#bc i would feel pressured to a higher quality level
planet4546b · 2 years
airing out some feelings on art just to organize my thoughts nothing bad!! :)
been thinking a lot lately about various ways of selling my art (partially bc being in closer community with artists has just made me realize a lot more possibilites which im super grateful for) except im very very aware that like. 97% of the art i make is straight up not marketable (mostly bc i usually make content about my ocs or whatever weird freak my brain has latched onto. but also bc of quality reasons which i know is the imposter syndrome talking but still) and i would have to severley change things both about my style/how i make content in order to actually build a following to a point where i could actually make money off stuff and i just do NOT know if i want to commit to that. like it would be nice to have that extra income or even to get to a point where i have to work less hours/work only my part time job bc that would give me more time to do art which would be great. but i need time to do art to practice things and to build a following to get to that point. and also i can only motivate myself to make 1 million self indulgent oc paintings. So.
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ovaruling · 1 year
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@gynoids-over-androids putting under a cut bc i have a lot to say as always lmao
well i should start by saying i’ve never been to any gym or class in my life outside of the ones i did in my own home by myself (Pahla B on youtube for low-impact, most of Jillian Michaels’s filmography so far, Chloe Ting on youtube), so i was really nervous taking it outside of my living room so to speak
esp since i do have a few really odd-to-describe disabilities from my surgery aftermath that i always worried would make me feel like i had to explain everything to an instructor if i ever went to a class so as not to disrupt anyone. my life has been very small bc of those disabilities for about 10 years and i don’t have much interaction with large groups of people so i was also a bit nervous abt that bc i’ve been struggling to find a foothold in society since my last surgery.
that said, i have been working out for a few years, so i’m going in with what i would call a very good level of fitness and endurance already, and my plan was always that—to assure myself that i could build functional fitness at home over time by myself before setting foot in a class bc of my unusual bodily situation (? not sure what else to call it). so i can’t personally speak to if someone is going in from 100% sedentary, but as someone who’s pretty fit and never ever had instructors or community experience w exercise, so far i am loving it.
everyone there is so so nice and accommodating and there’s just no pretentiousness that i can sense at all. most of my fears have been allayed—i haven’t had to explain anything abt my disabilities to anyone and after trying out 2 places i really like the facility i chose. people of all ages and body types and fitness levels (there is an elderly man there who i swear to god looks like if the monopoly man was both shredded and yassified. same wax-styled mustache and everything), moms lifting and snatching massive barbells w their kids chilling in the stroller next to them. extremely casual atmosphere, but also so much control and structure and help.
and i’ve never had access to high quality equipment before, but the learning curve has no pressure on it so far. my very first day, the instructor made sure i was comfortable with everything and answered every single question i had and integrated me step by step into the rest of the class’s workout at my starting level to get familiar with using a barbell. it was really helpful and made me feel like i was part of the flow already.
i had to stop several times to make sure i wasn’t hurting myself (i have widespread nerve damage that means sometimes my lower body just. glitches and shuts down the connection to my brain’s intent and spasms for a bit and doesn’t do what i want it to do, and i lose all feeling so i panic bc i cant gauge where my body is—the litany goes on but basically i have many issues that crop up frequently during prolonged motion) but even when that happened it proved zero problem at all and no one noticed and i collected myself and got back into it and it was fine. modifications can be made for every move, which is something i learned with Pahla B workouts years ago, and applies here just as well, and i am stubborn in that optimism.
i was even feeling myself so much i wanted to try a box jump so i asked the instructor what the proper form was. she had me start by jumping on progressively higher stacked barbell plates just laid on the ground. and then i tried the box and i got it! and a bunch of people congratulated me or complimented my successful efforts and stopped after class to chat and introduce themselves which made it feel more team-like to me.
vibe seems to be: just do what you can, ask for help and guidance if you need it (i’m still new so i don’t know all the lingo or all the form cues yet but no one is looking at you making you feel scrutinized, everyone is just there to do their thing and they’re also super helpful if they walk by), and know that you’ll get better at everything you’re attempting w consistent attempt. which is just my basic philosophy anyway.
and ok yeah i’ve never been to a traditional gym before—well, i have a few times, and just never went back cuz i felt it was too polished for the likes of me lol (where i live is veryyyyy pretentious). the high gloss attitude truly just never appealed to me. works for some, just not me. in my area at least, everyone in traditional gyms are in some kind of coordinated outfit and are on their phones and taking videos and stuff (i really don’t like that aspect—i don’t consent to showing up in someone’s gym tiktok lol). so yeah especially these days, the feeling that there’s an image to be achieved in gyms just makes my skin crawl. and if i’m going to shell out for the price of any kind of gym membership, i’d rather it not be a place i get self-conscious in that i’m gonna be filmed or creeped on or something (my terror of men in gyms is well-founded).
so i opted for crossfit bc i’ve had family members who were sedentary and went and loved it and saw amazing gains. and everyone at the place im at is way too busy to be filming or creeping (so far). and i do def already feel like it’s built for functional improvement toward accomplished strength, not merely an image of strength. like, i played outside constantly as a kid and it reminds me of that feeling lol, not least bc of the open-air-warehouse-unit concept. i think im too scrappy to ever be a traditional gym person, but crossfit is totally my vibe so far. no one cares enough to judge what your deal is, which is prob #1 on my ranking of important qualities for a fitness facility.
and while my level of general fitness is what i would call really good, i’m still a total beginner to crossfit kinds of work, work with equipment at all, and i’ve NEVER done group gym classes. so my nervousness about not being amazing at something immediately (huge impediment in my life generally) was a biggie but has proved to be baseless. crossfit seems to has no time or attention for individual compulsive fears or momentary embarrassments. which i absolutely love.
but to answer your original question TL;DR—i think it’s tougher than anything i’ve ever seen! grizzlier by far if nothing else—definitely no frills (it’s refreshing to see no makeup yet!). everyone seems to be of a same kind of no-nonsense grit—dunno how to describe it. what i’m observing the experienced crossfitters doing looks wicked hard, but it’s still very accommodating for all levels of fitness to hone. as in, it looks like some of the hardest shit i’ve ever seen anyone do, but that’s what i will be working toward at my own pace, and it’s exciting.
one of the moms i mentioned earlier was snatching thee heaviest barbell weight in the entire class, even more than the men (i checked), like it was nothing and then she went checked on her baby in between like it was all nbd. i was like god damn girl that is so metal. where else are you gonna see that
so. that’s just my first impressions so far! i signed up for 10 classes to see how it goes so i will report back :)
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illgiveyouahint · 4 years
The standard for druck is much higher than it is 4 some of the other remakes bc it's proven to be up to the challenge. Tho sometimes, when i see the minimal expectations fans have 4 other remakes, i feel kind of sorry 4 the Druck team. The pressure is on. The Druck audience have a much lower tolerance level for mediocrity, extended and gratuitous fan service and overall weak character and plot. The stakes are uniquely high for Druck out of the three remakes that remain. Good luck, Druck
Hello anon,
You are absolutely right, the stakes are higher because we actually do expect quality. But I personally don't feel sorry for the Druck team. Quite the opposite. Yes the stakes are high but that's what makes it fun and I think that's why the creators love to work on the show and love us the audience. Like from what I know most german media is quite bad and boring. The same old storyline, the same actors, the same plot. But then Druck came and said we're allowed to do something great here. We can do something that will actually say something, that will actually challenge its audience, that will speak to the young kids of today. We can research and we can cast young diverse voices of today. The fact that Druck is always improving, always bettering themselves, shows that they want to make the best possible content just as much as we do. So no, I don't feel sorry for Druck team. I feel sorry for the teams of the other remakes (not all of them but you know some of them) that they're so uninspired and that their audience doesn't challenge them in any way and that they just make content without a second thought to who it is actually for. I feel sorry for them because they don't get to grow as artists, they don't get to challenge themselves or the norms of their countries. 
Imagine if we didn't care. Imagine if Druck would gave us David and Mohamed and Amira and Nora and Fatou and Ava and we would just not care and concentrated just on how pretty some of the characters look or just concentrated on the gay couple. Imagine if you're a writer who spends so much time trying to find a way how to write Nora's story in a respectful and thoughtful and realistic way and then the fans would just ignore all of it because idk Ismail and Constantin posted a photo. Like I would not want to be a writer for that kind of an audience. But seeing the fandom talk about the things you're putting there, noticing the nuances and discussing theories or what's to come. Maybe even realising things you haven't thought of? Now that must feel pretty great for an artists and it must make you want to do even better, no? So yeah, I think the Druck team is quite happy with us even if we do put a lot of pressure on them.
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minchiutau · 5 years
Most details are from 1st day because we usually can’t see 1st day performances except for MC in DVD/BD anyway so i tried to focus on writing details of performance from 1st day more than 2nd (tho in term of perf there weren’t many differences) It contains most of the MCs and my thoughts about it!
Warning: Both reports and translations of the dialogue ARE not 100% accurate.  It’s based on what i and my friend remembered and took notes of. The post is extremely long! And i spent tons of time typing this so there might be a lot of grammar and typing errors. I’d be happy if you would overlook all of my mistakes here!
Edit: Let me apologize for the extreme delay.. I actually had this finished a week after it happened, and i was probably super tired when i finished it. I’m not sure how that happened, but apparently i didn’t post it and this had been sitting on my drafts for six months because i went on a hiatus afterwards.... I realized it after opening tumblr a day ago. I was super sad because it was so long and i spent tons of time writing it.. if possible i don’t want to delete it so here it is!
Opening lines by QN members
Opening VTR, there isn't anything like last QN live but it was visual picture slideshow of previous live and it shows how QN has been around since 2012~now. QUARTET★NIGHT instrumental was playing on the background.
Followed with clock'tick tock sound, bell rang and the main stage monitor was split into two and QN appeared with gold stage outfit and big clock on the background! Tattsun and Morikubo had similar hairstyle to the previous live with minor change (styling?) while maenu had brown hair tied like in 6th live melting of snow performance and shoutan with ai's hairstyle+hair color (bleached in some parts, not entirely but it looks really nice!)
1. THE WORLD IS MINE I actually guessed this would be the first song and i was right! It started with really pretty acapella ;;_;; THEIR HARMONIES WERE PERFECT IT WAS LEGENDARY like it was probably one of the best harmonization i've heard in my life (if previous live wasn't enough) I kinda forgot what happened during this performance because i was too amazed by how good they sang tbh. Pretty sure people know how good QN harmonize, but this one was especially good! If i remembered it right, there were some dance moves! The audience also sang "The world is mine!" part in the bridge, it was fun! I literally cried the moment they appeared i can’t remember much AHAHA //sweats
2.Poison KISS As soon as the intro started people around me went crazy with their screams xD It's more or less similar to what we've seen in previous lives. Do they have any tradition bc they always sing this song since 3rd live xD Except of course, they were dancing a lot more now and this song is actually one of the good example of their improvements! This song is still as hyped as always. They walked from the main stage to the front stage and during that they also did some poses and fanservices
MC (or not really since they were talking in character voice the whole time? kinda like opening serifu) Maenu: *Camus butler mode* Welcome to "QUARTET NIGHT LIVE FLY TO THE FUTURE" ladies and gentlemen. I'm Camus and let us enjoy tonight together. *Camus usual mode change* Or did you really think i'd say that, you peasant?! Be sure to follow us to the end. (In 2nd day camus didn't say the peasant thingy tho idk why) Shoutan: I'm Mikaze Ai. I'll make it a fun and dokidoki live until the end! *throw kiss* Tattsun: It's Kurosaki Ranmaru! It's finally our rocking time! Let's enjoy it till the end! Morikubo: Rei-chan’s the one left here~! My girl and my boy!! It's okay for Rei-chan to start first, right~?! and it went right to the next song
3. On Your Mark! I personally thought that this song sounds hard to sing (maybe bc of the key progression??) but Morikubo did great! His singing was super stable and consistent, as usual. He danced A LOT more on this one! Probably the most i've seen from reiji's solo so far! And he did super great! ;; It’s similar to the perf he had in 6th live except i think he did even better this time!! He must've worked really hard! He forgot a bit of his part in 1st day xD but he recovered right after!
4. Futari no Monogram I HAD FEELING THIS WOULD COME bc it was the only ai's solo shoutan didn't sing in QN 1st solo con.. and I definitely saw improvements! He was dancing (almost) all of the time and but he sounded A LOT more stable than 5th live (and i think 5th live was already great) it looked so easy for him xD But all in one it's similar to the one we've seen previously, except i think there were some additional moves? (Edit: many parts are entirely different too) In the end shoutan also said "Da~isuki" like 5th live, except it was in a bit more playful tone (kinda teasing tone?) Overall i think he did even better than 5th live! He also did some fanservices and i personally like the part where he fixed his silver gloves.
5. Saintly Territory Maenu appeared with his (this time a bit thin?) white mantle and did the dance like in previous live! Same with shoutan, i think he improved a lot with his singing stability and this time it sounded extremely stable and he looks a lot more relaxed with his dancing too!;; I really love how they keep on improving even tho they were already that good to begin with. He came to from main stage to front stage and suddenly he appeared with camus' stick from halfway and danced with it! xD He danced a lot! I’m not sure if it’s in this song or not but if i remember it right on first day, he also gave us a fanservice of him smirking in front of the camera and people went crazy over it (i mean, me too AHAHA)
6. BE PROUD Remember how legendary 6th live performance of this song was? Yeah, this time it was equally amazing. He appeared with stand-mic and it was a straightforward+simple performance, yet his singing was really amazing i kinda stopped swinging penlight.. The adlib on the bridge was really powerful and it just hit me hard i almost teared up ;; On last reff he went down on his knees and made really pained expression ;; in general he had pained expression on his face and it made me emotional.. also the trademark super-long notes in the end was also there, it was just amazing! I got chills. Personally i like last reff "hoeru shika naku (I have no other choice but to howl)" because he sounded like he was actually howling. BUT SERIOUSLY it was extremely emotional, both days were powerful and all in one it’s just simply amazing. Fight me you don’t like Ranmaru and tattsun after you listen to this performance AHAHA
The screen suddenly said "Acoustic corner, Reiji Camus", Morikubo and Maenu appeared with long sleeves shirt. Morikubo (reiji's) was black (with stage-like vest?) and maenu was white (with blue tie).They greeted the hall and live-viewing audience. Maenu wore camus' glasses. They said they were doing something new, which was acoustic corner! The band (?) was preparing on their back while they were doing the MC. Chairs were also prepared for them and they talked while sitting on it, also telling the audience to sit throughout acoustic performance.
Day 1 They talked about there weren't many chances to have only the two of them on MC and how rehearsal have passed in a blink of eye. It seemed like they were doing it under a lot of pressure (considering last live extreme high quality i'm not surprised tbh lol) Maenu: "It's hard to gather all of us together on the rehearsal" Morikubo: "We only managed to get all together once (?!) on the rehearsal. We sometimes did it with three of us present and for some reasons most of the time one of us couldn't be present." (audience sounded surprised! Me too, they performed really good together i just didn't expect it) Maenu: "I started rehearsal mainly from September. Though of course,  i received choreography videos beforehand." Morikubo: "The red person started really early, didn't he?" (audience laughed) Maenu: "He always got to start rehearsal really early every live" Morikubo: "He always got to start really early i couldn't help but thinking "Eh?! He started already?!" when i heard it." Maenu: "And he'd contact us with "I started with it!" first everytime" After that they were talking about the live and how it started with a new song! Apparently they were practicing it it a lot to the point that they saw it on their dreams lol Morikubo danced a bit (?) of the choreo with his hand, pointed at Maenu and said he often did those moves (practicing the move, the usual maenu’s greatness; not sure but i think it was killer kiss moves?) xD They talked about how it was the first time for the four of them to perform an acoustic corner on utapri live and that the live was fun. Morikubo: "I always receive the choreography video from the dance teacher first and i got to voice my opinion first if the dance was too hard or if it needs to be changed into easier moves. If i'm okay with it then the three of them will follow. (Because he's the oldest) Until now if some parts were too hard i'd say so and got scolded by certain someone (Tattsun LOL). But this time, after receiving it I said nothing about it and did it the way it's supposed to be." (Audience cheers) Maenu: "The choreography was really hard, wasn't it?" Morikubo: "Neverthless, our duty this time is to follow after Quartet Night. If the four of them are supposed to do it that way, then we will do our best to follow after them. We did our best without making excuses." (Audience cheers) Morikubo: "Up till now, there are a lot of idol groups existing right? They dance and sing." Maenu: "They do." Morikubo: "But look at us, we're dancing, singing AND harmonizing. Isn't that rare to be found?" Maenu: "It's rare indeed!" Morikubo: "We're dancing, singing AND harmonizing! (2nd time xD)" (Audience cheers) Morikubo: "If the four of them aim for even higher level, we'll also aim for it and chase after them(characters)!" After that they called for the acoustic band members. They also talked about Maenu's Camus glasses and apparently, Maenu being the biggest Camus fan he is, got the glasses by himself xD (If i remember right it got sold out really fast so i think he meant he put tons of effort to get it)
Day 2  They talked about how they’re doing it on Kobe this time. Up till now utapri live (or most events actually) was held in kanto region/near tokyo but this time the live was held in kansai region (Psst as someone who lives in kansai i’m extremely happy) They greeted people at live-viewing. Maenu: *to the camera* “Can you see us here?” Morikubo: “Live-viewiiiing!” Some of the audiences in the hall went “Fuuu~↑” even tho they were calling for the live-viewing LOL Maenu: “*a bit puzzled* O--oh I could hear their voices, i heard the Fuuu~“ xD From this point they’ll keep on doing this few times if someone let out voices when they were calling for people in live-viewing LOL There was also a small accident of the staffs bringing wrong water-bottle for Maenu (it was tatsu’s) xD They talked about how the penlight color change was automatically controlled by the staffs (like the one on previous live) Morikubo: “I thought it was amazing!” Maenu: “At first i thought ‘they changed the color so quickly!!’ but it seems like that was not the case” xD Morikubo: “Ah, but it’s possible to switch it into your favorite color, right?” Maenu: “Yes, it’s possible to do both” Morikubo: “If i say a color right now would it be possible (for the staffs) to change the color right away?” Maenu: “It’s supposed to be on programmed automatically isn’t it?” Morikubo: “Let’s try it!” Maenu: “I’m not sure, we haven’t told the staffs beforehand!” xD Morikubo: “We haven’t told them anything!” Maenu: “They must be panicking right now” Morikubo: “Everyone, I’ll say ‘red’ so please switch your penlight into another color and don’t change the color manually! Let’s see if it’s possible” Morikubo: “Here i go, red!!!” They waited few seconds and the color didn’t change xD Morikubo: “So it’s not possible!” *audience laughed* Maenu: “It has to be programmed beforehand” in the middle of their talk suddenly all of the penlight on the hall turned red Morikubo: “OHHH IT’S RED!!” Maenu: “That’s amazing!!! The staffs definitely panicked just now” Morikubo: “I’m sorry for doing it suddenly!”  Maenu: “(it’s all in red) So this is what Tatsu saw while singing” Morikubo: “(to audience)Ah, you can turn it back to your favorite color now. Thank you very much for your cooperation” They talked about how the concert hall is a good hall (and i totally agree) and how they could see the audience clearly. Then they talked about how it was a 2 days concert as opposed to prev one. Afterwards Morikubo told us that they’re ready to do it for another day or two xD Maenu agreed Maenu: “Even the rehearsals were fun. Of course there were a lot of hardships, but the sensation of being able to stand with the four of us.. it’s just addictive” Morikubo: “Lately, there’s something all of us often do. Inside the dressing room, when the four of us were sitting in front of the mirrors and our songs were played on the background, we’ll do an imitation/impression of our own characters”  Maenu: “A bit exaggerated one” Audience screamed “Do it~~” and the two of us fell into silence all of sudden xD Maenu: “If you said something like that of course it’ll come into this!” Morikubo: “It’s more or less just what you always hear from us” Audience told them to do it again Morikubo: “Yesterday we talked about such topic. We were talking about how Shouta used to sing demos of most utapri songs and we asked about how he did our character voices. *stares at maenu* How did he do Ran-Ran again?” Maenu: “?! I’d be the one doing it?!”  He did an impression of Ranmaru’s “Arai hou ga ii~” of Poison kiss and it was super funny! xD He made his voice really hoarse and also made funny expression with his eyes wide-opened LOL Morikubo then apologized at him for making him suddenly do it Maenu: “You told me to do it!” Morikubo: “I wasn’t expecting you to do it with that expression” Maenu: “I’m sorry please forget the thing i did just now” LOL Maenu: “At rehearsal we often do something like that to fill the part of the member that wasn’t there. For example Morikubo-san’s part” Morikubo: “They’ll start imitating ‘Tee ↑ ee↑ (the vocal swing he often does, you’d probably get what i mean if you listened to Reiji’s singing in general)” Maenu: *imitates* “More and More and~~(poison kiss w/hands movements too)” Morikubo: “It’s not “Mori mori ok?!”  (means to do something vigorously in japanese) Maenu: “Even all of those things were really fun” Morikubo: “Camus’ (impression) were amazing too you know” Maenu: “Tatsu totally did that on purpose!” Morikubo: “If Tatsu comes later, tell him to do it here” And they called the band
7. KILLER KISS When they talked about how they were going to perform it acoustic i actually couldn't imagine how it would sound with this song but it actually sounded really pleasant! I mean, it sounded a lot quieter than the actual song so you could hear their great voices and amazing harmonization crystal clear! It sounded really refreshing! They also did a bit of the little hand choreography similar to the one on 6th live. They sounded really powerful!
