#and the restriction is...fructose!
thelastspeecher · 9 months
Wow I just LOVE being diagnosed with another issue to cause dietary restriction right before fucking CHRISTMAS
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720am · 5 months
for losing as much as possible in a short amount of time (cuz we are all desperate), from me - a biotechnologist, who relapsed (the demons never leave)
the tips i am about to share with all my girliepops are all based on science and work; if you have any other tips, feel free to share in the comments, so we can have all the tips in one place!
• eat your meals from smaller sized plates, to trick your brain you are eating more
• cut up your food into small pieces
• chew every bite at least 10-15 times, until it is a purée consistency; this way you will be eating slower and give your brain more time to realise you are full
• sip water with a lemon slice between your bites
• focus on eating vegetables and protein, limit carbs
• drink a lot of water, and I mean a lot
• add lemon slices to your water to make it have some flavour; also the lemon juice in water before your meals will help reduce the glucose spike => less insulin released from liver => less absorbed glucose from carbs/sugars/starches => less fat on your body
• move for 10 mins right after eating - walk, do calf raises, some light movement so all the glucose can be used before getting stored as fat on your body
• drink tea - green tea, detox tea, whatever tea, without a sweetener
• do not drink diet sodas/colas - or any kind of liquid that is not water/tea - these are useless calories, why would you do that to yourselves?! even if it says 0 cals - this s#it is so bad for you, and the carbonation makes you feel bloated like a god damn whale! ditch the diet sodas girliepops
• implement some kind of movement every day - walking, pilates, yoga, dance workouts, resistance bands workouts or stretching
• do not weigh yourself everyday - due to hormones our weigh fluctuates every day and this will just make you feel bad if you lose and gain 1-2 legs everyday depending on your menstrual cycle, water weight and so on.. weigh yourself every 2 weeks.
• do not drink fruit juice - this is such a scam; hear me out: how many oranges does it take to make 1 glass of orange juice? around 3. can you eat three whole oranges in one sitting? i bet no. then why would you drink 3 oranges? when you make fruit juice, all the fibre and the pulp is removed, leaving you with just the juice with all the sugar in it (in the form of glucose and fructose) so you are basically drinking pure sugar, which turns into fat… just eat your damned fruit, instead of drinking a bunch of empty calories
• take red cranberry supplements - they are usually taken for UTIs, but the red cranberry has diuretic effect, and will make you pee your water weight out; please do not take more than 2 pills and remember to drink plenty of water so you don’t damage your kidneys!!!!
• take probiotics - this will ensure your gut health stays good while restricting foods, so you don’t end up constipated and bloated
• i personally do not eat dairy products (i am lactose intolerant) - they are full of hormones from the cows, give you acne and inflammation, and the protein in it is not worth it considering the amount of fat these products have; skip the dairy if you can
• if you drink a lot of coffee, remember to drink plenty of water! coffee has a diuretic effect and if you are not drinking more water, it will make you retain whatever water is in your body, leading to water weight gain
• if you end up binging, do so mindfully - do not give in to all the food, just have a piece of chocolate, not the whole chocolate bar; have a piece of cake, not the whole cake; then get back on track and try to exercise as much as possible to burn the excess calories
• i think this is obvious but let me say it just in case - in order to lose weight, you have to be on a calorie deficit - meaning you burn/use more calories than you consume; but!! here is the trick - you have to maintain low calorie diet, do not ⭐️ve for more than 2 days, as this will f#ck up your metabolism - your body goes into fight or flight response, meaning everything you eat after f4sting will remain on your body as a reserve of food, in case you end up ⭐️ving again; so have your veggies and protein (chicken breasts, white fish)
• keep yourself busy so you don’t think about f0od - study, work, read books, journal, whatever it is, your day has to be full of activities do you can forget to e4t
• reject offered food - say you already ate / yr not hungry / you are allergic to some ingredient / you have a bad migraine and this will make it worse / or take the food and say you will have it later and just give it to someone else (pls don’t throw in trash, do not waste food)
• when eating with family / boyfriend - place food in a smaller plate, cut up food into very small pieces and eat very slowly and chew every bite for a long time, sip water between every few bites, then say you are full and cannot eat anymore / that you ate a bit earlier and yr full
• when eating, eat your veggies first, then your protein and eat the smallest amount of carbs - always leave leftover carbs in your plate
• do not eat any snacks - no cereal bars, no cereal, no chips, no crisps, no crackers, no salty sticks, just do not eat snacks!
• if you feel like eating - drink water first, then have veggies (cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, etc) or fruit (apples, citrus, any kind of berries)
• if you are having breakfast - always eat a savoury breakfast - eggs, avocado, veggies etc; never eat a sweet breakfast - cereal, croissants, pancakes, etc, this will spike up your glucose levels and all that sugar will turn into fat; a sweet breakfast will make you feel tired and exhausted all day, leading you to eat more
• wear a waist trainer - do so for no more than 8hrs a day; this will also help you have smaller portions of food, as it won’t allow your stomach to expand
• do not purge - this is very bad for your teeth and overall health; the stomach acid is very strong and every time you purge, your teeth are getting damaged; just don’t overeat in the first place and have self control!
this is all i have for right now; if i think of anything else, i will add later / make another post; if you have anything to add to this list - go ahead and do so in the comments below
remember, stay safe xx
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Do you have any food preference HCs? Like I think Craig would be a very picky eater, wouldn't like much seasoning, etc. Kraft mac n' cheese, chicken nuggets, and pb&j sandwiches are his best friend. Was curious if you have any ideas like that about him or the other characters bc I've been loving reading your HCs so far :)
hmm,,, i have a coffee preference post here regarding stan and kyle, but here are some other hcs i have (:
he has a very diverse pallet. he likes just about any food you give him unless its like, boiled unseasoned potatoes, but he'll still eat it. not particularly picky, but he does have preference for spicier foods or anything with loud and/or complex flavor profiles. he loves flavor bombs!
sweets and savory all the way. hes a southern comfort food enjoyer and a fructose fiend. everything from fried chicken, shepards pie, and ham to ice cream, and blackberry cobbler is on his wishlist. hes mildly picky in that hes not a fan of middle eastern or mediterranean food or things that are "out of his comfort zone." but he's still a big spice eater and loves mexican food in particular.
he was raised to not be picky because it's considered rude, but he's pretty picky in nature so he just learned to get around it. has some sensory issues regarding some cooking styles of vegetables and texture stuff. cant do cooked celery or onion because of the texture unless its finely minced, pureed, or powdered. not a fan of fish because he ate so much of it growing up, and because his mom would make these salmon patties that had would have bones in them so now any time he eats salmon or any fish he feels the need to vomit. (these are real btw. my family and many others made them. they had bones that you were supposed to just eat because they were crunchy enough to do so. nightmarish food istg.)
he also goes kosher in middle school when he connects more with his faith so... no more denny's bacon specials lmao.
definitely more picky then the other four when it comes to flavor. doesn't like spicy foods and hates the texture of onions so he has to use minced, pureed, or powdered in recipes. he has the cilantro gene which makes visits to kyle's family for dinner pretty embarrassing. he doesn't like to make a big deal about it but he HAS to tell ms broflovski because if something even has a whiff of cilantro the entire meal tastes like soap and stink bug chemicals. sheila is very understanding of this and doesn't mind too much because the flavor of cilantro can be easily replicated with other herbs/spices. also has a huge vendetta against celery. it does NOT just "taste green" kyle, it's WEIRD and SHARP and the cooked texture is GROSS! hates steamed broccoli but tries to get over that in high school by eating it in frozen meals to get accustomed to it. not a big fan of things that are too sweet. sweets are best when they're just sweet enough to be yummy but not overpowering or super rich. the only "rich" sweet he likes is chocolate torte, and ONLY with black coffee to balance it out and it HAS to be in small alternating bites: like bite of torte, sip of coffee, bite of torte, sip of coffee, and so on.
very restricted diet that sticks mostly to bland safe foods. every day for lunch he eats one of those uncrustable pb&js or honey and peanut butter. surprisingly a lot of his safe foods are vegetables of some sort because he ate them a lot as a little kid so hes accustomed to them and they feel "fresher" than other foods that can be overstimulating. they cant be cooked though, only raw. so he loves those veggie platters. broccoli is crossing the line a bit for him though because of the odd texture, so that's iffy for him. carrot sticks, celery, and ice berg lettuce are great though. some other non-veggie safe foods are white meat chicken or turkey, and instant mashed potatoes. he cant do normal mashed potatoes because they taste almost... smotheringly starchy?? the same with baked potatoes. but instant Idahoan brand instant mashed potatoes are lighter and smoother with a different taste. he can do cooked green beans as long as they still taste green and weren't cooked in a broth/grease of any sort, but he cant do peas because they're too mushy and weird.
