#idk I just wanted to write some killjoys headcanons
hum--hallelujah · 10 months
a list of Fab Four thoughts:
Jet is the oldest but Party is the most charismatic. Party is the official leader of the crew and occasionally defensive over that role but generally the two of them co-lead
Kobra calls people "babe" or "baby" or "darlin'," but ONLY under extreme stress or if the other person is distressed. it doesn't matter who it is. it just happens
(no one even realizes that he picked it up from Party, who uses terms of endearment VERY liberally)
Ghoul would absolutely set something on fire just to watch it burn. in fact he HAS
Ghoul's facial scar is his own doing (AO3)
the Trans Am was originally just Jet's. he was a Zonerunner before meeting Party and Kobra and the 'Am was his vehicle of choice
Jet lost his eye as a result of chemical burning following a car accident — he opened the hood to check the damage and took a blast of pressurized, superheated chemicals to the face. he's lucky he only lost one eye
Ghoul was Zone-born and raised in a crew that took each other as extended family. he had a sister.
Party realized he and Kobra had to get out of the city after he watched their mother die and be replaced by a BL/ind bio-bot
Kobra and Ghoul use physically fighting as a love language
one of the Four's primary talents is saving people being trafficked across the Zones. Zonerunners aren't all good, altruistic smugglers like the one who got Jet out of the City. some of them deal in bodies, but in the bad way. when Jet was a 'Runner, he had a penchant for taking those runs and freeing the captives. now all four of them do it
Kobra's motorbike is named Mirage
Ghoul is the only other person allowed to work on it
Kobra and Ghoul share a room ever since The Incident
(The Incident is only ever referred to as The Incident. this is both collectively for the bit and also because nobody actually likes to talk about those events.)
Party's first weapon after getting out of Battery City was an oversized baseball bat studded with nails. Kobra's was his feet and then, later, his fists
(he kicked Dr. D in the shins once in a fit of reckless anger. Dr. D showed him how to hold his hand, thumb outside the fist, to really hit someone and make it count.)
Ghoul watched his entire family die.
(he imprinted on Party when they first met because of this. like recognizes like. it takes one to know one. kids who have seen their parents die recognize that in each other.)
Kobra repeats himself a lot. not quite a stutter, but also not quite not. sometimes he just gets stuck.
Jet is the most openly physically affectionate. Ghoul is the most clingy. there's a difference.
when they first formed their crew, their ages were, from youngest to oldest, 13 (Ghoul), 14 and a half (Kobra), 16 (Party), and 18 (Jet).
they would all, and this is not even a question, not even a headcanon, it just makes sense as a conclusion: they would all kill or die for each other. but it depends on the day and the time and how hungry they are if they'd ever admit it.
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the--highlanders · 11 months
choose violence ask game (loving the name of that btw) - 8, 16, & 23?
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
(this fandom is so small that I don't want to sound like I'm vagueblogging or @-ing someone or anything so I'm just gonna preface this by saying this also goes for plenty of licensed media)
oh man ok. at risk of sounding like a total killjoy who takes everything too seriously & looks too much into stuff. I'm pretty sensitive about. primitivism in the way jamie gets portrayed?? is the best way I can think to describe it?? anything that implies that where & when he comes from means that he's inherently less intelligent, or equates his lack of knowledge on some things with him being stupid. can't stand him being reduced to dumb guy who hits stuff. idiot who has no critical thinking skills or reasoning.
and like, I get that it's a fairly common assumption, the idea that people from the past weren't as smart because they didn't know as much (even setting aside the devaluing of /different/ ways of knowing & understanding) - but, say, victoria never gets this treatment. despite also being from the past. which then leads you to think, hey, why would people make that assumption about jamie and not about victoria?
and then you get to a bunch of ideas which have been kicking around since. before jamie's time, real-world-historically speaking. which depict the highlands as savage, as populated by 'wild' people, by - well - 'primitives'. speakers of a primitive language. violent, at worst, strong, at best, but never intelligent. & this is all starting to sound a lot like the ideas that buttress colonialism and biological determinism, isn't it?
