#idk how to write an angry Morpheus sorry
I know this is late rn (it is here in my country lmao);;; but will you continue the Morpheus X Filipino!Reader???;;; I'm not really sure if there's a follow-up that I'm not aware of sorry... But I have an idea, after the drunk shenanigans, they get a massiiiiive hangover and question if what happened really happened but continue their day. Then after being kicked out, Morpheous just followed them like the lost puppy he is (in this case a lost sad wet cat lmao) like in a work/university(as a student or professor idk). LITERALLY everywhere (stalking but in a cute way if it makes sense?). And Cori visit now and then, for his own amusement lol, just to annoy Dream and make him jealous or watch his "Dad" suffer and be a pathetic love sick puppy LMAOOOOO Also, Matthew gives Morpheus some love and courting(?) tips is quite cute and funny at the same time lolololol
Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyy have a great day or night~!!!! idk
Oh, Don't Be Like That
Dream of the Endless x Reader + Corinthian x Reader (except its mostly Dream & Cori duking it out AHHAHA)
Summary: There was a battle going inside your mind between a nightmare and the master of dreams... literally.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, psychological mind fuckery, corinthian being the nightmare he is, brat!cori, jealous!dream, exasperated dad!dream, angst?, crackfic?, typos, etc.
A/N: hi nonnie, there is actually a next part to it, but lol sige na nga ahsf;lashf i'll write what you want (i hope you like it) only cos i love corinthian so much and i want them to bite each other (in a fight HAHHAHAH) i hope you enjoy it and yeah it was pretty late when you sent this i remember but that doesnt matter cos i got back to you 1000 years later lol This is technically a p4. [p1 "Thorn At My Side"] [p2 "Beer"] [p3 "Not Enough"] but you dont have to read them to understand lol. Tagging everyone from p3!: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @pinksirensong @lexi-anastasia @aralezinspace @emy635 @libra207 @secretdreamlandmentality @deniixlovezelda @shadow-pancake9 @laraackerman @reallystressedhoneybee @farintonorth @shining-yuu @ellooo0ooo i'll also tag @sloanexx even though this isn't the jealous!dream req i was talking to you about lol
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I was running. I was running so fast that I was losing my breath. The halls were winding. I reach a split hallway and take a sharp turn right.
"Oh, little bug," the ominous voice calls, "why are you running from me? I thought we were friends?"
I run faster, skin crawling, rising with goosebumps, as I tread frantically down the hall.
I see light at the end. I run faster and faster towards it, as fast as my legs can take me.
All at once, the light is gone and I slam into a dead end. I fall to bottom and scramble. I push myself back into the corner, looking out into the darkness, awaiting my demise.
"Oh, pretty thing," he laughs, "how stupid of you."
My entire body is trembling. I break into an ear piercing, body curdling shriek when I see a figure. A grim, twisted, eerily grinning face comes into view from the shadows.
My head blares because of my screaming, and yet when the figure comes to light and doubles down in laughter. Tears in my eyes are clouding my vision, and I'm curled up in the corner for dear life.
He takes of his shades and leans on his knees. The teeth in his eyes wheeze with him. It takes me a good long while for me to realize just who in the nightmare this man was, with the aid of him introducing himself.
"It's me, doll," he chuckles, turning to me, "your boyfriend Cori."
I recoil, as this finally dawns onto me. Boyfriend my ass. I begin to heave as my frightened tears turn into bitter angry ones. I rise to my feet, chest rising and falling in anger. I point an accusing finger to the blonde, "you are NOT my boyfriend," I step forward each statement, "you stupid, annoying, evil little bitch-ass, rat!"
Corinthian raises his hands in defeat, chuckling once more, proceeding to wipe his glasses on his shirt, looking down as he snorts, "oh, but I am."
When he looks back up as he puts his glasses back on, the grin on his face disappears as he is faced with nothing but darkness.
Corinthian is no longer in the hall, he is only stood alone in the darkness.
Corinthian's blood runs still. His breath hitches when he turns and is faced with an imposing figure.
Dream of the Endless glares at his creation with a tense jaw. His eyes are lit with a fury. Corinthian can easily recognize the envy.
He feels a possessiveness, an irksome roll in his gut. What is he doing in my nightmare?
Corinthian grinds his teeth then exhales, adjusting his shades on the bridge of his nose. He feels ire rise up the artery in his neck, but he plays it off with an airy chuckle, "sounds like a whole lot of denial on your part, papa bear."