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
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The word “fasting” is defined as abstaining from food, sometimes as a religious discipline. Many religions practice fasting as a way of demonstrating faith and spiritual reflection.
Some people fast as a way to lose weight or to cleanse the body of toxins. Fasting is used in many different ways for weight loss depending on the diet. Some diets involve eating only whole foods while others restrict food all together. Each fasting diet has its own restrictions on liquids too.
Fasting is great for a myriad of reasons especially health and spiritual reasons. Fasting gives the stomach a much needed time to rest, at least for the modest and health-conscious eater (raw foodist, vegan-vegetarian); but for the average over-eater of the Standard American Diet, fasting does not give the stomach time to rest but allows it to attempt to digest all the undigested food that it is holding.
Fasting allows the colon or intestinal tract to dump or release much of the stored waste, helping to prevent colon and rectal cancers. When we fast, it allows for the colon to shrink back into shape. When the colon shrinks back into shape, one of the results is a suppressed appetite.
But the more we eat unhealthy foods, the more our bodies crave it in attempt to get nutrition. We should eat for nutritional purposes but most of us eat for eye or sight appeal, smell, and taste appeal. Taste, sight and smell are not the criterion for what is healthy.
Fasting is also a great way to cleanse the eliminative channels of the body (colon, liver, lungs and kidneys).
It is an excellent way to cleanse the blood and lymphatic fluids. The toxins and pollutants in the bloodstream travel to the brain via the Jugular vein in the neck and because the blood can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, toxins and pollutants also enter the brain and negatively affect it. The brain actually becomes use to the polluted blood in the body and when you fast and the blood starts to thin, the brain responds due to its addiction to or habit of receiving polluted blood.
Basically, when the blood starts thinning and cleansing, the poisons, pollutants and toxins are being released via the filtering organs and to the body it feels like withdrawal and that’s why some people experience headaches while fasting.
Fasting helps begin the healing and anti-aging process. Fasting helps to improve the skin by cleansing the blood.
Fasting is very beneficial in warding off negative things and acts because if fasting compels you to abstain from that which is beneficial, good, and required, it makes it that much easier to abstain from that which is no good or detrimental, to the mind, body and soul.
Fasting is one of the ways we can detoxify and cleanse our bodies.
Juice Feasting
Juice feasting is when a person fasts or abstains from solid food and consumes vegetable and/or fruit juice (in addition to water).
Juice feasting, though not a fast, is beneficial when you consider the beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables. Fruits are very cleansing and vegetables are very building due to their high nutritional/mineral content.
Juice feasting can and will greatly help the body cleanse, rebuild and heal.
If hunger is a problem while fasting, juice feasting can be ideal alternative for you. It gives your body much needed energy from the electrical components contained in fruits and vegetables. The natural sugar in fruits will also give the body a boost as fruit sugar (fructose) converts into secondary natural fuel for the body.
The best or ideal waters to drink during a fast are distilled water and alkaline water. Distilled water is great for fasting purposes because distilled water removes heavy metal toxins from the body. Distilled water is basically boiled water. Consumption of distilled is an important function while fasting because heavy metal buildup may lead to heavy metal poisoning, impairing human health.
Alkaline water is processed water, usually charged with electrolytes (alkaline minerals). Whereas distilled water will draw out heavy metal toxins from the body by attraction, alkaline water will cause the tissues to dump off toxins and if the alkaline water is also microclustered, it will also cause the cells to dump off toxins.
Microclustered water is water that has been electrically processed allowing it to break down water molecules and make the water more penetrable so molecules can penetrate the cells and not only hydrate the body, but stimulate cleansing on a cellular level. Nature automatically microclusters water with waterfalls. The water hitting hard against rocks automatically breaks down the water molecules making them smaller and thus more penetrable through the cells of the body.
Crystal water is excellent during a fast. The best crystals to add to your drinking water during a fast are:
Clear Quartz: increases and enhances energy and the body’s energy fieldBloodstone: purifies and heals bloodMalachite (tumbled): Cleanses the blood and the liver; heals female organsBlue Jasper: sustains energy while fasting; heals degenerative diseasesMuscovite: prevents hunger while fastingAmethyst: enhances and heightens spiritual awareness; cleanses the bloodRose Quartz: amplifies the love frequency; fine tunes the heart chakraHerkimer Quartz: protects against radiation poisoningRutilated Quartz: absorbs mercury poisoning; prevents psychic attackBlack Tourmaline: prevents psychic attacks; repels negative energy
Taking elixirs are very ideal when fasting because elixirs are water imbued with crystal properties, which facilitates meditation, angelic contact, spiritual awareness, and energy healing on the subtle body level.
How to Fast
You should only be fasting when you have the time to properly fast, like on weekends and holidays or during your job-given vacation. Hard work should be avoided when fasting. During a fast, the body usually becomes weak or faint before energy levels increase and you feel more energetic.
Fasting and detoxifying (with herbs) are great ways to increase and enhance energy levels in the body.
If you decide to drink tea, herbal tea, while fasting (as many people do) drink a tea that contains natural caffeine (bio-active caffeine). Herbs that naturally contain caffeine include:
Green TeaBlack TeaKola NutGuarana, andYerba Mate
Herbs that can provide much needed energy are:
GinsengEphedraCodonopsisMaca MacaSumaGingko BilobaGotu Kola
If you are fasting to purify your mind for better memory recall, cognition, and mental clarity for the test, drink herbal tea of Holy Thistle.
If you want to enhance your cleansing effect during a fast, drink herbal teas of Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Cleavers, Chickweed, Echinacea and/or Godenseal. Wheat and Barley Grass are also great for this.
If you want to eliminate excess mucus in the body while fasting, drink herbal teas of Mullein Leaf, Boneset, Coltsfoot, Yerba Sante, Comfrey Root, and/or Fenugreek.
If you are a female and want to cleanse your reproductive organs during fasting, drink herbal teas of White Oak Bark, Red Clover Leaf, Red Raspberry Leaf, Sarsaparilla, Squawvine, and/or Dong Quai.
To help eliminate calculi while fasting, drink herbal tea of Chanca Piedra, the best natural herb to naturally break or bust up stones or calculi and remove them from the body. Chanca Piedra is a powerful Rainforest herb whose name means to break stone.
Deep tissue massage is an ideal massage to get while detoxifying. This particular massage’s deep penetrating strokes greatly helps to cleanse the tissues of the body. Lymphatic Drain massage is also an ideal massage to get while fasting as this massage helps to stimulate cleansing and movement of the lymph fluids.
