#idk if i even like this but wgatever
freshbaked-bread · 10 months
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4 and sarah in wild blue yonder because unfortunately i am required by law to make everything about 4 and sarah
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icedille · 2 months
should i get medicated. like is that the problem actually
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sludgeguzzler · 3 months
Every so often tiktok shits itself and your fyp will just be completely filled with people screaming and crying about something saying it's "so gross!!1 so depraved!!!11" and you'll look into it and it's like. Kink. Like somehow something kink related accidentally entered the mainstream and now everyone is freaking about something like eternity collars saying it's disgusting and weird. (This is sarcasm) Like yes keep up with the kink shaming idiot its not embarrassing at all, yeah it's tootally fine that you keep advocating to remove these "weird sex freaks" from society for their depravity. Oh you're also queer?? Wow that TOTALLY doesn't make it worse. It's genuinely baffling how people will say this and then not question themselves when confronted ab it
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zeltqz · 1 year
niyaaaa do u have any tips for people who wanna get into fic writing? 👀
i don’t really get how the whole posting format for fics works on here tbh 😭 and like your info area it’s so cool
YEAH OFC!! btw dm me your username so i can follow and support you <3
tip 1- the posting format isnt that hard to get used to actually its just you create a tumblr text post and then copy and paste your fic onto it, add the tags and stuff then post it. if you want to add banners, headers and stuff to make it look better then go ahead, just add images to the text post
tip 2- the info area is the same as above, just add pictures of your choice etc to the text post, add your information, name, age, fav things etc and then to link posts to your post, highlight where u want the link to go, then copy the link of the post u want linked then press the hyperlink that looks like two chains linked together when you highlight the text if that makes sense? sounds like a lot but its rlly not i promise haha
tip 3- always type your fics on other apps like word or google docs since they have an auto save feature!! i dont reccomend typing your fics on tumblr since one if the app crashes, it doesn't automatically save your work so everything you wrote will get deleted (some versions of tumblr do have autosave, my laptop has it but my phone and iPad doesn't, so i dont rely on it)
tip 4- idk if you want tips on actual fic writing or just how to get your fics onto tumblr but ill help you with that anyway. with me when i write fics i always imagine it out in my head. theres some of my fics where i just went with the flow and wrote wgatever came to mind and those are the fics i hate the most because they dont rlly make sense to me. theyre always so random and it just seems rushed and bad.
i picture my fics like a scene in my head and whatever i want the character to do, think, say or feel i write that shit down asap. i use other online sources to help get more descriptive like the emotion theasurus <- honestly one of my favourite things to use ever, they have so much body language to use for every emotion in the damn book
dialogue is also something i find difficult. i've improved i personally feel like but its still hard for me especially if im writing a new character. i never want to make the character seem OOC so i do lots of research before hand. i normally use the wiki to read up on a characters personality.
for example i'll use ran for this since he's like 99% of my account lmao. in the wiki, he's described as "naturally whimsical toward others which makes him inscrutable" though ran doesnt have many scenes in the manga (which i hate bc i love him sm) its impossible to actually write him down to a tee so i use that naturally whimsical description to make him playful, charismatic, carefree etc, going off what little information i have with him.
getting a characters personality down is what can make or break a dialogue. for me when im reading a fic of a character and their dialogue is so OOC it puts me off and i dont even wanna read. so i apply my same fic icks to myself and think if I don't like seeing this and that in a fic, why would I incorporate those in my fics and have ppl get put off it if they have the same fic icks as me?
hope that makes sense!!
tip 5- dont rush yourself at all. i used to rush a few of my fics and i just ended up hating it so much after and fought bck the urge to delete them so many times but then i'd see people's comments and realise i was being too harsh on myself. i'd keep them up but i'd just hate seeing them get attention.
rushing only makes you hate your work and the quality of your work will decline if you are not in the right headspace.
thats also why i have the don't rush me thing in my rules because not only is it annoying to see people constantly asking for updates, it also makes me mad because i know i'll just put out a piece of garbage if i did rush.
