#idk i just saw a post about yandere headcanons
yanderes-galore · 10 months
May I request a short or headcanons (romantic/platonic) for Sombra Overwatch where she completely isolates Darling from the internet/society/anyone who can help, in an "off the grid" sort of way before revealing herself when darling has nowhere to run? (maybe she frames darling for some crime idk)
Thank you for these btw, even if this one doesn't work out I love your writing in general!!
Oooo! We really need more Yandere Sombra. Anyways, I changed the plot to be post kidnapping if that's fine? I have a banner for her but decided I want to do a GIF for this post. Also left the context of this fic ambiguous, was just trying to get an idea I had across!
Hope you like it :)
Yandere! Sombra Short
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Kidnapping, Isolation, Drugging mention, Forced companionship/relationship.
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It wasn't that hard for Sombra to track down your files. After all, that's how she kept an eye on you. It's how she began to grow attached up to this point.
She had used every piece of information online to find you. However, now she has no use for it anymore. As a result the hacker backs everything up on a drive before starting her plan.
It took a long time but Sombra managed to track down every piece of information you had... and deleted it. It was like you never existed by the time the hacker was done. It's as though you vanished into thin air.
She grins while looking at one of her screens.
Yes... like you vanished. That way no one will try to look for you. How could they find someone if there's no information on them? How could they know if someone even existed without any sort of footprint?
Sombra has dreamed of this day ever since she saw you. She knew you had to be quite the interesting individual. With some bribes and hacking through trivial security systems, Sombra was able to learn everything about you.
Even better, when she was ready, she was able to put her stolen tech to good use.
This obsession of hers took time to plan. She had to find a secure building to hide away in. That's fine, she has friends who can hook her up. If not, she'll blackmail some poor fool.
Then Sombra managed to get her hands on some meds with her connections. After that she had already gathered the information she needed on your residence. It was just as simple as paying a visit.
Poor thing... you never knew what hit you. You were drugged by the invisible hacker before being dragged away. Afterwards you were hidden... like some secret experiment.
Deception and manipulation have been skills Sombra has picked up since she was young. It's made her able to get what she wants. Most of the time it's knowledge...
This time it's you.
After she got the main prize all she had to worry about was clean up. Which leads her to now, mass deleting files that she's already backed up. She's already capable of threatening and blackmailing anyone who knows about you.
With a few clicks and codes... soon the world has no clue about you.
Sombra sighs in relief once she finishes. It's perfect. You're in a secure location and no one knows where you went or if you even exist!
It didn't matter who you were. Rich or poor... famous or average... Sombra had managed to do it. With some lies about your fate and some clever tricks, Sombra managed to keep you to herself.
The hacker feels pleased with herself when she shuts things down. She then leaves the room to enter another more secure one. She can't hide the smug smile on her face.
"Hola, tesoro." Sombra purrs, strolling over to you and lifting your head with her fingers. "It's about time we properly meet."
She frowns at the fear in your eyes, it's expected but disappointing. There's a cloth gag in your mouth and you're sitting with a cuff on a bed. Soon you'll learn to roam without it.
Not like you can escape anyways.
"Welcome to your new home." Sombra continues, kissing your forehead.
"Only you and I know about it... and I plan to keep it that way."
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kit-williams · 9 months
Happy New Year
Normally I don't do these sorts of posts but I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year and I have to thank everyone who has joined me for my latest journey. I hope my creativity lasts me for awhile and I can provide entertainment and enjoyment.
Sure I'm new to the COD fandom but it's been a pretty warm welcome and honestly it helped me through possibly the closest scare to losing him. Its funny how it started with me writing my cope fics with the thinly veiled self insert.
Then I finally got the courage to post my Primarchs in D&D idea. And I have to thank the COD girlies and Moodymisty for the brain rot that is yandere which has led me to write yandere space marines. I feel like I've stolen it from Moody but it seems I havent.
It's funny how I got here back into writing. Have I gushed about Janitor.ai? It's how I found out about Ghost and König. Originally I was there to play around with a Konrad Curze bot and I just saw everyone gushing over this dude with a skull face and I have a fetish for masked men. Literally just blame Ghost.
So what do I wanna do this upcoming year?
Draw more. Get back to the level I know I'm at
Do needlefelting again
Finish the Primarch/D&D au
Introduce everyone to the chaos that is what I call "Khornite Catholics" which is a headcanon I made when I was still rather involved in the church still and just learning about 40k to which my Catholic ass figured that Khorne would be the most likely Chaos god to absorb the remnants of Catholicism.
Write more Yandere Space Marines. My goal is to do at least a Yandere for every space marine chapter that has sufficient lore. Basically more than just a line saying that they exist.
Maybe write more for my technophilic/armor fetishist part of me idk this one is a stretch
But I hope 2024 will be a great year
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sr-sam-bodypillow · 8 months
idk why but i thought of sam and fear play. i guess those yandere!sr headcanons and your dark!sam post are getting to me.
anyways, dark!sam x reader hcs?
— @staif-and-broulderbeans-anon
as the ceo of sam simps i formally apologise for taking so damn long on this ask lmao. i hope u can forgive me because this is so long and also i learned tumblr has a character limit whilst writing this which i did not know
tw: sam is a disgusting creep and a massive stalker in this, noncon/rape, assault, threats of murder, actual fucking murder, knife play, fear play, kidnapping, somnophilia, dacryphilia, possessive behaviour, general scumbaggery, yandere!sam, dark!sam, afab reader, i think this one is WAY more fucked up than the other one and i am SO SORRY
the time you think you met sam for the first time and the actual first time he saw you are very different. it was in passing at your workplace, a shitty 24/7 chain convenience store that you always managed to have the night shifts for.
it was getting late, but you still had quite a few more hours before the next guy came in to take over, and with no customers you found yourself drifting off at the counter, slumping in your seat as you took a much needed nap.
thing is, you did have a customer. sam's just far too good at being silent, standing off in the corner as he tries to figure out which iced coffee he's going to buy.
he peers around the shelves, spotting you, peacefully drifting off, messy hair framing your pretty face. you are absolutely adorable.
since there's nobody else in the shop, he spends a good few minutes walking around to make it seem like he's browsing the goods, when in reality he's watching you intently, drinking in every single detail of the scene like he's a man dying of dehydration
here's the thing about dark/yandere!sam. sam knows what he's doing is incredibly fucking creepy and weird. he just doesn't care. boundaries are a myth to him, but at the same time he has no illusions about what he's doing. he enjoys the feeling of power it gives him, the way he could scare someone into isolation with just a few well timed encounters. he's a massive sadist.
sam, having figured out where the cameras are by now, stands in a spot where he knows that he wont be spotted as he begins to take photos of you, taking a short video of the way your chest rises and falls.
he leaves without buying anything. why would he disturb you when you so clearly need it?
when you wake up, you can't shake the feeling that you're being watched. which you are. you very much are.
sam starts to stalk you online. he finds out every single detail he can, your social media accounts, your previous places of employment, everywhere you've lived, everywhere you've ever attended school or university, the works. he creates an entire batch of dummy accounts with false identities to follow you on accounts and to drop seemingly innocuous comments to record your responses.
within a month, he knows more about you than you could've ever possibly imagined. and you still don't even know he exists.
another thing is that he's done this to others before. but they rarely ever get past this first stage because they stop being interesting to him. not you, though. you're not so lucky.
the stalking escalates soon after to real life. you never see him, not once, as he slowly begins to map out your entire routine and lifestyle by following you.
he takes lots and lots of photos, and every single one goes up on the walls of his spare room. it's getting hard to see the original paint, and he's started having to layer photos on top of each other in some places, which upsets him.
you're taking over his entire life. you're all he thinks about. you are everything he's ever wanted and ever needed.
it goes on like this for three months before he finally 'meets' you, and even then it's been set up entirely for his own benefit.
you've just gotten some takeaway from this one place you really like when it starts pouring outside. you groan, knowing that you've got to walk home and your umbrella mysteriously vanished from your workplace just a few days ago. (sam has it.)
like a guardian angel, sam appears. he's got a big enough umbrella for the two of you and just so happens to be going in the same direction as your house. how convenient! he offers to walk with you.
you're suspicious of him at first, because it's some stranger who's come out of nowhere, but he seems to legitimately be going in the same direction as you and you really don't want to get your food wet. you agree, but keep one hand on the pepper spray in your pocket the whole time.
you chat to him on the walk back and he seems... actually quite nice! somehow, you end up with his number, and the two of you start messaging.
slowly but surely, sam begins to worm his way into your life. he doesn't rush it- no, he knows that this is a process that takes time. you need to trust him, and he is willing to wait his whole life for you.
despite all of this, he doesn't introduce you to sr. yes, he is an incredibly patient man, but if he has to take... drastic measures, he doesn't want them asking about why you've gone missing.
don't worry, you wont be dead! you'll just be tied up somewhere super safe where nobody can ever hurt you :)
sam's got a big house in a remote area. he slowly renovates one of the rooms into a perfect place to hold you, just in case
after all, he's hoping he wont ever need it. if all goes well, you won't need an introductory period where you get used to your new life, you'll just be sleeping with him from the get-go
still, he is patient. he waits. he wants everything to be picture perfect.
one day, though, you manage to test his patience a bit too much.
you don't mean to. it's just that for the very first time in the two years you've known him, you've decided to go on a date. you tell sam about the guy you're seeing, not knowing that you've given him enough information to find him.
sam is patient, but sam does not like competition. it doesn't take him much to abduct and kill them in the small apartment he rented to pretend he lived in for when you came over (he was intending to pretend that he'd just purchased his big house later down the line to convince you to move in with him)
unbeknownst to him, you already trust him far more than he thinks.
you've made your way to his apartment to ask if you can spend the night with him watching shitty horror movies instead because you're not actually too comfortable with the date and you're regretting it, only to find him halfway through butchering the man, covered in blood.
you don't even get the chance to scream. he knocks you out then and there, lamenting about how all his well-laid plans have gone to waste.
when you wake up later, it's to pleasure. you moan slightly in your half-awake stupor, too tired to really realise what's going on. is this a wet dream? it feels good, gentle hands touching you just where you want them to be.
it's only when sam laughs softly that you wake up fully, panic overtaking you.
you're tied to a wooden chair, all of your clothes having been pulled off. sam's hands rest on your thighs as he buries his face in your crotch, kissing and licking you as you squirm. you've only just woken up, but you already feel so incredibly overstimulated, his every movement sending shocks through your body.
sam takes his time. he wants to savour every single part of you.
you dont know how long he spends inbetween your legs, his beard brushing up against your skin and making you shiver. you do know that by the time he's finally has his fill you've cum at least thrice, legs shaking uncontrollably.
when he does finish, he crawls up onto your lap, kissing you gently, running his hands through your hair as he grinds his hips slightly, bulge incredibly visible in his tight pants. he's still fully clothed.
you sob uncontrollably, begging him to stop. your crying only turns him on more, and he leans in to lick your tears off your cheeks, an action that stuns you into horrified silence.
he unzips his pants, pulling out his erect cock and letting it rest on your stomach so you can see just how much you turn him on. precum begins to slowly leak down onto your skin, and you whimper pathetically.
he pulls a knife from his pocket, and slowly begins to trail it across your skin.
you yelp, telling him that you'll do anything as long as he doesn't hurt you. he coos at you, leaving hickeys on your neck.
this knife isn't to ensure your compliance. it's because sam wants to watch you bleed.
gently, he begins to leave shallow cuts along your body. they wont scar (too bad), but they will sting and they will most certainly bleed. every time he starts to drag the blade across your body you can see how his dick twitches in excitement
he begins to move, cutting away the ropes binding your legs before lifting them up and gripping onto them tightly so that he has better access to you, positioning himself at your entrance
you dont get any warning when sam slips his cock inside of you, beginning to thrust into you. again, he wants to take his time and drag this out as long as he possibly can, but it's so hard when you feel so fucking good.
it's like a switch has flipped. he becomes aggressive, grabbing you by your hair to force you to lift your head and look at him as he holds the knife to your neck. his thrusts become rougher, making the wooden chair creak with the force he's exerting.
the knife is right above your jugular, ready to drain the blood from you in one swipe. you know he can do it, too. you've already seen him murder another human. what's one more?
