.
"And what exactly do you need to talk to my girlfriend about?" Stiles questioned suspiciously.
"I, uh-" Ben's gaze flicked between them nervously, "Just.. A thing?"
Amber held up a finger in a signal for Ben to give her a moment and spun around to face Stiles, stepping close to give them more privacy as she spoke, "Stiles. Babe, I'll catch up with you in a few?" She whispered in question.
His eyes flicked between her and the spot over her shoulder where Ben was standing behind her and a small noise of distress slipped past her boyfriend's lips.
"But he-" When Amber brought a hand up to rest on his shoulder, he continued in a whisper of his own, "I could stay.. Just as backup, y'know. In case you need me. In case he tries to make a move or-"
Ben's snort of laughter from behind her let them know that he'd heard the hushed comment.
"Dude, when I tell you that you have nothing to worry about between me and Amber-" Ben started in amusement, "I am very, like, keenly aware of how into you she is. I know we went on a date but I mean, she literally said-"
Amber could tell that he was only a second away from bringing up her embarrassing slip of tongue at the end of their tragic date the month before and she turned her head to shoot him a warning glare, causing Ben's words to cut off sharply. When she deemed it safe, she turned back to Stiles again.
"You're sweet and it is stupidly cute, but you really don't need to worry about Ben, alright?" She said even more quietly.
Stiles' lips pulled up reluctantly, "Yeah, okay."
She couldn't hold back a grin, endlessly endeared by his protectiveness. She leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips before giving him a pat on his cheek, "Okay, cool. So I'll catch up with you later then."
Stiles pinched her chin between his forefinger and thumb to tip her head back up again and she went easily. Their lips met in another kiss, this one lingering for a moment before she pushed him away with a flustered laugh.
"Alright, I'm going!" Stiles said, raising his hands in surrender as he turned to leave.
When she turned to face Ben again, she was still sporting a faint blush and giddy smile that wouldn't seem to fade.
"So, what's up? What's the gossip?" She joked, hoping to lighten the mood when she noticed the stressed expression on his face once again.
"I wanted to talk to you about Matt." He said in a hushed voice.
"Daehler?" She asked curiously, frowning when he nodded, "What about him?"
Ben wiped his hands on his jeans as if his palms were sweaty and he looked around them cautiously before speaking, "I, uh.. I saw some pictures on his camera that were kinda.. Um. Well, they were of you-"
"Oh!" She relaxed, "That's what you're all worked up about? It's fine. I know about the pictures."
Ben blinked, faltering for a moment, "You.. You know about the pictures?" He repeated slowly.
"Yeah," She waved off, "He's good with a camera.. It's art — No big deal. It's kinda flattering, honestly, the way he knows how to frame his pictures just right? It's like I'm a model or something except, y'know, all his photos are candid."
"So.." Ben drew out the word, eyes squinting in disbelief, "You know he's been taking these.. Candid pictures, and you're.. Cool with it?" He asked slowly.
She reached out to pat Ben on his broad shoulder with a laugh, "Yes. I'm totally cool with it. He was worried I would think it was creepy, but like I said, it's art. I can appreciate that, y'know? I was actually thinking that if he gets another really good one, I might ask for a copy? Get it printed out and maybe I could frame it and give it to Stiles as a part of his birthday present or something.. That might be cool.." She shook her head as she began to get lost in her thoughts, laughing again quietly, "Anyway, my point is, don't worry about it."
Ben's previously tense shoulders seemed to slump in relief, "I- Okay, then. I just- My bad, I guess." He blew out a long breath through his lips and shrugged awkwardly.
"I seriously appreciate your concern, though," She said honestly, "It was really cool of you to come to me."
He nodded with a serious look, "Yeah, of course. I'm just glad I came to you first instead of, like, immediately confronting Matt and giving him shit about it-"
"Oh, god, yeah!" She nodded in realization.
Ben shook his head, taking a small step back, "Right. So, y'know.. See ya later-"
She waved and bid him goodbye, watching him go with a small smile, grateful that things had been cleared up.
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When free period rolled around, Amber and Allison followed as stealthily as they could manage behind Jackson, lurking in the nonexistent shadows as they waited for the right moment to corner him. They kept a safe distance as he walked into the east wing of the school, heading toward the locker rooms and the gymnasium, on his way to get more lacrosse in even after the team's morning practice.
As they entered the more deserted area of the school, devoid of voices and the laughter that had drowned out their steps before, Allison slipped her heels off to quiet her footfalls beside Amber, opting to hold them in her hand instead.
The two girls loitered as he practiced shooting on goal with Danny. When they finally headed back inside, the girls peeked around a corner to watch Jackson enter the boy's locker room as Danny headed in the opposite direction down the hall.
Amber reached for the door handle as they got to the already closed locker room door, but both girls reeled back in shock and a touch of fear when it swung open from the other side just as Amber's fingers brushed the metal.
"You just scared the hell out of me!" Matt Daehler laughed as he exited the locker room while Amber tried to calm her now-racing heart.
"Sorry!" She apologized with a breathless laugh, "Holy shit. I, uh- We we're just-"
"-Nothing," Allison interrupted weakly, "We were just, um, nothing.."
Matt blinked at them in confusion and shook his head, gaze dropping down to the shoes still clutched between Allison's fingers, "Uh, nice heels." He commented with a curious eyebrow raise.
"Oh!" Allison realized, having forgotten she was holding the footwear at all, "Yeah, uh-"
"Her feet were hurting." Amber supplied quickly.
Matt shrugged with a grin, "Same reason I never wear mine." He agreed jokingly.
Amber laughed in surprised amusement and Matt's smile seemed to brighten at the sound.
"Uh, hey.. Did you hear about the underground show?" He asked, eyes focused solely on Amber as he fiddled with the strap of the backpack over his shoulder, "Apparently they've got some big names spinning."
"Spinning-?" Amber repeated the word in confusion.
"Yeah, y'know.. DJ's." Matt clarified.
The pieces clicked together slowly in Amber's mind, "Oh, like a.. Rave?"
Matt scoffed with a smile, "Is it still a rave if you don't roll?" He questioned, "I just call it a party but- Hey! I've got a friend who can hook us up with tickets, if you're down. Y-you want me to get you one?" He asked her hopefully.
"Oh, um-" She frowned, "I don't- I mean, y'know Stiles and I are together-"
"Oh sure, yeah," Matt interrupted, "No, I know, but.. We could still go together as friends, right?"
Amber hesitated, "I mean, yeah, but- Parties like that aren't really my-"
"It'd be really fun, I swear." He promised with a hopeful smile.
Allison nudged at Amber's shoulder anxiously with a nod toward the locker room door to remind Amber of the task at hand.
"I, um- Just as friends?" Amber repeated quickly.
"Yeah, yeah. Just friends," Matt agreed, "I, uh, I could get both of you a ticket?" He suggested, gaze finally drifting over to Allison.
"Uh, fine, yeah," Amber agreed finally, her eyes flicking anxiously toward the locker room, "Sure."
"Cool! Um, it's Friday so I'll get the tickets and-" Matt stepped around them to begin his retreat down the hallway toward the main part of the building, "-Looking forward to it."
As he disappeared around a corner, Amber locked eyes with Allison and saw the other girl was frowning, "That kinda sounded like a date." Allison said quietly.
Amber scoffed, "Which part, exactly? The part where we talked about how I have a boyfriend, the part where we both agreed to go just as friends, or the part where he offered to get you a ticket too?"
Allison's lips were parted with a retort at the ready when there was a sudden ragged coughing from inside the locker room as if Jackson were choking.
"Shit-! Go get Scott," Amber told Allison with wide eyes. The other girl looked like she wanted to fight her on it and Amber shook her head as Jackson's choked noises grew more pained, "Alli, come on. He could be either hurt or going full kanima in there- I'm serious. Jackson won't hurt me but you need to go and get Scott. He's more attuned to you anyway, he'll probably hear you coming before you even get out of the stairwell."
Allison scrunched her face, "Fine. Just.. Be careful." She huffed before turning to run down the hallway.
Amber dropped her unzipped backpack to the ground carelessly, throwing the locker room door open with a bang as she stumbled through the doorway. She listened for sounds of distress, but the noises that Jackson had been making only moments before were gone, now replaced with the quiet sound of running water from the showers at the far side of the room.
"Jackson?" She called out cautiously, slightly worried for the boy as she moved through the rows of lockers in search, "Jackson?"
"In here." Jackson's voice supplied casually from the direction of the showers.
Amber's feet carried her that much faster, converse slapping against the tiles as she headed toward his voice. As she rounded the lockers and came to a stop in the entryway of the showers, she stumbled over her feet in surprise, quickly spinning away at the sight of Jackson's very naked body beneath the spray, staring in her direction with a blank, unaffected gaze.
Amber was staring at the row of lockers across from her with wide eyes as she leaned against the tile wall outside of the showers.
"Something wrong?" He questioned from behind her.
"I- Shit, Jackson!" She exclaimed in disbelief, "A little bit of warning when your dick is out, maybe?"
There was a high-pitched creak as he turned the knob to cut off the flow of hot water and Amber tried desperately to erase the image of Jackson's privates from her brain.
"You're the one who walked into the boy's locker room." He pointed out blankly.
"Wh- I thought I heard you-" She began to defend automatically, thinking back on the horrifying choking noises she'd heard from the hallway, "I mean, I thou- Whatever. Nevermind." She shook her head.
"Did you want to talk about something?" He questioned, his voice sounding from directly behind her now, prompting her to flinch in surprise at his close proximity.
"I- Yeah, but we can-" She huffed out a disbelieving breath as she began to step past him, "We can talk later-"
"No-" Jackson's arm shot out in front of her, his palm pressing against the tile as he caged her back against the tiled wall outside of the showers. Amber immediately forced her eyes upward to avert them from his still-naked body as it dripped with water. She was staring up at the ceiling while he quickly continued, "-Let's talk now."
Her gaze fell to his and she watched Jackson's jaw clench as he glared at her with an especially dark look. She found her heart stuttering slightly in her chest at the coldness behind his eyes.
She licked her lips in thought, "You know? I, uh- I actually should probably start heading to my next class-"
"Oh, no, no-" His face pulled into an irritated snarl and he immediately blocked her attempt to step around him, "No, you don't. You have perfect grades. You can skip one class."
She swallowed audibly at the sudden closeness of the boy's wet body to her own, their torsos practically brushing against one another. A small flash of fear filled her and she felt suddenly stupid for being so blinded by the noises that had sent her barreling into the locker room worried for Jackson's well-being and unafraid of the kanima.
The way Jackson was acting now – the way he was looking at her – It had her feeling suddenly afraid of him for reasons entirely unrelated to the kanima-fueled dangers that she'd mentally prepared herself for earlier in the day.
His gaze fell to her sternum and his lips pulled into a smirk before his eyes returned to hers, "You okay?" He asked condescendingly, "Your heart's beating like crazy."
"I'm fine." She said in a rush as she moved past him, her eyes glued to the tense lines of his body as she began to back away slowly.
"I thought you wanted to talk?" Jackson questioned teasingly, raising his eyebrows and matching her steps.
"I, uh, ch- Changed my mind." She stumbled as she spoke when she backed into one of the wooden changing benches, arms flailing for a moment as she caught her balance.
"You sure? Because you look a little stressed-" His face contorted into anger again and Amber took a shaky breath, still backing away as he continued, "Is it Stilinski? Things falling apart between you two already?"
She shook her head slightly, lips parting to speak but cut off before she could say anything.
"-Can't say it would surprise me. It's not like you two are gonna last," Jackson scoffed meanly, "You know that one day, he and Scott are gonna decide they don't need a little cunt like you always dragging them down. I mean, what teenage guy honestly wants a chick for a best friend, huh? Now that Stilinski's gotten into your pants, it's really only a matter of time."
His words cut deeper than they probably should have, and she was surprised to find her back thumping blindly against the far wall of the locker room. Amber's eyes went wide when she realized she'd unintentionally caged herself again, Jackson's naked frame towering over her as he stepped close enough that patches of her dress darkened with the water from his still dripping body.
"You're being a dick." She told him.
Jackson scoffed cruelly, "I'm being honest. And if you don't realize that then you gotta be the stupidest bitch in this town. Well, other than Scott and Stiles because they seem to be pretty stupid bitches themselves-"
"Just stop." Amber demanded with a clenched jaw, gaze drifting toward the door to the locker room as she contemplated whether or not she could make it into the hallway before he caught up to her – she wasn't entirely confident that the odds weighed in her favor.
"What are you gonna do, Amber?!" Jackson shouted, his anger seeming to grow as he leaned even closer, "When your stupid bitch of a best friend- When Scott turns on you! What are you gonna do!"
His fists slammed into the wall on either side of her head and she couldn't hold back a quiet whimper as she flinched in fear, her wide eyes glued to the blind rage that had overtaken his face.
"They almost killed Lydia!" He spit the words in her face in sharp reminder, "Who do you think's gonna be next! Hm? Not you, oh no- Because you're in love with Stiles, and Scott's your best friend and he'd never let you get hurt-?" He shook his head condescendingly. His face was flooded with anger and his nose nearly brushed against hers as he continued to tear into her, "Is that what you tell yourself? Huh? If that's what you tell yourself then you're already dead."
One of Jackson's hands left the wall behind her, sharp claws now on display. He stroked them delicately down the length of Amber's cheek before pausing at the edge of her jawline, the sharp points poking at the skin of her throat just light enough that, while they didn't cut through her flesh, the threat was evident. Jackson's lips pulled back in another terrifying snarl and Amber found her heart racing anxiously at the combined feeling of the tips of his claws against her cheek and his naked body against her.
"Tell me, if your big bad werewolf of a best friend really cared, would he really let you walk around without any way to protect yourself?" Jackson's hand drifted, claws lightly skimming farther down the length of her throat as he spoke.
"I, um," She licked her lips as her body trembled anxiously, trying to work up the nerve to do what she needed to, "I wouldn't say I'm totally helpless-"
She threw her arms up and out to shove his hands away from her, thrusting her leg up sharply in the same moment to slam her knee into his naked groin. When he stumbled back half a step in surprise, she moved to rush past him, but she was yanked back roughly by her arm before she could make it more than a step away. Her cardigan tore from her shoulder as he spun her back around and suddenly they were falling through the air. Her back slammed down onto the ground and a pained grunt slipped past her lips as Jackson's weight landed heavily on top of her.
The moment they collided and his naked body pinned her to the floor, Jackson's eyes were widening, lips parted in surprise as if he'd suddenly been broken from a trance.
"Amber?" He questioned in panicked confusion as he scrambled to his feet frantically, "What are you doing here?"
The girl's heart was sill pounding in her chest too heavily for her to formulate a response. Her lips parted in a loss for words as she shuffled along the floor to put space between them. Her back hit the wall and the cold tile pressed against her bare shoulder where her sweater and the thin strap of her dress were still askew, the fabric dangling loosely down her arm. She watched as Jackson reached for a discarded pair of athletic shorts on the changing bench and moved to cover himself.
The locker room door swung open before she could respond and her wide eyes cut across the room to see Scott standing in the doorway, his gaze flicking back and forth between where she was on the floor, looking disheveled and afraid, and where Jackson was still pulling a pair of shorts over his naked legs with frantic movements.
"I- I'm fine," She assured her best friend quickly, "I'm fi-"
Her words didn't seem to quell the way that Scott's face morphed into one of blind fury. It was only then that Amber realized exactly how bad the scene in front of him appeared.
Without a moment of hesitation, Scott was storming toward Jackson furiously and Amber clumsily climbed to her feet as she watched her best friend shove Jackson back through the air with enough force that a row of lockers caved when the boy's body slammed into them.
"No, Scott! Scott, stop! I'm fine!" She repeated quickly.
Jackson righted himself with a renewed rage, "I. Have. A. Restraining order!"
"Trust me, I restrained myself." Scott retorted angrily.
In a blink, Jackson was tackling Scott and Amber watched in distress as they began to throw one another around the locker room with superhuman strength. They moved toward the showers at the back of the room and she heard an unmistakable crack as the tiles shattered from the force of their brawl.
Jackson stepped back into view, breathing heavily and scowling at Amber where she was still standing wide eyed at the front of the room, but before he could make it more than a few steps toward her, Scott was launching himself out of the showers and sending him hurtling back toward the weight benches.
"You guys, seriously! Stop!" Amber pleaded as she watched Jackson grab a forty-five pound weight, his fingers wrapping around the plate and launching it in Scott's direction as if it weighed nothing at all.
Amber squeaked as her hands came up to cover her mouth, but Scott caught the weight before it could crash into his chest.
He didn't get a moment to recover. Jackson rushed forward to kick him back into the wall, tiles cracking beneath Scott's weight only seconds before he was thrown into the row of sinks along the wall.
The porcelain shattered with a loud crash, water spraying from the burst pipes as the boys continued to throw one another back and forth across the room.
"Guys!" She tried again, voice hitching slightly. Her back hit the wall when they moved closer as she tried to stay away from the action, "Guys, stop!"
As if she hadn't spoken at all, the two continued to shove and kick at each other and Amber's heart pounded anxiously in her chest with each minute that passed, growing more and more worried that one of them might truly get hurt. Her hands scrambled as she patted herself down in search of her cell phone, a disbelieving whine leaving her lips when she realized it was in her backpack in the hallway due to the lack of pockets in her attire.
Jackson sent a final hard kick to Scott's chest and Amber watched her friend slam against the locker room door with a loud crash, the door tearing from its hinges as Scott fell back on top of it and into the hallway.
Amber rushed behind Jackson when he immediately stormed out of the room after Scott, the girl finding Erica already restraining Jackson and pulling him off of Scott. Stiles was attempting to hold Scott back while he tried to charge forward again and Amber pushed her hands against Scott's chest as Stiles wrapped his arms around him.
"Scott!" She pleaded, "Seriously, Scott, I-"
"What the hell is going on!"
Amber's eyes pinched shut in disbelief of their luck as she heard Mr. Harris yelling down the hallway, his footfalls growing louder as he stormed toward them.
"Hey!" The teacher shouted when he saw the boys still fighting against the students that were attempting to keep them apart, "Enough!"
Jackson and Scott seemed to deflate at the sound of their Chemistry teacher's angry yelling, both boys slumping against the arms holding them back as they finally stopped fighting.
"What do you idiots think you're doing?" Mr. Harris yelled, looking between the group of teens with a scowl, "Mr. McCall? Care to explain yourself?" He questioned sharply before his eyes drifted to the two teens who had released him but were still standing beside their friend, "Callisto? Stilinski?"
Amber swallowed loudly and looked around, but the entire group remained silent for a long moment.
"..You dropped this." Matt's voice cut in awkwardly, stepping from behind Mr. Harris and handing Amber's unzipped backpack to her.
Her notebook of bestiary translations was laying at the top of her books in a way that she hadn't quite remembered it being when she'd stuffed it into her bag earlier. As she took her backpack from him, she winced at the water dripping from the fabric due to the leak that had flowed out of the locker room and into the hallway.
"You, and you," Mr. Harris pointed between Jackson and Scott before shaking his head and letting his eyes rake across the group again, his gaze even drifting to where Matt was hovering behind him for a moment, "Actually.. All of you. Detention. Three o'clock."
They all slumped at the announcement of their punishment, Jackson shooting them a dark glare before storming off behind their teacher and Matt as they retreated. The moment that the hallway had cleared out, Scott was rounding on Amber with a furious glare.
"What the heck were you thinking?!" He snapped.
She flinched underneath his anger suddenly directed at her and took a small step back from him, "Wh-"
"Why would you guys split up?" He asked loudly, barely glancing at his girlfriend before he was glaring at Amber again, "That was the stupidest, most reckless-"
"Hey, Scott.." Stiles interrupted Scott's enraged scolding to move between them, nudging Scott back a step, "Take it down a notch, man."
"You didn't see the way-" Scott shook his head, his anger seeming to fade suddenly into concern in the time it took him to inhale and exhale. He moved forward again, "I- Amber, are you alright?"
