#idk idk. lots of thoughts. maybe ill open comms in a few months i dont fucking know
planet4546b · 2 years
airing out some feelings on art just to organize my thoughts nothing bad!! :)
been thinking a lot lately about various ways of selling my art (partially bc being in closer community with artists has just made me realize a lot more possibilites which im super grateful for) except im very very aware that like. 97% of the art i make is straight up not marketable (mostly bc i usually make content about my ocs or whatever weird freak my brain has latched onto. but also bc of quality reasons which i know is the imposter syndrome talking but still) and i would have to severley change things both about my style/how i make content in order to actually build a following to a point where i could actually make money off stuff and i just do NOT know if i want to commit to that. like it would be nice to have that extra income or even to get to a point where i have to work less hours/work only my part time job bc that would give me more time to do art which would be great. but i need time to do art to practice things and to build a following to get to that point. and also i can only motivate myself to make 1 million self indulgent oc paintings. So.
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