#idk even know what this coloring is supposed to be but it's something? 💀
userparamore · 2 years
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#abort the supreme court
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forbiddenpettadcau · 4 months
Lost Puppy
Jax had awoken late at night to the strange sound of scratching. It sounded like some kind of animal.
Iveri, maybe? Did Gangle let her cat roam the circus at night again?
Jax laid his head on his pillow and shut his eyes, trying to ignore the noises. However, he could not, he just kept tossing and turning in his bed. His entire mind was flooded with thoughts.
What's that noise? Is it Iveri? It doesn't sound like a cat. It can't be a raccoon. Why would one of those be in the digital world?
Jax covered his head with his pillow, trying really hard to go back to sleep, but he couldn't. He felt like he had to get up to see what was going on.
He got up and left his room to see what was making that annoying noise. He checked everyone else's rooms.
It can't be Iveri, she's curled up in Gangle's bed. It can't be Prazi, he's with Pomni. There was nothing in anyone else's rooms. He just couldn't figure out what was going on.
He wandered around the circus, feeling really groggy. He just couldn't shake the feeling that something was there.
He felt like he checked everywhere he had access to. That was until he saw two eyes in a dark corner. Well, one eye and a button.
Jax asked himself, "What the hell is that?"
He walked close to the corner to get a better look. He looked like some kind of animal. He was whimpering and shaking as he stared up at Jax with wide eyes.
"Is that a... dog? Caine hates dogs..."
Jax thought about leaving the dog, but despite being such an a-hole to everyone, the good in his heart wouldn't let him leave him behind.
He sighed, kneeling down in front of the dog. his colors didn't reveal anything about his breed, but because of his build, size, and fur texture, Jax assumed that he was a German Shepherd.
He quietly whistled to call the dog over. He wasn't just a dog, he was a puppy. Lowering his head, the dog slowly approached Jax, sniffing him curiously.
Jax slowly moved his hand to the dog's neck to pet him. "It's okay, you're safe."
He slowly lifted the dog into his arms. For a little puppy, he was pretty heavy. He allowed the puppy to snuggle into his arms as he headed to his room.
Jax sat on his bed and sat the puppy down on his lap. It stared up at him, wagging his tail. Jax sighed. He knows how Caine feels about dogs.
Not only that, Jax has no idea how to take care of a dog, let alone a puppy. Is he supposed to feed this thing? What do they even eat?
The puppy barked. Jax put his hand on the puppy's cheek and gently rubbed it with his thumb. He stared at his adorable face, knowing he can't let Caine delete him.
"I'll protect you with my life..."
If he was going to take care of this puppy, he knew he needed a name. Puppies are usually really playful and energetic. As the puppy curled up on his bed to go to sleep, a name came to Jax's head.
He slowly petted Friskies until he fell asleep. He yawned, feeling drowsy himself. He laid down on his bed next to Friskies, finally able to fall asleep.
So, here's the start of the story. Idk, why do I feel like this sucks? 💀
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fairyhaos · 1 year
also since you posted to svt playing monopoly reaction i just feel like hoshi would just be bad at every game 😭 like clue? he ends up being the murderer every time and is convinced the game is rigged. jeonghan would keep peeking and seeing the other's cards when they were not paying attention and suspected innocent people causing chaos. hoshi just has bad luck poor bby. like first he thinks he understands the game but he's misunderstood the rules and pouts and frowns when something doesn't go his way like "what no i thought it's like this", as he looks at his cards and tries to decipher what to do.
and uno? don't even start IT'S PURE CHAOS AND THEY'RE SO LOUD AND THEY'RE YELLING 😭😭😭literally everyone fighting to not get the +2 draw that accumulated to +12 and the poor unlucky person who has to draw 12 more cards is hoshi 😔 someone save him. and mingyu is fighting and yelling at jeonghan who was supposed to draw 4 cards but only took 2, saying mingyu is blind and doesn't know what he's talking about. wonwoo would just keep his cool i think and vernon doesn't give shit he quits halfway for the sake of his hearing bc dokyeom keeps shouting next to him. poor dino is getting bullied and everyone is making him draw +2 or +4 or changing the color on him, or putting the reverse card on him so he actually never gets a chance to play, and suddenly he's accumulated half the card deck </3 and by the end, everyone screaming and scolding and yelling at each other and trying to put an uno and win.
