#making him an obsessive lovesick person is like. completely ignoring his character
I have a little bit of an interesting question! I know you stated you like writing horror and NSFW, or at least you do not mind dabbling in them, so I'm curious to your opinion:
(Please, very important onto this, keep in mind that, when I ask about 'Yandere', while yes, I mean this lovesick, obsessed character who goes to kidnapping/harming others/threatening/killing etc extremes to get the object of their affection/obsession, there's many yandere types. I PERSONALLY like only a handful of them because I am very careful with TW (I do not like toxic relationships where the 'darling' is deprived of privacy, is mistreated, forced to do things, has hands laid on them, has their emotional well being messed up by demeaning words, etc, and I do not enjoy abuse depictions of the trope either, so I cherry-pick a lot (due to personal trauma). Yanderes are often portrayed as straight up abusive when they needn't be, there's delusional ones, lucid ones who do not want to feel the way they do, others who rather give themselves to the object of obsession/affection and would rather hurt themselves than ever upset them, others who lean more towards manipulation, etc.). I say this because TW are important and while this is 'just a question in a blog' I want to inform you that there is NO EXPECTATION for you to write abuse, toxicity or anything of the sort. While being WELL AWARE that yandere relationships WILL be unhealthy in nature, it is that kind of 'unhealthy possessive' vibe you can enjoy IN FICTION, and should NEVER allow in real life. Take care of yourselves ❤️)
Obviously, none of the characters are canonically yandere, but do you have any opinions on who could fit the bill? And how/what way/what category they'd fit into?
Please ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable in any way and even if you simply respond without any headcanons/just a little ramble, remember to put TW so people who blacklist yandere stuff or feel trigger by any of it continue having a safe space here! Love your blog and what you do! Keep up the amazing work, and congratulations on such endless artistic talent!!
I haven't done a whole lot with the Yandere trope. I have one unpublished fan fiction for another fandom entirely that involves a yandere character in an antagonistic role. I don't tend to romanticize it because of how problematic it can be.
So needless to say, ⚠️ trigger warnings ⚠️ ahead for this topic, some more than others (lookin' at you, Doffy).
I feel like Sanji could fit the bill of being the lucid, regretful yandere. He knows that his obsession with you could be problematic, but he just can't help it. He gets insecure and jealous easily, and may be inclined to threaten any other men that happen to get to close to his beloved, platonically or romantically. He wants you completely to himself. Would be apologetic about his behavior and feel sincerely guilty for it, but just unable to keep himself from doing so. He also feels his behavior is protecting you in a way from being taken advantage of, and that's the only justification he can make for it—even to himself.
Mihawk, while his confidence and ego mean he's not really the jealous type, would still be a worthy candidate. He wants you aware that you are his in every sense of the word. You, your love, your mind, your body, all belong to him. No one else. He may very well be violent about it, though not toward you—just toward anyone who dares challenge his ownership over you. Toward his lover, he would be particularly doting and gentle, treating you like a fragile and priceless work of art. He would be incredibly disinclined to allow you to go anywhere without him; and if he finds out anyone else is attempting to court your affections or, heaven forbid, hurt you, then their days are going to be numbered.
Next would be Crocodile. Getting more ⚠️triggery⚠️ here. Prime candidate for a possessive yandere. Even if he doesn't have much time for you, you're still his property. He'll expect you to have time for him, to adhere to his schedule and his whims. He'll have a list of rules that you have to follow—no speaking with other men without him present, no going out in public without him or a guard that he has personally assigned to you; this is as much for the sake of keeping you safe as it is to ensure that you don't do anything he would disapprove of. In exchange, he'll shower you with lavish gifts, and treat you like a princess when he is with you...but if you break the rules, there will be consequences.
