#idk if it'll show but right on the dash but as long as it's on my blog idC
zhounauts · 1 year
one hit is all it takes ; k.gyuvin
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
CHAPTER 3 ! high speed chase
word count ! idk no more
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You were failing world history. How? You didn’t know, in fact you actually had zero idea. So here you stood in the teacher’s office getting lectured by your homeroom teacher about the outlier in your grades. Amongst all your perfect A’s lay a C- from your history teacher who always gave you horrendous grades for some apparent reason. “Yn you’re smart, and it shows with all your other grades, but your grade in history is quite bad,” 
“I know Mr.Nam,” 
“I’m concerned for you, y/n you’re a top student but this could really bring you down altogether,”
“Yes Mr.Nam, thank you for your concern,” 
“I talked to your teacher about this, and unfortunately if you don’t manage to raise your grade you won’t be able take part in clubs,”
“Wait what? That bi-, I mean what?” 
“I’m sorry y/n, if I could I would try to stop--” THUD! Both you and your homeroom teacher turn around, and your eyes widenin horror.
“YOU!” Gyuvin yells, pointing at you, papers sprawled all across the floor. You stand frozen in front of your teacher as the tall boy points an accusing finger at you. 
“Wha-” Mr.Nam starts.
“You sprained my wrist!”
“Fuck! NO! I mean, Sorry Mr.Nam for my language, no that wasn’t me--”
“I’d recognize the person who assaulted me!” 
“But I--”
“Excuse me you two what is going on--”
“YAH! GET BACK HERE!” Gyuvin yells, as you dash out the teacher’s office leaving the door open and a confused Mr.Nam as Gyuvin runs after you.
What is life? You didn’t know, cause the predicament you were in right now was extremely confusing, scary, and life-altering. You hadn’t run this hard since the track-season had ended.
Your forehead was lined with sweat, blood pounded in your ears, your hands gripped and ungripped, your skirt-uniform blew in the wind (real), and you pumped your arms as you ran like your life depended on it (it did). You ignored the stares from kids, as they poked their heads out of their classroom windows, and pulled their phones out to watch and capture the scene: a tall lanky boy chasing a girl.
Your legs were gonna give soon and you knew it, but the boy who was behind chasing you was relentless. In your school, you had the athletes: the soccer team, the basketball team, hell even the tennis team but you never knew that someone from the dance team could be this athletic.
You look behind you: bad idea, because despite his hand injury his arms are still pumping and his long legs are carrying him distances one could only dream about. The adrenaline rush continues to propel you foward until you crash into something. No, someone. You come tumbling down to the floor at the impact and feel Gyuvin also trip and fall onto you resulting in a lump of lanky legs and arms. As the two of you look up, curses leave both your mouths. There in front of you stood the principal, arms crossed, and eyebrows raised. “You two, office. Now."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
TAGLIST ! @yeolaegi @soobincantswim @zuzushoner @mposkyje @rosinbae @beomibeom
taglist is open, send an ask or comment to be added!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*・゜゜・.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧.・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
a/n SCHOOL ENDED LETS GO sorry for very extremely diabolically slow update but it'll be faster now I swear. I like this chapter 10x better than the last one, the last one I was high on studying and out of ideas so my bad
+ my proofreader is in canada come back bitch and read over my stories please
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Tumblr Clients to Use Other Than This Shitty App (but honestly thoooo...)
This is a long list and it's mostly me rambling about features that stood out to me. Also, going through these, no client here is going to completely replace the desktop or the app for most people. All of these clients have something up with them that, at least for me, hasn't made me stop using official tumblr options. Even the option I actually recommend to use is still just the official tumblr app while on desktop it's best to just use dashboard unfucker and xkit rewritten.
Think of these as companion apps for the most part.
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Washboard.ws: Browser || Free
Idk if anyone still remembers washboard?? I remember it being the first tumblr client I've seen people talk about back in the day... and, boy, does it still feel like it's back in the day.
It's a bit old feeling since it still using the older tumblr dash layout and I think some features don't work correctly like search not working and trying to reblog or like a post gives you an error. Their blog hasn't been updated in 2 years and the site feels like it hasn't been updated in 7 so while it's up and running, it's not very functional anymore. I just had to mention it because I appreciate it so much.
My Pros • Dashboard Views - List (Blockquote/Old Tumblr) • Viewable Posts - Text Only, Text w/ media, Photos, Videos, Audio • Posting - Redirects to Tumblr • Reblogging - Queue, Draft, Private, Schedule • Side Blogs - View, Reblog • Search Support - Clickable Tags Only • Messaging Support - Ask (redirects to tumblr) • Save Tags • Filter/Blacklist My Cons • Feels like 2009 bc of old dash design • Reblogging is broken • Liking is broken • No search bar
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Ouga: Windows Desktop app || Free/OTP - $4.99
One of the desktop apps I've used for quite a while. It's ok, it feels better than Tumblast and 6tum (which isn't on here bc it doesn't work right and I've already made an exception for washbaord) to use but I've also had more crashes than Tumblast. Still, to me, it's the better working and easy to understand client on the windows store.
My Pros • Dashboard Views - List • Viewable Posts - Text Only, Text w/ media, Photos, Videos, Audio • Interruptions - Banner/Footer Ads • Posting - Queue, Draft, Private, Schedule • Reblogging - Queue, Draft, Private, Schedule • Side Blogs - View, Reblog, Post • Search Support - Bar, Clickable Tags • Messaging Support - Ask, IM • Download Support - Images, Videos • Filter/Blacklist • Activity Feed • Multi Account • Add Tags to Posts My Cons • Interruptions - Dashboard Tumblr Ads, Banner/Footer Ads • Crashes sometimes
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Tumblast: Windows Desktop app || Free
So/so about this one. It works enough to make a post, reblog things, like stuff, but I think it's a little bit more clunky than Ouga. I do like this one feature that let's you have multiple tabs open. It's not a well working feature that sometimes crashes the app and searching tags don't always show with this enabled, but you can do it.
My Pros • Dashboard Views - List, Blockquote • Viewable Posts - Text Only, Text w/ media, Photos, Videos, Audio • Posting - Queue, Draft, Private, Schedule • Reblogging - Queue, Draft, Private, Schedule • Side Blogs - View, Reblog, Post • Search Support - Bar, Clickable Tags • Messaging Support - Ask, IM • Download Support - Images, Videos • Filter/Blacklist • Activity Feed • Multi Tabs • Add Tags to Posts My Cons • Look/feels like it was made for windows 8 & 7 mobile.. it came out for windows 10 • Searching bugs out sometimes • Can feel clunky • Icons aren't showing right now
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Tumblesocks (updated fork): Emacs app(?) || Free
.... i....... tried.
I know I put this off for most of the month bc I had a feeling it'll be a bitch in a half to do (and I was right) but I didn't know I'd spend 3 days trying to get this client to work. Emacs itself was difficult to work with even though I went the simple way and the gnu install.
I tried this out in Windows. Got frustrated. Actually fucked with Linux. Got more frustrated. I'm pretty sure Linux users are probably like "this is so easy" and that's fine but there's a reason I hate Linux and I'm not cut out to test out Emacs. I'm sorry.
If you're interested I still have the links above. Gargle's fork is probably the best to use since it's said to fix a lot of things. But I absolutely invite anybody to reblog this or send me an ask explaining how to get this shit running in the most hand holdy way.
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As far I can find, there isn't a client app for macos. I closest I saw was an app called MenuTab Pro for Tumblr which everyone was saying doesn't work (anymore?). From the looks of it, it would've fallen under "viewer" for me so I most likely would've skipped it anyways.
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Tumblr (revanced): Android || Free
So this post was made awhile back before tumblr was supported by the revanced community. I'm excited to see that, while I was testing all these clients out, some people have made tumblr patches for revanced!
There are very little patches right now. Most importantly the tumblr live icon is now gone and ads are supposed to also be gone but that sims a bit more finicky. It only says that dashboard ads are disabled and sometimes it feels like they are but then they come back in full force so you'll have to force close the app in settings and then they're gone again for awhile. The same with blaze post as it feels like they've also been disabled until it doesn't.
Even though these are early patches, it's still the only option I would replace the original app with. It's not a client so you still have to deal with Official Tumblr App Bullshit™ but you also get all the expected or good features of the tumblr app that some of these clients don't have. I would like to see more patches like hiding the badges or fixing how the disable ads patch work but it's still better than nothing.
