#idk also she could have just given the people who are trans themselves and organizing it the spotlight and visibility and didn't lol
doppelnatur · 2 years
happy fight day women <3
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cyrsed · 2 years
rambling about what i did on friday (went to a meeting with a lot of transphobes) and also my work nemesis
i have this one coworker who i thought Might be trans too before i got a chance to work with her on a project so i was always like... put me on a team with her... but then i did get put on a team with her and it turns out she’s super condescending and passive aggressive so it doesn’t really matter if she’s trans or not hglskdjfkld
coincidentally tho, the team that i joined with her on it on my last project Did have an out trans person on it, so that’s how i met my trans work friend and we how we started a trans work group gjlsdfkj so net positive imo. but i still felt like i was Insane while working with the coworker who’s super passive aggressive, bc everyone else i work with is so nice that i couldn’t tell if i was the only person who was interpreting her as being really condescending ghlskdfj. but no, 1000% she is, i just have trouble trusting myself to accurately interpret people’s intentions.
anyway the point is just that she’s my work nemesis now and on friday i went to the FL meeting for the medical board to draft and vote on their ban on trans youth receiving medical care (didn’t want to say anything before i went bc idk, i was worried about the antis looking through social media to find trans people who were going. but it was absolutely awful, except that i met a bunch of really cool trans people). so i had posted in my work trans group chat about the meeting to be like “ik it’s short notice bc i only found out about it recently but the meeting is happening and here’s where/what’s on the agenda if anyone else can come”. then my trans work friend took that message and on friday they put it in the like, office-wide group chat as well (which i’m glad about, bc i was afraid to do that lol).
the only reason i know (bc i was out on Friday to go to the meeting) is bc i happened to check my notifications and saw my nemesis had responded and was just basically like “i don’t think this kind of activism is effective bc it won’t convince the board to change their mind”, and it’s like. yeah, sure, we won’t change the mind of the board themselves, but it’s also about showing that there are people who oppose the rule, giving our testimony so it’s on record, protesting, and showing support to trans youth/trans people in general, not just trying to debate the medical board into changing their minds (bc most of the board are desantis donors anyway), so even tho i agree that yes, the board most likely won’t change their mind, i can’t imagine what kind of person i’d have to be to see someone asking for help/support on a hugely important issue and my first reaction is to discourage people from participating :T she always has to make a negative comment about everything, and i just don’t get how you could possibly see that as an appropriate response? maybe it doesn’t seem that bad from what i’ve said, but she just Always has a negative comment to make about Everything, and it’s like,, all you had to do was not say something pessimistic/needling, or just not say anything at all if you can’t say something nice.
i’m just especially mad about it bc as much as talking to her always made me feel demoralized on my last project, at least that was just about Code, generally speaking, and not discouraging people from supporting a vulnerable community.
like before the board meeting, i joined this zoom call the night before put on by an lgbt+ organization where they went over what to expect, how to stay safe, what messaging we should focus on at the board meeting etc., and just in that meeting there was a woman who was moved to tears bc of the support of the allies in that One zoom meeting (which probably only had like 20 people in it?). like the meeting hasn’t even happened, and the support of people opposing the rule is already making a difference to real life trans people, and all you can say is “that won’t work”? it feels especially cold given that the person who posted the message in our work chat is also trans. i just can’t fathom what makes someone think that’s an appropriate response to seeing someone bring up a piece of real life discrimination and bigotry without even so much as bringing up an alternative strategy, if you think that the strategy of yknow, showing up to the meeting, won’t work.
imagine if young trans people read about that meeting, and the articles about it all said “it was entirely filled with supporters of the rule”? like what message does that send? as of now, the article i read mentioned specifically that the room was filled /overwhelmingly/ with opposition to the rule, which hopefully communicates to the young trans people who might read about it, or see it or anything, that they’re not alone, and that more people are against this than for it.