"beg." he hisses into your ear, grip tightening on your hair. "beg for me to fuck you, you fucking whore, or i'll slit your throat right here." the knife pushes harder into your skin, breaking the very top layers of skin and allowing a tiny amount of blood to run down your neck. "beg for me. tell me you want it, baby. i know you want it. let me hear you scream, or i'll fucking make you."
you beg. you plead for him to fuck you harder, to keep going, to be as rough with you as he likes. he listens, grabbing your jaw and forcing him to kiss you before biting down onto your shoulders, grip so tight you feel like you're going to bruise
you can't stop the broken moans that spill out of you as he slams into you over and over again. he laughs. "you're so much tighter when you're scared, darling. it's so fucking good"
you shudder as he finishes inside of you, warmth flooding in. he pulls out, grabbing his phone and taking a photo of his cum spilling out, bruises beginning to form on your body as cuts scab over
the switch flips again and he goes back to gentle and caring, brushing your hair from your eyes as he gazes at you with so much love in his eyes that it feels like it will burn you, slowly starting to take care of your superficial wounds
sam's so happy to have you, and you've got a very long time to learn to love him the way he loves you
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pandas-pandemonium · 2 years
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I posted 164 times in 2022
That's 58 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (27%)
119 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 110 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#twst spoilers - 8 posts
#twst chapter 6 - 8 posts
#asks - 7 posts
#twisted wonderland - 4 posts
#yandere sentient twst asks - 3 posts
#yandere obey me - 2 posts
#twst guide - 2 posts
#yeah - 2 posts
#happinesss - 2 posts
#yandere headcanons - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 106 characters
#if you want original works i have quotev for that but i haven't updated any of my stories in years so uhhh
My Top Posts in 2022:
they're Really keeping Idia/Ortho's OB design a secret huh
The painnn
I have so many things to talk about idk where to start??
i cannot add a spoiler tag on mobile so SCROLL PAST!!!
Okay now...
First up:
the Pomefiore fan in me is So SOO happy??? Epel got his UM - Sleep Kiss, Rook being a good senpai and guiding Epel with his new magic spell, Vil being so happy to see them, Mann
His voice when he saw Epel like-🥺🥺🥺 Villl you missed your friends so muchh
I love Pomefiore so much, their dynamics are eVeRYTHiNG
Ortho?? Um- Ortho?? He really went "Sayonara bitches" the moment the dorm leaders didn't agree with the plan to reset the world like- Buddy??
And also-
What happened to Ortho from "That Day" that Idia gave up so easily?? He really went down to the Titans chamber, then Phantom Ortho was all, "Nii-chan, I've been dreaming of the day i could see you!" and Idia was all, "Leave it up to your big bro" and just- OBed...
It's pretty cool seeing his OB gem tho. At least now we know where it is?
Grim... It's crazy how he can sniff out blot immediate honestly. By the end of this chapter, Idek if Grim will be the same after this. Any sign of someone OBing sets him off into feral mode. Yuu is going to be so heartbroken when they find him.
Also, Idk if he broke out already, but if he hasn't, someone is going to get hurt when he does.
It'll be pretty funny if they found him gnawing on OB Idia's heels tho lmao
we now have to wait until April or longer... Man... and I read this in one sitting too
118 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Speculations on Claude's difference in character in 3 Hopes vs 3 Houses
Writing this because I'm so tired of seeing so many angry comments and tweets and posts about his supposed character assassination (among other things) and because I have faith in my guy. As of writing this, I've only just finished Part 1 of Golden Wildfire and only know some tidbits from spoilers (which I willingly exposed myself to)
The main gripe people seem to have about Claude's character is to do with how forceful and unwilling to hear people out and inquire about situations and people's motives. Personally, I don't see it as character assassination but rather a different way he could have developed if he hadn't gone through White Clouds in 3 Houses or met Byleth, or hadn't had to kill his half-brother, Shahid.
What I think was the turning point for Claude's forceful and aggressive actions, was very likely the event that he killed his own brother. We see traces of 3 Houses Claude, him trying to reason with Shahid and wanting to talk things out but alas, Shahid doesn't care and Claude ultimately makes the decision to kill him. Post-battle, we see Claude is very clearly affected by that event.
6 months later, Claude reforms the Alliance into the Leicester Federation and is placed as its king.
Perhaps it's all the stress built up from the war. The Alliance has been going through battle after battle and it's taking a toll on him. It doesn't help that because he wasn't in the Academy for a year to get to know his classmates and learn to trust others, he feels like as the Alliance Leader (as of Part 1), he has to shoulder all the decisions and be responsible for everything that happens. The Roundtable Conferences don't help with his frustrations either.
Through supports and the story itself, Claude has shown signs of disdain for the Alliance's system, but he hasn't really seen the need to change it, although it is inefficient. Then Shez comes along and goes, "Hey, why don't you make yourself the sole leader so decisions will go by faster during wartime?" and it opens up a possibility he hadn't even thought about. If he becomes the sole leader and doesn't need to go through the endless circling of decisions waiting for all 5 lords to come to a unanimous decision, things will be done faster and he can do what he wants to do quicker.
Back to Shahid's death and his impact on Claude's mental state - it definitely changed him. Perhaps after making the choice to kill his own blood, he made the decision to no longer hold back. He can't be too "soft" or hesitant anymore. He needs to be more resolved in his decisions and perhaps that is why we see the Claude we see in 3 Hopes. The aggressive, cutthroat Claude who doesn't consider choosing to hear people out. This can be seen in his decision to send troops to the 3 lords' territories to create public order instead of Lorenz's suggestion to send an envoy first. Claude even says that they'll "probably make half-baked excuses anyway" and that there's no point talking things out. This is pretty much where I've left off from the game, but it's clear that Shahid's refusal to reason with him still affects him.
I do think that perhaps the writers could have shown that a bit more, but Claude is way more reserved in his emotions and willingness to express himself and it may have been difficult to show that internal turmoil. Either way, I still think calling Claude's change of character, "character assassination" is going too far especially if you don't consider the prior events and the what-if's and differences in situation and events that occur between both games.
119 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
I have a big weakness for self-aware, yandere characters so your headcanons are a miracle to me. Could you do something with Deuce where the player always compliments him whenever they get a card or see him? He is my best boy and I love him so darn much that I always louldy anounce it when I see him :,) Thank you!
A/N: Figured I should get this out since the 2022 January Masterchef event and the New Years event are so Deuce-focused. (he's a good boy and I love him)
Yan! Sentient! Twst AU - Deuce being complimented
Every time Deuce receives a compliment, he can't help but feel all warm and shy inside
You're just so nice! So kind! The fact that you acknowledge his efforts and his presence is so rewarding. He sometimes feels like he doesn't deserve all that praise
The compliments you give him fuels his desire to make sure the mirror gives you his cards more often - his Dorm SSR, his Birthday Suit SSR and more!
Unfortunately, despite having a UM, his magic still isn't strong enough to really have much of an effect on the gacha system
It does mean however, that your praise has a greater effect on the blue-haired first year
"You came home! My precious boy!"
Deuce has to do everything in his power to not overload in embarrassment
Yes, he's your precious boy and he hopes he won't ever lose that position
He's also especially thankful towards the developers of the game whenever he gets an event that he features in
It just means that you'll be paying more attention to him!
Deuce truly hopes that you'll always love him and that your attention and love for him doesn't wane any time soon.
If it does, he'll be truly heartbroken...
309 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Yandere! Mammon and his obsession with being "first"
Mild/Implied NSFW
Note: This is slightly spicy, and completely unprompted. Just something that's been sitting in the back of my mind lol. Please don't send me NSFW requests! My NSFW rule still applies to even mild spicy requests.
Mammon who learns that you're a virgin who's never had their first kiss
Mammon who insists on taking all your firsts upon learning about it, cockblocking all his brothers when they attempt to have some alone time with you; he can't risk you casually giving away your first kiss or first time to someone else, after all
"[Name], you've never had your first kiss?"
His eyes are wide, and his body trembling with pure ecstasy
"If you haven't then... I'll do it! I, the Great Mammon will be the one to give you all your firsts! After all, I am your first demon!"
If you let him, he's over the moon, bragging about it to anyone in passing
If not, well...he hates to do it, but he'll have to take it by force
Cornering you in your room, forcing you down on the bed as he steals your first kiss, impatiently undressing you, eager to take everything
Mammon's not going to let this chance slip by
He's the avatar of Greed and he's desperate to take and take whatever you've got
359 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yandere! Asmo has been on my mind a lot lately
Mildly spicy headcanons, so mild you'll barely notice it
Asmo who claims to be so deeply in love that he wants everything about you
He wants to be in you, in some way or another and vice versa
Exceptionally clingy
"Hey MC, why don't we take a bath together? Just you and me~?"
If you refuse...well, he'll just take whatever you may have left behind
your bathwater
Absolutely loves it if you ever borrow his makeup or skincare products
It's like having his scent all over you!
May or may not take up the habit of using your lipbalm or lip products on his own
It's an indirect kiss! How romantic, no? Though he'd much prefer the real deal
Hates it if you ever wear someone else's perfume or get someone's scent on you
"Hey, whose shampoo did you use?"
"Mammon's?! Why didn't you ask me?!"
This simply won't do. He's dragging you to the bathroom to smother anything of his own onto your body
It's how he stakes his claim on you, after all
366 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wereh0gz · 2 years
Are yandere headcanons about characters like sonic really weird and discomforting to anyone else or is it just me
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Yandere BNHA Boys pt 2
Okay, this is a continuation of the first yandere ones I did because I wrote that in basically a night and was too tired to do more, I'm probably gonna post some after for the pro heroes and villains if I have time, I might finish those on the weekend then post it.
This is just a bunch of headcanons I have about the boys in BNHA and what they’d be like as yanderes. Only the really fluffy or good things about them listed here. Neither of these works are a good depictions of a real yandere and make sure to be careful to identify yandere traits in real people around you. It’s a very dangerous world and stay safe!
sorry if you were waiting for me to come out with these and I literally took forever lol, link to the first one is here. It's basically just me comforting myself with the sweet things that I think they would do as yanderes.