And lastly, and by far the most triggery, Doflamingo. Congratulations, you've caught the attention of an absolutely sadistic and manipulative yandere! He values total control over all aspects of your life. But he's going to make you think you have some freedom at first. He'll pout a little if you want to go somewhere without him, but he'll allow it...on the surface, at least. Then he'll hire some thug or other criminal deviant to scare you right back into his arms, whether with idle threats or physical force. He'll make you feel like he's your only source of safety and comfort. Make you defend him to your concerned friends and family of your own volition, until you have absolutely no one left but him to turn to. He'll justify it by saying it absolutely is for your own safety, and he sincerely believes that to be true; even if he wasn't hiring people to frighten you, there's still every chance that you could be hurt or enticed to leave if you stray too far from his side, and he can't allow that. Whether he views you as a lover or just a plaything, no one else is allowed to touch you but him.
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wereh0gz · 2 years
Are yandere headcanons about characters like sonic really weird and discomforting to anyone else or is it just me
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non-binaryzombie · 3 years
Summary: Jake is a little bit obsessed with you, he needs to know more about you, going beyond what you show on the internet, but his biggest problem now is making you understand that he owns you, and that no one is taking you away from him.
Characters: Jake x reader (a little bit of Darkness too cuz, you know that I love him)
Warnings: Yandere Jake, stalking, possessiveness, lovesick, obsession, not exactly a happy ending, angst, language, use of straw (sorry turtles)
Word count: 2672
A/N: Here it is! I hope you don't hate me for it, I changed the name to fit more with the story, but the context is the same :)
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(Most of my pics/gifs come from Pinterest, if I use a photo that belongs to you and you don't like it, please contact me and we'll take care of it)
Fascinating, that's the word Jake would use to describe you if he had to, he could spend hours trying to decipher you, trying to understand how are you able to like him without even seeing his face, without even knowing who he really was? You just know what he allows you to, but you've never been nosy, if you ask something to him and he says that he can't tell you, you just put it aside, not wanting to bother; and that's one of the things he most admires in you, the fact that you're so curious and yet, when he doesn't want to tell you something, you just try to let it go, making a mental note about the things you shouldn't ask, at least not over the phone.
Ever since you helped Jake to find Hannah, he've been more and more interested in you, how did you manage to help him to find his half-sister, and at the same time made him fall in love with you? Something he never thought would happen, suddenly from a time to another, he saw himself in love with someone who he thought be just someone that would help him to find his sister, just a means to an end.
But now, here he is, watching you from the window of the café you're in, he knows that he shouldn't, what would you think if you found out that he've been following you? He is pretty sure that 'happiness' would not be the right feeling, but he had no choice, he wanted- no, he needed to know more about you, and this time the internet wouldn't help him, for some reason you're really reserved, unlikely the most people at your age, you have social medias, of course but you rarely post something about yourself at them, the most interesting thing that the hacker could find about you was your school records and not surprisingly your track record is perfect, you never got bad grades, you never got into trouble, you are simply flawless. It makes him question, it's impossible for someone to be so perfect, you're sweet, kind, innocent and you always want the best for everyone no matter how bad someone has done you; you always forgive them. But you have flaws, everyone has, and that's what he's trying to find out, what are you hiding from everyone? And how are you so good at hiding it?
His blue eyes getting darker when he sees you hugging a man, who is he? And why do you look so happy to see him? You two talk a little before sitting down in one of the tables close to the window, the waitress soon come and both of you place your orders. The black-hair boy on the outside quickly grab his phone, sending you a message, just a 'Hi Y/N :)' waiting to see if you're going to answer him, he sees you pick up the phone and look at it for a few seconds before putting it back in your your pocket, did you just ignore his message? Okay, now he has no other choice then go inside.
And there he goes, entering the place and thankfully he could seat somewhere that you couldn't see you, but he could listen to everything, pretending to be doing something important on the phone. He orders a black coffee, nothing more. Soon you and the tall man started to talk while he paid attention to every single word.
"I am glad that we were able to meet, Y/N" he says with a grin on his face
"Wow, you really talk like this even in person, I thought that it was just you way to text" a giggle escaped your lips
"What do you mean?" he tilted his head
"You just, talk like you are in a really important dinner with the queen" you say resting your cheek against your hand while looking at him
"I think I never stopped to notice the way I speak, is this a nuisance for you?" he asked and you quickly shacked your hands
"Oh, no! That's not what I meant, I happen to like it, actually" he looked relieved
"You are really observant aren't you?" you smiled
"You'd be surprised how many times I've heard this" the girl came back with your orders and you thanked her with a gentle smile
"So, I haven't seen you in the forum lately" he took a sip of his latte
"Of course you've noticed" you giggle playing with your milkshake straw "I should have predicted" he let out a light laugh through his nose
"Is there a especial reason for that?"