Yoga and/or deep breathing are great during a fast. Deep breathing helps cleanse the organs, move stagnant chi, prana or energy; and also fuels the body and mind.
Chakra balancing or alignment is a must during a fast. This procedure greatly helps to open the energy centers (vortices) and also cleanses and enhances the energy field. Ear coning is great to do as well while fasting. Ear coning helps to remove subtle blocks from the ears and also opens the energy centers (aura) of the ears. This activity along with removing wax buildup and bacteria is great for the ears while fasting as is most beneficial.
Nasal cleansing (with the use of a Neti Pot) is great while fasting. Nasal cleansing helps to open blocked respiratory passages via the nostrils of the nose and thus helps to improve breathing.
Magical Alchemical Elixirs (which contain herbs, crystals, humic and fulvic acid, essential oils and programmed intent), which help to heal and cleanse on all eight subtle body levels.
Crystal Spray Elixirs (which contain blessed water, crystal and gemstone properties, flower essences and essential oils), which facilitate cleansing of the aura (energy field). Crystal-Gemstone Elixirs (over 35 kinds), which work on a subtle body and energy level.
Ending a Fast
A fast should always be broken in the morning. This is where the term breakfast comes from. The word breakfast means to break the fast. Breakfast is in the morning because it starts the new day for us. A fast should be broken at sunrise (or sunset). However, sunrise is best as the stomach needs to rest at night.
A fast should always be broken with liquids, preferably soft, pureed fruit juice or vegetable juice. After digesting a liquid (fruit or vegetable juice), a smoothie would be ideal. After a smoothie, raw, organic fruit should be next. After raw, organic fruit, soup would be ideal. After soup, a green salad or some other raw food dish would be ideal. After salad and/or raw food dish, legumes (beans, peas, etc.) would be ideal. After legumes, soft whole grains would be ideal (but not a lot as they expand in the colon). After grains, a vegetarian enter would be ideal. If you eat meat, white meat, would be ideal (i.e. chicken, tuna/fish, turkey) to eat.
Please remember that while fasting, the stomach shrinks.
Fasting is a science, and proper knowledge is needed.
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fcukfodmap · 2 months
Day 25: Low-FODMAP Gluten-free Brownies
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My younger kid has been kind of razzing me through this whole low-FODMAP diet about my becoming a vegan dessert Insta mom, who lies constantly about how amazing her kelp-based brownies are, or whatever. With my experience so far with low-FODMAP desserts, that is abso-tutely not happening. That said, these brownies are totally decent. They're not amazing, but I'm not expecting that.
I'm not even that big of a dessert person -- I've joked about having a cheese tooth, not a sweet tooth -- but there are certainly times when I want something sweet. From looking through the candy aisle at the corner store, it looks like the commercially made candies you can eat on a low-FODMAP diet are things like certain flavors of Mike & Ikes or gummi bears. Restrictions on lactose knock out most American made chocolate, and high fructose corn syrup knocks out the rest. Without further ado, to the recipe.
Low-FODMAP Gluten-free Brownies
1/3 c brown rice flour
2/3 unsweetened cocoa powder (either Dutch process or not, doesn't matter)
3/4 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 sticks lactose-free butter
1/2 c maple syrup
1 package dark chocolate chips, 1 c reserved
1 tbsp vanilla
3 large eggs
Preheat oven to 350F and grease and flour an 8x8 brownie pan
Mix together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and cinnamon. Set aside.
In a sauce pan, melt the butter, maple syrup, and 1 c of the chocolate chips, stirring constantly. Just get it to melty, then take it from the heat and let cool for 10-15 minutes. Whisk in the vanilla, then the eggs one at a time. It'll end up with a pudding-like consistency.
Pour in the dry mixture and stir to combine. You can also mix in the rest of the package of chocolate chips. Pour the batter into the pan, and bake for 20-25 minutes. Let cool for 15.
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The big thing with this recipe is vetting the chocolate chips you get: most chocolate chips you can find in the grocery store have too much milk in them to be low-FODMAP. I ended up ordering a three pack of Gefen Vegan Semi-Sweet Real Dark Chocolate Chips because they're dairy-free, which are 100% fine. If you can't find lactose-free butter (or that shit is too expensive) you could try either coconut oil or vegan butter (which is what I think they're calling margarine these days, lol).
These brownies weren't especially brownie-like. They just didn't have the fudginess of normal brownies, but they were still good and, more importantly, sated my need for some chocolate. I bet you could double the recipe, omit the chocolate chips mixed in at the end, and pour the batter into cake pans, and you could have slightly dense but serviceable cakes for a layered birthday cake. Idek what you would do for frosting, but that's a problem for another day.
Disclaimer: I am no dietician. I'm doing my best to minimize FODMAPs in my diet, but it's possible for me to be misinformed or mistaken about various ingredients.
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You mentioned that Trolls probably don't like flaky desserts because of their pointy teeth, what other desserts do you think they wouldnt/would like?
I feel like they probably don't like chewy desserts/foods because it would get stuck to their teeths
Regarding their comfort to eat them that's pretty much it, I agree with the chewy thing
They might have some personal restrictions with sweeteners since fructose and sugar gets them buzzed (as goes Meenah's explanation on Alternian Tab), I've theorized they could use isomalt instead
There's also the possibility of dairy products being a bit controversial (mainly among lowbloods) because some of it's produced by centaurs and indigo bloods seem to be weird about it
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prajwal-agale001 · 5 days
Enzymes Market Dynamics: Innovation and Challenges Facing the Industry
According to the latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the global enzymes market is on track to reach $18.38 billion by 2029, with a robust CAGR of 6.2% from 2022 to 2029. This substantial growth is propelled by advancements in enzyme engineering, the introduction of genetically-engineered enzymes, and rising environmental concerns driving the demand for biofuels. Additionally, increasing investments in research and development, the prevalence of chronic ailments, and the need for cost reduction and resource optimization in production processes are further fueling market expansion.
Download PDF Brochure @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5390?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=19-09-2024
Market Dynamics and Drivers
The enzymes market is experiencing rapid growth due to several key factors. Technological advancements in enzyme engineering and green chemistry are revolutionizing the industry, providing more efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. The advent of genetically-engineered enzymes is expanding the functional applications and efficiency of enzyme products. As environmental concerns grow, there is a heightened demand for biofuels, which in turn boosts the enzymes market, given their critical role in biofuel production.
Investment in R&D activities is also playing a crucial role, as companies strive to innovate and improve enzyme performance. The increasing prevalence of chronic ailments and the push for cost-effective production processes are driving the adoption of enzymes across various sectors. Despite these positive trends, the market faces challenges such as stringent regulations and limitations on temperature and pH levels, which may restrict growth.
Segmentation Insights
The enzymes market is segmented based on product type, source, type, form, and application, providing a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape.
1. Product Type: Industrial Enzymes Lead, Specialty Enzymes on the Rise
In 2022, industrial enzymes are expected to dominate the market due to their widespread use in various industries including food & beverages, animal feed, personal & household care, and textiles. The large market share of industrial enzymes is driven by rising environmental concerns, increased demand for biofuels, and heightened R&D investments. Industrial enzymes are integral to optimizing production processes, enhancing product quality, and reducing environmental impact.
On the other hand, specialty enzymes are gaining traction due to their targeted applications and unique functionalities. The growth in this segment is driven by the increasing demand for customized enzyme solutions in niche applications such as pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and specialized food products.
2. Source: Plant-Based Enzymes Show Fastest Growth
The source segmentation reveals that plant-based enzymes are projected to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the convenience and availability of plant sources, coupled with the increasing demand for proteases like papain, ficin, and bromelain. Plant-based enzymes offer significant benefits, including improved digestive health and antibacterial properties, making them popular across industries such as food & beverages, personal & household care, and pharmaceuticals.
