#idiotic dyad hc
obiwanobi · 2 years
Clem I have just discovered and read through the whole dyad hc posts and its so good. I'm now imagining shenanigans if Anakin got amnesia and kept doing stuff, and everyone Wilding out when HE gets freaked out by the bond. Obi-Wan comes to gently explain it and Anakin's like "wow that's super invasive, sorry about that, I'll try and stay out of your head and stuff". Obi-Wan literally doesn't know how to cope with this level of normal behaviour after all these dyad years
anakin suddenly acting like someone who knows what respecting boundaries means and Obi-Wan being the one freaked out by their new healthy relationship is top tier content 🙏🏻
at first he’s like "oh. oh. this is... good I guess" but how is he supposed to function without the gremlin banging against the door in his mind begging to be let in like the most deranged baby lothcat? Are you really telling Obi-Wan he has to live in a world where Anakin ISN'T with him 23 hours a day? Like any other human being in the galaxy? Like a normie? this is extremely boring and and if Anakin doesn’t barge into his room in the middle of the night to ask him if he thinks womprat has feelings soon Obi-Wan will refuse to work until someone fix him
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flyboy-and-fight-me · 4 years
So, canonically training bonds are used to send images and messages from mind to mind. So why not music? And so Anakin Highwalker finds himself dancing to the YMCA in the middle of the hallway. (Wether it’s Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, or both blaring the mind music is up to you)
I love the idea that Anakin just has to get this lil wiggle out and unconsciously dances along to the music while being Not Very Happy About It
so have some bad art:
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Meanwhile Somewhere on Coruscant...
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just for shits and giggles: Obi-Wan is listening to Gimme Gimme Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) by ABBA
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obiwanobi · 2 years
Hi! I've joined the obikin fandom pretty recently and have seen so many posts about your dyad au? Is it a real fic? Or a wip? I've seen so much about it but I can't find if it really exists or if it's a hc? It seems like such an Interesting concept!
Welcome to the fandom! 🥳🎉
unfortunately the dyad AU is not a fic (well it is the beginning of a wip I never posted somewhere on my laptop actually) just... 9 pages of asks and hcs about it, sometimes combined with other AUs because I like making things complicated. You can find all these posts with the idiotic dyad hcs tag, sometimes gen, sometimes obikin, and these two (1, 2) popular lists of general hcs if you don't feel like going through the whole tag!
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obiwanobi · 4 years
One of my headcanon for the dyad AU is that sometimes Obi-wan and Anakin’s emotions and memories blend together, making it impossible to untangle their sense of self and it results in a lot of shenanigans, like:
One time Obi-wan called Ahsoka ‘snips’ by mistake and she made the weirdest and most horrified face he has ever seen. 
It’s not rare for the Council to summon one of them and have the other one showing up instead, clueless about his mistake. 
Anakin doesn’t even bother to remember any of his meetings’ time anyway because he knows Obi-wan will remember for him.
It is sometimes a problem, like that time Anakin planned to be at Padmé’s apartment at a precise date and time but still forgot, so instead, Padmé found at her door a very confused Obi-wan who couldn’t remember why it seemed so important to come here at that precise moment.
Ahsoka gave up on separating them in her mind and thinks about them as Anakin-and-Obi-wan and not two different people.
I mean, she had to deal with so many weird things, like that time Obi-wan said “...Just like when you left me with Rex on Maridun, and it— ” and she had to correct him “that wasn’t you, that was Anakin, you’ve never been to Maridun” and Obi-wan looked at her funny for a second before carrying on, “Oh right, well, you did very well, especially when you— ” like he was here the whole time.
The Council has stopped sending them alone on missions for more than a few days because when they come back they forget they have to actually talk to communicate with other people.
