#idk I have a follow up with my GI to go over results soon so
thelastspeecher · 9 months
Wow I just LOVE being diagnosed with another issue to cause dietary restriction right before fucking CHRISTMAS
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Okay my head is literally the fuzziest at the moment so none of this may be coherent whatsoever but PUKYUU WATCH CH 174 LET’S GO!!! (SPOILERS + LONG POST)
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Our girl is just too chill. Here Yona is, getting kidnapped, and ya know Ao would never leave her alone if she can help it. So she’s just kinda along for the ride. Then of course here come our best bois, Algira and Vold, just doing the best things...
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Algira’s angry face is kinda awesome. Also, Vold thought Algira was talking about how bad he smelled and how he thought Algira hates him and that’s adorable and kinda sad. But nope, bigger fish Voldopus!
Baby boi out here censoring his swears and trying his best to reassure Yona that Hak was coming and it’s so precious...
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oh yeah and speaking of Voldopus:
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GET IT MY MASKED BOYO!!! Yo this bit was all sorts of intense. Idk what it was but watching these two Xing boys trying to keep Yona safe and do some good by the people who helped them out, and Algira gets stabbed in the arm, and fire is taking out the balcony they’re holding onto, and there’s only so much they can do before falling...but the last thing Vold says, unconcerned that he and Algira are about to fall (like they’ll make it but still), is “Princess, please run” and that hit me hard in the feels...
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And Yona girl gotta deal with that mess Gobi because SERIOUSLY WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM????
And Ao, our good girl is just taking care of Yona until help comes along and WE GET THE- hang on not big enough:
Now I’d really appreciate it, if Hak doesn’t consider this as some weird unconscious thing she just said and it was a result of a mix of memories and Yona didn’t mean it because my heart can’t take anymore...but we all know Hak most likely gonna keep it to himself until he knows how to respond to it...OR IF HE DOES MENTION IT, he’s gonna brush it off as a joke, or he’ll try to start a serious conversation and they get interrupted...
I can hold out hope for a solid heart-to-heart, no interruptions in a couple chaps, after they settle things, and collect the dragons and just GO SOMEWHERE SAFE FOR A BIT...YA KNOW. SAFE. KUSANAGI SENSEI KNOWS WHAT THIS MEANS RIGHT??? Literally aside from Zeno, doubt anyone has had a good chance to heal up from Xing yet...and Hak is half-dead and running on love and adrenaline atm, so he needs to get patched up but maybe in ideal circumstances, Yona will visit him alone and they can just have a good talk about their feelings for each other but this is just the ideal and not likely? Because emotionally speaking, Hak still has some stuff to work through. But Yona is finally ok with speaking her mind and that’s great.
Weirdly the “distance” between the HHB seems so much bigger this time??? So maybe that’s why things should be coming to a head with Yona and Hak. But more likely I’m anticipating Hak acting awkward and unsure how to react to those words and it’ll just weigh on his mind until he explodes and blurts it out in front of everyone...
Anyway, I wonder how much more needs wrapping up of the battle in the meantime. Hak got through, Hazara gave in and Kuelbo gave up and is trying to stow away, soooo can’t be too much more fighting. Still have to deal with the “Captain Hak” aftermath and Kye-Shook actively allowing Hak to do whatever he wanted on the battlefield, and how this’ll affect public opinion of Soo-Won and what new rumours will surface...the Fire Tribe has been pretty much won over by the HHB (despite Tae Jun’s Bro’s reservation - can’t remember his name), so if you include Wind (that will always be Hak’s followers), and maybe to a smaller degree Water (bc of the Nadai and ties to Lili), we have Earth and obv Sky that are totally together, because Joo-Doh and Geun-Tae...is there another tribe??? Don’t think so. But right now we have a pretty neat divide since Lili is pretty loyal to Yona (I’m still a Won-Lili shipper I ain’t gonna lie) and Yoon-Gi favours Soo-Won sooo...
Idk where I was going with that tangent but to end this Pukyuu Watch: I’m so happy Kuelbo went back for Yoo-Lan
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Home girl here thinking she’s about to be discarded for Yona, and is still prepared to do her duty because she loves Kuelbo that much and homeboy out here not even fussed that his plan didn’t work out, and just wants to make sure Yoo-lan is safe!
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This was cute.
Anyway not much Pukyuu, but soon everyone will be together again and our girl can continue her derpy business, and help all the dragons heal with a few nice acorns!
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