aylinaliens · 4 years
puppy honey is good but it’s only kind of worth it cause it’s mostly about the straight ship and offgun/pickrome don’t get together til the second season but it thought it was funny and in the second season there’s a plot twist that i DID NOT see coming so that was fun the only reason i even watched it was cause i wanted to watch ourskyy and actually understand who the characters were and their backstory but honestly it’s pretty cute and generally lighthearted and i enjoyed it so i say go for it
i was curious about ourskyy too! i just want something lighthearted so i’m definitely going to start it later :) but wait?? plot twist?? a good or bad one??
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aylinaliens · 4 years
honestly i’ve only watched the sotus episode of ourskyy but that one was pretty good though it was a fucking rollercoaster of emotions (we won’t talk about how i watched puppy honey for ourskyy and still haven’t watched that episode) the plot twist isn’t bad it’s really good actually so no need to worry about that
I just finished the Pick/Rome Ourskyy episode and let me tell you it was adorable?? Both of the characters really came a long way from Puppy Honey despite the weird circumstances. And as for the SOTUS episode: I’m currently watching Sotus S but I already know the plot/saw clips of the OurSkyy episode and I’m not ready for it :/ it’s going to break my heart I can tell. Also sorry for the late reply I ended up having that plot twist spoiled early in the season I just wish Puppy Honey had more episodes/time to develop that plotline because it felt kind of rushed. Anyways, sorry for the late reply but thank you! You should definitely watch the PickRome OurSkyy episode because it was sweet, funny, and heartwarming. Plus Pick really came a long way from how he was in Puppy Honey which is always nice to see
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