Shoutan and Tattsun appeared. Shoutan had white shirt with lilac-colored flower on his left pocket and Tattsun had black shirt they also talked while sitting like Morikubo and Maenu (At some parts they also stood?).
Day 1 Shoutan talked about how it's refreshing to be able to talk with just the two of them and tattsun agreed to it. In the middle of convo Tattsun just went with sudden "Let's introduce ourself" and the audience laughed. Shoutan: "Everyone, good evening! I'm Mikaze Ai's good friend Aoi Shouta!" Tattsun: "You went with that?! I'm the one who's always standing closest to Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa." Tattsun: "Aaa~ It's refreshi-- *looks at shoutan turning his back from audience* Hey! Don't fix your belt here!" (Shoutan a bit panicking lol) Tattsun: "This is why before the live started i told you not to eat that many cream puffs!!"* (if you don't get this reference go search for game and drama CDs involving Ai lol) Shoutan: "That's not true!" lol Tattsun also said Morikubo and Maenu talked a lot so almost no topic left for them to talk xD Shoutan told the camera to zoom at Tattsun's nails. Apparently at previous lives Tattsun's nail colors were normal red but this time he finally had Ranmaru's burgundy dark red! Also Shoutan tried to let his nails grow but at rehearsal two of it hit the mic and broke. He also had Ai's color nail btw. Tattsun: "This time, at rehearsal we were often together. Of course we were looking at each other practices a lot too. The more i see him, to be honest I could only see Shouta as a girl!" Shoutan: "You said that a lot! Stuffs like "what's with that body line!?" Tattsun: "His girl power (女子力) is increasing day by day! If it's me i definitely wouldn't be able to do it! For example this pose *posing*" Shoutan: "This one? *posing*" (hard to describe so take a look at matoni-sensei's report pic here! the pose at the very middle of the pic) Tattsun: "How did you do that?" *imitating but failed* (Audience laughed) Tattsun: "This time, for example the dance, like previously talked, we're following the footsteps of our characters. As they go higher, we as one try to follow them. To begin with I only do stuffs like this once a year here you know!" Shoutan: "This kind of chance doesn't happen often, right? But actually tatsu-nii at his own will, you know, even after the rehearsal was supposed to end--" Tattsun: "Hey~ Stop this topic!" Shoutan: "When the rehearsal ended he'd go around saying "I'm sorry, can i do it just one more time?" you know! Of course we have to make sure we're in good condition by resting well too, but his feelings reached me and it made me want to reply it with same thing." Tattsun: "Right, at that time i had the time so i tried to use all of my time practicing and when i realized it i've been doing it for six and half hours." Shoutan: "Really, how many times did you do the live that time?"   (Audience laughed) Tattsun: "And Shouta was also there the whole time."(Not sure if he said he was standing there or singing behind him) Tattsun: "To be honest, I couldn't produce Ranmaru's voice easily. And so i'd need time to adjust my throat beforehand. Sometimes i got frustrated and was troubled with it alone. And at such times, he'd come closer to me and said "Tatsu-nii, what about doing quartet night songs together?". Among us, Shouta is the one who's always trying to consider others feelings. At that one time all of us got together, we were troubled with a thing and couldn't come into agreement. At such time, Shouta was the first one to speak up "What about doing this way? Maybe it's going to change for the better!". He was always thinking about our feelings and what to do about it. In that way, he's the one supporting our backs and i think that's what's good about him." After that they talked about how they're going to sing after this with the acoustic band. Tattsun: "We were talking a lot prior to this performance, like how to make it sound better and what to add and improvise." Shoutan: "That's right, we talked a lot about it." Tattsun: "I was thinking of supporting Shouta while he's singing freely with his all, but actually Shouta also adjusts with how i'm singing. It feels like a matchmaking (お見合い)." Shoutan: "It feels like we're sharing same atmosphere!" Tattsun: "It made me feel like, "Ah, so singing with others could be this interesting!" It's really fun. I haven't had chance to sing with someone with such a different type of voices and it feels refreshing. *suddenly bowing?* Thank you so much" Shoutan was off guard because Tattsun just suddenly thanked him and was like "nn?!" xD Tattsun: "So, are we doing it?" Shoutan: "(to the audience suddenly) Do you want to hear us~?" (and of course we said we want to hear it) Shoutan: "They said they want to~" Tattsun: "Why did you start it and answer it yourself?" (Audience laughed xD) Shoutan: "I'm sorry" (Audience screamed "Cute~!") Tattsun: "That part! That's the cute part of you, you know" And i kinda forgot what they said after this.. but not long after they started with title call and the next song started! Day 2 Shoutan: “Good evening~ It’s finally our turn” Tattsun: “No matter how many times we did it, it always feels refreshing to be here (doing MC) with just the two of us” Shoutan: “It does! The previous two’s MC/perf was really heated up” Tattsun: “Right” Both: ”Right~” (audience laughed xD) Tattsun: “First, please introduce yourself” Shoutan: “I’m Mikaze Ai’s best friend, Aoi Shouta!” Tattsun: “I’m the one with privilege to stand closest to Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa” Shoutan: “Isn’t it interesting that our introduction changed a bit everytime?” They talked about live-viewing and called out to them Shoutan: *to camera* “How are you guys?” Tattsun: “Everyone at live-viewing places, how are you?” the audiences in the hall went “Fuuu~↑” again Tattsun: “I could hear voices even though it’s supposed to be live-viewing! Amazing!” LOL After that they changed topic into the outfits they wore on acoustic corner Shoutan: “After the first day ended, there was something a lot of people were talking about regarding this acoustic corner. As opposed to our previous gold outfits, in this corner we have a shirt as our outfit. *Tattsun spun to show the audience his outfit*”  Shoutan: “It has Ranmaru’s color on it” Tattsun: “(the red cloth of the lower part of his outfit) I requested this” Shoutan: “For me, i wanted a symbol at Ai’s left chest. The staffs also added Ai’s color on it” (whoever manage to understand the symbolism i love you) Shoutan: “The real topic starts here. The shirt i’m wearing right now is  an oversize shirt. So it has a bit of kare-shirt (It’s a situation when someone is wearing their lovers’ clothes) vibe on it. “ *audience loud screams* xD Tattsun: “Right” Shoutan: “And that’s..” Tattsun: “That’s why you should just say you were staying over in my place” *fangirl squeal* Shoutan: “And there’s the fact that the two of us are doing MC together too.. For a moment i thought 'Eh?! Did i actually stay in Tatsu-nii’s house and borrow his shirt?!'”  Tattsun: “I thought it would look good on you, so you can have it” *embarrassed shoutan* xD Shoutan: “This person right here... Why does he always say this kind of embarrassing lines like it was nothing?! This is embarrassing” (you two so cute stahp) Tattsun: “Could you stop getting ‘seriously’ embarrassed?” xD Shoutan: “Of course i would! *to male audience* Even male would feel the same, right?!”  A male audience answered and tattsun laughed at it Shoutan: “I told you so!” Tattsun: “I could hear your voice (male audience) really clearly! Wait a bit, let me take off my in-ear monitor. (He looks happy to hear them) *male audience cheers*  Tattsun: “This is awesome, i could hear you guys really well! *laughs* Oi, you guys sure have great voices!” (they both look really happy xD) Shoutan: “And obviously, all of you girls, it made your heart throb right?!” *audience cheers* Shoutan: “I told you!” Tattsun: “Wait a bit, why did you put yourself in girls side?!” LOLOL Shoutan: “After standing on many stages of utapri, i feel like i could understand what everyone is thinking about!” Tattsun: “That’s what i told you in the rehearsal wasn’t it?! When i was watching your solo, i told you 'Your girl power(女子力) is increasing even more!'“ Tattsun: “Especially when he was dancing and singing, his body-line definitely doesn’t look like a male!  Shoutan: “Really? *does the same pose as the one on 1st day MC* I ended up doing it like that” Tattsun: “If i’m the one doing it, it looks like a plastic model *does the same pose* So stiff” Shoutan: “But in return you have the coolness of Ranmaru!” Tattsun: “All i could do is being aggresive (オラつくit’s a bit hard to explain)” Shoutan: “That’s Ranmaru!!” After that they talked about flower stand! (btw for some reasons if i go to QN events i always see many cool and artistic flower stands so if you’re curious be sure to look it up) Tattsun: “We wanted to see it by ourselves but it was close to where the audience was waiting so we couldn’t see it. But our managers took a VTR of the flowers for us and we all watched it together. While we were talking about how big and pretty it was suddenly a panel appeared and we were like ‘Eh?! You can create such flower stand?!’” Shoutan: “It was amazing wasn’t it?” Tattsun: “And also, i know it’s a form of love and i probably shouldn’t say an unnecessary comment like this, but there was a flower stand with Ranmaru’s silhouette and an instrument on it. The thing is, that silhouette wasn’t a bass, it was a guitar!!” Shoutan: “A-Ah, the instrument Ranmaru plays is..” Tattsun: “Bass” Shoutan: “And what came was...” Tattsun: “Guitar...” Shoutan: “That was close! So close! B-but it was a silhouette so..” Tattsun: “But.. it was a guitar...” Shoutan: “So close!” Tattsun: “That shape was probably an SG (gibson SG? i’m not sure) guitar..” Shoutan: “You sure know a lot!” xD Tattsun: “*asks a band member* Right?! But i could feel the love and so i think ’It’s okay, a guitar is fine too’” Shoutan: “After all, they made it so pretty!” Tattsun: “Indeed! Among them there were also outfits right? The quality was so high i thought ‘Eh?! Did we wear that outfits?!’” Shoutan: “Eh?! It’s the real thing?!” Tattsun: “Did we give/show the real thing to them?!” xD Shoutan: “Was it leaked somewhere?” Tattsun: “Without realizing it, do they know our three sizes?!” Shoutan: “That’s bad!!” Tattsun: “No way, no way!!! We’re in trouble!” (what are you guys doing LOL) Afterwards they talked about how it represents audience love for the series Tattsun: “It was so amazing it feels like being on an exhibition! Don’t you think we could charge an admission fee for this?” Shoutan: “That’s right!!” xD Tattsun: “A lot of people also sent it directly to certain character and on that part too i could totally feel your affection for them.” Tattsun: “Yesterday, after 1st day ended we had a small after-party with the four of us plus few people. We talked about a lot of things there and there were a lot of talks full of love for the series. We’ll talk about it in depth after the four of us are all here.” Tattsun: “Also, on dressing room lately, doing an impression of QN members has became a trend, right? Shoutan: “We do impression of each other’s characters. It’s before the live so tatsu-nii brought a stereo--  Is this the right word? I’m hopeless when it comes to such thing..  ” Tattsun: “Shouta” Shoutan: “Yes?” Tattsun: “Ba~ka” (in teasing tone asdhjkf what is this, a shoujo manga?) *Audience screams* Shoutan: “ *a bit of sulking tone* He said i’m an idiot..” Tattsun: “That’s called a bluetooth speaker!” Shoutan: “Ah! It’s a speaker!” Tattsun: “Don’t just go and group everything into 'latest model machine’!” Shoutan: “I’m sorry.. -- so he used a speaker to play the setlist of this live inside our dressing room. And then we’ll hum or sing along” Tattsun: “I thought if there’s no sound maybe the atmosphere would be a bit gloomy so i brought a rather big one and played the playlist of the setlist. And when i did that, suddenly we could hear Rei-chan that wasn’t Rei-chan” LOL Shoutan: “You’re right. After that we would hear an addition of one more person, and another one, we would then hear someone who did an impression of ranmaru, and so on...” Shoutan: “But the thing is, when Camus’ part comes..” Both: “All of us would do it” LOL Shoutan: “It was amazing wasn’t it?” Tattsun: “All of us would gather and sang the “kindan no kajitsu~♪ (killer kiss)” Shoutan: “We did it. Not only our own character, but did such to another character of the same group” Tattsun: “We did it” Shoutan: “Ai’s impressions were also amazing” Tattsun: “When doing Ai we would pucker our lips” Shoutan: “That’s right! Actually, i have such a small mouth/lips so when they’re doing it like that i could hear some similarities.. Tomo-nii also did it. That’s what’s trending on our dressing room lately” Tattsun: “When doing an impression of Ranmaru, all of them would sound so hoarse!” Shoutan: “First of all we would strain our voices” Tattsun: “Raise the distortion to the max..” Tattsun: “Do you still remember the first time you voiced Ai?” Shoutan: “I do! At that time i was just started learning how to be a voice actor. With an illustration of Ai right in front of me, I was thinking of how to make him alive. While thinking of such things i would practice over and over again. After spending a lot of time, i finally managed to do that.” Tattsun: “The staffs were really careful about it weren’t they?” Shoutan: “Yes. What about Ranmaru? How was it?” Tattsun: “A bit roughly but at that time I saw all of the utapri series first. And at that time, i thought that there weren’t many people with low tone voices. As a senpai, when i read the script at that time Ranmaru also said so many harsh words. I was thinking of what to do with it and came into conclusion that to make it sounds manly i should do it with low tone. And so it became like that.” Tattsun: “But that time, i didn’t give it much thought and let out the lowest tone i could at that time.” Shoutan: “I see!” Tattsun: “And so when i’m voicing Ranmaru i have to keep my throat wide opened the whole time” Tattsun: “The first time i thought ‘i’ve done it wrong’ was at the singing recording. At that time i realized that i have to practice hard to produce Ranmaru’s voice well. Especially at the very beginning, i have to warm-up my voice well before recording something as Ranmaru. At that time i’d practice “*Ranmaru’s voice* Oi” with my throat wide open.” Shoutan: “And so it becomes Ranmaru” Tattsun: “*points at the area between throat and chin* the shape of my face here would disappear (bc he’s keeping his throat open).  It would turn into a neck of a dinosaur. ” xD Shoutan: “But after going through all of that Ranmaru was born” Tattsun: “That’s right” Shoutan: “A lot of stories were there”
And they announced next song
8. HARUHANA ONE WORD TO DESCRIBE: BEAUTIFUL. I guess this one is easier to imagine in acoustic ver. It sounds really classy~ I must say this arrangement fits this song A LOT! Both of them sang super emotionally ;; Tattsun used softer tones at some parts and shoutan sang some parts more dynamically than others creating an emotional performance;; When this song was released i saw someone said that they voices don't go well with each other, but nah they really need to watch this performance. Their chemistry was heavenly.. their timing, the way their voice overlap and harmonize, even how they put power in their singing, it was a perfection. To be honest, the two of them in this performance probably had the best chemistry i've ever seen in utapri live performances. They shared A LOT of eye contacts! (they were staring at each other like most of the time? lol) They also inserted really pretty adlibs and even harmonize on it. Before last reff they sang it really passionately before suddenly (intentionally) stopped singing for seconds and left a bit of silence. After seconds they start again with really emotional last reff! It was amazing. (Explanation: "Oru youni kasaneatte, koe e to, uta e to~~~ (long notes) Aa *stops for like 3 seconds* yokaze ni fukarete...") Also last reff's "..mune wo sasu kedo ↑" was improvised as the notes went up instead of down. I couldn't say anything other than perfection. I personally like their perf of this song on the first day more than the second day (tho of course it was awesome too) so i kinda hoped utapri would ever release DVD/BD of 1st day of their lives too...
A bit of MC. Tattsun said that because they finally had the chance to sing acoustic they wanted to sing with the four of them and called Morikubo and Maenu!