also another tip don't give yourself deadlines!! if you know your writing consistency can be a little sloppy, don't tell your followers that you're going to upload every so and so day. if something happens and you miss the deadline, you'll feel bad and rush something out and most times out of ten, a rushed fic doesn't do well. so take your time and don't rush.
tip 6- dont listen to what other people say or feel obligated to write something you don't wanna. establish your boundaries!! for example, from day one i started this blog i said im accepting requests but i will not write anything to do with non-con, incest or minors. i made sure that was out there so i wouldn't feel uncomforable writing anything i wasn't comfy with.
there are people on this app that may like your writing and request you to write something for them. you are not obligated to write anything for anyone! don't feel like you have to just because they asked nicely.
if you want to accept requests you can im not saying you shouldn't, im saying don't feel like you have to. you always have a choice. its your blog.
tip 7- remember this isn't a job. you're allowed to take breaks, allowed to have a personal life. don't feel like you need to be updating every day. i used to think i was obligated to be uploading consistently at least every week because i was obsesssed with engagement and seeing peoples comments and was scared if i took a break ppl will unfollow. now i honestly don't care. i'm not active as much as i used to because of school and that's fine! if ppl want to leave, let them. don't feel like you're forced to keep being active in order to keep your follower count stable.
tip 8- this app can get really toxic sometimes. luckily enough i've only had one toxic anon in my inbox and i've been on this app for a year. some people have so many, some ppl get harrassed etc. if that happens to you just be prepared since there's no actual way to find out who's behind anons. you can turn off your anon options which means if ppl want to inbox you something then their account will be showing. some people arent comfortable with that and that's fine! i keep mine on because i want people to feel comfortable on my page.
just remember though if you ever feel like this app is getting overwhelming take breaks! for the sake of your mental health take breaks. i know so many writers on here that took breaks and came back healthier and stronger.
i feel like this tip goes for social media in general. as much as i love social media im aware how unhealthy it is. breaks are so important for you. remember that.
i can't think of anymore tips right now but if i have some more i will edit the post and add it on.
if u have anymore questions about the tumblr posting format dm me and ill help you out :))
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medicaltechnician · 9 months
i need to vent here for a second sorry. merry xmas and wgatever. (Talk of the genocide ongoing in gaza, antisemtism, zionism, and churches.)
so i went to church today (first time in literatly more than a decade. I was 4 last time) To accompany a friend. It was a fine experience whatever, the church could be so much better if they weren’t all recruit-y and whatnot, not the point of this post.
One of the songs brings up Isreal, look, I don’t know a lot of about christianity and have no idea what song it was, anyways. my friend decided to text our mutual friend about it. Show’d me the texts laughing. I barely remember what the convo was about cause I blacked out at the phrase “i (blue heart white heart) isreal”. I’m still very very pissed bout it.
Like, they have both mentioned in the past they’re on the side of innocent civillians. Which yeah, and have mentioned they hate the amount of anti-semitism showing up with YEAH! It fucking sucks that anti-semites are co-oping a group of peoples genocide. Idk. I’m fucking mad and dont know what I’m yelling about anymore, because I know they’re good people? And I’d like to think they support palestine (they have said they do. As of recent just too scared to be public about it. Which is fine, i dont mind too much especially in the positions they stand in life rn.)
But idk, that sentence just doesn’t seem like smth you can even write out as a joke. It soured my mood greatly.