3. Type: Carbohydrases Hold Major Share
Among enzyme types, carbohydrases are expected to account for the largest share in 2022. Their extensive application in the food & beverage sector, particularly in the production of fructose syrup, hydrolysis of sucrose, and lactose reduction in milk, drives their dominant market position. Carbohydrases are also valued in the biofuel industry for their cost-effectiveness and high thermal stability, further solidifying their market presence.
4. Form: Solid Enzymes to Witness Faster Growth
The enzymes market is segmented by form into liquid and solid categories. The solid enzymes segment is anticipated to grow at a faster rate due to their stability, high shelf life, and ease of handling, transportation, and storage. Solid enzymes are increasingly preferred in various applications for their practical benefits, which contribute to their rising market demand.
5. Application: Food & Beverages Sector Leads
In terms of application, the food & beverages sector is projected to dominate the enzymes market in 2022. The sector's large market share is driven by the growing health consciousness among consumers, which fuels the demand for clean and natural food products. The increasing popularity of processed food products, changing dietary habits, and the extensive application of enzymes in beverage production further enhance the sector's market leadership.
Regional Analysis: Asia-Pacific to Register Highest Growth
Geographically, the enzymes market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Asia-Pacific is set to experience the highest CAGR during the forecast period. This rapid growth is attributed to the shift of manufacturing activities from North America and Europe to the Asia-Pacific region, coupled with rising demand for food enzymes from food manufacturers. The region's growth is further supported by technological advancements in the food & beverages and pharmaceutical industries, rapid industrialization, economic development, and abundant raw material availability.
Key Players and Competitive Landscape
Prominent players in the enzymes market include:
AB Enzymes GmbH (Germany)
Advanced Enzyme Technologies Limited (India)
Amano Enzyme Inc. (Japan)
Aum Enzymes (India)
BASF SE (Germany)
Biocatalysts Limited (U.K.)
Chr. Hansen Holding A/S (Denmark)
Codexis, Inc. (U.S.)
Enzyme Development Corporation (U.S.)
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Switzerland)
International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. (U.S.)
Kerry Group plc (Ireland)
Koninklijke DSM N.V. (Netherlands)
Merck KGaA (Germany)
Novozymes A/S (Denmark)
Novus International, Inc. (U.S.)
Sanofi (France)
These key players are focused on innovation, strategic partnerships, and global expansion to enhance their market presence. They are investing in R&D to develop advanced enzyme solutions that meet the evolving needs of various industries and contribute to sustainable and efficient production processes.
Read Full Report :- https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/enzymes-market-5390?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=19-09-2024
Contact Us: Meticulous Research® Email- [email protected] Contact Sales- +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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arjukese · 8 days
Cautionary Ingredients: U.S. vs. Europe
Welcome to my first blog post! Today, I will explore the differences between food standards in the United States and Europe. While American dishes may surprise European audiences with their diverse ingredients, many common additives and ingredients found in the U.S. are restricted in Europe due to health and safety concerns. Join me as I take a closer look at three controversial ingredients and examine why they are treated differently across the ocean
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The Impact of Food Dyes
In the United States, artificial food colors like Red Dye 40 are commonly found in processed foods, from candy to beverages. In contrast, this dye faces stricter regulations in Europe due to concerns about its potential link to hyperactivity in children. European food safety authorities have adopted a "precautionary principle," resulting in tighter controls on such additives. While Red Dye 40, also known as Allura Red AC, is approved by the FDA and widely used in American products for its vibrant color, it is not completely banned in Europe. However, products containing Red Dye 40 must carry a warning label about possible adverse effects on children's activity and attention. This shows a growing effort in Europe to prioritize safety and use more natural ingredients.
High-Fructose Corn Syrup: Sweetener or Health Risk?
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a popular sweetener in American foods and beverages, used in products like soda, snacks, and baked goods. European countries have a tradition of using cane or beet sugar, partly because HFCS is viewed with caution regarding its health implications, such as links to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Although not outright banned, HFCS is heavily regulated and less favored in Europe compared to the United States.
Brominated Vegetable Oil: The Concerns
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is a common ingredient in many American citrus-flavored sodas and sports drinks. It acts as an emulsifier, helping to keep flavoring evenly distributed throughout the beverage. However, BVO is banned in Europe due to concerns about its potential health risks, including possible links to neurological and endocrine system issues. The European Food Safety Authority has adopted a precautionary approach, leading many European beverage companies to use alternative emulsifiers. In contrast, BVO remains legal in the United States, though some American companies have started phasing it out in response to consumer demand for safer ingredients.
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Key Take Aways from this Post
The differences in food ingredient regulations between the United States and Europe highlight a divergence in safety standards and consumer protection philosophies. While American food products often include additives that enhance shelf life and flavor, European countries tend to stay on the side of caution, restricting or banning ingredients that might pose health risks. As global awareness of food safety evolves, consumers need to stay informed about what is in their food, regardless of where they live.
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xunyi1984 · 2 months
Clues for clinical diagnosis of inherited metabolic diseases: Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) and metabolic crisis caused by endogenous decomposition
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is caused by many reasons and usually occurs in people over three years old. This article mainly explains the dietary avoidance caused by genetic metabolic diseases. This dietary avoidance is often caused
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is caused by many reasons and usually occurs in people over three years old. This article mainly explains the dietary avoidance caused by genetic metabolic diseases. This dietary avoidance is often caused by the patient’s inability to metabolize certain nutrients. Common ones include: fructose, carbohydrates, protein, bran, etc. Many genetic…
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thelastspeecher · 8 months
Me trying to explain the patterns I've begun to see in my food diary
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Guide to Eating Fruit for a Diabetes Diet
“Can I still enjoy fruits if I have diabetes?” It is a question that often arises when someone receives a diagnosis of diabetes. The concern is valid—after all, fruits contain natural sugars (fructose) that can affect blood sugar levels. However, the story doesn’t end there. Yes, fruits do contain fructose, but they also pack a powerful nutritional punch. They are rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, which are vital for overall health. Diabetes management requires careful attention to diet, but that doesn’t mean saying goodbye to fruits entirely. Incorporating fruits into a diabetic meal plan can offer numerous health benefits. Let us delve deeper into this topic with insights from the top dietician for diabetes Avni Kaul.
Carbohydrate Content: Fruits contain carbohydrates, which can elevate blood sugar levels. It is crucial to monitor carbohydrate intake and balance it with medication, diet, and lifestyle adjustments. Aim for servings with no more than 15 grams of carbohydrates per serving, adjusting portion sizes based on the fruit’s carbohydrate content.
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Read Here: https://nutriactivania.com/diabetes-diet-program-avnikaul-fruits/
Dietician Avni Kaul
Author Avni Kaul is a qualified nutritionist, experienced dietician, Diabetes Educator and founder of Delhi’s successful diet and nutritionist clinic NutriActivania. She is also one of India’s eminent weight-loss experts, diabetes dieticians, pregnancy dieticians and child nutritionists and helps kids to develop a strong immune system, fight allergies, gain height and weight as well as fight overweight / Obesity with an effective diet plan that is easy and fun to follow by children.
In Buenos Aires, 2018 Summer Youth Olympic Games Nutritionist Avni Kaul was the Advisor (Nutrition) from India. She is a Gold-medallist master’s science graduate from the University of Delhi in the subject of Food and Nutrition. Avni Kaul is a diet and nutrition columnist in some of India's leading newspapers and magazines like - NDTV, TimesNow, Grazia and more.