"Well if I am being honest, lately I have been too tired to even scroll through the forum" you looked down playing with your fingers on the table
"It’s okay, you don't have to talk if you don't want to" he said putting his hand next to yours
"No, it’s just-" a sight left your mouth "Do you ever feel that everything around you is slowly becoming tiresome? How if the slightest effort to follow your routine makes you tired?" he nodded, you are not sure if he really understands you, or if he is just trying to make you feel better, but you continue "But for a few seconds, something makes you step out of your comfort zone, makes you hope again, but then it ends and everything becomes monotonous and boring again" you didn't even realized that your fingers are now entwined with his, you feel your face turn red and quickly let go of his hand "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you" the hand that was holding his is now between your legs pressed against the soft upholstery of the seat you are on, and the other on the straw of your milkshake bringing it to your mouth.
"You don't have to apologize, Y/N, it’s okay you know that you can trust me" he said straightening his posture
"Yeah, I know, Dark, and I thank you for that, but I don't really want to bother you with this, we're here to have a good time" you smiled, and he nodded
"Let's chance the topic then. How about the guy you told me about? Are you two a couple?" you felt your face turn red again
"Jake? Well, not exactly, it's complicated" 'Not exactly? Of course, we are a couple' the hacker thought with himself
"Complicated?" Darkness asked encouraged you to continue
"Hum, none of us really made a official dating request, y'know?" Jake never thought about it that way, he really has to put a ring in your finger for you to know that you are his?
"But you like him, don't you?" he looked straight into your eyes, like he was trying to guess what was happening in your head
"Yeah, we haven't said 'I love you' yet, but, I really like him, and I think that he likes me too, it's just..." you paused lettings out a sigh "He is not really good at showing how he feels, he is not good at talking at all" you giggle
"Then why don't you take the first step?" he asked confused
"I'm afraid of being rejected." the man sitting in front of you looked surprised, so did the one sitting behind you
"Why would he reject you? You are amazing, anyone would be lucky to have you." a shy smile appears on your lips
"I just, don't think he has time for a relationship, he's constantly busy and moving, because of work" you completed
"Well, this is really a misfortune, but you know I'll always be here for you, don't you?" he said picking your hand
"Yes, I know, and I can say the same to you" he gave you a smirk "Why are your hands so big?" he laughed
"You really know how to change the subject very quickly don't you?" you smiled at him.
The man sitting in the table behind you got up putting the money on the table and got out of the café as fast as he entered, what made him bump into someone that he quickly ignored making his way back to the motel he was staying at, he was angry, how dare this random guy even touch you? Say that he's going to be there for you, you don't need anyone else, you have him, you may don't know it, but you are his, he always makes time to talk to you, and now you say that it’s not enough? You even dare to consider that he's going to reject you? What more he needs to do for you to be sure that he wants a relationship with you? When he finally arrived at his room, he slammed the door shut, sitting in front of the computer, trying to calm down, breathing heavy. He knows exactly what he must do for you to know that you belong to him.
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You threw yourself on the bed, with a smile on your face, the day with Darkness was better than you expected, he is not all serious personally, or you just have the ability of making him less keyed up, your phone buzzed on your pocket and you grab it quickly not so surprising it was Jessy 'Hey, how was your little date?' you giggled after answering her 'Not a date Jessy, but it was really good to be honest' Jessy was incredibly supportive when you said you were going to meet your forum-friend 'I'll want to hear everything about it tomorrow' ' Don't worry, I'll tell you everything'. Soon you remembered that Jake texted you early and dialed his number wondering whether or not to call him, you bite your bottom lip before working up your courage, clicking the green button and bringing the cell phone to your ear, settling down on the bed, you start to wonder if this is a good idea right away thinking about just hanging up and pretending it was an accident, but as soon as the call is answered you feel your body tense up.