This bit is long, sorry, but I wanna add it's worth picking between 2 versions of the tumblr app depending on how you like the layout. v28.6.0.110 (the version I use) has the old layout and some problems that come will it like tiny images in text post, not being able to reply with side blogs, and sometimes some things just stop... working at times? While any version after that will have the new layout what comes with it: tumblrmart icon, changed activity feed, new video/photo view. I love the old layout over the new one so I stick with v28.
Both versions have their goods and bads and is why I have 3 versions of tumblr on my phone. Using app cloner (better options are behind an otp. don't get the sub, it's not worth it) you can install different versions and see what you want.
My Pros • It's still the Tumblr app so everything you like is all here • No ads! (sometimes) • Tumblr Live icon is gone <3 • Am able to test out newer features that are actually useful and interesting (like collections and interacting from side blogs) My Cons •Blaze posts are still present at times • It's still the Tumblr app so almost everything you hate is still here • Badges are still visible as well as version newer than v28.6.0.110 will have the "add badges" button on your blog • Annoying pop ups like going ad free or whatever are still a thing if you're using any version with the new layout • Breaks like "but wait! there is more" and "check out these x" are still here • TumblrMart icon is still at the top corner on the new layout
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TeeHub: Android/iOS || Free/Sub - $1.99, $3.99, $5.99/OTP - $8.99
TeeHub is no longer on either app store. You can download the latest apk and modded apk here
While this has become my new favorite android tumblr client, the free version of this app feels so limiting and the paid version don't feel that better. I'm still happy that they added the one time payment option because I'm tried of subscriptions but stuff like not being able to see text only post at all, problems with posting, and no filter feature is so annoying to me.
Currently, TeeHub, on the tumblr side of things, feels lacking but also on the same level as Tumbletail for Android. There is an OTP of $8.99 and 3 sub options of $1.99, $3.99, and $5.99. If you like this and want to support it getting better I'd say just do the OTP because while the pro features aren't anything important, paying 9 bucks once feels more worth it than paying around 50 by the time the month is over.
TeeHub is only my favorite android client right now because it looks nice. If Tumbletail fucking updated their app so you can post in the paid version and it didn't look like shit it'd be a different story.
My Pros • Dashboard Views - List, Grid • Viewable Posts - Text w/ media, Photos, Videos • Posting - Queue, Draft, Private, Schedule • Reblogging - Instant • Side Blogs - View • Download support - Images, Videos (paid) • Multi Account (paid) My Cons • Interruptions - Popup Ads(? they said there's ads but i couldn't get them to popup even on a separate phone soooo) • Subscription • Can't view text post • Can't post/reblog to side blogs • Can't post/reblog to queue, draft, schedule, or privately • Can't add tags to post • No search function • No filter/blacklist support • Posting videos/photos aren't working right now
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Tmdroid: Android || Free
This one I love what they're trying to do I just think it needs more time in the oven. Some of my problems with this that aren't in my cons list are some of the dashboard settings in carousel view aren't available in waterfall view (the view I use in the image) and text post specifically don't have a square around them to separate them from other post. It's not that bad when it's a text post sandwiched between images but when there's text posts in a row, like in the image, it all looks like 1 text post.
They do have a blog and this app does get updates so I've been keeping an eye on this. They seem to be very open and accepting to feedback unlike someone else on this list and that's really fucking cool.
My Pros • Dashboard Views - List (Waterfall), Grid (Columns), Carousel • Viewable Posts - Text Only, Text w/ media, Photos, Videos • Reblogging - Queue • Side Blogs - Reblog • Download support - Images My Cons • Weird UI • Unresponsive UI • Limited or clunky side blog support • Can't make posts • Can't reblog to draft, schedule, privately • No search function • No filter/blacklist support
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Tumbletail (Lite): Android/iOS || Free/OTP - $1.99
*screaming and crying* I feel like... a disappointed parent. Except I'm not disappointed. I'm mad.
This was my favorite client all the way back in 2012 when I was forced to use an iphone 3gs. I loved the way it looked, the text post were easy to read, it was smooth to use, it had a tag history that made reblogging & making post easy for me who ran an acnl blog, had really good settings to mess around with.... Y'all... so much of this is just not on the android version.
And it fucking pisses me off lol. There's no reason for the android version to look so ugly, to be lacking in settings & features, to not give paid uses the ability to post when you can on ios?
While the android version of this app is usable, moving from the ios app to android and seeing how lacking it was comparably and seeing people give feedback to cathand (who did have a blog) but they went unanswered while the ios version still got updates... The ios versions aren't perfect but it's a much better experience than the android apps. And I'm a bit mad about that.
My Pros • Dashboard Views - Grid, List (change thumbnail size to huge) • Viewable Posts - Text Only, Text w/ media, Photos, Videos • Reblogging - Queue, Draft • Side Blogs - View, Reblog, Post • Search Support - Bar, Clickable Tags • Download Support - Images, Videos (via video player options) • Multi Account (paid) • Tag History • Add Tags to Posts My Cons • Interruptions - Banner/Footer Ads • Can only make post in the ios app??!?!?!?!??? • Polls are viable as text posts but are broken • Looks cleaner on ios • Non photo/video post could be better formatted • Text posts contents are too large and you can't zoom out to see everything • Photos/Videos made using the new text editor (Text w/ media) are seen as text posts • ios version have more features/settings • Only posts uploaded as photo/video (not text w/ media) will have clickable tags • No filter/blacklist support
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Violet: Android/iOS || OTP - $0.99
Violet is a weird on. I want to see it get better but I also don't recommended it. It did get a price cut to $1 so, ya know, but I think as a client it's not good. As a viewer, it's usable. I don't like the carousel view I'd rather have a normal dash. Stuff like posting and searching aren't a thing and reblogging isn't as featureful as I wish.
This works best in the way we heart it and instgram do, not like tumblr does.
My Pros • Dashboard Views - Carousel • Viewable Posts - Text Only, Text w/ media, Photos, Videos, Polls • Reblogging - Instant • Side Blogs - Reblog • Download support - Images My Cons • Account login troubles • Polls redirects you to tumblr • Can't make post • Can't reblog to queue, draft, schedule, or privately • No search function (tags open tumblr) • No filter/blacklist feature
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iOS (mostly the iphone bc i dont have a tablet)
Tumbletail (Lite): Android/iOS || Free/OTP - $1.99
yes we're back again bc ive been yelling about this for years but i"ll make it quick
Had this app since 2012 and I still recommended using it along side the tumblr app. Mostly because of how tumblr works today with their restrictions and inclusion of a filters list.
While text post in the dash view looks better than on android to me, open a text post the contents are so small but they fit the screen. I know the image shows that I have text size small but that's only because it doesn't change anything that I can tell so I left it alone.
My Pros • Dashboard Views - Grid, List (change thumbnail size to huge) • Viewable Posts - Text Only, Text w/ media, Photos, Videos, Audio • Posting - Queue, Draft • Reblogging - Queue, Draft • Side Blogs - View, Reblog, Post • Search Support - Bar, Clickable Tags • Download Support - Images • Multi Account (paid) • Tag History • Save Tags • Add Tags to Posts My Cons • Interruptions - Banner/Footer Ads • Polls soft crashes back to dash • Hard crashes a lot more than on android • Dash view only shows media and text post separately • Quote, Link, Chat, & Audio are sorted as Text Post since you can't view different types of posts like on android • Photos/Videos made using the new text editor (Text w/ media) are seen as text posts • Only posts uploaded as photo/video (not Text w/ media) will have clickable tags • Can't post videos • Can't download images and videos from Text w/ media post • Searching by clickable tags is broken • No filter/blacklist support
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Tumbot: iOS || Free/OTP - $4.99
This is the most fine and normal client on ios so far and I honestly really love it for that. I found the only big problems I had was I couldn't post anything, you can't add tags when reblogging content, and that you couldn't reblog to queue. As a primarily queue user, that's annoying.
I think the best way to describe this app is "chill". If I was able to make post and use queue/draft this would be my replacement app.
My Pros • Dashboard Views - List • Viewable Posts - Text Only, Text w/ media, Photos, Videos, Polls • Reblogging - Instant • Search Support - Bar, Clickable Tags • Multi account support (paid) • Download support (paid) My Cons • Interruptions - Banner/Footer Ads • Dark mode paywalled • No side blog support • Can't make post • Can't reblog to queue, draft, schedule, or privately • Can't add tags to reblogs • Crashes sometimes • No filter/blacklist support
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MultiTab T: iOS || Free/Sub - $2.49, $5.99
MultiTab have old pricing structure list that is still up on the apple store page but is not longer effective since the subscription model was added, sadly.
Another app I would actually buy if they didn't only have fucking subscription options.