Diet Programs by Avni Kaul
Your dietician consultation with dietician Avni Kaul will do the following things. Avni Kaul’s diet program will offer: Focus on your health benefits: Key benefits Avni offers, are long-term wellness, freedom from restrictive diets, and improved relationships with food and body, that include "intuitive eating," "weight loss without hard core dieting," and "healthy eating for pregnant woman and kids". A high degree of qualifications, expertise, and achievements: Dietician Avni is one of the most sought-after dieticians in Delhi because of her qualifications that include gold medalist in Master's Degree of Science, B.Sc and M.Sc Food and Nutrition, Certified Diabetes Educator, Diploma in Applied Sports and Exercise Nutrition. Fully personalized diet plans: With dietician Avni Kaul, you will get a tailor-made diet that suits your body and mind only that will help you to achieve your health goals in a holistic and sustainable manner be it is with your weight management, pregnancy diet, child nutrition, diabetes or thyroid management.
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creamfilledchurros · 5 months
Snack Review: SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs
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​Are you a fan of churros? Those delicious, sugary snacks that are crispy on the outside and warm and soft on the inside? Well, what if I told you that there's a healthier alternative that combines the amazing flavor of churros with the goodness of sweet potatoes? I'm talking about SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs! In this review, we'll dive into everything you need to know about these delectable snacks. So, if you're ready to satisfy your churro cravings without the guilt, keep reading. And hey, if you're a true churro enthusiast, you might even want to check out creamfilledchurros.com for more churro-inspired goodness! Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs | 2 Pack, 4 oz Bags   Verdict After taste testing Spudsy’s Sweet Potato Puffs, we can’t wait to indulge in more bags of this wholesome snack. They deliver on taste (and texture), while still offering a high-quality crunch. Although we’re big fans of the Original flavor, we’re excited to try the other three flavors in the lineup (and we’re especially intrigued by the Sriracha Cheddar flavor). Pros Healthy alternative Free of common allergens Free of the top 9 allergens Good source of fiber Gluten-free, vegan, and non-GMO Cons Texture isn’t like a traditional churro Texture Vegan: Yes GMO: No Weight: 4 Ounces Allergen: Free Flavor: Cinnamon Churro View on Amazon    
What are SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs
​SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs are a delicious and healthy snack option that combines the flavors of a classic churro with the nutritional benefits of sweet potatoes. These delectable puffs are made from real sweet potatoes, which are known for their high fiber content, vitamins, and antioxidants. What sets SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs apart is their unique cinnamon churro flavor. Each puff is generously coated in a blend of cinnamon and sugar, creating a sweet and slightly spicy taste that will satisfy your cravings. Whether you're looking for a snack to enjoy on-the-go or a guilt-free treat to accompany your afternoon coffee, these puffs are the perfect choice. One of the best things about SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs is that they are made with all-natural ingredients. They are vegan, gluten-free, and contain no artificial flavors, preservatives, or high-fructose corn syrup. This makes them an excellent option for people with dietary restrictions or those who are conscious about what they put into their bodies. Whether you're a sweet potato enthusiast or simply looking for a healthier alternative to traditional snacks, SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs are a must-try. Their irresistible cinnamon churro flavor, combined with the natural goodness of sweet potatoes, makes for a snack that is both tasty and nutritious. So why not indulge in a guilt-free treat and give these puffs a try? Your taste buds and your body will thank you.
How to enjoy SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs
​If you're a fan of indulgent treats and are on the hunt for a guilt-free option, look no further than SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs. These deliciously crunchy puffs are not only packed with flavor, but also provide a healthier alternative to traditional snacks. Whether you're enjoying them as a midday snack or a movie night treat, here's how you can make the most out of your SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs experience. First and foremost, make sure to savor the distinct cinnamon churro flavor of these puffs. The combination of sweet cinnamon and the unique twist of sweet potato creates a taste sensation that is sure to leave your taste buds craving more. Take your time with each bite to fully appreciate the intricate flavors and the perfectly balanced sweetness. Enhance your snacking experience by pairing SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs with your favorite beverage. Whether it's a hot cup of tea, a refreshing glass of iced coffee, or even a creamy latte, the combination of the cinnamon churro puffs with a drink of your choosing will create a truly enjoyable taste experience. Lastly, don't be afraid to get creative with SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs. These versatile snacks can be used in various recipes to add an extra crunch and burst of flavor. Try crumbling them as a topping over your favorite yogurt or pudding, or even incorporate them into homemade ice cream for a delightful twist. SPUDSY Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs offer a guilt-free indulgence that is perfect for any occasion. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy these delectable puffs while savoring the unique blend of cinnamon churro flavors. With a little imagination and some creativity, the possibilities are endless for the enjoyment of these delicious and healthier treats.
Ingredients: all-natural sweet potatoes, cinnamon, and sugar
​Are you tired of the same old boring sweet potato recipes? If so, get ready to spice up your kitchen with a delicious twist on this classic dish. Introducing Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs! Made with all-natural sweet potatoes, cinnamon, and sugar, these puffs are a delectable treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth. The star ingredient in this recipe is the all-natural sweet potatoes. Not only are they packed with vitamins and minerals, but they also add a natural sweetness to the puffs. By using fresh sweet potatoes, you eliminate the need for any artificial flavors or preservatives, making these puffs a healthier choice for you and your family. To give these puffs a unique and irresistible flavor, we sprinkle them with a generous amount of cinnamon and sugar. The combination of the warm cinnamon and the sweet sugar creates a heavenly taste reminiscent of churros. The aroma that fills your kitchen while these puffs are baking is simply mouthwatering. So, whether you're looking for a delicious side dish or a sweet treat for dessert, give these Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs a try. With their all-natural ingredients and heavenly taste, they are sure to become a favorite in your household. So, grab some sweet potatoes, cinnamon, and sugar, and get ready to indulge in this scrumptious delight!
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Flavor: crunchy cinnamon churro
​Flavor is a powerful element that can evoke memories and bring joy to our taste buds. One flavor that has captured the hearts and palates of many is the mouthwatering combination of crunchy cinnamon churros. These delectable treats have become a beloved indulgence and for good reason. Imagine sinking your teeth into a warm, freshly fried churro with a crispy exterior and a soft, doughy center. The aroma of cinnamon wafts through the air, instantly igniting a sense of comfort and anticipation. Each bite releases a burst of sweet and savory flavors, with the subtle warmth of cinnamon hitting your taste buds just right. Now, take that irresistible churro flavor and transform it into a unique twist: Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs. This innovative creation combines the sweetness of cinnamon and the earthy undertones of sweet potatoes to create a harmonious flavor that lingers on your palate. It's a perfect blend of textures too, with the crunchiness of the outer puff layer giving way to a soft and fluffy interior, creating a satisfyingly addictive snack. Whether you're a churro enthusiast or simply someone who appreciates the perfect balance of flavors, these crunchy cinnamon churro sweet potato puffs are a true delight for the senses. They offer a delightful combination of sweetness, warmth, and crunch that is undeniably irresistible. So, the next time you're craving something indulgent and comforting, reach for these bite-sized treats and let their incredible flavor transport you to a world of pure delectable bliss.
Package information: bag with a resealable zipper
When it comes to packaging our favorite snacks, convenience is key. That's why the trend of using bags with resealable zippers has become increasingly popular. Whether you're on-the-go or simply want to maintain the freshness of your food, these bags offer a simple yet effective solution. One great example of a snack that comes in a bag with a resealable zipper is the Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs. These delectable treats combine the savory taste of sweet potatoes with the irresistible sweetness of cinnamon. The resealable zipper allows you to enjoy a few bites and easily seal the bag to keep the rest fresh for later. The benefits of using a bag with a resealable zipper go beyond preserving the taste and texture of snacks. It also reduces food waste, as you can portion out the desired amount without worrying about the product going stale. Additionally, these bags are often made from durable and eco-friendly materials, making them a sustainable choice for packaging. Whether you're a fan of savory or sweet snacks, the convenience of a bag with a resealable zipper cannot be overstated. So next time you're craving a delectable treat like Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs, reach for a bag with a resealable zipper and savor every bite while keeping the rest fresh for another day.