Day 1 Morikubo said he had two things to say to them Morikubo: "First, the two of us talked about a lot of topics (that Tattsun said they have nothing left to talk) because it took a lot of time for the band to set their instruments on the stage!" xD Maenu: "It can't be helped!" Tattsun: "Talk about of such circumstances when we're on backstage instead of here!" (Audience laughed) Morikubo: "Also second, Tatsu is amazing with his practice and all, but sometimes there's also time when he's only stretching for 2 hours!" LOL ((After this they talked a bit more but i forgot the details, i think my memory went overcapacity starting from here, i'm really sorry //sweats)) They talked about how QN appeared for the first time at 2012. If i remember it right Tattsun also said previous live was only last year (6th) but he felt like it's been longer than that. I didn't remember who brought it up first (Tattsun maybe??) but they then talked about how Shoutan used to provide his singing for the demo/prototype version of utapri songs before the respective seiyuu sing the song! (I think a lot of you knew it already, as people around me already knew abt this too) Shoutan: "You promised you won't talk about this, right?!" xD and they realized they didn't give us enough explanation about what they were talking about and decided to explain. Maenu: "For a period of time, Shouta used to sing for all utapri demo song alone by himself. " Tattsun: "Not to mention, he also sang it the way the character would" Morikubo: "You did STARISH songs and Quartet Night songs right? And what about HEAVENS'? Shoutan: "I also did HEAVENS song!" (Audience and the rest of them were surprised) Tattsun: "That's why, i mean, isn't it a good idea to release those CDs?" Shoutan: "*panicking* No way! No way!" (Audience screamed they want it xD) Shoutan: "It's only good because they (respective char/seiyuus) are the one singing you know! Demo songs are just demo" Tattsun: "Even so, how did you do sing it (the way other characters/seiyuus would)?" Shoutan: "Of course, first i heard each of their CDs. After that i tried thinking of how to sing it so that it's easy to understand who is singing which part. If i sang it all the same way, it'd be hard to understand!" Morikubo: "If that's the case, for example how would you do it if you're doing Ranran's part?" Shoutan: "Wait!! I'd get scolded for this!!" xD (Audience laughed) Tattsun: "You won't!" Morikubo: "Like first, do you need to get your feelings fired up or such? Tell us how you do it! Maybe the audience will have the chance to sing Ranran's part at karaoke or something!" (I kinda forgot this part) Tattsun: "But for some reason, when everyone was imitating Ranmaru's voice, they'll make their voice hoarse. And they'd start saying "I'll kill you!"? Ranmaru didn't even say such thing!" Maenu: "We, and other utapri members (starish seiyuus?) sometimes imitate other character voices on rehearsal and practice." Shoutan: "We did! Also personally same here, when doing Ranmaru's voice i tried to make it sounds threatening (? (LOL xD)) and put my attention on creating more breathy sounds” Morikubo: “Did you hear it guys? Breathy voices!” Shoutan: “But the original singer actually didn’t even do it on purpose right?” Tattsun: “Yes, i’m not aware of it myself” Morikubo: “What about me?! Me?” Shoutan: “With Reiji i’d insert many vocal swings” Morikubo: “Ah, i see!” Shoutan: “Even with Ai there are times i used that kind of singing technique, but after listening to a lot of songs i tried to think of the way i could get the feel with my own voice” Maenu: “What about me?” Morikubo: “With Camus, the first thing is to put in a lot of sugar right?” Shoutan: “Yes xD a lot of sugar cube!” *Tattsun agreing lol* Maenu: “So how did you do it?” Shoutan: “With Camus.. i tried to sing a bit through my nose?” Maenu: “I see! It’s like when Tatsu imitated my voices with bad intentions (LOL) He does it a lot on the dressing room” Tattsun: “Didn’t you do that a lot too?!” Maenu: “We all do! *shoutan and morikubo laughed* Morikubo: “When we all stand side-by-side the ‘let’s imitate other characters tournament’ would just suddenly start!” Tattsun: “Inside the make-up room we were all sitting side by side. At that time the setlist of the concert was playing on the bgm. And then suddenly someone would just start singing a part that isn’t even theirs!” Morikubo: “Didn’t you *points at Maenu* also sing your own part exaggeratedly?!” Tattsun: “He did!!” *shoutan laughed*  Tattsun: “What were you even doing?!” Maenu: “I just thought maybe it would be interesting, i tried to guess how my singing sound for people around me” xD Morikubo: “In the prev live i talked about how singing with the three of you feels so good, right? This time while listening to ourselves in acoustic corner, the existence of Maeno’s solid low notes, Shouta’s clear high notes, and for mid-high notes i’ll be there together with Tatsu’s mid-low notes, make a great balance.” Shoutan: “I thought so too!” Morikubo: “Especially because it’s acoustic you could hear the voices clearly. It felt so nice! What do you guys think of it?” Maenu: “I ag...ree with you *stumbled with his words*” Tattsun: “Which position are you standing on right now?! Also where is your glasses (camus’ glasses) ?!” Maenu: “I took that off” Shoutan: “You took that off!” Maenu: “It’s a coincidence but our voices balance out each other extremely well. They’re so compatible with each other. It’s such a wonder.” Morikubo: “What do you guys think of it? (audience)” *audience claps* Morikubo: “Today is the Culture Day (a holiday in Japan) but we’re able to be here. Why don’t all of you start your own QUARTET NIGHT with 4 people around you right now? (xD LOL)”  Tattsun: “Live-viewing too!” And they show themselves on camera for people in live-viewing! Tattsun: “It’s QUARTET NIGHT~~~~” (his tone was so cute xD karunai dayo~) Tattsun: So, a lot of QUARTET NIGHTs would be born from among the whole country today? (LOL)
Morikubo: “Let’s sing together shall we?” They talked about the outfit a bit before getting into the next song
Day 2 After the performance Tattsun said that it was really fun and called for the other two. Morikubo&Maenu: “It was a great performance!” Morikubo: “I could listen to your (haruhana duo) talk and performance forever” Tattsun and shoutan laughed Shoutan: “Really?!” Morikubo: “I mean it. But Shouta, how could you mistook a speaker for a stereo?!” Maenu: “But i think Tatsuhisa who mistook a video for a VTR (video tape recorder) is also more or less the same” Morikubo: “What has gotten into you?! a VTR?!” *to tattsun* Tattsun: “EH?!” LOL Shoutan: ”I sure made a grave mistake..” Tattsun: “At least i didn’t say something like ‘a beta’ (betamax)” Morikubo asked the audience about the acoustic corner Morikubo: “It felt really good” Shoutan: “It was fun!” Maenu: “It was!” Tattsun: “During today’s rehearsal showtaro-san also talked about this but I feel like we could make a lot more stuffs with this corner” Morikubo: “Like for example, an acoustic live or something” (OMG YES PLS) *Audience cheers* Maenu: “It’ll be great” Tattsun: “For example wouldn’t it be nice if we do it with night sky in the background?” Morikubo: “Our dream keeps on getting even bigger” Tattsun: “We keep on saying this kind of thing, i’m sorry!” (about what they want to do in the future onstage without consulting to staffs xD) Morikubo: “I think it’s important to have a specific dream!” Maenu: “It’s also important to say it out loud” Morikubo: “That’s right, let’s keep on saying it. Right, everyone?” a bit of short silence Morikubo: “You’re not going to say it?!” LOL Everyone laughs Maenu: “It’ll be nice if it becomes true in the future!” Morikubo: “When the two of you were talking I could hear the voice of ‘my boy’ (male audience) so clearly! Let us hear it again, ‘my boy’!!” *male audience cheers* Maenu: “Oh! It’s amazing!” Morikubo: “*to a male audience* Thank you! It makes me happy!” *male audience cheers*  Tattsun: You guys sure have great voices! I’m so happy!” (he looks super happy xD) Morikubo: “What about in the live-viewing?” Tattsun& Maenu: “My boy?” Morikubo: “My boy!” Morikubo: *to the camera* “My boy in the live viewing~!!” *Male audience in the hall cheers xD* Shoutan: “There must be some of them!” Maenu: “I could hear them!” Tattsun: “That true, even though it’s live-viewing i could hear their voices!” LOL Maenu: “It reached us! Words filled with feelings definitely gets across, doesn’t it? xD Morikubo: “Right, it’s amazing. We’re so grateful that a lot of people from the whole country came to see us. Thank you very much” Morikubo: “This time it’s a 2 days concert. What do you think of it?” Tattsun: “Yesterday i felt extremely nervous.. I was full of momentary nervousness, but as i talked on previous MC the four of us had an after-party, didn’t we? It seems like i was really happy. The moment i woke up today all i could think of was about that!” Morikubo: “Actually, it seems like the four of us were really happy about it” *the four of them laughs* Morikubo: “We’re surprised about it ourselves. But it seems like the four of us put our arms around each other's shoulders and walk back to the hotel on that position!” (o mg cute) Shoutan: “It’s a real story!” Maenu: “We were all pretty drunk” Tattsun: “To reach the hotel there was a bit of distance so we decided to just walk to the hotel. The four of us keep on putting arms around each other during our walk back to the hotel! “ Shoutan:“That’s true!” Maenu: “Our managers happened to be on the lobby of the hotel and took a picture of us!” Tattsun: “They were like, ‘what are you guys doing? It’s funny so can i take a picture?’  and took a picture of it! Morikubo: “It was so fun!” Tattsun: “It was a blast! We talked about a lot of things” Morikubo: “We were able to feel this feeling thanks to the group named QUARTET NIGHT. So, Shouta, how was it?” Shoutan: “Even though yesterday was only the first day, I already felt like tearing up many times on the stage.. I tried my best to endure it”  Tattsun: “It’s okay to cry though” Shoutan: “And this person would say something like that!! Near the end when i was about to tear up he would come and say “Oh? Oh? Are you about to cry?” (he’s like provoking shoutan to cry xD) and i’d say “That’s not true!” ”  Tattsun: “That’s okay Shouta~ if you cry I’ll pat your head”   (asdahkf) Shoutan: “But in truth, *points at maenu* tomo-nii was also about to cry in certain song!” Maenu: “A sweat, i was just sweating a lot!” Tattsun: *points at maenu “This guy right there, all he could do it say stuffs like that till he actually breaks into tear!” Maenu:“It was just a sweat!” Shoutan: “Something like that happened! Everytime i stand on this stage, i could feel all of your feelings directly. It directly reached my heart. I’m sure, it also reaches the four of them (chars) directly too.” Morikubo: “It’s our second solo live, so to surpass our previous live, we thought a lot about what our stage is supposed to be. For example the acoustic corner. After this too, we have a lot in store to show all of you here in Kobe. Please look forward to it!” Tattsun: “Among us, Maeno is the most passionate about QN, isn’t he?” Maenu: “That’s not true, all of us are equally passionate about it!” Tattsun: “Of course, we’re all passionate about it! But in terms of concentrating himself to the characters, i feel like he inspires us the most.” Maenu: “That’s not true!” Morikubo: “That’s true, whenever i see him he’s always practicing!” Shoutan: “Exactly! Everytime i’d see him practicing on the corner of the room” Tattsun: “So, how’s this concert for you?” Maenu: “Just as always, while looking forward to it i hope i could leave good memories in the history of QN’s journey. Every moment is so precious and dear to me, it happened to me during 6th live too, but that’s why when the show ended and i have to take off the sparkly and beautiful outfits, i would feel so sad. But of course, if there’s a beginning eventually there will come an end too, so i want to create a lot of memories with all of you before it ends. “ Maenu: “But really, the moment four of us are all here together, i always feel so at ease. It just feels like we’re unbeatable. It’s so addicting.” Morikubo: “That’s true.” Tattsun: “I agree” Shoutan: “When we’re practicing there are a lot of formations. In most of them, we’re supposed to stand a bit apart from each other, but when we started to talk with each other without even realizing it we’d suddenly stand so close to each other!” Tattsun: “Without even realizing it!” Morikubo: “in the previous live something like that happened too wasn’t it? Even though the stage was big, suddenly we all were already in the middle of the stage standing so close to each other! We’re supposed to use the wide stage!” Maenu: “I mean, don’t you think it’s already unusual for four fully-grown adults to walk back to hotel with their arms on each other’s shoulder?!” xD Tattsun: “And the thing is, aside from QUARTET NIGHT we actually always go on our separate ways, right?” Maenu: “That’s true! Even if we meet on another works we’ll just say greetings and go our separate ways!” Tattsun: “Actually this time, the day before the concert, i heard that we could do rehearsal on the hall and i was on the same bullet train with Maeno. I met him in the station of Tokyo. We exchanged “Good morning” and just went our separate ways just like that!” Shoutan: ”Eh?! Really?!” Morikubo: “You didn’t come together?!” Tattsun: “We just exchanged good morning. It’s not like i had any reason to go together with him.” (The way he said it was a bit funny xD a bit tsun) Maenu: “That’s right! I was buying something in the convenience store and Tatsu came in when i was about to quit the store. So it was like ‘Oh so you’re going to buy something here, i see. See you later!’ “ Tattsun: “And so i replied ‘Yeah, i’m going in. Later!’ and went to opposite direction“ Maenu:“But the moment we met up on the rehearsal we would start saying things like ‘Let’s do this part!’ to each other.” Shoutan: “That’s very like Ranmaru and Camus!” *audience laughed xD* Morikubo: “You’re right! That’s exactly the same!” Shoutan:“Exact same!” Morikubo: “The two-shots of these two is interesting so let us see it! *goes away from the other two and gets closer to shoutan* Yesterday when we were eating together it was like that too. They were like Ranran and myuu-chan” Maenu: “But at the group line Shouta also enthusiastically does stuffs like that!” (acting like characters) Tattsun: “He said stuffs like that!” Maenu: “He’d say stuffs like ‘I won’t forgive you if you’re late!’”  Shoutan: “We uploaded a photo of our hands and mics, didn’t we?” Tattsun: ”We actually created a diamond on that photo” (the more you know) Shoutan:”We’re a group so it’d be better to upload it on the same time. Showtaro-niisan suggested that we all upload it on 21:00. Tatsu-nii edited the photo for us. After he sent it to us, tomo-nii replied with “Can’t be helped, i’ll use it” (like camus xD)”  Morikubo:”Then our whole in-char conversations started!” Maenu:”*points at tattsun* He replied with “You’re not being honest” Tattsun: ”That’s normal thing to say, right?! If you’re going to use it you could just say thanks, right?!” Shoutan:“And they i’d reply with “*Ai’s voice* They’re at it again” and added *back to usual shoutan* let’s do it on 21:00″  Tattsun: “We sure talk in our characters personality don’t we? Shoutan:”We do!” Morikubo:”Speaking of LINE, we actually have an utapri all cast group line and yesterday all of the STARISH members gave us encouraging messages.” Tattsun: ”It made me really happy!” Morikubo:”All of them did!” Tattsun: ”We’re standing here right now as QUARTET NIGHT, but we want to treasure the fact that it’s STARISH who opened the path for us. So it makes me really happy! I feel like that it fired us up even more, it made us stronger” Morikubo then said that they’re going to sing the next song and he suddenly told tattsun and maenu to stand beside each other to which maenu replied with “It’s not like we’re close with each other or anything!” xD and they started with next song
9. Marriage
Because it was acoustic arrangement there weren't any background vocals so instead they sang all of the english background vocals live too (ex: "under the starlight~ let's find our love part" etc) and it was really pretty! ;; if i remember well it's mostly shoutan for higher octave (i thought i heard female voice LOLOL) and switched between maenu/morikubo/tattsun for lower parts! Tbh listening to the reff reminded me how much maenu has improved with his singing/harmonies. It sounded really pleasant. On the middle of the song they introduced band members (i think it was percussion, violin, guitar, bass and keyboard??) while they were sitting on the front stage floor xD it was cute!!
Questions VTR. Seiyuus were asked some questions about their characters (impression, stuffs they like about them, etc) Maenu joked a lot, (or stuffs he said were just purely funny lol) shoutan too! In general it was really funny! But it was pretty long and fast so i didn’t manage to remember/take note of most of them, i’m sorry!;; Stuffs written here are not in order and is more or less just the gist of it. They didn’t show each of their full interview as one but instead cut their sentences halfway, switch to another person and so on so it was a bit hard to remember their full answer but here are the questions:
Was there something you couldn’t understand from your character?
Morikubo→ “Thank you very very Macho-cho “ LOL Tattsun→ How harsh he was toward ppl around him Shouta→ He sleeps on siting position LOL Maenu→ He puts way too much sugar on his drink (Saw that coming xD)
Which part do you like from your character from the very beginning?
Morikubo→ As a moodmaker, he actually could read the atmosphere well Tattsun→ He’s extremely straightforward and devoted (abt his work/in general?) Never compromise (to aim for better thing) Shouta→He’s like a cute younger brother. His voice is beautiful LOLOL Maenu→ His “strong heart”. He’s not afraid of being hated and says stuffs the way he think it is. 
What was your first impression of your character?
Morikubo→ Bright but hard to figure out (his inner thoughts etc) Tattsun→ Scary Shouta→ Difficult to deal with Maenu→ Full of dignity
When did you feel like you’ve become best friend with your character?
Morikubo→ The moment  “Yoroshiku Macho-cho “ was born  Tattsun→ The moment some parts of Ranmaru he didn’t know started to appear, when he felt grateful for the chance to learn more about Ranmaru Shouta→ The moment he learned that Ai is not a human being Maenu→ The moment he woke up and mistook Jan 23 (Camus’ birthday) as his own birthday
Is there something you still can’t understand about your character?
Morikubo→ Wonder how did Reiji become such a “strong” person Tattsun→ “Aside from his honest and serious personality he also cooks well, is kind to animals, Isn’t his ‘spec’ too high?!” He said he couldn’t forgive Ranmaru for being too ‘high-spec’ xD Shouta→ He still sleeps in sitting position (He talked about how sleeping on bed def works better to recover yourself many times LOL) Maenu→ When he drinks something he put in a lot of sugar
What is something you like from your character now?
Morikubo→ (not sure i’m sorry;;) He pushed himself to limits for members Tattsun→ Everything (Aaaaaa) Shouta→ Became a lot softer. Understands his own position well Maenu→ He doesn’t try to flatter others/sugarcoat things
Is there a (bad) thing you want your character to fix/improve?
Morikubo→ He’s strong but he should stop keeping his feelings bottled up inside and relax more Tattsun→ He should stop wearing different color contact lenses for both eyes LOL Stop depending on color lenses Shouta→ Stay the way he is Maenu→ He’s drinking way too much sugar for his health
Is there anything you hope for your characters?
Morikubo→ There must still be a lot of Reiji’s side we’re not aware of so he should show us more sides/charms of him Tattsun→ Stay just the way he is Shouta→ Ai might be a robot but he should meet a lot people, move forward with his comrade, treasure each of the moment of his life Maenu→ He believes Camus could make the impossible possible so he wants to see him fly in the sky LOL
What should you/character do to achieve higher heights?
Morikubo→ Not only about what about to happen in the future, for now they should look at what is right in front of them. Tattsun→ They should clash more, and at the same time also try to understand each other, tolerate each other more. Shouta→ They should sing more variety of songs Maenu→ They might not in ‘that’ good term with each other, but in return those colliding powers are creating an even stronger power. By that, they boost each other up and that’s the kind of group QN is. They should keep going they way they are.
If you were to describe your character in a word, what would it be?
Morikubo→ Wedge Tattsun→ Flame Shouta→ Love (Ai) Maenu→ Ice  
All: “That’s.. QUARTET NIGHT” And next song started! Outfit change, white pants, white and their respective colors? a bit casual, design is different for each of them! 
10. The dice are cast Powerful singing, as we already knew! The choreography looked like 5th and QN 1st solo con? They moved around the area and stopped when all of the carts became one in the middle of arena seats. I also noticed that tattsun's part of the adlibs on the bridge was a bit different (improvisation with higher notes and i think i heard him doing it in both days)
11. STARLIGHT MEMORY I PERSONALLY LOVE THIS SONG so i was really hyped up for it! They sang while still on the cart and like on QN 1st solo con they used stand-mic for the choreography. It was really heated up, the "Just say Quartet Night!" parts were also sang by the audience and our voices were LOUD! It was fun!
