#idk if anyone else is having trouble with tumblr but it REALLY doesn't like letting me edit
Stronghart what will you do when Balmung dies? Klimt’s Dog is very old. Well you be done using Klimt by that time? Do you have plans on how many people will end up dying?
"If Balmung should die, I can't see why it would be of any consequence to me." "There are more ways to kill a man than having one's dog do the deed." "That said, at present it is a finite list." "Once I have enacted real change in our justice system, I will no longer require Lord van Zieks' services."
Check this page for credits
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goldensunset · 10 months
mutual 1: [this post contains filtered tags]
mutual 2 (who has been gone for 24 hours): sorry about the hiatus guys i'm finally back!!!!
mutual 3: ugh i need him so bad <3 i love him more than his creator does <33333333333333
mutual 4: y'all really love to hide behind 'it's just media!' as if it doesn't have immediate and obvious effects on the people who consume it. sorry you think your obsession with bluey is more important than oh idk the lives of real people????
mutual 5: guys i just wanna say i'm so grateful for the rest of the bluey fandom. it got me through the worst years of my life and taught me a lot and i'm so glad we can all celebrate and talk about it together :)
mutual 6: [this post contains filtered content {url of detested mutual-in-law}]
mutual 7: good morning everyone! i am handing you all a small flower (*≧ω≦*)
mutual 8: i am in severe financial crisis
mutual 10: [completely untagged and unfilterable spoilers for something that just came out]
mutual 11: [this post contains four different filtered tags]
mutual 12 (does not actually follow you back but like. in your heart in your dreams): anyone have any drawing requests? :-D
mutual 13: i'm going to personally throttle my pharmacist why do i have to jump through hoops to stay alive
mutual 14: [the same post reblogged 10+ times in a row]
mutual 15: is tumblr mobile doing this weird glitch for anyone else?
mutual 16: that's why squibbus makes me cry- authorus squibbithon just writes his story so beautifully and delicately and dives deep into the troubled beauty of his soul and the way he strives to overcome his trauma every day...
mutual 17: i used to jump in the river and let the current take me
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
also to piggyback off my last ask: what is everyone’s job ? like i get that simon alejandro and alex are line cooks nd rudy is a server and valeria is a bartender but idk anyone else’s im sorry if this is annoying i should know everyone’s jobs i binged all of the au the other day lol
also my user used to be sunshiinegaz but changed it back to my original user idk if you even noticed me before lmao but just in case you did
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Uhhhh, I'll be honest, you might have been sunshiinegaz when I was focused on other things so I wasn't really on tumblr! But i do recognize your current user! You're in my notes a lot! Anyway, new character list because I have become incredibly attached to a lot of the operators and are adding them to this AU (more tweets will be coming, I just need to do some shit)
Okay so, you are right, Alejandro, Ghost, and Alex are linecooks. Koenig used to be as well, but O'Conor has opened a restaurant right across the street, so now he's a linecook there. There's essentially three workplaces right now:
Shadow Supply Company Unquatrun Restaurant Kortac Pub
I'll go through each company and list employees
Shadow Supply Company:
Graves obviously is owner. He supplies to both Unquatrun because his husband in Alejandro's nephew and Lucas will tear him a new one if he doesn't, and Kortac Pub.
Velikan and Arthur both drive the supply trucks. Arthur to Unquatrun and Velikan to Kortac Pub. Arthur lets Merlin ride in the truck and the linecooks adore that dog, it's the best part of their week at this rate.
Oz and Mila work in... um... illegal supplies, but they also do quality testing and generally just bug both restaurants when they have nothing to do, which is most of the time.
I would put Velikan and Arthur both younger than expected at 20, Oz and Mila are both 26. Graves is 28, Lucas is 22.
Unquatrun Restaurant:
Alejandro, Alex, and Ghost are back to being the only linecooks. They're all 25. Alejandro and Ghost are actually only a month apart with Alejandro being a month older. Alex is two days older than Ghost, yes they jokingly call him the baby. I'm also introducing Reyes, who is a linecook, and he's also 25, but still older than Ghost, as he's a January baby
Rudy, Gaz, and Farah are full servers and are the main servers, though Laswell occasionally helps out when it's really busy. Rudy and Farah are full time, with full pay as well as tips, and Gaz is full time but relies mostly on tips as he doesn't really need the income and he'd rather that go back into the restaurant, so he takes the minimum they have to pay him. Farah and Rudy are both 24, but Gaz is 23. (I fucked up on the profiles and I'm changing some stuff)
Originally, Valeria and Horangi were bartenders, but both have quit and went to Kortac Pub. However! I have introduced Chuy, who is now a bartender, and he's 24. In fact, he and Rodolfo are almost twins by being one day apart. Laswell also helps out the bar when it gets busy and Rodolfo bartends on bar nights, and after they close the dining room and switch to bar seating only.