"I- I'm fine, Scott," She promised, taking Stiles' hand gratefully when his fingers nudged against hers in offering, "I told you-"
Scott's chest heaved as he took a breath to keep calm, "If he.. I swear to god I'm gonna kill him-"
"Scott, stop." Amber interrupted, "It seriously wasn't what it looked like, okay? He didn't-"
"What did it look like?" Stiles questioned in confusion, he and Allison both slightly lost in the conversation.
Scott let out another sharp breath, "It looked like Jackson was-"
"I know what it looked like!" Amber cut him off again frantically, not wanting to hear the words, "Scott he was just yelling at me, okay? He was being an asshole but he wasn't going to- He-" She took a shaky breath, "He wasn't going to do anything. Not what you're thinking. He wasn't going to do.. that."
"Do what?"
Allison and Stiles voiced the words at the same time, the former still sounding confused and the latter simply exasperated at being left out.
Scott didn't speak, but he held eye contact with Amber for a long moment as if he were trying to search her face for any trace of a lie, even after having listened to the way her heartbeat remained steady while she'd spoken the words. He nodded slowly in indication that he believed her, his shoulders slumping from their rigid stance. Amber took a small step forward to pull him into a one armed hug, her other hand still extended behind her with Stiles' fingers trapped in her grip.
"I'm okay," She murmured quietly into his ear, "But regardless, I'm glad you came when you did," She said slightly louder as she released him and stepped back, "Did- Did you do okay on your makeup test? Did me and Stiles' flash cards help?"
There was a pause before he responded and she frowned at his moment of hesitation.
"I, uh, yeah. Totally. They definitely helped!" Scott said after a moment with a bit too much enthusiasm.
Amber groaned, her head rolling back on her shoulders, "You weren't finished and you bombed it to get down here and help me, didn't you?"
Scott winced, "Yeah."
Amber sighed, her grip tightening around Stiles' hand as she shook her head to clear away negative thoughts, "It's fine, it's totally fine! Y'know why? We- New game plan! Stiles and I will help you with some extra credit work instead and your grade will just-" She pulled at Stiles' wrist as she slapped her free palm against their joined hands, imitating something shooting up into the air, "We can still fix this."
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At the end of the day, Amber was surprised by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist from behind, warmth filling her chest as the scent of Stiles' cologne washed over her. His mouth pressed softly against the side of her neck and Amber's breath stuttered at the feeling. She abandoned the book she'd been pulling from her locker to reach back toward him, fingers wrapping around the back of his neck as she tipped her head at an awkward angle to catch his lips with her own.
"Mm, hello." She greeted quietly against his mouth.
"Hi," Stiles grinned, his arms tightening around her ribs as she turned back to collect her World History textbook, "You ready for detention?"
"As ready as one can be for punishment in the form of forced labor." She zipped up her backpack and closed her locker as she turned in her boyfriend's arms. Her back hit the lockers softly as Stiles leaned into her space to press his lips against hers again in a quick kiss.
"We're going to reshelve a couple books. It's not exactly punitive labor." He commented in amusement, prying her backpack from her fingers and releasing her so that he could drape the strap over his shoulder atop his own bag.
She took his hand in hers and rolled her eyes, "Didn't anyone ever tell you that you're supposed to agree with your girlfriend no matter what? Even when you think she's wrong or being ridiculous or batshit crazy?"
"I dunno, I think that might be a myth.." Stiles teased with a barely concealed grin as they headed toward the library.
"I'm just saying.. Maybe you should look into it-" She couldn't fight the smile that pulled at her own lips as his thumb ran softly back and forth along the back of her hand. She changed the subject with a quiet huff, "D'you think Erica really kept all the kanima stuff about Jackson a secret after you talked to her earlier? That she didn't tell Derek?"
Stiles sighed, "I freakin' hope so. You guys only just convinced me that we shouldn't kill him, it'd be a real bummer now if Derek just ripped his throat out anyway."
She winced, "That's.. Graphic."
"Sorry," Stiles made a face, "But, I mean- Wouldn't be the first time, would it? The guy didn't even hesitate when it was his own uncle-"
"That's a little different, I think-" She defended weakly, "I mean, his uncle was a psychopath whereas Jackson's technically one of Derek's Betas. Or, y'know, he would be if he didn't have so much repressed shit-"
"You think Derek being the one to give him the bite would really make him think twice?" Stiles questioned, pulling open the library doors and letting Amber step through first.
She shrugged, "I wouldn't necessarily count on it, but there's no harm in hoping, right?"
She dropped into a chair across the table from where Scott was already sitting and Stiles was quick to claim the one beside her.
"Oh, um, we can't be in detention together," Jackson told Mr. Harris as he sat down in the seat behind Amber, "I have a restraining order against these tools."
"All of these tools?" Their teacher asked with an unimpressed look, eyes flicking over their table.
"No, just us tools." Stiles supplied with a sigh, pointing between himself and Scott.
"Fine. Jackson, sit there," Mr. Harris said with an eye roll, gesturing to the empty seat at the table where Matt and Allison were sitting on the other side of the room before focusing back on the other teens as Erica sat down at an unoccupied table behind the teacher, "You two keep your distance from him."
Their teacher's attention left them to focus elsewhere and Scott took the opportunity to lean across the table, his face pinched tight in anger, "I'm gonna kill him." He stated, eyes flicking over to Jackson before refocusing on his best friends.
"No, you're not." Amber whispered.
"You're gonna find out who's controlling him." Stiles reminded him.
"-And then you're gonna help save him." Amber finished seriously.
"No," Scott whispered with a determined look, attention drifting to Stiles, "You were right. Let's kill him."
"He was not right," Amber whispered sharply, "You two are killing me. Get it together."
"Hey, I'm on your side now, remember?" Stiles defended, reaching out to pat her leg beneath the table as he spoke.
Amber gripped his hand over her bare thigh and squeezed it with a grateful nod.
"Hey, what if it's Matt?" Stiles pondered aloud after a few minutes, his eyes focussed on the boy sitting across the room beside Allison, "-I mean this whole thing comes back to the video, right? It was his camera-"
Scott shook his head, "Danny said that Matt was the one that found the two hours of footage that was missing-"
"Exactly!" Stiles whispered, raising his eyebrows as he continued to make his point, "He's trying to throw suspicion off himself."
Amber and Scott let their gazes drift across the room to watch the boy in question as he crunched on a chip from the snack bag he'd been picking at since the start of detention.
"..So he makes Jackson kill Isaac's dad, one of Argent's hunters, and the mechanic working on your Jeep?" Scott deduced in confusion.
"Yes!" Stiles hissed.
"Why would he do that?" Amber questioned incredulously.
"Because.. He's evil." Stiles supplied slowly.
She peered across the room again and watched as Matt shook his bag of chips across the table at Jackson in offering.
"Yeah, he looks like a real criminal mastermind." Amber whispered sarcastically.
"You just don't like him." Scott told Stiles with a shake of his head.
"The guy bugs me, I dunno what it is," Stiles agreed quietly, "Just.. Look at his face."
Amber pulled her hand from Stiles' with a wince and bit down on her lip, "Does that mean now is a bad time to mention that he asked me to go to that rave concert thing with him on Friday-"
Stiles shot her a look of disbelief, eye twitching as he searched for words, "He what?"
"I mean, as friends, obviously-" She added, feeling slightly guilty from the look on her boyfriend's face.
"But you said no, right?" Stiles whispered, his gaze flicking over her shoulder to scowl at Matt before returning to her face.
She scrunched her nose, "Not exactly."
Scott listened in on their interaction silently, eyes bouncing between his best friends as if he were watching a tennis match while they went back and forth.
"Well what exactly did you say, then?" Stiles followed up.
"What!" Stiles said a little too loudly, shrinking back as everyone looked over at him and repeating himself in a hushed whisper, "What?"
Amber dropped her hand over his knee with a sympathetic frown, "I made sure he knew you and I were together and that we'd just be going as friends. And in the end he offered to get a ticket for Allison too," She promised quietly, "I didn't realize you despised him quite so much or else I would've-"
"Well if I disliked him before, I freakin' loathe him now." Stiles glared over her shoulder once more.
She sighed, grip tightening on his leg, "Babe, I'm sorry, but.. I'm not canceling on him after I already agreed to go-"
"I didn't- I'm not asking you to-" Stiles huffed with a shake of his head, "Just, be careful, alright? There's something off about the guy."
She turned her head to look back at Matt again and watched as the boy finished his chips and began meticulously folding the empty bag in half over and over until it was shaped into a small square of trash that he proceeded to tuck away in the pocket of his jeans.
"Right.." Amber drew out the word quietly, unconvinced.
A silence fell over their table, the quiet stretching on for a few minutes before Jackson suddenly pushed out of his chair and began to stumble toward the library doors with a mumbled excuse about needing to use the bathroom.
"Are you alright?" Mr. Harris questioned, looking genuinely worried for the boy in a way that had Amber very nearly rolling her eyes, "You don't look so good-"
Jackson merely pushed past the teacher when they crossed paths, "I just need to get some water." He muttered as he pushed through the doors and exited the library.
Mr. Harris watched him go for only a moment before he moved to follow behind him, pausing at the doors to turn back and glare at the rest of them, "No one leaves their seats." He warned.
The moment the doors closed behind him, Amber, Scott, and Stiles all shared a look in silent communication before they wordlessly pushed up from their chairs and rushed over to the table Erica had taken up by herself.
"Stiles says you know how Jackson's parents died." Scott addressed the blonde, wasting no time with beating around the bush.
Erica looked between the three of them as they sat down and shrugged in nonchalance, "Maybe."
"Talk." Scott urged quickly.
Erica flipped her notebook closed with a sigh and leaned over the table on her elbows, "It was a car accident. My dad was the insurance investigator, and every time he sees Jackson drive by in his Porsche, he makes some comment about the huge settlement he'll be getting when he turns eighteen."
Stiles narrowed his eyes in disbelief, "So, not only is Jackson rich now, but he's getting even richer at eighteen?"
"Yup." Erica grinned at the annoyance in his voice.
"There is something so deeply wrong with that." Stiles muttered.
"The last thing that boy needs is more money to further inflate his ego." Amber agreed quietly.
"You know what?" Erica murmured, opening her laptop and clicking around on the trackpad as she navigated the screen, "I could try to find the insurance report in my dad's inbox.. He keeps everything."
"Scott McCall, Please report to the principal's office. Scott McCall. Principal's office."
Amber had pushed out of her seat and was headed to the opposite side of the table where Stiles and Erica were sitting when the announcement rang out loudly through the PA system. She frowned as she looked at her friend in question but Scott shrugged in response with a frown of his own, patting her on the shoulder as he stood and moved to head down to the front office.
Stiles spread his legs over the sides of his wide chair and Amber settled between his thighs easily so that they could both peer at the computer screen while Erica did a deep dive through her father's old emails.
As the blonde finally pulled up the message thread they were looking for a few minutes later, the doors to the library reopened with a quiet click as Jackson and Mr. Harris came back into the room, but the three teens paid no attention, continuing to read through the attachments as Erica opened them up on the screen.
"Wait, wait-" Amber whispered, her eyes suddenly catching on the words written on the copy of the insurance claim, "Look at the dates."
"Passengers arrived at the hospital DOA-" Erica read from the middle of the page, "The estimated time of death - 9:26 P.M., June 14, 1995." She finished with a questioning lilt to her voice, eyebrows lifting as if she wasn't sure what could be possibly important about that particular piece of information
"Jackson's birthday is June 15." Stiles pointed out, pulling the words straight from Amber's mouth.
Erica turned to blink at them in surprise.
The sudden zing of a zipper rang out through the room and everyone's attention was drawn to where Mr. Harris was pulling his bag over his shoulder and grabbing his things as he moved to leave early. The teens all followed suit in collective relief, beginning to gather their own belongings together before the sound of their teacher chuckling quietly made them pause.
"Oh, no, I'm sorry-" He laughed, not sounding the least bit apologetic, "Uh, yes.. I'm leaving. But none of you are," He explained, stepping up to one of the many wheeled carts stacked high with books, "You may go when you're done with the reshelving. Enjoy the rest of your evening."
Mr. Harris chuckled again as he left the room and Amber's face pinched up in disgust.
"I genuinely hate that man." She muttered, dropping down into the seat again and leaning back into Stiles' chest with a sigh.
Erica's eyes were flicking over the screen of her laptop again, still searching for something following the discovery made by Stiles and Amber.
"What?" Amber questioned after a moment.
Erica closed the lid to her computer and blinked, "They kept his mom on life support until they could get her body prepped for surgery." She explained quietly.
"Jesus." Stiles muttered.
All of their gazes drifted over to where Jackson was leaning heavily over the top of his table, looking slightly sweaty and feverishly unwell.
"You think he's good?" Amber questioned in a whisper, head tipped back onto Stiles shoulder so she could speak quietly into his ear.
Stiles shrugged behind her, "Maybe the bite's finally gonna kill him." He joked.
Amber pinched his arm between her fingers in reprimand, "Cut that out. Now, c'mon. Let's do some reshelving. I'd like to go home at some point today."
Erica rolled her eyes at the couple just as the doors were thrown open once again and Scott reemerged. He immediately came to stand where Amber was already beginning to roll one of the carts of books in the direction of the stacks, nodding his head toward Allison in a motion for her to follow them. Stiles stepped around Amber to pull the cart from the other side, grabbing a book at random once they were hidden away between the shelves and peering down at the sticker on the bottom of the binding as he searched for the place where it belonged amongst the shelved books.
"Did you guys find anything?" Scott questioned his friends as Allison stepped up beside them.
Amber grimaced as she grabbed a book of her own, "Yeah, kinda." She supplied weakly, pushing up onto her toes to shove the book onto a high shelf.
"You guys found something?" Allison repeated curiously, "About his parents?"
Amber and Stiles both nodded, looking at one another silently as they debated who should speak and eventually the girl caved with a sigh, "Well, you know they both died in a car accident-" She whispered, fighting against the flashes of painful memories that cropped up at the reminder of how her own parents had been taken from her, "But it was only a couple of hours before Jackson was born." She continued.
"What does that mean?" Scott asked in confusion.
"It means he was born after his mom died," Amber explained, "..By c-section."
"They had to pull him out of her dead body." Stiles supplied grimly.
"Oh my god." Allison whispered.
Amber nodded in agreement as she reshelved another book, "So, yeah. His parents were killed before tiny Jackson was even born into the world."
"Killed.." Allison repeated slowly, "So, was it an accident or not?"
Stiles shrugged, "The word all over the reports is 'inconclusive'."
Scott leaned on his elbows, resting his weight onto a stack of books with wide eyes, "What? His parents could've been murdered?"
Stiles nodded with another noncommittal shrug, "If they were, then it falls in line with the kanima myth, right?"
Amber nodded in agreement, "It seeks out and kills murderers but.. What, because it had a loved one who was also murdered?"
"Would that go for Jackson? Or the person controlling him?" Allison questioned in a hushed voice.
"Maybe both?" Amber pondered, "I mean, maybe that's why they bonded in the first place."
"Could be." Stiles agreed easily.
"Regardless, I don't think Jackson wants to kill anybody," Amber whispered, "I mean, if he knew what he was-"
"We have to talk to him," Scott interrupted, moving around the book cart to walk to the front of the aisle, "We have to tell him."
"I don't know if that's such a good idea," Amber countered, stepping forward to follow after him, "I don't think he's gonna listen to-" Scott left the row of shelves without another word and Amber sighed as she turned back to Allison and Stiles, "-And he's gone.. Y'know, he used to listen to me."
"Yeah, him going Teen Wolf and no longer being such a pushover is a real pain in the ass, isn't it?" Stiles lamented in agreement.
"Yes." Amber agreed in discontent.
A loud crash from a few rows over had Amber flinching in surprise, head whipping toward the commotion as another crash immediately followed, the second one sounding out slightly closer.
"Erica!" Scott yelled from another row.
Amber took a nervous step back toward Stiles as her heart picked up in her chest. The next crash sounded from directly above them as a dark blur jumped from one towering bookshelf to another, slamming into the ceiling and shattering lights as it moved. Amber brought her hands up to cover her head as small shards of glass along with styrofoam and dust from the ceiling tiles rained down over them and Stiles pulled her to the ground, wrapping one arm around her waist and positioning the other protectively over their heads.
They heard Erica let out a small scream from the next row and as Stiles lowered his arm slowly, Amber looked between him and Allison with wide eyes.
The shattered light bulbs above were sparking dangerously as electricity continued to flow into them and Amber took ahold of Stiles' wrist as the sound of wood splintering and loud crashes continued from beyond the stack that they were tucked away in.
The familiar screech of the kanima sounded out only moments before Scott was tossed back into a cart of books in need of re-shelving at the end of the bookshelves. Amber made a small, unconscious move to go toward her friend to help but Stiles tugged her back into his arms without hesitation, scolding her quietly.
Scott groaned as he righted himself and he slipped into the row of shelves upon spotting the three of them still ducked down beside the other book cart. He came to a crouch in front of them all, blocking them off from the end of the row and stretching his arms out protectively as Allison flocked to her boyfriend's back.
It was only then that Amber's eyes fell on Jackson. He was stood in front of a blackboard across the room, half-shifted in a way she'd only ever seen when he was unconscious outside of the nightclub, his skin lightly covered in scales though he remained looking mostly human. His head lolled to the side limply as he gripped a piece of chalk and began to write on the board, showing no indication that he knew what he was doing, like a puppet controlled by someone pulling at its strings.
The chalk clicked loudly against the board in the sudden silence as Jackson's unfocused yellow eyes gazed at nothing in particular across the room and Amber gripped onto Stiles that much tighter in unease. Jackson finished his messy scrawl of large letters on the board, remaining still for a terrifying moment before he launched himself out of the second story library window in a loud crash of shattering glass.
Amber let out a shaky exhale and Stiles pressed his mouth to her temple, not quite kissing her but simply panting anxious breaths into her skin as they all took in the message that had been left behind on the blackboard.
The four rose to their feet, slowly stepping out from the row of bookshelves as the lights continued to flicker and spark above them. Amber's gaze drifted to the next row over as it came into view and she stumbled over her own feet at the sight of the blonde werewolf convulsing on the floor.
Amber pushed past Stiles and fell to her knees, rolling Erica over onto her back until she could see the other girl's face.
"Woah, woah- Hey!" Stiles alerted the others immediately as he followed his girlfriend's footsteps and helped her hold onto Erica while the girl thrashed.
"She's having a seizure-" Amber shouted in confusion, "She's a werewolf! How- How is she having a seizure?"
"Hey, we need to get her to a hospital." Stiles announced obviously.
"Derek-" Erica disagreed in a quick burst, "T-To Derek."
Their grip on the blonde tightened further as she twitched and Scott dropped down to the floor alongside them, looking over to the next row where Allison was checking on an unconscious Matt.
"He's alive." Allison declared.
Scott sighed in relief, his eyes meeting Amber's panicked ones before his gaze dropped down to Erica for a moment. He looked back at Allison, "When we get her to the hospital-"
"To Derek," Erica was quick to repeat, jerking beneath Amber's hands, "To Derek."
"Okay," Amber agreed easily as Stiles sat Erica up in his arms, "Okay, we'll go to Derek." She promised.
Scott was still looking at Allison longingly and he stood suddenly before rounding the bookshelf to drop down beside his girlfriend.
Stiles' head snapped up in annoyance, "Hey, Scott!"
"Asshole." Amber muttered under her breath as she pushed a clump of curls from Erica's face and tucked them behind her ear, "Scott!" She called out again in frustration.
She could hear the hushed whisperings between Scott and Allison but couldn't quite make out the words that were being said and her eyes went to her boyfriend's to meet Stiles' own irritated gaze.
"Scott, go." Allison said loudly.
"Yeah, Scott, get your ass over here!" Amber snapped as she helped Stiles get to his feet with Erica draped in his arms bridal style.
Scott finally approached them again a few seconds later and immediately took Erica's weight from Stiles' arms, carrying her effortlessly as he rushed toward the exit. Stiles huffed quietly in annoyance as they followed behind Scott with quick steps and Amber's hand found his back as they moved through the empty halls.
