#idk how to explain it just imagine night ninja but he's constantly running around and yelling and putting things in his mouth
mouth-dreaming · 2 years
speaking of night ninja, I already have a daytime design for him, but I haven't posted it yet. so you might get to see him soon!! :0
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selfship-sideblog · 3 years
Self insert
So I think it's time I make a proper self insert, or at least try to. I didn't want to make a post for her from the beginning because I hadn't settled on many things and changing stuff up constantly. But now I think I'm mostly decided on everything. I'll update this post if I feel like I want to change her appearance or story more, but that's unlikely to be anytime soon.
Now let's get into it!
🦄 In general about her:
Tumblr media
Her clothes may change depending on the show (or my mood tbh lol) but again, it's unlikely. Her personality isn't really set in stone and depending on the source it will be a little different, but this is to get a feel for it.
She also usually has a shoulder bag with her, but I kind of forgot about it.
She’s very similar to me and that’s why sometimes I use “I” for her.
(Under the cut for details for each source because this got a little long lol)
🦄 For specific sources:
💜 Ninjago
She is a college student (18yr old) in Ninjago city and is also a fanfic writer. She mainly writes for the Starfarer comic series. There’s one reader that always likes and comments on her fics and so they’ve gotten rather close over the internet. They meet at a convention irl and then she finds out he's Lloyd Garmadon, the green ninja. Later the ninja get thrown out of the monestary by Sensei Wu to "get a feel for a normal life". With nowhere to stay Lloyd asks his new friend for help. She let's them crash at her place for a while until they manage to get an apartment and jobs.
Mostly funny shenanigans from there on, nothing much happening lol.
This takes place after season two with minor adjustments like their age (although there are no official ones and I always felt like they never grew, like they stayed teenagers throughout the years lol) making them all around 17 or 18. As much as I love the canon I can't properly fit Diana in there so it will mostly go through it's own path, although I may keep some things from canon. And I may or may not make her a ninja later (a non-elemental one).
I also have an AU for this and it’s completely different from canon. It’s sort of a Youtuber AU or something like that. Like a group of young adults living in the same house and may or may not share a channel where they post all kinds of silly videos and stuff. Idk it just sounds so fun!
It's mostly slowburn and oblivious mutual pining between Diana and Lloyd. My selfship with him is pretty simple, fluffy and fun all around, just doing stuff, geeks being geeks and all. I don't want to add angst here because this is more of a comfort ship because it all started with him and it just reminds me of happy times when I first started selfshipping.
💜 Voltron:
I wanted to make two s/is for Voltron, one human and one Galra, however I couldn't design Demira (the Galra one) and so for now it's just an insight about her personality and relationship with Keith and other characters. When I do manage to properly make her I'll update this post to add the image.
Demira is a half-Galra, a member of the Blades of Marmora. She got recruited shortly after her younger brother's death. Her missions are usually infiltration. Keith is often partnered up with her at the beginning. Their interactions start of a little awkward but they both start getting interest in the other's culture and soon start getting along. Demira with some of the other blade members are like their own small family and Keith slowly starts feeling like he belongs with them.
Their meeting is in season 3 I believe, when Keith officially joined the Blades, and their relationship develops until Keith leaves for the mission to find Krolia. It gets kind of complicated after this because he was gone for a long while and then the journey back to Earth. (I don't know how anything played out during seasons 7 & 8 so until I understand that part will be overlooked).
This pairing is more angsty since both of them are dealing with personal demons but is still wholesome.
(Also if you couldn’t tell I love the Dads of Mamora trope in voltron fics so I had to include it lol).
Diana is a young adult (idk how old, idc at this point lol), who has a stable job as a software developer. Life’s pretty normal. Until a space shuttle drops from the sky in the forest near her house. Obviously she goes to check it out and what does she find? A crashed space ship. What comes out of the crashed space ship? A tall, drop dead gorgeous purple alien! Unfortunately he is injured so she decides to help him. The only thing she can do tho is watch as he patches himself up because he refused to let unknown substances touch him. But he has no other choice but to trust the girl who found him. He starts learning about Earth and tries to blend in with humans.