Compared to Tumbot it kinda feels less clean to me. Idky but it looks a bit clutter or busy even if you only have one dashboard tabs open. I also think post not having a boarder or a different background from the background isn't helping either.
But the way this app handles reblogging is so good and the custom dashboards that I've been wanting on this damn site for years is here but pretty limited. I'm sad that even paid users have a pretty small limit for how many people you can add to a "feedset".
My Pros • Dashboard Views - Grid, List • Viewable Posts - Text Only, Text w/ media, Photos, Videos, Audio, Polls • Posting - Queue, Draft, Private, Schedule • Reblogging - Queue, Draft, Private, Schedule • Side Blogs - View, Reblog, Post • Search Support - Bar, Clickable Tags • Download Support - Images, Videos (paid) • The most features/settings I've seen so far • Best reblogging menu I've seen so far • Multi Account (paid) • Multi Tabs (Customizable - 5 - free | 20 - paid) • Tag History • Save Tags My Cons • Interruptions - Banner/Footer Ads, Popup Ads • Subscription • Polls are viable but can't vote • Doesn't show or explains everything a premium subs gives you • Holds to reblog doesn't show all side blogs • Dashboard Feeds are limited even if subbed • Adding blogs to custom feeds don't always work correctly • No filter/blacklist support
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sofipitch · 1 year
What do you think about people thinking Armand and Louis are a much healthier relationship that Louis and Lestat? As far as the shoe goes maybe it’s because of what we’ve seen of the particular brand of domestic abuse in L&L’s relationship that makes A&L look healthy? Because in the books it’s definitely hinted that Louis was at least telepathically influenced&manipulated to some degree right? Especially considering that Armand is depicted as someone who is also morally bankrupt and certainly not above using his powers to get what he wants?
I haven't seen a lot of ship warish content content on my dash on my dash and I don't really want to start anything, but unfortunately I don't think their relationship is going to go well. Louis meets Armand at a low point in his life, Armand also becomes kind of the only option Louis has for a long time, a situation Armand creates by killing Claudia. If that is worse than what we'll see Lestat do, idk. Personally I feel like they made this Lestat so much worse than the book version, and in the books he condemns Claudia so who knows how that will play out
At the same time I do get why ppl might want Armand to not be as abusive as Lestat turned out to be. I do think in general this adaptation takes aspects of the book and makes them even more intense. This version of Louis suffers way more than book Louis, he has racism, losing his family (they die as they age and he doesn't but he didn't seem particularly close to his mom and sister and there is no emotional fallout), and domestic violence to content with in a way book boy didn't. Same for Claudia, they added the intense DV and SA to her story. So, I get wanting Louis and Claudia, as characters ppl are attached to, to catch a fucking break. But if they do, I think it'll be a while before that happens, no one is going to tune in to watch a tv show, especially a horror show, with 0 conflict
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sunsmitten · 4 years
Aleksy when receiving signs from Apollo.
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daegall · 3 years
In Le Trunk
Pairing: Na Jaemin x reader
genre: fluff, relationship establishment! AU, college! AU, slight (like if your squint really really hard you can see it) bad boy! AU (idk i just wrote that he’s hardcore-)
warnings: uhhh a bunch of fluff and YET ANOTHER JAEMIN WORK YES I AM IN MY JAEMIN FEELS
word count: 1.1k words
Network/s: @neoturtles
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Your relationship with Jaemin had no titles. You were... together in a weird way. No official feelings, and yet you find yourself pecking his cheek whenever he had to dash to class. It was obvious to others that you had grown attached to each other, and yet they haven't heard you two started dating. Well, it was about time Jaemin made a move.
He didn't tell you any details, just a text that said 'come down.' Which was quite unusual from the usual 'if you don't come down im going to break into your dorm and smother you in hugs'. You wonder what's got him so serious. It's a bit strange to see him all fidgety and nervous around you, often times he would greet you with a kiss on the knuckles, but tonight all you got was an awkward wave.
You don't say anything about it, choosing to go along with whatever he's got planned for tonight's adventure. You can tell he's anxious, his eyes keep darting to the mirrors, something he said he didn't care about at night since there's nobody around. To calm him down, you reach out and entangle your fingers together, caressing his sunkissed skin softly. Jaemin’s hand goes stiff for a second, before it relaxes and grips yours back.
"So, what're we doing tonight, Nana?" That nickname. That damn nickname. It's got his breath hitching and heart beating fast, a smile itching to lift his lips upward. The boy glances at you, and you catch the playful glint in his eyes,
"Somewhere," he replies cooly.
"Are you going to murder me? There are no lights and it's completely empty here." You mumble, suddenly growing a bit tired by the vibrations of the car. Jaemin’s flawless chuckle fills the car, shooting straight to your heart strings. Okay, no doubt you've got something for him too.
"No, I found this place with a really good view, wanted to take you there." And suddenly, you feel the most awake you have in the past week. Who needs coffee when you have Na Jaemin? And plus, just being in the presence of someone who drinks ungodly coffee already has you springing up with energy just when he kisses you. Unintentionally, a big grin creeps up to your face and you fondly look at Jaemin.
After a whole 13 minutes of driving and a bit of chatting, Jaemin stops the car right in front of a road. You frown at the lack of variety, glancing right to left to see anything interesting. Slumping back into your seat, you cross your arms and pout, "There's nothing nice to look at. Just a stupid road and a bunch of grass." You grumble. Jaemin cooes at your upset expression, opening his door to get out.
Your eyes follow him as he walks to the back of the car, before you get out yourself in wonder. You stand back as Jaemin pops the hood of the car open, struggling a bit at the rustiness, you guess it's been some time since it's been open. He climbs in settling down with a sigh, before reaching his arms out to you. You don't question or object, relaxing in his hold and wrapping your arms around his waist.
It seems like you can't take your eyes off of the immaculate looks of his face, grazing each inch of his face and connecting each mole on his neck. Jaemin notices you staring, looking away from the view he was supposed to show you to your eyes, smirking when you quickly advert your eyes away to the front of the car again. He lets out a 'tsk', before clasping your chin with his thumb and index finger to drag your head back to face him.
"Look at the view, pretty." Despite rolling your eyes at the nickname, a smile replaces later in bashfulness, before you turn your head to the so called 'amazing view' he talked about before. And it shall be called amazing because it's absolutely beautiful. From up on a hill, you could see the small town you lived in, not too busy and not too bright, it's warm and peaceful, a bit different from being inside the town yourself.
You don't even want to say 'wow', or anything, really. The moment's too great too ruin with an over-used phrase. The only thing that you do is smile, resting your head on Jaemin’s chest.
Though he would love to see the view, the said boy would much rather take in your appearance right now. Eyes wide with what seemed like stars, cheek pulled in happiness, head resting on him. Sometimes he wonders how he manages to get you here with him, but that doesn't matter, as long as you are then he's not questioning.
Slowly, Jaemin drags your head yet once again to meet his, but unlike the other time, his face is inches from yours, and his nose is brushing against yours. With no words, you lean up to place a soft kiss on his lips, retracting your head to find his fond-filled pupils. He dives back down, planting an equally soft kiss, but this time, you two savor it and hold it for a lot longer.
It’s everything soft, a total contrast to his usual hardcore cocky aura he has plastered on when you’re both in campus. His lips are perfect and pillowy, enough to send you drowning into his embrace, hearts almost tangled together, and like every time you kiss him, there’s the slight tinge of coffee, even when he last drank it 3 hours ago. With a firm lock, the two of you pull away, and you finally seem to call the feelings out.
"I don't think you notice but, this is where it all started. We had our fist kiss here in the back of my old car," you finally realize it, lighting up when the memory refreshes your mind again. Jaemin continues, "Y/n... I know that I like you. A lot. So if you wouldn't mind, maybe you could fall in love with me too?" You almost burst out laughing at his nervous tone, but instead you shake your head slowly. The light in his eyes dim, but glimmer again when you peck to corner of his lips, "I've done that about twenty times, I think it'll be too much for my heart if I do it once again."
The giggle he lets out is pure happiness that causes you to break into laughs as well, your laughs filling the night breeze with love. You don't care at this point, you could fall in love with Jaemin 100 times and it would burst your heart, but that’s the cost of being with Na Jaemin. And plus, you’re pretty sure you can survive heart leaps every 25 minutes if you survive the kisses full of bittersweet coffee.