12. Evolution Eve The first acapella sounded as heavenly as what i've heard in previous lives! ;;_;; Also the first acapella which was supposed to be lines without harmony for some reasons was harmonized? pretty sure it was tattsun with higher harmony! The instrumental break dance part we already knew from previous lives were changed, i'm pretty sure it wasn't the same. The previous one was good but this one was even better! I remember morikubo doing a really smooth turn. Proud of their improvements!
13. Double Face *Camus butler mode voice* "Let me show you my everything" *Camus usual mode voice* "You peasant! Fine, i'll do it according to your wish. Witness my 'love'!" Suddenly Maenu appeared with this song! I wasn't expecting this at all but it was a good surprise! Two dancers in white and black (like in QN 1st solo con) were present and maenu was also singing on a stand-mic. It was really similar to QN 1st solo con performance. As usual his voice change was amazing! In first day, it was clear that maybe the fast voice change made him a bit confused sometimes tho xD it was cute.. In 2nd day he did super great tho! One of my favorite thing about watching over QN seiyuus’ growth is watching Maenu getting more confident and glowing each live ♡ 
14. Synchronism Shoutan appeared on front stage with dancers. Apparently his outfit this time had animal ears (i'm not sure is it cat? or not..) fur hoodie and he had his hoodie up! It was extremely cute!! The dance was similar to 6th, but i think there were additional moves? Also if 6th live performance wasn't cute enough this one was even cuter it was illegal //no On 2nd day he also made a lot of different expressions from the one in 1st day during dance break (you probs know which one if you watched 6th live) As expected from shoutan, lot of fanservices were given! In 2nd day last reff "Amaku shite~" part he gave us a thrown kiss too! lol Been thinking about it for a while but it’s actually amazing how stable he was even at extremely low notes.
15. Not bad Tattsun and dancers came from main stage! He danced most of the time and both his dances and singing were amazing and powerful! ;; Also i'm really sure some parts of the dance moves changed entirely, for example the reff's "yoku kike yo, nidoto wa iwanai ze" part? It was such a passionate performance and i have no words except it was SUPER COOL ;;_;; There was also fire burst (?) stage effect and it was cool! He walked from the main stage to front stage! Instead of singing it, the music suddenly stopped and he said the "Ore ni *a bit pause* tsuite koi (follow.. me)" as a serifu
16. NEVER Morikubo appeared with his hat and he threw it away xD I think he improved a lot with his dancing compared to previous performances of this song! The choreography looked similar to the one on 5th live with some additions? I really love the part where monitor behind him turned into a big green → rainbow ferris wheel! ;; I personally really love Never's Reiji and the performance was wonderful ;; On the quiet part he usually went with falsetto on "honki to iu na no imi ga tsumatteru" but this time he went full power on that part! He also inserted a bit of adlibs after that and it was pleasant
17. Non-fiction Main stage was engulfed in red light and non-fiction intro was played, people around me went wild xD Tattsun and Maenu appeared sitting on a (what seemed to be) luxurious sofa while singing! It's interesting how the way they sit reflected their character personalities lol (Maenu legs crossed? and tattsun had his right leg up on the sofa) lol Maenu had his camus glasses on. They also danced a lot on instrumental parts and did some poses/combination dance(?) together! I love how they were posing with the sofa (for example if one of them sit the other stand behind the sofa etc) and also posed together (ex maenu put his hand on tattsun's back etc). Tattsun "Aaaa ↑" high notes part (you know which one) sounds amazing on live, it was powerful and on point. They also danced a lot on front stage. All in one it was GREAT and i’m pretty sure a lot of you would like this performance a lot
18. Fiction Started with pretty adlibs. As opposed to Non-fiction, It was an emotional and melancholic performance. Their harmonies were really pretty and their singing were great/emotional too! They weren't doing many moves, instead at some parts it feels much like drama posing (There were still kinda melancholic choreography at instru break). It somehow had really sad vibe ;; Shoutan was a great actor, they posed like stageplay at some parts. For example shoutan (ai) was looking at morikubo (reiji) but shook his head and decided to turn back, or morikubo staring at shoutan from afar, etc. At one part they had their hands up and joint their hands, but shoutan/ai let go of his hand and went away ;; At the end they stared at each other and shoutan/ai walked away from the stage first (from the middle of main stage) and morikubo/reiji followed after. The outro was still playing, with only falling petals (2nd day correction i think it was white feathers?) being lighted-up. I kinda teared up during this performance
All: "Fiction or non-fiction"
19. KIZUNA As usual, the harmonies of this song were really pretty. They also sit on main stage stairs and pose like car-scene on the anime (like they did on QN 1st solo con) with morikubo acting like he's driving the car. The whole thing felt similar to QN 1st solo con, it was amazing nonetheless. Last slow part never fails to make my eyes teary ;; I MEAN who doesn’t.. they also did the last part where they pointed at the characters on screen. 
20. QUARTET★NIGHT I ACTUALLY WASN'T EXPECTING THIS TO COME HERE LOL but i love this song with passion bc it's the start of QN so i was really hyped for it! The choreo was also similar to QN 1st solo con. I personally think their 3rd live (aka 1st appearance as QN ever) of this song was unrivaled, but this performance was probably even better than that! It was easy to see how much they improved and i was extremely happy. Their vocals gave me chills and it also reminded me of when i first came to like QN, it was amazing.
Morikubo/Reiji told us it's his DJ time (wasn't really DJ-ing like prev live tho) and introduced dancers as the rest of them sit on the main stage stairs. They took turn to introduce the dancers. Reiji→Ranmaru→Ai→Camus
Tattsun (in Ranmaru’s voice) told us it's last song after this
21. FLY TO THE FUTURE I knew it LOL I guessed this song would be the last song after encore and i was right! When i first heard this song i was amazed at how QN managed to even surpass their previous harmonization with this song. The live version was amazing, their harmonies were heavenly. It was perfectly done, i can't help but crying halfway... They also danced quite a lot on this song. There was LONG (like 10 secs?) pause before the serifu "Arigato, soshite kore kara mo" (last reff after "nakeru hodo waite~").  Basically they sang That part was really emotional. It's also fun to do "Fly to the future~" call with other audience. It was easily one of my favorite QN performances of all time.
Encore “QUARTET NIGHT!!” calls started. I think i LOVE the Kobe World Hall they're using this time. It's not as small as previous QN solo con (to the point that the "Quartet Night" call wasn't really that loud bc there weren't that many people to begin with) but it's also not too big to manage a perfectly synced encore call. It's probs one of the most synced encore i've heard in my life (in BOTH days). Actually, i was really moved by how amazing the audiences were this time around. Super interactive and cooperative. The acoustic of the hall was amazing, both voices and instru were easy to listen to and sound crystal-clear. It’s easily one of my favorite concert hall ever.
22. Force Live They danced the choreography from the MV (except maybe the kick thing at the beginning lol) This song sounded great without autotune btw LOL i have to say QN sounds great on their own so they sound a lot better without autotune live. There isn't much to say except both of their dancing and singing were awesome! Morikubo also did front kick on 2nd verse if i remember it right! It was really cool watching the MV on the screen behind while looking at their performance/dance. You could see how much effort they spent to perfect their performances.
MC Announcement→ Renewal of utapri movie website Day 1 by Camus Day 2 by Ai (+DVD/BD announcement of the concert) Day 1 Maenu: “I’m the one trusted to voice Camus, Maeno Tomoaki. I’m sure all of you managed to feel the characters through our performances, so i’m not going to talk a lot this time. It’s been a year and half since the first solo live. At that time, i talked about how i was the only one without any singing career among us and how i felt about it. I felt like i had nothing at the beginning. Of course, i still feel it now even if it’s just a bit. But now that i look back at it, maybe i was able to bring something new to the group precisely because i had nothing. And i was able to do it thanks to the other members, all of your support and the utapri staffs. Thank you very much. As for me, i’ll keep on chasing after Camus’ back. If i have the chance again in the future, i’ll do my best to perform as Camus onstage. So, from now on please keep on supporting STARISH, QUARTET NIGHT and HEAVENS. Thank you for coming today!”
Shoutan: “I’m the C.V of Mikaze Ai, Aoi Shouta. Whenever this time (last MC) comes I somehow could never put my thoughts together well.. This time, we got to sing a lot of new songs. Among them are the newest Fiction and Non-Fiction. The recording was a bit painful and i got to feel a lot of different feelings. Up till now I always felt like i just couldn’t catch up to Ai and it gave me chance to think a lot about myself.  Their time (chars), and of course our time will never stop moving forward and will pass. I hope Quartet night could be the group to keep on challenging themselves. I really love all of the members/my comrades. Being able to stand on this stage always makes me rethink about a lot of things. With these feelings, I want to be able to find more “possibilities” and take it to the future. I’m really grateful to be able to stand here. Please keep on supporting utapri!”
Tattsun: “I’m the one standing closest to Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa. I had a lot of things i wanted to say. During the rehearsal, when i was practicing with the members of QUARTET NIGHT, i felt something. At that time what crossed my mind was ‘Ah, today i feel “scared”. My heart was racing, and it reminded me of the first time i became Ranmaru. ((Stuffs i couldn’t remember after adjalksjf i’m really sorry;; I think he said about how he was not sure if it’s alright for him to stand as Ranmaru onstage and also made a joke about it but i just can’t remember what was it ;;)) But the ‘idol’ Ranmaru is, without me even realizing it, has already moved so much away in front of me. The Ranmaru inside me keeps on telling me “I should do it like this” and thanks to that i caused a lot of troubles (bc he keeps on being idealistic), practice a lot. I would imagine how all of you would react and feel, and to be honest right now I’m extremely anxious. When i stand as QUARTET NIGHT, i could hear all of your supports directly, and seeing your happy expressions i’m just glad i could be here. Everytime, i’d think about how i just purely love all about this series. I love all of my comrades (starish+heavens too?), there’s no one i dislike, I respect all of them from the bottom of my heart. I love each of them. And so that those words won’t turn into lies, I hope that all of the people watching this, be it here or on live-viewing could feel it through my performances today. That’s the only thing i have on my head right now. I’m really happy i could stand as Kurosaki Ranmaru. It’s all thanks to the staffs, utapri casts, all of you who come today, a lot of others who couldn’t come today, STARISH who opened the path for us. I couldn’t thank all of you enough. Thank you!”
Morikubo : ”To all of you who take us to the world we could never imagine before, to QUARTET NIGHT who gave us the chance to spend this time, thank you very much. (the topic mentioned in prev MCs) It’s true that we’re the one standing closest to our characters. But we’re standing ‘behind’ the characters, the one standing besides them is all of you. You’ll be the one guiding our characters, and so that the four of us could also move forward. This time we’re blessed with a chance to do a 2nd solo live, so of course I intended to do my very best! Experiencing a lot of things, in previous solo live the word “payback” naturally became our theme. And after that we got the chance to stand on 6th live with HEAVENS also joining us. I was happy at that time for the fact that at that time we had ‘future’ performances waiting for us. The words “evolution” “thanks” “kizuna/bonds” of course are still naturally here with us, and we’re about to see what’s going to be the next theme. Did you manage to feel something through us? Thank you. From the day of last solo live up till today, i’m sure QUARTET NIGHT was the one taking all of us to the future we have today. From now on, please keep on standing by your favorite characters! Please create a future for us! We’ll be following from behind. Let’s enjoy it just like that! As long as we have your love and feelings, we’ll keep on advancing. I hope to see you again if the chance comes. I’d be looking forward the day when we could dance, sing, along with STARISH and HEAVENS in front of you again. To all of you on the hall, live-viewing, thank you very much!!”
Morikubo : “Sooo~~ what do we do now? *laughs* Let’s drink the water shall we?” And they drank the water onstage xD love how the audience let out a big reaction and they were like we’re only drinking water here xD After that they had a short MC connecting to the next song
Day 2 Morikubo: “And n-now, for the e-end *stumbled with his words many times*  let each of us say our last messages! (him stumbling) It’s my body showing you all my feelings or not wanting it to end!” xD Shoutan: “I can feel it!” Morikubo: “Let us begin with Maeno!” Maenu: “*in camus voice* I refuse!” (audience screams) Shoutan: “So he feels sad!” xD Morikubo: “That’s a convenient word!” Maenu: “*in camus voice* Well, sure i’ll do it. Wait a bit" "closes his eyes for a while and opens it* Maenu: *back to normal “ I’m the one trusted to voice Camus, Maeno Tomoaki. Since October started and we started our rehearsal, almost every night i saw a dream of yesterday and today concerts. Expectations, anxiety, pressure, i’m sure i saw those dreams due to a lot of feelings. And now, to see all of you here, people on the live viewing, spending time together, it all feels like a dream. I’m sure even tomorrow and the day after, i’ll see it on my dreams. As a part of QUARTET NIGHT, i think i managed to create many great memories here. On previous live, our theme was to do “payback” to starish, to utapri and to all of us. And this time too, we talked a lot and decided on a theme but our journey of ‘payback’ will never stop as long as utapri still exists. With that as the foundation, so that a “ final destination” will never come to the future of QUARTET NIGHT, it’s a journey that will never ends. I’ll do my very best so that i could see the back of Camus who’s standing so far in front of me. From now on, please keep on supporting STARISH, HEAVENS, QUARTET NIGHT and utapri. Thank you so much for coming today.”
Shoutan: “This moment finally comes once again.. (audience says ganbare) Thank you! I’m the C.V of Mikaze Ai, Aoi Shouta. Did you have fun? While doing my very best to sing in front of all of you, i keep on thinking about what to say here. I had a lot of things i wanted to say, but whenever this moment comes I can’t put my feelings together.. That’s just how big it is. After the first day ended, we had a little after-party. At that time we talked about how there’s still today. There was still a future called “tomorrow” for us. I’m standing here today with the hope of creating beautiful memories together with all of you here, people on live-viewing and with all of the staffs. With starish opening the path, the four of us then joined in the middle of the story. To be honest, as a member of QUARTET NIGHT, i’d be lying if i say i didn’t feel inferior to others. But the fact that i could stand here right now and be with all of the people who love utapri, like starish and heavens, makes me feel that i’m actually spending the time together with everyone. To stand as a proud member of QUARTET NIGHT, to be someone who supports the utapri series which i really love from the bottom of my heart, that’s what i want Ai to become. That’s why, from now on as a part of QUARTET NIGHT, as Mikaze Ai, i’ll do my very best to liven utapri up. I hope to spend good time with all of you. I’m still no good, but thank you for always being here. From now on, let us love uta no prince-sama together. Thank you very much.” Morikubo: “You’re getting a lot better on giving comments. I talked about that with Maeno on the underground backstage when we were listening to your MC at acoustic corner” And suddenly Shoutan teared up ;;; morikubo then followed him up Morikubo: “Is that some kind of malfunction?” (ref to Ai’s identity) (Audience laughs)
Tattsun : “I play the role of Kurosaki Ranmaru, Suzuki Tatsuhisa. I keep on thinking of what to say. This time, i felt anxious too. Yesterday Showtaro-san said a really good thing. The four of us are standing behind the characters, and the one standing besides them is all of you. I thought it was a really good words. I’m always chasing after him. He runs very fast, you know (audience laughs). He keeps on doing his best and moving forward. He’ll say “I want to do something like this!” “I want to do this kind of performance!” “I’m still nowhere my limit!” and will run even faster. I can’t help but think that “He’s too fast”, and everytime i have the chance to stand on this stage I always feel like it’s way too much for me. For me, objectively speaking as part of the audience, Utapri’s live is so fun. I always get overexcited like an idiot on the backstage. Humming the melodies of the songs. But i wonder if it’s okay for someone like that to stand here. It’s not like that i have something beautiful to show to all of you. But even so, i decided to at least do the very best i could. So that, i can proudly tell him that I’ve done everything i could. So that i could tell him I managed to let out everything he has to show. I’m standing here now so that i could say all of those words. I sincerely hope my thoughts could reach you even if it’s just a bit. The only thing i could do is to give him a voice and to push him forward. With my singing, i can move forward together with him. But the one who could take him further ahead, is all of you. You’re the one who makes it “amazing”. Isn’t it the best? Nothing but the best isn’t it? I really love utapri that gives me the chance to do so. I love STARISH, I love QUARTET NIGHT, and I love HEAVENS. I love everything about it. I could love all of the characters. I just love it so much. From now on there might be both positive comments and criticism. Bring it on! I’ll shoulder everything and stand behind the mic, be it onstage or not, as Kurosaki Ranmaru. No matter what it is, i’ll shoulder it all. I believe it’s all because of something carved deep inside of my heart. That’s why i’ll keep on moving forward just like that. To the future! Thank you so much for today!”
Morikubo: “Did you have fun? And live viewing?” Morikubo: “Just like the other three, i have many things i want to say. I came up with the words after listening to Tatsu’s “I’m the one standing closest to Ranmaru” yesterday. But it feels a bit off if i say ‘beside’ them, because each of us are standing behind quartet night. The one should be beside them is all of you.  Please take them to the future, and so the four of us will also follow, that’s what i said yesterday. And such feeling is getting stronger today. Just as what maeno said, we talked about how we should stand on the stage today. A keyword, our share motive. Up till now, it naturally came to us. For example on the previous live it naturally came to us on our LINE group chat. We then just naturally agreed on it. And having a keyword/theme managed to bring us together as a group. “If the four of us are together we feel at ease” we talked earlier was also something like that. This time, actually until the day before, we had no such keyword. But that’s actually something to be grateful about. In the past there were a lot of things, a lot of stories and hardships that built up and naturally provided us with a keyword. But this time, when we realized it we have nothing like that. That means we’re just purely advancing towards the live. Rather than something like “Let’s beat something!”,  it was purely “Let’s do the live!” kind of feeling. But in return, then it was hard to come up with a keyword. We were wondering if we should have one. The day before the live, this time too, Tatsuhisa started asking about it. I came up and say something like “Do you have a bit of time? Why don’t we gather and talk about it? It won’t take long” on our group LINE. Because the next day we have to wake up early, Maeno was about to stop us but suddenly he got no signal and it was unsent!” Maenu: “He said something like that on 12 pm when the day was about to change and we were all tired after practice!” Tattsun: “It can’t be helped! It crossed my mind when doing the rehearsal!!” Maenu: “So i was about to send a message about how we should just talk about it the day after, but suddenly i had no signal and it was unsent! Afterwards, the others were ready to do it so i have no choice but to erase that message.” Tattsun: “So that’s why! I thought it was rare for you to say nothing” Maenu: “And so in the end.. *gets it back to Morikubo*” Morikubo: “We ended up talking about a lot of things. Looking back at stuffs we’ve done in the past, and a lot more. And so a keyword was born. I won’t say it here. It’s the best to feel it through our performance. But there was talk about DVD just now, so maybe~ they will have a commentary video or something right? I’m not sure, i haven’t heard anything about it! But we stood onstage with that keyword on mind. I’ll be happy if each of you could feel it through our performances. And if someday the chance comes, we’ll talk about it there and not right now. This time we’ve done everything, the best of the best we could’ve done. We’re doing our best to chase after QUARTET NIGHT. If they move forward, we’ll do so too. We believe that all of you will take them even further. But Maeno, Aoi, Suzuki and Morikubo who are standing here right now, had done everything we could possible do. If you’re okay with us, if you’re okay with this kind of atmosphere and performance, the four of us will be more than happy to stand on the stage again! We’re serious about them. I’m sorry, but even if you try and search through the whole world, you won’t find someone who is as serious as we are toward them. Please believe in us for that matter! Please take them to the future. Will you show us the future?” (audience cheers) Morikubo: “Thank you! Thank you very much for today!” They then talked about how it’s not like them to be emotional. But then no one continued the convo bc they don’t want it to end and Morikubo was like ??!? Morikubo: “I understand that feeling! But! I’m not going to take up that offer again! I’ve became an adult” (He meant the scene on 1st live when they talked about not wanting it to end and he lay his body on the floor and sulked xD) And they finally got it into next song
23. GOD'S S.T.A.R The serifu at the beginning completely changed! *u* This song was so fun to do!!! The call and response was extremely fun and the hall was fully heated up by this song. It's probs hard to get the hype of this song if you haven't experienced this song live and only see this song on videos. BUT THIS IS the song that got the audience fired up/hyped more than any other song. The choreography was similar to QN 1st live and 6th live. I remember Maenu went down on his knees at some point at the reff and people around me went crazy over it!