This is set in an au without Voltron. Lotor is still the Prince of the Galra, but nothing else of canon is here. I imagine him being a curious guy and wanting to explore which brings him to Earth. I’m kind of unsure how I’d want everything to go from there, but I just wanted a normal alien/human romance if that makes sense.
💜 Death Note:
Diana is a college dropout this time, but has quite a lot of knowledge about technology and coding. She tries a lot of things and goes in different places. For some time she was very interested in true crime stories and of course found out about L. Somehow she managed to hack into his computer and decides to mess with him by suddenly closing his programs, misplacing his documents, annoying but harmless stuff. Ofc if anything L has tape on his camera, so she still doesn't know how he looks like. One time she wants to talk to him and she does through the notepad program. Most of their pre-relationship interactions are through Notepad and talking about unimportant stuff. When a difficult case comes up involving a computer virus L decides that he needs to take precautionary measures, aka secure his computer. And who better is for a job like that than the person who managed to hack into it in the first place. He only reveals himself to her really late when he decides he can trust her.
That was a little long lol.
Honestly this probably doesn't even make sense, but I don't care. I'm not much for mysteries and the stuff, I just want a nonsensical plot and a good time with L.
I just see them as really opposite but in a way that they have the thing the other lacks. Diana is more carefree and energetic, bringing L with her for different activities she is trying out, trying to make him experience life differently. L on the other hand is more serious and secretive, making Diana grounded on the matter at hand and become more cautious. I just see them developing a little while having fun. Sure, that fun is sometimes late night car rider and sometimes running for their lives from the killer.
This is obviously pre-canon and once we get into the canon timeline things will get more serious and sad but we're not talking about that.
💜 Bungou Stary Dogs:
Diana is best friends with Chuuya. They got close during their time with the Sheep and when Diana refused to betray Chuuya the way the others did they've stuck with each other ever since. Ofc that means she also got in the Port Mafia because of her ties with Chuuya and having an ability didn't hurt either (even if it was a little weak compared to the rest). She has the ability to control light, but she has to have a source from where the light is coming from. However she can use the heat from certain sources like sunlight, fire, candles, but the more damadge she wants to do the more energy she uses up. She is with the Black Lizard and is somewhat an assassin like Gin, and is friends with them. Even though she knows of Dazai and Akutagawa she isn't friends with them, but instead knows of the former from Chuuya (they are partners after all) and the latter from Gin. After Dazai left, Akutagawa starts training under Chuuya. They become friends and from that Akutagawa becomes friends with Diana. They become a somewhat weird trio but they are very tight and wouldn't trade it for a thing.
Honestly I love thinking of this ship mostly during post Dark Era but pre-canon. It just has the time to develop better. Once the canon timeline starts it kind of becomes a mess with some complications and ofc angst, but it still works out in the end.
Something like Gin, Diana has a different outfit for when she’s on the job, darker colors and all, but otherwise she has a softer style (sometimes looking like a mom lol)
The reason for her non-Japanese name is that both her parents are from Europe, but live in Japan.
(Pls help, I still don't have a tag for this ship)
💜 Harry Potter:
I’m kind of all over the place with this one tbh lol. At first I wanted a sweet Hufflepuff girl, maybe a half-blood, but then I got an idea for a squib s/i and I haven’t been able lot go of it. So for now I’m not going to give any details (because frankly there aren’t any lol), but if I ever need to answer an ask or to explain things about this ship I’m going with whatever background I feel like atm.
💜 Bakugan Battle Planet:
Also kind of unsure about this one, especially since idk if Magnus is a platonic or romantic f/o (kind of leaning towards platonic as of now tho). I haven’t caught up with the show either so when I do, I’ll probably make an insert then.
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