I JUST HAD TO COME TELL YOU i couldn't stop thinking about it hahaha.
I WANNA WRITE A REACTION FOR SVT AND UNO SO BADDD OMG THEY'D BE UTTER MENACES SHFHSHD but also 😭 pls you're so right like,,, this boy doesn't understand the games at all </3 don't make him use his head haha he doesn't like it ESPECIALLY since he's friends with JEONGHAN of all people like any chance hosh had at being able to play the game is Gone once jeonghan's involved haha
also not jeonghan gaslighting mingyu while playing uno 💀 honestly i feel like despite literally holding a whole stack of cards hoshi would still be SO COMPETITIVE and desperate to win or at least lose maybe half of his cards even if hao's already won like an hour ago
okay but svt and uno,,,, part of me feels like it would be SO FUNNY but also when you have that many people, there's a lot of waiting around for your turn and it can get boring so idk </3 but actually knowing them, they'd probably split into mini games at some point that is ALSO weirdly still part of the main game??? pls they'd just be so chaotic and hilarious
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inutaffy · 2 years
If m!leven was healthy (in which i compare cobra kai 5 to stranger things 3)
sam = el & miguel = mike
so in cobra kai, it's basically all about karate but also interpersonal relationships and things like bullying and trauma (and how people react or deal with the trauma)
similar to stranger things which is about supernatural things happening to people in a small town, it also deals with interpersonal relationships and trauma
so little backstory: miguel left for mexico at the end of season 4, and he came back at like season 5 episode ... 2 or 3 maybe. this put a strain on his relationship with sam
miguel's friends' hawk/eli and demitri tell him he needs to get an apology gift for sam
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sound familiar ?
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now okay, miguel is 17 and obviously has money compared to mike who is 13 and is apparently broke (ik karen give him an allowance he lying 🙄) but he could have gotten SOMETHING, anything honestly, lucas would have helped pay for a fucking bracelet in her fav color or something. anyway
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here is the necklace miguel got. orginially miguel was like.. it's perfect (the octopus is a symbol for their relationship because he bought her a octopus on their first date) but he then said "but i'm probably not going to be able to afford it ..." then employee said "actually it's been reduced" (and though it was still expensive ... it was like 182) but he bought it for her! HE WAS ACCOMMODATED ? it's almost like the writers wanted him to show his affection for her? ??? at all costs???
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and then the bear charm.... which was extremely expensive (definitely played up for comedy) i think i was like 300 something? correct me if i'm wrong, mike was sneered at after he gave a big smile to the employee, and stormed out of the store "i should have shoved that bear right up his-" and cut off. there's a distinct difference here. the bear doesn't really mean much to their relationship (but i think it's canon that el likes bears idk ?) or to mike actually, and he walks out of the store literallt empty handed....... nothing to show for lying to her..... or his feelings (a bit reductive bear w me . yes im making puns)
okay so, all of season 3 it was lucas giving mike advice. well miguel went to sensei lawrence for some advice
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this entire time he's very drained and sad about him and his girlfriend maybe breaking up, "I have a feeling she's still mad at me and i want to fix it but we haven't spoken in awhile and honestly i'm not sure what i'm supposed to say." "i've been there. how about the truth?"
it's a very enlightening scene for miguel, that he just needs to be honest and see how it works out. due to his age hes more mature than mike is at the time, but mileven's entire relationship is used for jokes a lot of the time.
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here he says "she knows i'm lying she KNOWS i'm LYING" (he was mostly lying because of hopper, but he doesn't say that until EPISODES later. how about the truth mike?) lucas insists on getting her a present etc etc they end up at the mall. this isn't played off as the cute teen montage with el and max. mike is frustrated and irritated like... the entire time. and lucas is so exasperated and will doesn't even know why he's here (mike doesn't acknowledge his existence unless will speaks up) the boys' montage is just cringe fail losers im so deadass😭 and elmax's is #LiveLaughLove. like i said. empty handed. nothing to show for his feelings.