"Hum, hi" you say shyly "Sorry I haven't texted you earlier, I was kinda busy"
"It's okay" his deep voice make your whole-body shiver "How are you?" he asked
"I'm good, how about you?" why do you feel so awkward?
"Good" he says and keeps silent 'god, why is it so hard?' you thought while trying to think something to say
"I-" you are interrupted by his voice
"What were you doing?" he asked, and you frowned your eyebrows
"You said you were busy, what with?" you blinked a few time before answering him
"I went out with a friend" you said and heard a 'hum' coming from him on the other side of the phone "Are you mad?" you asked apprehensively
"Why would I be?" his voice makes you feel butterflies in your stomach
"I don't know, we haven't talked the whole day, and you seem, rough" he sighed
"It wasn't my intention, I’m sorry"
"Don't worry" you heard someone knock at the door
“Oh, wait a minute there’s someone at the door” you said getting up, and walking towards the noise opening it, just to see a black hair boy standing there, with his phone on his ear
"okay" he said before giving you a little smile, your eyes widened and you felt your body freeze
"Jake?" you ask and he nods, that's all that he needs to do to see you quickly hug him tight, he looked a little surprised but then he just wrap his arms around you, feeling the good smell of your hair, you two stayed there for a while hugging in the doorway.
When you finally looked up at him your eyes were full of teas, happiness tears, but that didn't stop Jake of push the tears away
"What are you doing here? I thought you were with Lilly" you said pulling him inside and closing the door
"I've come to see you" he said looking at you
"You could have warned me, you know, I would have at least organized this a little bit" you say scratching the back of your neck shyly
"Then it wouldn't be a surprise" he says putting his backpack on the sofa "And it's not that messy at all" you two sat on the bed, your face is so red it looks like you're going to explode
"I have something for you" he says taking a little box of his pocket, opening it and revealing two rings your eyes widen and you quickly look up at him
"Are you serious?" you ask and he nods
"So, what do you say?" he smiles
"Jake, I-I don't know..." his smile disappeared and he looked at you confused
"What?" that's what you wanted a ring, an official request, wasn't it? Then why are you rejecting him?
"It's just- I like you, I really do!" you say as you see his reaction
"Then why don't you want to be with me?" he looks sad
"That's not what I said, I mean, you're wanted Jake, by FBI and by another hackers, I know that there's a lot of things that you don't tell me, I know that you're just trying to protect me but, I can't keep in the dark just trusting that you are doing the right thing" no, he's not sad, he's angry, he closed the box tightly, making you flinch
"Okay, look I don't need a fucking ring to prove that we are together, I just bought it because that's what you wanted, you are mine, and I don't care who the fuck is coming after me, I won't let anyone be on our way, you don't have to worry about it" you blinked a few times trying to process what he just said, he sighed putting his hand on your cheek "I love you, Y/N" he smiled again
"I'm not a pet, Jake, you don't own me" you took his hand off
"I think you should leave now" you said looking away
"I won't leave you" he said firmly
"Are you even listening to yourself?!" you said getting up "This is not love, Jake" he got up standing in front of you, the difference between your highs makes you feel intimidated
"I am lovesick, Y/N, can you blame me?" he says getting closer making you step back "I can't stop thinking about you everything that you say or do makes me love you more, I want you, I need you, why can't you understand that?" you now see yourself trapped between him and the wall behind you
"You're not lovesick, you're just sick, you are fucking obsessed! I would never be with someone who acts the way you're acting right now" instant regret
"If I can't have you, no one can, and I'll make sure of that, my love" he muttered taking his cell phone out of his pocket and showing it to you, your eyes widened
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Let him go!" Darkness was tied to a chair with a cloth over his mouth, he didn't look hurt
"I'll let him go, when you accept to stay with me, otherwise, I'll kill him." you can feel the tears wetting your face
"You sick motherfucker" he pretended to be hurt
"You better choose your words better Y/N, I can kill him in just a snap" you looked at the picture again
"Fine, just let him go" he grinned as he put his cell phone away, he took the rings again and offered them to you, you looked at him before picking the ring and put it on your finger, he did the same
"You won't regret it, my love" he says pulling you closer and kissing you 'I already did' you thought with yourself.
