#idk if I'll keep this icon... might get a better one that's more recent at some point
p-receh 1 month
I'm very curious for 2, 7, and 12 :]
Would love to hear your hcs!
Alright! Which character btw? How about Boboiboy as a starter? 馃槄
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
The fact that he's ambidextrous is really really amazing as a character. Not only he wields two weapons but also can constantly switching between right and left handed side in the midst of a battle.
And I be honest, the fact that Monsta keep that movie 1 white hairline glitch as canon is what people called a "Serendipity" or happy accident. Another serendipity glitch in animation media for me is the iconic nose touch scene from httyd 1.
Who knew this bug could become his sole identity? It doesn't lesser his image but it does made 10x better as the result of a genetic mark within generations. Thus it creates "the Butterfly Effect" in designing Amato and adult Tok Aba.
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In sense, Oboi become a shonen character since child with that look lol
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I don't follow much with what happened to Boboiboy's fandom recently, still making me a headache whenever I visit, but I always appreciate when fandom united to correct blatant hoaxs. It's often surprised me.
Oh and memes lol. Screenshot memes whenever new episode arrived is a never not entertaining cus it was usually flooded in my timeline. 馃ぃ
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Since I only made headcanon for elementals, I think it's not fair that the real main protagonist has not yet get his headcanon. My bad :p
Oboi may or may not able to make a clear communication with Amato after all these years and I have two scenarios:
If Tok Aba still alive, Oboi might be more comfortable and more open to Tok Aba about his daily life rather than Amato. He still talks to him, but struggles to keep up a simple conversation from both ways, and eventually Oboi starts to make excuses to end it by "Helping Atok at his shop".
If no. 1 doesn't happens, Oboi might a bit cold to Amato at first. He try so hard to avoid any conversations with him and just focus on continuing the Kokotiam Shop as an escape route.
One of my questions regarding him, "How does he remember every events during split/fusion/3rd tier?" My deduction to this headcannon is this: firstly after he wakes up all memories will be blur due to his dizziness in the aftermath. He might remember some of it but his brain is not yet fully capable to comprehend all of it quickly. Then, all those event will be shown during his sleep. It sometimes disturbing his sleeping schedule and wakes up abruptly in the middle of night from a lucid dream.
Idk why, but between Audio sensory, Visual sensory and Action sensory Learning technique. Oboi is the person who learn and solve problems by practice it in real time. He may not the guy who absorb a quick information, but when he tried to think about it, he implements his thoughts by action such as moving hands or walks around. (I onced very obsessed with psychology especially with self learning types during my high school days but now I forgot most of them lol)
He has a hidden fanatic side of him all over the news as a hero with the evidence of all his photos from movie 1. He might eventually remove them when he gets older. He doesn't want to admit his embarrassment with his obsession publicly lol. (Of course he treasure it somewhere )
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I forgot where's the source of it, but I read a post that Oboi once tried to cut his white stroke hair but it grew back. He never knew why but he eventually let it be afterwards. Maybe he wears that hat not only as a gift from his dad but also to cover his white hair? Idk :-\
That's maybe all headcanons I got so far. I guess I'll admit I might need to dig for more Boboiboy magazines and older post of his social media ones. There's still so many trivias that I missed throughout my life. :(
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bonkalore 2 years
After how many years I finally updated my tumblr page fffff...
Sad to see Springy go, but also felt bad to still have all the ARMS around when I literally haven鈥檛 posted much of it since 2019 or something...
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beclynn-herondale 3 years
Right now on of my writing projects (one of many) is what I call the "Alec corruption arc fic" mainly because I'm not 100% sure about this. I've written some of it and probably won't really start working on it until I finish up the fic I'm actively posting to Ao3 right now, but one of the ideas I want to incorporate is every TMI character's worst traits coming out.
Which actually makes me want to sit down and think of what their worst traits are. What their weaknesses are. I really, really need to re-read TMI again, but I think I can figure out what parts of these characters I can use to my advantage. (i. e. Have it make them at least some sort of morally grey.)
Jace had always stuck out to me as a very sensitive character, but he hides it with his rapier wit. Jace is the angel boy, the one who cried when his pet falcon died, the one who was never enough for Valentine. A very merry "fuck you" to Valentine for that, and all that he's done.