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jisvnq · 4 years
[ 02:11AM ]
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title | sneaking around
genre | fluff, suggestive, humor, chenle's little sister!reader
warnings | a makeout that's barely there, and a few hickeys oops
word count | 1.8k words
requested | by anonymous
description | where you're chenle's little sister and secretly dating jisung.
z.txt | the text for the headers keep messing up idk why :/ but eh can't really do anything about it ¯\(ツ)/¯ so also idk how to properly write those spicy spicy scenes yet, i'm still learning and i'm doing my best to improve each time :D i dunno, this was supposed to be a timestamp but i got kinda carried away ajdbwjfn here it is!!
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Jisung knew sneaking around behind his friends' backs was risky. He knew he'd get his neck snapped in half if he was found out to be dating someone without even his best friend knowing.
Oh, how he hoped to the heavens they didn't find out he was doing exactly that. And with his best friend's little sister out of all people.
"Meet me in my room after they fall asleep," you had whispered in his ear hours ago as you hid from your friends who searched around frantically for the two of you. "And make sure nobody sees you."
Jisung slowly and carefully pushed his best friend's head off his shoulder, watching in panic as the other boy's eyes groggily fluttered open.
"Hey, Jisung," Chenle slurred, still half-asleep. "Where are you going?"
"I– me?" Jisung stuttered, pointing to himself.
Chenle rolled his eyes. "Yes, you. Where are you going?"
"To the– uh," Jisung cleared his throat. "To the bathroom. I– uh, dinner didn't really settle well with me..."
Chenle nodded, waving Jisung off. "You know where the bathroom is, right?"
Jisung nodded, getting up fully and quietly opening the door. "Yeah. I do."
He waited until his best friend's eyes fluttered shut before heading out, closing the door and dashing into the hallway that definitely didn't lead to the bathroom.
Jisung's heart beat a mile a minute as he looked over his shoulder every few steps. If he got caught here, he was gonna be deader than the chicken they ate for dinner. And he was pretty sure that thing wasn't even remotely alive.
"Y/n," Jisung whispered as he knocked frantically on your door. "Y/n! It's me! I'm here! Open up already!"
He heard shuffling inside, and he cautiously looked behind him as if something or someone would just pop up out of absolutely nowhere and tell on him to your brother.
"Hm, I'm surprised you didn't chicken out on me," you hummed, opening the door, only for the boy to rush inside, making you chuckle. "That scared of getting caught, huh?"
"If Chenle catches me sneaking in here, you know he's gonna kill me," Jisung groaned, plopping onto your quite familiar bed.
"Why don't we just tell him then?" you inquired, sitting down beside him. "It's not like it's that big of a deal, you know?"
"Not that big of a deal?" Jisung said, giving you a funny look. "There's something called the Bro Code, Y/n. I'm not supposed to be dating anyone without the guys knowing, and sisters are supposed to be off-limits!"
You chuckled, when his eyes meet yours, pressing a small kiss to his forehead. "Oh, who cares about that silly little code of yours. Come on, Jisung. Lele won't mind. I'm sure of it."
"Chenle out of all people would definitely mind," Jisung said, raising a finger up with each statement. "One, you're pretty much a whole year younger than me. Two, I'm dating you without any of the guys knowing. And three, you're Chenle's sister. You're Chenle's sister, Y/n! Of course he'll mind!"
You rolled your eyes at the boy and pulled him up to sit next to you. "Jisung~ I'm telling you! Chenle won't mind~! Besides, the idiot had a crush on Renjun's younger cousin for like a year. He can't say anything."
"That was different," Jisung huffed, crossing his arms stubbornly. "Those were Renjun's cousins, not his sisters, and it's not like they were secretly dating now too. Chenle is so gonna kill me."
"Not if I can help it~" you chimed sweetly, crawling over to press a soft kiss on his lips and leaving him blushing furiously. "I love you~ my brother just has to come accept that. When we end up telling them, that is."
"You really think we should tell them?" Jisung asked you nervously as you climbed onto his lap. "Y- Y/n?"
"I think we should," you whispered, cupping his face with your hands. "If you want to. But I love you, and I don't think I'll be able to hide it from them any longer. You, Jisungie?"
Jisung felt his heart melt at the amount of love dripping from your lips as you uttered his name, the nickname he refused to let anyone else use. His eyes turning into beating hearts when they meet your similar ones.
Your lips curled upwards into a sweet, sweet smile, Jisung subconsciously mirroring it with his own. Jisung shook his head and you giggled, the sound echoing in his ears wonderfully.
Unable to bear the straining fondness for you in his chest any longer, Jisung leans in to press his lips against yours, hearing himself hum when you respond immediately to his kiss.
Your legs wrapped around his torso and you fell onto your bed with a soft thud, breaking the kiss to let out a few giggles.
"Shh!" Jisung tsked as you bit your lip to contain your laughs. "We're gonna get caught if we're this noisy!"
"Okay, okay," you grinned, copying his radiant smile. "Now, shut up and kiss me then."
"Good idea," Jisung chuckled, diving back in to press a deeper kiss to your waiting lips.
You wouldn't say you were the best at kissing, with the slight risk of getting caught always bugging you in the back of your head. But this time, along with a few nervous giggles, you seemed not to care for once, feeling the boy hover over you to press feather-light kisses all over your face and down to your jaw.
"So we're telling them tomorrow, right?" Jisung whispered, eyes locked nervously with yours. "Y/n?"
You nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, pecking his cheek while doing so and making the flush on his cheeks deepen. You chuckled. "You mean later today, Jisungie."
"That means it'll be alright if I do this then," Jisung hummed, trailing kisses back down to your neck.
"If you do what?" you asked curiously, before letting out a gasp when you feel him suck harshly on your neck. "Park Jisung! What was that?!"
"Just... something," Jisung grinned at you mischieviously, kissing the bruising mark lightly before moving to place another one.
"Jisung, if those things leave marks..." you tried to threaten, failing in your act when a little whimper escapes your lips at his actions. "We- we're gonna be in big, big trouble."
"We're already planning on telling them later," Jisung said with sparkling eyes. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, teeth gently grazing your earlobe. "We can have some fun tonight."
"Hey, Y/n?" the door burst open. "Have you seen Ji– oh, there you are."
"Chenle!" the two of you gasped, Jisung immediately climbing off you with burning cheeks.
"Wha- what are you doing here?" you asked, looking at your brother who had a sleepy smirk on his face. "H- hey! Answer my question!"
"I was looking for Jisung," Chenle yawned. "But he wasn't in the bathroom, nor in the gaming room. Decided to check on you if you saw him."
Chenle eyed you up and down and hummed. "Looks like you two've been busy. I knew you just called him oppa for show."
"I– what?!" you shrieked, throwing one of your pillows at your laughing brother. "Shut up!"
"And... you aren't at all mad?" Jisung asked confusedly, looking to Chenle who made kissy faces at you, much to your annoyance.
"Mad?" Chenle repeated, looking to Jisung this time. "For what?"
"For... uh... finding me in here?" Jisung coughed, blush rising back to his cheeks. "You know, with your sister? You don't have the urge to snap my neck in half?"
"What?" Chenle snorted. "Snap your neck in half for making Y/n happy? Look, I'm just a bit disappointed you didn't tell me about it, but I can never get upset at you two idiots for long."
"So..." Jisung bit his lip, looking to you before looking back at Chenle. "It's alright if we're, uh, let's say–"
"Dating?" Chenle finished with an amused grin, seeing his best friend's face flush red. "Yeah, pretty much figured that out. Also, Renjun and Jeno owe me, Hyuck, and Jaemin hotpot now, so–"
"Wait, you bet on us?!" you asked in disbelief, throwing another pillow at your brother. "You bastards!"
"Oops," Chenle snickered, tossing the pillows back onto your bed. "Anyways, I'm gonna go get some sleep, so you two better not do anything more than kissing. I might just take Jisung's PS4 privileges away next time the guys come over."
"My PS4 privileges?!" Jisung gasped. "Why mine?!"
"What, are you planning on getting them taken?" Chenle teased, making Jisung shut his mouth. "And it's yours because you're the older idiot here, and because Y/nnie gets sister privileges."
Jisung lifted his arms up in exasperation before letting them fall to his sides. "I mean, I don't plan on getting them taken now, but I–"
"Jisung, you idiot," Chenle cut the boy off, throwing a pillow to the younger boy's head. "That's my sister you're talking about, watch it."
"Alright, fine," Jisung said with a snicker, seeing Chenle give him a pointed look. "Nothing will happen. I am the responsible one in the relationship here."
"That is very debatable," Chenle said, making a face. "But I'm serious about it, Park Jisung. Try anything on Y/n and I'm kicking you out."