Dream's nostrils flare, he steps forward, not willing to lose to his spawn, "I have gotten my answer, nightmare. Bego-"
"You've been following us," Cori cuts in, not wanting to end the nightmare, not wanting to lose either. He watches the strangles expression on his maker tighten. The nightmare's gotten some good footing, "you've seen us walk together," he raises a brow, "laughing, holding hands."
The blonde is excited by the involuntary reaction he gets from Dream. His dark form darkens even more. The king begins to contort into a thing of horror. His form is shifting into fear itself.
If a nightmare had a nightmare, it would be him.
And yet he does a good job of playing it off, Corinthian wills himself to, just before fear overtook him, "it'd be stupid of you not to realize the feelings we evidently share for each other."
Lord Morpheus' frightful and terror-inspiring form begins to dwindle, to lose its edge at the his words. Corinthian was, like the Lord of Dreams said, a deceiver, a master at that, but he was nonetheless true at a point though. That was why a paleness overtook Dream's face, dejected, cold.
Corinthian enjoys the fact he has the upper hand, "I've been spending all my time, frolicking with-"
"And yet," his voice cracks like thunder, "you were denied," Dream cuts, smashes with a sledgehammer. He nears Corinthian. His master feels his shudder, "enough of your games, child."
A shiver runs down his spine. The power of his words over Corinthian was absolute gospel. He felt like he was being drawn back into the depths by his ankles. Cori was not giving up without a fight however.
"I can hear your true intentions, Corinthian," Dream speaks, "cease your childish prods-"
"No," Corinthian snorts. He points a finger to the ground, "no, you're wrong. You can't make me!"
He watches Dream narrow his eyes and tilt his head. He gulps when he hears him say, "can't I?"
Corinthian feels his body vibrate in anger, in annoyance, in deviance.
At the same time, they both feel the stirring of the being's consciousness.
Corinthian heaves, forcing himself to laugh, "there's still something you still don't understand, pops."
Dream is done with him, and yet he decides to humor his Corinthian, "and what would that be?"
"Unlike you, we actually have a relationship, and I'm actually, at least, friends with t-"
I gasp awake, feeling a cold sweat down my neck. I squeal and snap my head to the side when I hear a voice from across my bedroom.
It's Corinthian, taunting me, a blanket on his form from where he was spending the night on my sofa chair, groaning as he shifted, lips curving upward, "nightmare?"
I catch my breath, scowling, grabbing the pillow beside me on my bed, "asshole!" I throw the pillow at him, "I knew it was a bad idea to let you sleep over!"
Corinthian is hit in the face by my unexpectedly good shot. The glasses he kept on slips from his nose and yet he is undeterred, and even chuckles, "that's what you get for playing good Samaritan."
"Rat!" I bark, "cretin! TROLL! GREMLIN-"
"I don't know why you're so angry," Cori laughs, "I'm sure you don't remember a thing."
"That doesn't mean I don't feel the fear in my body, moron! IMBECILE!"
Dream, on the other hand, who manifested his consciousness back in the Dreaming, alerts Matthew, who had been waiting for him, perched on his throne's backrest.
"So?" the raven crows.
Dream ignores him, standing from his throne, and walking off with a dark cloud over head.
Matthew watches him storm away. He sighs, "I told you to just ask if Corinthian was-"
"Silence, bird."
Matthew stops. He sighs. He'd roll his eyes if he could. He gently mocks, "ok then, boss. You're the boss, boss."
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ladyclwriter · 2 years
Morpheus Imagine
I Did Something Bad
Dream of the endless x gn!nightmare!reader
"Enemies" to lovers
Summary: Morpheus had to go after the not-so-new major arcana, just like the other ones. He forgot the fact that this one was the only one who spoke to him like an equal. And, just like a century ago, you argued, as you wanted to spoke up for your kind needs — and for yours too.
Discussion, bad words, angst+fluff, creatorxcreation kiss(?)
A/n: heavily inspired by “I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain”. Blame Taylor Swift
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He still remembered the ceremony. The brand new major arcana being welcomed by its partners, siblings, relatives, or whatever four nightmares could call each other. That odd small humanly-beast figure, standing in the middle of the hall, holding back happy tears. He also remembered how cold, stiff he was in that time. How he treated it all as a formality, how he didn't saw the emotions on the monster's red eyes. Or maybe he just ignored it.