Soap and Roach are both hosts, full time. Soap has trouble reading the menus, and the POS is in a dyslexic friendly font. Roach is selectively mute because of autism, so it's just better for them to be hosts. Soap will bartend but only if ABSOLUTELY necessary, because reading tickets is a bitch for him. That receipt font is horrible, by the way, 0/10. Anyway, Soap is 24, and Roach is 22.
Price and Laswell co-own the restaurant and they've basically split duties between them, with Laswell running the entire front and Price handling the back. At first, they thought this might change as Laswell would have more duties, but the linecooks, especially with Reyes added, are a massive handful so... no, it didn't change. Both are 38.
Kortac Pub:
They're a bit smaller of a restaurant since they're a pub, I don't have emotional attachment to many of the Kortac members, but Roze and Koenig are both linecooks. They work semi well together. Roze is 26, Koenig is 25.
Horangi and Valeria still bartend, but Horangi will also be a server if necessary, since they only have Calisto and Stiletto as servers at the moment. Valeria isn't nice enough to the customers to be a server. Horangi is 25, Valeria is 24.
There is no official Host right now, but Nikto and Mace are both bouncers but only on the weekend.
I have put together so many new world details about this damn fucking AU so I am begging you guys to ask me more about it
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ali3nboyfriend · 2 years
no fucking way. you put it into words how I feel when it comes to relationships ( romantic and platonic ) with people. I've had trouble figuring out how to word it myself. I find it verrrrry difficult to form friendships with people because they never like things in the same way I do. They're never equally passionate about certain things as I am. It's frustrating because I know there's nothing wrong with them......... whenever I express and show joy about one of my special interests they're always just "ooo" or "cool." simple responses like that always annoy me and just give off the feeling that they don't really care and it sucks. going 2 take a guess and say my adhd + autism might have a part in this????? basically "becoming frustrated and upset when a friend or mutual doesn't enjoy something the same amount as you do and trying to talk to them about it just feels like a drag because they aren't like you." Are any other adhd and / or autism havers like this???
oh yeah a very similar situation is what got me talking about it. like i said in my tags on that post, this isn’t about anyone on tumblr, but it’s a uniquely frustrating situation when you know the two of you share a hyperfixation or special interest and you get to talking about it and it’s like….. their takes are harmless, but they’re not your takes, and they come off “wrong” to your brain. either annoying, or unsupported by what you know/focus on, or just entirely incongruent with what you’ve built up in your head. and it’s like, it would be a dick move to be like “no you’re WRONG.” so you just have to sit there and be like well okay then.
and then when people share an interest but they’re not as passionate, it kinda makes me feel like… a stopped up and shaken bottle of something fizzy, is the best way to describe it. i have so much i wanna pour out but feel like it would be annoying to do so.
i am both adhd and autistic so that very well may be why it’s so frustrating, idk if neurotypical people share the same frustrations (or if they do, if it feels as strong) but they may.
i do recognize for myself that i am a person that’s like, very very friendly but also easily annoyed. i’ve had to teach myself that people are not acting like this to hurt me, they’re not purposely trying to be annoying, and nothing about their behavior is malicious, and just because they don’t share my takes or passions doesn’t mean they’re bad takes or passions. they’re just not for me, and i’m gonna be that guy for someone else, so it’s live and let live.
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phoenixborn · 2 years
9, 10, 11, 12, and 14?
Spicy mun asks
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9: What has been the biggest mistake you’ve made since you started RPing?
Maybe that on an another site before coming to Tumblr I wrote smut when I was a minor. Before the witch hunt begins along with callout posts: I learned 75% of my English through reading fanfictions then roleplaying. NOBODY during that time told me it was forbidden and I was like it's fiction, it's not even me who is having sex in the story so I didn't see any problems with this. I'm Hungarian. Here the age of consent is 14. Before Tumblr, I had no idea that people can get into legal trouble because of this and when I learned about it at first I thought it's a joke. Those who I written with also knew my age, I never made it a secret. Now I've grown up and realized long before this is indeed a mistake & I made all of my blogs +18 even to interact with due to my muses nature, backstories, topics.