"I had that." Stiles muttered quietly.
"I know you did." Amber assented, rubbing her hand over his shoulder blades as they rushed down the hallway.
"I wasn't struggling that much. I could've carried her-"
Amber nodded empathetically, "I'm sure you could've."
Stiles huffed as they rounded a corner to head toward the front doors, "Why do I get the feeling you're just trying to appease me?"
"Because I am." Amber said easily, grabbing his hand to pull him to move faster.
"Wh- I mean, I've carried you plenty of times! You know I could-"
"You're very strong, baby, okay?" She placated quickly as they followed Scott through the doors and down the steps to the sidewalk, "But we both know Scott's stronger. There's no point in wearing out your human muscles, right?"
Stiles frowned as he pulled out his keys, "Yeah, I- Okay."
She knew that couldn't possibly be the end of it, the very last thing Stiles was known for was his ability to let things go, or concede in a fight — but it seemed he was willing to drop the subject for now, and Amber rewarded him with a tender stroke of her thumb over his cheek before she climbed into the vehicle.
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As sickening as it was to watch Derek snap the bones in Erica's arm to jumpstart her healing process, it was nothing compared to the positively blood curdling scream that Erica let out when he sunk his claws into her flesh to squeeze the kanima venom out through the broken limb.
Amber had never had any real problems with the sight of blood, but as Derek dug his fingers into the skin of Erica's arm and thick red streams of it poured out onto the dirty floor of the train car, she had to hold back a gag as nausea flooded her body.
Stiles' warm breath against her neck as he shielded his own eyes from the gore-y scene was a welcomed comfort. She reached to cup the back of his head and he burrowed his face further into her hair with a wince when Derek tightened his grip once more and Erica's screams started up again.
"Derek-" Amber choked out, tightening her other hand around Erica's as a few tears leaked down the blonde's cheeks.
"I'm almost done." Derek promised them.
The next few minutes were painful for everyone involved and their ears were still ringing with Erica's cries of pain by the time Derek released his grip on her arm. They all slumped in relief at the sudden silence while Erica caught her breath and Derek and Scott were quick to rise to their feet and exit the ratty train car.
Amber stumbled to her own feet, temples throbbing slightly from both the anxiety and the screams that had filled her head for the last couple hours. She gave Stiles' shoulder a squeeze before she followed the path out of the train car in search for where Scott and Derek had wandered off to only moments before.
"You knew who it was." Scott accused Derek as Amber stepped up behind the two werewolves.
She watched with a sick weight in her stomach as Derek wiped Erica's blood away from his hands with a rag before he nodded and spoke, "Jackson."
"You just wanted Erica to confirm it, didn't you?" Scott asked in annoyance.
Derek nodded again but Amber took another step into their space before he could respond, "You're not going to hurt him."
"I'm not?" Derek crossed his arms over his chest and raised his eyebrows.
"Face it, Derek. You need help from Scott and his worthless pack of humans," Her words were laced with venom and she almost felt satisfied by the look of surprise on the older werewolf's face, "And we'll help you, alright? But we're not hurting him."
"Amber-" Derek's words were cut off when Scott cut in.
"She's right," Scott nodded seriously, placing a hand on Amber's shoulder in a show of support, "We'll help you stop him. But we do it on one condition; we're gonna find a way to catch him, not kill him."
Derek sighed, "So what's your plan then?"
"You want to do things 'your way', but neither of you has a plan?" Derek huffed in exasperation.
"The rave on Friday.." Amber said after a moment.
Derek shook his head immediately, "There'll be too many people-"
"Exactly," Scott agreed immediately, "Jackson won't be expecting us to corner him in such a crowded location and he'll be a whole lot easier to catch if he's not expecting it."
"So, Mr. I'm A Werewolf And I Know Everything-" Amber looked at Derek expectantly, "How does one set a trap for demented lizard-wolf?"
"We could use mountain ash, maybe.." Derek said with a shrug, "But I don't have any."
"Well who would?" Amber asked immediately.
Derek frowned, "Scott's boss might-"
"You think Deaton has this stuff?" Scott questioned.
"There's a lot you don't know about him, Scott," Derek supplied unhelpfully, "And I doubt he'd give it to me, but he might be willing to give it to you."
"Okay," Amber said easily, "So we ask Dr. Deaton for this ashy shit.. What exactly is it though? How is it gonna help us catch Jackson?"
Derek sighed a long suffering sigh before giving them a painfully undetailed run down of how they might be able to use the mountain ash to trap Jackson, but voiced that he was unsure how they'd subdue the kanima once they had him trapped. Scott was quick to insist that Deaton would be able to help them come up with a more thorough plan and that he, Amber, and Stiles would go and speak with his boss after school one day.
"Cool. So we have a week to come up with a plan, then," Amber said, bitterness seeping into her voice as her eyes drifted to Derek again, "I guess we'll just have one of your precious Betas let you know once we have it all hashed out, since you've made sure that it's impossible for any of us to get a hold of you."
She turned away with a huff and made her way down the dark, dirty hallway, needing just a moment by herself as anger pulsed violently in her chest. She flinched when a hand wrapped around her arm, pulling her to a stop in an empty stretch of the abandoned railway cars.
"Amber, hang on a second." Derek said calmly.
Her eyes narrowed, hurt creeping up inside her as she recalled what he'd said just a few days before to shed some light on why he'd entirely cut off contact with her.
I didn't want you to be a part of my pack if you wanted to stay human.
"What?" She sighed weakly.
"I know I hurt your feelings," He said slowly, "And I-"
"You didn't," She lied with a small shrug, "Why would I be hurt?"
Derek gave her a look as if she were being wholly ridiculous, "I know I hurt you," He repeated, "When I told you I didn't want you to be a part of my pack-"
"I'm a part of Scott's pack, remember? You said so yourself. I don't want to be a part of your stupid agro-pack anyway, okay?"
He appeared sad as he frowned at her and she couldn't quite tell if it was hurt or pity swimming in his eyes, but her throat tightened regardless.
He sighed, "I just wanted to apologize, alright? My mother never really considered the human family members to be part of the pack and until I saw the bond that Scott's formed with you, and Stiles, and Allison, I thought that was just how it was supposed to be. I didn't-"
"Didn't want a sixteen year old little girl to get in the way and ruin your perfect pack of werewolves?"
She refused to even look at the older werewolf as she spit his words back at him, her eyes focussed on the dirty cement wall behind him instead. She hadn't even been truly angry when he'd initially said the words, but now that her frustration had pushed its way to the surface, she felt her emotions taking over for the first time since the night she'd turned down his offer of the bite.
"I shouldn't have said that," Derek confessed quietly, "I didn't mean it. I was angry that you turned me down but I shouldn't have pushed you away the way I did."
Her jaw clenched, "No. You shouldn't have."
"I'm sorry."
At his apology, her eyes finally flicked back to Derek and her stiffness loosened slightly at the genuine regret on his normally stoic face.
"All I ever wanted was to help you." She said quietly.
"I know."
"I- I was starting to think of you like a brother and you just.. You said you didn't want me anymore and you left." Her voice caught in her throat and Derek's eyes widened at the shift in her emotions, "I cared about you."
"I.." Derek's face scrunched up like he was struggling entirely too hard with his words before continuing, "I care about you too."
Her face broke into a grin accompanied by glassy eyes as she threw her arms around his shoulders, "Aw, Sourwolf.. I forgive you. For being such a big stupid dickhead."
Derek chuckled quietly as he returned her hug and Amber's chest felt decidedly warm.
"Oh, come on! Alpha paws off my girlfriend. For the love of God." Stiles' voice exclaimed as he rounded the corner.
Amber laughed as she released the werewolf and she took Stiles' hand in hers as soon as he was at her side, "How's Erica?" She asked.
Stiles smiled sadly, "Healed. She passed out but she looks a lot better than she did."
Derek nodded at his words before moving past them and Amber's arms looped around her boyfriend's waist the moment they were alone. She nuzzled her head into his neck and he huffed an amused laugh as he returned her embrace, combing his fingers through her hair in a familiar motion.
"What's up?" He asked quietly.
She shrugged and attempted to bury herself deeper in him, "Are you and Scott ready to go?"
Stiles hummed a confirmation before dropping his arms around her waist, "Should I carry you to the Jeep? To prove my more than adequate human strength?" He tightened his arms and lifted her until her toes could only just brush the ground but she shoved him away with a squeal of laughter.
"No," She said quickly as she moved down the hall, "Nope, no carrying necessary. Let's go get Scott. We can start planning Operation Capture Jackson on the way."
Stiles ran up behind her and she broke into laughter again while dodging his attempts to get his arms around her, tangling her fingers with his instead as she pulled him along.
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Amber fisted the fabric of his flannel between her fingers in the scramble for something substantial to hold onto as her voice rose.
"I'm serious! Put me down!" She demanded in a shout.
"Nope," He slammed the passenger door of the Jeep closed and turned to head inside the house, his hands gripping her thighs tightly to ensure she didn't fall from the place where she'd been thrown over his shoulder after insisting he help her from the vehicle in what she'd thought had been an act of chivalry, "Not until we're upstairs. I'm-"
"You have proven your point!" She found herself laughing despite the way his shoulder was digging somewhat painfully into her gut.
"Not yet."
As he stepped into the house, Stiles took a moment to toe off his shoes while using one hand to pull Amber's from her feet and dropping them to smack against the floor one at a time.
"I'm wearing a dress!" She squealed when he still didn't set her down. She suddenly found herself desperately hoping that none of his nosy neighbors had been looking through their windows at the right moment to receive a full view of her ass as he'd carried her inside.
"You sure are," Stiles agreed as he moved past the entryway and deeper into the house, his right hand sliding dangerously further up her thigh as he went, "Thanks for that, by the way. It's a nice view."
She pinched his backside in retaliation as he began to climb the stairs and his knees buckled worryingly for a moment in surprise on the bottom step.
"Do not drop me, Stilinski-" She threatened seriously.
"Don't distract me!" He countered.
"You're being ridiculous!" She argued, watching with unease as the distance between her head and the floor grew, "And you're lucky I don't get motion sickness because looking down all of these stairs is mildly terrifying-"
"I'm not gonna drop you." He promised.
He made a point of tightening his fingers around her thighs further to reassure her but his actions had an entirely different effect. She had to bite down on her lower lip painfully to hold back the quiet moan that threatened to escape as his fingers dug into the soft flesh just beneath the roundness of her ass, his thumb dipping torturously between her thighs as he squeezed, the tip achingly close to pressing against her lace-covered core. So close, she could very nearly taste it.
When they made it to his bedroom, Stiles unceremoniously dropped her down onto the bed and she quickly propped herself up on her elbows to look up at him in disbelief, her cheeks flushed with heat.
"That.. Was so unnecessary." She said breathlessly as she pushed herself to sit up at the edge of his bed.
Stiles only grinned, "Told you I could do it, though. I'm not even winded. In fact, I could've-"
His words cut off in surprise when Amber dragged him forward with a hand fisted in his shirt, his knees bumping the mattress as he stumbled to a stop between her parted legs. She blinked up at him while she continued to catch her breath, tongue poking out to wet her lips unconsciously as her gaze flicked from his eyes to his mouth.
Stiles watched the movements and leaned down suddenly with one knee on the mattress between her thighs to pull her into a kiss, his hand gliding over her jaw to cradle the back of her head until his fingers could tangle in her hair.
She groaned into his mouth, her arms sliding across his shoulders to loop around his neck so that she could pull him down against her as she fell to her back on the bed. The sparks that had pooled in her belly crept lower, fluttering excitedly between her legs as his weight settled on top of her and she sighed contentedly through her nose when he deepened the kiss.
His fingers skimmed with the ghost of a touch over the skin of her biceps, dragging up past her elbows where he untangled her arms from around his neck to push them down against the mattress. His hands trailed back toward her own to tangle their fingers together once her arms were splayed out on either side of her head. When his lips left hers, she tipped her head back while his mouth left a wet trail of kisses along her jaw and down the length of her neck.
Her hips canted up reflexively as his teeth scraped softly over the sensitive skin of her throat, his warm breath tingling along her skin, and Stiles groaned into her neck when her pelvis made contact with the growing bulge at the front of his jeans.
"Stiles-" She breathed as his hands tightened around hers, arching up against him again in a desperate search for friction.
The scratch of denim was rough against her bare thighs as he shifted between her legs. The smell of his body wash still lingered on his skin from his morning shower and it filled her lungs with much needed oxygen while simultaneously filling her head with a giddy static that left her reeling, like the black and white fuzz of a channel that didn't come in on the television.
His lips trailed lower to leave hot kisses along her collarbones, his hands releasing her only so that he could slide her sweater from her shoulders, the strap of her dress following suit and slipping down past her elbow. His mouth was quick to find the newly revealed skin of her chest and she groaned while he stripped her of her cardigan completely, allowing him to tug it down her arms and toss it blindly over the side of the bed.
She pushed his own overshirt from his shoulders in response and his hands gravitated back to her skin the moment it was stripped away so that he could hike the fabric of her dress up, his thumbs pressing into her flesh intoxicatingly when he reached the tops of her thighs. She helped him drag the fabric up over her stomach and chest, tearing the dress over her head in a quick movement.
Stiles stared at her in awe for a moment before he was crowding her back against the bed to recapture her lips. Their tongues danced between hot breaths but eventually he was leaning down to reattach his mouth to the skin of her chest with wet kisses instead.
She felt his hands slip beneath her back to tug at the clasp of her bra. His mouth paused distractedly where he'd been kissing at her skin and the offer to assist him was on her lips when the fabric suddenly fell loose around her chest.
"Got it," Stiles boasted quietly, pulling the article from her body and throwing that behind himself as well, his lips immediately gravitating back to her chest, "Stupid demon contraption-" He muttered against her skin before sealing his mouth around a pebbled nipple.
The moan she let out was pornographic as her spine arched up from the mattress, chasing the feeling of his mouth, of his teeth scraping lightly against the bud while his thumb brushed lightly over her other breast.
It felt all too sudden when he pulled back and she blinked at him in confusion, feeling ridiculously disheveled from just fifteen minutes of kissing and a few seconds of his mouth on her tits.
"Hickeys," Stiles said simply as they looked at one another with lust-filled eyes. He licked at his swollen lips before continuing, "How do you feel about hickeys if they're not on your neck? Y'know? Is that still a no, or-"
She nodded wildly, "'S fine, that's fine."
An excited grin spread across his face and Amber wondered for a fleeting moment if she'd later regret granting him permission, but the thoughts were cast out of her mind the second he bit down on the sensitive flesh on the side of her breast, teeth sinking into the softness with a sudden and pleasurable sting.
She keened and gripped at the back of his neck as he sucked harshly on the sensitive skin before moving on to a new spot, his mouth leaving a smattering of biting kisses over both her breasts, littering her with spots in a wide array of pink and purple. He gripped her waist tightly, one hand holding her still as he worked while the other trailed down the outside of her thigh to pull her leg up around his hip.
When he finally kissed his way back up to her mouth, she angled her head to deepen the kiss immediately and reached between them to press her palm against the bulge beneath the zip of his pants as their tongues tangled. Stiles groaned into her mouth and she was quick to begin working at the button on his jeans, tugging it free and yanking down the zipper before pulling at the fabric at his hips.
He leaned back to rid himself of his jeans and slipped back into the space between her thighs in a flash, his hips rolling down against hers lightly as he reattached their mouths. He didn't waste any time before his lips were dragging back down her neck and chest, leaving a wet trail in their wake as he kissed and licked at her skin.
She was about to plead with him to do something but the words died on her lips when he moved lower, kissing a line down her stomach and nipping lightly at her hip bone before trailing lower still and repeating the treatment he'd given her breasts on the skin at the top of her thighs with teasing bites and kisses.
His fingers finally hooked beneath the waistband of her underwear and he slipped the fabric down her legs until they were out of the way, absentmindedly leaving them hooked around just one of her ankles in his rush to get back to the task at hand.
His head dipped down between her thighs tongue first and Amber cried out, gripping desperately at his shoulders over his shirt as he began to work his mouth against her clit.
"Yes," She praised simply in a low whisper, "S-shit."
He slid a hand up her stomach to massage her breast and she found herself having a hard time holding back the breathy noises that left her as he alternated between licking down at her entrance and moving a little higher up to flick his tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves there instead. He swirled around her clit a few times, warm and soft and so fucking incredible, before he was flattening his tongue to apply more pressure.
"Sti-" She gasped, "Shit, y-yes. Just like- You- S-shit-"
Her chest was heaving with strangled breaths, fingers digging into his shoulders desperately as she tried to vocalize how good he was making her feel.
Her thighs began to tremble with the build of her orgasm, legs tightening around his shoulders as he worked her closer and closer to her peak. She was teetering on the edge, gasping and whining slack-jawed, when Stiles closed his lips around her clit and sucked lightly, his tongue still flicking against the nub, and her orgasm suddenly crashed over her in a wave of white-hot pleasure. Her hips twitched beneath him and his name spilled from her lips as her whole body jerked with her release.
He didn't back off until she began to wriggle uncomfortably beneath him from overstimulation. He haphazardly wiped the slick covering his mouth off against the love-bitten skin of her thigh before he crawled his way back up her body to drop his forehead against hers, their noses brushing lightly as she caught her breath.
"It- It's almost annoying how good you are at that." She murmured, tipping her chin up to catch his lips against hers lightly.
Stiles grinned in satisfaction at the compliment and he leaned down to slot their lips together more firmly, the taste of her own arousal lingering on his mouth.
After a moment of recovery, Amber reached down to wrap a hand around the hard line of his cock over his boxers, a surprisingly large patch of precome dampening the fabric, his length warm and heavy in her hand. He huffed a sharp breath into her mouth and she pulled back from the kiss slightly to peer up at him, watching the way his eyelashes fluttered and his lips parted as she tightened her fingers around him and worked her hand slowly.
Stiles groaned weakly when she released him but she ignored his noises of protest, forcing his boxers down his hips and pushing at his shoulders determinedly until he was laying on his back. She pulled her own underwear up over her thighs again before discarding his and settling between his spread knees.
He was achingly hard now, his cock long and thick where it curved up his stomach, the head of it red and leaking a small trail of precome into the dark hairs of his happy trail. She took him back into her hand while pushing the fabric of his shirt up his chest slightly, her fingers scratching through the damp trail of hair that led up from his groin before pressing into the tensed muscles of his stomach.
She fought not to cringe at the action as she spit over the tip and began to jerk him off in earnest, thumbing away the strand of connection to her mouth. Her embarrassment washed away in a flash of confidence when Stiles let out another devastatingly weak groan, the sound of it high and breathy.
Her hand tightened at the head, collecting the precome leaking from his tip and combining it with her own spit with an easy twist of her wrist before slipping her fist back down his length, the glide smooth and noisy with the slick of the makeshift lubricant.
She leaned down slowly after a moment of simply pumping him with her fist, guiding the head of his cock to her lips. She watched him watching her — watched the moment his eyes slipped shut with a curse and his thighs twitched as she wrapped her lips around the tip.
"Oh, shit." He hissed, hands tangling in her hair, his fingers fumbling to gather her it away from her face so he could watch her move with no obstructions when he looked down again.
She swirled her tongue around the head once, relishing in the stuttered noises of desperation that Stiles was letting out, the way his thighs twitched as he tried not to thrust up into the heat of her mouth, the muscles of his stomach growing firm beneath her palm as he tensed.
"Babe. Baby, I'm-"
As he moaned, she was tightening her fist around the base, sucking lightly at the head and suddenly, Stiles was coming with a groan, warmth coating her tongue as his muscles tensed further and his grip tightened in her hair. She pulled back slightly in surprise, swallowing what was in her mouth, the taste of it salty and slightly metallic. She rubbed her thumb over the slick tip while come continued to shoot out in weak spirts, watching her boyfriend twitch with the waves of his own release, the way his muscles tensed and relaxed rapidly beneath dark hair and pale skin.