He didn't had much time to figure out the intense nightmare he created. Three years later, he got imprisoned. Even if he lived that century with freedom, he knew he wouldn't saw it either.
But, to every bad thing, there's a good consequence.
Because now he was there, standing, watching the not so beast thing walk out of a big building. Well, he only knew it was the nightmare for the fact that he could feel it. Otherwise, he would never expect that the long claws, the spiky dark fur, the lion mane, crocodile tail, shark teeth and bird nose would turn into a such apleasing-to the-eyes-full-humanly-body. But he knew that nothing in that being was human. In his soul, he did know. It was a part of him. A little slice of his power, an extension from the Dreaming. There, walking with a proud smile in the middle of the crowd.
Thunder echoed distantly, waking him up from his own thoughts. He didn't expected for him to be so uneasy about this approach. Surely that one was the easiest of all four. This one, he could track down. And it didn't had as much as resentment as the others. Still, he was there. Hesitant.
His steps were slow, not caring about following the nightmare's pace. He tried to silent his own mind, as his soul screamed louder and louder while the distance decreased. A part of him. A very young, wild and unpredictable one.
“Holy shit.” the nightmare said loudly, stopping its own walk. Morpheus did the same. “Holy fucking endless shit”.
When you turned around, the Lord Of Dreams would never imagine that his small weird beast would become such an eye-catching human in the waking realm. For a little second, he regretted using his powers to create it as the monsterly nightmare. But it was just a second.
“Morpheus.” you said it in a different way. None of you knew how or why, but it was different. No one would pronounce it's own creator's name like this. “I knew you were free, but... I never thought you would look out for me.”
“You are one of the major arcanas. Of course I would search for you just like the others.” you forgot how his voice sounded like. For some reason, you felt it reverberate in your fake body. It made you shiver from head to toe. “May I ask what you were doing in there?”
Your smirk was genuine, but you looked away from him. “No, you can't. I bet you could know the answer without questioning. And I'm sure you already know it wasn't anything good.” you didn't said in a rude way. It was just the truth. Nor that it should be easy to talk to your lord like this.
“Why? Why am I supposed to expect the worse of you?” you chuckle. Arms crossed, stared in his dark eyes. There was so many answers you wanted to give him. So many things you could actually use against him. Your tongue was tickling, mind rushing.
“You must've heard about the things my brother has been doing.” something on his face changed. Not exactly changed. He was emotionless, as always. But his eyes were certaintly more expressive. “We had only three years, but you must remember how he was the one I most got along with. Other than that...”
You hated to say it. One step closer, without looking at him again. You couldn't avoid getting heavy bad feelings whenever you admitted the fact.
“You created me. You know exactly how my inner is. You know my soul as much as I don't know yours.” your voice was low, face as harsh as your words. You broke the distance between your face and his, only inches away, staring at his eyes. “So fuck off. I'm not going back to the Dreaming.”
Simply, you cut all the chitchat he wanted to give you. With the intimacy a creation can have with it's creator, and all the disrespect too.
Morpheus was a pure rock, standing without any sight of emotion. But, inside of his mind, he trembled. Angry, feeling powerless as he noticed how, yes, not even one single being that once he ruled would obey him now. Not even Lucienne would be as obedient as she was before. Nothing would be like a century ago. It was obvious, but something inside him broke everytime he noticed this becoming a fact. And that, that was the last spark to make him snap.
“Who do you think you are?”
You knew what was coming. You didn't stepped back, you didn't hesitated. But you were scared. Afraid. He's your creator, yes. He is your lord, your master. You only lived with him for three years, and for a hundred one, he was captivated. Who knows what was going through his mind?
He wasn't any different from the first time you saw him, when you received the breath of life. He was still tall, plain, so powerful that not even the ground could handle it alone. And now, he was angry. More than on all the arguments you had before — countless ones.
“I got away for an century, but I'm back now. And I'm still your lord. You should refer to me as it.” his normally rough voice sounded more harsh. You could feel it inside your body, echoing with the loud thunders. “Ask for forgiveness.”
“Don't make me tell you to fuck off again, Morpheus.”
“I never gave you permission to call me by my name.” rougher.
“What should I call you then? Oneiros?”