And of course I have not and will not write smut with a minor.
I would like to add that I don't feel assaulted or exploited because of my inexperience and probably most of my past roleplay partners were minors too. The irl sexual harassment was much worse & impactful than writing stories with sex in them.
10: What’s something you really hate seeing on your dash that seems to be popular with almost everyone else?
I don't think there's a thing like this? If someone's writing doesn't entertain/excite/inspire me I simply don't follow. So my dash is perfect💖
11: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Tumblr's inconsistency with notifications hands down. I get notifications of being tagged in something literal months ago. Or that my ask got answered. So far I haven't noticed a delay with reblogs.
Oh and people who shit on female OCs because, idk think before even reading the info that they are self inserts and only want to fuck the canon characters. That's not why I slowly built up a historical noble house woven so deep into Hungarian history, not why I spent more research for my pirate blog than I did for my literal matura exams combined, not why I watched hours of singing explaining by vocal coaches, not why I studied Scott Adkins' borderline impossible movements which are not CGI.
12: What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
As @winters-club has touched on the subject, those who are 'You MUST portray this character's CANON sexuality otherwise it's ERASURE and you're a terrible/homophobic person.'
Especially if those people actively harass writers instead of minding their own fucking business.
The most common victims of this are those who write Vaggie (also how come that I haven't seen many complaints that Alastor fucks when he's supposed to be asexual? This is NOT an attack on any Alastor muns, you write him however you want, I just noticed this.), Winter is not the only person I know who had a struggle with it. Curate your own dash if you don't want to see it, don't follow people who dare to defy canon, block tags and don't harass them. And as a bisexual who only felt romantic desire towards women irl, I find myself not giving a flying fuck. It's called creativity and so what if the writers want to explore other possible romantic plotlines? Let me tell you a secret: there's no erasure the slightest. Why? Because the sexuality of the character in question is CANON. A few independent writers on a site will not change that.
14: Without naming anyone specific, have you ever avoided someone simply because they RP with one of your RP partners? If so, why?
I didn't and don't avoid anyone just because they write with my rp partners. I actually don't even understand this question, everyone is free to interact, be friends with as much people as they want, it's not a choosing game and two people go to a separate corner to play.
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dimpledpran · 4 years
hello i hope you've been having a few lovely days! i hadn't gotten a chance to pop around and greet you and continue our conversation sorry angel!! but i am here now!! also ugh the way desktop version of sending asks doesn't allow you to add like paragraph breaks and whatnot smh let me switch to mobile for this tbh...feel free to tell me about your last couple of days here, how have you been? what have you been doing? feeling the holiday mood or? :)
It is truly fascinating the way the internet can connect you with people all around the world. i know that the internet does have it’s cons but tbh my best friends are from across the lake (croatia) and im so thankful for the internet cause it brought me to them uwu.
Oh wow love your choice in fave characters!! JIANG YANLI LOVERS SQUAD! we love a person w taste lol
my faves are lan wangji, jiang cheng, wei wuxian and jiang yanli...the rest kind of fall under five lmao.
yunmeng jiang IS gorgeous i love it so much and it’s my fave sect too!!
wen qing really is a total baddie!!! i totally get why she’s your fave heh. mine’s yanli ofc )): precious bb angel 😭
oh? but i was told the audio drama is translated somewhere? it’s like in video version with subtitles!! if i can get the link from my best friend again, would you like it? but also yeah i really do love the drama a lot! it is full of such a gorgeous cast like dang lol
i don’t think i have a fave song from the album tbh skdjdj which mind you ive only listened to it all the way through once 🤭
Ngl i have just watched the drama all the way through everything else i’ve left it halfway idk why im like this lmaoooo but i think i answered back all the questions i asked
i will be back later with the other questions once i make a list hehe
take care and stay safe!! — classified cultivators friend ❤️✨
I shall put my reply below the cut. haha
Hello dear friend! Good to see you back! 😊 No worries at all love. I understand that it might be busy times. The weekend was a bit rough, had sleeping trouble. So my brain is being woozy right now. Hope that i get some good rest tonight. 🤞🤞
YESS! I really wish it would allow to add paragraph breaks. I know shift+enter works for FB, but apparently not for Tumblr. 😣
It has been a tiring few days, but christmas shopping is  done! My office is having secret santa gift exchange and a lunch tmr, so I am excited for that! Holiday mood is definitely here! haha😆
I totally feel you! Some of my closest friends are people I met through the internet. The only annoying thing is that you can’t meet them as much as you want to.