Every time someone tells them “don’t tell Obi-wan/Anakin, but...” they instantly reply “I Physically Cannot Do That”
“I mean I could, but then I will focus all my energy on hiding it and not projecting it through our bond and he will know something is up and it will put me under too much stress and pressure so please don’t tell me”
Right before the Rako Hardeen arc, the Council said to Obi-wan “so, we thought that you could fake your death and not say anything to Skywalker” and Obi-wan said “I’m afraid it’s already too late for that” one second before Anakin popped up out of nowhere to yell “YOU CAN’T MAKE OBI-WAN DIE AND NOT ME, IF HE DIES I DIE TOO”
They both faked their death
Anakin dramatically dying of a heart attack at the same time Obi-wan got shot was explained as “he lost the will to live” and a shrug from the Jedi Council.
“Yes, that makes sense,” said everyone without asking any questions.
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obiwanobi · 4 years
(is this supposed to happen during the short time in rots where Anakin is a Council member?) I like the idea that they both unconsciously switch chairs somedays and everyone just roll with it now, but also... seating in the same chair???
Anakin: You’re seating in my chair. Obi-Wan: Oh? Well, you can seat in mine, it doesn’t really matter.  Anakin, who didn’t get his caf and tripped in the fresher this morning: No, this is MY chair. Obi-Wan: You’re definitely not getting it back with this kind of tone.  Anakin: Like HELL I’m not getting it back, you just— Obi-Wan: What are y— Anakin, stop this childish—! Mace, entering the council room five minutes later: ....Why are you both seating in the same chair and angrily trying not to look at each other? 
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obiwanobi · 3 years
So I just went through all the idiotic dyad posts. And here's an idea: (Disclaimer: I haven't watched TRoS.) So, in the TLJ, Kylo and Rey have a dyad bond, apparently. Kylo is Dark and Rey is Light. I immediately thought of applying it here. With extra angst. So over time Obi-Wan and Anakin's bond becomes stronger, but nobody actually expects it to mature into a dyad bond. The thing is, it gets closer to being a dyad bond at times of extreme emotion. Both, simultaneously. (1/2)
2/2. So what I'm getting at, canon still happens. Except that after Mustafar their bond has become a dyad bond. So it's Vader that's connected to Obi-Wan. And I'm handwaving details, but let's say it's settled down and stable and active *after* Obi-Wan hands over Luke. And neither of them can fully block it, though Obi-Wan is better at that.
why must you hurt me in this way that's a good prompt for a lot of angst, with Vader trying to locate Obi-Wan through it and Obi-Wan doing his best to block it, but I think we could also squeeze some humour there when Obi-Wan finally snaps, like "would you please STOP trying to get inside my mind, you're as graceful as a drunk rancor knocking against my walls, how would you feel if I did it too, hm?" but he's absolutely not ready when he tries it and Vader puts up zero resistance and suddenly Obi-Wan is standing right next to him in a boring meeting with other imperials talking about the economy, and he can't see Vader's face but he can feel him through the bond being almost sheepish, saying "....I was very bored and you're a good distraction"
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obiwanobi · 4 years
ok but anakin and obi-wan talking like danny and rusty from ocean’s eleven when they spend too much time together 
listen, sometimes reaching a planet takes a lot of time and rex thought that cody was kidding when he told him to NOT let the two generals spend all their time together
and that’s how you get obi-wan and anakin finishing each other sentences but also not even speaking an understandable language to anyone else but them and saying shit like ‘ she has your...?’ ‘yeah’ ‘that means that she’s...’ ‘yeah’ ‘well you better...’ ‘yeah’ 
or ‘you wanna...’ ‘all yours’ ‘where should we...’ ‘start with the deck’
and they don’t even explain anything to rex? one time he asked them a question and they answered the exact same thing at the exact same time without even blinking, even clones don’t do that 
cody only sighs when rex calls him desperately and says ‘they’re doing the weirder-than-usual ‘one mind in two bodies’ thing, aren’t they?’ and rex is almost shaking and screaming ‘THEY’RE FREAKING ME OUT CODY’  
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obiwanobi · 4 years
Anakin once knocked over a bucket of paint, tried to catch it with the force and accidentally sent it through the dyad bond right into Obi-Wan who just so happened to be in a council meeting
There is a long silence in the council chamber. Only the sound of paint dripping on the ground can be heard. Then Obi-wan is getting up slowly, with the grace of a prince and the vacant smile of a politician on his purple face; “If you would excuse me, Masters, a certain Jedi Knight will shortly be in a deadly situation and I need to be present to make sure he doesn’t come of it alive.” And then he’s gone, leaving behind him a trail of purple paint.