Spudsy Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs Recommendation
​Are you looking for a new, delicious snack that is both healthy and satisfying? Look no further than Spudsy Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs! These delectable puffs are the perfect combination of sweet and spicy, making them a must-try for any snack lover. What sets Spudsy Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs apart from other snacks is their unique flavor profile. The blend of cinnamon and churro spices gives these puffs a warm and comforting taste, reminiscent of your favorite churro treat. But don't let the indulgent flavor fool you – these puffs are made from real sweet potatoes for a healthier alternative to traditional potato chips. Not only do these puffs taste amazing, but they also pack a nutritional punch. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as fiber and antioxidants. By choosing Spudsy Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs, you can enjoy a guilt-free snack that nourishes your body while satisfying your cravings. So, whether you're craving a sweet treat or want a unique and flavorful snack to enjoy, Spudsy Cinnamon Churro Sweet Potato Puffs are the perfect choice. With their irresistible taste and nutritional benefits, these puffs will quickly become your new go-to snack. Grab a bag today and experience the deliciousness for yourself! Read the full article
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toneophealth · 6 months
Understanding Visceral Fat: How to Check and Burn It Effectively
Strategies to Burn Visceral Fat
Addressing visceral fat necessitates a comprehensive strategy that incorporates dietary adjustments, lifestyle modifications, and consistent exercise. Below, we delve into a detailed exploration of these effective methods for reducing belly fat, with a specific focus on targeting visceral fat:
Inculcate Healthy Eating Habits
Developing healthy eating habits forms the cornerstone of visceral fat reduction. Prioritize the consumption of nutrient-dense foods such as leafy greens, colorful vegetables, lean proteins (e.g., tofu, chicken breast), and healthy fats (e.g., avocados, nuts). Ensure a well-rounded diet by incorporating various food groups into your meals. Embrace habits like portion control and mindful eating to prevent overeating, ultimately fostering satiety, enhancing energy levels, and facilitating visceral fat reduction.
2. Limit Added Sugar Intake
Exercise caution when scrutinizing food labels for added sugars, often disguised under names like sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, or dextrose. Steer clear of sugary snacks, sodas, and processed foods, opting instead for whole foods naturally sweetened, such as fruits. Consider using alternatives like stevia or monk fruit sweeteners in moderation. By minimizing added sugar consumption, you can mitigate blood sugar spikes, curb cravings, and deter visceral fat accumulation.
3. Explore Intermittent Fasting
Experiment with various intermittent fasting methods, such as the popular 16/8 method involving a 16-hour fasting window followed by an 8-hour eating window, or the 5:2 diet comprising regular eating for five days and calorie restriction for two non-consecutive days. Incorporate a week-long intermittent fasting diet plan for optimal results. Stay hydrated during fasting periods with water, herbal teas, or black coffee. Intermittent fasting aids in regulating insulin sensitivity, promoting fat oxidation, and gradually reducing visceral fat.
4. Moderate Alcohol Consumption
Exercise mindfulness regarding alcohol intake by setting limits on daily or weekly consumption. Opt for lower-calorie alcoholic options like light beer or wine spritzers, and consider alternating alcoholic beverages with water or non-alcoholic alternatives. Avoid binge drinking, as excessive alcohol consumption can elevate calorie intake and impede weight loss efforts. By moderating alcohol intake, you can mitigate the risk of visceral fat accumulation and foster a healthier lifestyle.
5. Incorporate Regular Exercise
Integrate aerobic exercises and strength training into your weekly regimen to promote overall health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, such as brisk walking or cycling, coupled with two or more days of strength training targeting major muscle groups. Schedule workouts at convenient times and consider enlisting a workout buddy for added accountability. Regular exercise boosts calorie expenditure, builds muscle mass, and diminishes visceral fat levels.
6. Practice Stress Reduction Techniques
Engage in stress-reducing activities like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness meditation for 10–15 minutes daily. Incorporate yoga or tai chi into your routine, combining movement with relaxation techniques. Prioritize self-care activities like spending time outdoors, reading, or listening to calming music to unwind. Effectively managing stress can lower cortisol levels, mitigate emotional eating, and facilitate visceral fat reduction.
7. Prioritize Adequate Sleep
Establish a consistent sleep schedule by adhering to set bedtime and wake-up times, even on weekends. Aim for the recommended 9-pointers sleep, retiring by 9 pm and waking up by 3 am for optimal rest. Cultivate a relaxing bedtime routine, perhaps involving a warm bath, to signal your body to wind down. Prioritizing adequate sleep regulates hunger hormones, improves metabolic function, and supports visceral fat burning, contributing to overall health and well-being.
Implementing these multifaceted strategies conscientiously can lead to significant reductions in visceral fat and contribute to a healthier lifestyle overall.
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Low Fodmap Diet Shopping List: Everything You Need for Managing IBS
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Eliminate The Guesswork By Using The Low Fodmap Diet Shopping List
Following a low FODMAP diet is one of the most effective strategies for managing problems for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). But knowing what you can and can’t eat on a low FODMAP meal plan can be confusing. This comprehensive low FODMAP diet shopping list takes the guesswork out of grocery shopping by covering all the food staples you’ll need to follow the diet successfully.
What Is Low FODMAP Food?
Low FODMAP food refers to meals, snacks, and ingredients that are low in certain short-chain carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest properly. FODMAP stands for “Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols.” These are all scientific terms for different types of sugars and fibers. Specifically, a low FODMAP diet limits fructose (fruit sugar), lactose (dairy sugar), fructans (chains of fructose), galactans (chains of galactose sugar), and polyols like sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and maltitol found in some fruits, veggies, sweeteners and dairy products. Foods high in these FODMAPs can trigger digestive issues in sensitive people by drawing excess fluid into the intestine or getting fermented by gut bacteria. Sticking to options lower in these carbs helps manage unpleasant IBS symptoms.
Why Follow This Low FODMAP Grocery Shopping List?
Before diving into the specifics of what to add to your low FODMAP diet shopping list, let’s look at why having the right foods on hand matters when managing IBS. It makes sticking to the diet simpler. Let’s face it, restricting your diet is hard enough without having to meticulously scan every label at the store or deny yourself your favorite treats sitting temptingly in the pantry. Stocking up on delicious low-FODMAP snacks, baking ingredients, proteins and more means you’ll have plenty of satisfying options for every meal. You’ll avoid food triggers hiding in ingredient lists. High FODMAP ingredients can sneak into everything from yogurt to sausage through additives like inulin, honey, high fructose corn syrup, and more. This low FODMAP diet shopping list helps you identify which brands and products to choose to avoid symptom triggers. It reduces stress around meal prep and eating out. Even eating at restaurants gets easier when your fridge and cabinets are already filled with gut-friendly go-to’s. Take the uncertainty and stress out of menu planning and cooking by keeping this shopping list on hand whenever it’s time to restock. Now let’s explore the best low FODMAP food options to add to your cart across every essential grocery category.