"Gotcha," Jisung grinned, saluting to his best friend who went out the door.
"Also," Chenle smirked, looking at the marks on your neck. "I think you should cover those up before Dad comes home for dinner later. I don't think he'll be as chill as I am about leaving you and Jisung alone in a room together."
"Y- your Dad's coming over for dinner?!" Jisung said, his jaw dropping as he stared at both you and Chenle in disbelief. "Oh my God..."
"Oops," you grinned sheepishly at him. "Forgot to tell you. He wanted to meet up with you all later today..."
"Ah, shit," Jisung groaned, plopping down onto your bed as Chenle laughed out loud. "Chenle, you are given full permission to snap my neck in half now. Please hurry on with it."
"No can do, bro," Chenle snickered, seeing the look of dismay on Jisung's face as he went out, closing the door behind him. "Y/nnie would kill me if I did. Gotta blast~"
"Y/n, will you–"
"No, Jisung," you sighed, shaking your head as you laid down next to him. "I am not snapping your neck in half for you."
"Well, fuck me then."
"Maybe when we're older."
"Y/n, no–"
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Indie & Rio
Indie: [sends her the posts because no other way she'd see them] Rio: Shit, girl Rio: I was worried it might go down like this Indie: she's so extra Indie: never should have let him in the door Indie: the feds are gonna be hardcore @ it now Rio: Surely she let him out Rio: stupid woman Rio: but that's gonna pale in comparison now so Rio: What's Drew doing about it? Indie: boy was begging for a sick time & i gave it but its on me not him 😒😒 hold ur liquor u tourist Indie: hes flat roofin but other than that no thing to 👀 Indie: it b early tho & we all had a late Rio: They're a 24/7 services though, babe Rio: he'll be wanting to move his stash and generally clear his act up for the visit Rio: you too Indie: is it? on hols too thats a madness Indie: yeah the drum be clear of all his goods like that Indie: idk man mayb its chill like she gonna post that & not post up no harder than Rio: They might take xmas day off maybe but you know Rio: business as usual for all jan 1st Rio: well that's something Rio: maybe, but bitches like that LOVE making complaints about everything so maybe not Indie: she do have that talk to the manager vibe Indie: i done fucked up real didnt i? Rio: big time karen Rio: nah, in the eyes of everyone it's Drew that did Rio: but they won't be able to prove the drugs bit if they're gone so it's not enough to take you, a party gone wrong, bad judgment but maybe we can swing it that he was here somehow Rio: hmm Indie: but like he had mad trust for me & i brought him mad problems Rio: they're grown problems, he's big enough to fix 'em Indie: u too making ur nite go off on a real turn Indie: bet ur boy is bare vexed Rio: you know i'd rather you ring me than let it go more tits Rio: what are big sisters for Rio: but yeah, didn't even see him in the end so he ain't stopped Indie: innit Indie: tell him he can hit me up for something to take off that edge Indie: debts be paid around here Rio: um you ain't supposed to have no thing 'scuse you Rio: there's a plan here Indie: i gots places & heads to trust in Rio: nah, I'll make it up to him, don't worry 'bout that Indie: 😉😉😉 Rio: 😏 shush lil girl Indie: grown problems ur big enough to fix i kno 💋🤤🤤 Rio: so thirsty, go hydrate Rio: know you need to 😘 Indie: rude i got lipsed by bare boys last nite they were rigging dem bottle spins cos im 🔥🔥 dont b tryna put me out Rio: you need to cool off for a minute, bitch Rio: you in trouble Indie: not wit u Rio: yeah, don't push it 😉 Indie: 💔😢😢 dont do me like that on day 1 of the year 🙏🙏🙏 Rio: it started HOURS ago and I was still here with you cleaning blood out the carpet Rio: don't talk to me about day 1s when I'm clearly ride or die Indie: u kno im good for ious & i got mad love Rio: 🧡 Rio: i'm good really Rio: let's sort the actual situation Indie: u gonna charm the social for me? Rio: give it my best Indie: safe ✌✌ Rio: probably the straightest middle-aged lady Rio: so more likely your da will have to get on it Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: what drew b good for Rio: init tho Indie: we all been knew Indie: he better werk so it works Rio: Sure it won't be too hard, like Rio: even if she ain't all that 😂 Indie: she aint gon b bangin but his exes show he aint need that to chirp on Rio: 👀 Indie: 😂😂😏😏 Indie: can u roll up wit eats im about to die Rio: bit rude to both our ma, like lmao Rio: 'course Rio: bring leftovers Indie: ur ma dont count as no ex cos she ✖ed him out Indie: & my ma got that permanent ✖ so bigger problems than my shade innit Rio: no problems when you an 👼 Rio: fucking hopefully Indie: u my 👼 bringing that energy Indie: that means u can jam Rio: is it? Rio: 😏 Rio: let Ryan know eh Indie: he kno u a 😈 too Indie: how he be livin Rio: mhmm Rio: well he gon' have to wait for now Indie: he gon have beef wit me Indie: soz boyyy Rio: nah we was already beefin' 'fore this Indie: yeah? Indie: what he do? 👀 Rio: nah, what I do more like Rio: you know I'm 😈 Indie: o shit Indie: gimme that 411 Rio: nothing exciting Rio: just be looking too bad to be giving him that much air, you know the drill Indie: hes so hyped for u Indie: its been weeks boy no u cant cuff it Indie: who u think u is Rio: can you blame him Rio: hot property, baby Indie: u did look 💣💣💣 last nite my bad Indie: theres a boy @ school tryna chat @ the rest hes my bf so i feel it fr Indie: boy please DO I LOOK LIKE Indie: not tryna hold ur damn hand Rio: is he cute tho Indie: if he werent he wouldnt be able to chat no thing Indie: 💪 fuck him up Rio: 😂 Rio: gotta 'tect the rep Indie: he kno it tho & its like tell me how 🔥🔥 i am dont b talking on urself all the time Rio: not a mood Indie: innit Indie: dry as Rio: that's boys for you Indie: & he didnt show last nite Rio: playing hard to get or just got parents who give a fuck Indie: year up x 2 so he could come thru the ends whenever Indie: but i 💋 all his mandem so itll hit back Rio: play @ his own game  alright Indie: do u think i went too hard tho? Rio: do you want him to be your mans or nah Indie: idk Rio: then it depends Rio: beyond knowing he loves himself, idk how he's vibing Rio: might be too far Indie: hes vibing like hes about me but i Rio: but you? Indie: how do i live that Indie: trust it Indie: drews meshing a new every week he says u gotta keep free on it Rio: works for him Rio: everyone's different Rio: you don't have to trust him yet Indie: mayb hes only about me til i give him something & im not tryna be a show like that Rio: that happens, not gonna sit here and lie and say it don't Rio: you're too young to be thinking on that or worrying Rio: keep him and the rest waiting Indie: yeah okay Indie: gimme a few to have puberty roll up Indie: still waiting on that Rio: it'll happen Rio: not that it's a barrel of laughs, like Rio: nothing to be hyped about Indie: i dont want it Indie: freaky shit going on Rio: unless you gonna stop eating, which unlikely Rio: you fucked, babe, we all are, soz Rio: get boobies though, perks Indie: that best not be you tryna skip on bringing me a meal bitch Indie: bout to hit the afterlife running here like Rio: 🙄 omw you rude ass hoe Rio: like you said, none of us had earlies Indie: omw fr or like when u tell ur mans u @ the club but u still tryin on fits in ur room Rio: like fr when I ever done you like that Indie: dont b starting Indie: ily Rio: 🤞 never Rio: ily more Indie: drews back if u wanna spit at him how to sort his life Rio: i will Rio: he ain't ready for this Indie: resolutions b dashing past this postcode we all avoidin that change Rio: you gotta Rio: sort you both Indie: hey swerve me im good Rio: 😏 Rio: fine i'll focus on your daddy Rio: no love for you Indie: 👼👼🤞🤞 Indie: call him that when you give it & he'll give in Rio: oh you schooling me on how to get blokes to do what I want now Rio: ok miss thing Indie: just him i 👂 what i hear & i kno what i kno Indie: hes here for all that Rio: you poor child Rio: anything grosser than parents going at it 😬 Indie: nah man its nasty & long being under this roof sometimes trust Rio: 🤢 Indie: some of his girls got me tempted to 📱 the social my own self & my ma looking like a saint Rio: that ain't right Rio: negates any buffness he got going on Indie: why lads wanna get on or under ANYTHING?! Indie: true madness Indie: 😂😂😂 Rio: friction 🤷 Indie: yeah but like theres girls out there bringing it & you're gonna hit that Rio: he probably ain't got as much choice as he fronts Rio: lots of grown women ain't about his lifestyle so that leaves him w the younger ones who is Rio: stick at it too long, you get busted, just facts Indie: when you old & so is your baggage 😂😂✌✌ Rio: I mean Rio: I ain't say nothing 😉 Indie: keep that ☮ mama Rio: least he looks p young still Rio: nothing worse than an actual creepy old man dealer Indie: do he? 