The world stopped. The rain didn't fell, all the crowd around seemed to freeze. You didn't had a heart, but something inside you skipped a beat. You regretted instantly. He stared intensely in your eyes, cosmos and supernovas exploding on his iris — exploding inside you. He didn't moved an inch; yet, you felt your body burning. Your inside getting unmade, his power coming back to him.
“I would rather not see life's light anymore, than coming back to that fucking realm.” your voice was louder. People started to look at you two, as you started sweating and trembling. Your being was getting shattered with his anger.
“It is your duty to stay at the Dreaming. You were made to it. If you don't want to do your job, then, yes-” he didn't wanted to say that. “You won't see life's light anymore.”
You weren't scared. Getting unmade was better than getting tortured (what an angry Endless would do to torture another immortal being? You didn't wanted to figure out), or forced to come back to your duties. You wouldn't give up, even as you felt life run out of your body, you still would fight for, well, yourself. “You can live, Morpheus. You loved, hated, celebrated and cried. But not us.”
“We are doomed to a cruel eternity. You made us this way. To suffer, and to punish, but this is not fair!” tears popping in your eyes, you raised one hand, pointing a finger to him. “You want to talk about duty? About being a lord? Then why you never thought about this? About us?!”
About all the ugly nightmares he made before. About the most funny one, Corinthian. About the sweet Gault. About the serene Fiddler's Green. And all the others.
“I don't care about your name, nor who you are. You never gave me any respect or even attention. You were never here, you never cared about me.” opening your arms wide, you laughed at the irony and misery these words carried. “So yeah, fuck off! Three times!”
“It wasn't my fault.” at this point, he didn't cared. About being polite or respected. His power stopped getting in action, you breathing in and out slowly, feeling yourself complete again. “You and your partners really believed I was gone by my own will?”
Your brother was the very first one of you to know the news. He also were the only one to get involved with the raptors. You didn't supported him on that, but didn't went against it too. You were still confused how your creator could be captured so easily. Above that, all of sudden you were free, as Corinthian said.
“I'm not talking about this century, Morpheus. I'm talking about my three first years of life. About all the life of my, partners, as you said.” it was surprising that he didn't got your point, and you showed it with your tone. “You always neglected my kind. You simply never cared about any of us.”
“That is not true.”
“Yes it is!” said way too loud. You looked around as people stared at you, and gave them a little smile; most of them familiar faces. It wasn't the first time you were partying in that district. “I had enough time to talk to all of them. Everyone complained about the same thing. How none of us wanted the duty you gave us; how we envied every single being that could actually live.”
He knew that. Deep down, in that little place where all his creations were connected to him, he knew and felt everything you said. And that made you angrier.
“Fucking hell, I don't even know if you care! Tell me, Morpheus, am I talking all of this only for you to ignore?” you lowered your voice, frowning with vulnerability.
He only kept looking at you, always in your eyes. Took a deep breath, and swallowed his pride down his throat.
“What do you want me to do, then?” he shrugged. “If I turn all the nightmares into dreams, or let them live in the waking world. What will be of the bad men you need to haunt? I would have to create new nightmares, only to have the same issues?”
“I don't fucking care about being rational right now, Morpheus!” you almost screamed. One drip of rain fell in your cheek, but you kept looking at him, offended. “Just fucking try to feel something! Just... Fucking pretend to, at least!”
“Lower your voice.” it was a command.
“No. I'm not lowering my voice. I'm not fucking holding me back!” demonstrated it with your body, with exaggerated gestures. “I'm not turning into your subordinate. We shouldn't be ruled like this. Tell me, do you fucking treat dreams like you treat us?”
He rolled his eyes.
He fucking rolled his eyes.
And you raised an arm. Fist closed, trembling in the air, as in a little second you realized what you were going to do — he wasn't one of the assholes you bumped into the clubs. And he made you feel it again, sending a wave of shock inside you. You shivered as the cold rain started pouring, accompanying your own body getting electrified by your creator's powers.
“You have only two choices. Returning with me to the Dreaming, or saying goodbye to all of this.” he raised his hand, ignoring your closed fist. With his palm turned to the raining sky, he stared at you. “What do you want to come back? I shall give you.”
You weren't prepared for this answer. It was fucking democracy, and that you didn't expected. But, instead of being a good thing, it made your tears come harder. “You still don't get it”.
You put down your arm, giving two steps back. Biting your lip, you looked away, trying to not get too emotional, even if it was quite impossible to you.