"Holy.. shit." He whispered, hips jerking and eyes closed as the last dregs of his release coated her fingers.
She waited, momentarily mesmerized by the rise and fall of his chest with labored breaths, before she reached past him to grab a tissue and began to wipe the mess away from the bottom of his stomach and her hand. When she reached back up for a second tissue, Stiles halted her movements to look at her with wide eyes.
His thumb rubbed along her jaw softly, "Oh my god," He whispered, "I'm.. So sorry. I just.. Shit. I'm sorry." He repeated quietly, looking adorably flushed from embarrassment or his orgasm or possibly some combination of both.
"What exactly are you apologizing for?" She asked curiously, her hand trailing up his cheek as she reached up to drag her fingertips through the softness of his short hair.
He grimaced, "Well first off for having, like, zero restraint whenever you're on top of me and always embarrassing myself by coming in like ten seconds-" He began quietly, "But mostly for just coming in your mouth without any warning-"
Amber knocked their foreheads together as she snorted an amused laugh, "Mhm. Totally unforgivable.." She teased, "But I guess.. Just this once.."
She leaned down to give him a kiss but his head tipped away to avoid her lips as he continued.
"I'm serious. I swear I usually last longer, but-"
"Usually?" She repeated the word playfully, "What, when you're jerking off in bed all by yourself?"
His nose scrunched up cutely in annoyance, "Well, I.. Yeah."
She laughed, "Aw, Sti. I'm sorry that having a real life half-naked girl on top of you is proving so detrimental to your sexual stamina."
"It's just not the presence of a naked girl that's been ruining me. Y'know, just for the record," He said quietly, tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ear as he continued, "It's that it's you."
"You're ridiculous." She blushed despite herself.
"I'm serious," He corrected, "I've wanted you for as long as I can remember and as if listening to the sounds you make when I'm eating you out aren't bad enough, then you actually get your hands on me, tits out, and you look up at me with those freakin' eyes while you put my dick in your mouth?" He shook his head with a small smile, "Nope.. No fuckin' way. I don't stand a chance."
"You're a pretty smooth talker aren't you, Stilinski?"
"I'm not trying t-"
She silenced him with a kiss, their mouths separating and quickly reconnecting in fluid movements until she had no choice but to lean back so that they could both catch their breath again.
"We should probably get started on homework if we don't want to end up like Scott." She commented reluctantly.
"I'm not sure it's even possible to fall as far behind as Scott," Stiles squeezed her hip lightly, "But you're probably right."
Amber leaned over the side of the bed to retrieve his underwear, passing them to him before crossing the room to dig around in his dresser for something comfortable to wear, "What do you want to do for dinner? Is your dad working late or should we maybe wait for him-?"
As she spoke, her eyes caught on a rolled up bundle of white cotton at the back corner of the drawer and she pulled it out excitedly, rubbing her thumb over the faded logo on the front before tugging it over her head.
"Working late. Again." Stiles sighed as he stepped up behind her, swapping the drawers to pull open the one stuffed with his sweats and pajama bottoms. He paused in his search for a pair of pants and grabbed at her shoulder curiously, "What shirt-?"
His words cut off as she was turned to face him with an excited grin on her face. She stretched her arms out at her sides with a flourish as she showed off the shirt she'd uncovered from the depths of his dresser.
"How long d'you think it's been since this even fit you?" She laughed.
Stiles was staring distractedly at the way her hardened nipples poked out beneath the faded Star Wars logo covering her chest and he shook his head after a few seconds of deafening silence before responding, "I, uh.. I dunno. Maybe when I was twelve? Thirteen?"
The soft worn cotton of the shirt only reached the tops of her thighs, not quite long enough to cover her underwear completely and Stiles was weak to do anything but immediately crowd her back against the dresser. He toyed with the loose collar, fingers brushing against the column of her throat, and her heart stuttered at the warmth of his body pressed against her. His free hand slipped beneath the hem to run along her stomach, sliding back to the bottom of her spine while he tugged the collar to the side and dipped his head to press his lips softly to the base of her neck.
"Sti, we.. We're supposed to be getting dressed-"
"Maybe we should get undressed one more time, and then get re-dressed." He suggested before kissing her neck again.
"Homework. Studying.."
She sighed, closing her eyes and tipping her head to the side in contradiction to her words so that she could bask in the feeling of his mouth just a little longer. The knowledge that they needed to be responsible did nothing to quell the heat that pooled beneath lace as he nipped lightly at her skin, just soft enough to teasingly suggest the threat of a real bite.
She gripped the warm skin of his hips, fingernails digging into pale flesh as she let out a breathy sigh and relaxed back against the dresser.
She let him continue for a long minute before pushing him back slightly, cupping his face in her hands, "Homework. We'll do homework and eat something and then maybe, before bed.."
Stiles groaned, "Fine."
She kissed the pout on his lips lightly, "We're making good choices."
"Yeah, yeah. I know."
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theslowestpoke · 24 days
Appreciation Post for Noah Stilinski and Chris Argent
Teen Wolf is accidentally a show about shitty parents. In all of Beacon Hills, Noah and Chris are the exceptions to the rule of bad dads.
Rafe McCall
Domestic violence
Abandoned his family
Bullies his son's best friend re: his own father's alcoholism, aka
Superiority complex
Actively endangers multiple people because he can't listen to his son for five minutes
Derek's Dad
Does he exist?
If he existed at some point, he fumbled Talia, so
Mr. Martin
Shows up to Lydia's parent-teacher conference and immediately assumes she's making trouble and has bad grades, indicating he has never bothered to get to know her
He does come to the hospital after Peter mauls her, but the risk of nearly losing her doesn't change his behavior, so this is performative at best and manipulative at worst
Coach Lahey
I mean, do I need to explain?
Physically and verbally abusive to at least one of his sons
Threatened a kid who nearly drowned at his house because
He let a bunch of teenagers drink underage at his house
I have a feeling Isaac getting a job at the graveyard wasn't a choice or a paying gig, but it's definitely not OSHA compliant to have one person under 18 on the night shift by himself and operating heavy machinery for the exact reason that we see happen in Omega
Peter Hale
He can be forgiven for not knowing about his kid for 16 years because that knowledge was literally stolen from him (a point against Talia Hale, don't come for me) but
Once they both know about it, he continues doing his creepy villain bullshit and nearly gets said kid killed multiple times
Gerard Argent
Not even touching his bad grandparenting,
Militarized his children with dangerous, xenophobic rhetoric which he has deliberately misconstrued to serve his own means
Could not give a single shit if either of his kids die in the line of duty, whether it is avoidable or not
Manipulated his daughter to such extremes that she groomed and sexually assaulted a child in order to murder his entire family
Decided it was fine for his son's first solo mission to be an arms deal with the literal Yakuza, supernatural elements aside
His big endgame plan was a betrayal of every ideal he ruined his children with and he was going to just carry on acting like that was fine
Elias Stilinski
Guess what, another asshole
Verbally and physically abusive to his wife and son
Continues to be verbally abusive and emotionally manipulative during moments of lucidity from his dementia
Chris and Noah are not perfect fathers, but they are <b>good</b>, which is what matters.
Noah has been dealt a bad hand in life, losing his wife while their son was so young, and he's tried very hard to break the cycle of violence while learning how to be a single father. He did have issues with alcoholism in the past, although we only hear about that from other people talking shit or when Stiles is poisoned with wolfsbane, so the true extent may be exaggerated. He almost always handles Stiles' neurodivergence and propensity to get himself (and others) into trouble with patience and understanding, unless it puts someone in danger.
Chris also broke the cycle of violence, trying his best to shield his daughter from the dangers of the hunter lifestyle until she was old enough to make a choice for herself. When that protection was forcibly removed and she was manipulated by everyone else in her family, he never stopped trying to help her see reason, including joining forces with his lifelong enemies to bring her back home. He also recognizes the missing pieces Isaac needs when he starts hanging around, so he pulls that kid under his wing, too, a remarkable show of character growth from his handling of Allison's last boyfriend. He did kind of forget that Isaac isn't legally his and then abduct him across international waters, but everyone grieves differently, I guess. Unless we find out explicitly what happens to Isaac in France, I'm going to assume the best and that Chris didn't just abandon him there with no resources.
Anyway, fandom talks a lot about Melissa McCall and, obviously, she's doing an amazing job, but she's not the only one.
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thenightling · 6 days
Oh, Tim Burton, what have you done? You've... you've conjured Beetlejuice-Mania!
"And who can forget Beetlemania!" - That is a line from the Beetlejuice animated series episode Critter Sitters when Beetlejuice was on trial in The Neither World. The "i" is in there on purpose. In the cartoon it's Neither, not Nether. And it's the "knee" pronunciation. Some of you Youtubers give yourselves away as having not really watched the show when you pronounce it as "Ny-ther." When this line was said in the episode one imagines the Beatlemania (60s Beatles craze) pun was in regard to Beetlejuice unleashing a swarm of beetles. But now... Beetlejuice is ridiculously trendy. It probably won't last since it's a pre-Halloween trend and burning pretty bright. Very intense fads tend to die out quickly. But I'll ride it while it's here. Sure, there was a borage of marketing tie-ins like Carmax and Secret woman's full-body deodorant (Strange to make that Beetlejuice related but okay...) Or Fanta's "Haunted Apple" soda. But now... Now I'm seeing Beetlejuice content everywhere. Those just discovering the Beetlejuice animated series because it went to Tubi (for free) last week are now writing Beetlejuice / Lydia fan fics and shipping the healthy friendship version of the characters. At least five different companies are making dolls of "Baby Beetlejuice" (sometimes called "Baby Juice" to be extra gross about it). NECA has the life-sized prop replica version. Living Dead Dolls has the distinction of selling their chibi Beetlejuice first. There are several plushies for sale on Amazon, Walmart, and other sites.
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I even spotted an officially licensed action figure of the Beetlejuice depiction from the Beetlejuice animated series. Nine-year-old me would have killed for that. Whoever decided to release baby dolls of Beetlejuice around the same time as the movie wisely paid attention to Disney's fumble with baby Grogu (Baby Yoda) when the Mandalorian was first released and the doll was nearly impossible to find at first. I never thought the hot toy (or at least in the top ten) this holiday season might be a baby doll of Beetlejuice.
Honestly, I don't think Beetlejuice was this popular IN 1988. Beetlejuice and The Sandman (Now a Netflix series and also originally from 1988 source material) are (with Wednesday, the Addams Family spin-off) accidentally rousing a new generation of Baby Bats (Young Goths) and it's adorable. I, for one, welcome our 80s / early 90s Goth Over-Lords. :-P
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lemonandpie · 3 months
Steter for the ask meme pls??? 👀
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: the fucking field scene. Stiles on his knees while Peter has blood all over his chin. Peter making him stand via an actual claw under his chin (especially now we know that's how wolves control minds so that was even more of a threat). Even the lighting went off. Absolutely flawless.
my thoughts: Chef's kiss. Peter spending the whole show like Stiles is the bitch he fumbled (at least he's aware). Snark to snark combat. Morals we don't know her. Stiles should have been riding that seven days a week.
What makes me happy about them: TW really said we only have Dylan O'Brien for three episodes this season... let's make one episode that is just Stiles and Peter figuring out how to rescue themselves
What makes me sad about them: why be sad Steter is the most consistent relationship in Teen Wolf
things done in fanfic that annoys me: honestly can't think of anything. Tropes that annoy me in Teen Wolf fic (or the show) very rarely make it into Steter fic. The entire fandom is on fire and we're just in a happy little bubble
things I look for in fanfic: not a requirement, but I'm always delighted to find a fic that manages to make them funny. I'm also always in need of more fic where Peter is cheerleading Stiles' more murderous tendencies
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: All I've seen of the movie is Chris and Peter, so in my mind that's just canon now. I'm also pro Stydia. Maybe some friends with benefits with Kira. And Stiles Lydia and Parrish totally get together when they're back in town. All of these would be fine with partner swapping (you will pry college Stydia having threesomes with every guy they like out of my cold dead hands).
My happily ever after for them: Peter helping Stiles with the nogitsune trauma and then being his rich morally dubious sugar daddy while Stiles runs a paranormal private detective agency
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Stiles canonically is the little spoon. But I'm sure they switch
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: testing who is smartest it's Stiles
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daughter-of-melpomene · 8 months
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❝ Tabby had known her whole life that there were werewolves in Beacon Hills. However, this knowledge wasn’t due to any terrifying encounter she had had with the local wolves as a child or sixth sense that only she possessed - Tabby knew because she came from a family of witches, ones who had lived in the small California town since it was just young, and who had kept themselves and their magic so secret that even the wolves had no idea who they shared the town with anymore, if they ever had at all.
And Tabby was certainly skilled at following her family’s devotion to secrecy and keeping her knowledge, and what she truly was, unknown to everyone else. Naturally socially awkward and prone to tripping over nothing but air in front of large groups of people, she had gone through most of her life with no true friends and only a handful of people she could nod to when she passed them in the halls. Her parents insisted that this was a good thing, better for helping her keep the secret of their witch-hood, but it had never stopped her from longing for deeper connections, for some friends she could talk to late into the night and who would be impressed when she showed off the cool new defensive spell she’d been working on instead of critiquing her pronunciation and hand movements.
When Allison Argent arrived in Beacon Hills, Tabby only found that want for connection increasing, but in a very different way than usual - Allison was easily the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen, and in true Tabby fashion, she’d taken one look at the school’s newest arrival and immediately started fantasizing about what to name their future children. However, also in true Tabby fashion, she couldn’t bring herself to actually approach Allison directly and was too afraid of Lydia Martin, who had taken the new girl under her wing, to try and get close to her through a friend group, so ever having a conversation with the object of her affections seemed impossible - until, at least, Tabby realized that Scott McCall, a shy boy whom Allison seemed to have taken an interest in, had suddenly gained that certain aura and scent of damp earth and moonlight that her parents had taught her to associate with werewolves.
Seizing her opportunity to get closer to Allison - and to finally learn more about the species her parents have always warned her to stay away from in order to keep their secret - Tabby approaches Scott and his dorky, energetic best friend and offers to use her magic to assist him in figuring out his newfound lycanthropy (revealing the Aquino family secret and thus breaking her family’s biggest rule as a result, but there’s a pretty girl involved so what is she supposed to do?). She promptly proves to be rather terrible at it, of course, fumbling her attempts to help as she fumbles most things, but being involved in Scott’s werewolf adventures seems to be gaining her both friends and the attention of the most beautiful girl in town, so she also can’t say she’s complaining.
Well, when Scott actually starts to be in danger and his grumpy older werewolf mentor dies a bunch of times, then she might complain a little. But perhaps this whole supernatural debacle may be a chance for Tabby to perfect her magic, finally be part of a friend group like she’s always wanted… and hopefully stop tripping over her feet and her tongue long enough to get the girl. ❞
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General Taglist: @hiddenqveendom, @auxiliarydetective, @foxesandmagic, @artemisocs, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @stanshollaand, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @luucypevensie, @ginger-grimm, @arrthurpendragon, @fakedatings, @impales, @claryxjackson, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @eddysocs, @lucys-chen, @oneirataxia-girl, @ocappreciationtag. (Also tagging @nolanhollogay.)
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tickle-bugs · 2 years
For the warmup prompts can you do Beetlejuice and Lydia (platonic! I do not ship them romantically in any way whatsoever) with the dialogue of “I bet I can get you to say my name.” If not, I totally understand!
So for people who haven’t seen/listened to the musical the vibe is completely different from the movie LMAO less “this is our weird uncle beetlejuice the family won’t talk to him he’s wanted by the feds and can’t come within 500 feet of the house” and more “cool but still weird cousin beetlejuice who collects strange rocks, is always in danger of being actively actively on fire, and is wayyy too into dark humor”. It’s a good show! If you like comedy musicals with a rock lean to the soundtrack, you’ll probably like it. It’s got a Little Shop of Horrors sensibility to it, I think. 
If anyone tags this as ship w/ Lydia and Beetlejuice I will crawl out of your screen like the girl from the ring and gnaw on your bones I’m so serious
AU where the plot of this show doesn’t take like. A week LMAO. Basically Lydia hasn’t said BJ’s name yet but she also hasn’t decided what to do with her dad yet. So they’re at an impasse. Lydia regularly goes to hang out in her haunted attic and lament because Delia won’t go up there, thus making it safe. Beetlejuice keeps doing Say My Name-style ad pitches to get Lydia to summon him properly but he’s not very good at it. 
EDIT: FORGOT THE BODY HORROR WARNING OOPS!! It’s very mild but just in case anyone needs it <;3
Full-Time Spectres
Lydia’s life is far from conventional, perfectly so, but she’s started to adapt to the strangeness in the walls of her house. She doesn’t have the one ghost she wants most of all, but she’s got three that do just fine for entertainment and scheming purposes. She’s gotten used to the cold spots, the occasional flicker of the lights, and Adam’s habit of walking through walls rather than doors--he figured out that he could and never wanted to stop. 
Some things she’ll never adjust to, though, like her attic being strewn with scraps of brutalized board games.
Monopoly’s been pinned to the wall with a knife, Ludo sits perfectly still on a shelf with suspicious-looking green liquid in the shot glasses, and a chess board hovers in the air, eternally aflame. It’s a massacre and she doesn’t know where half of these things came from. 
“What’s, uh…what’s happening here?” Lydia kicks the door shut behind her. The door creaks open. She kicks it closed again with a frown.
Adam looks up and squints at the door. His eyes dart around as if he can see the schematics of it and diagnose the problem from halfway across the room. Lydia allows herself a tiny smile. 
“Adam’s teaching me to play checkers.” Beetlejuice beams, which is unsettling in itself. 
“Well, I tried to reach him to play chess, then a few other things…it didn’t go well.” Adam pushes his glasses up his nose and surveys the board in front of them. He captures one of Beetlejuice’s pieces with a triumphant little ‘aha!’.
Beetlejuice takes a long, pensive look at the board. Very thin tendrils of smoke curl out of his ears as he tries to decide which piece to play. Adam, sweet Adam, goes to help him make an advantageous move, but Beetlejuice shushes him. 
“What are you doing?” Lydia sidles over to Barbara, who fumbles with an old lamp. She sets it down before she can shatter it. 
“Well, it was going to be a surprise but…” Barbara gestures excitedly to a small nook in the attic. She’s rearranged various boxes of her former belongings to build a shoddy sort of booth. A heavy, ugly floral curtain hangs precariously over the doorway. 
“It’s a dark corner!” Lydia gasps sarcastically. 
“No—well, yes, but it’s supposed to be a kind of mini dark room? I don’t know much about them but I know you’re always taking pictures.” Barbara shifts awkwardly.
Oh. Oh. 
Lydia cradles her camera in her hands, running her thumb along the outside. The pebbled texture is a kiss to her fingertips. If she concentrated hard enough, she can remember the feeling of her mom’s warm hands over her own, showing her how to hold the camera. 
“If you don’t like it—“ 
“You made this for me?” She whispers. She tries to swallow the lump in her throat. 
“Still workin’ on it, but yes.” Barbara gestures lamely. 
“You…didn’t have to do that.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve got nothing but time. Might as well use it right.” Barbara shrugs. Lydia bounces on her toes.
“I’ve still, um, gotta clear out all of our junk. Adam and I don’t need it anymore, not really, and you need room to breathe. I know it’s not much, but--”
Lydia crashes into Barbara for a hug. She’s icy to the touch, but her touch is the most comforting thing Lydia can imagine. Barbara pulls her in close, cradling the back of her head with her cool hands. There is no heartbeat in her chest, but Lydia can feel that it’s not empty.  
A memory of her mother prickles at the back of her mind. She pushes it down. 
“Do you want help?” Lydia pulls away and looks towards the dark room, ignoring the twinge of grief in her gut. She can see its potential around the edges.
“It’s your surprise! You can’t help with that!” Barbara gasps, affronted. 
The curtain falls heavily from the hooks and thumps into the ground. A plume of dust kicks up and Lydia coughs. 