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thatyanderecritic · 5 years
Hi!! I know you guys usually don't make reviews for yanderes from otome games but could you make a review for Kuroyuki (Nightshade) and Fin Euclase (Steam Prison)? Both are PC otome games available in English and I think both are well-written yanderes tbh. They are also VERY similar.
Hey there anon, Kai here.
First of all, I’ll be real with you... Julie and/or I will not play Nightshade or Steam Prison. We both lost our interest playing otome games a long time ago (though we do like to be on top of our otome games news) and it would be a waste of money for us to buy either of these games just to post a review for a maybe-yandere. But we aren’t going to leave you or anyone else out in the cold on this topic. I just read a wiki and a bunch of reviews on these guys. If you don’t mind me reviewing via third party, then here’s our thoughts on this.
First up: Kuroyuki from Nightshade
Reading around, reviewers seem to be split 50/50 on if Kuroyuki isn’t actually a yandere or not (or if his route even good). Unfortunately, these reviewers never actually go in depth about “why or why not” Kuroyuki is/isn’t a yandere. They just toss around the words “possessive” and “manipulation” or whatever. I was just about to consider this investigation a bust, but then I found this character analysis on Kuroyuki. The reviewer went well in depth about Kuroyuki but was on the argument that Kuroyuki wasn’t a yandere. Problem solved, right? Well... ironically, all the argument points the reviewer used to say that Kuroyuki wasn’t a yandere actually proved to me that he is a yandere. 
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If you guys want to know why the reviewers “evidence” for her case went against them, know that this reviewer said that Kuroyuki never really “done anything violent or abusive” hence making him “not a yandere”. So... YIKES. As we all know, being violent or abusive doesn’t make a character a yandere... hell we keep on saying “abusers aren’t yanderes”. 
That being said, just because the reviewer’s analysis was wack, read her analysis for the evidence why Kuroyuki is a yandere... and just ignore their personal comments. Just take the facts. But if anyone wants a TL;DR, Kuroyuki has the bare minimum standard of being a yandere being he’s “lovesick” since her loves the MC beyond the norm of “love”. Next he’s protective of the MC and does what he can to always remain by her side. He’s possessive and obsessive of the MC too. This reviewer made the argument that Kuroyuki isn’t manipulative because he tells half truths but really... isn’t that a manipulation technique??? So, he’s manipulative of the MC to keep her out of danger and yada yada yada. he’s a yandere, okay? Personally, he sounds like a 4/5 or a 5/5 on the yandere scale but since I never played the game myself, I can’t totally vouch for it. Do I suggest buying the game just for his route? Eh, maybe. Almost all the reviewers were consistent that Kuroyuki’s route was wack and not the best written. The MC was particularly worst in his route too. So... your call! 
Now for Fin Euclase from Steam Prison
So... unlike Nightshade, this was a complete bust. I search through all of the internet (aka went past page 2 on google) and found nothing really on Fin. There were plenty of reviews on Steam Prison but nothing focused on Fin. That’s because Fin doesn’t actually have his own route (according to reviewers). So there’s no real way for me to say if he is or isn’t a yandere. But normally with these cases there’s at least some smoke for me to consider if there’s a fire or if it’s some smuck vaping. Since there’s no smoke for me to investigate, there’s no reason for me to check. In case my smoke analogy went over some people’s heads, I mean to say that there’s no one even calling Fin a yandere to begin with. The most people would say is that he’s a loyal partner and that’s it. With these sort of cases, there’s at least one reviewer who would say, “yeah, he’s a yandere” but there wasn’t even that. Since there’s no information on Fin nor is anyone else calling him a yandere (besides anon here) then I can’t even say “maybe he’s a yandere” since there’s no evidence to back it. That being said, Fin doesn’t seem like a yandere and up to anyone to decide to try and decode his side character moments. 
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fandomlife-giver · 7 years
Attack of the Lady Manager!: 2
Pairing: Eventual Kyoya x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1739
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
'Oh crap! I've heard all about this girl and how she has a crazy obsession with some video game character and she's here now?! What if she sees me and recognizes me? Wait, I've never actually met her and hopefully, she hasn't seen my pictures either. Ah! I can't take a chance around her, not to mention she has a tendency to be a little controlling, or so I have heard.'