Low FODMAP Proteins
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Protein keeps you feeling satisfied while supplying essential nutrition for everything from wound healing to hemoglobin production. Smart low-FODMAP protein sources to stock up on: - Meat and Poultry: Choose fresh cuts of beef, lamb, chicken, or turkey, and opt for fattier cuts that are lower in FODMAPs. Eggs, deli meats, bacon, and canned tuna pack well for lunches. - Dairy: Hard, aged cheeses like Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, Feta, and Havarti stay lower in lactose. Opt for lactose-free milk and yogurt to avoid excess lactose. - Fish and Seafood: Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, or sardines supply anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats that may ease IBS symptoms. Shrimp, mussels, and canned tuna make easy low-FODMAP additions. - Legumes: Lentils, chana dal, and canned chickpeas give you fiber, protein, and iron. Stick to half-cup portions as larger amounts may cause issues. - Soy: Tofu, edamame, and tempeh contain all essential amino acids. Check labels since soy protein can be hidden in sausage and deli meats. - Eggs and Poultry: Eggs from chickens, ducks, or quails offer protein, vitamins A, D, E, many B vitamins, and important minerals. Ground turkey breast or chicken work for burgers or tacos. List of protein foods recommended for a low-FODMAP diet: - Eggs - Poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, etc.) - Fish and seafood (salmon, tuna, shrimp, etc.) - Firm tofu - Tempeh - Fatty cuts of beef and lamb - Lactose-free yogurt - Lactose-free milk - Hard, aged cheeses - Cottage cheese - Feta cheese - Edamame - Regular yogurt - Soy milk - Lentils - Chickpeas - Soft cheeses - Cow’s milk - Deli meats (choose carefully, can have unwanted hidden ingredients) It's important to note that individual tolerance to these foods can vary, and it's best to consult with a dietitian before making any significant changes to your diet. Citations: ibsdiets.org gastroconsa.com monashfodmap.com
Finding Low FODMAP Grains
Complex carbohydrates give the body and brain energy while providing bulk and prebiotics for the digestive system. Here are go-to low FODMAP grain staples for your pantry: - Gluten-Free Breads and Baked Goods: Look for gluten-free breads and muffins made with coconut or almond flour and low FODMAP sweeteners. Foods certified by FODMAP Friendly or Monash University contain ingredients tested not to trigger symptoms. - Oats: Certified gluten-free oats tested free from wheat grains make a great breakfast option either soaked overnight or cooked. Limit sweeteners to low FODMAP maple syrup or brown sugar. - Rice: White rice, wild rice, basmati rice, brown rice. - Quinoa: This seed cooks up fluffy like a grain for a protein powerhouse. Rinse well before cooking. - Cornmeal: Naturally gluten-free corn flour, corn tortillas, polenta or grits create excellent low FODMAP options. - Buckwheat and sorghum: For gluten-free variety, these grains stand in nicely for barley or farro which should be limited on the diet. - Gluten-Free Pasta: Choose certified gluten-free pasta, Japanese soba noodles, or those made from corn, quinoa, or rice. Watch out for pasta containing soy protein. Check labels carefully for FODMAPs. - Rachel Pauls Food: When shopping for certified low FODMAP packaged foods like bread, cereals, and snacks, look for brands like Fody Foods that have partnered with Monash University. Rachel Pauls Food also offers convenience items like seasonings, canned soup bases, and stews prepared according to strict low FODMAP guidelines
Why Gluten-Free?
Many grains that contain gluten like wheat, barley, and rye also tend to be high in short-chain carbohydrates classifying them as high-FODMAP foods. For example, wheat is a rich source of fructan oligosaccharides that can trigger digestive issues. Going gluten-free by default eliminates major dietary sources of these FODMAPs. Additionally, many people with irritable bowel syndrome are sensitive to gluten itself. In those with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, eating gluten prompts an immune response, inflammation, and gut barrier dysfunction. Limiting gluten avoids these reactions and improves gastrointestinal symptoms. Following a strict low FODMAP diet means steering clear of foods with wheat, barley, or rye whenever possible to support digestive health on multiple fronts. Sticking to certified gluten-free grains, flours and products helps.
Low FODMAP Fruits and Vegetables
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Fruits and veggies supply prebiotics, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Stick to these low FODMAP options: - Fruits: Bananas, blueberries, strawberries, oranges, grapes, melons, kiwis, and pineapple are safest. - Vegetables: Green beans, carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, spinach, swiss chard, cucumbers, lettuce, potato, sweet potato. - Sprouts: Alfalfa, radish, or mung bean sprouts add crunch while being low in FODMAPs. *It's important to know that certain bean sprouts are higher in FODMAPs. *Specifically, soybean and green pea sprouts are higher in short-chain carbohydrates compared to sprouts from alfalfa, radish, or mung bean seeds. This difference has to do with the composition of proteins and carbohydrates inherent to the various seeds they are sprouted from. So while lots of sprouts make a tasty, nutritious addition providing vitamins and minerals, pay attention to the specific type. Stick to confirmed low FODMAP varieties like alfalfa, radish, and mung bean rather than soybean or green pea sprouts which could trigger unwanted digestive symptoms.  Also, pay attention to serving sizes, as too much of certain low FODMAP products can trigger issues. Use the Monash University’s FODMAP app to check your favorites.
Low FODMAP Dairy Foods
Those following a strict low FODMAP diet should choose lactose-free milk like almond, coconut, rice, or oat milk. Always opt for unsweetened varieties without unnecessary additives. Small amounts of real cow’s milk may be tolerated, especially yogurt which contains less lactose than milk. Lactose-free yogurt and hard, aged cheeses (cheddar, Parmesan, Swiss) make safer choices. Be mindful that while goat cheese contains less lactose than cheese made from cow’s milk, portions should still be watched carefully if following the elimination phase strictly or if lactose intolerant. It's important to note, that cream, sour cream, cottage cheese, and soft cheeses, all dairy products, are higher in lactose, so they should be limited or avoided.
Fats and Oils
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Adding healthy fats makes food taste better while providing the building blocks for hormones and cell membranes. Here are low FODMAP options: - Oils: Extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, sesame oil, sunflower seed oil. Avoid oils with potential triggers like garlic-infused olive oil or chili oil. - Nut Butter: Opt for brands with just nuts or seeds as ingredients like almond butter or tahini. Limit serving size to 2 Tbsp due to fructans. - Olives: Green or black olives make great salad additions or snacks. Avoid onion or garlic-stuffed olives. - Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, and walnuts can be enjoyed in moderation, but limit portions to 1⁄4 cup per sitting. - Avocados: These creamy fruits add healthy fats and fiber to salads, sandwiches, or smoothies. - Nut milk: Use almond milk, coconut milk, or hemp milk for smoothies, cereal, or baking/cooking. Always choose unsweetened varieties.
Condiments, Herbs, and Spices
Don’t let eating low FODMAP mean flavorless food. Here are some tasty condiment options: - Vinegar: Balsamic, apple cider, red wine, white wine, rice vinegar, sherry vinegar, champagne vinegar. - Mustards: Yellow mustard, Dijon mustard, honey mustard (if not following the elimination phase). - Pestos: Use basil or cilantro pesto rather than versions with garlic or onion. - Salsas and hot sauces. Choose tomato or mango-based without onion/garlic. - Herbs/Spices: Basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, sage, parsley, tarragon, saffron, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, turmeric, cumin, fenugreek, coriander and chili peppers can provide ample flavor.
Other Low FODMAP Pantry Items
Fill up your pantry with these other helpful low-FODMAP ingredients: - Broths/Stocks: Choose low-sodium veggie or chicken stock avoiding onion or garlic ingredients. Try the vegetable base 'Better than Bouillon'. - Sweeteners: White sugar, maple syrup (real), golden syrup, rice malt syrup. - Chocolate: Dark chocolate 70% or higher is usually low FODMAP in up to a 1.4-ounce serving. Choose types without extra high FODMAP ingredients. - Tea and coffee: Chamomile, green, black, peppermint, ginger, dandelion, white or oolong tea. Always choose unsweetened or use low FODMAP sweeteners.