“Okay. Maybe you can.” Barbara scratches her head. Together, she and Lydia hoist the heavy curtain back into precarious-looking hooks embedded in the wall. As they back away from it, silently begging it to stay in place, Beetlejuice sits up ramrod straight. 
“Adam, Barbara’s throwing away your coin collection,” Beetlejuice gasps and points over Adam’s shoulder.
“What? They’re vintage!” Adam whirls around. Beetlejuice moves a bunch of pieces around, making a bunch of captures, and eats a piece for good measure. He winks at Lydia. She fondly rolls her eyes. 
“You know I would never.” Barbara says. Adam deflates. She kisses his forehead. He grumbles a little but accepts it.
When Adam turns back to the board, Lydia has the express joy of watching him go through the five stages of grief in real time. He looks from Beetlejuice to the board in sheer despair. 
“Why do you keep eating the pieces?” Adam puts his head in his hands. 
“Because, Adam dearest, it makes you mad.” Beetlejuice pats his shoulder solemnly. Lydia snorts.
“Well, I’m officially out of games.” Adam pats his thighs and stands. He ambles over to Barbara and appraises the curtain. He puts his hands on his hips and starts muttering about supports and tracks. Lydia tries to follow along but her eyes near-instantly glaze over. 
“Sooooo, Lydia.” Beetlejuice slides over to her. “Have you given my offer any more thought?”
“You still haven’t given me a convincing argument. Calling yourself ‘the worst of the best’ isn’t exactly a glowing review.” Lydia wrinkles her nose. 
“These two like me!” Beetlejuice points at the Maitlands. Barbara gives a teasing ‘meh’ gesture just to see him splutter in offense. She laughs softly. 
“I’ll admit, I’m coming around on him.” Adam chuckles. 
“Thank you, Adam. Mwah.” Beetlejuice blows a kiss in his direction. Adam turns a little pink and goes back to working on the curtain. Barbara whispers something in his ear that makes him turn even pinker. 
“They like anyone. I’ve met cardboard with stronger opinions than them.” Lydia scoffs, then turns. “No offense.” 
Adam and Barbara both shrug. 
“Fair point. Counteroffer: you hate your dad, I hate your dad, let’s kill him.” Beetlejuice gives his most enthusiastic jazz hands. Lydia stares at him blankly. 
“Denied.” She pushes his hands out of the way. 
“On what grounds?”
“On the grounds that you suck. Your fate hinges on me and you can’t even get me to say your name. You spend all your time cheating at board games because you need me more than I need you. That’s pretty lame for a big, scary demon,” Lydia says mockingly, curling her fingers into claws. When Beetlejuice gives her the finger, she gives two right back with a smirk. 
“Lydia, be nice,” Barbara chides, goosing Lydia’s side. She yelps and smacks her hand away. 
Beetlejuice gasps. Lydia slowly meets his sparkling eyes. 
“No.” Lydia points at him. Beetlejuice smiles slowly, wicked and full of mischief. 
“I’ll kill you. I’ll bring you back to life just to kill you--”
Lydia steps back, Beetlejuice steps forward, and all hell breaks loose. Lydia springs over a pile of Maitland junk and ducks under Adam’s arm. She shoves him into Beetlejuice’s path.
Beetlejuice simply picks Adam up and deposits him elsewhere like a Maitland mannequin. He squeaks and leaps out of the way of their chase.  
The two of them circle each other around an unbuilt dining room table kit, Lydia just barely keeping out of arm’s reach. She bolts past a dilapidated spin-your-own-yarn kit and dives through Barbara’s legs to hide behind her. 
Beetlejuice stops and visibly considers the consequences of doing the same. Barbara gives him a withering look. He tries to circle around her, but Lydia’s excellent at moving her around like a meat shield. Beetlejuice visibly starts scheming. 
Barbara looks at Lydia, looks back at him, and slides out of the way. 
“Barbara!” Lydia screeches in outrage but there’s not enough time to screech and run. He grabs her and pulls her into a bear hug. 
“Thank youuuu, Babs!” Beetlejuice grins at her. She shakes her head fondly and honorably discharges herself from the battlefield. 
“Hey Lydia…I bet I can get you to say my name.” He cackles evilly. Lydia hisses at him, but damn it, she’s already giggling nervously. He swoops his hands over her stomach, wiggling his fingers but not quite touching. 
“B-Beetlejuice!” She squeaks and rocks up onto her toes in lieu of running. 
“That’s one!” He singsongs, finally touching down on her stomach. She folds into his hands—unwise, really—and curses Beetlejuice to the high heavens and below. 
“Think we should help her?” Adam leans over to Barbara. They both watch Lydia worm around in Beetlejuice’s arms, not making much of an escape attempt despite the volume of her threats. 
“Nah.” Barbara moves a crate of nearly-unused embroidery hoops out of the way with tender care. The curtain collapses again. Both Maitlands sigh. 
“Beetlejuice, you fucker!” Lydia growls, but quickly loses it to laughter. He’s doing this infuriating little pinchy-thing to her sides, one that makes her leap clear off the ground each time. She tosses her head back and cackles, her whole face scrunched with the force of it. 
God, she hasn’t laughed like this since…well, it’s been a while. She’d forgotten that she could. 
“Eh, that probably counts. One more!” Beetlejuice finds a deathly spot on her lower ribs and decides not to leave it alone. 
“Hm, yeah. See, now we’re gonna have to start over.” Beetlejuice tasers her sides, right at that spot, and feigns disapproval. Lydia makes a noise at a pitch audible only to dogs and demons. 
Lydia’s foot connects directly with his face in a frankly-stunning high kick. He drops her roughly. Something goes flying across the room and hits the wall with a quiet thump. Barbara gasps sharply and covers her mouth in shock. 
Beetlejuice touches his nose—or rather, the space where it used to be, and a thick hush falls over the attic. Everyone’s eyes drift to the nose, now fallen among jars of the most rancid-looking kombucha on the face of the earth. It twitches plaintively. 
He laughs, loud and boisterous. His lack-of-nose whistles as he does. Adam picks up the fallen nose and gags before tossing it to Lydia and wiping his hands on his shirt. 
“Got your nose,” Lydia giggles weakly, depositing it into Beetlejuice’s hand. 
“Nice shot.” Beetlejuice chuckles, uncomfortably nasally, and shoves his nose back into place with an awful crack. He takes a long, wheezing inhale and gives her a thumbs up. 
“So…” He sidles close to her, bringing back the jazz hands. 
“Yeah, that’s fair.” He sighs. 
“Lydia, are you alright?” Delia’s voice curls faintly up the rickety staircase. She climbs up, but not all the way—Lydia can tell by the shuffling of her awful shoes. 
Everyone freezes.
She opens her mouth to answer Delia and Beetlejuice squeezes her sides. She yelps and whirls around, but he doesn’t even have the decency to feign innocence. He just does it again, waiting for the precise moment she goes to speak. 
“Y-Yeah, I’m o-okay.” Lydia wrestles with Beetlejuice’s hands, her voice shaking with barely-restrained giggles. 
“Oh god, please don’t make me come up there.” Delia’s ‘whisper’ is anything but. Beetlejuice snorts. 
“I’m fine! Just, uhm, doing spring cleaning.” Lydia calls back, stomping on Beetlejuice’s foot. He doesn’t even flinch. 
“Okay.” A long, heavy pause from Delia. 
“You can go now!” Lydia yells. Delia’s heels click quickly down the stairs, back towards the dreary living. 
“You’re insufferable,” Lydia hisses at Beetlejuice, punching his shoulder. He holds his hand over his heart and gives a grand, sweeping bow. When he stands up, he smacks his head against the dagger in the wall. Lydia snickers at him.
He turns around like a penguin, never one to do things normally, and makes a delighted noise at the pierced Monopoly board. He pulls the knife out of the wall and pokes his finger with it a few too many times, fascinated with the sharpness of it. 
He stretches, makes a bunch of vague measurement and aiming gestures, then lobs the knife straight upwards. It lodges into the ceiling with an enthusiastic ping! The blade warbles with the force of it.
Beetlejuice slaps the Monopoly board down on the floor and plops down in front of it. Adam bemoans the state of the attic ceiling as Barbara consoles him. 
“Wanna play?” Beetlejuice snaps his fingers and the board changes, shifting into black, whites, purples, and greens. Graveyard moss creeps along the edges of the board. Monopoly components spawn into existence on the board, appearing in puffs of fog and comically-quiet wails of the damned. 
“Sure.” Lydia sits opposite him. She pokes at some of the moss. It sprouts to meet her touch. 
“If you get stabbed, you lose?” Beetlejuice casts a cursory glance to the still-wobbling knife. The blade shifts slightly out of the ceiling. 
“Deal.” Lydia sticks her hand out to shake. Beetlejuice takes it with gusto. 
“You guys wanna play?” Lydia turns to the Maitlands. Barbara and Adam look at each other, communicating in that telepathic way of theirs. Barbara grins and leads Adam over to the board to sit. 
“I call thimble!” Adam reaches for it. Beetlejuice swats his hand. Adam reaches again. Beetlejuice swats him a little harder. 
“You can’t have the thimble. I’m the thimble.” Beetlejuice pinches it between his fingers. 
“Can I have the thimble?” Barbara leans close to Beetlejuice and looks up at him through her lashes. Lydia never would’ve guessed that a demon could blush, but sure enough, Beetlejuice’s face takes on the slightest bit of color. 
“I sense that I’m being manipulated.” He narrows his eyes. 
“Is it working?” Barbara smiles. 
“Yep.” He slaps the thimble into her hand. She passes it to Adam. He beams. Beetlejuice rolls his eyes but his gaze lingers on them for just a bit too long. 
“Well played, Babs. Well played.” Beetlejuice scoops up the racecar piece and frowns at it. Its tiny metal form melts and reconfigures into a small hearse. Satisfied, he places it right next to the cat piece—Lydia’s, of course. Barbara takes the top hat with pride. 
When Beetlejuice jumps Adam for his extra get out of jail free card—of which there are a suspicious amount in Beetlejuice’s version of the game—Lydia laughs and swipes a bit of Beetlejuice’s money. Adam’s hiccupy cackles are the backdrop for Barbara robbing the bank in broad daylight, taking as many bills from the tray as her heart desires. 
Lydia’s life is certainly very strange and painfully unusual, but she wouldn’t trade it for the world. She can only hope that her mom will love being part of the attic’s menagerie of ghosts and ghouls as much as she does. 
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jjsstars · 1 year
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tw rarepair week 23: day 3, soulmates au cora/scott/lydia
|| for @teenwolfrarepairevents event
|| this is in the same au as this post with bartender!lydia & mechanic!scott
|| tags: soulmates au, bartender!lydia, mechanic!scott, set after canon
Cora takes a second to steady herself once she steps out of the old rusted truck she bought with the little money she saved up, refusing to spend any of Derek’s or Peters. They don’t know she’s coming back to Beacon Hills, nobody does, not that she keeps in touch with anyone but her family but still. She’ll be surprising everyone.
The gas station/mechanic shop/bar she stops at makes her cringe, it’s run down and dusty from the sand under her feet, the sign for the mechanic shop is turned off in the late hour but the bar is still open. Technically all Cora needed was gas but she’s half an hour away from Beacon Hills and unsure if she’s really ready to show up on her brothers door step, she decides getting a drink from the bar will ease her.
Stepping into the bar is announced by a loud squeak of the doors, which catches the attention of the two people inside. The bartender is hard to see behind the guy who’s sat on a bar stool with an empty glass in front of him, they’ve both stopped talking, not turning towards Cora but probably listening to every move she makes. She steps to the bar and slides herself onto a stool despite it, it’s too late in the night to care about strangers judging her.
“What can I get for you—?” The bartenders voice dies with an abrupt suck in of air, Cora’s head lifts to look up and- Lydia Martin?- shit.
“Uh- sorry, uh, what can I get for you?” Lydia throws on a quick smile and tries to act like she doesn’t know who’s sitting in front of her, part of Cora appreciates it, she probably knows Cora’s not supposed to be here.
“Just a soda.” She croaks out before Lydia’s turning on her heels to grab a cup that she quickly fills with sprite, it’s what Cora would’ve ordered but she doesn’t know why or how Lydia would know that.
“Here you go, uh- I- I think Scott recognizes you.” Lydia’s head nods towards the other side of the bar, and sure enough Scott McCall is sitting there, mouth dropped open and eyes wide like he just saw a ghost. Cora could laugh at how he still resembles a puppy dog if she wasn’t halfway mortified that he’s about to call Derek.
“Hi there.” She says with a small quirked brow when Scott’s mouth slams shut and he starts to fumble with the mechanic uniform jacket he has on. Cora glances back to Lydia, she shrugs to say she has no idea what he’s doing either, and just as Cora goes to ask, Scott’s suddenly shoving himself into the seat beside her.
“You’re you- or- I knew that but- but it’s you, both of you.” He rambles and Hale has the sudden realization of what the hell he’s talking about. What they said, what Scott just said, it’s scrawled across her ribs right below what Lydia said. It’s them.
“Look, look.” Her eyes land on Scott’s ribs where he lifts the grease covered tank top he has on, sure enough, it all matches. The same spot and same words.
“Fuck me.” Lydia says in a half laugh as she holds her own shirt up. They all match, the three of them, Cora doesn’t even need to check, she just knows. She’s memorized those words since they appeared on her fifth birthday, she always dreamed about meeting her soulmates. The idea of have two only making her want to meet them more, made her long deeper.
“Wait but I’ve met you two before.” It obviously doesn’t matter but she still has to say it.
“But we’ve never been in the same place all at once.” Scott says with an affirming nod from Lydia that yes, he’s right, Cora smiles with it. She knows Lydia’s a genius of some sort and Scott looking to her makes her heart warm.
“What’re you even doing here?” Shit, she has to say it.
“Uh- I’m going to Derek’s, I left where I was and have kinda been aimlessly driving around. Ended up here.” Maybe it was the universe pulling her towards her soulmates, fate of some type. Maybe it’s not the fucked up early twenties breakdown she thought it was.
“You should come home with us.” Scott jumps to say, that half cracked grin on his face that Cora’s only see in the pictures Derek’s shared with her. There was too much chaos and life or death going on for her to see it in person, till now, it’s definitely better in person.
“You two live together?” They nod.
“We started working here together back when Scott was first bit, now we have an apartment together, it’s in the same building as Derek’s loft.” The redhead summarizes as she pours a drink, presumably for herself since neither Scott or Cora can get drunk.
“Are you dating?” Another nod.
“We figured we’d break up when we finally met our soulmates but it’s you so we don’t have to. And- and we don’t have to start dating right away, there’s a second bedroom in the apartment and it’s there rent free if you want it.” Scott smells of nerves and a small bit of hope, Cora hesitates just a moment but leans to kiss his cheek. His skin warms her lips, she can feel how he smiles with the action and it brings a sense of comfort to her.
“You are very cute. And yes, I will come stay with you guys. The longer I avoid Derek and Peter the better.” She huffs once she pulls back, ignoring that Lydia’s typing away on her phone and might’ve just taken a picture of them.
“Well let’s go, we were supposed to close an hour ago anyways. And we can talk more on the ride home.” Lydia finishes her glass off before flipping the switch to turn off the neon sign that sits above the bar. She takes both Cora and Scott’s hand as they walk out, Cora happily lets her and lets Scott pile them all into Cora’s truck while saying they’ll be back here tomorrow to work anyways so leaving Scott’s car isn’t a big deal.
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hoodoo12 · 2 years
Dec 16th show
This show was the last I'll see till closing night, which I am lucky enough to be able to go to. Is lucky the right word? Shouldn't it be heart-breaking or something? idk
It has been nice to be able to have seen the show a few times, because I pick up new things each time. I don't mean that a lot in the show has changed, but because I familiar with it I'm not hyper-focused on the "action" of the scene and can watch the secondary actors on the stage. I feel like I saw a lot more of the individual clones during TBS, and of course I watched Elliott a little more. (Okay, a lot more, lol)
Dana Steingold was Lydia. She did an excellent job of navigating all of Lydia's emotions, instead of having just one overwhelm the nuance of the character.
Notes from show:
Alex wore a plain white shirt for several of the numbers. But not all of them (TBS, for example). I don't understand why.
Alex mocked my laughter at one point (after 'gay republican'), copying it before going to the next line.
The kid he picked for sad puppet show was right behind us (over our left shoulder). We overheard the family talking before it the show and the kid had never seen it before. His mom had to answer for him because he Alex terrified him mute (the kid was 10, for christ's sake). Alex could def see how uncomfortable the kid was because he crouched down to stare him directly in the eye and shouted, "YOUR PARENTS HAVE MADE A HUGE MISTAKE BRINGING YOU HERE", which only scared the kid more.
During his Katherine Hepburn speech, he pretended to be her down on all fours like they were going to screw doggy style.
During FoTL when David suggests, "act like a baby" Alex says, "What the shit is wrong with you?" and now that's my new favorite line.
Alex fumbled for "Brigadoon". He said, "I know my name is on the marquis, but you'll have to watch a new show. The Maitlands," and then stood there for a moment too long, gestured to them again for more time/effect before finally coming up with the line. The person with me thought since he couldn't remember the word he'd just finish with, " . . . the Maitlands. I'm out of here" and then "Yeah, I'm out of here. Fuck me, I guess" instead of "fuck Brigadoon."
Alex screwed up his mic during SMN. He went a little extra (more on that later) when he pulled back his wig to showcase the maggot brain, which messed it up. He repeatedly had to tap it/adjust it during the song to get it working correctly again. This is the second time I've seen that happen to him; it was pointed out that maybe I'm the common denominator when it stops working correctly . . .
Adam Dannheisser almost lost it when Leslie said "prostitution?" responding to his, "you're my employee and my lover" line. He had to take several moments to compose himself to not laugh. He did it though! Good job!
The guy Alex picked on as "that guy" was wearing a suit. The last time he addressed him, he added, "You got all dressed up tonight and got ROASTED." Pause for laughter. "Thanks for coming."
The guy sitting by me was INTO the show. Like leaning forward to laugh and shaking enough during it he rocked the seats.
The two kids (mid-teens) next to us were NOT into it. I don't know why their mom paid for front row seats for kids who didn't give a shit and who, during "Home", pulled out their phones to check their IG or Tiktok or whatever.
Maybe this is something everyone else was aware of, but the knees on his red suit are completely patched. Like his overcoat and the striped suit, they have these big stitches which I had never seen before. That whole suit looked a little more ratty to me than I remember it.
During COG when he and David swing each other over to stage right, Alex got some serious air. He was literally parallel to the ground (my companion pointed out after the show that I gasped, lol) so David must be gdamn strong to lift Alex like that.
Alex also made not one, not two, but three attempts to kiss David at stage right + made a grab at his crotch. Two of those things David was either not expecting or he's just a really excellent actor. It could be both.
Juno's leg skittered across the floor and almost fell into the pit, which I would have paid extra money to see because what the heck would they do??
Going back to "Alex being extra" . . . during intermission the person I was with was like, "What the hell? Why is he exhausting himself? Did you see? His make up is sliding off his face he's so sweaty and I've never seen him go so ham. This is Beetlejuice, not Alex."
She was genuinely concerned for him. Honestly, me too. He exuded more of a frenetic energy which, while appropriate for the character, was so much for so long the miasma of it hung in the air. Maybe he's just giving his all because the show is closing in 3 weeks. idk But with flu, COVID, and RSV also floating around, I hope he doesn't overstress his immune system so he can close the show out.
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader  
Requested by Anon​
Halloween event
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Warnings: reader attacked, reader drugged, mentions of drugging, blood
When his phone started ringing, Stiles fumbled in his pocket as he watched the ambulance pull away. Lydia was talking with Parrish about the scene when she’d come across it.
“Yes?” Stiles said quickly. He hadn’t checked who called but he knew it was you the minute you spoke.
“Stiles?” You said quietly.
“What’s happened?” He asked. Your voice was quiet and fragile.
“Can you come over? I don’t know what happened. I woke up covered in blood.” You muttered. Stiles sighed and glanced at Lydia. She frowned over at him as she tried to gauge if he was upset or just stressed.