Every Jedi in a 10 klicks radius can feel Skywalker’s internal panic at his imminent doom. Plo Koon prays for a short death and rapid communion with the Force.  
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obiwanobi · 4 years
I love your time travel AU and ADORE idiotic dyad AU! But have you considered... the idiotic dyad being the one doing the time travelling? Mace Windu and a Jedi Council that has absolutely no idea what they are about to be confronted with? With a still living Qui-Gon thrown into the mix. I can't get the scene out of my head where they are in separated rooms being questioned and Anakin keeps stealing Obi-Wans tea cause he's thirsty and Obi-Wan stealing it back. XD
kjhghjkl the Jedi are like “what is this” when Obi-Wan and Anakin both crash into the temple claiming to be Jedi from the future, but then Anakin, alone in the room, whines about being thirsty, and the second someone gets Obi-Wan in his separated room a cup of tea he immediately starts complaining that ‘this isn’t fair why does he get one and not me?” and the Jedi are like “??? how do you know?? what the fuck” and Anakin’s like “WHATEVER I’m taking it” and the cup of tea pops up in his hands and the Jedi are like “what the FUCK is THIS” 
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obiwanobi · 4 years
In the scenario where Anakin and Obi Wan time travel as a dyad I desperately need someone (maybe Oppo Rancisis) to look at them and go "A dyad bond is an exceedingly rare and precious thing and you're using it for--" he gestures at where Anakin had attempted to send the tea back to Obi Wan and it flew too quickly, splattering over his beard and tunics "--this??"
I LOVE this, the Jedi Order must feel so bad because “wow, a dyad bond isn’t a legend then? It can really happen? This is such a fantastic discovery, there is still so much to learn and the people blessed by the Force must be very wise and  special, they can probably teach them so much about the will of the Force!” and then it’s just these two morons sending a flying teacup at each other through their bond, Obi-Wan saying to an appalled Oppo Rancisis “Anakin will apologise for this” and Anakin, from the room next door, yelling “NO I WON’T” 
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obiwanobi · 4 years
for the dyad hc (which occupies my life constantly) do you think anakin ever just accidentally falls asleep on obi-wan and it looks like he’s sleeping on nothing?? and then someone (cody maybe) tries to put something on obi-wan’s shoulder and just runs into anakin
awwww that’s so cute! It kind of freaks him out a bit, so after that Cody is constantly worried about running into Anakin and never approaches Obi-Wan without holding his arm and fumbling around for a few seconds first 
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obiwanobi · 4 years
I know the dyad au is sad if anakin becomes vader but i just can't help but think about that one bagel vine y'know? Someone: hey what do you want? Vader: The death of all jedi Obi-wan: a bagel Vader: NOOO Obi-wan: two bagels
lkgfghl it’s perfect 👌👌 
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obiwanobi · 4 years
do you have a favorite hc about Obi-Wan and Anakin being a dyad?