sorry for ranting gghsdklfj if you read all of this thank you! i just needed to rant bc it made me so angry and stuff... i’ll probably make a dif post about what hte meeting itself was like
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faresramettas · 5 years
share the love con panels
thought i’d write down some interesting answers from the cast (there were many more, but i have a bad memory and i took only a few notes)
first of all, before the panels even started the staff told us not to ask questions about season four, we know they are filming it, but they can’t talk about it. so yeah, our hopes and dreams of an announcement or besse making a surprise appearance (🤡) didn’t come true. they never talked about it, when you mentioned it to them they raised their hands or zipped their mouths or were like “idk what u’re talking about 👀😇😬” so obviously they contractually have to keep their mouths shut. but it’s happening y’all!
the only one who slipped, at the very last panel, was rocco and i was the culprit lol. i asked them if they’d imagined the fandom would support them and fight so hard during the cancellation months and bea said no, seeing our hashtags trending almost every day and receiving so much love was touching and incredible. she made rocco talk (mentioned how “he became saint rocco”) and rocco also said he couldn’t imagine the amount of support, and that “the power is all in your hands, and it was worth it-“ and then realized he spoke too much dhshdhfvk the others side-eyed him and he was like “ops” but we all laughed and moved on.
pietro had a lgbtq+ themed panel with an italian youtuber called shanti. they talked a lot about representation, how it changed for the better in the last 20 years or so, how for example right now there’s attention being given to trans* storylines too, and pietro made some really good points about how a show like skam italia should give hope and a positive representation to a young audience, without unnecessary violence or struggles inserted just for tragedy’s sake. how it may seem that martino lives an “easy” and relatively painless experience coming out and being gay, at least in his season, but young queer people should hope and know that that’s possible for them too. he said that he and filippo are different, and it’s good and precious that they are. we don’t know if filippo is an activist, like pietro is, but sometimes sharing one’s personal experience is enough to help. even if filo is not shown as an activist, he is so aware of his identity, he shares his own experience and point of view with marti and it gives marti courage. and that’s enough. finally, i asked what his favorite lgbtq+ tv shows are and he said queer as folk (he realized he was gay thanks to qaf), he absolutely loved euphoria, and thinks sense8 is a masterpiece (but he didn’t finish it smh). he said elite is just cute (😤) and he also told another fan he finished and loved fleabag!!
i also asked pietro what he, besse, rocco and fede were doing in the carrefour parking lot that night in august and he said that supermarket is open 24h and close to his house and he had to go buy groceries so he caught two birds with one stone, called them up and they drank and ate tramezzini (cold sandwiches, besse got a burrito he said) in the parking lot... and yes, they were organizing the revolution.
fede said what he likes the most about martino is his devotion to the people he loves. what he doesn’t like is how sometimes he shuts out the rest of the world, but it’s a problem he has learned to solve.
rocco said he’s thankful that skam italia has given him more awareness on some topics he used to treat superficially. he also talked about how much he relied on ludo and his research to portray bpd respectfully, and he’s glad that people found themselves represented in nico and that he could help them. it’s the greatest compliment. his eyes shine when he talks about nico, he loves his character so much.
a fan asked what was their favorite line to say. rocco’s is “non è figo il mio tipo?”, greta’s is “gli dei sono immortali”, nicholas’s is “sei frocio?”, pietro’s is “l’acqua solo se mi prende fuoco camera” from season 3, fede said “does it have to be my line? cause i like no zì sbagliato” but for his own it’s “minuto per minuto”. i can’t remember bea’s 😭
greta said the girls tend to stick to the script a lot more than the boys, she said ludovico tersigni literally never says a line how it’s written. nicholas confirmed that the boys (contrabbandieri) tend to improvise more and use the script sort of as a base, and that they piss besse off because he says it looks like they go on set just to goof around and gossip and not to do their jobs lol
i asked nicholas if they ate luchino’s pizza crusts. he said he had like 7 kilos of them because they had to retake that scene many many times, cause they wouldn’t stop laughing, as we can see in the bloopers (he also said it was the most fun scene to shoot) and bessegato would just keep adding mustard, ketchup and mayo on them. he felt sick the day after and “tasted mustard for a week”. fyi, nicholas and luchino are literally the same person. there’s no line between the character and the person, i love him so much. he also said he was having the time of his life in bracciano, with the light summer breeze, while the others were dying in their clothes and blankets.
