#idk if criminology would be my field but it's the one that's most intriguing for me rn and you always gotta have an entry point
ccorinthian · 1 year
im gonna start reading criminology
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amourology · 2 years
hey, lizzie 🤍
this is our first time interacting, and even if we are not yet acquainted in the least bit, it really disheartens me to see someone i could easily give the tiniest bit of guidance to that might assist you on your journey. it sucks i only saw this just now but TT i'll save the proper introductory for a later time if you want to talk ! no pressure :)
i understand the situation you are currently battling is an extremely tricky one, so you are more than welcome to answer this privately, or not at all if it makes you uncomfortable, but maybe (?) this could push others to achieve their goals too... idk― but just know, you are not obligated to anyone but yourself and your needs.
all i want for you to take away from this ask is a more optimistic and positive attitude towards yourself, and the obstacles life throws at you sometimes.
firstly, i think it'd be a little more appropriate to state the context or a little background of why a random person like me is sending you an ask lmaoo: i am a criminology major (1st year) too who has undergone/undergoing similar subjects by the ones you stated previously.
for me, jumping into the field of criminology (or the land of fucked up like i call it WHWHW), was a more personal thing that i held close to my heart. helping friends/family/strangers of victimisation almost felt natural, and more so in the sense that i think everyone can be a victim to something― small or big, we're not always the bad guys in others stories.
in the light of your ambitions, i think no one has to have an overly ✨ spectacular ✨ reason as to why they enjoy the things they enjoy, or, want to do the things they find the tiniest bit interesting. if you're intrigued by the criminal mind, or how aspects of it work they way they do, and finding ways to help victims and offenders cope, i think thats more than enough to be justifiable. and honestly? we need more people like that in this world.
to me, i feel like the most important thing is to have that preconceived notion― you want to help others, understand, feel, and maybe come to terms with your own personal beliefs on it.
it's a pretty crazy thing, really, whenever i mention to strangers that i'm undergoing an undergraduate in criminology, they always act surprised... because it is surprising! how many people do you think would willingly jump into the mind of someone who has undergone years of trauma? or would want to understand the fundamentals on why we act the way we do? it's a pretty scary place, more so when many people are still yet trying to figure themselves out.
i think the only piece of advice i can give you is that you have to be willing to take risks, do what makes you happy, and most importantly, find solace in yourself. if this isn't the right direction for you, so be it. if you'd prefer to take something that's more focused on the psychological spectrum of it all, even better! because years from now, if you don't make those choices, you're most likely going to dwell on them.
i'm sorry if this got hella sentimental PFFT but i truly hope you find the courage to do what drives your happiness to its wits. you shouldn't be concerned of others judgements, you're already 10x smarter then those fools! :)
hi, love! dont worry about us never having talked before (im kinda shy towards people on here so i dont approach often) but i’d love to talk with you more & could use some friends <3
i relate with everything you said, and its really really what i wanna do. the criminal mind is so interesting and i would wanna jump into it to see how i could perhaps help the person & prevent any more people from falling victim to them…the problem is that my uni teaches criminology wholly differently than what i had in mind :(
they really focus on crime in itself & the reaction of people around it instead of the offender and/or the victim. its heavily law based, like 4/8 of my subjects for this year are about the dutch law. there’s hardly and psychology at all unfortunately, i had like 1 psychology-based course last year but it kinda disappeared in the 2nd year it seems :/
the only reason why im considering going through with it rn is bc i only have this year (which is almost over) and another year left before im supposed to graduate. so i could just endure a bit longer & go study psychology after this — i feel like a psychology & criminology degree would be better when i start looking for a job?
then again, idk if i actually want to continue bc this doesn’t interest me much at all (specifically the law subjects) and its only giving me a bunch of stress and anxiety atm
so yea that’s it ig, so cool to see someone with the same major tho! i haven’t seen that on tumblr before :) hope you’re doing alright & id love to get to know you better!
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