You hadn't realized that the moment you began to mentally panic, your body went stiff, your eyes wide, and you were clenching your teeth tightly together. Kyoya was staring at your strange behavior and quirked an eyebrow as he poked your arm with his quill pen.
The moment his voice reached your ears, you snapped out of your own thoughts and with a squeak, quickly hid behind Kyoya. His eyebrows shot up and when he tried to turn around, you gripped his shoulders and forced him to stay facing forward.
"Umm, Kyoya, may I please excuse myself to the kitchen?"
You didn't even give him time to answer as you quickly released him and made a break for him. However, when you heard a voice scream, you stopped in your tracks.
"No! Don't touch me! You're phony!"
Small gasps were heard from the hosts and you instantly turned around to see Tamaki, covering his face and staring wide-eyed at the girl.
"What do you mean...I'm phony?"
Pointing a menacing finger, she yelled in his face.
"Just what I said! You're phony! I find it hard to believe that someone like you is the prince character of this host club!"
With every word, Tamaki took a step backward with a horrified expression on his face.
She took a step forward, continuing her angered ranting.
"You shouldn't go spreading your love around like that so easily, you stupid! You must be a dim-witted narcissist! You're incompetent! You're a commoner! You're disgusting!"
'Oh my God, this girl is a lot.'
By the time her words finished wounding Tamaki, he was on the floor as if he had just been shot in the back several times. You couldn't take the wounded puppy look he had and stepped over to kneel down to him.
"Tamaki, are you okay?"
You placed a hand on his shoulder and he instantly tensed up.
"I don't suppose you are..."
You glanced over your shoulder when Kyoya spoke and you found he was staring across at her. Then you heard an excited squeal and the second you turned your head back toward her, you regretted it.
"It's you, Kyoya!"
She came charging toward you and ended up trampling over Tamaki and pushing you out of the way, resulting in you colliding into the floor beside Tamaki.
'What the heck? She pushed me?'
You lifted your head and pushed yourself up. Not even a second after, there were two pairs of hands holding you up and got you standing.
"You okay, butterfly?"
With a sigh, you nodded, crossing your arms over your chest as you all watched the strange girl jump on Kyoya and wrap her arms around him.
"Oh, how I've longed to meet you! My one and only prince charming!"
The twins and you shared a confused look and you couldn't help but notice the identical look of confusion on Kyoya's face, even if it was for only a split second.
'I feel I should be worried about how this will play out.'
Hikaru furrowed his brows and lowered his voice so that only you and Kaoru could hear.
"Who is that girl?"
You choked on your cup of tea as you were tasting it.
She had the biggest smile on her face as she nodded proudly at you who sat across from her.
"Of course. My name is Renge Hoshakuji and I'm transferring into Ouran Academy's first year, Class A tomorrow."
Putting a palm to your mouth to wipe the spilled tea off, you cleared your throat and gestured over to where Kyoya was in the room.
"So, you and Kyoya are engaged to be married?"
She vigorously nodded her head.
"Yes. You seem quite surprised, though. Shouldn't a commoner feel happy to hear news about love?"
You clenched your hand into a fist as you dryly laughed.
"I'm sorry, it's just that...Kyoya's never mentioned you to any of us before."
You placed your cheek in the palm of one hand as you picked up your cup again with the other.
"So, how exactly did you two lovebirds meet?"
Her smile grew bigger and she began giggling like a school girl as she stood up and outstretched her arms to the sky.
"Ours is a story of life at first sight. I couldn't resist the way you were adoring those flowers in the backyard when you thought no-one else was looking."
Your brows furrowed.
'The cold-hearted tax collector was adoring garden flowers?'
Your eyes went to Kyoya as he took a seat on the same spot on the couch that Renge was just sitting on.
"And how sweet it was when you reached out to that poor, injured little kitten."
The sound of a held back laugh came from you as you tried to picture what she was saying.
'Probably before taxing that cat for his service.'
You swallowed your laughter and glanced back at her.