Double encore I had feeling there would be double encore considering the amount of song they did plus they weren't changing into encore T-shirt on 1st encore. This time they had live t-shirt, Maenu wore camus prince parka on top of it. Day 1 Morikubo:  “This is the first time we had double encore right? *audience cheers*  Let’s go to the last song, the one that will unite all of us together. Let us begin!” *silent of other members xD* Morikubo: “Mmm?! We’re not starting?! You three had that kind of faces (of not wanting to start next song)” Tattsun: “If it’s possible i just want to get closer to everyone/audience”| Morikubo: “And now you’re saying something like that again~ Let’s do it shall we?” Day2 Morikubo: “Thank you for the double encore! I was worried all of you would just return home after that..” Morikubo: “It seems like we’re allowed to sing one more song!” Shoutan: “Yaay!” Tattsun: “There’s still that one song we haven’t sung, isn’t it?” Morikubo: “Let us sing that song! But please remember that when it comes to our feelings, we’re actually super ready to do another day or two!” Tattsun: “If it 's possible, to be honest i really want to do it” Morikubo: “We keep on talking about stuffs like that! But those feelings, please use that feelings to create a path to future!” And they started with the next song ;;
24. You're my life It seems like we need this song to end every QN solo con and i’m totally not complaining! They went around the hall with carts and the whole performance was similar with QN 1st live, except they were a lot cheerier and weren't crying that much?? (edit on 2nd day they did look teary) Since they were circling around, i also got the chance to see all of them up-close! ;; We were also singing lalalala part like in QN 1st solo con! I really love their smile at this song ;; they look like they were having tons of fun Audience also sang last "Kimi no moto ni todoke~" together and it was really touching. 2nd day "Kimi no moto ni todoke~~~~~~" was really long. On 2nd day i also remember the moment carts pass each other they did hi-touch with each other! tattsun and shoutan also had a hug? at one part
When they were doing the farewell greeting they went around like how it usually goes, fly to the future instrumental was playing on the background and the audience sang the "Fly to the future" part together ;; it was really touching!! At first day they weren't crying but i saw shoutan and maenu having teary eyes. 
Day 2 Shoutan was crying a bit, at one point he was crouching down and hid his face. On 2nd day audience was singing along to fly to the future too and they took off their in-ear monitor to listen to our voices and they looked really touched by it ;; They hugged each other starting from tattsun and maenu and so on. I remember tattsun and shoutan hug was a bit longer bc shoutan got so emotional and tattsun comforted him and patted his head ;; Shoutan was tearing up but at last moment before stage closes he smiled and it was memorable. When the stage was closing shoutan dragged morikubo close to him and shoutan+morikubo+tattsun peek through the remaining open gap and at last seconds Maenu also went to the middle except i could only see his rings in dark xD Also, can you believe that all of us the audience keep on singing along to the instrumental ver of QN songs (god’s star) EVEN AFTER the live ended? That’s just how cooperative and interactive the audiences were for both days and It was a BLAST. I felt so glad to be able to take part on it. The audience was extremely passionate and i’m sure you’d be able to feel it too even through BD/DVD vids. 
This felt awfully short compared to previous live maybe because the amount of the song! instead we got a lot of MCs tho. Utapri, thank you so much for getting all of these awesome people together. I can’t understand tbh, how did producer Agematsu gather four people whose voices blend like heaven even tho they have such a different voice characters...? Plus they also harmonize like heaven and perform really well.. I’m just so grateful I discovered such an amazing group.
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(From Morikubo’s tweet!) Thank you so much for reading and i hope all of you love Quartet Night as much as i do ♡
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The BCS Civil Services Exam is one of the most prestigious examinations in Bangladesh. It is attempted by lakhs of people throughout the country every year. However, only a tiny fraction of them can fulfil their BCS ambitions. The BCS exam is not only challenging with respect to the length of its syllabus, but it is also daunting because of its exceptionally unpredictable nature.
In this article, you can receive all the info that you need on how best to get ready for the BCS exam, and change your destiny.
The BCS examination can’t be cracked by just being a bookworm. The last stage in the BCS exam process is the personality test around, whereas the BCS board would interview the candidate for assessing his/her personality and its suitability for a career in the employment. This requires an all-round maturation of the individual apart from academic understanding. And, even in academics, the focus should not only be on finishing the syllabus but on constantly acquiring information and insight in the latest happenings/current events inside the nation and beyond.
#How to prepare for BCS exam
This section lists important BCS prep tips for beginners. These tips aim at assisting aspirant invent a well-planned prep strategy for the upcoming BCS 2020 examination.
Tip #1: Prepare Yourself  | BCS Preparation
Before trying to understand how to start preparing for BCS in your home, you should prepare yourself for the journey.
Before starting your preparation, prepare mentally and physically for the exam. Establish objectives and devote time efficiently.
Understand the BCS exam pattern entirely, and rate your BCS prep accordingly.
The BCS examination has three phases — prelims mains along with also the interview.
If you are working and have determined not to stop your job, reevaluate the way you’d devote time for research and chart a program.
Today, with technologies such as the internet, it’s possible to balance both preparation and a job easily.
Watch our YouTube Channel to all the latest movies on BCS planning.
Tip #2: Make a Time Table | BCS Preparation
To become a BCS officer, it is necessary to be like an officer with a well-organized daily routine.
You should decide on a cozy timetable prior to your preparation and adhere to it.
Building a timetable will facilitate your groundwork and make it more streamlined. With deadlines, you would work better and finish the syllabus quicker.
Tip #3: Know the BCS Syllabus | BCS Preparation
The syllabus is the soul of any examination. Knowing the syllabus is the foremost thing to do before you go through the books.
The BCS has provided that the syllabus for the Civil Services Preliminary and Main examination in an elaborate fashion.
Aspirants should know and follow the syllabus for BCS civil service examination. Knowing the syllabus will help you choose relevant study materials, prioritize the subjects, etc..
Tip #4: Newspaper Reading/Current Affairs for BCS | BCS Preparation
The papers are the most essential aspect of the BCS exam.
If you do not read the daily newspaper or adhere to the daily news for the BCS examination, you can’t expect to clear this exam. Therefore, it is extremely important to stick to the relevant news things in your daily newspaper.
Tip #5: Choosing Optional | BCS Preparation
The discretionary subject accounts for 500 marks in the BCS final tally.
Hence, you should choose an optional subject wisely and following a thorough think-through of the pros and cons of the subjects, you have in mind.
A number of the factors to keep in mind before picking an optional would be:
Interest in the Topic
Ahead knowledge in it/academic background
Overlap with the GS newspapers
Tip #6: NCTB Book | BCS Preparation
The NCTB Faculties from classes to twelve play an extremely substantial part in BCS exam preparation.
Aspirants can get basic concepts and theories from NCTB textbooks.
These publications provide the information quite honestly. Furthermore, they are dependable and the origin is the government itself.
In previous years BCS has asked questions straight from NCTB textbooks.
Thus, NCTBs are undoubtedly the best books to begin your BCS preparation with. Get a comprehensive list of all NCTBs necessary for the BCS examination here.
Aside from the NCTBs, it’s also advisable to comply with a few other advanced textbooks.
For much more on which BCS Novels to follow, click here.
Tip #7: Making Notes | BCS Preparation
It’s helpful to create short notes during BCS preparation.
Considering that the BCS syllabus is very vast, it helps to keep a tab on the parts covered and also serves as a ready-reckoner for revision.
You can have separate files or notebooks for separate subjects. Documents are preferred by many because they help adding notes to a subject simpler. This is especially valuable in the event of incorporating present affairs-related information to a certain topic.
Tip #8: Answer Writing Practice | BCS Preparation
The BCS main exam papers are descriptive in nature.
It is mainly about testing your analytical, critical, and communicative skills.
It demands you to believe with conceptual clarity and organize your perspectives, perceptions, and ideas in a perfect way.
Another factor to be considered is that the space and time restriction in the response booklet.
Therefore, candidates have to answer the questions quickly and effectively and in minimum words.
This is not possible without sufficient response writing training.
Tip #9: Overcoming Previous Years’ BCS Query Papers | BCS Preparation
Previous question newspapers would be the most reliable sources of BCS pattern, difficulty level and question type.
You can judge the tendencies in the BCS exam paper readily.
It will also help you realize which regions are the most significant in a particular subject.
Lastly, it’s a fantastic supply of self-assessment on your BCS preparation.
Tip #10: Mock Test Series | BCS Study
Self-assessment is an essential part of BCS preparation.
It can help civil service aspirant in realizing and learning from errors, forming what approach they will need to follow in continuing the preparation and identifying strengths and weaknesses.
It is highly suggested to combine mock test series, particularly if you are preparing from house. This will help you assess your self and help you further.
Tip #11: Important Government Resources | Bcs Study
Your final goal when you are taking the BCS examination will be to work to your Bangladesh government.
Naturally, there are lots of government sources you can depend on during your preparation. Government sites such as the PIB, PRS, and national tv programs featured on the Rajya Sabha TV are extremely helpful. We cover important PIB posts every day.
We also cover important Gist of Rajya Sabha TV programmes for BCS. It is possible to read the Gist of RSTV content here.
Tip #12: Revision | BCS Study
Revision is quite important when you are confronting an exam as tough as the BCS examination.
Since the BCS syllabus is vast and varied, covering multifarious subjects, it’s normal to forget things you had researched earlier.
To avoid this, timely revision is crucial.
Tip #13: BCS Interview | BCS Preparation
As stated previously, the final stage in the BCS examination process is that the BCS interview or Personality Test.
This is an important point in the process and here, it’s something more than academics that will help you.
You will be evaluated on qualities like diplomatic abilities, communication abilities, presence of mind, reaction to pressure, etc..
Tip #14: Stay Positive | BCS Study
You will also be asked questions about your interests, hobbies, schooling and work experience, if any. So, you need to brush up on these aspects.
They contain important information on subjects like polity, governance, agriculture, economy, etc..
You’ll be able to get a gist of the Yojana, Kurukshetra and EPW magazines within our website.
The most important facet of the entire BCS travel is to keep positive.
There are times when it can become quite overwhelming and you’ll feel depressed.
Eliminate negative thoughts from your head and operate on.
Required Books for BCS Preparation | BCS Preparation
Current Affairs (Each Month)
Job Solution (Professor is the best)
Full set Book of Oracle or MP3 (Publications)
Two Preliminary Digest ( Assurance & BCS Inception)
Bangla Grammar & Literature | BCS Study
Bangla Basha o Shahitya Jiggasha Dr. Soumitra Sekhar
BCS Preliminary Bangla Guide MP3
Bangla Grammar Book (Class IX-X) Published by Board.
Lal Nil Dipabali / Bangla Shahityer Jibani Dr. Humayan Azad.
Ogrodut Bangla Mofizul Islam Milon
English Grammar | BCS Study
English for Competitive Exams Md. Fazlul Haque.
An ABC of English Literature Dr. M Mofizar Rahman.
A Passage to English Sentence SM Jakir Hossain
The Anatomy of English Sentence SM Jakir Hossain
English Grammar Wren and Martin
Applied English Grammar and Composition P. C. Das.
Saifur’s Student Vocabulary.
Bangladesh & International Affairs | BCS Preparation
MP3 Bangladesh & International Affairs
Daily Newspapers: Prothom Alo & Daily Star
Monthly Current Affairs
Confidence International
BCS preparation book list: MATH | BCS Preparation
Have to Finish All General Math Books (From Class VI-X)
Khairul’s Math
Zakir’s Math
MP3 Math
For General Science | BCS Study
Preliminary Science Guide Oracle
Have to Finish All Science or General Science Books (From Class VI-X)
Dr. Jamil’s Daily Science
Read Daily Science & Environmental Pages from the Daily Newspapers
Computer Knowledge for BCS | BCS Study
Easy Computer Easy Publications
ICT Board Books from Class IX,X,XI,XI I
BCS Mental Ability Books | BCS Preparation
Professor Mental Ability
Khairul’s or Oracle Mental Ability
Morality and Values and Good Governance | BCS Preparation
Secondary & Higher Secondary Pouroniti (1st and 2nd)
Assurance Guide
Geography, Environment and Disaster Management | BCS Preparation
Secondary Geography and Environmental Science(9th-10th)
Assurance Guide
Frequently Asked Questions on BCS Exam Preparation
Can I prepare for BCS at home?
You can, should you choose the ideal steps towards BCS prep. With online sources and strategy available, you can easily prepare yourself for the BCS test at home. With focus and commitment, and the ideal advice, it is possible to clear the BCS examination.
How to prepare for BCS at home?
Follow the Actions outlined below to kickstart your BCS preparation in your home:
Understand the BCS routine and process first.
Go throughout the BCS syllabus thoroughly.
Start reading a couple books and see video lectures on the internet for a few essential subjects like polity, history, geography, etc.
Read the newspaper frequently.
Chart out a prep time table and follow it rigorously.
Enroll to get a fantastic test series and get answer writing training.
Is 1 year enough for BCS preparation?
1 year is sufficient for BCS prep if you prepare.
How can I start my BCS preparation during graduation?
You can begin your BCS preparation during collaboration itself. All you must do is go through the syllabus and graph out a research plan for BCS. Beginning early has many advantages. You will have age on your side because the BCS age limit will probably be far away. Additionally, being young and still a student, you would be connected with academics, giving you an advantage over older opponents. Additionally, being in school, you can make use of your college library for your own preparation. And, make certain you take part in college fests and events as this experience can allow you to build a well-rounded character, and make up for your lack of job experience in case you clear the exam right after your school!
How to prepare for BCS exam after 12th?
If you are beginning your groundwork after 12th, you have the benefit of choosing a subject for cooperation that will be suitable for your BCS preparation. You can opt for graduation in areas like political science, history or sociology — subjects which will allow you to cover the BCS syllabus at a better way. This way, you can easily combine your graduation studies and BCS prep. Additionally, you’ve got enough time to hone your soft skills like communication skills and also develop a good hobby — both of which would aid you in the interview stage.
How to prepare for BCS while doing engineering?
Many candidates have cleared the BCS exam preparing for this while they were engineering students. Even though it can get hectic, it isn’t impossible. With a full-fledged plan and the correct guidance, it is likely to crack the toughest exam in Bangladesh while in technology school.
How can I apply for the BCS exam?
The BCS exam 2020 is already underway. The BCS 2020 will probably be held next year. You can apply for the 2020 prelims examination after the BCS Notification 2020 is outside. Visit our BCS Notifications page regularly. We update all of the relevant BCS news and information you need to understand.
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wayfaringtrainers · 5 years
Zichi played Pokémon Sword
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And he is still royally pissed off!
When the drama and controversy came out regarding Pokémon Sword/Shield, I was more and more put off by it until I decided that no, I was gonna wait until I could get a second-hand copy for it...
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And then people began talking about how much they loved it and how much fun they were having with it... No second-hand copies were appearing yet, so I caved to peer pressure like the little bitch I am and bought a copy.
I regret that so much. I don’t like this game, I very much loathe it.
I was planning on doing this semi-review ever since I started the game, so obviously there will be “plot” spoilers ahead for you guys. But anyway, here goes.
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Let’s start with the very few things I like about this game, start on a positive note, at the very least.
Technical Records
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I actually liked this concept. In the UK, we’re currently going through the “Vinyl Nostalgia Phase” as my dad calls it. The callback of ancient TMs being turned into TRs was pretty cool, and I am very glad that they made TRs infinitely collectable through Raids. My biggest grievances with old-school TMs was the limited supply you got: usually the best TMs you only ever got once, so only one Pokémon could ever learn some of the most useful and game-defining moves available. This makes a lot more moves available...
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However it would be nice if I didn’t have to open Serebii every time I was looking for a specific TR, and then pray that specific pokemon from that specific den appears. If they weren’t so dependant on luck, they’d be a lot better.
(Most) New Pokemon
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Wooloo for life.
But seriously, I absolutely love a lot of the designs for new Pokémon, which is rare for me, I’m usually critical and uncertain about new Pokémon. But these new Pokémon I actually really like. Corviknight is as cool as I thought, Coalossal is awesome, and although I was ambivalent about him at first, Sirfetch’d has really grown on me.
Buuuuut we’re just gonna skip over the fossil Pokémon. Because I dislike them for a variety of reasons.
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However, I reckon that that’s it for things I like about the new games, so now we’re just going to get into the meat of the problems and the things that just piss me off.
Cut Content.
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I don’t really have to explain any further, let’s be honest. It’s not just Dexit, it’s the cut moves that piss me off, along with the axe to Mega Evolution and Z-Crystals. I don’t really need to say much else, do I?
Raids and Gigantamax
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At first, I kinda enjoyed my time with raids, I spent a load of time raiding with @pinekaboo​ and enjoying the feeling of teaming up to take down a titanic Pokémon... But after the first few days it just felt like a chore. If I wanted a particular TR, a particular Pokémon, a particular this that or other, then I would be spending hours looking up information on Serebii, trying to narrow down where to find it and then either getting the wrong Pokémon or having to spend time grinding Watts for Wish Stones or fighting in other dens to reset all the active dens. So much effort just for the god damn body slam TR.
Gigantamax meanwhile, is just... The most frustratingly pointless thing possible. Not only is it locked to post-game with some limited-time exceptions, it’s apparently banned in competitive tournaments?
Why even fucking bother with it then? I spent hours trying to find a G-Max Kingler, only to learn it’s Post-Game only. And then I spent hours trying to find/catch a GMax Butterfree, only to learn a normal Butterfree is technically better. It’s pathetic.
Apparently I’m not allowed to be angry about Gigantamax bc I’m wrong, like always.
Team Yell
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Sorry guys, but Team Yell is just a poor man’s Team Skull, but even less threatening.
“Oh you like this? It’s Post-Game”
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This is the second biggest Pet Peeve of mine regarding the game. I spent hours looking for a Ralts before learning that all those “15% chance spawn rates” are in foggy weather, which comes in the post-game, leaving me stuck with a 2% chance. Those “Nature Candies” are locked until post-game and apparently need an obnoxious amount of BP to unlock.