I won't say that Jace's sensitivity is his worst trait, in fact, his arrogance and tendency to try and cover up his emotions might be something that could tip the scales. A lot of the time, Jace tries to cover up his emotions with jokes and avoid what he's feeling. (Magnus does this a lot too, but to a different extent. Magnus will always do this even with the people he loves, Jace is more likely to break down and cry after some point.)
Clary's worst trait might be her naivety. She's new to the Shadow World, new to everything, and is more likely to believe in the mundane ideals her mother taught her, and what she learned from Simon. Although I have to point out in my fic I would want her to have grown up as a part of Shadowhunter society, so she wouldn't be that naive.
I really can't think of one for Izzy?? Then again I haven't read TMI as recently as I would like, and Izzy does have a slightly more minor role compared to the other TMI mains. I probably wouldn't do much with Izzy, she's going to be a good person for the fic, as good as she can be.
Both Alec and Magnus are very self-sacrificing. That's something we've seen so often throughout the books, they're very often making sacrifices. I don't know if I can use that as the basis of Alec's corruption arc, though. Most of the time corruption arcs happen through desperation, the need to not have to make sacrifices.
With Simon I really have no clue. The only thing that would make even slightly morally grey would be his vampirism, but one of the main points of TSC is that blood doesn't matter, we're just all people. Simon's an awkward nerd, but he's nowhere near the extent I can see Jace going.
Do you have anything you want to add? I'll assume you've read TMI more recently than me or recall the characters better. It's just interesting to me what our beloved characters have lurking in the shadows.
This is actually a good idea!
Also, I love morally gray characters.
Can I just take a moment to say, thank you for understanding Jace's sensitive side, people forget how sensitive he is. As Clary and Alec say "He's fragile." but they feel only they see it 馃槶
Which is why the heavenly fire was such a big deal for him, because he's actually a highly emotional person.
Also, I always saw a lot of his arrogance even as a cover up for his feeling not good enough. Because if he used arrogance no one would assume he felt that way, and would leave him alone.
But you got him right.
Clary, yes, definitely has naivety. but we also forget she could read people well and see right through, know their weaknesses, much like tw Valentine, she just doesn't use it for evil purposes. And usually uses it to understand people. But in an au like this, you could use that.
We also know Clary has quite the temper at times, and a very "fight me" attitude as well.
But I think the way she doesn't always understand the shadow world like Jace does, can definitely be used.
Izzy is extremely passionate in her personality and the way she cares and loves, her temper is also passion based. And she let's that lead her sometimes.
She's also extremely protective (I love this), and would literally do anything to keep her family and friends safe, which if you did want to give her bad traits, you could use. As she'd probably take extreme measures to defend and keep them safe.
Simon actually, maybe this was just me, has a tendency to let others achievements and abilities put him down. He often compares himself, and he lets it rule at times, not always, but a little.
And in the beginning of TMI, I personally felt, he had that nice guy thing going on, obviously he grew out of it and Isn't like that anymore, and got with the iconic babe Izzy. but it could be used.
Don't get me wrong I like Simon. But he kinda did get on my nerves in the beginning when Jace was trying to keep Clary and him safe, but they both insisted they knew more. When Jace, in fact, was the experienced Shadowhunter. Which is why Jace looked like an asshole so often, because he had to be that way to keep them safe and out of the Clave's hands. Because as we saw in CoG they wanted to use Clary and did in a way use Simon.
I think Clary and Simon were both a little naive to the shadow world in the beginning. Simon definitely did learn the way the shadow world worked a little faster than Clary, but I think that had to do with him becoming a vampire.
Alec and Magnus definitely both are self sacrificing. And it definitely gets them into situations.
Alec's need to always keep his siblings safe and sacrifice himself so they can be safe and live.
Magnus' need to always help those in trouble even when he knows he shouldn't.
And Magnus' tendency to keep secrets about himself and to not talk about his feelings definitely falls under that. And the way he dodges personal questions, every single time lol. But same.
Alec's insecurities could definitely be used here too, as we know those insecurities lead him to do things in CoFA and CoLS (don't like to think about that stuff tho).
A road you could take is having them finally have enough, and being like "These people owe me now." or something like that.