"Fine I’ll come over but if you’ve killed someone you’re digging the grave yourself." He said. He’d meant it to be a joke but you hung up on him immediately. Motioning to Lydia that he had to go she gave him a thumbs up and pointed to Parrish’s car to indicate she’d get a lift home from him. Stiles nodded and hurried to his car. The Jeep crunched and groaned as he sped through town. He jerked the gearbox and twice he managed to stall the car.
He pulled up on your drive and let himself in. There was blood everywhere. A lot of blood. He started to panic immediately.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” He yelled frantically. He hurried through the house, trying his best to avoid stepping in the blood and spreading it further. He found you huddled in a corner of the kitchen. You were covered in blood too.
“What happened?” He asked.
“I don’t know. I went to bed and woke up down here with blood everywhere.” You insisted. Stiles nodded and reached for his phone.
“I have to call my dad but it’ll be ok.” He promised. You didn’t acknowledge him. Phoning him seemed to be as much as you could handle. You were practically catatonic when Melissa and his dad showed up. She looked you over while Stiles’ dad tried to find some kind of evidence that he could dismiss you as a suspect for whatever had happened while Stiles fidgeted at the sidelines.
“Oh god.” Melissa said quietly. She called Stiles’ dad over and showed him something in your hairline. His face turned grim, losing all of its colour.
“This is Sheriff Stilinski. I’m going to need a crime scene team out here asap. We had another break-in. Send an ambulance… There are signs of drugging like Parrish’s scene. Be advised that the house you’re coming to belongs to a person who has consulted with us in the past.” He said as he stood up. Stiles didn’t say anything. He didn’t even fidget. He stayed perfectly still as Melissa said he could take your hand. He didn’t let go. Even when they loaded you into an ambulance. He sat next to your bed as blood was drawn and people came to interview you. Even when Lydia, Malia, and Scott showed up he wouldn’t budge.
“I knew I should have picked you up on the way. If Lydia hadn’t been so freaked out. It’s probably why isn’t it?” Stiles said quietly as Scott came to sit next to him.
“Your dad says that the evidence is all in and it looks as if whatever did it was trying to frame (Y/N). There are claw marks on one of the windows in the basement. It's how it got in.” Scott said as if trying to be soothing. Stiles reached out and squeezed your hand. You’d started to doze off, feeling tired.
“What if it’s not just framing? What if it was a warning? A threat? They got right in the house. Besides, What kind of clawed monster needs to use a sedative to knock out its victims?” Stiles muttered.
Stiles tags:
@lovelyy-moonlight @stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @criesinlies @lovesanimals0000 @sairamccall11 @theletterhart @bluebear142077 @boardstomymood @big-galaxy-chaos @onyourgoddamnleft @greekktragedyy @ietss @alexxavicry @daughterofthenight117 @sarcasm-n-insomnia @multi-fandom5 @justice-for-the-kaldorei @favmeyou @kaylantus @ssa--holmes @skinny-bitch-juice @salemsnothere @supernatural-wolfie @yougottalovefandoms @sentimentalweasley @why-am-I-here-01 @maxineswritingcenter @babygrinchsblog @alwaysadreamingoptimist @love1deandra @wittiestrain184 @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @multifandomwriter56 @littlefreakingfangirl @jayyeahthatsme @thebookisbtr @hardladyheart @gillybear17 @bluejaysaysstuff @lchufflepuffcorn @lucyqueenofthestars @fatherfigured @Kaitieskidmore1 @stupendousbelieverzombie @prettyplant0 @hardladyheart @bluejaysaysstuff @slxthxrxn-sxmp @jamie-c-bower-simp @readingbookelf @boardstomymood
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Derek- For The Better
A/N- Here is part 2 of Maybe You Should. Sorry for the three month wait! Hope it lives up to expectations.
Original Request: can you do an imagine where the reader is a well known vocalist in  beacon hills and one night the pack goes to an underground party(you  know the umm like illegal shows something like that whatever im  sorry😂)and they see her again when their like a following a lead and  they see her there and she's like getting information(she's a hunter)  with like you know slight seduction but nothing excessive but the guy  sees the pack and he runs and reader gets really badass like woah and  can the pairing be with derek?
    “Derek! Derek! Hey, let me go!”
    Derek turned at the sound of your familiar voice. You were sprinting up to the barricade that separated the Hale property from the rest of the world. Fire trucks and police cruisers surrounded  his house, which had been reduced to nothing but a burned out shell.
    “Ma’am, stop!” 
You were shoving past a couple of Beacon Hills Sheriff’s deputies, too quick for their pudgy, fumbling hands to grab. Acrid smoke filled the air, making you gag, but you never stopped running.
    Derek had been standing in his front yard, staring in horror as the Coroner began to carry the bodies of his family members, covered in white sheets. They had run out of body bags a while ago.
    You suddenly crashed into him, throwing your arms around his broad shoulders. “God, I thought you were-”
    You yelped as he shoved you off, sending you crashing onto the leaf-covered yard. 
    “Derek-” you began, scrambling to your feet. 
    Before you could finish, he was grabbing you by the throat and shoving you up against a nearby tree. 
    “I know you did this!” he screamed in your face. “I know you helped them!”
    “No! I didn’t-”
    “Stay away from me or I’ll kill you! I swear to god, I’ll kill you!”
    Derek sat up in bed with a start. He was drenched in sweat, and he had kicked his covers off in his sleep. They sat on the cold floor of the loft in a jumbled heap, looking sad and forlorn as the first rays of morning light shined onto them.
    He sighed, burying his face in his hands. Derek couldn’t get you out of his head. 
    Since the night at the underground show, thoughts of your reunion had plagued him. You had always been able to hide your feelings behind a hunter’s bravado, but you forgot that Derek knew you better than anyone. 
    It wasn’t just the circles under your eyes that you hid with concealer, or the urgency in your voice when you confronted Lydia that made him think something was seriously wrong. What set off alarm bells inside Derek’s head were your final words before disappearing that night.
    Maybe you should hate me. 
    Admitting guilt had never come easily to you. It was something you would never have done unless you had to. Unless you felt like you wouldn’t have another chance to say it.
    Your words had an air of finality to them, one that sent Derek’s stomach working itself into knots. Something was missing when it came to this whole situation with Kate. He was sure you held that missing piece, but he didn’t know if you would survive long enough for him to figure it out.��
    Yes, you had been reckless in the past, but he had almost watched you launch yourself off of a balcony and onto a werewolf three times your size. That wasn’t just reckless. It was suicidal.
    “She’s spiraling, Dude,” Stiles had told him in the parking lot. “She put a knife up to my freaking throat!”
    They were all crowded around Stiles’ jeep, going over how their plan had failed and what their next steps would be.
    Lydia, who normally disagreed when anyone said something negative about you, was uncharacteristically silent. Her lips were pressed together in a grim line. 
    “Maybe we can reach out,” Scott suggested. “Maybe she’ll tell us what she knows. ”
    Derek shook his head. “She doesn’t trust us.”
    “But she might trust you.”
    Derek glanced over at Lydia. He raised his eyebrows. 
    “Are you serious?”
    As it turned out, she was. 
    That was why Derek was now walking up the stairs of your apartment building, following the directions Lydia has given him. She was the only one you trusted with the location of your home.
    “She’s going to kill me for doing this,” the redhead had muttered to him.
    Derek reached up, knocking softly on the door of your apartment. He tapped his foot nervously, but he could hear you moving inside your apartment. 
    The sound of a television was playing softly in the background, and the fabric of your jeans began to slide across your leather couch. You were getting up.
When you heard the knock on your door, you walked over to peer out of the peephole. When you saw that it was Derek, you bristled. How the hell had he gotten your address?
For a second you considered not opening the door, but you knew he could hear you. It would be stupid to ignore him.
    Derek waited for what seemed like ages. He stood on the other side of the door, listening to your racing heartbeat. You took so long to open it that he began to turn away, sure you weren’t going to. 
    Then the lock clicked and the two of you were standing face to face. 
    “I’m going to kill Lydia,” you stated.
     “It’s not her fault,” he lied. “I insisted.”
    You crossed your arms over your chest. “What do you want?”
    “To talk,” he told you.
    You frowned. “What? Are you here to scold me again?”
    “No. I just…I just wanted to see if you’re okay. Can I come in?”
    You thought about it for a moment, glancing down at the brown paper bag in his hands. “What’s that?”
     “I’m listening.”
    “You still like rosé, don’t you?”
    The smug look on Derek’s face was almost enough to make you slam the door right then, but there was something in his eyes that made you pause. 
    He did look worried. He might have been grinning at you, but his green eyes were stormy. Stress lines were forming at the corners. 
You could tell he was just as afraid for you as you were, even though he had no idea what was going on.
“Fine. Come in.”
    An hour later, you and Derek were sprawled out on your sofa, finishing off the bottle of wine. You were situated at one end with your legs extended next to his. He was leaning back against the opposite arm of the sofa, studying you intently.
    It reminded you of the countless nights the two of you had spent on the Hale’s basement couch before the fire. You and Derek would stay up until 4am, sitting just like that while you talked for hours or watched horror movies. 
By sunrise, Talia would usually find the two of you asleep on the cushions with the blank, fuzzy screen of a finished VHS tape still on the TV.
    The memory made you smile fondly, until Derek broke the silence.
“I owe you an apology,” he began. 
    You waved him off. “Don’t worry about it. You’re right. It was stupid.”
    Derek frowned. “I’m not talking about the underground show.”
    You leaned back against the end of the sofa, setting your wine glass down onto the nearby end table. “What are you talking about then?”
    He took a deep breath. “I blamed you for the fire. I pushed you away. You didn’t deserve that.”
    “We were kids,” you reminded him softly. “You had just lost your entire family.”
    “So did you.”
    A lump began to form in the back of your throat. You blinked hard, attempting to stop the tears that were threatening to spill. 
    “I left you with the Argents,” he continued. “I left you with Kate.”
    You shook your head. “Derek, they would have killed you. That was why I told you to stay away and-and then the fire…”
    You broke off, unable to bring yourself to even speak the words.
    “I should have fought harder for you…and for that I’m sorry.”
    “You don’t need to apologize.”
    You tried to say it confidently, but the tears were coming down now. There was a slight tremor in your voice as you spoke. 
    Derek moved closer, grabbing both of your hands in his own. “I do. I need to. And I need you to know that I’m going to fight for you.”
    “Derek,” you whispered. “I’m not the same person anymore.”
    “Neither am I. Just let me in,” he pleaded. “I want to help. Whatever is going on with Kate, whatever you’re afraid of, it doesn’t matter.”
    You shook your head and reached up to wipe your eyes. “You don’t understand-”
    “I know she killed your parents too. I know exactly how you feel, but you can’t keep running away from the people who are still here.”
    “I-”  You took a deep, shaky breath. Could you really come clean and tell Derek the truth about that night? 
 “I don’t want to talk about Kate.”
    “Okay,” he agreed. “We don’t have to.”
    He watched as the tension melted from your shoulders. Any questions he had about Kate weren’t going to be answered tonight.
    He let go of your hands and leaned back. “Can I ask you something?”
    “As long as it’s not about me and Kate.”
“You know, I’ve never seen you with a...you’ve never had…”
Derek paused for a bit, unsure how to broach the question.
    You let out a disbelieving laugh, wiping the stray tears from your face. “Are you asking me why I’ve never dated anyone?”
    Derek went red. “I just…I haven’t seen you with anyone in, like, ten years.”
     “Dating is kind of hard when your whole life is a secret, don’t you think?”
    He nodded. “Yeah. I get that, but some people already know.”
    “Which reminds me,” you said with a smile. “What happened to Braeden?”
    “Nothing. I mean, she was a great fighter, a great person, but…”
    “But what? She wasn’t good enough for the big, bad Derek Hale?”
    Your voice was teasing, but Derek wasn’t smiling back at you. In fact, he looked pretty grim.
    “No,” he said softly. “She wasn’t you.”
    The words slipped out before he could stop them. The minute he spoke, he realized he had made a mistake. You were staring at him in absolute shock, but now he had told the truth, and he had to keep going.
    “It’s always going to be you,” he admitted. “No matter what I’ve done, who I’ve been with…I’m always going to love you.”
    “Derek, all I’ve ever done is hurt you.”
    “That isn’t true. Y/n, I love you and I know you still love me.”
    You couldn’t deny it. You had loved Derek since you were fifteen, and you always would.
    “Please,” he begged. “Just stop running from me.”
     His green eyes were desperate and pleading. When you looked into them, you caught a glimpse of the Derek you had fallen in love with those years ago. The one who would have done anything, even died for you, if it meant keeping you safe. 
     Maybe it was time to let him try.
     “Okay. I’m done running.”
     You moved forward, closing the distance between the two of you. His lips met yours, and for the first time in ten years, you kissed him back. One of his arms came around your waist and pulled you closer, up and into his lap. 
     You clung to him, to the warmth emanating from his chest. You had ached for Derek for so long, ever since he had ended your relationship. It hadn’t mattered that he had forgiven you years ago. You never let yourself give in to those feelings until now.
 Your love for Derek was something you had kept locked away and hidden with the darkest parts of yourself. Now, as you faced what might possibly be the end of your life, you realized you couldn’t keep it from him any longer.
    “Wait. I need to show you something.”
    Derek followed you as you pulled away and rose from the couch. His brow furrowed in confusion, but he walked behind you as you headed toward your bedroom. 
    “I swear to god,” you told him, as you opened the door. “I’m not crazy.”
    “I know you’re n-”
    Derek froze. His words caught in his throat as you revealed the inside of your room. One entire wall was covered in newspaper clippings, looseleaf note pages and printed out photos. Almost all of them had been scrawled on with sharpie, and some of the items were connected with red string tacked to each piece. 
    You walked over and grabbed a single piece of paper, tearing it from where it was stuck to the wall. You offered it to Derek silently, and he gently took it from your hand. 
    He recognized Kate’s handwriting instantly. His stomach churned as he began to think of the love notes she used to write him, all those years ago when he had fallen for her manipulation.
    The note was short, but the four words scrawled on the paper were enough to make the hair on his arms stand up. 
    “‘I’m coming for you,’” he read aloud.
This was why you had been so desperate to find Kate. You had wanted to get to her before she could find you.
    “I should have told you,” you said softly. “I just…I didn’t want you to get hurt, Derek. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.”
    Derek had a deep frown etched onto his face. He shook his head and then stepped forward to envelope you in his arms. 
    You stood there for a moment, stunned, but leaned into him nonetheless. 
    “God, Y/n, how do you think I would feel?”
    You didn’t say anything. Instead, you just buried your face into his warm shoulder. He reached up, running a comforting hand down your hair.
    “She’s killing hunters, isn’t she?” he asked. “Everyone from her past.”
    “I think so,” you whispered. “And I’m pretty sure I’m next.”
    He reached up, cupping your face in his hands. “She’s not going to touch you, Y/n. I promise.”
    You nodded, not sure what else to say. 
    “Do you trust me?” he asked softly.
    You took a deep breath. 
    Your relationship with Derek had become so twisted and broken. After the death of your parents and the fire, you had known things could never be the same between the two of you. For years, you weren’t sure if you could even be allies.
     Now, you were beginning to realize that, despite the rift between you, Derek had never stopped fighting for you. 
     “If there’s anyone I can trust,” you began. “It’s you.”
      Derek nodded. He began to turn away, but that was when you grabbed his hand. 
      He smiled against your lips as you tugged him closer. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been this happy. 
     Derek walked you backwards until you hit the edge of your bed. Your duvet began to brush against the back of your thighs. That was when he reached down and scooped you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. 
      He laid you onto the bed and you tugged him down by his shirt, attempting to close the distance between you. You had been apart for too long. You needed him close, and Derek was happy to oblige.
      A few hours later, Derek awoke and rolled onto his side, feeling the cool fabric of your sheets brush against his chin. He groggily reached out for you, but his fingers only found empty covers. The space where you had been sleeping still felt warm, as if you had only gotten up moments ago. 
     A twinge of unease crept down his spine, but, for a moment, he assured himself that  you must have gotten up for a glass of water. That was when the coppery smell of blood wafted toward him. 
     Derek lept from the bed, throwing open the door with a bang. He followed the scent of your blood, only to find you in the living room. You weren’t alone.
     “Hi, Handsome.”
     In the moonlight shining from the window, Derek could see Kate standing there, holding a clawed hand to your throat. 
      Her blonde curls shimmered in the light. Kate looked like she always had, beautiful and blood-hungry. 
      She was grinning at him, revealing her sharp canines. She held a shotgun in her other hand, already stained red with your blood.
     There was a large gash on your head, no doubt the way Kate had subdued you. Blood was still dripping down your face, trickling onto your neck. 
     “Let her go,” Derek snarled. 
     Kate burst into laughter. “Seriously? Could you be any more cliche, Derek?”
     He let out a low growl. Kate rolled her eyes.
      “Let her go, or what?” she asked smugly. “In case you didn’t notice, I’ve got all the leverage here.”
     Derek met your eyes. They were filled with tears. 
     “What do you want?”
     “No, no, no,” she mused. “This is between me and Y/n.”
     She let out a sharp laugh and tightened her grip on your throat. Derek winced as you let out a pained, choking sound.
     “Would you believe that this little bitch has been trying to hunt me down?” she asked Derek. “She was going to try and kill me! After everything I did for her!”
     “Fuck you,” you managed to choke. 
     Kate let out an enraged snarl. In seconds, she was tossing you onto the floor. You hit the cold, wooden floor with a violent thump. 
     Then, Kate was pressing the muzzle of the shotgun up to the side of your head. 
     “Kate, no!” Derek shouted. “If you kill her, everything you taught her means nothing!”
     The Blonde paused. She glanced back at Derek with suspicion. “You’re just trying to stop me from blowing her pretty little head off.”
     “I don’t want you to kill her. You’re right. But you don’t want to kill her either. Everything that you did, everything you taught her…it made her who she is. I can tell that you’re proud of her.”
     You glanced up cautiously. Kate was gazing down at you, past the barrel of the gun. 
     She was wearing an expression that was so foreign, you felt like you had been transported into an alternate reality. Derek was right. As fucked up as it was, Kate was proud of you.
     “She’s the one thing you did right, isn’t she?” Derek continued. “If you kill her, that all goes to waste.”
     “I made you,” she said softly. “And you were going to try to kill me.”
     “I-I was,” you admitted. “But only because that’s what you taught me.”
     Kate laughed. “You’re right about that, Kiddo. See, you like to think that we have nothing in common. But we’re the same…more than he knows.”
     She nodded over her shoulder at Derek. “Or does he know?”
    You were silent. Derek watched as the color drained from your face. Kate let out a sharp peal of laughter. You flinched at the sound.
    “You are exactly like me,” she mused. “So what? You’ve been lying to him all these years?”
    “What are you talking about?”
    Derek glanced between the two of you. Kate’s expression was gleeful. You looked horrified.
    “Tell him,” Kate ordered, leveling the gun at you once more.
    Your voice came out in a broken whisper. “I can’t.”
     “Then I’ll shoot you, and I can tell him after you’ve bled out on the floor.”
     When you didn’t say anything, her finger moved toward the trigger. “Suit yourself.”
     “Stop!” Derek ordered. “Y/n, just tell me. Whatever it is, I won’t care.”
     “I wouldn’t make promises you can’t keep, Derek.”
    “Kate, please,” you begged.
    “Tell him!” she snarled, slamming the butt of the gun into your face once more.
    You collapsed onto the floor with a cry of pain. Kate had hit you so hard that white bursts were exploding across your vision.
    Derek had to fight to hold himself back. If he made one wrong move, Kate would kill you without a second thought. He watched, practically trembling with rage as you pushed yourself up on shaky hands. A bruise was already beginning to form across your cheek.
    “Last chance,” Kate told you. She pointed the shotgun at you once more. “Tell him you’ve been lying to him.”
    “Fine,” you whispered. 
    You looked up at Derek, and when you spoke, your voice was thick with shame. “Kate didn’t kill my parents. I did.”