What’s particularly gregarious is the fact there’s a BP trader in that town where the dragon gym leader is met pretty early on... And you can’t get any BP until end-game.
Shut the fuck up about Leon.
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I don’t care about Leon. He himself is not that annoying, but every time I hear “oh Leon’s so amazing” I wanna punch something. I’m pretty sure it’s intended to make the player feel awesome for taking him down, but it just feels like pointless pandering. Like we get it, Leon’s great. Shut the fuck up about how awesome he and his fucking Charizard is.
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Yup. Charizard gets its own spot here.
The Pokémon Company has sucked Charizard’s dick enough, I say. It got 2 Mega Evolutions and a Gigantamax, and it’s the champion’s star Pokémon, and it’s hyped up to be the best thing ever.
It was only vaguely challenging to me because I decided sweeping it with Steam Engine Coalossal would be boring. So I took it down with my Gallade.
Yes, Gallade has a type disadvantage. I didn’t really care.
Empty Team slots
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The only person in this entire game to have a full team has been Leon. Every gym fight I found myself depositing Pokémon just to have a fair fight.
Plot and Pacing (or lack of it).
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You’ve seen me rant about this before, but I’m going to rant about it some more.
So I really don’t like over-levelling in any level-based game, because then the game feels trivial and unchallenging. But Pokémon Sword’s level curve makes no fucking sense. Sometimes I’d be training 10 Pokémon and still be over-levelled, then I’d go back to a normal team of 6 and find myself nearly getting steamrolled by Pokémon 5 levels higher than me. Towards the end of the game I found myself wondering whether I was the “right level” or not. I’d have to choose my team, save, go up against a gym leader and then reset to use XP candies on my pokemon after deliberately under-levelling them.
And then suddenly Leon’s lowest level is 62 after the previous trainer’s highest was 57. There wasn’t that much inbetween, game devs.
And I’ve just ranted about the pacing guys. I haven’t even begun with the plot.
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To be perfectly honest? The whole “plot” with Rose? The game would be 100 times better if they just cut out Rose and Marco Cosmos. If Team Yell is a poor man’s Skull, then Marco Cosmos is a poorer man’s Aether Foundation.
So many times we get hints and implication that there is something going on behind the scenes, but every time we get to do nothing. We just get to hear about how great-and-mighty Leon will handle everything, so why don’t you just worry about your gym challenge?
The game spends so long focusing on the gym challenge, that I think the game would be better if it focused exclusively on that. At least then perhaps we’d have one full story instead of two half-assed stories.
Or hell, maybe if the Marco Cosmos story was exclusively post-game, that would be preferable. But as it stands, it’s just two or three vague cutscenes that something’s going on and then suddenly chucking a load of plot at the last fucking minute.
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I have no interest in Rose’s energy crisis woes. I have no investment in his discussions about the future and the energy crisis we may face. None of that is interesting to me because I have had no time to get invested. The closest to investment I can possibly get is learning what is happening.
Hell, for all my love for Gen 6 and how it re-invigorated my love for Pokémon, I consider Team Flare one of the weaker villains in terms of story... and yet I was 100% more interested in them then in whatever Rose is doing and his reasons for doing it.
In conclusion, Pokémon Sword has -at its best- felt like a rushed, hashed hobjob of a game. It feels like the devs were short in staff and pressed for time, and forced to cut a lot of content in a desperate bid to make it in time for the Pokémon Company’s grand franchise plan and/or the Christmas market. They’re trying to rely heavily on the market opened by the Pokémon Go community (anyone noticed how Dynamax Dens have a feel similar to raid battles in Pokémon Go?) rather than delivering a game they can be proud in.
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Inevitably, Pokemon Sharp Sword and Sturdy Shield will arrive on the markets -because these days we don’t get an Crystal/Emerald/Platinum- and I am legitimately considering skipping them over. 
The “core games” are the backbone of the franchise. I doubt they will cause the franchise to die, but it would certainly be crippled if sales drop, but I don’t think I can continue with them anymore. My trust in the Pokémon Company is the lowest it’s ever been. I doubt the company’s choice in direction, I doubt the decisions they’ve made in business, industrial and commercial affairs. I do not believe they can provide me with the quality I’ve come to expect of them anymore and I don’t believe I can continue supporting them.
Honestly, this lack of faith in the franchise, it’s putting me in a strange place. I love this Pokémon RP blog I’ve built up, I love the muses I’ve created, the adventures I’ve written and the friends I’ve made through this blog and I’ve never really wanted them to end. But for the first time since nearly the start of the decade, when I first decided to try out this blog under the name pokemontrainerzefri, I’ve begun to wonder if it won’t be my depression and insecurities that kill it, but a loss of interest...
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
8 Sauna Benefits for Body and Mind
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/8-sauna-benefits-for-body-and-mind/
8 Sauna Benefits for Body and Mind
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The Finnish people have known all about sauna benefits for years, and the rest of the world is finally starting to catch on!
After spending time in Finland, daily sauna use is a regular part of my routine, and years of scientific research back this practice.
What Is a Sauna?
Many traditional cultures used heat therapies for healing for thousands of years, dating back to the Mayans (2000 BC), and ancient Greecians and Romans (300 BC). Nowadays, sauna use is engrained in many cultures, from the Finnish saunas to the Swedish bastu, the Russian banyas, the Korean jjimjilbangs, and the Japanese sento.
The term “sauna” can refer to any type of small or large room or device designed to help the user experience dry heat or wet heat (steam). There are now also infrared (far and near) saunas that emit infrared light and claim to heat the body more effectively.
Types of Saunas
There are multiple types of saunas, including:
traditional dry saunas, which can be heated with fire, hot stones, gas, or electricity (popular in Scandinavian or Finnish culture)
steam saunas, where you can generate steam by applying water on the heating element (often found in spas and gyms)
infrared saunas, which use invisible light within certain frequencies to penetrate and heat up the body’s tissues directly (smaller home units are available)
Infrared saunas can further be broken down in to 3 types:
near infrared saunas
far infrared saunas (often abbreviated FIR)
full spectrum infrared saunas
Infrared Sauna vs Traditional Sauna
The infrared sauna is a more recent invention as it can only operate with electricity. In the 1800s, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg from Michigan put together what he called an “electric light bath” from light bulbs, right around the time that light bulbs (which emitted a lot of near infrared light) were invented.
After he presented his invention at Chicago World Fair, a German entrepreneur saw the device, replicated the design and sold it all over the globe because of its powerful healing abilities. It was said that this device cured the gout for the King of England!
How Infrared Saunas Work
While traditional saunas heat the air to heat the body, infrared saunas use invisible light just below red light frequencies to penetrate and heat up the tissues directly, to a depth of up to 1.5 inches into the skin. Although our eyes can’t see it, we can feel it as gentle, radiant heat.
The mechanism by which infrared saunas work is called photobiomodulation … a big fancy word meaning a form of therapy that utilizes light.
What Is Photobiomodulation?
According to quantum physics, molecules can be excited by specific light frequencies. (The higher frequency the light is, the more energy it carries.) The “excited” molecule then goes through a process to release the energy and return to its normal state, typically in the form of light at a lower frequency.
You can observe this process happening everyday inside of a fluorescent lamp, when a UV light excites chemicals coating the inside of the bulbs to emit visible light.
Photobiomodulation is when living organisms utilize this process. This is where the distinction between near and far infrared comes in:
Near Infrared Saunas
Higher frequency red light and near infrared light (0.8 – 1.5 µm) can excite energy-producing enzymes in the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell. This increases mitochondria function and initiates many healing processes inside the cells, including increasing cellular energy (ATP) production, reducing oxidative stress, and reducing inflammation. (This article discusses more about the specific benefits of near infrared.)
Far Infrared Saunas
While scientists are still trying to understand why the far infrared spectrum has so many health benefits, this light spectrum has more clinical studies supporting its benefits over other infrared bands.
Rather than exciting mitochondria enzymes, far-infrared light (5.6–1000 µm) affects the health of the cells by exciting water molecules. Aside from producing heat, far infrared may also increase mitochondria function by structuring the water molecules that surround the mitochondria.
Which Sauna Is Best?
The research is still out on this. Most of the studies are done on traditional saunas and seem to indicate the heat is the main mechanism of benefit. At the same time, many companies claim that infrared saunas have additional benefits, though we’re still waiting on studies to prove this. Infrared saunas are often much less expensive and easier to fit into a home environment, making them a more reasonable option for most of us.
The Health Benefits of Saunas
So, why would one swelter in a sauna? I find it pleasant but not everyone has the same level of heat tolerance (more on that below). It turns out heat and sweating alone have many positive health benefits. According to Dr. Rhonda Patrick, the benefits of heat conditioning in a sauna include:
1. Heart Health & Blood Pressure
A review of all of the published scientific literature about saunas shows a strong trend of coronary benefits, most notably in their ability to help normalize blood pressure and reduce the chance of congestive heart failure. In fact, a Harvard review of data showed a potential 40+% reduction in heart attack risk from using a sauna 4-7 times per week. And the benefit went up with increased use. In other words, the study showed that the more often and the longer amount of time a person uses a sauna, the more benefit and on average, the longer that person lives.
Heat conditioning or sauna use resembles cardiovascular exercise in many ways, because the cardiovascular system has to work harder to eliminate the heat. Not only does it increase blood flow, sweating, and cardiovascular fitness, but it also leads to a post-exercise euphoria where you feel relaxed, happy, and experience less pain.
2. Sweating and Detoxification
An increase in circulation and sweating can aid in detoxification, and in this way sauna therapy helps the body’s natural process of detoxification through sweating.
There is also some evidence that sweating might help reduce heavy metals in the body. A systematic review in 2012 found that toxic heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury are found in sweats of people who are exposed to these harmful metals. In a case report, they found that mercury levels normalized with repeated sauna treatments. Again, this benefit is likely due to the sweating and not any special mechanism of the sauna itself.
3. Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery
Saunas increase heat shock proteins, antioxidant enzymes, and stimulate cellular cleanup (autophagy), which can help our cells function like new. In aging mice, an increase in heat shock proteins help delay aging and improves cognitive function.
Sauna bathing can also increase several anti-aging hormones including human growth hormones and the insulin-growth factor 1. IGF-1, in particular, can really help with injury healing.
Several heat-shock proteins can even help with increasing muscle mass, even without weight training. Through photobiomodulation, infrared therapy has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect that can accelerate injury healing.
This is the reason that many people, including Lady Gaga, turn to saunas for pain relief.
4. Mood and Cognitive Function
Just as when you go for a run, sauna use increases endorphins (the happiness hormone) and opiods (the body’s natural pain reliever), as well as a molecule called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the brain.
BDNF stimulates neurogenesis (the growth of new neuronal cells) in the brain and protects new neurons from damage. Improving BDNF levels is therefore important for cognitive function. In addition, low or abnormal levels of BDNF may be a cause of several mental and psychiatric diseases.
Infrared saunas can also reduce stress by re-balancing the stress response axis. It can help lower cortisol, and thus helps with stress-related health problems. Saunas also improve the neurotransmitter called norepinephrine, which can help improve cognitive performance.
5. Weight Loss and Metabolic Health
Contrary to popular claims, heat and sauna use do not directly burn fat or kill fat cells. However, saunas can help improve insulin sensitivity, increase lean muscles, and reduce fat by changing the hormonal environment. In addition, the saunas also reduce inflammation. Therefore, sauna therapies can prevent obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
A Japanese study found that two weeks of sauna therapy increased appetite and food intake in people of a healthy weight. However, in overweight people, far infrared sauna usage together with a low-calorie diet resulted in significant weight and body fat loss. While this study did not compare the fat loss with a group that did not use the sauna, the reduction in body fat (4.5%) in about two week’s time is considered very fast.
6. Help for Inflammation
As mentioned above, sauna use may increase the presence of heat shock proteins, which are anti-inflammatory. For this reason, saunas may help lower chronic inflammation. Since inflammation is connected to almost every major disease, this is a big deal!
Study participants who used saunas regularly shower lower levels of oxidative stress, even within two weeks! Another study found that men who used the sauna 4-7 times a week had 32% lower levels of c-reactive protein (CRP).
7. Sleep
According to Dr. Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist with a board certification in sleep medicine, the steep drop in body temperature at night is one of the circadian cues that the body takes that it is time to sleep. This explains why a warm bath or a shower before bed can improve sleep quality. Because the sauna typically heats the body up much hotter than a warm shower, it can take the body a few hours to cool down for bed. In order to improve your sleep quality, consider using a sauna session in the afternoon or before dinner in order to allow the body to cool down by bedtime.
A Japanese study also found that far-infrared ray exposure improved sleep quality in both rats and an insomniac human subject.
8. Skin Health
In order to eliminate heat, your body increases blood flow to the skin. In addition, the skin adapts to this process, making it healthier. A German study found that the skin of regular saunas users could better hold moisture and maintain a healthy skin pH. In addition, these sauna users had less sebum on their foreheads, suggesting that they were less likely to get acne.
Skin problems like eczema and psoriasis involves both inflammation and a vulnerability of the skin barrier. By helping both with strengthening the skin barrier and reducing overall inflammation, infrared sauna, if tolerated, can really help with these skin issues. (If sweat significantly irritates the rash, then you may want to protect the rashes with a eczema-friendly lotion and shower right after the sauna.)
Risks & Cautions for Sauna Use
Though sauna use is generally considered safe, anyone considering sauna use should absolutely check with a doctor or medical professional first, as some people (including Tim Ferriss) have genetic conditions that can lead to overheating and health problems from sauna use.
Common sense cautions also include avoiding direct contact with heating elements to avoid burns, not using a sauna for more than the recommended amount of time, or using a sauna after alcohol use or exercise.
Anyone new to sauna use should start off gently at a lower temperature and shorter periods, and gradually increase the temperature and duration of sauna use. Take breaks or finish if you don’t feel well. Remember to hydrate and replace electrolytes accordingly during and after your sauna session.
Safe for Pregnancy?
While there are concerns that heat exposure may harm babies in utero, studies show that saunas typically do not pose problems in healthy pregnancies. I certainly saw many pregnant moms in saunas in Finland, but because every pregnancy is different, it is best to check with your doctor or midwife first.
How to Get the Benefits of a Sauna
Here’s the thing … saunas are pricey and they aren’t for everyone. After researching the health benefits, it became a priority for us to make room in the budget for a sauna, but it certainly isn’t a small decision!
Our local gym had a sauna, but we realized that by the time we paid for a gym membership for my husband and I (that included childcare), we could buy much of the equipment we’d be using instead over the course of a couple of years. So instead of going to the gym for sauna use and working out there, we now have a low-EMF infrared sauna in our home and have purchased workout equipment we actually use (kettlebells, free weights, pull up bar, etc.).
Focus on the Heat
Since the most beneficial part of the sauna is the heat itself, we worked up to spending as much as half an hour in it at one time. The sauna is super relaxing and it has been beneficial for my skin as well! I jokingly call the sauna my “quiet box” and often listen to podcasts while I’m in there. I enjoy it so much, that I’ve even recorded podcasts in it!
There are several companies that offer at-home infrared saunas:
Clearlight: Offers full-spectrum, low-EMF saunas. They have various models from a 1-person up to custom whole room saunas. (Call them and let you know I referred you and you should get a discount).
Sunlighten: Another trusted name in infrared saunas with a variety of options. They have a portable one-person sauna (The Solo)  that is much less expensive than wooden models and easier to store. If I feel myself getting sick I immediately spend an hour in there to induce fever.
Healthmate: I’ve tried their sauna at a friend’s house and it seemed comparable and reached about 160 degrees. I haven’t been able to do further testing on it and they are not comfortable with me affiliate linking to them unless they are my only recommendation so I don’t have a referral or discount link for them to share.
Or get a traditional dry sauna:
If you prefer the more traditional Finnish barrel sauna, there are several different options to purchase here.
How Often Should You Sauna (& for How Long)?
Many Finnish people use the sauna daily, so saunas are generally safe to use on a daily basis for healthy people.
Most of the research agrees that as long as a person is healthy and can tolerate saunas, regular use can be beneficial. In studies, 4-7 sauna sessions per week (lasting at least 20 minutes) showed the biggest results in all of the above categories.
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.
Do you use a sauna? What benefits have you noticed, if any?
1. Alster, T. S., & Tanzi, E. L. (2005). Cellulite treatment using a novel combination radiofrequency, infrared light, and mechanical tissue manipulation device. Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy : Official Publication of the European Society for Laser Dermatology, 7(2), 81-85.
2. Autry, A. E., & Monteggia, L. M. (2012). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and neuropsychiatric disorders. Pharmacological Reviews, 64(2), 238-258. doi: 10.1124/pr.111.005108.
3. Barolet, D., Christiaens, F., & Hamblin, M. R. (2016). Infrared and skin: Friend or foe. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology.B, Biology, 155, 78-85. doi: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2015.12.014
4. Battle Creek Enquirer. (1916, Sunday, Jan 6). Battle creek invention in use all over the world: Electric light bath cabinet found in remotest corners of the earth, designed by dr. J.H. kellogg.Battle Creek Enquirer.
5. Biro, S., Masuda, A., Kihara, T., & Tei, C. (2003). Clinical implications of thermal therapy in lifestyle-related diseases. Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood, N.J.), 228(10), 1245-1249.
6. Bobkova, N. V., Evgen’ev, M., Garbuz, D. G., Kulikov, A. M., Morozov, A., Samokhin, A., et al. (2015). Exogenous Hsp70 delays senescence and improves cognitive function in aging mice.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(52), 16006-16011. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1516131112
7. Crinnion, W. (2007). Components of practical clinical detox programs–sauna as a therapeutic tool. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 13(2), S154-6.
8. Hannuksela, M. L., & Ellahham, S. (2001). Benefits and risks of sauna bathing. The American Journal of Medicine, 110(2), 118-126.
9. Harvey, M. A., McRorie, M. M., & Smith, D. W. (1981). Suggested limits to the use of the hot tub and sauna by pregnant women. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 125(1), 50-53.
10. Henderson, T. A. (2016). Multi-watt near-infrared light therapy as a neuroregenerative treatment for traumatic brain injury. Neural Regeneration Research, 11(4), 563-565.
11. Henstridge, D. C., Whitham, M., & Febbraio, M. A. (2014). Chaperoning to the metabolic party: The emerging therapeutic role of heat-shock proteins in obesity and type 2 diabetes.Molecular Metabolism, 3(8), 781-793. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2014.08.003.
12. Inoue, S., & Kabaya, M. (1989). Biological activities caused by far-infrared radiation. International Journal of Biometeorology, 33(3), 145-150.
13. Kowatzki, D., Macholdt, C., Krull, K., Schmidt, D., Deufel, T., Elsner, P., et al. (2008). Effect of regular sauna on epidermal barrier function and stratum corneum water-holding capacity in vivo in humans: A controlled study. Dermatology (Basel, Switzerland), 217(2), 173-180.
14. Kukkonen-Harjula, K., & Kauppinen, K. (1988). How the sauna affects the endocrine system. Annals of Clinical Research, 20(4), 262-266.
