#idk SO often i'll see reviews/reactions/whatever
magniloquent-raven · 10 months
sometimes i genuinely cannot tell if i was an exceptionally unsheltered child or if people who say things like "no kid would understand that lololol" just do not remember being children
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
i guess since i did this last season, i'll do it for this one as well.
here's my review of season two, episode one of snc's new series 'empath'
aka "Our Most Demonic Experience | Zak Bagans Haunted Museum"
so going into this season, i had a lot of ideas i wanted snc to try out, or at least things i was looking forward to them possibly doing.
and while none of that technically happened in this video, i do think overall this video was really good. i was on the fence before about this one, since i was curious as to if this one was just gonna be like season one a couple months later or a different thing altogether. and so far, if the rest of the season plays out like this one, i think this will be a lot better than last season.
the thing that i thought was the most interesting about the museum was not the items that were in them, but the fact that the whole place - in a weird way - is an egregore. if you don't believe that those items are haunted, i don't think anything will happen to you. like as much as this might be slightly silly to admit, while idk if the peggy doll's curse is real, i do believe in curses/bad luck. and bc of that, i didn't look into her eyes. but i bet if i would have, i would have had bad things happened to me that would have felt like they were her fault and not my own/just bad timing.
i think it's interesting to wonder about places like these, maybe even places like the warren's house with all of their items. are these items actually haunted, or is it that so many ppl believe them to be that they just become that? all the negative energy we focus on it… can that make it into a monster?
so snc and crew went thru and did five sections in this video, i'll go thru and rate which ones i thought were actually scary/paranormal.
peggy the doll: i would have rate that whole area like a 2/5, at MOST. like the doll itself, sure. maybe it's creepy if you believe. but if not, it's basically just an american girl doll behind some plexiglass for some reason. also, as i've stated before, """creepy""" dolls don't actually scare me. idk why, but any doll they have ever shown ever has never been scary to me.
the cursed bed: -25/5 that wasn't scary it was just gross. the scariest part was them laying on a cum soaked bed. also colby needs to get a human girlfriend and stop trying to fuck ghosts lol
added bonus - clown maze: hated it. why the fuck is that in a place with haunted objects lol are the clowns haunted too or are they just discounted spirit halloween decorations?? and why was this section so fucking loud for no reason??? -8/5
dybbuk box: idk how i feel about this area. i think it definitely felt creepy, maybe even a bit scary too. but i don't know. snc giving their hair to the box is probably the dumbest thing. i just know some creepy ass fan is gonna go their now and steal it. i just… feel it in my bones. and then the weird stuff that was happening with the camera with amanda and stas, it definitely was strange to say the least. i'll rate this area like a 3/5.
devil's rocking chair: this area was actually the scariest. weirdly enough, i felt nothing for this chair. like most places they go to, i get a vibe from them, or certain items that they talk about, but this…. nothing. i weirdly kinda think whatever could have been attached to it isn't there. but bc so many ppl believe it to be there, negative energy attaches to it. and i think that's what snc felt. or maybe i'm crazy. their reactions to it, especially sam's, was surprising. it's not too often you actually get to see snc scared, like legitimately scared. sam almost ran out of the room and chair, colby needed stas' cross. the estes method with sam, which is usually something i don't like (bc i like it better with colby) was actually decently scary. all of that gave me a lot of anxiety. and for that, imma rate this like a 4.9/5.
the basement: not really scary all that much. i think the problem was that snc and crew were on edge after the rocking chair that they were just ready to dip at the quickest sign of paranormal. and i think stas slowly feeling worse and worse sent them over enough that once they started communicating with something, they were out. i'm happy that snc didn't make stas stay and helped her get out as quickly as possible. i'm also happy they never make anyone do anything they don't want to. this section i'm gonna rate a 2.5/5.
overall, i think this video was a solid 4/5. i know, a good video out the gate is surprising to me lol
while technically they didn't get all that much evidence, and some of the places they went to in the museum weren't even all that scary or haunted, i think this video solidifies a change for snc. while i get not liking zak bagans or thinking he's kinda a dick, at the end of the day, him acknowledging snc both in the video and outside of it is a game changer for them, especially if they want to go mainstream (which i believe they do). they fact that they got to do things that other investigators, let alone youtubers, have never been able to do is crazy. i feel like this was a step in the right direction for them if they plan to further their career in the paranormal world. this video also made me excited for what's to come this season.
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