Warnings: Brainwashing, blood, gore, death, trans headcanons, body dysmorphia, nonbinary they/he Sero, they/them pronouns + nonbinary headcanons for Tokoyami, he/they nonbinary headcanons with Shinsou, a little NSFW because if I don't specify then they are aged up (around 20-25 is where I imagine the timeline that they actually captured you and have a hero carrier going for them already), manipulation, regular yandere things, kinda just turns into dumbass horknee headcanons at some point after Shinsou (sorry lmfao), objectification
Sero Hanata
so basically the first time they saw you they immediately wanted to come up to you
they love to give you back hugs because once you stop trying to fight them he's gonna be so honored you finally trust him
Big time slut [non-derogetory] for you
Likes to have an apartment that's high up, probably a secured penthouse with lots of windows
If you're afraid of heights they will get a ground bed for you two, they would also vibe with a low hanging hammock if you allow it
they really really like just putting you on a custom made leash, not inherently in a sexual way just in general likes to have it look like that with their tape on you at all times
they really really like it when you come to them for hugs and comfort
If you're a trans reader, if you want a binder he will get you one as soon as you ask, cried when you told him about it.
they cried way more than you though...
Was very accepting as an nb person as well
they custom made you a tape binder of his
Kinda as a joke but high key felt like they were gonna combust at the thought of you wearing that for them
Takes you to pride but you cannot speak
only takes you to pride after they are 1000% sure that you're not gonna speak to anyone but them
Takes you to it as a part of their float because they'd been invited onto the Hero Float
You are in a costume that's exactly like his, helmet and everything, you aren't allowed to be looked at
After that though, it's gonna be your choice to go or not to go
they trust you a little more after you run away from some assholes though and after that sometimes lets you take your helmet off during pride, you have to give them a lot of kisses though
When/if you ever consider any type of surgery he is 110% on board
they demand that you have to have it performed by someone who has done this a million times before, trusts no one else
If there's a way for you to go through it without the surgery they're excited but he's more excited if there is surgery because they love the idea of you being so cuddly and clinging to them for their comfort
Tokoyami Fumikage
haha they're in love with you
like, intensely in love with you the moment they first meet you
Dark shadow thinks you're adorable but says nothing more about their obsession with you
when you met them before UA they absolutely cannot handle being around you in a 10-foot radius
Eventually, though they do try and become a friend of yours
After that, it's a hop on the manipulation train, my dude
they basically make you see them as your savior from a mean uncaring world
they love talking to you about things that make you happy and loving you in little ways
hugs, hand holding, a lot of time it's just a little peck (haha) on the cheek
they love living with you though, like really love it
they like baking and making dinner for you
but especially baking
like really, baking
the manipulation they use makes it seem like everything is okay when you only talk to them so that's what you do and to you, it seems so much better than anything you could do
they haven't come out to you by the time you come out to them so your trans journey really helps them figure things like that out as well
The first time you explain that gender is a made-up construct they're like "yeah......isn't that how everyone feels? Like, not a gender????" we love this for them
you both kind of heal each other through this process
they like seeing you when you're most comfortable so they get you as many binders as you need
also gets you a custom binder like Sero but with feather designs, not like stupid printable patterns but something that is soft and the softness isn't feathers it's regular fluffy cloth
idk I'm not a designer that's why I gave up and became a writer lmao
they also get you a compression corset because they're emo
if there is surgery it takes a lot of time to convince them
they don't ever want you to regret anything they helped you with so it takes a lot of long-winded conversations about it
there was a lot of nervousness on their part because (this is just my headcanon) they were almost convinced to get surgery to construct their face to look human-like
they had a lot of their family tell them that, because of the way they looked, they had less of a chance to become a hero, they were immensely traumatized by this and thus wants to make absolutely sure you were okay with this
but when they finally find themself comforted by you about it it happens quickly and in the safest way you could possibly imagine
Shinso Hitoshi
Shinsou didn't want to approach you at all, he was so scared you'd run away or tell him he's a villain
they always thought that they weren't good enough for you
he loved you but you needed to say hi first
and you did
so he whisked you away
they like to just brainwash you into tasting certain types of food when you're craving them instead of just getting you food
he likes to talk to you in a voice like he would talk to a kitten, not like husky or anything sexy, but something cute and adorable
especially when you're brainwashed and can't say anything to him
He likes to give you lots of soft stuff like I'm talking pillows upon pillows and squishmallows
once he gets his own house they get it in a place that's more comforting in the dark than in the light
they really like the dark and outdoorsy vibe anyway so if they choose a place somewhere in the forest to keep you what's the added bonus if no one can hear you scream?
a little bit of spice; he has this whole a/b/o fantasy (idk it's his vibes that he'd read that fanfic and stuff lmao) and kinda treats you like you were an omega
sometimes if you guys do have sex they'll brainwash you to act like an omega or once he's more experienced with bodily manipulation involving their quirk they'll make you do all of the......omega things
when you come out to them, if you're trans, they're definitely gonna not care
like if you need comfort and stuff about it they will not make a big deal about it
he legit is like "okay .....can I still fuck you or?????"
definitely brainwashes you into not feeling dysphoric anymore though
like loves it when you come up all sad to him and uncomfy just to ask them to brainwash you
he melts over you cuddling them after those times though
if you want surgery they're gonna make sure that it's between him and the doctors that y'all are there
like no one knows you're there, completely off radius, in and out like nothing (he's basically a cryptid in the woods by the time you guys have the surgery, so they wanna make sure no one questions it)
Monoma Neito
bold of you to assume that man can express literally anything when he wants to just sit you on his lap and look at your pretty face
love at first sight taken literally but not in a shallow way
he loves just having you around him
kinda treats you as an accessory at times, talks like you're a purse or something and people don't really comment but it's really freaking them out sometimes when you don't speak up on it
likes to say he's the only one to understand you cause he's afraid you'd leave him
a hardcore fan of collars though
definitely has lots of jewelry that represents him even though you don't go out he still loves the idea of it
big time cook
loves providing for you, never lets you do a damn thing other than watching pre-approved cartoons and hobbies
absolute fucking disaster about hugging you
always has to be touching you
he thinks you're so fucking gorgeous and body worships you even out of the bedroom
if you're trans he will definitely be weird about it at first
he's just diet transphobic
he's not denying it but sometimes he's like "Are you sure???" and stuff
he clears this up with the help of you being pissed enough to not eat or talk to him until he apologizes
he then educates himself on it and comes to the conclusion that he was in fact being an asshole
talks to you about binders and stuff like that
doesn't really believe in surgery, he would never allow you to do that just because it would be too painful for him to see you go through
he instead literally searches the whole fucking globe for a person with a body-altering quirk to make sure you don't get hurt
he seeks out homophobes, transphobes, and other dumbasses on the regular just to kill them like literally it just started out for your approval but now it's just for fun
Anyway, the villain one (if I do it) will probably become just horknee brain rot cause I am a slut. Request some stuff and I'll try to put up some works if y'all want ig.
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shegairowmyamo · 3 years
Yandere Turbo x Reader headcanons
ok so im done waiting to try and get a second tumblr account so i'm just gonna post it heer and bicehouse i know that there are gonna be those who are STARVING for content like this and i'm one of those so i decided to make it myself. I'm dipping my toes in the diper end of the pool now but you know, baby steps. Besides, I'm thinking of doing more things like this but this has all been for fun but i will warn you that i'm not used to writing a lot of lovey dovey stuff. I hope you enjoy it.
If you're sly enough maybe you can get this guy rapt around your finger but believe me or not, Turbo is smart but his jealousy can get the best of him. If the backstory that Felix told Calhoun told us anything is that Turbo will do anything to get rid of computision, so who isn't to say that he would go at the same lengths for you too.
He doesn't trust you with ALLOT of the residents of the arcade, some of the onley few is Felix and “maybe” the Twins™ and perhaps even Tapper for whatever reason.
If he ever sees you talking to another person he will 1. Assume that the one who is talking to you was the one to start the conversation: and hopefully 2. Try and restrain his obvious jealousy and rage with a strained smile and and not going all out yelling at the purson: 3. “Calmly” walk up to the heathen who dares come close to his prize possession. Now this is fun and all to imagine but what if the heathen was hitting on you… In which this bitches jealousy will go true the roof and all logic goes out the window he will go in, engines roaring his car to life (idk how cars work but this sounds cool) as he sweeps in.
Oh you could smell the burning hot jealousy from a mile away, and now that i think about it… It smells like burnt rubber… Basically what i'm getting at here is that Turbo would totally run this jackass over. He will receive a death glare everytime Turbo sees the ass hat. Menttoly declaring him as a threat and putting him on his bucket list of games to unplug.
The aftermath of all this would either be just him having an arm around your waist for the rest of the night and when someone comes too close for his liking He will pull you closer to him “for protection” as he puts it. Or you would have to go into one of your games and calm him down because Turbo is having a full blown attack of some kind. He's repeating words and sometimes sentences, he's holding you close while his vision is blurry from the amount of rage he feels. Being mad at that no good loser for daring getting close to you yada yada. He demands and expects to be cuddled and kissed while being told how great he is and how you're never leaving him.
This (gremlin) man would unplugged any game for you even if its just “because that character was mean to me :(“ and he will be like (idk how to write a character with a lisp) “don't worry babe you don't need to worry about that asshole for mutch long” cue evil laughter. But as silly as that sounded we both know his intention, and they are far from silly.
Turbo sometimes has a hard time hiding the 8-bit hearts that pop out of into the air surrounding him and in his eyes, especially the time he realized he was “in love” with you. And then it turned into an obsession and became overly possessive over you. He will do like that thing where he will just ask for a hug out of nower to get your attention and out of your line of sight he will stare down the person you were talking to. It is creapy as fuck but also cinda hot.. I mean like yah having someone wanting to be with you 24/7 can sound kinda exhausting but the image of him being so protective over someone just makes me swoon you know what i mean.
The first person you're going to see when you exit your game is obviously Turbo, he will be just casually leaning on a wall asking what took you so long in a playful manner. And then he will casually just ask you if you want to go to Tappers or some other game to hangout in while ignoring any protest or excuses that you tell him. But don't be fooled by his careless demeanor because he will store those little protests in a jar of grudges.
If i had to guess this man's love languages it would be words of affirmation and his close second being receiving gifts. So inflating his ego might not be such a bad thing on your part. But on everybody else's “whistle”. If anything it would help you survive this guy from anything getting out of hand if you were to refuse him too many times. One day right after closing time he will insist that you must be so tired and that you should hang out in his game for the night but after you both get there and Turbo make sure that there are no witnesses he will knock your lights out. And even if there were witnesses it would probably be just one or both of the twins. But they both have noticed the change in Turbo and his increased aggressive behavior and they didn't wanna get involved so they both agreed to keep quiet. Man it seems that everyone in Turbo Time is a selfish git.