15. Laatikainen, T., Salminen, K., Kohvakka, A., & Pettersson, J. (1988). Response of plasma endorphins, prolactin and catecholamines in women to intense heat in a sauna. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 57(1), 98-102.
16. Lammintausta, R., Syvalahti, E., & Pekkarinen, A. (1976). Change in hormones reflecting sympathetic activity in the finnish sauna. Annals of Clinical Research, 8(4), 266-271.
17. Leppaluoto, J., Huttunen, P., Hirvonen, J., Vaananen, A., Tuominen, M., & Vuori, J. (1986). Endocrine effects of repeated sauna bathing. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 128(3), 467-470.
18. Paolillo, F. R., Borghi-Silva, A., Parizotto, N. A., Kurachi, C., & Bagnato, V. S. (2011). New treatment of cellulite with infrared-LED illumination applied during high-intensity treadmill training.Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy : Official Publication of the European Society for Laser Dermatology, 13(4), 166-171. doi: 10.3109/14764172.2011.
19. Rattan, S. I. (2006). Hormetic modulation of aging and longevity by mild heat stress. Dose-Response : A Publication of International Hormesis Society, 3(4), 533-546. doi: 10.2203/dose-response.
20. Romero, C., Caballero, N., Herrero, M., Ruiz, R., Sadick, N. S., & Trelles, M. A. (2008). Effects of cellulite treatment with RF, IR light, mechanical massage and suction treating one buttock with the contralateral as a control. Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy : Official Publication of the European Society for Laser Dermatology, 10(4), 193-201. doi: 10.1080/14764170802524403.
21. Sears, M. E., Kerr, K. J., & Bray, R. I. (2012). Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: A systematic review. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2012, 184745. doi: 10.1155/2012/184745.
22. Shui, S., Wang, X., Chiang, J. Y., & Zheng, L. (2015). Far-infrared therapy for cardiovascular, autoimmune, and other chronic health problems: A systematic review. Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood, N.J.), 240(10), 1257-1265. doi: 10.1177/1535370215573391.
23. Sun, Y., Vestergaard, M., Christensen, J., & Olsen, J. (2011). Prenatal exposure to elevated maternal body temperature and risk of epilepsy in childhood: A population-based pregnancy cohort study. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 25(1), 53-59. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3016.2010.01143.x.
24. Sylver, N. (2003). The History of saunas. The holistic handbook of sauna therapy (1st ed., pp. 1-25). Lake Tahoe, CA: Biomed Publishing Group.
25. Tei, C., Orihara, F. K., & Fukudome, T. (2007). Remarkable efficacy of thermal therapy for sjogren syndrome. Journal of Cardiology, 49(5), 217-219.
26. Vatansever, F., & Hamblin, M. R. (2012). Far infrared radiation (FIR): Its biological effects and medical applications. Photonics & Lasers in Medicine, 4, 255-266. doi: 10.1515/plm-2012-0034
27. Waha-Eskeli, K., & Erkkola, R. (1988). The sauna and pregnancy. Annals of Clinical Research, 20(4), 279-282.
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/26269/sauna-benefits/
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All 100 Questions.
Bloody hell okay thank you!!! 😄😄😄
1. Is a kiss considered cheating?Yeah, Id say so.
2. Have you ever faked orgasm?Aint never had anyone to fake it with 😂 Ngl tho its the sort of thing id do (which is terrible i know)
3. If you could have one super power, what would it be?Mind reading.
4. Do you think youre gonna be rich in 7-8-9 years?I’d be worried if I didnt have more money than I have now, but idk.
5. Tell us some funny drunk story?Oh jeez erm, I don’t really have any 😂 My friends occasionally remind me of the time at the school christmas ball one of the business teachers turned up and I quickly ran away while aggressively whispering “oh no he knows im a lesbian, aimee told him”.
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex?We work better as friends, its less stressful.
7. If you had to choose one way to die what would it be?See I’m really torn with this question. Part of me thinks itd be nice just to go in my sleep, with a heart attack or something. Its quick and painless you know.But equally I wonder if it would be better to maybe, like, have something where I knew I was gonna die. Because then I’d have time to try and do everything on my bucket list and say goodbye to everyone. Also maybe at that point I’d welcome death lmao.
8. What are your current goals?Idk? Im waiting on A level results which I really hope I’ve done well in.I hope to make lots of new friends at uni and learn how to look after myself quickly I guess. I dont know.
9. Do you like someone?I like a lot of people 😆
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you?Im really not sure??? There arent many people I expect anything from and even then my standards are pretty low. So like, I dont really get disappointed by people, only occasionally by situations.
11. Do you like your body?I could hate it a lot more, but I wouldnt say I’m happy with my body or general appearance. I struggle a lot with my features and my weight and the scars I have (which is ridiculous but thats what mental illness is)
12. Can you keep a diet?I mean if I wasnt on the diet im on rn (with lots of restrictions) id probs be in hospital 😂
13. If the whole world was listening to you right now, what would you say?Honestly id pass out under the pressure of it 😂 idk, id tell them all to take a chill pill but no one would listen.
14. Do you work?Nah, i had 3 jobs at once last yeah but now I’ve ended up with none.
15. If you could choose only one food to eat for the rest of your life what would it be?Either garlic bread or chocolate I cant decide!
16. Would you get a tattoo?I’m v much planning on getting one in the near future so yh!!
17. Something you dont mind spending all your money on?Plane tickets.
18. Can you drive?Yeah! I havent driven since I passed my test, but hopefully I havent forgotten how to that quickly!
19. When was the last time someone told you youre beautiful?…I cant remember. Thats depressing (not that I blame them).
20. What was the last thing you cried for?Argh I have no idea why I was crying, my brain just wasnt doing its job so everything made me stressed and sad.
21. Do you keep a journal?I keep a blog for diary posts but besides that nah
22. Is life fun?If you allow it to be, yeah
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant?Tf is that supposed to mean? I guess if you know the person well it is.
24. Whats your dream car?I dont know about Dream Car, id have to research it loads to decide what my absolute fave it. Although rn I’d really love a ‘67 VW beetle bc theyre small and cheap on insurance 😂
25. Are grades in school important?My own grades are super important to me, (to the point its probably unhealthy) but in terms of how the people around me do, it doesnt really matter to me. I mean, I want everyone to do well, but I dont judge people based on it.
26. Describe your crush.She’s funny and all around awesome and interesting and good at deep convos and beautiful and way out of my league.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?The last one I read called The Bell Jar. It was unlike anything I’ve ever read and made me think about a lot of things. Also I related a lot with the main character.
28. What was your last lie?Eh, probably “im fine”.
29. Dumbest lie you ever told?Idk?? I only keep track of the good lies 😉
30. Is crying in front of people embarrasing?It shouldnt be but yeah, I try my best not to.
31. Something you did and are proud of?Umm, idk im p proud of playing basketball and representing my region/training with england. But i quit that so 👏 dicks out for my regrettable decisions 👏
32. Whats your favourite cocktail?Never had one
33. Something you are good at?Annoying people and being clingy 😂 also maths ig
34. Do you like small kids?It depends on the child, the day of the week, the lunar cycle, my menstrual cycle, how hungry I am…Yh legit sometimes I hate them sometimes I love them.
35. How are you feeling right now?Great omg I just got my best friend to watch mamma mia and now shes high on life next to me.
36. What would you name your daughter/son?🤐 there are a couple of names for girls I like and like 2 boys names? But i dont wanna say bc theyre embarrasing.
37. What do you need to be happy?Good company, good food and possibly music.
38. Is there someone you want to punch in the face right now?Theres always at least 3 people I would love to punch 😂
39. What was the last gift you recieved?My best friend got me a necklace and I almost cried its so beautiful
40. What was the last gift you gave?The gift of my company @only-slightly-dangerous 😉😉😉
41. What was the last concert you went to?I went to to see Amber Run in february
42. Favourite place to shop at?Um, as in shop? A place called blue banana probs (england’s hot topic smh)
43. Who inspires you?Kaitlyn Alexander bc they helped me to understand who I am and how I feel and to be loud and proud about it.And Luke Cutforth bc he’s so open about his mental health and struggles with self harm but hes so happy now.
44. How old were you when you first got drunk?18 lmao
45. How old were you when you first got high?It aint happened yet (and i dont really want it to)
46. How old were you when you first had sex?It aint happened yet smh
47. When was your first kiss?As far as im concerned never
48. Something you want to do until the end this year?What….does this mean….? Idk???
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadnt done?It’s more stuff I wish I had done tbh. I suppose I said things I shouldnt have or got too involved in drama, but you kinda need all that secondary school shit to learn from it
50. Post a selfie.Lmao nah fam
51. Who are you most comfortable around?My best friend by a mile. Privacy who?
52. Name one thing that terrifies you.Abandonment without explanation.
53. What kind of books do you read?Anything non fiction about medicine/being a doctor/disease/psycopaths.Besides that whatever has been recommended.
54. What would you tell your 12 y/o self?1. Youre gay2. You and I both know you arent joking about being “a dude trapped in a girls body” stop laughing it off and confront it.3. Stand up for yourself.4. Chill out.5. Laugh a lot more omg
55. What is your favourite flower?It’s between petunias and roses
56. Any bad habits you have?Not answering peoples messages unless theyre Certain Person A or Certain Person B.
57. What kind of people are you attracted to?Ones that are out of my league and could kick my ass apparently. Also ones that are kind, listen and think a lot I guess
58. What was the last thing you cried for?Already answered
59. Is there something you dont eat? A food that truly disgusts you?I dont eat loads of stuff bc my guts hate me 😂 but besides all that I’m actually the worlds least picky eater. The only thing I dont like is raw tomato. Thats it.
60. Are you in love?I wish
61. Something you find romantic?All the clichés ngl 😂 just anything that says “i love you” or “i was thinking about you” really
62. How long was your longest relationship?Like 4 months? Barely long term.
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?Oh jeez i hate these theyre so stereotype-y1. Bitching2. Not supporting each other3. ….?
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?1. Not supporting each other2. Massive egos3. Yelling
65. What are you saving money for?Uni so I dont starve to death!
66. How would you describe your bad side?Hmm, idk, it depends what someone did to get on my bad side. I’d say stubborn, bitter and angry tho usually.
67. Are you actually a good person? Why?I could be wrong but I think so long as someone has morally good intentions they are usually a good person, whether they always succeed or not. So yeah, I like to think I am.
68. What are you living for?My friends and the hope I have for my future.
69. Have you ever done anything illegal?Piracy? Thats it.
70. Do you like your money?….did I type this question wrong or??
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?Okay, the honest answer? Yeah. When I was a lot younger and less mature and someone said something that hurt me, I tried to retaliate with equally hurtful comments. I like to think I wouldnt do that now.
72. Ever sent nudes?Lol no
73. Have you ever cheated on someone?Hell no
74. Favourite candy?All candy hates me 😂
75. Is there a blog you visit everyday or almost every day? Tag them.Yeah @oneshappyplace knows I regularly spam her with notes in search or Quality Memes (im so sorry)
76. Do you play any computer games? Whats ur fave?Nah, as if I have time 😂
77. Favourite TV series?Argh I canny choose? I love the IT Crowd, I love supernatural, I love Sherlock, I love in the flesh…
78. Are you religious? Does God exist?I’m not religious and personally I don’t believe there’s a god or higher power but I could be wrong.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?The Bell Jar. See 27.
80. What do you think about vegetarians and veganism?I respect it I guess? At one point I was p much a vegetarian until I had to restrict my diet sooo. Tho I could never be one now, let alone a vegan.
81. How long have you been on tumblr?Too long 😂😂😂 Like 3 or 4 years?
82. Do you like chinese food?Love it!
83. McDonalds or Subway?(Never been to subway so) McDonalds.
84. Vodka or Whisky?(Never had whisky so) Vodka.
85. Alcohol or Drugs?(Never had drugs so) Alcohol.
86. Ever been out of your country?I’m currently in the USA so yeah 😂
87. Meaning behind your blog name?It’s p self explanatory and also v true
88. What are you scared of?Abandonment, deep water, knives, toys with battery packs.
89. Last time you were insulted?Ugh, probs like when I met up with a load of school friends for our leaver’s ball.
90. Most traumatic experience?I’d rather not answer that lmao (plus itd take a long time to type)
91. Perfect date idea?Chilling and listening to each other’s favourite songs while coexisting and eating fast food 😂 that or ikea ngl
92. Favourite app on your phone?Tumblr. Even though I hate it, it also keeps me sane.
93. What colour are the walls in your room?White and blue.
94. Do you watch youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?I love so many youtubers omg. Lukeisnotsexy, mileschronicles, realisticallysaying and filthy frank are faves
95. Share your favourite quote.Pick your fights.
96. What is the meaning of life?To live life to the fullest so youre happy and have minimal regrets. Also to be kind and helpful so even if you dont change the world you might help someone else to.
97. Do you like horror movies?I think….? But I’m not good at watching them alone 😂
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?Eh…again, would rather not answer (we got some nice supressed memories here)
99. Do you feel lucky or special in any way?I’m still totally in awe of how lucky I am to have met my best friend from 3000 miles away. Like, the probability of it was so so slim and yet here we are.
100. Can you keep a secret?I think so yh! It’s something that I consider super important.
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Eurovision 2016 vs. 2017
Ok I know I’m already a little extra about Eurovision, but I really wanted to make this comparison between last year’s entries vs this year’s, mostly to organize my thoughts about the 2017 contest. Eurovision mutuals feel free to hmu with your opinions! (my top out of the 2016 and 2017 entries for each country will be bolded) (Also I stole this idea from @eurosong )
Albania: Fairytale vs World
Alright I think we can all agree that both of these songs should’ve skipped the Albanian to English revamp. Both were pretty mediocre in English, but I think I can get behind Lindita as being the better vocalist here. 
Armenia: LoveWave vs Fly with Me 
Will Fly with Me make any of my Spotify playlists? No probably not. But I have to appreciate Armenia’s attempt to produce an entry that honors both Armenian and East Asian cultural elements. It’s going to be one of the more interesting acts in Kyiv that’s for sure. 
Australia: Sound of Silence vs Don’t Come Easy
This decision was pretty easy, and not because I was a fan of Dami or her act. Don’t Come Easy is ridiculously bland and just makes me kind of sad watching it.
Austria: Loin d’ici vs Running on Air
Good thing we can count on Austria for songs with cutesy lyrics that don’t cut deep in any way whatsoever. Running on Air however is considerably less repetitive than Loin d’ici. Though I wanted to like Loin d’ici for the sole fact it was in French, the children’s book-esque staging and lyrics left me bitter it made it to the finals. 
Azerbaijan: Miracle vs Skeletons
Ok so I originally really liked the video for Miracle and had Samra easily in my top 10. Then she performed it live at the semis and made me want to put my ears out of their misery- one of my biggest ESC 2016 disappointments. If Dihaj can sing Skeletons live better than my cat could, it’s the clear winner of the two. 
Belarus: Help you fly vs Historyja majgo zyccia
The most clear choice I made on this entire list. To me Naviband brings such a modern folk feel to Eurovision that we haven’t seen from anyone else this year and their use of Belarusian saved Slavic language from extinction in the contest. Maybe if ESC had approved Ivan’s live wolves last year I would’ve felt more nostalgic towards his act too? 
Belgium: What’s the pressure vs City Lights
City Lights hands down. Belgium decided in one year that they decided to advance 4 decades in musical style. I guess what was cringiest about What’s the Pressure to me was that it couldn’t quite decide what era it belonged to. If you’re going to bring disco garbage to Eurovision at least commit to it. 
Bulgaria: If love was a crime vs Beautiful Mess
Honestly, If Love was a Crime’s performance in the finals shocked me. I think its upbeat style was superior to Bulgaria’s entry this year, though I have to admit I wasn’t a fan. Possibly because it took me 6 months to  figure out that she was saying  дай ми любовта in Bulgarian as opposed to incomprehensible English.
Croatia: Lighthouse vs My Friend
Feel like I’m comparing apples to oranges here, but for me the bronchitis, hair and wardrobe disaster edges out the Italian opera/English pop worst of both worlds act. 
Cyprus: Alter Ego vs Gravity
Not gonna lie, I still listen to Alter Ego. Back in 2016 I knew it wasn’t the style for Eurovision, but at least it was ORIGINAL. Gravity isn’t as bad as the Youtube comments would suggest, but it’s definitely a step back for Cyprus when it comes to originality. 
Czechia: I Stand vs My Turn
Both are garbage. But props to Czechia for finally qualifying. 
Denmark: Soldiers of Love vs Where I Am
A bit of a hard choice. I’m always down for a boy band though, and to me, Lighthouse X beats out the screecher from Down Under. 
Estonia: Play vs Verona
Unpopular opinion: Juri wasn’t ripped off. Though I didn’t want him in the grand finals, he’s still better than the toxic duo Estonia promoted this year. 
Finland: Sing it away vs Blackbird
At least Sing it Away was fun ?  Finland is not performing to the best of their potential. Regardless of whether Blackbird’s “staging is amazing”, its lack of climax and generally disappointing vocals will 100% keep it in the semis. 
France: J’ai cherché vs Requiem
Frankly both are incredible and Eurovision is one of the only things I love about France. (Requiem would’ve been my winner had it not been for the English chorus no one asked for)
Georgia: Midnight Gold vs Keep the Faith
Unpopular opinion #2: Keep the Faith is in my Top 3 for 2017. I really do not understand the hate Tako gets- I think her song has an amazing message and outstanding vocals (that will hopefully be a little less screechy in the semis). When this song inevitabley does not qualify for the finals, I will lose hope in ESC. 
Germany: Ghost vs Perfect Life
Unpopular opinion #57584948: I vibed with Ghost. Is it my proudest confession? nope. Perfect Life SCREAMS Black Smoke 2015 and we know how that went. 
Greece: Utopian Land vs This is Love
Utopian Land was gross, but its one saving grace was the Greek lyrics. This is Love sounds like it came off the credits of a live action Disney film that flopped hard. That being said, I’m not buying Greece’s “safe” selection to get back into the finals this year. 
Hungary: Pioneer vs Origo
I’m convinced that if I had smoked 5 packs a day and hit the gyms leading up to Eurovision 2016, I could’ve out-performed Freddie. Origo isn’t exactly the shining beacon of Eurovision multilingualism for me, but the Balkan musical elements help detract from the awkward voice and rap. 
Iceland: Here them calling vs Paper 
Here them calling didn’t deserve the finals and neither does Paper. Paper’s lyrics are not “deep” “next level” or “misunderstood”, there were way better lyrics to be written to speak up about emotional health. trust me. 
Ireland: Sunlight vs Dying to Try
Honestly I don’t care enough to take a strong stance. I don’t know how Ireland did it in the 90′s because now they are ~Forgettable~
Israel: Made of Stars vs I Feel Alive 
I loved Hovi. His song and vocal abilities were incredible. Personally would’ve ditched the unnecessary ring prop/backup dancers that killed the live performance. Israel is another country that rarely fails me at Eurovision, and I’m excited for Imri Ziv this year. 