ONE favourite dyad hc? More like 14 of them: 
They’re so in sync in battle that sometimes clones stop fighting for a few seconds to admire their precision 
What the clones don’t know is that most of the time Anakin has a catchy pop song stuck in his head and Obi-wan is forced to fight to the beat of it
Anakin always has a stupid song stuck in his head at the worst time
That’s why Cody hears Obi-wan humming the latest Corruscant hit way too often during the most stressful of situations 
But Anakin only knows the chorus so it’s always the same 3 lines again and again and again for days and it drives Obi-wan absolutely crazy 
Sometimes in the middle of a mission, someone will suggest something and Anakin’s strongest argument against it will be “Obi-wan thinks that’s stupid” and people are like “He’s on the other side of the galaxy???” and Anakin just shrugs 
Once Obi-wan was giving a lecture to padawans and instead of raising his pointer to the screen he raised a toothbrush and knew that Anakin was awake somewhere with his pointer in his mouth 
Once Ahsoka saw Anakin drawing his lightsaber and for a moment she was certain that it was Obi-wan’s but that was impossible because he was lightyears away from them 
They take ‘finishing each other’s sentences’ to a new level 
When they argue, both of them don’t have to actively participate. Rex once saw Anakin arguing for 3 entire minutes while Obi-wan was reading his holopad without even looking up at him. At the end, Anakin just said “You’re right, of course you’re right, I’m glad we had this conversation”.
Once for a mission, Anakin had to speak Huttese again and at the same time in the middle of important negotiations Obi-wan suddenly switched to Huttese and almost caused a diplomatic incident 
Because Anakin is a lightweight, Obi-wan can make him mumble and stagger just by drinking 2 glasses of brandy
If Anakin is sick, it’s Obi-wan who’s sneezing all-day (it’s worse when Anakin goes to pet animals he knows he’s allergic to) 
Local Jedi idiots didn’t remember you’re not supposed to be able to see and talk to your partner when he’s on another planet 
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obiwanobi · 4 years
Idiot dyad HC: these times when the Dyad is Too Strong feat. Anakin arguing with Obi-Wan and getting so involved in the totally bullshit reason for their fight he accidentally strands himself on the Negotiator. Like he literally walked through to Obi-Wan's side of the bond but now he's here FULLY and he has no way to get back to Resolute. P.S. 501st is stationed on the other side of GFFA and after that fiasco the coucil gives up on stationing these two fools too far apart
Good luck saying to Windu “yeah I was mad at Obi-wan so I walked to the other side of the galaxy by mistake to scream in his face, please call Rex and tell him to come pick me up”
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obiwanobi · 4 years
so like. what im hearing is that in the fan club x dyad verse. anakin is basically just a smug cat. the kind that just screams if they arent receiving attention from their favorite person
Anakin is ABSOLUTELY a very smug cat in a dyad AND kenobi fanclub AU. He keeps acting like the dyad isn’t a big deal in front of people (who are like “wow you’re so lucky to have this connection with Master Kenobi” and Anakin’s like “no, he’s lucky to have a connection with me”) but the second he can feel Obi-wan being interested in talking to someone else over him he’s the most jealous kitten ever, feeling betrayed that his master is NOT proving his love and dedication at any given time, like “Obi-wan. Obi-wan why is your entire attention not on me right now. Obi-wan talks to me. Obi-wan why aren’t you looking at me right. Obi-wan I will come find you while you talk to this unimportant person and silently glare at them while I put my hand on your elbow then an arm around your shoulder then drape myself dramatically over you and I will whine louder and louder if you don’t pay attention to me immediately”  
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obiwanobi · 4 years
Ok so I just read through a bunch of your head canon stuff, and I love it all so much!! But I’ve been thinking about this one point so much: a combo of the Kenobi fan club and the dyad AUs. like Anakin would be so SMUG about the whole thing
god Anakin would gloat all day long because HE has a direct, permanent and unbreakable connection to the absolute best Jedi in the Temple and the Greatest Man in the Galaxy (he already put that on three different mugs gifted to Obi-Wan,) so the second someone disagrees with him his first argument always starts with “well, AS OBI-WAN’S FAVOURITE-” even if it has nothing to do with Obi-wan, and anytime he can feel his attention on someone else than him for more than a few seconds he instantly pops up right in Obi-wan’s face and asks him why he has forsaken him
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