Now i have to compare the break-ups! bro sam literally been fighting her demons 💀 anyways el broke up with mike to be more independent and find stuff she likes right? well sam broke up with miguel to work on herself and find herself as a person outside of karate. sort of similiar ??
the miguel and sam break up had very somber music and TEARS. DO YOU HEAR ME? T E A R S.
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here he said he was SORRY. mike didn't apologize until like 2 episodes later...... intyways.... he says the truth and "i wasn't thinking about you. or us." and she said "miguel you don't need to explain-" blah blah. and then "i need a little break. to figure out who i am outside of all that (karate)" here she starts to tear up and miguel goes "when you say break what do you mean...? break from karate? break from me?" to which she replies: "i'm not okay right now-" IS CRYING. "and i don't think i will be until i figure this out for myself" which i think is a lot like el finding herself and style (a lot less teary eyed tho) and miguel says he understands and they HUG
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and then he walks away... and starts to cry, and then drops the octopus necklace in her backyard because now they're no longer in a relationship blah blah it hurts ahhh also. losing that symbol of their relationship because they broke up
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he didn't get to give it to her !!!
now if we look at mileven, which wasn't alone, which was actually for giggles, and there wasn't a wet eye in the house
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there's 3 other people here (albeit know about the situation) who they are airing out their problems and arguments to rn. like she dumps him publically. right in front of a mall. in front of all his friends "i dump your ass😜" is so jarring from "i need a little break (voice crack)" anyways in this screenshot is when mike starts to KEEP LYING?? .... get you a man committed to the bit i guess. i mean he could have said right here "im sorry... hopper threatened me that if i didn't stay away from you well...." blah blah he's fucking insane. like i felt like he was just doing anything to justify it which makes it seem he didn't actually want to be around her? regardless of hopper.... which is .... odd considering how "crazy" he is about her (😉)
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here she asks "you lie. why do you lie?" and he just doesn't say anything. like genuinely just stares at her dumbfounded not knowing what to say. SO IF IT WAS REALLY HOPPER THEN WHY ISNT HE SAYING THAT? HE DOESNT EVEN BRING IT UP UNTIL LIKE 2 EPISODES LATER (my timing so off it could be like an episode later tbh) anyways. there's nothing showing for the lies. literally. verbally and physically. he didn't get her anything and he also isn't providing her any answers.
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and then she dumps him and he makes this face and "you're as cooolldd as ice" plays and she gets on the bus in her bright clothes and sunny weather and ice cream and hi fives max and she's happy about it!! girl does not gaf!!!! 😎 she's chillin fr.
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then mike goes home, eats nacho cheese chips, and complains to lucas while. not doing anything. about it. literally also not caring that much. there's no crying. he "rushes" after he bus after the doors close and they're gone. and he looks confused more than anything but i think that scene was to draw attention to the grey clouds (foreshadowing for byler rain fight.+ grey clouds often symbolism for trouble coming blah blah i wanna be a english major <- fun fact abt me)
this breakup is very very very lighthearted! i giggle watching it! typical middle school behavior honestly 🙄 either way. mike is not torn up about it. el is not torn up about it. (but lucas is about him and max's breakup post season 3)
now let's talk about that first i love you!
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sam found the necklace and brings it up after the big fight and everyone's getting literal medical treatment (wodkoajdosncosbxisjdosjdo) anyways. she asks if it's his and he said it was supposed to be a present for her but (she cuts him off) "i broke up with you before you could give it to me" and this sparks the conversation "so you weren't really fine with breaking up?" "well it's not what i wanted but you said you weren't okay. you needed some time and i just seemed like that was more important." she says thank you and it means a lot to her "of course........(extremely long pause but he has a loving glance).... i mean that's what you do when you love someone right?"