If u want to hear bout my church experience sure, it was fun, and funny, and yeah I see why my family doesn’t go to church anymore. It was basically a rock concert, I think I just need to go to a rock concert though. Where they let me light a candle. (Dude compared jesus to the jumbotron and then during the candle thing his candle went out XD)
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oonessawness · 4 years
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Uhh quick yancy before I go to bed
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metalgeartwo1990 · 4 years
been thinking about that new star trek. 1) i don’t care about pike 2) i hate kurtzmans writing so fucking much 3) i am giving an inch bc ethan peck does a good spock but also idk if i actually care unless they a) really nail his character while also b) bringing something new to the table, which they probably won’t. also can we make spock gay please for the love of god what is the point of star trek if it isn’t homosexual
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bioshock4k · 3 years
charlie BELOVED i love her a lot. the obligatory 'she wasnt well written and was a pretty flat character from my memory but so was everyone else'
okay ignoring rhe weird plotholes w charlies growth and w/e. bc shes an android or robot or wgatever the fuck it doesnt really matter bc she was somehow built as a fully sentient and entirely lifelike robot that bleeds and breathes in the 80s so like. [gestures] you know. but she was incredibly interesting to me (at least at the time) . and just the . her finding out thar she was entirely artificial like. not even a vessel for the soul of the former charlie with the. double memories and all that was suuuuuuch a good part of tfc imo i loved that sooo much. the four charlies and henrys emotional state athe time of each ones construction reflecting how she would be ij that stage of 'life' is a cool concept i think. the fourth charlie/elizabeth is a little? confusijg though i never got that. afaik it was never stated how william got that one or w/e to make circus baby??? bc from what i gathered like. he built baby from the fourth charlie. somehow. but from how elizabeth described it they were separate? but also not? idk. it was very contradictory. again they were not well written books. AND TGEEEEEEEE THEEEE THEEEE GESTURES. THE TWISTEDSSSS WTF WAS UP W THEIR DESCRIPTIONS thatwas so fucked up. NOT that the illustrations for them were good either 💀 fitzi rly wasnt a very good artist LMAO
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toogayformyowngood · 3 years
naw cause i didnt even mention it
znas sta me fascinira kod njega . momenat moje posvecene paznje i on je. gotov. down bad. skroz u zemlji snova
jer dok je bio ignorisan ignorisao i on mene i sad kao pitao me nesto za matematiku valjda neam pojma ni ja (nije ko da sam slusala)
btw in serbian ill sometimes use she/her so like its fine abdjahdn
i sad. ja mu objasnila sta vec nesto izmislila tamo nzm ni ja i od tad. ceo dan jebeni nije se odlepio od mene al znas ono sedim sad s drugom najboljim jer neka mala ucionica nas smestili da radimo projekat i mi naravno nismo to radili jer zasto bi i sad on lik dovlaci stolicu stavlja je izmedju mene i njega i seda i kaze e a ovo mozes ovo da mi objasnis jos ne kontam i ja kao. HELLO AHHSJAHDHSB
so im sitting there. and mind you im small as fuck so hes kinda hovering over me even though hes sitting on a chair next to me and we're like. Really close like my chin almost touching his arm and im like bullshitting my way through as in idek what im talking abt but im smort™ so im explaining and he just. keeps looking back at me
you know when in like movies one of them is doing something and the other is ignoring that completely and just staring at the other welp that was pretty much it
also i realized he for some reason wonder why not like im obvious likes to flex his arms and hands around me (im fucked im gone im dead)
and like. this went on throughout the day and i dont think he gives a fuck abt math ^_-
also the thing that killed me. he fucking. placed his hands on mine to like stop me from talking or some shit and my brain short circulated
hes NEVER been this touchy before EVER
bestie says he was ignoring me cause he was jealous but like max edition cause idk i am kinda close with the male bestie currently and it does very much look like im in love w him from an outsider pov but like
hes the last person id be in love with no offense to him hes my shining star
no, no, im in love with this FUCKING BITCH
who apparently actually missed me, hello
tho i do get him like srs rn it does look like we're dating or smth and id get sad/pissed too if i was him
so like. not gonna stop hanging out with besties but hopefully cu mu staviti do znanja da je on taj idiot zbog kojeg mi nema pomoci a ne niko drugi
according to his friend, he was "so much more relaxed and somehow happier" after he, literally, snuggled against me so i just afedjfnfufje yknow
so like i am gonna talk to him eventually i just dk when but i have (probably less than) 10 days to think abt it so we'll see
I mean i dont doubt the man is in love with you but he did mess up very much and you didnt ignore him for no reason at all.
But then. That is fucking adorable like the part gdje gleda samo u tebe a ni ne sluša sta je pitao and its fucking cute
I get jealousy like okay sure but you two went out, you talked like its not likr you just one day decided oops i dont wanna do you i wanna be with my bestie sorreh also he couldve done better with some communication about his jealousy.
Good luck with the talk i hope he gets it and doesnt want you to stop hanging out with your bestie because that would be disgusting of him
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