👴 to me Rio: nah Rio: he only what, 31 Rio: that's no thing to me, gurl Indie: mayb im just 🍋 cos he aint tryna gimme no 💸💸💸 Indie: & he aint caring my head hurts Rio: aw bb Rio: 'round the corner Rio: I'll look after you Indie: 💖💖💖 Indie: u didnt tell me it b like this tho partying Rio: didn't think i had to be that quick with the warnings Rio: next day hurts Indie: always? Rio: 'less you prepare and do it right Rio: it can be bearable Rio: better than you feeling, no doubt Indie: how i do that? school me yeah Rio: 'course Rio: on the to-do list now Indie: we doing the next as a back to school thing so you got a few to bring me up Rio: you best be doing it at some other fucker's gaff and all Rio: giving me grey hairs 🙄 Indie: 😂😂✌✌ Indie: imma make that boy host it Indie: if he love me Rio: You're getting a chaperone regardless Indie: serious? Rio: yeah Indie: 💔💔💔 Rio: don't start like you don't know why Indie: i aint trippin you are tho if u think i want a repeat Rio: what, you too cool for me now? Indie: innit 😏😏😏 Indie: but nah just Rio: you so is Rio: you think imma embarrass you in-front of your mans Indie: he aint gon b my mans if u there Indie: whos 👀 me over u Rio: nah don't be silly Indie: im being real Indie: ur 💣💣💣🔥🔥🔥 Rio: so are you Rio: and I don't think a lad who likes you will be into me Indie: every lad b into u they all chat on u fully 😍😍😍💘💘😍 Rio: sounds like plenty are into you too Indie: 😂😂 it was for the spin Indie: cant pussy out Rio: 😏 mhmm Rio: well I promise you I won't be joining in, like Rio: now come let me in if you got strength to get the door Indie: 💪💪 babyyy Indie: [lets her in cos fuck know what drew is doing, flexing in the mirror probably] Rio: [lol watch him rush out when he realize] Indie: [hears her voice & runs out pretending to be casual] Rio: [oh boy, do not deserve her sorting your life, temporarily, but it's for Indie so] Indie: [bless her she's dying rn & just wants to be snuggled cos literal child] Rio: [give them a sec 'scuse you sir] Indie: [I hate everything about this, Carly didn't die for this] Rio: [just making leftovers] Indie: [drew chatting to her like she's here to hang with him & we all know] Rio: [don't you touch caleb's food bitch] Indie: [is nothing sacred you slag] Indie: [indie just fully lying stretched out on the counter like its a bed like let me die] Rio: [getting a bag of peas or some shit in a tea towel and putting it on her head] Indie: [such a good mum but that don't mean you can step ma her drew] Rio: [not her fault she can converse more like a grown-up than you Indie: [we should send Indie running off to the bathroom no offense Caleb but I'm evil & wanna leave them alone for a sec for the mood] Rio: [shoulda gone to hold her hair but now you can level with him and he can pretend he's a responsible adult lmao] Indie: [& Ryan can be highkey & he can pretend he cares] Rio: [ah the joys]
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Indie & Rio
Indie: you 👀 this Rio: edie's snaps Rio: yes bitch Rio: so she gonna have a dog now, they setting up house Rio: where WHERE Indie: you know it in a whip Indie: if it any place Indie: wtf wtf Indie: he aint even got a nice ride & we all been knew Rio: he be driving without a license rn too Indie: he be driving w out his head on right fr Indie: you think im always high bitch Rio: I swear he been high since he been on the scene as a younger Rio: she makes a point of not dating lads her age but why if he only gon provide you what any waste of any age could Indie: i kno he has cos he come thru to me & drew when Indie: wasteman Indie: from day 1 Rio: exactly Rio: god Rio: saying poor dog but not even the point Rio: how she livin he stealing dogs for her now what Indie: we aint even gon be set to call any heads in cos we dont know where they @ Indie: cant say a 🐶 be stolen & holed up somewhere Rio: she lucky if someone don't clock Rio: it's a pup and it's clearly pedigree Rio: that's thousands, not to mention if they love it and all that fucked shit he ain't consider Indie: it probs chipped thats how mans do when they drop cash Indie: bet he aint thought Indie: he could go prison w drew if 🐶 are missed least get him away Rio: oh god Rio: i'll warn her, not that that'll be appreciated Indie: he should b anyway riding a girl her age at his that shit nasty Indie: get a wifey in your years Rio: i know Rio: surprised he ain't make her keep it on the low til her bday Indie: how your ma not merk him ages afore this Rio: you know how it is Rio: she gon do it anyway so don't fight her on it Indie: i kno she been tryna chase away any boy i ever been near & dey in my bracket Rio: yeah well you ain't gonna do something 10x worse when you questioned init Indie: bitch maybe Indie: if she gon have a dog in a car imma live how i want Indie: deal w it mama cavante Rio: don't even play Indie: she 🤡ing nuff for us all Indie: im vexed af Rio: seriously Rio: this is ridiculous Indie: u do kno she dating drew younger Indie: he buy shit to keep peace thats literally how it plays Indie: boy aint even as cute tho awks Rio: but worse Rio: at least drew isn't an addict, whatever else he got going on Indie: nah that just how he want his wifeys Rio: he should be proud Rio: twat Indie: i feel 😷 Rio: at least she admitted she's feeling on it Rio: buster tried to talk to her and got nowhere so Indie: how that boy exist Indie: 😇😇👑😇😇 Indie: get you a daddy who Rio: clearly she good like Indie: i aint even get a call back from the lad i want 👁👁👁 madness Rio: you wanna be wifed up by a lad like that, i think not Rio: he only got no chill cos that's how he livin' his whole life Indie: i want who i want Indie: he aint that Rio: exactly Rio: lord Rio: at least it ain't an actual baby Rio: 'cos that'll 'bout be it, like bye 💀 Indie: dont even chat it Indie: we aint need that possible in the universe Rio: 😶 Indie: u kno he aint ridin proper all the drugs he on Indie: no gettin hard Rio: as much as i ain't about u puttin that in my head i hope u right Rio: god Indie: i is Indie: i been round nuff customers to get the vibe Rio: yikes Rio: drew making a side hustle selling the little blue ones is it Rio: can't be dealing Indie: he should it y them boys so 💔💔💔💔 & vexed Rio: cracked it Rio: we'll do it and get the money Rio: is it prescription, not tryna go to jail with him Indie: hacks Indie: nah man it over counter Rio: nice Rio: so doing it, untapped market Indie: shame it aint work for girls too Indie: you could make more if it do Indie: 🤑🤑🤑🤑 Rio: i think there's a female one but bet that's still prescription, if even available here Rio: bullshit Indie: is it? Indie: if i been knew i coulda hit that w my ex Indie: 💔💔💔💔 Rio: yeah? Indie: he aint good i told you nah? Rio: i didn't know if it was just the first or what and i weren't tryna be too in your face at that time init Rio: not on speaking terms Indie: innit Indie: i been thought it me but i 👂ed others saying since he dashed me Rio: ha Rio: unlucky Rio: know he ain't trying and that's literally half the battle so he ain't gon' do better Indie: bitch if i tried any harder w it id have to pray Indie: waste Indie: 😭😭😭😭 Rio: aw baby Rio: happen when you ain't looking Rio: ma realness of the day Indie: but i want it to happen w the boy i 👀 everywhere in my circles Rio: is this science boy or another one? Indie: we aint tryna call him science boy but you kno Rio: okay gimme a better name i gotta keep track somehow Indie: he called zamari thats he name Rio: that's cute Rio: i'll probably remember that Indie: [sends screenshot of a snap so she can see his face] Indie: lookit Rio: aww Rio: sweet Indie: be sweeter if he was bout me Indie: but