Though, thinking of Alec or Magnus being like that is scary 馃ぃ
(idk if this made any sense or helped lmao)
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mintchochipkookie 3 years
For the fandom ask:
Harry Potter
Nanuuu! THANK YOU for sending Harry Potter (you, Blue, and Ever just really knew what fandoms I desperately wanted to talk about huh?) but also this is the worst because HP has been in my life for upwards of 2 decades and I have never been able to pick a favourite or anything so uhhhhh yeah you're probably not gonna get a straight (or short) answer out of me for anything here.
my favorite female character lmao fuck idk man. I love them all in different ways, but I think maybe I can narrow this down to 2: Luna is the purest soul and she deserves all the happiness in the world. She's so unapologetically herself and doesn't give 2 fucks about other people's opinions. But you know for some reason what moment sticks out to me? When the golden trio visit Xenophilius in DH and they see that she has this painting of the six of them on her walls with the word 'friends' woven through? That gets me in a place that I just don't want to examine rn. And the fact that she married Newt's grandson? Iconic. I've also been remembering how much I love Tonks recently. Like, she's another ray of sunshine and I almost forget that she's a Black family member too. idk maybe there's a hint of the 'not like other girls' mentality there (not gonna deny that I had my nlog phase too) but idk I don't think it's super overt? Maybe if I read the books now I'd think different but I still love Tonks to death. Also! We all talk about how Sirius was a blemish on the Black family tree by being sorted into Gryffindor, but hello ??? Tonks is literally a Hufflepuff ???? That was probably even more shameful to them than Gryffindor lbr. Also she is very relatable because I too would fall madly in love with Lupin and do anything for his happiness.
my favorite male character asdfgh somehow I think this is even more difficult than the previous one. Can I pick from FBAWTFT? Because while I have a tough time deciding for HP, it took me all of 2 seconds of watching Newt to fall in love with him. (I wrote a few thousand word thing about why I love him right after watching the first movie if you care to know more of my thoughts on him lmao) UGH fine. I think it might have to come down to Ron, Neville, and Remus. But I'm saving Ron for another answer, so I'll talk a bit about Neville and Remus. Ugh the boy who could have been, honestly Neville is so severely underrated and okay maybe I just have a thing for the more tortured characters who have stayed pure souls through it all. I just. The St. Mungos scene in OotP still makes my heart squeeze into a tiny little ball, there's something about Alice and Frank's fates that is so absolutely horrifying to me. Gryffindor is my least favourite house tbh, but I think Neville embodies all the best traits of the house. The kind of courage that Neville has is the most relatable to the real world and I think everyone needs to respect my boy a little more. And Lupin holy shit if I love soft tortured souls whose life experiences make me want to cry, how could I NOT adore Lupin to bits???? I have so many feelings about this man I simply cannot. I want to wrap him up in blankets and give him hot chocolate and I WILL kill anyone who tries to hurt him. He deserves so much better than he got and I'm just glad that this lonely child found some friends who would literally break laws and endanger themselves to keep him company in his worst moments. Just to make his life marginally less shitty. Friends are just so important guys omfg. (Also umm, an accomplished man who's just trying his best but has so much self loathing cuz he thinks that he is inherently a monster not worth being loved??? Mild Zuko vibes anyone? No? Okay I'll shut up.)
my favorite book Ahhh idk? I think Deathly Hallows will always have a special place in my heart (end of an era and all that, and also I do really like it, so much lore), but I think Prisoner of Azkaban maybe. Idk there's a lot of interesting stuff there, plus Lupin (which honestly might be a big part of it lmfao). I feel like it's also the first massive expansion of the HP-verse that we get and it's nice to get a bit of a break from Voldy tbh. I think that's just when things really start picking up y'no?
my favorite cast member I can't pick wtf ????? Although can I just say, I loveee the relationship Tom Felton and Jason Isaacs have? It's like, the opposite of Draco and Lucius.
my favorite ship Oof I think it's gonna have to be Romoine. I just remember really rooting for them as a kid and being so happy when they finally kissed. I also LOVE how it went down in the books, it was so fitting and showcases so much about them as people and their relationship. Honourable mentions: Hinny and Remadora
a character I鈥檇 die defending I'm gonna say Ron here because wowowowow the movies did him so dirty and people who've only watched the films don't understand how fucking special he is. I've ranted a little about this before if anyone wants to know my thoughts. Suffice it to say, Ron is a very good boy. (I would also "defend" a lot of other characters in the sense that the fandom likes to misrepresent and selectively analyse a lot of the morally grey characters and it pisses me off.)