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"you've never said that before." "well, i do" blah blah "i love you too" HETEROSEXUAL KISSING TW
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a mutual kiss here. noticing how both their eyes are closed. 🧐 (this is at the end of the season)
for mike,
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there are 5 other people around. he isn't saying it to her. she's not in the room. hes upset and trying to prove hes right and cares about el. (also in the same breath he tells a false statement which to me discredits anything he says (/j) "and i don't want her to die looking for the flayed when obviously they've vanished off the face of the earth" the flayed did not vanish! this is disproven!) i think he loves el and cares abt her just not romantically btw
when el walks in he has a face of regret, not embarrassment or flustered lol he just plays dumb and forcefully says "Nothing. Nothing!" lookijg down and away from her after she asks what's going on and then lucas says "just family stuff" <- lying for his bestie (true ride or die honestly)
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and then... the notorious ending scene
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he gives her the bear! #MIDLEVEN ENGAME ok im kidding. so here he gave her this bear because she was too short to reach it and she lost her powers (his needless worrying payed off huh) so he reassures her that her powers will come back (they don't. not on their own.) now i think this is different from the octopus because there's no emotional value to them, he didn't buy it, he wasn't giving her a childhood bear, im pretty sure that's will's bear anyways. the bear means nothing. it doesn't symbolize anything for their relationship.
and then they talk, cerebro, thanksgiving christmas, presents, (sorry that made me sound like a 7 yr old) and it's so awkward. they made up in the hospital but that was weird and awkward too. it's really shown they don't talk much due to lack of common interest and el not really caring for mike's interests and it really shows. intyways, el walks away and mike sorta stands there . in front of the open closet (he also sort of . half smiles. relieved? content? but then he shakes it off) and then she turns around and
he actually doesn't understand at first ("your heart") and then when he does he tries to play it off because it doesn't really look like he wants to talk about it... he doesn't seem to like being vulnerable with her! he looks down and away, and asks what he said exactly. and she kisses him, open closet, open eyes,
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he doesn't move and it's very stiff and it's not MUTUAL.
and see the season doesn't END there? (duh they're not the main focus) it ends (on mikes part) with
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even though miguel and sam are not the main focus (and also the season doesn't end on their kiss also) that's how their arc ends. that's the last scene. the midleven "make up" is overshadowed by byers + el moving away. and probable a realization on mikes part. mikes only gone to his mom for comfort 1 other time and it was because will's body was pulled from the river
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
If the pdudes went to build a bear 😱😱😱
P1: He hates how bright and colorful it is in the store but he gets thru it so he can make his wolf build a bear. He might only get his bear a collar though because he wants them to look cool and tough. (He might pick up pjs for them but shhh). The wolf plush is with him most of the time bc it’s a comfort thing. He even takes it out to target practice with him. His bear doesn’t have a sound box & it’s scented (but not one that’s too powerful of a smell)
P2: he hates it if it’s one of the bab stores that play really cheery music but other than that he’s chill I think. Especially if it’s a date. He gets a dog that looks like champ or he surprises whoever and gets one of those over the top girly sparkly ‘loud’ looking ones like maybe full on emoji themed or something 💀 idk why I just feel like he would. He prob picks out a bright pink dress for whatever he gets. If he adds a voice box he says something offensive/rude. The scent is probably cotton candy.
P3: I think he’d like to watch his date make one instead of actually getting one himself unless there is one that really stands out to him. For some reason my brain is making me think he’d definitely get one of the paw patrol ones if he did💀 (he’d get the matching outfit for it too). If he’s just watching his date tho he’s smiling and enjoying himself :) has his arm around them and is pointing out stuff. (If his date asked him to record a message like ‘I love you’ he turns red and has to walk away from his date to say it. It’s too sweet for him smh)
P4: he would hate how bright, loud and chaotic it can be in there but he doesn’t really bc he knows ppl are just trying to have fun and it’s supposed to be just one of those places 🤷‍♀️ so he’s just minding his own business and getting himself his dog build a bear (he doesn’t care what kinda of dog it is. He wants them all/thinks all dogs are cute). He might try to match the clothes he gets his bear to his own outfit. He doesn’t put a sound thing in it. It’s scented something sweet :)
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lunarheslwt · 1 year
15 questions tag thingy
Thank you @onlythebravest for tagging me!! So here's some random facts about me IG !