The absence of you in your game forste Litwick to unplug it for good which makes your home just a memory of the retro past. Turbo with a sinisterly joyful smile on his face watches as your expresion turns even more sorrowful and helpless when he tells you the news. The twins have this sinking feeling ever since the day they saw you get kidnapped and after your game got unplugged it got even worse but it made them more determined to beat Turbo in the races they have as their own revenge. But a part of them feared that all that anger was gonna get taken out on you and it was confirmed one specific day when Turbo went to mod knows where and came back a few hours later with blood on his knuckles. After that they backed down with the whole winning thing a little just for your sake.
One day tho one of the twins were looking for something when he heard heavy breathing coming from one of the places in Turbo Time that he usually didn't go to, whoever was there heard him and abruptly stopped. It encuregd him to wallck kloser to the noise and when he did, oh boi. The piercing eyes of a tied up purson (aka you) stared at him in disbelief and fear. Thinking at first that they were Turbo but when you realized that it was one of the twins your eyes soon changed to desporation. Releasing now what the twin had stumbled upon he quickly retreated, the desporet cry and anguished scream for his help still haunt him especially those eyes. What did Turbo do to you…
Turbo at this point only sees you as an object, his prize possession but he would never harm you at least not physically. He wants to keep his winners cup spotless, that includes any dents or bruises. And the bloody knuckles are just from him punching the wall right beside your head to scare you and to get his point across if it wasn't obvious from the start.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Do you have any blog recommendations bc my dash is super dry. It doesn’t have to be yandere just anything in particular ah
i’ve been wanting to do blog recommendations for a while now so this is the perfect opportunity !! here are some of my favorite blogs and what i love about them. i’ll keep adding to this as more come to mind... 
@ramwrites [yandere content, hxh]
has lots of god tier hunter x hunter content! ram is actually the blog that i read the most and made me want to make a yandere blog of my own,, i can’t recommend their stuff enough! they have lots of interesting ideas for dark content. honestly even if you haven’t watch or read hunter x hunter it’s worth checking their stuff out just bc of how they pull you into a story so well. this is my favorite work of rams!! 
@honeytea8 [18+, jjba]
shay does a variety of jjba headcanons and scenarios!! i especially love the aesthetic for her blog. she posts a lot of content relating to jjba part 5 so if you follow me for that, you’ll love her blog! honestly just has some of the cutest headcanons ever... i can’t count how many time’s i’ve read this headcanon post of hers. SO CUTE ... !!!!!!
@costellos [jjba] 
HUGE inspiration to me, toya is a big sweetheart and a phenomenal writer! every time i see she’s updated her blog i’m running over there at the speed of light. i don’t know if this makes sense but the way she describes characters interacting with the reader feels so genuine?? and real?? idk i just love it. always makes me smile. reading toya’s work is like drinking hot chocolate or something it’s just so heartwarming. whenever i’m feeling down i read her stuff! i recommend this, it gives a lot of interesting insight into the bucci gang !! 
@jojosprostate [18+, jjba, yandere]
CALLI IS THE GOD OF SMUT!! if you’re ever feeling thirsty you gotta head over there. she never fails to amaze me honestly. i always check to see what her new stuff is multiple times a day bc it’s That good . she writes for a variety of the jjba cast, giving some of the less popular characters lots of god tier content!! my favorite work of hers is definitely sweet citrus [smut], i’ve probably read it around ten times no exaggeration. calli does the lord’s work. 
@greenbeanb0i [18+, jjba]
JUNO INSPIRES ME SO MUUUUCH !!! they’re so knowledgeable about a variety of subjects and it shows in their work. juno puts an unbelievable amount of effort into their worldbuilding and characters, honestly business before pleasure feels better than published novels i’ve read before. if you like giorno i literally CANNOT recommend BBP enough. they also do analysis on characters and different works, i end up reading it even if i’m not familiar with the media it’s based on just because i find juno’s perspective on things so absorbing.
@dear-yandere [multifandom, yandere] 
i think we all know how amazing vanya is, but on the off chance you haven’t stumbled across her works, please check her out!!!!!!!!! everything vanya writes is like poetry, i can’t even begin to describe how much i love her writing style. there have been so many times i read her descriptions and i just go HOW ?? can anyone think of anything this clever and amazing ?? but like this happens to me multiple times when i’m reading her stories. vanya’s work is like the finest of Wine (i haven’t actually had wine before but i’m assuming it’s rich or something...) this is my favorite work of vanya’s, it literally blew my mind . i never thought i’d feel anything like sympathy for yandere DIO but vanya managed to make me feel that way. her work always invokes so many emotions -- anxiety, hollowness, a lack of power -- the perfect combination for yandere works. you’ll find yourself rereading the lines of her stories multiple times and going WOOOAHH i promise . 
@jotaros-massive-tiddies [18+, jjba, some yandere]
ro honestly is a godsend to anyone that loves jjba and is thirsty as Fuck. honestly most people that are into jjba are thirsty so this is the blog for YOU . stumbling across ro on ao3 was like the equivalent of finding gold i s2g. i binge read their stuff and still find myself returning to their stories!! they’ve written for almost all of the jjba characters too, so chances are you’re gonna be partying over the content for any less popular characters you might like. 
@bigwriterenergy [jjba, some yandere]
GOOSE IS SOMEONE ELSE WHO IS MY LORD AND SAVIOR ,, she singlehandedly inspired me to share my scarlet ribbons work. her reverse harem bucci gang headcanon post was a cultural reset unlike Any other. its a national holiday as far as i’m concerned. goose is someone else who describes the relationships between characters so well, that it feels real. i especially LOOOVE how she writes jotaro. it’s hard to pick just a single one of my favorite works from goose but,, i’d definitely say it’s the reverse harem one i mentioned earlier. 
@j0succ [18+, jjba, some yandere]
nat has an expansive library of jjba content!! anyone who loves la squadra, it’d especially be in your best interest to check out their work. they also do confessions on their blog and it’s really fun to see. as a part 5 fan i’ve spent hours reading through their blog, their characterization is perfect!! my favorite work of theirs is their yandere giorno piece <33
@kazooli [18+, some yandere, bnha]
the Lord of shigaraki thirst, or just thirst in general honestly. honestly has opened my third eye. ever since i’ve seen their characterization of shigaraki being an absolute degenerate i Cannot picture him any other way. kaz is someone else where it’s difficult to just pick one favorite because all of their works are great,, but i especially love this shigaraki [smut] piece. it feels like it encompasses all of the things that make shigaraki a degen and it’s just,, chefs kiss
@risottos-peach [18+, jjba] 
this blog is SO FUN !! there are a lot of interesting confessions and i love seeing it pop up on my dash. tumblr flagged her for no reason recently bc it’s a dumb website so please go give her a lot of love, her content is a joy to see <33 my favorite piece would be this godsend of a gold experience requiem fanfic [smut], it’s such a big brain usage of the stand. 
@zellywrites [jjba] 
ZELLY HAS A SUPER COZY AND CUTE BLOG ,,, her headcanons are so precious i love her writing a lot. soft and sweet vibes. i believe her writing is some of the first i saw for jjba on tumblr, it served as an inspiration for me to try writing jjba myself!! i love this headcanon post of hers the most, it’s so cute that i went :’))) !! when i read it. 
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theodora3022 · 4 years
Headcanons of Yandere! Inasa Yoarashi
Request: Reader is a female UA student with a strong wind quirk, Inasa Yoarashi met her during the provisional license exam. She is not particularly charming or beautiful, but she peaked Inasa’s interests. Normally, she is a friendly person. However when he tried to talk to her, she would give a curt reply, clearly wants nothing to do with him. What angers him more is: She is close to Shoto Todoroki! Little did Inasa knows she is avoiding him because she is insecure about her control over the winds, she fears that the winds might favour Inasa and she would be left quirkless. Head canons please. Today is the wind boy’s birthday and there’s just so little content of him...He is underrated.
Notes: Interesting suggestion! Today is indeed his birthday, I shall tend to your request at once! I been wanting to write about him for a while ngl, but I just cannot find an exact idea. Thank you for this amazing idea, anon. There’s not much information about his personality so I don’t worry this being OOC hehe.  Sorry if this turns out to be a bit Yandere… Man this took way longer then expected, please enjoy!
Update: Sequal No.1, Sequal.2(Coming soon)
Some of this is inspired by @reinawritesbnha​‘s post. Go give it a read! It’s one of the best I ever seen.
Warning: Violence(non-graphic), yandere, kidnapping, dub con, implied breeding kink (? Idk this is the first time I wrote something like this)
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You are a strong pro-hero in training. You can command airflows to your will, any gas is under your disposal. It is only a matter of time before you become the big three of your year. Even Bakugou does not want to anger you. You are a powerful tempest towards your enemies. Overall, you are quite confident about your abilities. 
That is, before you met Inasa Yoarashi during the provisional license exam.
When you first saw him, you feel this sense of…familiarity. Even though you never met him before, you cannot shake this feeling of connection with Inasa.
Then you felt his cold glance towards your direction. But when his eyes met yours, his lips curl up into a big grin and bowed slightly.
“I am Inasa Yoarashi, also known as Gale Force, from Shiketsu High. And what is your name, beautiful miss from UA?” Man, he is loud.
Ah, so he is Gale force. You learned about him when picking out your hero name, he also has a wind quirk. Then it strikes you: what if the winds like him better? What if they just abandon me while he is around? Those thoughts make you feel helpless, the scenario of being quirkless terrifies you to no end.
The blush of being called “beautiful” is gone, instead you replace it with a stoic face: “Pleasure to meet you, Mr Yoarashi. I am (F/N) (L/N), also known as (hero name). Come on Shoto, they are almost starting, we should get going. Please excuse us.”
You walk away, smiling at Shoto. Leaving Inasa there, angry and confused.
He immediately regrets withdrawing his application from UA. If he had been in your school, it is him you would smile and befriend now, instead of that wicked Todoroki! The way you are calling his first name, so intimate, just sends anger through his brain.
So, you have a wind quirk too, huh? No wonder he feels this instant connection with you.
Froze there for a couple of seconds, until Nagamasa Mora called him. “What has gotten into you, Inasa? The exam is going to start soon.” Ashamed to admit his true feelings, Inasa would brush off the older man’s concern, and pretend nothing had happened.
Words cannot describe how he felt when he saw you in your hero costume. Like Inasa, you had chosen to put a thick jacket on. The skies can get quite cold, after all. His looks practical, with multiple tubes to help regulate the air currents. But your grey coat looks like an expensive piece from a boutique, the edges even has fur for decorations. Inasa think your look fits for a scroll in the snow, instead of a battlefield. It’s probaly for disguise to fool villians. You have not fully button up the coat yet, he can still glimpse the (favorite colour) spandex bodysuit underneath. If this has not been an exam, Inasa swears he would ask you to go to dinner with him, here and now.
Feeling his gaze fixated on you, you tense up nervously. Is he finding ways to take the winds away from me? Horrified, you decide to stay far away from him during the exam as possible.
Shoto noticed your nervous state, he asks you what is wrong. You shrug, stating it is just pre-exam stress.