you kno Rio: no chance you reckon or what Rio: what's the vibe Indie: the vibe is he one of the boys now Indie: w the rest Indie: he aint see me like 😍😍😍😍 cos we ✌✌✌✌ Rio: I get you Rio: never know Indie: help me cos you 🔥🔥🔥🔥👑👑💖💖💖 Indie: aint no boy ever friended you how Rio: i have boy friends Indie: bitch where Rio: Rian Indie: please he wanna fuck you since he been known Rio: 😒 Rio: Still Rio: I got friends bitch Rio: I just been busy 😂 damn Indie: i aint tryna come for you i saying you a MILF i needs you to help me Indie: it been long & no thing i done work Rio: Hmm Rio: Maybe you gotta stop being friendly for a bit so he see you like that Rio: that way you know Indie: like stop showin him skate tricks? Rio: yeah Rio: start showing him other tricks Indie: but i aint have none Indie: how i gon do that Rio: just pretend Rio: he aint gone know Indie: i cant b like oi lads guess who know how to suck a dick it me Indie: we aint rollin w no girlie sleepover moves Rio: that ain't exactly what i mean 😂 Rio: just be more of a girl Rio: then they'll see it and fill in the gaps if they feeling it, you know Indie: 😒😒😒😒 Rio: what you poutin for Indie: why he not want me how i is Indie: rude Indie: this aint happen to me afore Rio: idk maybe he got a type Rio: don't take it personal, some people be so specific Indie: @mckenna Indie: 😂😂😂😂😂 Rio: exactly Rio: shows there's hope yet, just work out what he likes Rio: probably tell you cos you one of the boys Indie: there is this girl in science he 👀 @ when i looking toward him Indie: I just do how she do? Rio: Yeah Rio: but better, obvs Indie: [sends pic of the girl in question who is obvs more girly etc] Indie: can you do it bitch or nah Rio: 'Course I can Rio: though Grace would be gutted if you didn't let her in on the action too, like Indie: she gon own me w it Indie: but k 💄👗 Indie: we on it Rio: It'll be fun Indie: is it? 😒😒 Indie: when tho? Rio: you don't gotta Rio: n u don't need to but if you wanna get your mans Rio: it might work, boys are that dumb Rio: so whenever you wanna roll up on him Indie: imma do it but i aint vibin Indie: lets kick this now afore i think any harder on it & chat myself out Rio: you know this only good for a hookup yeah Rio: you ain't gonna makeover scene yourself for life Indie: naaah he gon get a taste and then he gon love me Indie: dont get me twisted Rio: Hmm Rio: expectation management baby Indie: he gon get himself a girl who do both Indie: 👑👑👑👑 Rio: slow your roll gurl Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: wys i been waitin since he showed Rio: to ride him mayb Rio: you don't gotta go so hard for the d Indie: you want me to hit & quit now? Indie: damn ma Rio: nah you do you Rio: i just sayin if you wanna be w him then he gotta be about u for u Rio: goes without sayin but like Indie: so you not gon help me or you is? Rio: we gotta debrief harder on what this is and what you want Indie: 👌👌👌👌 Rio: just keep away from that tattoo gun this time yeah? Indie: 😂😂😂😂 you gotta chill ri ri its no thing Rio: nah Indie: nah? Rio: yeah but we dun had this argument then so we don't gotta now Indie: caraca bitch 😮😮😮 you gon do me like i aint learned Indie: i just want him i aint tryna head down no aisle w you & mckenna Rio: Nah, I know Rio: I'm just chatting on any more ink Rio: we're good Indie: his name aint fit in 💘 its all good Rio: 😒 shut up bitch Indie: you rude Indie: play w me Rio: I'm trying Rio: but her shit got me in no mood now like Indie: 💔💔💔💔 Indie: lets roll out somewhere some way Rio: where you wanna be Indie: idc Indie: far Rio: Okay Rio: I'll see what's on Rio: seeing as I do have friends, you know Indie: so you keep chatting 😂😂😂 Rio: 😒 Rio: lucky I don't have too many or I wouldn't roll w you would I 😜 Indie: bitch allow it Indie: im the most ✌✌ Rio: you certainly the most something Indie: innit tho Rio: 😂 Indie: tell yo friends baby 😏😏😏💘💘 Rio: You're chief Rio: also Jas and Kels are on pre-drinks now so you believe they exist enough to come or what Indie: i aint never said you w out squad Indie: just w out boyyys Rio: well they cramp your style how you gon meet boys when you surrounded init Indie: i aint had no issue w it babe Rio: 😑 Rio: you saying i'm dry Rio: i'm cool Indie: i saying what i been saying this whole they all 😍😍😍😍 cos you peng Indie: not tryna friend you when they can wife it Rio: they can't now tho Rio: soz about it lads 🤷 Indie: 💎💎💎 see from 🌚 Rio: You know it Indie: how you styled? Rio: Hmm Rio: I gotta see, my clothes are still all over Rio: Nothing too wild Indie: i feel that Indie: im clappin rn Indie: look & mood Rio: 😔 Indie: aint tryna have your mates think im dry crump Indie: gotta step in & up Rio: Nah they nice Rio: you know that kid in your year Rio: ugh, what do they call him Rio: O'Shea they last name, anyway, Kells is his sister Indie: !!!!!!!!!! Rio: Yeah but it'll be chill Rio: not trying wriggle into that fucking catsuit again and have you creasing 😂 Indie: i aint tryna help your drunk arse out again and be sweatin Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: 😂 rude but fair Rio: actual mess Indie: how mckenna get under that? the boy is 👑👑🥇 Rio: i mean you can ask but you already worried peeps be getting the wrong idea about you, babe so Indie: girl please Indie: i aint worried bout no thing you hush Rio: 😏 is it Rio: ma be so proud Indie: wys Indie: it all good over here Rio: i saying she got a bisexual agenda Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: gutted by how many straight kids she got Indie: she turned my ma i aint tryna follow in dem steps soz bout it Rio: 😂 Indie: kissed few girls but she aint need kno Indie: not bringin them home to meet Rio: Exactly Rio: Such a cringe, bless her Indie: her hair always be sick tho Indie: how she do it Rio: #blessed Rio: jammy bitch Rio: in the genes, obvs 🍀 Indie: im mad Indie: you aint tryna do me one solid drew is it Rio: you know you cute sh Indie: dash that Indie: 👾👾👾 Rio: what you talking bitch Indie: he got me lookin 👽👽👽 cos his dna Indie: vexin Rio: you don't look like an alien you mad Rio: if anything he's given you the looks, like Rio: literally bout the only thing Indie: nah Rio: 😡 Rio: where dis coming from Indie: im in the mirror bitch Indie: & my feelings Rio: you want me to sort your weave Indie: its chill Rio: you can't go out not feeling 💯 Indie: i been done that trust Rio: 😢 baby no Indie: you aint gotta amp it Indie: im w out a man stealing me any 🐶 for my woes Indie: just out here w it Rio: you got a 🐶 and you ain't need no man for no thing else either Indie: you kno Indie: how i mean it Rio: i know Rio: it's nice to have one about but only if they not a fuckboy Rio: otherwise it's just hassle, more than already you don't need, trust Indie: im just tryna feel caught up in a thing that aint walking the streets w this face wearing his name while everyone kno where drew is and he been livin Indie: i been stopped mad amount times today only Rio: makes sense Rio: i don't blame you Rio: this town always talks Indie: u think thats how science boy dont fuck w me Indie: he aint new now he been around & he kno Indie: ?? Rio: I don't reckon Rio: why'd he be that anti-drugs or like Rio: nah Indie: not 🚭 just anti waste Rio: not like he gotta hang w ur dad Rio: i don't see it Rio: would be fucked if he was Rio: you ain't drew, like Indie: but i be livin on top like him Indie: too hype maybe Rio: if he roll w u and ur squad he obviously about that life too Indie: idk man Indie: if you right you right Indie: 💖💖💖 ty for chattin me down from 👑👑 Indie: big love like Rio: don't be silly Rio: always Rio: 🧡 Indie: how much time it gon feel like this for us Rio: How you mean? Indie: will it be good again when i kno drews stretch or nah Indie: i aint tryna feel worse Rio: I don't know Rio: better for knowing exactly what's gonna happen Rio: it always helps Rio: not gonna make everything magically better like but least we know the plan, like Indie: least if he gets a few i can age out of him playin da Rio: yeah Rio: we'll see Indie: & you can get mckenna down the aisle w out him not holding his ☮ Rio: 🙄 Rio: christ, probably not making the guest list either way, like Indie: you gon do big & white or lowkey Rio: go big or go home init Rio: gotta be grown to have those funds Indie: 😂😂😂😂 i shoulda been knew Indie: mckenna aint do lowkey no time Indie: he got the 💸💸💸 tho so go off Rio: just tryna get out of the matching dresses, i 👀 Indie: allow it Indie: you aint want me to go out feeling less than 110 but you bout 🤡ing me in 💒 k k Rio: 😂 Rio: it's my big day, bitch 😉 Indie: yeah so how you want me in all the pics looking bare owned Indie: catch me 😒😒😒😒 in every frame bitch Rio: Obvs Rio: that's the kinda bitch I am Rio: long as I'm slaying, none of you hoes can be Indie: ruuude Indie: how i be hookin mckennas best man in 👗 nah Rio: thought you reckoned it'd be nance Rio: sure she'll think you look lovely 😘 Indie: i aint got enough years to be her type innit Indie: dont wear nuff 💄 either Rio: True Rio: least jailbait ain't her vibe or she'd be in real trouble rn Indie: catch her waiting to be sentenced w drew Indie: wild Rio: Bless Rio: she's doing better, I think Indie: is it? Indie: safe Indie: she getting her head shrunk still? Rio: yeah, well, she ain't asking me to go out on the piss with her as often like so Rio: must be Indie: 💖💖💖💖💖💖 Indie: more ri time for me Indie: sick Rio: You know Rio: so in demand 😘 Indie: innit tho
