#idk i just feel sad that he never spoke up about Palestine
evansbby · 4 months
Does Chris evans still give u the ick
yeah bahahahah but it’s not really an ick it’s more like just the fact that I’m not attracted to him anymore at all which is valid bc like… yeah 😭😭
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jellybeanium124 · 8 months
it's not anti semitic to be against zionism. Regardless of how zionism intended to start out (whether it had good intentions or not) its clear that today its movement is equivalent to extremism and white supremacy in other parts of the world. Its anti colonial to be against zionism.
I did not bring up israel or zionism or palestine in my post. you decided my post about how a lot of people on this website are being openly antisemitic is me calling out """antizionists""" (whatever you mean by that, because zionism and its converse have completely lost any meaning to me online because everyone means something different when they say those words). people are being antisemitic. I have seen so many posts that are like "when someone tells me they're jewish I just can't trust them anymore idk, what if they're a bad jew??" PEOPLE ARE BEING ANTISEMITIC. LISTEN TO JEWS. PLEASE, PLEASE LISTEN TO US. no one is listening. no one hears us when we cry out. no one cares. you all think we are lining up to suck netanyahu's dick and praise him for his political decisions. we're not. netanyahu is a fascist and the sooner he's removed from power (or dies, hopefully) the better for israelis and palestinians and just everyone.
why did you feel the need to immediately send me an ask like this? is it to defend yourself? is it to quell the idea that maybe you need to look inside yourself and check yourself for antisemitism? because if a goy these days ain't checking themselves, they will say or reblog or agree with something antisemitic. THE WORLD IS ANTISEMITIC. society is racist. society is sexist. society is homophobic. society hates jews. you grew up in society. you need to unlearn the jew hatred you were fed.
the free palestine movement and """antizionist""" movement have a nazi problem. not everyone in it is a nazi. I am for a free palestine. I've been a proponent of the two state solution before most people my age could locate palestine and israel on a map, because when you're jewish you have to know about these issues, and you have to know about them young. I've said this over and over. I keep telling you people I think palestinians should have their own free, peaceful, and democratic state, and you never fucking hear me. you disregard me saying that because it isn't enough. it won't be enough for you until I think israel should be destroyed too. but I will never believe that. israel gets to keep existing too, because otherwise half of my people will die. israel gets to exist despite it's horrible, terrible wrongs, same as america or britain or china. you don't get to call for the destruction of a country that contains half the world's jews. I will never be on the side of history that is calling for the murder of half of my people. we have to stick together. there's so few of us already. we haven't recovered from our most recent genocide.
I've probably been a bit rude and angry in this post. The past several months have been tiring, hard, and terrifying, that's my excuse. I know you, though, you're not some anon. I like your art. we were mutuals for a short stint, until you unfollowed me, probably because you don't like any of my opinions on i/p, which is your right. it's also your right to block me after reading this. I'll miss seeing your art. it's nice. I like the animatics you made, particularly the "I won't say I'm in love" one. it's a classic. it's sad, really, losing friends. not that I would call us friends, exactly. I don't think we ever spoke until literally right now. still, we run in the same group. I recognize you and you recognize me. so I will say one last thing as kindly as I can, because I don't actually like being mad. I don't like arguing. I don't like being blocked. None of this is fun.
Here it is: when a Jew talks about antisemitism, it is a gentile's job to listen.
Same principle as everything else. When Black people talk about racism, it is white people's job to shut up and listen. When queer people talk about homophobia, it is cishet people's job to shut up and listen. When disabled people talk about ableism, it's abled people's job to shut up and listen. No matter how much you want to speak up, no matter how much you want to counter what they're saying, no matter how much you want to argue with them, it is your job as someone not in that group to close your mouth and listen and think.
This can be difficult and uncomfortable. I say this from experience as I am not in every minority group ever. I've felt uncomfortable before listening to people in minority groups I'm not a part of talk about the bigotry they face. this doesn't make me evil, and it doesn't make you evil either. I'm not perfect. You're not perfect. Even the best allies fuck up sometimes.
Thank you for reading all of this. Genuinely, seriously, and from the bottom of my heart: thank you. This goes for any gentile reading this, not just Wen. Thank you, all of you.
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