“We want what all of you have. Freedom to live. To laugh, and cry, and drink, and fuck. I mean, we can still work before getting fun, right? Isn't it what all of this people have been doing?” you looked around.
Drunk friends walking side by side with a business man. People with briefcases, others with bags, others in uniforms. Coming to or from work. A man in a suit even walked by, talking on the phone that he was going straight to a bar.
“But, above all of this...” you stared at the ground, feeling his gaze upon you. Hugged yourself, starting to get wet from the rain. “I think... All we need is your attention.”
Dark eyes narrowed, analyzing the one who still kept staring at the ground. His many years of experience and wiseness were speaking louder.
“A 'thank you'. Or, 'well done'. Anything would be enough. I mean, before. Not now.” you bite your lip, hesitating, words burning to be said. “Now, I don't know. But... I know all this time we all missed you.”
Then you looked at him again. Didn't expected anything at all, and that what you received. Emotionless as always. But the little tease on his tone; “Really? Everyone?” made you rise an eyebrow.
“Yeah. Everyone.” including me, it meant. Taking a deep breath, you smiled, rain soaking both of you.
Dream was thinking. Deeply pondering. His gaze darted off, lost on his thoughts, unreadable. He did recognize he neglected the nightmares, and this one was special. A new creation he didn't got time to settle in, and didn't got the best examples. Then, he just sighed. “What do you want from me?”
You weren't ready for it. Realization hit you, you actually were looking for that question without knowing. You opened your mouth, speechless, staring at his black coat as you couldn't raise your eyes. There was a lot of things you could ask, but you couldn't think or say anything.
“Attention?” he suggested, even if it was insensitive. “Freedom?”
Your eyes lit up with hope and happiness, getting closer again, looking at him like a pleading dog. “I swear I will do my job. Just... Just give me free time here. To all of us.” you didn't noticed your arrogance getting washed with the rain. “And take care of us like you do with all the Dreaming.”
“I can't make promises for all the nightmares, but I swear I'll think about what you said.” this time you felt a bit of kindness in his tone, but he was still like a stone, even under the rain. “Now, please, talk about yourself. I'll give your freedom, but it'll take time. These are your wishes only?”
“I...” you hesitated. Blinking fast, looked away, a little red coming to your face. Dream got concerned about what was coming, but his silent got filled with curiosity. “We didn't had much time together. So... I would like to ask for it too.”
“You want time with me?” he wanted for you to be specific, you noticed. That made you stare angrily, almost pissed off. “Perhaps I can arrange it. Would that be all?”
You were going to give him some of your characteristic poison at his curiosity and subtle attempt to make you confess whatever he thought you wanted, but you gave up. There were more important things to me talked about there, under the rain.
“I'm sure you're not asking any of this shit to the others. Why me? Why I'm the only one with options and requirements?” crossed arms, raising an eyebrow. He shifted his weight on his feet, and looked away for a second.
“You are young. I know my mistakes with the others, and I also know all of them pretty well.” then his gaze changed. Something became softer; whether it was for the subject, or any thought of his. “I want to try with you. To be present and to listen to you. This way, I'll be better with the next nightmares. I hope you're okay with that.”
Yes, yes you were. More than you could possibly expect you to be. It was frustrating to see yourself giving up from all your walls, so desperate for any sign of affection from him. “With what? Being your scapegoat for redemption? No, I'm not okay with that. But it's better than nothing”.
And he smiled. Subtly, only one corner lifting, his eyes with fondness. Damn, you weren't ready to see him smiling for the very first time. He seemed to notice that, and got even more amused.
He lifted a hand, slowly placing it in your cheek. And with thunder and cold breezes, you felt your face burn. Locked your gaze on his, surprised, frozen by the first physical contact you both have ever shared.
“I'm genuine. I do want to try. So, please, allow me to.” you could barely breathe as his expressions were actually expressive, not the old plain thing. It was a lot, seeing him being emotional for the first time. “Forgive me for my absence. Captured or not. All I want is to redeem myself.”
With the other hand, he used the tip of his fingers, gently, to brush some sticky wet hair out of your forehead. You almost stepped back, still processing that he was actually touching you. “Is there anything else I can give you? I do not wish to buy your forgiveness; earn it, perhaps. I'm just trying to be...”
“Kind?” you suggested as he didn't seem to find the word. He agreed with a smile that made you shake from head to toe. And guess what? He got worried. “I'm fine. It's just the rain.”