idk. this is a silly 60s family tv show & a very very small online fandom. it's kind of not that deep. but any time jamie gets written off as being inherently stupid (often /because/ of where he comes from), and any time that idea is the foundation of a joke, it rubs me the wrong way, and this is why.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
gfdhkjsg once again this is a v small fandom so 'so many people' is kinda like..... 2 people max probably. & also I've been sort of keeping more or less to myself for a couple years now in terms of actually discussing thoughts & headcanons (except you obviously and also @ettelwenailinon who is always right about everything despite not being super active in dr who fandom on tumblr anymore <3)
gonna go with shipping jamie and victoria tbh. absolutely no hate if you do bc I can definitely see where it comes from in canon/behind the scenes stuff but it is just,,, not for me at all, and so antithecal to how I write/interpret their characters.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
tenrose?? weirdly?? not that I'd say I actively ship it (there is one (1) tenrose fic in my ao3 bookmarks but it's really there bc it's a pretty charming magical realism au and the voices of all the characters are just so spot on rather than bc I ever crave reading about the ship) but. when I got into dr who in 2013 there felt like there was a pretty solid line between rtd fans and moffat fans. & I have always vibed with moffat's era more (neither of them are above criticism obviously, the scifi fairytale aesthetic/tone of moffat's era is just so so so so tailor-made for me personally).
and for some reason tenrose and elevenriver were kind of. bundled into that opposition?? not sure if that was just in my head or something other people noticed/experienced but I felt like if you were a moffat fan you had to ship elevenriver & if you were an rtd fan you had to ship tenrose, and they were like. rivals. (yes I did try very half-heartedly to enjoy elevenriver. no I never succeeded). so I always had this thing of like, I don't like ten, I don't like tenrose.
like I said I still don't actively ship it, I don't get any warm fuzzy feelings from their relationship, but I did go back into rtd's era looking to actively enjoy stuff (after being tired of really not enjoying uh. recent seasons ajhksglf) and found that I didn't hate the concept of tenrose as much as I used to. I genuinely believed they liked each other, I felt the hubris of their relationship worked and built well narratively. never thought that ship would get a redemption arc in my head but I've definitely gained more appreciation for its role in the narrative.
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sir-rosie · 2 days
V1 was rolled out with some criticizng remarks. Some unfortunate stuff has been said to/about myself, but Im willing to overlook it in the spirit of mcr. With that said, I have redesigned the rules and i think there fair. I took you peoples thoughts into considertion even thoug most of you were rude, but lets set that aside to focus on July 26, the.........
On July 26 we're going to post fics, hcs, art, cosplays, vids etc to show ppl that were back with a force 💣👏 Ive set some ground rules for OPERATION HOT CHIMP and all DD content going forward. Lets face it, DD is in shambles but this will place us at the top of the fandom:
🦍 You CAN say you wanna fuck the witch, but idk why you WOULD.
🦍 OC names should be no more than 3 words. Any more than that and your just playin yourself
🦍 OC names should be more original in general, for example mine is Ricky Bobby, its funny, reference to my fav will ferell movie etc.
🦍 No more sayin that Kobra Kid is 🇬🇧british. Im not budgin on that one bcuz it makes no sense. WHy would brits be in california. All flights are grounded, no cruise ships etc. What do you people thnk the end of the world is, its not "la dee da" land
🦍 If you write/draw stuff about the four you HAVE to include the girl. Some of you agree (thank you) so Im keepin this one.
🦍 No makin fun of me, OR ANYONE ELSE for any reason
Ok so I think this is pretty fair to everyone. Call it CODENAME GORILLA when your around non-DD ppl (normies). We're going to blow their minds with the biggest blast the MCRmy has ever seen🤯🤯 July 26, write it down 📝
No this is not a joke....someone needs to straighten things up around here....might as well be me🤌
As Ricky Bobby said shake....and BAKE🤛
The idea of a Danger Days appreciation day is fun, but why the rules? I think they're unnecessary, and restricting people will certainly NOT produce *more* content, which is supposed to be the goal of this, right?