a character I just can鈥檛 sympathize with I was gonna say that I don't have an answer for this one cuz there's something about the way all these characters are written that I can find something that appeals to my humanity about each of them. Except like...Voldy, Bellatrix, and Umbridge I guess. But then I remembered that Peter Pettigrew exists. Yeah okay boohoo you weren't as great a wizard as your besties fuck off I have no time for disloyalty.
a character I grew to love idk if there was anyone I hated who I unconditionally love now? But I did change a lot of my opinions about Snape after DH. I still hate him for bullying children as a full-grown adult (hits too close to home) but he's a much more nuances character that people give him credit for. He's not 100% good or 100% bad, he's just...a person you know? And I love that. I think he's a really great character. (But no, Harry should not have named his child after either Severus or Albus wth?)
my anti otp There's probably nothing that's canon endgame that I hated. A lot of the fanon ships aren't my jam but that's not really my business. I think the one ship that's somewhere in the middle is Luna x Neville cuz the movie tried to do that and I'm like 'uhhhhh no thank you' they have a very nice friendship, there's no reason to squash the last of the main 6 together just cuz.
Send me a fandom ask
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pochx 2 years
don't actually read this please
idk what it is about the confessional of a small (semi) private space online to say shit u really should not tell people so openly that works so much better than my actual journal but uh.
it helps!
anyway. fr this is confessional shit that i'll talk about w/ the new therapist i'm trying to see if it comes up but
i'm that bitch who causes problems and is so good at slow burning bridges. like it's the self prophecy idk why but that's the hardest thing for me to stop myself from doing. my anxiety and fear latches onto one small thing and i make it real because idk! idk.
also wtf is happening outside. whatever, it's distracting
but god it just came out of nowhere this small fear. this small concern that first sprouted during some other deeply anxiety fueled misery moment. and now it's all i can think about. it is all i can think about.
but like god. i'm no fun. i just. i'm barely even here man, barely. when people think of their best moments, the best memories. i have never been in a single one. and not like i have to be but, i just. don't leave that mark on people, they don't have those moments with me because i'm just not that person. and the self actualization or w/e and i make it true, i'm just a fucking drag y'know?
also like. literally random but and different it came to me tonight so like. because of this constant fear right? and delusional tendencies of me to my relationships but idk if ppl realize how heavily i have to rely on what they directly say to me to prevent even MORE constant fear and whatnot. but someone recently (a month ago) said to me "i know my word might not mean much but..." and like damn
it actually really fucking did until then and also now. like i have full confidence and will take ppl on their words because i have to. i cannot play guessing or indirect games, i will be direct and i will assume u are too (do i tend to say things matter less than they do? yes but it matters little for you and more for me to change how i react/feel) but saying that just. ruins the confidence i had in your word until then.
also this last bit is just me whining and being insecure but i can tell that my writing is no good okay and that others think so. i know. a few decent lines or some snarky humor here and there isn't enough. and i'm relatively okay with that but its more frustrating to be told otherwise. i can show u what i write but the radio silence is enough okay. the polite dodging of making any comment beyond something else or the one small good line that there is. it's mediocre and i wish we could just go with that. or that people only ask about my silly oc because they want to be polite or w/e and that no one else literally cares or thinks the same oc w the same concept is interesting. like mint chocolate and mint with brownies are the same thing essentially i know.
that's mean. and unfair.
things aren't great mentally. they never are but it's really bad and i'm trying to start getting some help. i just. need to be a genuine selfish dick for a bit (even more than i already am<3 self absorbed icon<3)
whatever. it's okay. my birthday is next month and, i'm sure it'll be forgotten again. i'll just keep being the little clown i am and accept what i'm given because it's not like i can ask people to change their habits for me right?
again. sorry. not what i normally actually feel or think. i just need this moment to be a dick.
(actually what i really need is to stop being a jug with the bottom cut out so the care that ppl give me isn't instantly lost but u know. sometimes a bitch just needs to be told that ppl are glad to have them in their life over and over again and that they do something that actually somehow improves it) (this is too much. it is needy. it is insecure and like a baby without object permanence. it will be annoying if not already)
wow. uh that was long. whoops. really hope no one read this. quite pathetic innit? bit much really.
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