HAHAHHAHA yesh! How can anyone not like Jiang Yanli?? 
I went to google if there was a translated version after your previous ask ,and found the link. I downloaded the first season, so I’m gonna start it this week! I’M EXCITED! Cos my friend has raved about it, but i always thought I cant experience it. But now I can! Yeah they really found the perfect ensemble. 
Aww Are you a native speaker? For me I think it was that struggle to enjoy the music and pay attention to the lyric translation at the same time, that made it hard to fully immerse myself in it. 
Hahahha there is a lot of adaptations, and there is alot of time. You can work through it slowly. No pressure.
How about you? Do you celebrate christmas or participate in the holiday season? I look forward to your questions. I hope you have a great week ahead. Sending you all the love and positive vibes. Take care and stay safe! 🥰🥰
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tmitransitioning · 6 years
Radfem-friend anon from earlier! My friend does (at least seem to) genuinely care about my transition and making sure I'm comfortable/getting gendered properly and cares about other trans people getting the same respect, and I find it really hard to believe she'd intentionally hurt anyone? I've also found myself agreeing with a lot of the radfem stuff she posts and it doesn't seem as bad as people make it out to be?? Idk if I'm being swayed, should I still be concerned about this?
Yes, I think you should.
It’s difficult to talk about stuff like this for a couple reasons. The first is that we run the risk of making radfem communities seem appealing through internet atrocity tourism—the urge that makes people, say, hateread blogs they don’t like or lurk in horrible subreddits to make fun of them. When a whole bunch of people tell you how awful something is, and you haven’t necessarily experienced that awfulness as a direct target, or haven’t seen someone you care about be a target, it’s tough to consider the harm that the thing has in the concrete rather than the abstract.
Then, when you have trouble seeing it as concrete and real and affecting people’s lives, it becomes a lot easier to say “well this doesn’t seem so bad”. The harm becomes hypothetical, and the thing in front of your eyes seems a lot more salient. This means that you don’t have a readily accessible “defense” in your mind that you can compare someone’s words to, and it makes it a lot harder to counteract what they’re saying to you.
Think about, for example, a homophobic relative that you see during holidays. Say it’s your uncle Steve. Every time Steve says something homophobic about Gay Marriage, you might think of your own relationship, if you’re part of the acronym community, or you might think about your gay friends Jean-Paul and Kyle and how they’re scared to hold hands in public. Your cousin Wanda is a lesbian, and just married, and she gets mad at Steve because she’d waited to be legally married for a very long time. These are personal connections. Steve knows that you have those connections, and he chose to say homophobic things anyways.
But your aunt Peggy is straight, and doesn’t know very many gay people, and she says you’re just being too hard on Steve. It’s not like he wants to personally deny gay people marriage licenses, and besides, she has a gay friend, Natasha, who thinks that you should just sit down and talk to Steve to convince him of your view. Maybe Steve doesn’t outright say “the gays are ruining marriage”, he just says that he thinks you should have to marry for the “right reasons”, and that you should have to “prove you’re really in a relationship”. These are statements that you might, on the surface, agree with—you think hey, marriage is a big commitment, maybe people should have to swear that they’re doing it for love. But Steve isn’t saying these things because he believes in the sanctity of love, he’s saying them because they don’t sound as outright homophobic.
Maybe Steve is a huge racist and is saying this about immigration. Maybe he’s saying it about disabled people on welfare. Maybe Steve is a TERF—instead of marriage, he’s talking about medical transition, and claiming that people should prove they’re transitioning for the right reasons, because it’s a big irreversible decision, and you should prove that you’re a real transsexual with real dysphoria in order to seek medical care. Some of these things, if you see them outside of context, you might kneejerk agree with—“hey, medical transition is a big and irreversible decision, maybe we should make sure that people are really sure before they do it”. It’s not a moral failure to kneejerk agree with these statements, because they’re worded very intentionally to get you to do that. They give you a little bit of truth (“many parts of medical transition are irreversible”) and then, once their foot’s in the metaphorical door, it’s a lot easier for them to get you to agree with the rest. This is literally called the foot-in-the-door technique.