“The sky is certainly pouring, you should go. I'm sorry for interrupting your plans, shall we meet tomorrow?” you agreed with your head after long-lasting seconds of trying to think. “Thank you for this opportunity. Now, if you allow me...”
Holy fucking endless shit, you thought. Only thought, because you couldn't even move, completely paralyzed with shock.
The Lord of the Dreams was embracing you. Arms in wet cloth squeezed tight, and you could feel his chin above your head, rain falling down his body to yours, and to the ground. You felt everything. Your senses became totally aware, could hear every breath and feel every touch — whether from the raindrops, or his. All at once, you got yourself remembering every time you imagined this moment. The moment you would feel Morpheus. When you would touch him, and be certain that, yes, he is not just a dream. He's real. And he's there.
He was there. You felt it as you wrapped your arms around his waist. It was not imagination or daydreams, it was Dream itself, chest moving against your face on his wet overcoat as he breathe. Then, just for the sake of humor — or because you said your thoughts without noticing —, you whisper: “I could totally kiss you right now.”
He was surprised. Of all kinds of requests and curious things a nightmare could ask, a kiss would never be on the list. But, well, there was nothing bad that could happen. Actually, he would win way much more with it than you. So he touched your face again. Gently, raising your eyes to his. You couldn't believe it, and you couldn't react to it.
It felt like slow motion as he approached your faces, closing his eyes as if it wasn't an unexpected and uncomfortable moment. You froze as your lips touched under the rain. He was delicate, taking his own time to adjust to you, and for you to adjust to him. You didn't had to move for your lips to fit perfectly, Morpheus taking yours on his, slow and focused, waiting for you.
And you answered it.
Hands on his shoulders, which started sliding to different places as you took his lips hungrily. Not because you were crazy to have him in a bed, but for the fact that you wanted to feel more of him.
He's here, you kept repeating to yourself. He's finally here.
None of you cared when tongues started locking, both exploring and dancing. Your hands touched where they were allowed — wet neck, hair, face, under the coat to reach the back, down the arms to the hands —, never stopping and never getting enough. Dream was calm, cupping your face on his hands, then sliding one down to your waist. You only parted when air ran out your lungs, not opening your eyes as you breathe still close to each other. You almost, almost held his hand, tugging on the sleeve, the other one craving nails at the wet cloth of his shoulders. He's here, repeating in your mind. And he, he was smiling, leaning towards your forehead.
“We have a lot to talk about.” he whispered. “In our next meeting, of course. Not now, under the rain”.
You couldn't answer. Feelings swirled on your mind, so many things to process and register. But you smiled. You smiled because you were happy. He's here.
“I called you by Morpheus a lot of times.” whispered too, recognizing the delicacy of the moment.
“Don't let anyone know this. It will be our secret.” damn, you liked how he said it.
But it was time to leave. You both looked like stray wet cats, the streets only filled by people with umbrellas or cars. Thunders and lightings were violent, the rain getting heavier. You would stay there forever anyways. But he was moving away, feeling as fingers slide to release each other. And as he got away, your feelings were being taken from you. Stay, you wanted to say. You were gone for one century; please, stay.
“We must part our ways now. Don't worry, I said I would give you whatever you asked. I'll do it.” he meant you would see each other again. It was a promise, a vow. Something you both wanted to believe. A little spark of hope, something new and, in some sort of way, naive, to take care of.
As you didn't answered, he only agreed with his head, bowing slightly. Avoiding your look, sand rose from the ground, swirling around him with raindrops.
“Morpheus! I... I did something bad.” his gaze instantly fell upon you, the sand slowing down. “I killed and I gutted. Only bad men! But I did it.”
His face could fall to the ground. He was shocked, horrified. Disappointed. And he made sure you would notice that. Then he faded in sand, not caring if ordinary people would see it. You stood there. Soaked wet, confused. But smiling. Smiling like a fool, touching your lips, not believing what just happened.
Maybe killing men wasn't the something bad you did.
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I know, that's a lot of rain. I thought about making it rain later, but, hey, who doesn't love pneumonia?
Please please pleeease, tell me what you think about this. About the reader, about my representing of Morpheus, anything. I really need your opinions.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
And as I always say, English is not my first language and I'm a self-taught. Please forgive any grammatical errors. See ya! 💙
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