"Um, are you serious? I mean, are you sure you don't have the wrong person?"
In a second, she was in your face, a flash of anger washing over her own face.
"No way! How could you say such a thing? I know my prince charming anywhere!"
You shrank back in your seat at her sudden closeness.
"He's a gentleman whose kind to everyone but doesn't ask for anything in return. He likes solitude, but in fact, sometimes he gets lonely."
At her last sentence, you tilted your head in thought.
'You know, she couldn't be more wrong, but then again, we don't really know that much about him. I wonder what he's really like when he's not here.'
"He looks like the star of the popular dating sim, 'Uki-doki Memorial'!"
She finally got out of your personal space to turn around and point her finger at Kyoya's face.
"You're my real life Ichijo Miyabi!"
A sudden wave of realization hit you.
'The daughter of Mr. Hoshakuji is obsessed with some video game character...Oh...'
"Now that makes sense," You muttered to yourself, but Kyoya still heard you and he lifted his head when Renge began running around, talking I a lovesick tongue about her love for this character.
You gestured for everyone to come over and they gathered around quickly. The twins sat on either side of you on the couch and Haruhi stood close by. You leaned forward to talk just so they could hear.
"This girl is not in love with Kyoya, but of a character that happens to look exactly like him, even down to the glasses most likely. I can only guess she's projecting her love of him onto Kyoya. And if that's the case..."
You looked directly at Kyoya for confirmation.
"Then wouldn't that mean that she only thinks that you are engaged to her?"
'At least I really hope that he isn't.'
He closed his eyes and hummed.
"Someone's sharp. I came to that conclusion as well."
From behind the couch that Kyoya sat on, Tamaki's head popped up and he had a visibly grim expression.
"Wait, so Y/N is right? She made it up and you're not really engaged, right?"
Kyoya rubbed his chin and lightly shook his head.
"Well no, I don't remember ever asking for her hand in marriage."
He gave an almost inaudible sigh as he crossed his arms.
"Besides, this is the first time I've ever met the woman."
You couldn't hold back the small chuckle this time as you stared at him.
"Well, you could've said so earlier. You almost gave Tamaki a heart attack."
A small smirk appeared on your face when you stole a look at Tamaki.
"Isn't that right, daddy?"
Tamaki breathed a sigh of relief at the same moment Renge stopped her running and collapsed beside Kyoya on the couch.
"According to my research, you're in charge of managing the club, is that true, Kyoya?"
Honey spoke up immediately from behind the couch.
"That's right, Kyoya-Chan is our director!"
Her eyes lit up as she scooted closer to him.
"You're the director? That's perfect!"
She looked away for a second to gaze up at the ceiling.
"I've always wanted to wear a sandwich board to advertise a business."
The twins spoke in harmony beside you, both matching monotone voices.
"We don't advertise. We're just a host club."
As if completely ignoring what they said, Renge turned back and looked at everyone, a new determination in her eyes.
"I've made up my mind. From now on, I'm going to be the manager of this host club!"
Her words made your heart drop to your stomach.
You snapped your head to Kyoya, your eyes begging him to say something.
"Um, Kyoya, you're not really gonna just let her--"
"Miss Hoshakuji is the only daughter of a very important Ootori family client."
In the split second he spoke, he instantly shut you up. He moved his eyes to you while taking a glance at everyone else.
"So please be polite and try not to offend her, all right?"
Renge smiled widely and closed her eyes.
"Well boys, I can't wait to work with you!"
No-one else smiled, in fact, they all frowned at the very idea.
You turned your attention back to Kyoya as he stood up and began to walk away.
"Why don't you show our new manager around the club and go over our week's schedule with her."
Your jaw dropped.
You made out some amusement in his voice.
"Yes, I'm sure you'll do a fine job."
With a heavy sigh as he left the room, you stood up and went over to wear Renge was standing.
"Welcome to the host club, Miss Hoshakuji. Shall we start?"
She giggled in triumph and placed her hands proudly on her hips.
"Whatever my love wishes. Lead the way, commoner chef."
You forced a smile on your face as you started walking in front of her, heading toward the kitchen.
'This is not going to end well.'
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