marti’s spirit animal is the fox, fede’s is a golden retriever (debatable but okay). i think rocco said a cat, greta said besse once told her silvia is a goldfish, bea feels like a tiger but thinks sana is an eagle and i didn’t get the rest cause it was all very confusing lol
federico’s panel on sunday was actually very interesting, he is actually quite eloquent and deep when he wants to. he talked about how he really took the “minuto per minuto” philosophy to heart. how he doesn’t set long-term goals for himself, because he wants the freedom to change. how he chose to study medicine because after high school he knew he wanted to keep studying, and a bit like acting, there’s a fundamental human aspect to it that he’s always been interested in.
a fan reminded him it was marti and nico’s anniversary and he said “how are they celebrating? patatine e marmellata or sushi? in nicco’s new house? have our heroes moved there?” and we were all like Bitch u tell us... ofc he didn’t. but he said he imagines marti and nico celebrating their anniversary at a sushi restaurant in porto fluviale, in ostiense (rome). also, fede says their anniversary is bracciano (dec 1st) and rocco says it’s nel mio letto (nov 1st), i’m afraid we have to go with fede on this one.
i think the best question out of every panel was about marti’s interest in gio: was it real, or was it just a fixation? he said it was real interest, that stayed over the summer too. he and ludo had to find a way to show the shift in martino, and it was hard because they switched seasons and so there was no time for it to be gradually shown. however, where they imagined that shift to happen, is in ep1 when gio sleeps in marti’s bed. marti feels uneasy because of his feelings for him, but at the same time, he is uneasy because of the guilt. when he talks with eva on the phone and sees how giovanni reacts to that, how he’s still so clearly into her, he decides he has to move on from him, and gives up any hope or idea to have a relationship with him.
at rocco and fede’s sunday panel, rocco said he admires federico’s dedication to his work and his professionalism. fede and him bantered and bickered a lot, it was adorable, especially when rocco said some nonsense metaphor and fede was like “basta!” and fede kept asking for more compliments. but the question was about what marti and nico liked the most about each other, and federico said “it’s the kind of love where you like someone so much and you don’t even know why” as in, because you like everything about them, so that was beautiful.
a fan asked if there was any embarrassment between them, they said of course initially there was a lil bit of awkwardness, but they warmed up to each other immediately. one of the very first scenes they shot was an intimate one, rocco said the first kiss they shot was nel mio letto and they’d never rehearsed kissing before. amazing.
fede’s favorite color is blue (nicholas’ too).
rocco and nicholas sat in the crowd at the end of fede’s panel and rocco was like “tell us the story of bambi” and fede called him “er lucertola” and said it all started because of a tossico (junkie/drunk), i love them. nicholas made fun of him for his role in “i cesaroni” but fede said he’s only jealous cause they auditioned for the same role but fede got it, and nicholas has him saved as “andy dei cesaroni” in his phone. 
some anecdotes from other moments (m&g, dinners) i found on twitter: federico said when they shot la grotta, there was this whole solemn atmosphere, and then he broke it cause when they finished shooting he realized he had rocco’s snot on his face and he was like “MA CHE CAZZO È, CHE SCHIFO (what the fuck, gross)” and said rocco was always crying on him (i guess referring to the martino e niccolò clip) and rocco was like yes there was a significant exchange of bodily fluids. okay rocchì.
apparently fede likes his beard so much he said he doesn’t recognize himself without it. 
some fans adopted two giraffes in the bioparco di roma in their name as a gift!
rocco cried on the phone with bessegato when skam italia was cancelled. we been knew but it hurts to get the confirmation.
maxence and lukas are two rays of sunshine. not an anecdote, but i felt like saying it.
last but not least, rocco, nicholas and fede went absolutely batshit over @crazybee‘s “alt er besse” shirt. their reactions were priceless. rocco and nicholas took pics of them, nicholas was the one who sent them to besse and he reposted it on ig. forever blessed.
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