Every time Inasa sees you and Shoto’s friendly interactions, his heart bleeds. But he decides to wait until after the exam to take any action. He also decides to impress you with his outstanding performance in the exam.
When you choose the furthest area from him, it left him feeling disappointed. So he chooses a tall building as his battleground, to better utilize his quirk and to watch you from afar.
Unlike his approach with winds, which focus on intensity and strength, your winds concentrate their efforts on speed. Stealth and fast, most people only catch your afterimage in the corner of their eyes.
Your strategy is creating vacuums around their heads. When your opponents are choking due to lack of oxygen, you press them against a solid surface to knock them out. Then you score with the tennis balls, done. Simple yet effective. It has only been five minutes into the exam, and you are already finished, with minimal efforts of two people unconscious.
Inasa saw all of this from the top of the building, of course. Like an assassin of the night, you move with such grace, and that speed of yours! Truly amazing. He had never thought of creating vacuums before. He guesses this is one of your ultimate moves.
He might just be curious about you before, but after seeing you fly around with that incredible swiftness, Inasa find himself becoming more smitten with you.
It is settled in his mind: he has to have you. Just imagine how what a power couple you two would be! The wind duo will be invincible. And your children would have the strongest wind quirk ever.
In the break room, you sigh with relief; you reached your goals: stay furthest away from Inasa as possible and passing with negligible efforts. Taking out your (favorite snack) from your backpack, you decide to reward yourself a little.
But then you find Inasa grinning at you across the room. Your good mood vanishes instantly.
Talking to Shoto to distract yourself from his burning stare, you felt his gaze moved away.
“That Yoarashi guy, I saw him in the entrance exam for recommended students. I was surprised that he went to Shiketsu.”
Phew. You were delighted to hear him say that. You would not want to deal with this situation on a daily basis.
Before you can feel that delight, however. Inasa invites himself into your conversation.
“Your speed is incredible! The way you master your winds is truly impressive. We should train together sometime. We can share our experiences on the winds!”
Being the nice person you are, you did not ignore him, trying to bring yourself to like him. You do want to share experience with a fellow wind user.
You did not notice how he left Shoto out of the conversation, completely. Not that he wants to socialize with Inasa, but still.
To Inasa, you remind him of the warm spring breeze. A ray of sunshine, easygoing and friendly, the complete opposite of Todoroki.
Of course, you are unaware of his ridiculous plans involving a future together and children. You just see him as a enthusiastic, loud boy.
Shoto can feel his obsession thoughts for you, however. After Inasa left to prepare for the second part, Shoto warned you subtlety. But you did not take it seriously, saying that is just how Inasa make friends. “He’s like that with everyone. No need to worry.”
The second exam you devoted yourself into rescuing. Shoto said he would deal with the villain. So you just focused on dealing with injured “civilians”. After gaining knowledge of their “injuries”, you lift the debris with winds and deliver them to the first-aid station.
It was after the exam you find out the two had fight while dealing with the villain.
They did not pass. You comforted Shoto about it, leaving Inasa upset. He failed the exam too; he needs your comforting words just as much as Todoroki!
You exchanged numbers with Inasa upon depart, promise him to train together soon. You fear of inferiority is gone; being this close to him, you can sense his power is not as strong as yours. Evidently it is him who should worry about falling out of the wind’s favour.  
Your friends, especially Mina, tease you about your little encounter with the other wind user. Calling him your “Shiketsu boyfriend”. You yell for them to stop, saying you only seen him as a friend.
Inasa’s friends are pretty much the same. Although he is a year younger, his sociable nature made him approachable. He shows off now he got your number, and they all laughed. “She can create vacuums and suffocate people; I would hate to get on (y/n)’s bad side.”
After the exam, he wrote out his plan of attack, staying up until 2am to do so. Shiketsu forbid its students to have any romantic relationships, so Inasa wasn’t planning on having one with you. Your relationship with him will remain platonic until you both graduate.
It involves an arranged marriage and an immense sum of dowry to bribe your parents. His father always taught him to go after what he wants with all his might. Inasa cannot wait until you graduate and move in with him. It is such a shame a powerful hero like you have to become a homemaker so soon. But he cannot have you swinging around the city in spandex, they are for his eyes only. He wants to keep you in the safety of his house, to train his brood of offspring. Yes, that is what your prestigious UA diploma for-for his children’s head start in life.
Stalking you would be difficult since you can sense the movement of air around you. They report any abnormalities to you at once. So he watched you from afar, how you shoot across the sky like a bullet to go to school every morning, how you relaxed in mid air during lunch break, or how you laugh with your friends outdoors.
Sometimes you would feel like someone is watching you, but the winds say all clear. So you just mark it as you are being too self-conscious and do not care.
You two would occasionally text and train together/help each other with homework on weekends, getting lunch together afterwards. him acting like nothing less then a gentleman. You start viewing him as a friend, despite what Shoto said before.
Inasa is glad that you did not seem to take interest in any boys during your high school time. If you end up inTodoroki’s arms, he does not know what he will do to Shoto.
A week after you graduate UA your parents told you they have received a marriage proposal. They have already accepted it, so there is no room for negotiation.
You are shocked to surprised finding your intended to be Inasa Yoarshi. You thought of him only as a training buddy prior to this.You ask to postpone the marriage until you become a full pro-hero but was shut down rather brutally. He said he will provide for you. There is no need for you to work when he can just take care of everything.
“Don’t worry, love. I’m going to take such great care of you! You can teach the children at home, so they can get a head start in hero life!”
Avoiding him would be pretty easy considering your speed, you can carry on with hero work as if nothing has happened, even moving to another city. However if this goes on for too long, Inasa will kidnap you.
Most likely to steal you away from your apartment at night, as he is as good at being stealthy as you. You live alone, it was a breeze. Some Chloroform and ropes would get the job done. 
You would wake up in a nicely furnished room one morning, quirk-cancelling collar locked on your neck. With chains long just enough to reach the bathroom.
Inasa hates seeing you upset, but it is all going to be better once you get used to your new employment: his sweet wife, the mother of his children.
Will consider letting you go outside for grocery shopping if you been good, with his company of course.
He would never raise a hand on you, no matter how much you screams and reisists him. Being so understanding, Inasa knows you need some time to come around. 
He loves nothing more then watching you do domestic chores, this man got issues. He expects you stay at home, cook dinner for him and take care of him. Which is a nightmare for you, since you despise housewife life.
You are so helpless without your winds to protect you, so you tried to rip this goddamn collar off everyday. But it was futile: only Inasa has the key.
You went to bed with him just to get some time outdoors, since your claustrophobia is acting up. You didn’t expect him to be so gentle and soft. But you regret it soon after because he become insatiable afterwards.
Then two months later you found yourself in the bathroom, staring at a positive pregnacy test. 
Once Inasa knows about your condition, he will loosen the restrictions. You can now use your quirk under his supervisions: it’s excerise, and the two of you both need it.
He would take you to comittee events, to go visit his friends, even letting you see your friends from time to time. You also got your phone back, but with a tracking app installed on it. 
Now all he has to do is wait a couple more months to meet his child.
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
Yandere!Ateez Reaction to you Trying to Escape
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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Author’s Note: Heya anon! You’re a lucky one, cause your request got answered the quickest lol. I’m on a roll right now, this is the third request I’m answering today. At least as of when I’m writing this, that’s the case. I could stop halfway through and not finish this until two years later lmao. I outline Yandere!Ateez’s personalities in a previous headcanon, so this is based on those personalities. Some of them, like Yeosang and Jongho, have S/O’s that aren’t even aware they’re Yandere, so in those cases, I made it their reaction to when they think you’re trying to escape.
READ THE TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains mentions and discussion of abusive relationships, threats, violence, death, supernatural creatures, depression, self-harm, disturbing sexual descriptions, and mental illness. The behaviors and relationships depicted below are abusive and unhealthy. These are not examples of healthy relationships, it’s actually the opposite. This is meant to imagine the members of Ateez in a popular anime trope and it in no way represents their real-life personalities and characters. It’s fiction, it’s for fun, PLEASE DON’T READ IT IF YOU KNOW YOU WON’T LIKE IT OR THIS KIND OF STUFF DISTURBS YOU!
Genre: angst?? IDK really
Word Count: 2.7K+
You are in: the Asteroid Belt. 
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The Perfect Boyfriend 
Bitch, I’ll pray for you. Hongjoong is an extremely violent boyfriend and trying to escape is NOT advisable unless you know you have a completely foolproof plan.
 He told you to never run. He told you that you won’t have any warnings or three strikes. If you leave he will catch you and he will hurt you.
Hongjoong is a man of his word, but you didn’t listen.
“Aww, baby,” Hongjoong made a mock pout, crouching down to your level. “Does the poor baby’s broken leg hurt?”
You couldn’t even look at it, it was twisted at such a grotesque angle. You’d always heard that broken bones didn’t hurt as much as you would think, and you found that to be true right now. Or maybe you were just in so much in all the other bruised parts of your body that it drowned out the pain in your leg.
“This is what happens when you don’t listen to me, you stupid bitch.” 
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The Ice King Everytime I write that, I think of the Ice King from Adventure Time.
The silence was unbearable. He hadn’t said anything since your bodyguards brought you back, kicking, screaming, and terrified.
He just stared at you blankly, nothing in his eyes, nothing on his face, nothing in his body language. Occasionally, he would take a sip of the glass of brandy on the table beside him. Sometimes cross and uncross his arms over his chest.
All the while just staring, not saying anything.
You were too scared to speak, eventually too scared to even look at him, opting just to stare at your clammy hands clasped together in your lap.
What was he thinking?
Would he punish you?
Would he forgive you?
Would he beat you?
Would he . . . kill you?
You waited for what could have been hours, bracing yourself for an even more violent response the longer he sat.
But none of that came.
Without a word, Seonghwa stood and glided from the room. You thought he slammed the door the tiniest bit harder than normal, but you were so scared that you were sure your mind had made it up.
As you shuffled back to your room, you hurried as quick as you could past his door.
Your heart was beating too loud, heart too heavy with despair and disappointment, to hear the very faint sounds of sobbing coming from behind his door.
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The Damsel in Distress Next Door 
Theoretically, you could 100% leave Yunho. You could walk out at any time you wanted and he wouldn’t go after you if he knew you were leaving because you wanted to break up and not because you’re hurt or something’s wrong. He wouldn’t hurt you or try and guilt-trip you.
He would say that he wishes you the best and that he won’t try to hurt himself again.
He. Is. Lying.
The minute you walk out that door, he’s closing all the blinds and windows, turning all the lights off, going in his bathroom, and getting the razor blade out of his shaver.
It’s tiny in his huge hands and that makes him even clumsier. He’s shaking, he’s crying, and blood is already spurting everywhere. He’s going to punish himself for everything bad thing he ever did in your relationship that he never got a chance to hurt himself for.
He remembers everything, without even having to write it down, and he’ll give himself the “appropriate” punishment for every bad action, even down to the tiny, most minute things like the time he forgot to put your favorite condiment on the sandwich he made you three months ago, or accidentally pulling your hair when he was running his fingers through it last year.
It might take a while to give himself all those punishments, but he’s going to make sure he stays alive until he gets everything he thinks he deserved.