    The stunned look on his face only confirmed that you had been right to keep it from him. 
“What?” he asked. “But you always said-”
    “She lied!” Kate snarled. “And she told you I did it? No. She killed them on the full moon. Not me.”
    “I didn’t want to-”
    “But you still pulled that trigger,” Kate cut in. “That’s why you’re just like me, Y/n.”
    “You locked me in the distillery with them!” you screamed.  “They were going to tear me apart!”
    Derek watched as the tears streamed down your face, leaving streaks in the blood that was already beginning to dry on your skin.
    “You did exactly what you were trained for,” Kate snarled. “Hunt and kill…and that’s all you’ll ever be able to do. Just like me.”
    “You’re right,” you whispered shakily. “I am just like you.”
    Kate smirked. “See? I told y-”
    Before she could react, you swept your leg into hers, knocking her off balance. 
     Kate roared as she fell onto her back, fumbling with the shotgun. When she managed to get to her knees and point the gun toward you, you were ready. 
     You shoved the barrel away just in time. As Kate pulled the trigger, the bullet sailed toward your living room window and shattered the glass. 
     Derek took the opportunity to lunge toward Kate, but she quickly ripped the gun from your grasp. She backed away from you and racked the shotgun. 
     You screamed as the bullet hit Derek in the chest, creating a large, bloody hole in his shirt. He let out a painful, ear-splitting howl, but then his knees hit the hardwood floor. A few moments later, so did the rest of him. 
     Kate began to pull more shotgun shells from her pocket, but you tackled her to the ground before she could load the gun. It spilled from her hands and clattered onto the floor, but she didn’t stop.
     “You stupid little bitch,” she snarled.
She yanked you up by your hair, shoving you into the wall behind you. The plaster cracked at the force.
Kate was pinning you by the throat. You scratched and clawed at her arms, but she was so much stronger than you. A scream was working its way up your throat, but you couldn’t breathe enough air to let it out.
This was the moment you had been terrified of. This was the moment Kate promised would come. 
She grinned at you, and you could tell she knew it too. That was when she thrust her claws into your stomach.
The pain was sharp and immediate. A strangled gasp escaped from your lips. Your fingers slipped from her hand on your throat, instinctively clutching at your abdomen.
“No!” Derek shouted. 
“Say hi to mommy and daddy for me,” she spat, before yanking her claws away. 
You fell to your knees, clutching your bleeding stomach. 
Then, the world suddenly tilted. You found yourself lying on your side with your cheek pressed against the wooden floor. Through blurry vision, you could see Kate climb out of the broken window.
The coppery taste of blood began to well up in your mouth as she disappeared into the night.
“No, no, no!”
Derek was suddenly leaning over you, pressing down onto the wounds Kate had left. Your vision went white with the pain, and you were pretty sure you screamed, but everything was hazy. 
Derek was breathing heavily, barely able to hold himself up as he held pressure to your wounds.
“Y-you,” you gasped weakly. “You’re hurt.”
Derek shook his head. “I’m healing. But you…”
“Scott and the others are coming. They heard me howl.”
The look on his face was still stricken. 
“Not fast enough, huh?”
“I don’t know. I-I don’t know.”
You swallowed, gagging bitterly for a moment on the blood in your mouth. “I’m sorry for…for lying…for everything.”
“No.” His green eyes were welling with tears. “No. No you don’t have to apologize. I never should have believed Kate. I never should have let you go.”
“I pushed you away.” You reached up, grasping one of his hands, which was now wet with your own blood. “I’m…I’m most sorry for that.”
Your grip on his hand began to grow limp, and Derek could tell you were fading. 
“No!” he cried. “No, Y/n, come on. Stay awake. Please. Please!”
This was Derek’s worst nightmare, repeating itself all over again. The thought of losing someone else he loved, losing you, was unthinkable. 
You looked back up at him, but it was a struggle to fight the darkness creeping at the edge of your vision. Soon, the sound of his desperate voice began to fade too.
“Y/n, come on, please. I can’t lose you. I can’t…I can’t…”
His face began to blur, along with the other dark shapes that had entered your vision. You were just barely able to recognize a familiar pair of brown eyes before white hot pain spread through your arm and up your body.
Then, there was nothing.
    You woke to the sound of birds chirping. The incessant chattering was sharp in your ears, almost painful.
When you opened your eyes, you could see bright sunlight shining through a row of large, square windows. You flinched away from its intensity, rolling over onto an unfamiliar mattress. 
You yanked on the fluffy gray comforter wrapped around you, pulling it over your head in an attempt to block the light and sound out. Once you were enveloped in the darkness, you tried to orient yourself.
The last thing you remembered was being attacked in your apartment, but you definitely weren’t there anymore. That was when you felt the bed dip. 
A warm hand came down to rest on your shoulder. “Y/n? What’s wrong?”
“The light,” you whispered. “It hurts.”
 You felt the bed shift and,suddenly, the covers by your feet were being carefully lifted up. 
He wriggled under the comforter until he had crawled up beside you in the bed. His warm fingers came to rest on your cheek. 
“Hey, look at me.”
You opened your eyes. Derek was studying you carefully. “Do you know what’s happening?”
You thought back to the night before, when Kate had nearly killed you. Your hand came up to touch your abdomen. There should have been pain where Kate’s claws stabbed through you, but there was only smooth, bare skin.
When you pulled up the oversized T-shirt Derek had dressed you in, you saw that the wound had completely healed. 
“Scott bit me,” you realized. 
Derek nodded solemnly. “I’m sorry. I know he would have given you the choice, but…”
“There wasn’t one.”
“She would have killed me, Derek. You guys did what you had to do.”
“I’m still sorry.”
You shook your head. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I should have told you about my parents.”
Derek shook his head. “No. Don’t apologize.”
“It wasn’t you. It was Kate. Nothing you told me changes the way I see you.”
He stroked his thumb down your cheek, swiping away the tears that were beginning to fall. “Nothing could ever make me stop loving you. You have to know that.”
“What if I hurt you?” you ask. “What if I can’t control myself on the full moon?”
“You’ll be able to eventually. It takes practice and patience.”
“I’m not very patient,” you muttered. 
Derek smiled. “Trust me, I know.”
You looked up, playfully smacking him in the chest. He caught your wrist, and pulled you closer. His other arm snaked around your waist, tugging you against him until your lips met his.
You felt surprisingly giddy, even though you were terrified at the thought of what would come next. You weren’t sure how you would handle becoming a werewolf, or what that would mean for your relationship with Derek. 
Yet again, the life you knew had been ripped away from you in a single night.  While the idea frightened you, you had a feeling that, this time, it was for the better.
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 year
okay perhaps: build a bear receipt, Mortified, perhaps to literal death, annnnnnd Barry :3
Did this get slightly out of hand? Who could say (me, it did.)
From this prompt list.
Barry knew what Build a Bear was, well, conceptually. You went in, you spent an obscene amount of money, you came out with a creature - possibly one wearing sunglasses and a tutu. It hadn’t been a thing when Barry was a kid, not one his Mum could afford anyway. But now he was stood in one, overwhelmed, confused, and being pressured to make decisions quickly.
The type was easy, Beary Bluejeans had to be a bear. Tick tick, done. Or, it should have been done, but there were 18 different kinds of bear to choose from and no clear parameters for selection. Every single one of them was a sad deflated puddle of fluff, and sure, Barry could relate, but he also knew there had to be a right answer. Gifts were a test. Probably. Well, Barry thought they were a test, and he had never met a test he couldn’t worry extensively about. Lup probably wouldn’t mind, this was just a small gesture, a little joke between friends. She called him Bear, he was going to get her a bear with his signature jeans. Casual, fun, no one’s harbouring any massive crushes and may or may not be in love with anyone else. Lup saw him as a friend and that was fine. All good! What was not all good, was the crowd of children building up around him. He was finding this hard enough without kids bashing into his legs, all sharp elbows and whirling rucksack attacks. 
After intense deliberation he decided on a soft medium-brown teddy the shelf proclaimed was ‘vintage.’ Barry could relate, he was vintage too. The modern bears had intensely large eyes or fur that didn’t feel as nice under his fingers - this guy though, this little soft puddle could be him, could be Lup’s, he could be Lup’s… Another kid slammed their elbow into his knee and Barry staggered. How much did he actually need to be here? He could leave, he could put Beary down and go, Lup would never know, no one would know, he didn’t make any promises about doing this. ‘Man Incapable of Purchasing Bear’ would only be a headline in his brain. It might be nice to have a fun new failure to torture himself about at 2am when he couldn’t sleep? Something funky fresh to add to the flagellation rotation. Even as he entertained the thought he knew he wouldn’t do it. The gesture was good, the joke was good, it would make Lup laugh, he loved to make Lup laugh, it was worth some bruising. 
Barry finally escaped from the scrum round the toy pelts? Skins? It all sounded bad. He needed to stop thinking about it in taxidermy terms, but this sure was a skin without the meat. Build a Bear was taxidermy for babies and no one could tell him any different. At least he knew the next step, they probably weren’t working with armature, so it’d be stuffing. He had definitely walked past some kind of woolly slushy machine on the way in so he tried to retrace his steps. Did the shop actually need to be this big and this full of people? Maybe they should do adult-only hours where everyone could just pick their bears in silence and form orderly queues and not run into anyone else actually.
“Excuse me!” Someone tapped lightly on his shoulder.
“Sorry, was I supposed to pay over there? I didn’t realise, I thought I did it at the end.” He couldn’t call Lup to bail him out if he got arrested. He couldn’t ruin the surprise… also she’d want pictures, his mug shot would be on t-shirts, mugs, pyjama sets, pillows, he’d never ever live it down. “I’ll pay now here, let me just grab...” Barry nearly dropped Beary as he fumbled for his wallet, but he couldn’t afford to get arrested right now. The stakes were high.
“Oh, you’re not in any trouble Sir! You forgot to get a sound and you can’t forget your new friend’s heart!” She smiled so big that Barry didn’t dare ask what most of the words meant. 
“Ah, uh, okay… uh, where do I…?”
“I’ll show you, come with me! I’m Lydia.” Barry tried not to acknowledge the look on her face which clearly telegraphed This Idiot Can’t Bear.
“It’s fine, you can just, uh, point me in the right direction, I just need the stuffing and I should, ah, be fine.” Barry was going to expire on the spot and emerge a terrifying spectre, no one could grab him and make him keep doing bears if he was incorporeal. Lup probably wouldn’t mind, she’d probably think it was rad to be friends with a death spectre… in fact, Barry was fairly sure he remembered her saying something about it being cool to bang a ghost… huh… nope! He couldn’t follow that thought anywhere right now, because apparently he had to think about what sound Beary was going to make and also there was a heart and fuck fuck fuck. Lydia had definitely been explaining. Barry nodded enthusiastically, not wanting her to realise he’d been ignoring her, this wasn’t her fault and she had a job to do.
“Great, it’s 20 seconds. If you head to the bathroom it’ll be a bit quieter.” She shoved a contraption and Barry and nodded encouragingly. “Just speak clearly into it, and remember, 20 seconds. Once you’re done, come back and we’ll start the ceremony.” 
“Ceremony? I… wh…” She cut Barry off with a gentle shove towards the bathrooms. There probably wasn’t any point in arguing, he’d already agreed so apparently he was recording a message… a message for Lup. That was fine. He could do that.
Barry couldn’t do that.
Barry was seven practice recordings deep.
Barry was never going to leave the bathroom, he lived here now. If he didn’t record the message then it couldn’t be bad, that was just science. Flawless hypothesis.
He’d already tried something casual. “Hey Lup, it’s me, Beary. I think you’re Beary wonderful.” Bad. Awful. Terrible. D-, she’s never speaking to him again. Funny: “Bear with me, voice message loading…” also bad. Heartfelt… he couldn’t even think about what he’d said, he’d been rambling long after the 20 seconds were done. The bear noises had been fun, roaring in a toilet was a strange experience and Barry usually loved strange experiences, but this was absolutely not it. “Will you Beary me?” was great on the pun front, terrible on the we’re-just-friends-I’m-definitely-not-in-love-with-you side of things. Ghost noises almost won the day until he considered her accidentally rolling on it in the night and waking up spooked. The time he dropped the recorder and swore a lot while trying to pick it up was probably the best of the bunch.
Eventually he settled on Arrane Ben-Vlieaun, or, “the magic cow song” as Lup insisted. He found a corner next to the sink which seemed to have relatively reasonable acoustics and rumbled the first bit out “Cur dty vainney, cur dty vainney, choud's mish ta goaill arrane. Lhig yn curn nish goll harrish, lesh dty vainney my vooaveen.” There. That was probably fine. Lup sometimes got him to sing it when she was struggling to sleep, it made sense to pre-load it in Beary. He definitely didn’t have time for any more attempts, he was surprised Lydia hadn’t already burst through the wall like a terrifyingly peppy terminator.
She zeroed in on him when he emerged. “There you are! I thought you’d gotten lost, are you ready?” 
Barry hesitated, maybe he could try one more time… he pulled his hand back as Lydia reached out for the device. No, eight was enough, it had to be enough. The cow song was fine. He nodded and handed over the recording majigger. Lydia smiled even wider, Barry debated counting her teeth, she definitely had too many.
“Fantastic!” Lydia said, then set off towards the fluff box. Barry followed, there was no way off the ride at this point, he may as well keep his arms and legs inside the car. “Okay, so this is very important, we’re going to perform the heart ceremony.” 
Barry is fairly sure this is going to be different to the type of heart ceremonies in his books at home… probably? There definitely weren’t any ceremonial knives on display. “Okay?”
“You’re going to develop your special bond with your new friend…?” Lydia paused and looked at Barry expectantly.
“Beary. Huh…”
“He’s called Beary Bluejeans.” Barry added, thinking that might make her stop doing the squinchy face at him. It didn’t.
“That’s… super!” She said after a long pause. “So, we’re going to make sure you and Beary build a special bond and you always look after him and love him forever and ever.”
“It’s okay, we can just do the stuffing, that’s fine, I uh, I don’t need to, you know, do the uh, the bonding thing.” 
Lydia gave him a hard look. “We don’t send the bears home with just anyone, we need to know you’re going to look after Beary Bluejeans.”
Barry wasn’t sure he’d felt fear like this before… did he actually like Lup enough to go through with this? Was he scared enough of Lydia to do whatever she said? “What do I have to do?” He’d die for Lup, multiple times if necessary, and he was fairly sure Lydia would put him in the ground without a second thought - still smiling - if she felt he wouldn’t be a competent guardian for Beary.
Lydia solemnly handed him a small plastic heart. “This is Beary Bluejeans’ heart. We’re going to establish your bond now. Are you ready?”
Barry waited for further instruction.
“Are. You. Ready?” He wasn’t sure a polite tone had ever felt so much like knives.
“Yeah, uh, yes Lydia.”
Her smile was back. “Fantastic, take Beary’s heart and rub it on your toes so he’s totally awesome.” 
“I’m… what?”
“Rub it on your toes so he’s totally awesome.” Lydia repeated, then mimed the action. Barry looked longingly towards the exit, it wasn’t that far, he could probably just drop Beary’s floppy corpse and run. “Sir, on your toes, so he’s toe-tally awesome.” 
Barry bent over and ignored the rice crispies and milk noises his back made in protest. He swiped the plastic across his shoe.
“Now rub it on your cheeks so Beary gives warm smiles.” Barry didn’t think it was particularly hygienic to rub something on his toes and then his face, but who was he to fly in the face of the experts? He rubbed the heart quickly on his cheek.
“Rub it on your hip so he’s hip and cool.”
Barry was at least 90% Lydia was messing with him by this point. Barry wasn’t hip, he wasn’t cool, and he certainly wasn’t funky fresh. If Taako was here Barry could probably scoop up some of his vibes, but Barry certainly wasn’t a reliable coolness supply. Beary was going to get Barry’s clicky hip, lose all the street cred he’d earned in his short life, and say goodbye to his fuzzy charisma.
“Nearly there! Rub it on your arms so Beary always gives good hugs.”
Barry promised himself he was never going to return to Build a Bear, this was hell, Lydia was the devil. He swished the heart near his arm.
“Like you mean it, Sir. You want him to give good hugs don’t you?” Lydia sing songed, loudly enough for the line behind him to hear.
Barry quickly rubbed the heart more forcefully across both arms.
“Now spin around to make him magical!” Barry was not going to spin around, he was going to think heavy thoughts and let himself sink into the floor. He wouldn’t have to exist in this room or any room ever again, he wouldn’t have to spin around with a stupid anatomically inaccurate heart, or deal with the line of children who were probably staring and laughing at him right now. Floor Barry, Flarry, he’d never have let this happen. “Don’t you want Beary to be magical, Barry?” No. He wanted Beary to be finished so he could leave. But Lup, Lup would probably want Beary to be magical… fine. Fine! Barry was going to spin around. He shuffled in a begrudging circle.
“And lastly, make a big wish!”
Barry wished this was over. That he was at home. That he hadn’t decided to get Lup this stupid bear. He wished he was brave enough to tell her he’d been in love with her for the last 8 years and probably would be for the rest of his life. But none of these wishes seemed like something he should wrap up in Beary. Barry considered for a moment, then wished, and wished hard that Lup would like him. Beary… obviously. The wish would know who he meant, it didn’t matter how he phrased it.
“So lastly, I need you to promise to always care for Beary, and seal the magic promise with a kiss.” Lydia was dead behind the eyes, Barry could tell, no one could be this chipper, not for the 6 years her badge said she’d worked there.
“Okay.” Said Barry. There was an excruciating pause. Lydia looked at him expectantly. Was he supposed to say more? Were there proper words? “I promise to, uh, to, take care of you Beary?” 
“Are you asking, or telling?” Lydia said sweetly.
“I promise to always take care of you Beary.” Please let this be over.
“Now kiss his heart.”
This definitely wasn’t hygienic, not with all the rubbing and spinning. Barry decided to keep those concerns to himself. Lydia finally seemed satisfied, and instructed him on the foot pedal that would help him add the fluff to Beary.
They stuffed, fluffed, stopped for hug tests, and decided on the appropriate firmness. Barry could feel the heat in his face, but at least no one he knew was here to see it. Taako would never let him life this down. But it was fine, he was a 50 year old guy cuddle testing a bear which occasionally sang about milk at him in his own gravelly hum when he pressed the voice chip by accident and that was fine. Twenty entire seconds of excruciating singing while he waited for it to shut up and Lydia pretended not to be laughing about it. He was totally fine. 
Lydia deftly stitched up the hole in Beary and handed him back. “Now I’m going to shoo you off to the grooming station so you can get Beary all fluffed and puffed and ready for snuggles. Have a wonderful day now!” Her relief was palpable.
Barry fled as soon as Lydia dismissed him, maybe he could skip the grooming, he didn’t really need to do that, surely? Beary seemed fine.
“Over here Sir! I’m Edward and I’m here to help you get your new friend looking their very best.”
Barry couldn’t outrun him, Edward was at least 30 years younger than him and looked like he’d be able to tackle Barry before he could make it three steps. “Okay.” His voice cracked. Maybe this was hell? Barry couldn’t leave, there would always be another step and another smiling assistant to help him.
Edward pointed at a large fake bath which swarmed with children. “You can give your new friend a bath and then we’ll dry them off and get them combed nicely for you.”
“Jeans!” Barry refused, he absolutely refused to pretend to bathe Beary surrounded by children who were no doubt just as sharp of elbow as the first group.
“I’m… I’m sorry Sir?” Edward looked nonplussed, but Barry refused to get suckered into this one. Next they’d tell him he could get custom smells.
“I.. uh, thanks Edward, but Beary’s good, he doesn’t need a bath, see! Super soft. He just needs some jeans please, then I’d like to check out. Thank you very much for your help.” There, he was doing it, Barry was a guy who could say what he wanted.
“Oh, sure, no problem, the clothes are over here!” Edward grinned easily and indicated a towering wall of options. “Have a great day, you can register Beary there when you’re done.” He pointed at a large bank of computer terminals. Of course, of course there were more steps.