TERFs apply this technique constantly. Online, it’s wrapped up in concern trolling—e.g. “don’t you think that we should protect children from being attacked in locker rooms?”. You want to agree with that statement, because who doesn’t want to protect children? Children being attacked is objectively a bad thing. The words that they say are explicit content—children, attack. These are what you read. The meaning of their words is implicit content—they are trying to get you to agree with the concept “trans women are dangerous”. In order to do that, they hide the target (trans women), often omitting the idea of the perpetrator entirely; it becomes a question of children, the “victims”, being “attacked” by a nebulous force on which your mind can project whatever it thinks is the scariest thing that children could be attacked by. Once they have you agreeing with that sentence, they introduce the next concept, maybe “did you know that men commit more violent crimes than women do?”. Again, explicit versus implicit content—the phrasing itself is not factually incorrect, and you want to agree with it. But they don’t mean men when they say the word, because they view AMAB trans people, particularly trans women, as men, and they’re trying to get you to make that association too.
This goes bit, by bit, by bit, until you’ve agreed to a whole bunch of premises that seem logical and then suddenly you’re tricked into agreeing to things that are very explicitly transphobic. All along the way, you’ll be praised for listening, for being logical, and for finding people who really care about you. Every time you agree with a statement, you will be reinforced somehow—your friend might say they’re happy you agree, or randos on tumblr might like your posts or send you hearts. If you agree with someone else, you will also feel a social link to them (which is why this article is so resonant; cw ableist language), which is inherently reinforcing—who doesn’t like to belong to a community?
And that is the second reason why it’s difficult to talk about things like this. TERFs call trans communities “cults” a lot, and will refer to people from said communities who interact with them as “desisters”, or frame them as escapees from some dangerous ideology. Ironically, TERF rhetoric is textbook cult tactics. But just me telling you that, even though it’s true, sets up this “us vs. them” concept—even though it is that, because they are inherently opposed to our existence. But because I’ve said those words, too, when you see something that doesn’t seem that bad, it doesn’t fit with the concept of TERFs in your head. So you think wait, maybe these people aren’t really so bad. And then they have an opening to try this kind of language on you, trickling it past you bit by bit until you’re in the middle of the river and being swept along.
That’s why I’ve written all of this out. I don’t want to tell you “cut your friend off and don’t read that”, because you’d likely go “wtf hell no”, and it doesn’t help explain why trans communities are largely so insistent about no-platforming TERFs. Instead, I want to urge you to evaluate everything you read with a critical eye, and to ask yourself “is there any hidden meaning to this language that I might not immediately see? what does this person really mean when they say this? what motivations could they have? what would people I trust say if they read this?”. That applies for everything you read, including from us—I generally try to lay things out in detail, personally, because I think that it helps people to be able to see someone’s intentions. You know, writing into this blog, that we’re a group of trans people who have an interest in not exposing ourselves or our followers to transphobia. You also know from Rabbit’s previous response that at least a few of us (some of our answers go through committee behind the scenes) feel strongly about no-platforming TERF ideology.
It is fully possible that your friend does legitimately care about you, just like it’s possible that your homophobic uncle Steve cares about you, his trans nibling, or like it’s possible that Peggy and Natasha are actually friends despite Peggy’s apologism. But you should be careful not to let that care and the social bond between you two overshadow the impact of someone’s words on the world. You might love Steve because he’s family, but he still lobbies his congressperson to challenge Obergefell v. Hodges and reverse the legalization of same-gender marriage in the States. You might have a friend who’s a TERF, or a radfem adopting TERF ideology over time, but you should examine the impact that the things she believes have on trans people’s access to legal recognition, medical care, and quality of life. Be wary, read with a critical eye, and understand people’s motivations so that you can protect yourself and others.
- Mod Wolf
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lizzy-bennet · 5 years
there's something going on that i just wanted to say - many times your tags on gifs don't show up, at least for me. it doesn't really happen with other people and i've noticed it with your blog bc other people have talked about your tags when i couldn't see anything and i know you write lots of tags and i love reading them so that makes me sad when i can't. i honestly don't know what the issue is, tumblr why?
Hey, thanks for letting me know. Never had this happen to me, the closest thing to it I’ve seen is sometimes when a post has a very long sentence as it’s first tag, tumblr hides it so it looks like there’s no tags and I have to click the “see all” button. But that sounds a bit different from what you’re saying so idk what’s happening unless tumblr’s just messing with my blog (I’ve been having trouble with my tracked tags and notes/notifications lately so it could be that).
Anyone else have this problem?
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