The time he spends punishing himself is pretty much your only window of opportunity.
Because you know exactly what’s going on. You know what’s happening, you have that same bad feeling from last time, only amplified by ten.
You know he’ll die if you don’t go back.
You could always call the police and send them there, but you honestly doubt their ability to be able to hold him. Yunho’s an adept liar, and he’d get out of hospital treatment, probably in weeks, just to do the same thing. Except there wouldn’t be anyone to call the police then and there was no doubt he’d die then.
At this point, you don’t even believe Yunho can be fixed.
You have the choice between saving his life and being imprisoned in that relationship with him forever or let him die so you can heal and be free.
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The Secret Serial Killer 
Yeosang’s initial reaction is going to be straight-up confusion.
He doesn’t understand how in the world you could have found anything out that would make you leave.
He was so careful, always so cautious. The police don’t even know what he is or the things he’s done, so how would you?
You hadn’t been acting weird lately. Or had you? How would he not notice?
But the truth is you hadn’t noticed anything. Like I said, Yeosang is too careful, too sneaky, too clever.
What really happened is that you were out with a friend yesterday evening and decided to spend the night as no one felt like driving and both of your phones were dead so you couldn’t call Yeosang to pick you up. You got to her house and put the phone on the charge before eating a late dinner, intending to call him when it had charged up a bit, but you fell asleep before you could do so.
And this happened to be on a night where Yeosang had prior commitments so he couldn’t stalk you so see what you were doing. He was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he got home, only panicking when he woke up the next day to find you still gone.
And now, it was eleven o’clock and Yeosang was pulling up to your friend’s house, calming only slightly when he saw you about to get in your friend’s car, phone in hand, looking worried.
He realized you’d probably been trying to call him but the blood pounding against his ears didn’t allow him to hear the phone he’d thrown haphazardly into the passenger seat.
Yeosang barely even parks before open the car door, anything he was about to say dying on his tongue as an explanation rushed out of your mouth.
Yeosang takes it gracefully, nodding, as he pulls you into his arms.
“I was scared something happened to you,” he says, to which your friend starts cooing over your relationship.
She just doesn't know that he’s already formulating a back-up plan in case you found out about him and tried to leave.
He had no problem killing your friends off one-by-one if it meant you’d stay with him.
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The Jekyll and Hyde 
No matter how San was feeling previously, your attempted escape would undoubtedly bring out Other San.
You’d seen Other San angry before. You’d seen him throw things, punch gigantic holes in walls, scream till he was hoarse, had him kick you in the stomach so hard he almost ruptured your organs, and even seen break an entire table once.
But none of that, none of it compared to the way you were seeing him now.
His gait was slow and confident, his dark eyes following you like a predator, a terrifying smirk painting his face, the malice of it detracting from every handsome feature he had.
“Baby,” he laughed, shaking his head, crossing to the kitchen and disappearing for a moment. You’d run if you thought you actually had a shot of escaping but you knew you didn’t and San was already angry enough.
“You’re so stupid, baby,” he giggled, voice muffled by distance and the more overpowering sound of metal instruments tinkling and bumping against each other.
You said nothing.
When San emerged, it was with a long meat knife with an incredibly sharp blade. You didn’t even know you had that.
San’s eyes were wild, manic as he advanced toward you, shuddering at the sound of your terrified whimpers.
“If you wanted me to hurt you, all you had to do was ask.”
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The Clingy Bad Boy 
This is probably going to be pretty short because I don’t see Mingi having a gigantic reaction, shocking as that may seem. It wasn’t short at all, but that’s because I got description crazy.
He would just have a really violent one.
The minute he got you back in the house, he’d look at you for a second.
And then he’d punch the shit out of you.
You blacked out and when you woke up, it was to an aching body and bruises all over your body. Some places were swollen, some cut, and some bleeding, but, thankfully, nothing was broken.
For some reason, breaking bones seemed like a line Mingi wasn’t able to cross when it came to you.
Personally, you’d rather he broke a single bone and left you alone than do all this, but that wasn’t something you’d say out loud.
You looked up when the door opened to reveal Mingi coming in the room carrying a glass of water, a sandwich and chips, and a few pills.
He sat in a chair beside the bed, putting the food on one side of the nightstand and holding the glass of water and the pills out to you. “Take these,” he said, no trace of his previous anger, but no trace of remorse either.
He looked like this was a normal, everyday occurrence.
You complied, recognizing the pills as two painkillers and swallowing them along with a couple large gulps of water.
Mingi brought a first-aid kit from under the bed, cleaning cuts and applying ointments to your wounds, humming in his low, deep voice as he did so.
And even though he was the one who did this to you, the human mind is an absolute bitch and you relaxed as you heard him sing the familiar melody. He was humming the song he always sang when you were sad.
When he finished treating you, he gave you the food and let you eat before helping you to the bathroom, giving you a hot bath and helping you brush your teeth, do your skincare routine, and dress you for bed.
Your body hurt, but the painkillers helped and Mingi carried you and did everything for you so you didn’t have to move around as much.
He sang you to sleep as well, something he rarely did.
As you drifted, halfway between sleep and consciousness, you felt him lean down to your ear and say, “I already told you not to leave me. I meant it. Don’t make me do this again.” 
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The Incubus 
I really don’t see a way for you to even attempt to escape from Wooyoung. He has demons guarding you and he uses his powers to keep track of you at all times. Not to mention, you can’t navigate Hell, only a demon can. This is a fact that both you and Wooyoung are well aware of.
If you managed an escape attempt, it would only be because Wooyoung was bored and he allowed it to happen. He might actually like you more if you did this. It’d give him something fun to do and an excuse to punish you and his punishments were his favorite thing in the world.
He’d tell his guards to let you slip past and watch you, amused, as you ran out of the house and past the gates. You didn’t last long, eventually too incredibly confused by the twists and turns of hell, too scared of the glowing eyes of unknown creatures that you could see lurking hungrily at you through the dense shrubbery.
Wooyoung was slightly impressed, though. It was longer than any human’s ever lasted and certainly longer than he expected of you.
But still, he waited. You had to know no one else was coming for you. You had to know that without his help, you’d die here. And it’d be a slow and painful death, much more so than any death on earth could be.
You had nowhere else to turn . . .
There it was.
Wooyoung grinned as he appeared before you in a flurry of black smoke, even more amused at the sight of you sobbing on your knees, hating the fact that you had to return to him but having no other choice.
He tsked disapprovingly, crouching down so he was eye-level with you, his finger slipping under your chin to bring your head up to look at him.
“Bad baby. Now I have to punish you.”
Wooyoung grunted as he thrust quickly into the demon, her loud screams of pleasure reverberating off the walls.
Her smirk was smug as she looked at you, chained in the corner and forced to watch him fuck her.
It was your usual punishment, except Wooyoung normally makes you watch him fuck three or four women (demon stamina was a hell of a thing). But he seemed to be more taken with this girl; they were on their third round and he hadn’t shown any sign of tiring out yet.
You didn’t know what that meant. Had they met before? Did he already like her? Was he . . . was he thinking about replacing you?
You tried to tell yourself that that didn’t matter, that it was something you would be happy about, but you couldn’t deny the lurch your stomach gave at the thought.
If Wooyoung found someone else, what would he do to you?
Would he throw you out? As much as you hated him and this horrible fucking place, you couldn’t ignore the fact that it was much safer here than out there with the other things that lurk in this realm.
And he definitely wouldn’t be nice enough to take you back home.
Would he kill you? There’s a chance it would be quickly but, knowing him, it would be long and drawn out.
Maybe it would be in your best interest not to piss him off, after all.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “So tight!”
His head was thrown back as the woman climbed on top of him, riding him quickly, his hands kneading her ass.
Through his haze of pleasure, he grinned as he read your thoughts. You were starting to question yourself, starting to wonder what was actually in your best interest, just as he wanted.
He became more vocal, making sure not to glance your way as he thrust into the woman and kissed her passionately, both of them groaning loudly as he came.
He could hear how their noises made you feel.
For now, you’d comply because it was best for your safety. But eventually, you’d actually believe you loved him.
“This could be you if you weren’t so mean, love,” he said, placing the woman on her back and thrusting into her once more, going back to ignoring you as he pounded into her, moaning as her legs locked around his waist and her nails dug into his back.
His ego was bigger than ever as he felt your fear amplify, scared he would replace and throw you away, terrified of what lurked outside these walls.
Yes, his plan was going lovely.
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The Overprotective Guard Dog 
We need more Jongho GIFS
OK, I know this is going to be hella short because Jongho would not have a big reaction at all. If you simply wanted to break up, he would ask why. He’d ask what he could change for you two to stay together. He’d change accordingly. If you still wanted to break up, he would reluctantly let it happen and you two would continue to be friends.
If it was because you found out about him, then he would disappear, stalking you quietly from the sidelines without your knowledge.
In all scenarios, Jongho will continue stalking you, taking out threats and people that bother you from afar.
You think you’re rid of him, but you’re his god/ess and he’ll always be around to serve you, whether you know it or not. 
The Asteroid Belt 
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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an-ambivalent · 6 years
Saeran/Ray *cough* the love of my life *cough* - lettuce
First impression
-I got the prologue bad ending once and when I saw Saeran then I was shook. He dressed kinda edgy and emo so I thought that as of him and he was creep and hot too not gonna lie,,,
Impression now
I love Saeran/ray now so much oh my god he is so precious. I loved his route and he was just so cheesy sometimes it was adorable. He’s so precious, and I feel *physically* hurt when he suffers in the game ;;
Favorite moment
His entire route?? like fuck that shit hurted and made me so emotional and happy at the same time. One of the ones is like when after Rika forces him to take more drugs, and at night he finally comes to his senses and is watching MC and talks about how he wants her to be happy from entire being – GOOD SHIT 
also the dlcs of his good and normal ending – CUTE SHIT
Idea for a story
I haven’t got many ideas for Saeran but I’ve always wanted to work on a long one-shot and discover the depth of his personality as a yandere. Like write a good 5k+ where its a super toxic relationship and he’s just an unpredictable mess because his personality switches between ray / and saeran so there’s no stability to look out for, and see what I can do with it?? 
I like writing dark themes lol. 
Unpopular opinion
After his route, and during it, I use to browse the mystic messenger tag and I saw some posts where people expressed their distaste for how Cheritz pursued his mental illness and that no one gets better that quickly just in a few days etc. I agree with that, and they are right. 
But at the same time, I think its just a game a *phone* game so content will be limited. Things will seem rushed, thats just how it is so there shouldn’t be too many expectations about pursing that topic, esp because this game focuses on romance. Also the game is based in South Korea – an asian country. And there is barely any unawareness about mental health in most Asian countries. 
