#idk i just really liked the lighting on vik in this scene so i wanted to gif it lol
arcanegifs · 1 year
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"I was consulting a friend about our quandary. I told you, I knew someone."
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fancyfade · 7 years
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[image: scene takes place in a dimly lit room full of heavily armed people. Tanno Vik, a weequay in heavy armor, is speaking to Tank, a twilek  republic trooper. Vik has his arms down to his side palms facing out, semi friendly like. He says “You’re still alive. Son of a Hutt. How you been, Major?” Tank says “I could ask you the same question, Vik. Never thought I’d see your ugly mug again.” .... Tank says “I’ll get you the money for your detonators. But Tora is leaving with me. Alive.” Vik says “You always were a stick in the mud.” Tank scowls and says “Do the right thing, Vik. For once in your life.” Vik says “Fine. But this is the last order I take from you, Major.” end image]
Tank meeting Vik again. I skipped out lots of the middle dialogue, because it really didn’t seem to acknowledge you two new each other beforehand.
This dialogue felt... IDK just kind of stilted and OOC for Tank. definitely a scene I’d like to rewrite. But you can see the important part. Tank wants Vik to be a good person, Vik doesn’t, blah blah.
skipped dialogue:
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[image: dialogue from Tanno Vik reading “You eliminated my old rival Oggo. That inclines me toward gratitude, but this girl tried to rob me. That’s bad for business. Wat do you say we show each other professional courtesy? I can get you all kinds of things. But I need to throw this thieving scum out an airlock, first.” end image]
pretty sure that knowing what he should know in game, he would be positive or negative for previous interaction reasons, not because you killed Oggo. And might appeal to your past instead of professional courtesy? IDK
I know in my canon he wouldn’t even bother trying to appeal to professional courtesy because he would know Tank wouldn’t go for shoving Tora out an airlock no matter what. Not sure what he would do TBH
and last bit
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[image: dialogue between Zakuulan exiles. 1 says “I thought you left already!” the other says “Can’t. Oggo’s at it again -- shooting people in the streets. The only thing free in the Free Zone is a blaster bolt to the chest.” 1 says “He’s still better than the other guy.” end image]
So the other guy was Vik, right? Vik wound up being rated worse as the guy who shoots people in the street... really makes it seem like letting him live (or at least letting him continue business) shouldn’t be the “light” side decision then
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