I'd say, if you want to see more Danger Days fan-stuff, make it and encourage people who make it! If you like something and wanna see more of it, give the creator a nice comment or reblog.
You don't have to like ALL of what people make, it's 100% fine to dislike certain fanfics or headcanons or whatever, but telling people to stop making those things is pretty silly. Just ignore it.
But, by all means, I'd love to see more killjoys content!
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eluvion · 4 years
Necessary Mortality
The Fabulous Four had to be mortal. They had to die, they had to be able to take those steps into the white, blank city and never step out. They had to walk there and knock on death’s door, and death had to open it.
Party Poison had tried, for decades, to change the world. They had tried, with each tactic and plan, each careful scrape at BLi, to make their story the loudest in the sea of static. They were a leader, but they were more than that. They were the poison that BLi would choke on, and they knew it.
The thing about legends is that, in the end, they are all stories. Stories need a beginning. They need a middle. And, of course, they need an ending. 
A legend without an ending is a plant with no seeds. It lives, and it is beautiful, but nothing grows from it. When it wilts and dies and decays, there are no seeds to pick up what has been left behind.
The Phoenix Witch never dies. She is eternal. She lives in hearts and minds, but in a different way than the Fabulous Four did. She lives as a watcher, the eyes of the black raven and the howling wolves, the hand that holds onto  masks and leads their owners to the next world, the faint noise of something other in the static. But a legend is a different sort of immortal than a god is. Gods are stagnant. They have plots and plans and they interfere when they need to, but they do not save the world. The Phoenix Witch is a god, and because She is a god, She never changes the world. 
The Girl’s mother doesn’t die. She doesn’t die as a leader, and she doesn’t die as a draculoid. She has no ending, and without an ending, she has no voice. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she remembers a collection of words from a long-forgotten book. “A myth without a voice is like a dandelion without a breath of wind. No way to spread the seeds.”
And so Fabulous Four needed an ending. The world needed their ending. A revolution requires blood. It requires sacrifice. Because this thing that has been built, this monument to life and death and everything that comes in between, it needs a catalyst. It needs a push. A revolution needs a spark to ignite, and no amount of kindling will ever create fire without that sputter of the first flame.
They become a legend. Their seeds are scattered in the aftermath of their deaths, a thousand memories and speeches and eulogies and art strewn across the desert, and their biggest seed resting inside the heart of the Girl. 
They have a voice to their myth and an ending to their legend. They created flames to burn Battery City to the ground. Gods are stone pillars, with power and strength and watchful eyes, but legends are sparks and sputters and flames. They burn, yes, but more importantly, they catch everything else aflame. The ashes may be their legacy, but the fire that burned long after their lives were snuffled out is the part of them that they died for. If you never die, nothing you do will change anything.
The Fabulous Four needed to die.
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satanfemme · 3 years
Hewwo ummm
Any/all of the ultra vs anddd 🌟🔦🪞
Just did random emojis good luck hjcsfhfdfc
idk if u want these all as one headcanon or as 3 separate headcanons, but I gave myself a night to think it over and I’ve decided if these r 3 diff headcanons I’ve got some good ones, so that’s what ur getting ❤️
the ultra v’s go for night hikes sometimes. if it’s val’s idea it’s always a “night patrol”, and if it’s someone else’s idea it’s always “ok, we can go hiking but only if we’re also patrolling while doing it 😊”.
(they never actually end up “patrolling” anything btw. just walking and stargazing and chatting).
the zones are dangerous at night, because although there’s - usually - less dracs to worry about, nature itself is a huge danger. it gets freezing or below freezing, and you need to be careful where you step/walk so you’re not disturbing any snake dens or radioactive coyotes. but, there’s a few trails near the nest that are known to be safe at night, and the nest is just far enough out from the city that you can see so many stars when you look up! you can even see the milky way if you’re lucky (it’s faint but its there)!