I kid you not depression can be perceived as such a taboo in India I have seen family members being so undeniable about it to the point they completely suppress it, whereas in the developed world, people might still have a difficult time to come to terms with it, but at least its not a taboo right? And many other instances ;; 
Favorite relationship
Mc/ Saeran, but Saeran / Yoosung too. I find it so heart-warming when Yoosung tried to get Saeran to open up to him, and tries to befriend him and make him comfortable. Was it Yoosung or Zen? Idk lol
Favorite headcanon
Saeran stops wearing coloured contact lenses and embraces his natural looks uwu
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zoldyckangel · 6 years
Can we see a list of requests in ur inbox rn if that’s ok? I’m super interested
Yeah sure! Note that some of the requests on the list take longer than the others but they’re being worked on. The list is also out of order. There also might be some duplicates for requests because different people want the same things.  I will put a keep reading line because of the sheer number of requests in my inbox. (Which is over 100 btw 😅) 
1: Can I request an NSFW scenario with Illumi trying to impregnate his S/O?
2: Since you told me you were looking forward to the extra kinky scenario with fei the bae, here it is: make it as kinky as you can fam. (If u don’t feel like it rn just like do it later or smth I don’t mind)
3: What would Illumi do if he had a younger sister , almost his age and he treated/favored like killua, that ran away from home at a young age and tried to go into hiding
4: Hey ! Can I get a uvogin Nsfw scenario . Helping his fem s/o to relieve stress . Doggie, oral , and riding would be great
5: Can you do an illumi NSFW scenario where his s/o is all like, “I don’t love you anymore.” And he gets all possessive?
6: Phinks nsfw scenario with a virgin s/o pleaseeeeee?
7: chrollo trying to get sex but his s/o denies just to piss him off
8: “Shh, stop fussing I’m just braiding your hair” for hisoka, please??
9: “If you steal the blanket, I’ll put my cold feet to you” for Fei♡
10: “You’re my new pillow” for hisoka please??
11: “How about a kiss” for Chrollo!
12: You are my new pillow, with Illumi
13: Will you let me rub your back?” + “Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.+“I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.” for Chrollo please?
14: Hc of the main four having a tiny s/o (like 5"1 or something) and how they would act around them? Killua and Gon are aged up of course!
15: “You are my new pillow” with Hisoka? ;D Thanks, you’re awesome!!
16: Omg can you do a scenario with feitan refuses to kiss his s/o on New Years so she gets back at him?
17: Can you do “your comfy” and “youre my new pillow” with illumi
18: If you’re still doing requests, please write a scenario for “How about a kiss?” with Kite please! (If the ask box is closed, then just delete this! sorry~)
19: If you’re taking requests, could you do Hisoka with “But I want to hear you sing.”? (Finding this blog made my day-)
21: I.COULDNT.HELP.IT. “Will you let me rub your back?” AND “Care to give me a back scratch?” WITH KURAPIKA. PLEASE. ILYSM
22: Would you please write 3 short scenario s between my oc and Feitan, Chrollo, and Uvogin? The genre doesn’t really matter. My oc is named Sabine. She is 4'10 and chubby. She’s an pansexual otaku who loves food, cats, and is basically juat a huge dork. Most of the time she’s pretty calm and always happy, but she acts like a child when excited. She has silent anger and can hold a grudge. Generally just a happy person. Thank you!~
23: What would happen if hisoka met a girl who was more powerful than him but refused to fight him? (Done) 
24: Okay, so I saw the ask about Gon and Killua having a weak S/O…what would happen if this S/O suddenly disappeared, without Killua or Gon noticing, and like one day later they discover they were murdered brutally by a killer? How would they feel? How focused would they be on revenge? Also, would they ever regret being with someone so weak, since it ultimately caused them pain?
25: Yooo I’m glad you’re back fam!! I’m sure ur pretty busy with all the requests but if you have time— I just recently read one of ur older nsfw feitan scenarios where you said it was kinky but it could definitely be kinkier, well you know what I’m gonna ask of you my dude. Pls write the kinkiest scenario ever for Fei the bae and I will love you till the day I die
26:  I’m thirsty for a NSFW Hisoka one shot where his crush is brushing off his advances but that just makes him try harder. 😏
27: I know you’ve done something similar but can I get a scenario for Hisoka relentlessly trying to get down with his crush but they’re onto him and brushing off his advances. You can either end it NSFW or have the crush unfazed by his seduction. I’m thirsty for more trash clown.
28:  Could you do a NSFW Shalnark scenario please?
29: Adult trio with shy s/o headcanon? ☺️
30: Kite oral scenarios with s/o plssss ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
31: Could i request headcanons for kurapika having a s/o who is sarcastic af but also a pretty sharp fella with deduction skills of sherlock? And for killua a s/o who loves books and readings and is even a writer themself who has a habit of putting people they know in real life in theur stories? :3 thank you!~
32: I just would like to say, I absolutely love your writing and I was wondering if requests were open. If so, could I request an Adult Gon NSFW scenario? Pretty please with a cherry on top and thank you!
33: may i request a scenario of killua having a crush on fem!reader whos a bit older than he is and hes having a hard time acknowledging his feelings so Gon gives him advice?
34: Turn ons and turn offs for Morel, Pariston, Kite, Knuckle, and Razor!
35: oh my god i loved your response to my request last time so i’ll just ask ONE LAST TIME i promise: can you do HCs for Kura and a fem s/o living as Kurtans? Like if the clan was never massacred and he grew up properly within the clan and got married and had kids and stuff. again, any NSFW is appreciated :3
36: Adult trio and main four kissing headcanons? Thank you!
37: Jealous Hisoka scenario?
38: HC on some things the adult trio finds cute in a person?
39: Hey! I love your work sm, thank you for being active again, it makes my school time less worse tbh My request is how Chrollo would react if he found out, that his s/o used to have something romantically with Kurapika before with him. (NSFW included) :,)
40: HC on how a crush accidentally turns on the adult trio?
41: How would the adultrio and the main four (or just the adultrio if it’s too much ^^) deal with their drunk s/o?
42: Favorite/least favorite music genres for the phantom crew and the adult trio?
43: Can I get headcannons for phinks with a thicc S/O (NSFW is appreciated too) ps LOVE YOUR BLOG ❤️❤️❤️
44: Adult trio with shy s/o HC. ☺️
45: I see you don’t write much about Razor, so how about a HC on Razors turn ons and turn offs?
46: Pariston scenario where he fails at wooing his crush because she realizes what kind of person he is but he isn’t letting up.
47: May I request fluffy head cannons for Older Killua with a soft-spoken, shy fem s/o? Your head cannons are so wonderful and I thank you for taking the time to write them!
48: 💢🔪💍🍼 for Chrollo please?
49: Hey! I really love your blog and i was wondering if i could make a headcanon request?? .////. I was wondering if you guys could write a scenario/headcanon (whichever you feel like ^^ i cant decide ^^;) kurapika having a s/o who’s really sassy and witty(loves self depricating jokes and lame puns XD) but overall a sharp minded person? Thank you!♡
50: tbh i just want like a rough NSFW scenario w Kura. pls and thx k bye
51: Could you pwease write some sfw/nsfw relationship headcanons for razor? (Gender neutral pronouns if thats not too much trouble)
52: I’d the adult trio had a big crush on someone, how far would they go to get them? Like, would they stalk them or constantly flirt with them or break into their apartment or buy them loads of gifts…? Let’s assume their crush is strong just cause I see them trying harder if they’re powerful.
53:  🍼💍💋💘 for Feitan please?
54: Are requests open? If so, I would like to request some headcanons for Colt but I can’t do those emoji thingies…… Great blog by the way!
55: HC on when the main four and adult trio realize they��ve fallen in love 😍 (or caught the feels for someone)
56: Heeelloooo there✨✨✨ I’d like to ask 😈, 💘,💋 and 🍆 for Gon and Killua ohohohohoho ✨💞 Kisses!!!!
57: How does the trouble trio + Chrollo feel if they found out that their female s/o lives together with their best male friend? Due to circumstances and stuff? Not because they cheated on him.
58:  Can I get a headcanon how the adult trio and main four would react if they were separated from their crush for a while? Would they mope, stalk them, distract themselves…?
59: Hello Admin Shy! I was wondering if you could do yandere/possessive HC for the adult trio? Thank you!!
60: Main four with s/o that has trust issues, because she/he has had so many fake friends who have only used her/him to get expensive gifts and good grades. And very bad self esteem, because she/he thinks that she/he isn’t good enough to be their real friend. If you don’t want to write this, you don’t have to. Actually this has happened to me a lot :,).
61: Can I request the reactions of the adult trio to a nuzzling crush? Idk if they’d like it or not.
62: Hello there! Is the ask box open? If so, can I request a fluff scenario for Kalluto and an innocent and cheerful oc who is also a spider??
63: Sfw/Nsfw headcanons for illumi with a yandere s/o??? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
64: I saw you did jealous chrollo HC so can you do some for Illumi and Hisoka to round out the adult trio?
65: Can you do first kiss/kissing headcanons for Morel, Kite, Razor, Pariston, and Knuckle please? Thanks Admin 👩🏻‍💼
66: Heya! Glad to see you posting again. Could the nice people of tumblr request some spicy Chrollo New Year’s headcanons, sfw and nsfw?
67: Hello Admin! Ok so Pariston is a total enigma for me and I wanted your opinion on what this dude looks for in both a worthy opponent and a crush. Like, he obviously admires Ging and respects him the most from anyone I’ve seen but he also loathes him for being a worthy opponent. As for who he is attracted to, could any personality be good for him and any power level as long as they interested him in some fashion? Sorry this is long! 😅
68: Headcanon for kurapika and a sassy af s/o? :3
69: Hey can you do Hisoka headcannons with a s/o that is super fragile and shy in the begining but once she opens up she’s super fun pervy and op she is so strong she can actually beat him and Chrollo~ ty!
70: Jealousy headcanons for Leorio, Hisoka, Pariston, Knuckle, and Gon please! I feel like they’d give a variety of reactions. :)
71: I know it’s still early but do you think you could do same pariston Valentine’s day headcanons (sfw and nsfw)?? And yes I’m the same anon who asked for the new years too lol, I just really like him for some strange reason Thanks I’m advance!
72: How do you think what kind of person would Killua like? Thank you ^^
73: Some Adult trio first time HCs. Like when it happened (age) how it happened who (female or male) what happened
74: Your two hisoka one shots were absolutely AMAZING!!! AaaAAaaahhhhh youre such a good writter!!!!!!! (>y<) Could I please request a third one shot? Its ok if you dont feel like writting it, the other two were fantastic, so I bet they took some time. But, for me and others who enjoyed them, could you? ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
75: Hello! I apologize if you are busy but may I have Kurapika Valentines Day SFW/NSFW headcanons with his s/o? Thank you and I apologize that it’s two days after Valentines Day.
76: Hey! Can you do a scenario with kikyo and silva fluff !
77: A HXH scenario! Some NSFW scenario with older Killua and his gf ( collar/ pet kink)? Love your work!
78: “this position is.. making me turned on…” said Kurapika softly, completely flustered with his fem s/o sitting on his lap.
79: Kurapika in a normal high school Romance HC n scenario?????
80: Can you write another BDSM scenario with Feitan? Thank you so much :)))
81: Can you please write another Vampire!Feitan scenario? Thank you ;))
82: Ok I got an angsty HC ask: how would the adult trio react to seeing their crush get physically or verbally abused?
