#idk i feel like our family is way overdue for a sit down chat.
bluebellhairpin · 10 months
Had a nice heart to heart with my sister that basically summed up that as soon as I stop needing to care for my grandparents we will need to start caring for our parents, and that I have zero mental boundaries set for what my handling threshold is.
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jiminrings · 3 years
Lunchbox lovers request:
So I would love to see a sit down talk between yoongi and mc. Just so like mc can sort her feelings out about everything, and like get advice about forgiving Kook. Idk, I just want those two to have a chat between besties.
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cold senior!y/n x stem major koo masterlist :D
yoongi will be on y/n’s team — always
“what do you want for dinner?”
yoongi had the best afternoon nap anyone could ever possibly have
it was a mid-afternoon nap actually and something about it just hit different this time
there’s days when it’s extremely warm y’know? not hot, but like uncomfortably warm
it was that uncomfortably warm afternoon when everyone’s collectively feeling sleepy?? turn the airconditioning on to its coolest and sleep without a shirt on and be surrounded by a pillow on both sides......?
yeah that afternoon nap awhile ago really put yoongi on a happy mood
he’s not asking what you want for dinner because he slept good :D
excellent afternoon naps aren’t the only things that make him this way!! lol you could also count days when he receives a random gift out of nowhere and the days when you replace the toothpaste instead of him
but really, whether or not he gets these instances, he genuinely just asks you what you want for dinner so he could either cook it or order it
“what do you want for dinner?” yoongi nudges you from your spot on the couch, about to invade your personal space again and lie down on your lap before you get to cooking
you only hum in response, your best attempt at returning his affection coming in the form of tussling his hair
“we already have dinner, yoongs.”
omg that’s nice then
“you already cooked dinner? even while i was still asleep? wow, look at you,” he praises you abundantly, attempting to pinch your nose when you dodge him
.... that’s the thing though
yoongi watches you visibly freeze when you were doing anything in the first place besides watch your show in a still position
“i didn’t.”
if your dorm was already silent, it became even mORE silent now
if you didn’t cook, then that means-
“jungkook brought dinner.”
yoongi finishes for you and it’s the far worse equivalent of two mothers bringing their own turkeys for thanksgiving
the show you’ve been rewatching is white noise at this point that you can’t recognize anything in this room besides yoongi
it’s been two weeks
that’s literally half a month
two weeks ever since jungkook’s been pouring active effort into working for your forgiveness and normalcy with him out of his own volition
alright maybe you’ll just focus on the gray streaks in yoongi’s new hair <3
and maybe he’ll just focus on the blue stain on your pink pajamas because he put them in the same load when they were newly-purchased <3
yeah but no you can’t do this forever
he can’t do this forever
you and yoongi can’t do this forever
the two of you can’t keep dancing around each other whenever the mention of jungkook pops up because the two of you have two dRASTICALLY different perspectives
right now, yoongi’s just awkwardly laying on your lap and he’s can’t even look up ay the ceiling
“do you wanna talk about it now?”
you end up caving by asking him first, a sigh of relief from holding it in which makes him relieved because he didn’t want to initiate that
“yeah, let’s talk,” he pulls himself up and he’s now looking at you with much embarrassment, “can we even have this conversation while completely sober?”
yoongi’s really rEALLY looking for a distraction to help ease this discomfort in his chest
okay you get where he’s coming from
“you mean you wanna share a joint with me while we have a long-overdue conversation?”
you chuckle at the mental image of yoongi seeing literal stars and freaking out about it, probably crying while he chats to you
“mhmmm. would probably calm our nerves. o-or maybe just mine, atleast.”
to be honest, he doesn’t even have quite a clue on wHY he’s nervous!! it’s the two of you and you’ve always been comfy with each other
that’s the whole foundation of your friendship — you’re fully comfortable with each other and the two of you find it difficult to be this comfy with anyone else
if he really delves deeper into it though, yoongi would know that the reason he’s so nervous for this conversation with you is because he doesn’t want to fight with you
you’d only have occasional tiffs and arguments ever once in a while, but never a fight!!
he’s not assuming that your conversation would turn into a fight, but that possibility scares him still because what if he loses you?
and if the two of you do fight, it would be over a junior named jungkook who broke your heart and probably insulted you to your core
he doesn’t want to romanticize it either, but if the two of you do fight, yoongi would want it to be something entirely else
he’s willing to have a fight about being messy and how it frustrates you so much
he’d pick a fight over his clingy habits and how it sometimes makes you feel insecure
he’d pick a fight over how he wants to be your number one best friend so bad that it’s beyond unhealthy he’s making it a competition
he’d want a fight over him being a lil insecure of seokjin at times because the two of you get along so well and know much mORE things than he ever could and he can’t always be included in the inside jokes
what yoongi doesn’t want is to fight over jungkook.