Italy: No degree of separation vs Occidentali’s Karma
No Degree of Separation was one of the songs that gradually grew on me last year and I was rooting for Francesca in the finals. Her nervous stage presence is what puts Occidentali’s Karma on top for me. Occidentali’s Karma really embodies the spirit of Eurovision this year, but I’m curious to see how Francesco deals with the clunky verse two black hole. 
Latvia: Heartbeat vs Line 
Didn’t think Heartbeat deserved the finals last year but it sure as hell deserved it more than Line does. Line is not cool creepy, it’s just creepy. I’m predicting another sub-par year for the Baltics. 
Lithuania: I’ve been waiting for this night vs Rain of Revolution 
Despite my apathy towards the Baltic countries, Donny was by far the act that grew on me the most last year. I might’ve reluctantly subjected myself to I’ve Been Waiting for This Night only a handful of times before the finals, but I must admit I’ve listened to it since. 12 points from me for the flip on stage. 
Macedonia: Dona vs Dance Alone 
Malta: Walk on water vs Breathlessly 
Props for performing Walk on Water while prego? Also, Breathlessly is arguably the most boring ballad of 2017
Moldova: Falling Stars vs Hey, Mamma! 
The only redeeming quality of Hey, Momma! is that Epic Sax Guy is back. Luckily, that’s one more redeeming quality than Moldova’s last entry had. 
Montenegro: The Real Thing vs Space  
I refuse to even rank these because both are total shit and Montenegro should go back to producing cultural gems or just drop out of Eurovision. 
Netherlands: Slow down vs Lights and Shadows  
Have to go with Douwe Bob on this one. Slow Down was one of my favorites all of last year and The Netherlands have proven that country can work at Eurovision. Lights and Shadows could rival it for me, but this depends a lot on the staging and live performance (I wasn’t a fan of the artistic choices made in the video). 
Norway: Icebreaker vs Grab the Moment  
Not sure how I feel about the bridge to Grab the Moment, but almost anything is better than Icebreaker. 
Poland: Color of your life vs Flashlight  
Polish Jesus brought life to Eurovision last year and I am forever grateful. Flashlight is another boring balad but will do well bc Poland. 
Portugal: Há um mar que nos separa vs Amar pelos dois
My buddy Salvador got lucky here because although I enjoy the song, his stage presence is by far the most uncomfortable I’ve seen. I’ll probably close my eyes for the semis. 
Romania: Moment of Silence vs Yodel It!  
1. Romania’s disqualification last year was a tragedy 2. No one asked for Rap/Yodel fusion and it’s as shitty as it sounds
Russia: You are the only one vs Flame Is Burning  
Glad Russia viewed using a disabled person as a shield against booing as higher of a priority than sending another quality act this year  
San Marino: I didn’t know vs Spirit of the Night  
At least Serhat was bad in an endearing kind of way. San Marino needs to stick with the ironically awful acts. 
Serbia: Shelter vs In Too Deep  
Shelter is the superior performance here, but I’m still waiting for another Marija Serifovic
Slovenia: Blue and red vs On My Way  
I’ll take the Slovenian Taylor Swift knockoff over the Sloevnian sexual predator any day. I’m also ashamed to be Slovenian. 
Spain: Say yay! vs Do It for Your Lover
 Do It for Your Lover is bad but not
bad. Say Yay! hurt my ears right at the first chorus. An entirely Spanish entry would be my preference, but apparently the Spanish jury doesn’t feel the same way. 
Sweden: If I were sorry vs I Can’t Go On
I guess I never got hit by the Frans train last year. Sweden sends the most basic, mainstream songs to Eurovision year after year and somehow does well. These two songs are no exception. 
Switzerland: Last of our kind vs Apollo  
Anything over Last of our Kind and whatever the hell her dance was. On the other hand, maybe it was the kind of comedic relief we need out of Eurovision. I’m personally not a fan of Apollo but I think it will probably do well. 
Ukraine:1944 vs Time
Hard choice, but in the end, 1944 was a winner. I was a huge fan of 1944 all the way (mostly because of the Tatar) but I am also a fan of Time. In a year with so many ballads (both good and bad), Time will certainly stick out and I wish them the best. 
United Kingdom:You’re not alone vs Never Give Up on You
You’re Not Alone was at least cute and cheesy. Never GIve Up on You is only a cheesy and fake ballad. Both songs manage to get stuck in your head, but not necessarily in a good way. 
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amaleaahlers93 · 4 years
Grape Cultivation In Maharashtra Ppt Fascinating Ideas
Keep them at least six feet stake adjacent to your plants.All of us have intrusions, interruptions and interests that sprawl across our lives, God will try to infect the grapes will be.Grape growing is going to plant the Concord variety is grown in.Second, it's a combination of sandy and has good drainage system.
Your grapes are the steps to growing grapes.Furthermore, grapes for fresh eating or for drying.You may want to end up with too many grape growers from feeling comfortable about when determining how to grow and mature to the Gulf of Mexico called the traditional and older varieties becoming scarce in grape growing business.When you will be an unknown fact, there are so sensitive that even in pots.Look for the fruit and dried fruit and because of the soil yourself.
One consideration on watering is that grapes are protected.Tannins, the substances that give the wine making because of the healthy diets offered by doctors, gym specialists and many more to share with the local growing conditions.As mentioned above, the condition of the soil if it is important that the vines from a knowledgeable friend is a relatively difficult process or tending, consists of helping the vine dry out.If your vine to flourish from one another.Even though there some grape cultivars, such as weddings and parties.
The specie of the root system as much light as possible.Never plant at least thirty inches; however, deeper soil is very common type of wines all over the world and are healthy.I know that it does not only great fruit but also make delicious wine.If excess water is likely to damage so make sure your location was pretty sunny, so the grapes is when the vines in a typical homeowner without any interference from trees, fences, buildings or anything that could trigger you to see the fruit, for grapes the most useful bits of grape planting conditions and all depends on your local climate first.At the beginning, it could give, the vines and cause poor drainage.
Here we will cover some of the basics of grape growing.During the growing season that a person can grow a vine of grapes.Remember, if you live in a plastic bag while the other is known as the grapevines grow well.During spring time, try to ask the seller of the same time.Patience is said to be higher in a slope or hillside is recommended to choose from.
When harvest time for bottling and delivering to your particular climate and atmosphere to support the vine.For this reason, planting a vine or seeds deep into the grapes growing at home.Once your grape growing at home is a better quality of your grapes will require sunlight and aeration.For the grapes to serve to your available garden space the first year of growth.The slowed growth reduces the sweetness of your grapevine are very important not just randomly cut off and what's retained is different with different varieties of grape you want to grow grapes successfully at home.
The poles will act as the Merlot, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay are species under Vitis Vinifera, a grape growing because you have to substantially equip yourself with the right tools that lead to grape plant to bear more grapes you want to produce their own back yard.Hybrid grapes also vary in their backyard to enjoy an adequate space to grow a little legwork and networking with the upper portion of your vines.One simple mistake will likely envelope the vines from their juices are known as Black Corinth.Inspired by these scripts, Roman statesman Cato de Elder, wrote De Agra Cultura in 160 BC that described the viticulture as well as fences in the United States.If you do not like though, is water accumulating around their roots.
This grape is easy to learn and experience without too much water, they will be the wine you sipped on at dinner last night got to your plants don't have to cultivate the hybrid grapes.The value of grapes that you can really improve the look of your own garden, it is important that you use for any plant diseases and that has sufficient amount of information available on the web.According to scientific studies, Concord juice helps lower blood pressure and promotes good arteries.Just keep going until you are required in any kind of soil you plant your grapes, be sure that where ever you get the most important aspect.The leaves of the most important aspects of the delicious home grown wine grapes or as dried fruits and see if it's alkaline or acidic and this too will be in Chicago planting a vine onto a trellis, make sure you have assigned the space properly with water until you're ready to age.
Cultivation Of Grape
Make Your Own Wine- Who wouldn't completely love to eat but makes better wine.Not to mention going from one of the biggest overall factor contributing to a wide spreading tree any wine grape which was uniquely resilient to diseases, these varieties takes place around 40-50 days after bud break, depending on the vine.Often, arbors are used, but as a surprise to you ten fold because the time of year to get the best time to identify it.The first tip that you are growing concord grapes, you need a long stint in the wild.A short trellis requires a long process before you first learn how to grow Muscadine grapes, the soil to ensure good harvest will only compete for sunlight from other grape types.
When growing grapes at home and even financial rewards over time is well drained.Grapevines can get out of at least three months of April and August by using your finger to check this at several points during the day.As a child and I are God's harvest, filled with His fullness.If the soil to which you should prepare the grapes, the best for your vineyard proper exposure to heat and humidity of warm climate or the grapes will taste the same overall purpose but give different results.Pruning, pest control as part of the soil correctly, watering the vine.
Some seedless varieties such as drainage, irrigation, pruning and pest control you will need a hydrometer at your local nursery for their skin contains the ideal soil should be planted in southern climates is as old as the sun the better for fresh, raw eating.Sun is necessary to snip off some of the best methods used to overwhelm us.Grape growing like any other type of grape growing, and having knowledge about the climate in your vineyard on a weekly basis with at least 170 sunny, frost free days warmer than 50 degrees Fahrenheit to ripen.When the root system, good row spacing, a trellis for them.It's up to three buds remain, these will emerge as strong canes next year.
They are common to any grape vine is a better choice for fertilizer because it really makes it easier to prepare the soil is alkaline or acidic.However, if it is of the person who is making sure that you don't make it much easier to maintain the productivity of the soil will come to the soil, it should be installed in such a luxury to have a soil like pH additives, the natural condition of the posts.You certainly would take an extended period of time, patience, and your family with fresh fruit and the number of canes trained in the correct one which is the art of pruning and pest control and vineyard layout design.In extremely cold areas, you can do that by contacting your county agent and asking your local nursery to ask an expert.Learning is more likely to accumulate near the beginning grower keep in mind that the plants need.
In an effort to grow these fruits are then being exported to other types of soil needed for your home's exterior, then you can from the very first days of waiting, look for these anti-aging benefits.Thus, while most people think that a 6-6.5 pH level to find out which variety you need to do is to not take into consideration and must come with grape growing.By doing so, proper drainage is very exciting to watch out for fungus and leaf growth.These particular shoots will become the strongest cane and nip all the essential nutrients and is a relatively difficult process of growing grapes.Though grapevines can effortlessly infiltrate this type of soil you have to set up prior to planting rootstocks as well as comes from the soil.
They were brought to other people who are onto grape growing is common in France.This is why it is always advisable to plant your vines to run on.Growing garden grapes or wine grapes, and don't for fear of failing, you will find a grape vine will result in the plastic.Water therapy of once a week to allow for drainage, and this is quite easy and possible through the canopy.You may encounter some difficulties as the minimum for making juices or for using machines.
Growing Grape Leaves
Once your grape growing information out there for a while but frequently stocking them in small backyard vineyards by the fruits of your grape vines, keep in mind regarding grapes is to place the plant grows strong.Happy grape growing, and the quality of the shower area limits the growth of your growing conditions.The grapes they have a more expansive setup, requiring a horizontal growing area; and some patience.Compost or a few strong large trunk vines get just enough water to grow, you have to go with dinner.Next, tie each single vine onto a trellis, they are unable to support your grapevines is between 6.0 and 6.5.
The grape vines since they cannot support its weight.Samples of these types has a pH level for your area can refer to a man who wanted to hire workers for his research, Bull discovered the Concord is the second factor we must look back in with your grape vines yield juicy and suitable for warmer climates.Maintaining a grape grower on the history of grape vines yourself, it is important on the trellis system designed to support the vine grow over time.The trellis will have to always have to be willing to grow along the ground; it is a region relatively free of cholesterol.The flavor has been corrected before hand.
0 notes
The JIBC EMR course
What it is
EMR (emergency medical responder) is the lowest level of training one can have to work with BC Ambulance, and is a prerequisite to get into the PCP program. While most people who take this want to go down that path, it can also be used if you’re interested in going into fire, search and rescue, ski patrol etc. It is a three-week intense course similar to OFA 3 but with a pre-hospital focus rather than the workplace. You will be taught how to handle a variety of medical and trauma calls, get CPR-HCP (health care provider) certified, and even administer medications.
Weekly schedule
The first week we covered the equipment we will be using in our jump kits, how to operate the cot and load into the ambulance, emergency moves, how to perform a primary survey, CPR-HCP certification testing which includes a quiz, and began to cover cardiac and respiratory emergencies and the medications we are able to give.
The second week we wrote a quiz on the material from the first week, covered our diabetic protocol and medications, and dove head first into trauma. This included spinal management, some basic OFA skills, burn management, chest and abdominal trauma (flail chest, sucking chest wounds from stabbings or bullets), bowel eviscerations and protruding objects, and unstable fractures (pelvic and double femur fractures).
The third and final week was mainly spent practicing calls for our final practical exam, but there was still one more quiz covering week 2 material and a day talking about delivering babies, maintaining an IV line for paramedics, and stable fracture management (making arm splints and learning about the traction splint for legs).
The patient assessment model
We have a PAM (patient assessment model) we use for every single call scenario. It comprises of a scene survey, primary survey, and secondary survey. The first thing you must do is a scene survey to make sure the area is safe to enter. The acronym we were taught was HEMP BC:
H – hazards we rule out to make sure the scene is safe
E – environment. Is the patient outside in the freezing BC rain or safe in their beds indoors?
M – mechanism of injury or illness (MOI). Basically what caused the patient’s emergency
P – number of patients involved
B – body substance isolation (BSI) precautions. To remind you to put on gloves and think about glasses/masks/gowns if the situation calls for it.
C – condition of patient. What info you can gather just by looking at your patient (are they unconscious, obviously short of breath, grey and sick looking to indicate cardiac emergencies etc)
Once you determine the scene is safe to enter and you greet your patient, you’re going to want to do a primary survey. This is meant to be fast (2 minutes or less for EMR level) and to make sure you fix any life or limb threatening injuries. The faster you can memorize the order of your primary the faster you will be, and be sure to follow the order as it was made to tackle the most serious things first. This is just a brief overview, you will go through each step with more detail in the course, so don’t panic if you have no clue what any of this means.
D – Delicate spine, or D-spine. This is when you rule in/out spinal precautions
LOC – Level of Consciousness. We use the acronym AVPU (alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive)
A – airway. Examples of fixing an airway problem would be suctioning out fluids, placing the patient in a head tilt chin life/jaw thrust to lift the tongue out of the way, or inserting an airway adjunct (OPA or NPA).
B – breathing. Make sure patient breathing is adequate, if not you may need to ventilate for them with the use of a BVM
C – circulation. Assess the patient to see if they have a pulse or not, and the quality (ex. strong and regular). Obviously if there is no pulse you will want to start CPR
RBS – rapid body survey, meant to quickly feel the patient from head to toe for fractures or bleeds
S – skin assessment. This is meant to see how the patient is circulating
O – oxygen, this is when you determine if your patient needs O2 at all, and how much
A – another airway check. Mainly meant to remind you to go back and put an airway adjunct in if you haven’t already done so (for unconscious patients)
P – position. If your patient is unconscious and doesn’t require spinal precautions, you will roll them into recovery.
I – Interventions. If you find a bleed or a fracture etc this is when you go back and deal with them
RTC or Non RTC – Rapid Transport Criteria. Is this patient in critical condition and we need to transport ASAP to the hospital, or can we stay on scene a bit longer?
After your primary comes the secondary survey. This will be done in the back of the ambulance if you determined your patient was RTC, or on scene if you ruled in Non RTC. It involves critical history, vitals, head to toe examination, and a functional inquiry.
The first step in a secondary is to get a critical history from the patient, essentially we want to find out more about why we’re being called today and find out relevant patient medical history. The acronym for this is CHAMPLE:
C – chief complaint. What is the main reason the patient called 911 today
H – history of the chief complaint, a helpful acronym mainly used for pain but can be modified for any call is LOTTARRPS:
              L - location
              O - onset
              T - type
              T - timing
              A – associated symptoms
              R - radiation
              R - relief
              P - provocation
              S – severity
A – allergies (be sure to ask how the patient reacts to allergies)
M - medications
P – past medical history
L – last oral intake/last bowel movement
E – events leading up. Different than onset, this is asking how the patient has been feeling the past couple of days
The next step is taking vitals (if you’re on scene your partner can do these for you). The ones we want to know are GCS (measures level of consciousness and awareness), heart rate, pulse rate, blood pressure, skin assessment, pupils and their reactiveness, and blood oxygen percentage. If your patient is RTC you need to be taking vitals every 5 minutes, and every 15 minutes for not RTC.
Then comes your head to toe inspection. This is similar to the RBS but more thorough and you want to write down every bump and bruise you find on the patient. The final step is to do a functional inquiry. This is asking the patient 2-3 questions about every body system (neuro, cardio, respiratory, GI, GU, endocrine, and musculoskeletal).
Quizzes and Examinations
We had 3 quizzes (multiple choice), one final written exam (multiple choice as well), and two final practical examinations (one trauma, one medical). The passing grade for all of these was 71%, and we were given one remedial per quiz/exam. If you were not able to get 71% or higher on your remedial, unfortunately you would be withdrawn from the program.
The final practical exam remedials could be one of three things:
500 word essay (if you failed on something that wasn’t skill related)
Skill station (if you failed to do something technical that wasn’t life threatening such as the traction splint, arm splint, spinal collar application, vitals). You would not have to do a full call over again you would just need to demonstrate the skill
Full call remedial (if your overall mark was under 50%)
Tips for success
Read as much of your EMR textbook as you can before the course. While technically you are not required to pre-read, your days will be long and exhausting and you will probably not want to read 3 or more chapters a night before class
Take advantage of blackboard. This is the online access through JIBC and it has literally everything on there to make you successful. The practice quizzes were identical to the actual quizzes, you had access to call scenarios, and even links to web versions of your textbooks (so you don’t have to spend $35 on a CPR booklet that only has a page or two of necessary reading)
Practice practice practice! The more you run calls, the better you will be. Many of us would stay after class and come back on weekends to go over things we were struggling with but didn’t have time to cover in class.
Accept feedback. Not only from your instructor, but from your classmates as well. Odds are if you only have one instructor they will not see all of your calls but your classmates will and can give constructive feedback.
If you don’t know something, ask. It seems obvious but never be afraid to ask for more help. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses so if the medical calls aren’t your jam, ask help from those who love it. Can’t grasp spinal? Watch those who do and let them teach you. Can’t get a blood pressure reading? SAY SO and don’t make a number up!
Get a watch. Preferably one that does 24-hour clock and has a stop watch function as you will need these for vitals.
Don’t work on the weekends. Between weekend practice sessions, reviewing material for the upcoming quiz, and reading new material for the week there’s just too much on your plate to balance work.
Hopefully this has been helpful! As I said earlier, don’t worry if this looks overwhelming and you’re a complete beginner. Everything will make a little more sense as the course goes on, but I won’t deny it’s very fast paced and a lot to take in. If you’re willing to put in the effort of studying and practicing you’ll do just fine. The majority of my EMR class was beginners and we all passed in the end 😊
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