“Then I can leave?”
Edward frowned. “I’m sorry.”
“I can pay and go, when I’ve done the computers bit?”
“Yeah?” Edward raised an eyebrow at Barry as if he was being insane, then remembered he wasn’t allowed to do that. “I mean, yes Sir, of course, the tills are just on the other side of the computer terminals.”
Barry grabbed the first denim he saw, shoved Beary into them at speed, tapped Captain Professor Dr. Beary Bluejeans esq.’s details into the computer terminals and finally, finally, smelled freedom. Beary was safely ensconced in his ‘house’ (which Barry was apparently allowed to colour in), Barry was handed a birth certificate, rinsed for more money than he anticipated, and finally allowed to leave. He blinked groggily as he emerged into the daylight. Barry was never ever ever returning to that cursed shop. Even for Lup. He could have sworn he’d lost years of his life wandering around that maze and trying to complete all the stupid tasks.
Barry left the box on the doorstep, rang the bell, and fled. This was how friends delivered gifts, it was fine, in fact, Lup didn’t even have to know it was from him. His phone rang, Lup’s ringtone dragged his hand to his pocket before he’d even thought about it. 
“Hey Barold, what’s in the goth box? I love the paint job, flame decal door is going right onto my Lup’s Dreamhouse wishlist.”
“I… uh.” Said Barry, intelligently.
“I can see you fleeing down the street, wanna turn round, Bluejeans? Not that the view is bad from here. Wink.”
Barry wheezed down the phone, turned, turned back, and debated throwing himself into a bush. If she couldn’t see him she couldn’t tease him, right?
“Okay… You continue rotating, my guy. Lup’s cracking into goth house of wonder to see what you got me.”
“I… I, well, you see… It’s… er.”
“Barold… Barry…” Lup gasped for breath. “Barry, why… why is this bear wearing hot pants?”
“Yes.” Said Barry. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe if he explained? She didn’t understand how much he needed to escape by the trouser selection stage.
“The bear is wearing denim hotpants.”
“They’re blue jeans.”
“My guy, they are blue jorts.”
“He’s called Beary.”
“Beary Bluejorts?” Lup cackled so hard he had to move the phone away from his ear. He moved it back just in time to hear “I love him.”
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maria021015 · 4 months
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“Hey, I got your message, why are we here?” Zaida questioned as she spotted the boy leaning against the Jeep which was parked outside of the morgue, walking straight over to him and waving Allison goodbye as the huntress drove off. She immediately picked up on his jittery disposition and loosened her blocks just enough to feel how intensely upset he was and her own heart sank in response. She recognised that exact kind of sadness. She’d felt it herself when her parents had died. “What’s wrong? What happened? Who…?”
“After I left Lydia’s I got a call from Melissa to head to hospital and inspect the body of the boy at the pool.” Stiles spoke in a hesitant and shaky voice, his knee bouncing up and down nervously. “There was another body there - Heather’s.”
“Oh my God!” Zaida gasped, her hands flying to cover her mouth as she imagined what might have happened.
“She didn’t know I knew her…” Stiles sniffed, his eyes watery.
“Stiles, I’m so sorry,” She shook her head and pulled him into a tight hug, not knowing how else to help the situation.
“When she didn’t show up after a couple of days I knew the chances of finding her alive were slim to none, but seeing her like that - so lifeless, and pale…” The boy fumbled over his words, his arms coming around her as he buried his head in the crook of her neck, revelling in the comfort of her embrace. At least Zaida was there, and she was alive, and breathing, and safe. The scent of her sweet perfume was calming, easing his anxiety.
“I- I don’t know what to say to make it better,” Zaida admitted, feeling essentially helpless as she brushed her fingers through his soft hair soothingly. She’d never admit it, but she’d wanted to do that ever since he’d grown it out.
“You don’t have to say anything, just…it helps. You being here with me helps.” He nodded slightly, taking in deep, stabilizing breaths with that sweet smell of honeysuckles and grape candy permeating his senses.
“What…uh, what happened to her?” She asked, trying to work it in a way that didn’t sound insensitive.
“It was just like the boy at the pool. Strangled, slashed throat, head caved in.” He mumbled, his words distorted as his moving lips brushed her skin and sent tingles down her spine.
“Two murders, the exact same injuries…it had to of been the same person, and it can’t have been Boyd or Cora. I saw how feral they were and they would have torn them to shreds, and Heather’s been missing for a lot longer than they’ve been out of that vault.” Zaida reasoned.
“There was another girl who went missing tonight. I talked to her girlfriend at the hospital…all three of them were virgins,” Stiles revealed, still holding onto her for dear life. “Heather, that boy at the pool, and the missing girl.”
“Three is a pattern. Wait, you don’t think…?” Zaida trailed off at the absurdity of it. Although, werewolves were real, kanimas were a thing, she was a naiad…maybe it wasn’t that absurd after all.
Stiles merely sighed - it was a deep and heavy sound, full of stress - and he shifted his hands to caress her back, accidentally slipping her shirt slightly up and brushing the ice-cold skin just above the waistline of her skirt. Zaida shivered in surprise and the boy pulled away with a slight frown, blinking away the glassy quality in his amber eyes and tugging his flannel off to put it around her. “Wait, what are you-?” She questioned with a slight frown.
“You’re freezing, just shut up and put it on.” Stiles insisted and she slipped her arms into it, feeling the warmth of his body heat still clinging to the fabric. It smelled just like his shower products - just like him. His deft fingers buttoned the garment up from the front and Zaida tucked her hands into the too-long sleeves.
“Thank you,” She smiled at him gratefully, her cheeks flushing a shade of red that she hoped he couldn’t see in the dim light of the breaking dawn. Her heart thundered in her chest so loudly she worried even he might be able to hear it. She should really take a step back from him, but she couldn’t bring herself to. He was impossibly more beautiful close-up.
“Are you okay? How did it go with Allison?” He brushed a loose piece of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear to get a clearer view of her face, his fingers coming back hook under her chin and tilt her head up towards him. That look that she gave him with her lips slightly parted and her eyes looking up at him through her long, dark lashes made him pause. Sometimes he forgot just how gorgeous she was because she was Zaida - his best friend after Scott. But every time he stopped to really look at her would strike him again like a bolt of lightning seizing his muscles and stilling his breathing.
“Good, surprisingly,” Her voice came out in a breathy and quiet quality. Her eyes flickered away from him and down at her muddied boots, away from the intensity of his gaze as she cleared her throat. The next time she spoke was more solidly. “We got to talk about a lot, and…well, I realised just how much I actually missed having her as a friend.”
“I’m happy for you, then.” The corners of his mouth quirked upwards in a genuine smile. “Actually, I’m just glad she didn’t shoot another bolt into your leg.” He joked to lighten the slight cloud of strange and unidentifiable tension that had fallen over them, and she snickered lightly.
“Yeah, me too.” Zaida nodded in agreement, and the sound of an engine growing louder in the quiet of the night alerted them to Scott’s oncoming arrival. The blinding headlights on Scott’s motorbike landed right on them, causing Zaida to finally step away, shielding her eyes until he turned the bike off.
“Scott, how’d it go with Boyd and Cora?” She asked him, curious as to whether the boys had managed to pull off the rest of their plan.
“We lured them to the school and locked them in the boiler room, not knowing Ms Blake was in there. Derek had to go in and stop them from tearing her apart, but he held them off until the sun started coming up and the power of the full moon finally started to wear off.” Scott relayed with a tired expression. They could all do with a good sleep after being up all night running on high adrenaline. “Why’d you wanna meet here? Is it about the body at the pool?”
Zaida’s lips thinned into a line as she looked at Stiles’ crestfallen expression, stepping in to save him from having to say it again. “It’s Heather. They found her body.” She swallowed dryly and Scott dipped his head in understanding.
“Come on, I gotta show you something.” Stiles pulled his keys out of his pocket and walked them over to the back entrance. How the boy had the keys to the morgue, she had no clue, and quite frankly she didn’t want to know.
“So, Boyd and Cora might not have killed anyone?” Scott questioned upon seeing Heather’s body and recognising that her injuries were certainly done by the hands of the feral werewolves.
“You're gonna wish they did,” Stiles said grimly, averting his gaze away from the corpse of the girl who had been his childhood friend.
“Why?” The werewolf asked, turning to them with worry in his dark brown eyes.
“I'm not exactly sure yet...but I have a theory.” Stiles began, his voice rough from the emotion he was holding back.
“There was a third girl who went missing from the Preserve tonight,” Zaida explained for Stiles and he took over when he felt composed enough.
“The other girl who was out in the woods, Emily? Eventually, they're gonna find her. She's one of them. Emily, Heather, that guy Lydia found at the pool? All three were virgins. And they're all gonna have the same three injuries - strangled, throat-slashed, head bashed in. It's called the three-fold death.”
“So, if these aren't random killings, then what are they?” Scott spoke-up, not picking up on what Zaida and Stiles immediately had.
“Sacrifices…” The boy sighed in response, finally saying it out loud. “...Human sacrifices.”
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Zaida stood at the beginning of the track, squatting and lunging to stretch the muscles in her thighs as she waited for the rest of the cross country team to join the small group of them who were already ready to go for one of their first official training sessions.
“You never struck me as a track girl, Zaida.” Danny chuckled at her as he effortlessly jogged up to where she was now stretching out her calves.
“I’ve been going for jogs in the Preserve for months now. I thought if I join, I can do this instead of those.” She shrugged. Truthfully, she felt as though she needed the extra exercise, what with everything currently going on in Beacon Hills. If it ever came to it, she wanted to be able to run as far and as fast as needed. “Why’d you join?”
“Coach makes it mandatory for Lacrosse players - says he doesn’t want us getting fat in the off-season.” Danny shrugged.
“This school takes that game way too seriously,” She rolled her eyes.
“Really? I could have sworn I saw you getting pretty into it at the grand final.” Danny shot her a mischievous and suggestive smirk. She recalled how enthusiastically she’d been cheering Stiles on that night and a flush rose to her cheeks. Had everyone discovered her feelings for Stiles before she had?
“It was a tense game,” She shrugged, hoping she sounded casual instead of dismissive.
“Oh, there was tension, for sure.” The boy winked at her and she huffed at him. “Speaking of which, if you did want to grab a ride on that train, Stiles was just saying this morning how he’s looking to give it up.”
“I’m sorry, he said what?!” She blanched, her heart stopping in her chest as she spotted the boy joining the group, along with Scott and Isaac.
“He was borderline hysterical in the locker room, going on about how he thinks some guy got kidnapped because he was a virgin and that his ‘lack of sexual experience was now literally a threat to his life’.” Danny quoted the boy and Zaida slapped her palm over her burning face. He was talking about the human sacrifices. That boy needed to learn how to keep his volume down in public. Coach Finstock blew the starting whistle and Danny began jogging backwards. “Try to keep up if you can, Callis.”
“Nobody likes a show-off, Mahealani,” She started after him, her sneakers digging into the soft ground to propel her forward until she reached the hard dirt track that wound through the section of the Preserve that connected to the back of Beacon Hills High.
“But I make it look good!” The boy laughed, and he truly did. He was an Adonis amongst them, but it would do his ego no good to know that.
As she kept a steady pace a few feet behind Danny, Isaac bolted past her with inhumane speed. Not even a few seconds later, Scott was running after him calling the werewolf’s name in warning. It was all Zaida needed to propel herself forward towards the front of the group. Her lungs burned as she tried to keep her breathing stable. They both disappeared further up the track chasing after the new twins who were in first place. Why would they be...? And then it hit her. The new boys had arrived at school around the same time the alpha pack had come to town. Peter had mentioned something about two alphas that merged to create one giant alpha. That seemed like a very ‘twin-like’ skill. How had the two been right under their noses the entire time and they’d never noticed?
Somehow Zaida ended up making it to the front of the group - considering everyone else was taking it easy due to the long length of track ahead whilst she was sprinting - but she was still nowhere near the werewolves who seemed to have gone off-road. She came careening to a sudden stop at the sight of a body strung up against a tree. The boy’s head was sagging forward but she could see the blood that had streamed from the top of his head and around his neck, drenching his shirt, jacket, jeans, and even his shoes in deep crimson liquid. The rope that had been used to strangle him was still suspending him up on the trunk. Only..upon closer inspection that wasn’t a rope. It was a dog’s leash. Her scream was caught in her throat, causing her to emit a choked sound as footsteps crunching on dried leaves approached from behind her and quickly stopped.
“Hey, hey, don’t look.” Danny pulled her away from it protectively, and from her new position, all she could see were the faces of her terrified classmates. Stiles pushed through the crowd to get to her and looked past to where her back now faced the corpse of the boy. The werewolves finally rejoined them, the twins staring at the body with a complete lack of recognition in their eyes.
“It's him, isn't it?” Stiles asked as Scott stopped by his side. Scott gave a slight nod in confirmation. It was the boy who had gone missing from the animal clinic when he was working the night before.
“Hey, get out of the way! Get back!” The voice of Noah Stilinski ordered them. The fact that he had shown up so quickly made her think that someone else had already called the body in. They had just unfortunately stumbled across it before the police had arrived. “Get this area cordoned off before they trample every piece of evidence.”
“Back up! Everyone back!” A dark-skinned deputy named Tara - one whom Zaida often exchanged greetings with at the station - started to clear the area.
“Zaida?” Another familiar voice called out for her. Her brother appeared in her peripheral vision, pulling her away from the violent crime scene, frowning at her in concern. “Hey, are you okay?”
“It’s not the first one I’ve seen,” She admitted in a dry voice.
“Is something going on again? Is there anything you’re not telling me?” Xander asked her, and she couldn’t bring herself to lie to him this time.
“There’s an alpha pack in town, but we don’t think this was them.” She answered honestly.
“An alpha pa-” He started, clearly not having heard of that term before.
“They’re all alphas. Every last one of them. And their leader is apparently the worst of all.” Zaida interjected. “We don’t know what they want yet - we just know that they kidnapped Erica, Boyd and Derek’s younger sister, killed Erica, and tried to kill Derek, Scott and Isaac. Those two over there, the identical twins? They’re part of it.”
“You should have told me sooner,” He locked his jaw in frustration but let it go with a light huff, simply glad that she was okay. “Just go with your friends and let me handle this, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll see you at the apartment.” She nodded and followed his instruction, heading over to join Stiles, Isaac and Scott.
“Get these kids out of here!” Stilinski was still shouting for the place to be completely cleared out.
“You heard the man!” Coach tried to be helpful. “Nothing to see here! Probably just some homeless kid…”
“Coach?” Scott interrupted him. “He was a senior.”
“Oh…” Coach covered his mouth and let out a long and heavy sigh. “He wasn't on the team, was he?”
“Seriously, Coach?” Zaida looked at him with a deadpan expression.
“KYLE!” An ear-piercing shriek caught them all off guard as a young woman and the hairs on Zaida’s arms stood up as her blood curdled at the sound. “Oh, God, Kyle! Oh, God!”
“Go on! Go.” Noah shot them all a stern look and they backed away, separating from the rest of the class to talk in private.
“You see the way the twins looked at him?” Isaac pointed out, his nostrils flaring and muscles in his jaw tensing as he glared.
“Yeah, you mean, like, they had no idea what happened?” Stiles scoffed.
“No. No, they knew.” Isaac insisted.
“The kid was strangled with a garrote, all right? Am I the only one recognizing the lack of werewolf-itude in these murders?” Stiles exclaimed in exasperation, butting heads with the beta as usual.
“I think you’re a bit biased here, Isaac, and I’m not blaming you for it, but I just don’t think it was them.” Zaida supported the boy.
“Oh, you think it's a coincidence they turn up and then people start dying?” Isaac targeted his response more at Stiles than at her.
“I don’t think that it’s entirely separate. It’s too weird for it to have started happening at the same time after months of peace in the supernatural realm. The two are probably connected somehow…” Zaida mused, chewing slightly on her bottom lip in deep thought.
“But I still don't think it's them…” Stiles finished her thought process for her, looking to Scott for his opinion. “Scott?”
“How 'bout you?” Isaac did the same.
“...I don't know yet.” Scott stumbled over his words, sounding entirely unsure of himself.
“You don't know yet?” Stiles repeated with a dramatically incredulous expression.
“Well, he's got a point…” Scott tilted his head with a sceptical tone. “Seriously, dude? Human sacrifices?”
“Scott, your eyes turn into yellow glow-sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear, and if I were to stab you right now, it would just magically heal, but you're telling me that you're having trouble grasping human sacrifices???” Stiles ranted, completely appalled.
“That's a good point, too…” Scott sighed in agreement.
“I don't care. They killed that kid. They killed the girl that saved me. I'm gonna kill them, too.” Isaac stated determinedly with a dark look in his blue eyes, stalking off.
“Well, for what it’s worth, I’m with you on this one, Stiles.” Zaida huffed and propped her hands up on her hips.
“It’s worth a lot,” Stiles smiled at her gratefully, and her heart melted a little bit.
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ashieldingdrive · 1 year
Kyle knew he had the track record of being the man that messed up. Of being the guy that lets you down, probably the main reason why Liz and I didn’t work out. Was I proud of who I was in high school? No I was a total jerk. I didn’t care about other people. I had been the guy that purposely humiliated you, I was the guy that picked on the losers, I had no path. Until I took my head out of the gutter, until I got my act together. Lydia had been the constant, my best friend and last night the way I left the hospital, the fight between us reminded me of the guy I fought so hard to stray from. 
I was angry yes, I was mad that she never felt i had the right to know how she felt. I was mad at myself for not picking up on the cues. She was my best friend and I never wondered if she felt that way about me. I never felt that way; probably because I never felt that spark. I was focused on Liz at the time, but now I was a doctor. I had my life planned out in front of me. I cared for other people daily, I saved lives and now although I wasn’t the blonde’s doctor. I did in fact stand by her side. I didn’t leave her hospital room until last night. But I suppose it helped give me the clarity I needed. It didn’t help I had my mouth on a beer bottle most of the night. But Sometimes we feel passionately when we drink, our truths come roaring out. Plus Matt and even Maria and Liz spelled it out to me. 
I promised not to utter the words Lydia was in town, or that she was in a car wreck, so I didn’t I was vague about my question, and I got the information I wanted. I was the blinded fool in High School. But now I wanted to be smart, Lydia once she was finished with the wedding she was heading back to where she lived? Which honestly I didn’t know. I didn’t want to put my heart on the line unless she gave me the reason to. And I felt it the thought of never seeing her face again, the thought of walking away it scared me, but also brought on that sense of sadness I wanted the blonde in my life. I didn’t want to wonder if i was making the right choice, for once I stopped thinking despite the banging headache i had from the night before. 
I had the words framed out in my mind as I stood there, Luckily I didn’t fumble as I spoke. That would’ve been an epic fail. I stood at the doorward because just in case this speech went south; the male wanted to be prepared, but he saw it. The thoughtful look on her face, the way she nodded and waited a minute after his lips closed to speak. He had this speech in the bag; he wanted to get to know Lydia now, not try to remake what we could’ve been in High school. I definitely was the better version of myself now. 
A curve of a smile tugged at the corners of my lips as Slowly stepped further into the room. Feelings find you; to be brave to leap forward was another story. “ Well, I did always save the best speeches for those that will remember them.” A tickle in his throat as he held the lilies behind his back. Us trying? We could always start at the wedding; plus he could just imagine Matt’s I told you so face if he were to show up with Lydia on his arm. She kept uttering how she loved him, and he felt that flutter the knots forming in his stomach. He wondered how? He hated who he was back then, so he felt himself uttering his own thoughts. “ “ I have to ask how? How did you love me back then? I was a jerk, I didn’t care about anyone?” The disbelief in his voice as he inched closer until his knees had brushed against the rim of the bed she laid in. 
“ I couldn’t come empty handed especially after I was a jerk last night.” A guilt glance flashed over his features but barely. He soon extended the set of lilies out to the blonde. “ Plus just in case my speech failed I needed a plan B.” A plan B let’s just say that only went as far as the flowers; he only had one shot and it appeared he succeeded.
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