“that sounds nice,” you agree because maybe you too are feeling a little antsy, “but we could do that after.”
he nods, his hands curled to his lap that he only meets your eyes now
oh my god
what now
everything’s put out of the way and it’s now the part when you actually tALK
“are you mad at me?”
you take the first approach and it’s already heavy right from the start, the question weighing especially hard in your mind the past few weeks
“what? no. i could never be mad at you,” he answers just as quick and precise, “i’m mad at him.”
“and i understand that.”
you really do know where yoongi’s coming from because after all, you’re the receiving end of all of jungkook’s words at the time
but that’s the thing!!!
that’s tHEE thing that bothers yoongi the most
you have this feeling of guilt because you feel like you’re betraying yoongi in a way
“then why are you letting jungkook in again?”
it’s as if it’s a double-edged sword and merely entertaining jungkook would be a stab in the back to yoongi, even if you don’t owe him anything
“because i understand him too.”
yoongi deadpans at that, a tired sigh falling instinctively from his lips but his mind’s more awake now
“god, seriously?” he shakes his head and outstretches his hands to hold your shoulders in place. “y/n you are the most lovable person i know. you believe him when he told you otherwise-“
“i-i know it isn’t true. it’s not true when it comes from jungkook.”
your voice wavers but it’s not the only thing that’s coming in waves, your resolve blurring even more when you see yoongi fighting back his own tears
“but when it comes from me i-“
“it’s not true either.”
all that yoongi does is take you to his chest the moment your body feels limp with the sigh that escapes you, a knowing body of tears coming next
your parents’ divorce is the furthest thing from fresh but the impact it placed on you renews without warning, the thoughts coming in waves
they were sure to reiterate over and over again that it wasn’t your fault, but god the way that they never even bothered afterwards made you think otherwise
“i-i just feel like a placemarker and neither of them came back for me, y’know? don’t get me wrong, i love my aunt to pieces and she’s family and-“
your faint sobs rack your ribs and yoongi can feel them, a relief that your face is buried to his shoulder so that you wouldn’t see him cry
“jin and i are your family too.”
they are but deep down, you know it’s a whole other ball game
“b-but that’s because you’re unrelated to me. i don’t remind any of you of the other. i’m not your daughter.”
it really wasn’t as harsh as how your words cut out, but it just breaks yoongi’s heart to know how difficult is must have been and is for you
you mumble when you calm down enough, playing with a loose thread on the cardigan you’ve gifted him on his birthday this year
“jungkook didn’t know that sore spot. he couldn’t have, but i’m not defending him either, yoongi.”
you mean it with full sincerity and he’s trying to digest your words as best as he could before his bias gets the best of him
“it’s on him for being horrible to me, but it’s on me for relating what he said to what i felt a long time ago.”
yoongi opens and closes his mouth, but before he does, you’re lifting your head up to interrupt him
god he’s aLSO crying
“use the sleeves to wipe your snot, dumbo. it’s not even that expensive!!” you chuckle when you urge him to do so, making him both frustrated and sheepish because his goddamn snot interrupted you
you lean on his shoulder and stay that way, this time being a rare occurrence in which you cling to him like a koala
“and i know that he shouldn’t have said those things to me either way. i do.”
yoongi nods at that, capturing his point fully
he insists on patting you on the forehead, drawing circles and definitely not a penis as he drawls his words
“he can’t take back what he said, y/n.”
“but that doesn’t mean he can’t redeem himself, yoongs.”
you offer him a timid smile, turning into a bigger one when you know just the right approach to satiate him enough
“jungkook taking accountability is the bare minimum, though,” you chuckle when he nods eagerly to the point he gives himself whiplash, “which is why i’m being smart and haven’t fully forgave him yet.”
yoongi sighs when the two of you spend the pause in silence, speaking in all honesty
“i don’t know if i can forgive the little shit.”
“you don’t need to.”
you say just as genuine, a reassuring smile on his face to ease the focused knot on his brows
“you don’t owe it to me, yoongs. i know what you’re thinking.”
you really do
he tends to look at you in high regard even when you tell him that he shouldn’t, and it leads to him with the mindset that he really should appease his best friend at all times
“i eventually will,” he admits quietly. “just not now.”
“that’s okay too.”
it was supposed to be another bout of silence but yoongi actually breaks this time, blurting out words once he felt that the coast was clear
he just needs to get this off his chest before this heart-to-heart moment dwindles
“i don’t want to sound weird, but you’re like, my platonic girlfriend, y’know? my soulmate in a very platonic way, but no one says either that your soulmate has to be in a romantic sense and-…”
you exclaim in relief, your eyes rolling to the back of your head when you jolt him by the shoulders
“god, finally. i’ve always wanted to tell you that i feel the same. you’re my soulmate, i’m pretty sure. my very, very platonic boyfriend i live with.”
yoongi sighs, stares, then fiNALLY heartily laughs in relief
everything’s out of the way :)
“we’re good. we always will be.”
you’re about to get up to fulfill yoongi’s suggestion earlier, being cut short when he gently pulls you by your forearm when you stood
“i’ll always be on your team — you know that right?”
yoongi means it with his whole heart, just one more reminder he wants you to reaffirm in your mind for the night
“i’ll always be on yours too, yoongs.”
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