the nest has a crawlspace under it. it’s technically a “basement”, but “basement” suggests a moderate size and/or livability. really, there’s one angled cellar door to access it and you have to constantly bend over when walking around the tiny space. it’s got concrete walls and is always super cold inside though, so sometimes when the day is especially hot nest joys might hide out there just to cool off. key word: “might”. because it’s so cramped and because it’s so full of spiders and spiderwebs, and one time this family of snakes that later got eaten by some sort of badger-like animal, generally it’s a last resort.
anyway, vaya and volume are both completely convinced it’s haunted down there.
there’s only one (1) bathroom in the nest which means there’s only one (1) community mirror in the entire nest for every killjoy to share. considering how many killjoys style their hair daily, this becomes high demand very quickly. so at one point, the ultra v’s all pool their carbons together to buy a decent hand mirror for themselves, but mostly for volume, cause they all know how much time he spends getting his mohawk to look good every day and he could really use his own mirror without needing to crowd into a bathroom with like 5 other joys every time.
send me a character(s) + any emoji, and I’ll write a new headcanon based on that emoji as a prompt!
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satanfemme · 4 years
whats your favorite line of dialogue from each of the vs?? (i know vol and vinyl dont have that many lines so if you wanna say something extra about them or a quote that reminds you of them or w/e!! that would be very epic)
ohhh yeah tbh even tho vinyl has just the one (1) line, I’d say it still counts as my fav for him. “not anymore” is just such an epic line where it is like yessssss evil mode!!!!! killing chomping biting violence!!!! bitches love watching their bf kill innocent men for fun and that’s just valid!!!!
as for volume hmmm idk if I have a fav line for him just cause he has so few and none of them r especially Great (his final words are notable imo, but they’re just kinda sad so I wouldn’t call them my fav.) so what I’ll say about him is that I do kinda like when he says “Let’s hit the gas v’s” and val says “I give the orders around here, volume”, I think that’s kinda an interesting look into their canon relationship? obv val cared about volume a lot but I think there also might’ve been some tension there too, not enough to like really Affect things too much (imo) but I think volume was very central to the v’s so I think he would’ve sometimes naturally taken charge a bit, meanwhile val is val and cares about being the Leader too much. I could probably pull some more detailed headcanons out of that some time but rn that’s all I got.
with vaya I always really liked their dialogue, “from those lights we saw I could’ve sworn it was another red-eye rave or at least a fashion flood fest, not a death disco” cause like jhfghdf who the fuck sees a bunch of raygun shots and is like “oh hell yeah, my kinda party” but also I think that’s just classic vaya and it makes me so happy, they’re perfectly fine with murder but really they’re just here for a good time!
this could really go for both the twins but I’ll put this down as vamos’ best line and say I do Love when the two say “If we’re going to the city, we gotta get shiny” “we’re gonna knock em all dead. and we’ll come back-” “covered in murder!” same point as my last fav line ig (”fine with murder but really they’re here for a good time”) but like. opposite vibes. they aren’t just Happening into murder here, they’re literally looking forward to it Because it’ll be fun. and good for them! good for them! I think the ultra v’s can all commit murder as a treat ❤️
OK and finally with val idkkkkk I don’t have a fav line tbh, or at least nothing comes to mind, BUT I do really like his entire “no more hiding out here and waiting for death” speech from on top of destroya:
“There’s nothing left. BLI just come and take it. If the people of Bat City knew what they do out here to make it safer in there... we can show them the corpses. We can show them the rubble that was once our home. We call ourselves killjoys after a group of failures. We can do better. We will do better. It’s time. No more hiding out here and waiting for death. It’s time to wake up and infest Bat City like a cancer. It’s time we took death to their doorstep, to their homes. To the entire city. Let’s pull out those ray guns and make them sing! It’s time we took the war to them!”
Like what do I even say about that, that’s just all of val’s motivations and ideology in just one paragraph worth of text. you can tell he’s grieving but it’s also almost hopeful too (”we can do better. we will do better,” for example) and it’s also just. tbh?? kinda epic too ngl. a lot of the writing in this comic is sub-par but that speech is really well written imho. you could dissect that paragraph like a frog if u wanted to, and I won’t, but I am looking respectfully.
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