83: Can we get general fluffy sfw hcs and nsfw hcs for Chrollo? Tysm! ❤️
84: Can I… Can I have some yandere Chrollo headcannons please :o Your blog is one of my top favorites by the way
85: How would Chrollo act if he knew that Kurapika was in love with his s/o?
86: How would Phinks go about recruiting (my means of seduction) a potential troupe affiliate. Like a spy or an informant or something. (I know it’s specific but I need some inspiration for a fic I have planned.)
87: Type of dates chrollo would take his s/o on? (S/o is a strong nen user and is aware that he is a part of the phantom troupe)
88: Please yandere chrollo scenario
89: Hi! I really like your page and I was just wondering if requests are currently open? It’s not exactly clear, but if they are open; could you please do a fluffy scenario with fem reader x hisoka where they join him in a grassy clearing & he just randomly starts doing handstands & pushups while they’re lying down beneath him & he kisses them each time he goes down; getting more heated each time until they are both playfully rolling around kissing one another? Thnx 4 reading either way! ^^
90: Hey! Love this page! I was wondering how do you think Feitan, Hisoka, Phinks and Shalnark would react to a gentle, surprise kiss from their s/o? Please and thank you!
91: Hey! Could you plz do a fluffy scenario of hisoka, illumi sharing moments with their s/o’s where they make each other giggle and laugh; just something really cute and sweet for each of them but that still suits their personalities? Thank you so much!
92: Spider boi needs more love. How about a scenario for Chrollo meeting his s/o during a PT mission?
93: Hello may I get headcannons of the adult trio with a fem s/o who looks like a bad ass bitch with tattoo and colorful hair but is very calm and sweet when not working. Something like she gives them a safe mental space where they can let their gaurd down when it’s just the two of them please? Sorry if this is too specific ( ^_^U)
94: Ohh how about the crush walking in on the guys halfnaked? 😄 Gif reactions for the adult trio and main four
95: Can you do a nsfw scenary with Adult Killua and fem s/o please?
96: Aaaaahhh the flirting hc were so good thank you so much admin!!! I’d like to request another HC if you don’t mind! What are some turn ons for the adult trio and how do they react when they’re horny? 😜
97: Mun, can you please do a headcanons for the adult trio on things they find cute in their crush? Like their laugh, if they are naive about something, if they pout, play with hair, talk cutesy to animals, etc. I like fluff. ☁️ Thanks a million!
98: Personal thoughts: how would Hisoka react to genuine affection? He’s a creep and no one puts up with his behavior but what if someone has the patience of a saint and was able to actually enjoy his company and care about his well being? What do u think, I’d love to know
99: Is it time for that Yandere chrollo from a few asks back?? 😉😉 if it is, general yandere hcs please! (You can do a continuation of that ask if u want ?)
100: Uvogin NSFW with female reader or s/o
101: Adult trio with shy s/o HC please?
102: Ok so I’m a lover of people who are gluttons for punishment. Naturally, I’d like to request a HC of Hisoka having a crush on one of the most powerful hunters he has ever met but they refuse to fight him. He tries to annoy them but they have the patience of a saint. He tries to flirt with them but they laugh off his advances or tease him before walking off. He begs them for a battle but they are a pacifist when it concerns fighting Hisoka. 😂
103: Hello! May I ask a scenario where Chrollo’s s/o wearing a sexy lingerie and she’s waiting for him? Thank you very much! ^^
104: Can you please do first kiss HC for Hisoka, Knuckle, and Pariston please? Would it be spur of the moment and sexy or planned out and sweet?
105: Scenarios of the adult rio and feitan. When they cheat on there s/o
106: Kurapika’s S/O got pregnant and is reluctant to tell him (he is a busy man) but he found out anyway albeit not from her. How would he feel not knowing it from her? Also, thank you for all these wonderful headcanons ^-^!
107: A bit of angst here: how would Hisoka, Knuckle, and Pariston react to seeing their crush get physically or verbally abused?
108: These are my three favs so I gotta keep asking for them! Can you please do HC on how Hisoka, Knuckle, and Pariston would ask their crush out on a date? Thank you Admin!
109: Who do you HC to actually care about having a virgin as a partner when they first have sex? Which characters would be understanding, feel turned on, honored, don’t care, find it off putting, etc.
110: Headcanons for Chrollo and his s/o who, as he finds out, is one of his favourite authors?
111: Headcanons (possible romance?) for Hisoka meeting someone who used to take care of him as a kid?
112: A scenario for Hisoka being stuck in bed, ill, and his s/o taking care of him? Your pick for SFW/NSFW. (apologies if this gets double posted!)
113: Oh gosh I hope I made it in time. Can I request something with a protective kurapika? Anything is fine. I want this dude to be loved :’)
114: Can I pleeeeease have some headcanons for Chrollo if he had an s/o who had a huge erogenous zone on their ear (they like it when it gets nibbled and such) but they’re super shy about it? Tankee
115: Love your blog! If yiu still do requests quests then I suppose this one should be interesting: one with our lill smol Feitan having a younger teenage sister who’s taller than him (but weaker lol), how would their life be like?
116: Can I have some general sfw and nsfw relationship headcanons for Machi and for Pakunoda?
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stvlti · 7 years
For 002, Ritsu and Misa
send me a ship, a character, or a list of 5 characters
002 | RITSU
How I feel about this character
hmm, gotta be honest, it’s been a while since i last read an MP100 manga update, so these thoughts aren’t gonna be reflective of how i might feel about his current characterisation in the manga. regardless, regardless… here goes. 
let’s just say that i never particularly liked him when i watched the anime adaptation. the big cleanup arc lost a bit of its nuances when it was translated to the screen, so at first all i thought was wow, Ritsu’s actually a little bit of an ass and a pushover. but then i read the manga, and then rewatched the anime, and suddenly it clicked. he’s not aloof because he’s an asshole, and he doesn’t make friends easily because he’s a private person that can’t trust people with his emotions, like the other side of the coin that makes Mob an emotionally-repressed person, but because of the childhood traumatic experience he has with Mob. and just, generally growing up with a sibling that’s by all accounts mentally ill in a sense. i can’t relate to the specific circumstances he’s in because i’m an only child, and my parents aren’t mentally ill or inadvertently abusive, but the bit about not wanting others to know your true emotions is kinda what i’ve been doing for the better part of the last 5 years… 
and then, the whole thing about being the kind of model student you are simply because that’s what others have expected you to be, that’s also A Mood. i kinda gave up the ghost after high school but the funny thing is i was a prefect at some point, and even though i was progressively swearing more and more like a sailor behind closed doors, and i was growing more and more restless about certain institutional traditions, i still put on an act for the disciplinary teachers because i’m a girl, i get scholarships every year, and that’s expected of me if i want to keep being perceived as such, lol. (well, not wanting to disappoint my parents is another major factor, but that’s why i never said ritsu was a 100% relatable character, just one that is relatable enough for me to project a bit onto haha.)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
i don’t, really? i mean, Riteru (Ritsu/Teru) is an interesting dynamic to explore in fanfics and headcanons, but they’ve pretty much never interacted in canon lol. so it’s not exactly OTP material for me. (i also don’t really get Ritshou tbh, i don’t think their interactions have been given as much depth as Teru and Mob’s, so i don’t actually ship Ritshou.)
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
hmm i don’t think i have any BROTPs for him. next question.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
well i already said what i said in q1. i used to think he’s a bit of an ass haha. still do actually, i think he’s kinda classist in the way he thinks he can just kick delinquents and other less fortunate members of society to the curb? hmm idk, this boy makes me conflicted.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
well i saw a comic circulating here where basically he talks it out with Mob and they expressedly forgive each other for the things that’s happened in the past, and i’d like that in canon.
my OTP:
isn’t this kinda a redundant ques? refer to “all the people i ship romantically with this character”. i.e. i don’t have an OTP for him.
my cross over ship:
??? none
a headcanon fact:
i like the one where he keeps a spoon on him at all times. wait, that’s canon, right? then idk. (i mean, i had an hc at some point about how Shou actually keeps a cactus named Ritsu, but that would be a Shou hc, not Ritsu hc, hhhh)
002 | MISA
How I feel about this character
well, i’ve only written several meta about this girl, whatever would make you think i have opinions about her /s
well, just to sum it all up briefly, like most casuals i started out finding her character a bit meh. not very well-written and pretty misogynistic in design (as in, she is clearly moulded after a terrible stereotype and the fact that she is the one fem chara with the most screentime in Death Note. OHBA SHOULD BE ASHAMED). but well, shortly after i finished DN the anime, i recalled the things i learned in my Feminism literary theory unit earlier that academic year, and i wrote this meta; and although i didn’t necessarily agree with these potential interpretations just yet, i could start to understand that she is much more than your average kawaii yandere. 
later that year i started a module called Transnational Feminisms, which not only dismantled the idea that there is only one way of being a feminist / writing feminist characters, it also helped me understand i shouldn’t even limit myself to reading her character from Western feminist values (so, beyond De Beauvoir, Sedgwick, and Judith Butler). i should consider, obviously, the cultural contexts of gender expectations in Japan, etc. i have yet to write an actual post about this but yeah, i do have some follow-up thoughts to that feminist meta i wrote, and the long and short of it is that, considering the social context she is honestly a character with a subtle, subversive potential that Ohba probably didn’t even recognise.
(doesn’t mean i agree with canon’s treatment and portrayal of mental health issues when it comes to Misa though. Ohba can choke on his poorly researched and unqualified understanding of trauma.)
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
NOT LIGHT YAGAMI. people i think that Misa deserve: Rem, and Sayu. probably others as well, but Rem and Sayu are the only ones i can conceive of who canonically do / will care about Misa on a personal level.
(but honestly tho Sayu is pretty gay for Misa in the TV Drama)
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
hmm. her friendship with Mogi i guess.
(it’s not necessarily an OTP tho since i don’t have much feelings about their dynamic, but he’s good for her.)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
well, even though she’s a unique and subtly complex character, she still has issues. she was manipulative towards Light, there’s no question about that. in a twisted way i don’t think that, as long as Misa upholds her canon beliefs and attitude about love, she will find a partner in anyone other than an emotionally-distant and manipulative (in a different way) asshole like Light. i think a lesser partner would have caved to her every whim and demand. (that’s why actually, even though i think she deserves somebody that will love her back, i do not wish to actually make Misa/Sayu canon. Sayu deserves a healthy relationship.) 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
well, depends which canon we’re talking about here. as i have mentioned time and time again, @casuistor and @mikami both wrote an analysis on how, unlike manga!Misa, anime!Misa is actually more cognizant of the one-sided nature of her relationship with Light. so if we’re talking solely about anime canon, then i do wish she’d have seen that Light is not worth her time!! and get Rem out of the “friendzone” before she dies for nothing, please.
my OTP:
Remisa, duh.
my cross over ship:
none. (i rarely get ideas for crossover ships tbh, so unless there’s a well-written fic that can convince me of the dynamic of a particular crossover ship, i’ll just stick to my high school concepts of Wayfire and Howellight… hmm yeah very subtle about your own history in the RPF community Eugenia)
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