Are you named after anyone? - nope. My full name in my language roughly translates to "offering/offering to God" though.
When was the last time you cried? - maybe a week or 2 back. Being busy and exhausted with work actually means I cry WAY less
Do you have kids?- no and I don't them 🫣
Do you use sarcasm a lot? - not as much now, only with my brother/close friends
What’s the first thing you notice about people?- idk, hair? Maybe?
What’s your eye color? - brown
Scary movies or happy endings? - that's. I mean I always want happy endings. But I do like scary movies even if I'm stressed and anxiously talking the entire time.
Any special talents? - uh. Idk if I'd call any of it special but I suppose I write and paint. Special talent: overthinking shit I shouldn't overthink.
Where were you born? - UAE
What are your hobbies? - writing, reading, being in the fandom. Painting too but I don't get enough time these days. Making moodboards?
What sports do you play/have you played? - like none, I'm the least sporty person I know and I'm not fit enough for sports either
Do you have any pets? - two cats!
How tall are you? - 5"3/162 cm I think
Favorite subject at school? - English, psychology and biology till it got super hard and lengthy
Dream job? - no I'll have a crisis. I don't know 💀 I always think either something where I can be creative or something that is rather settled and fairly easy going bc with my anxiety lord knows fast paced high challenges work would be hell.
Ideally I should be able to just pick fruits, read a book in the sun and admire the sky daily smh
Anyways! Idk who has done this but I'm tagging a few people and if you wanna do it, you can! If you wanna do this and you haven't been tagged just say I tagged you. Tagging @nooradeservedbetter @enchantedlandcoffee @goldenkinglouis @sonofapudding @larryatendoftheday 💓
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memento-amare · 5 years
Tag Game
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these lol
I was tagged by @avengerdragoness (Thanks, Jules!)
1. Nickname: Jo
2. Zodiac Sign: Aries
3. Height: 5′6
4. Dream Job: I don’t even know anymore. I think the last time I thought about it, owning a bookstore seemed like a fun idea.
5. Top Five Current Favorite Songs: Daylily by Movements, The Last Something That Meant Anything by Mayday Parade, Pretty Little Thing by Too Close To Touch, Anne Hathaway by Rarity, and She’s My Winona by Fall Out Boy
6. Hobbies: watching Youtube, reading, writing (rare these days lol), listening to music
7. Favorite Drink: Raspberry iced tea
8. Bad Habits: I’m really bad about recognizing that I need to do something but then not being able to find the motivation to do it lol
9. Likes: books, roses, superheroes, makeup, spooky stuff that isn’t necessarily scary
10. Top Ten Favorite Characters: Jason Todd (DC), Matt Murdock (Marvel), Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan), Rick O’Connell (The Mummy), Evelyn Carnahan (The Mummy), Trevor Belmont (Castlevania), Will Herondale (Infernal Devices), Tessa Gray (Infernal Devices), Poe Dameron (Star Wars), and Sally Finkelstein (Nightmare Before Christmas)
11. Tattoos: None (yet)
12. Five Emojis to Describe Me: 💜💀🍓🌹🐞
13. One Thing I Hate: you know when you ask someone not to do something and they do it and then use the excuse “what else was I supposed to do?” idk maybe anything but what I just asked you not to do?
14. Quote: I changed the title of my blog a couple days ago and I wanted to use “And I'll borrow words from all my favourite paragraphs/ To write a ballad/ while we say the things / We'd hope would mean the most to me” but that’s far too long and I couldn’t just cut it up lol 
15. Hair Color: Auburn
16. Favorite Color: deep teal
17. Random Facts: I sometimes write poetry that I have no intention of ever really sharing because 1) I don’t want people to be concerned and 2) I don’t think the world needs another white girl writing sad poetry lol
It’s been so long since I did one of these that I don’t even know who to tag or who would even want to be tagged tbh
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