Watch For Hidden Dangers When Compiling Your Grocery List
When it comes to packaged, prepared, and processed foods, ingredients high in FODMAPs unfortunately tend to hide everywhere from deli meats to yogurt. Manufacturers sneak in high FODMAP elements such as chicory root fiber, inulin, garlic powder, or onion seasoning to add flavor, texture, or gut health claims to products. Without careful label reading, these bonus ingredients which contain fructans, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), and other short-chain carbs can inadvertently trigger unwanted digestive symptoms. Pay special attention to labels on foods like protein bars, sausages, bread, and crackers which often include extra prebiotics and sweeteners potentially high in FODMAPS. Choosing certified low FODMAP brands offers assurance that ingredients have been properly vetted so as not to bother people with digestive system disorders.
More Ideas For Foods To Include In Your Low FODMAP Grocery List - YouTube Video
Key Things to Remember
With this thorough low FODMAP shopping list, you’ll have all the ingredients needed to create easy and delicious gut-friendly meals. Keep these tips in mind: - Always check labels for high FODMAP ingredients, especially added sugars and prebiotics - Use the Monash app to look up products if unsure - Introduce higher FODMAP foods slowly during the reintroduction phase - Make sure grains and oats are certified gluten-free if following a gluten-free diet - Limit portions of certain low FODMAP foods like nuts, fruits - Stock frozen and canned veggies without onion or garlic - Use herbs, spices, vinegar, mustard, and stocks for flavor - Choose certified low FODMAP foods when possible So, create your food list using the food types mentioned in this article and fill your fridge, freezer, and pantry. In no time you will be making delicious meals that will improve your gut health, and hopefully, you will be symptom-free. Links FODMAP Diet Mushrooms Cure SIBO Naturally Natural Wellness Solutions Main Page Contact Us About Us
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fcukfodmap · 2 months
Day 18: Low-FODMAP Bang-Bang Sauce
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We've been doing trivia on Thursday nights at a local cidery. Due to whatever state liquor laws, they can't have food on-site, so there's at least one food truck idling outside. There was literally one thing on the menu that had any hope of being low-FODMAP: shrimp over rice with bang-bang sauce.
The first time I had this, I just didn't look up the ingredients so I wouldn't have to starve my way through trivia. I picked off the avacado, which I couldn't pretend was low-FODMAP, but I didn't want to find out bang-bang sauce was radioactive. I knew rice, shrimp, and the green parts of green onions were fine, but the chia seeds were a question mark too.
This week I finally looked up recipes for bang-bang sauce, and it's a pretty mixed bag. Most that stuff is fine. Chia seeds are cool in servings less than 1 tsp (which for sure this was) and bang-bang sauce is not mostly corn syrup, which I suspected. However, mostly bang-bang sauces are made out of sweet Thai chili sauce, which is almost universally on the no list due to garlic. Alas.
I'm still eating this at trivia because I'm desperate, but I wanted to see if I could come up with a low FODMAP version at home. First, I subbed sweet chili sauce with a mix of sriracha and maple syrup. Sriracha is ok in small amounts, and maple syrup is a better sweetener than honey, which is full of fructose. Limes and rice vinegar add a bit of sourness. It's totally decent.
So, if you want to add some bang-bang sauce to your repertoire -- if you've never had it, it's like a much less sweet and thick sweet-and-sour sauce -- here's a recipe:
Low-FODMAP Bang-Bang Sauce
1/2 c mayonnaise
2 tbsp Sriracha
2 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp lime juice
1 tsp rice vinegar
Whisk together all ingredients.
Not all mayos are low-FODMAP. I used Kraft Mayo with Olive Oil, which gets a green light from the Fig app, but there are others. I did see people suggest using either vegan mayo or Greek yogurt instead of mayo, to accommodate various dietary restrictions, though you would have to vet whatever you use for FODMAP levels.
Per usual with this sort of thing, you might have to tinker with the ratio of ingredients to get it the way you like it. Some like it more sweet, some less, maybe it's too thick and needs a bit of water, etc. Most recipes for sauces are more vibes than anything.
I'm going to try this with either shrimp or chicken skewers and a couple of red peppers my mom gave me. I bet it'll be great.
ETA: I made chicken with bang-bang sauce, and it was totally good. Pictured with grilled red and yellow peppers, and cilantro-lime rice.
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Disclaimer: All of these recipes are intended to be low-FODMAP, but I am no dietician, and I can be mistaken or misinformed about the FODMAP content of any given thing.
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madukelulutblog · 11 months
Madu kelulut
The Health Benefits of Madu Kelulut: A Comprehensive Guide
Madu kelulut, also called stingless bee honey, is a type of honey produced by stingless bees, that are smaller and fewer aggressive than the frequent honeybee species. This honey is extremely regarded for its unique flavor and potential well being advantages. It is primarily produced in Southeast Asia, significantly in nations like Malaysia and Indonesia.Madu kelulut is understood for its distinct style, which can differ relying on the forms of flowers and crops the bees visit for nectar. Some individuals describe it as having a tangy or bitter observe along with its sweetness. It's typically thought-about a delicacy and is utilized in traditional and natural treatments in the area.In current years, madu kelulut has gained attention for its potential health benefits, including its high antioxidant content material and antibacterial properties. Some people consider it might assist with various health conditions, though more scientific analysis is required to substantiate these claims.Stingless beekeeping is a growing industry in some components of the world, and the production of madu kelulut has turn out to be an essential economic activity for local communities.
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The honey is often harvested from small, resinous pots or hives made by the stingless bees. It is then processed and made out there for consumption or sale.Madu kelulut is an attention-grabbing and unique number of honey that's cherished for its taste and potential health properties, making it a valuable part of the culinary and traditional medication panorama in Southeast Asia.Health Benefits: Madu kelulut is believed to have numerous health advantages, just like other types of honey. It contains antioxidants, which can help defend cells from harm brought on by free radicals. Additionally, it might have antibacterial properties that could support the immune system and help battle infections. Some individuals use madu kelulut to alleviate coughs, sore throats, and other frequent illnesses.Madu kelulut is wealthy in pure sugars, primarily fructose and glucose, making it a great source of energy. It also accommodates essential nutritional vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, iron, and potassium. These nutrients can contribute to its potential well being benefits.In Southeast Asia, madu kelulut is utilized in various culinary applications. It can be used as a sweetener in beverages like tea and occasional or drizzled over pancakes, waffles, and desserts.
The unique taste profile of madu kelulut can add a special contact to dishes.In some traditional medication practices, madu kelulut is used to treat a range of health issues, including digestive issues, allergies, and skin circumstances. It can also be believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.Stingless beekeeping has turn into an essential livelihood for some communities in Southeast Asia. Unlike honeybees, stingless bees are generally less aggressive and simpler to manage. Stingless bee farms are set as a lot as harvest madu kelulut sustainably while preserving the pure habitat of these bees.Sustainable harvesting and conservation efforts are essential within the manufacturing of madu kelulut. Stingless bees play a vital role in pollinating varied crops and timber, so their protection is essential for sustaining biodiversity and ensuring the production of varied fruits and crops.Madu kelulut is predominantly present in Southeast Asia, however it has gained recognition in other regions as properly. In some international locations, it may be available in specialized shops, native markets, or on-line for purchase.While madu kelulut is thought for its potential health benefits and culinary purposes, it is necessary to note that particular person experiences might vary, and more scientific research is required to confirm its medicinal properties. Additionally, when you have allergic reactions or specific dietary restrictions, it's advisable to seek the assistance of with a healthcare skilled before incorporating madu kelulut into your food plan.
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