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Indie & Rio
Indie: where you left me to go mama?? Rio: aw bubba 😧😔 Rio: plenty of stuff in the kitchen if you ain't already raiding Indie: got my head in the fridge never over its madness Indie: 🍾 + 🍊 for breakfast innit 😂 when you lavish Rio: 😂 we on the champagne too Rio: calling a 2 drink max for you so you don't rinse 'em 😜 Indie: dont be lawin that for me too tho Rio: Bitch I is, keep up Indie: naaaah thats only a glass in each hand Indie: you got rules whenever you be but cant gimme none Rio: 😑 Rio: even you can't test me rn tho Rio: on ☁9 Indie: jam girl im playin 🍾 aint lush 😕 aint be telling mckenna that i cant hang w the poshos but fr Indie: is it? whats got you feelin higher than me? 411 Rio: not got dem mature tastebuds yet younger 😉 Rio: [Picture in the Tiffany shop] Indie: allow it i got 👅 that 💸 cant buy bitch Indie: what bling the boy tryna drop on you 👑 didnt even hear you arguing like 👏 get it girl Indie: guilt gifts be 🔥 Rio: Better than the 🚬 joke I thought you would Rio: maybe you are gettin so grown 😜 Rio: nah nah Rio: not even Rio: idk how to say it it feels surreal, like Rio: you'll think i'm playing fr Indie: innit tho 👵👵👵👵 Indie: ?? Indie: youre playing not to take me w to get a 👶 🎁 but you kno 💖💖💖 Rio: That is a good idea tho the price tag would have you shook Rio: [Pic] Rio: It's an engagement ring Rio: ahh I feel a bit sick Indie: YOUVE GOT JOKES MAN 😂😂😂 Indie: even mckenna aint that highkey he gonna proper wife you rn Rio: mad init Indie: serious? Rio: yeah Rio: promise Indie: 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 Indie: bitch i aint wearing no dress to the 💒 tho Rio: i know Rio: but how you gon' be maid of honour if you don't? 😘 Indie: ill tax that best man role from other mckenna if you keep playing 💪😎😎 Indie: & i aint callin you mckenna now thatd be a madness of getting you caught up w that boy in convos Rio: Fine we'll discuss this later Rio: 'cos ain't like it's happening now so you know Indie: locked you down w out locking in a date i get it Rio: Yeah Rio: what do you think then Rio: honest Indie: its sick news Indie: the boy be acting right & appreciating what he got 👑👑💖💖 Rio: i'm so glad you think so Rio: thanks, babe Rio: ain't gonna make a big song and dance and tell everyone but i ain't gonna hide it either Rio: know everyone gonna have an opinion, again Rio: just can't get enough, clearly 😂 Indie: feelin the love that you spoke it to me Indie: the only opinion that counts b that he aint finding no better hoe here, in the 24 or anywhere Indie: facts Rio: You gonna make me cry and they gonna throw me out this boujee ass store Indie: wipe dem tears on 💸💸💸 so they kno you can hang still Rio: 😂 Rio: already gonna be out here wearing someone's college tuition on my finger like Rio: see why people do this more than once, get a nice collection going Indie: mckenna gon 😭😭😭 boy is soft Indie: dont let him hear you chatting bout no round 2 Rio: 😏 Rio: poor baby, don't be mean Indie: catch me getting married never i gotta live this thru you amp bitches Rio: Fair, didn't ever expect I would Indie: gon kick it old school like your nan 👶👶👶👶👶 but no 💍 Rio: 😖 Glad you out here thinking so highly of me bitch 😜 Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Indie: is you got the fear tho for reals or nah? Rio: It's weird Rio: I know it's what I want like I didn't even think about saying nah but Rio: you have every other voice in your head saying it's too quick or we shouldn't even be together at all, you know Indie: i feel it Indie: i got em in mine tryna chat against everything i tryna do all the time Indie: gotta just chat back that they bein dry Rio: Yeah Rio: you right Indie: how we celebratin this?? thats what i wanna be knowing Rio: we should go out for dinner Indie: catch me thirdwheelin over 🍝 soz baby boy 💋 Rio: shh nah, it'll be good, there are some fancy places that do food you'll actually eat so we can live lavish Indie: tell him bring a friend if he rollin w any still 😂😂😏💘😏 Rio: Not tryna get you NONE at my engagement party tah Rio: get you fill o the food tho 😋 Indie: it aint gotta be heavy Indie: been long since anyone meshed me tho so help a hoe out Rio: hmm don't be tryna play addickted Rio: i'll get you a vibrator, like Rio: not to say go fuck yourself but Indie: 😂😂😂😂 when your ma been out for the day & brings home 🎁🎁s like Rio: pah, he'd actually die of embarrassment Indie: when you out your man as vanilla tho Indie: o mckenna Rio: I just don't reckon he wants to think 'bout you meshing Rio: no offence, like Indie: back trecking like its your job baby Indie: 👀 you & his ways Rio: 🙈 den gurl Indie: too late to swerve dat 🏩 Rio: 🙄 just be thankful i never brought it to ours when we was sharing Indie: safe Indie: I kno you in your ☁ rn but when you back cos shit b testing me & dat 2 drink minimum Rio: What's up? Indie: ex-boy got a new 💘 so he tryna pass my shit back but cos i aint there hes @ the squad & they vexed @ me cos of Indie: 💔💔💔💔💔 Rio: 😔 Rio: Are the lads gonna get it or nah Rio: Don't suppose it's worth seeing if Drew still wanna be Dad of the year one last time, like Rio: may as well use him if he's offering, yeah? Indie: things been heated since the 🐕 & what of mine they are holding so like no beef to the lads but idk Indie: am i tryna text him ever tho 😒😒😒 Rio: Yeah, we'll go 'round the houses when I'm back Rio: someone will go get it Rio: don't worry Rio: we won't be long now Indie: & like not tryna still have love for that boy but aint it mad quick miss me for a few after you dash me Rio: It is Rio: but I ain't surprised, it's how lads, esp lads like that, do Rio: doesn't mean it didn't mean nothing to him necessarily Rio: could still be crying 'bout it in your inbox in a few, not trying to give false hope even 'cos fuck him Indie: i dont wanna be hurtin over this no more Indie: gotta get not bothered Rio: I know Rio: fake it 'til you make it, babe Rio: all you can do Indie: innit tho Indie: tell mckenna to buy me bling too thatll help 😂😂😂😂 Rio: 😂 Rio: 'course Indie: not saying he gotta drop a rents worth on the drip like Indie: just how much he feelin Rio: also not tryna be your sisterwife like Indie: no mood Indie: he vanilla but i aint tryna compete w your moves still Rio: Teach you but I'd have to charge Indie: hes on daddy hype too hard i cant be chattin like that to him or no lad soz boy Rio: Don't really put you in any mood but 😒? Rio: Fair Indie: why drop 💸💸💸💸 on therapy when you can spend on 🚬 its all good Rio: It ain't Rio: but we'll make it Indie: you reckon drews gon show w 👶🎁🎁🎁 or imma be repin for the fam? Rio: I don't know if that'd even enter his head Rio: tbh Indie: she could ⛔ us all in a big sweep Indie: me you & him Rio: She could Rio: I don't think she will you though, babe Rio: not like you've done shit wrong Indie: she just aint about me Indie: i feel it w her too Indie: itll b how itll b Rio: yeah but she can't be that petty Rio: even if she wanna Rio: she's a grown ass woman Indie: neither of em out here acting like they grown Indie: why she gonna start when she have this kid Rio: 'cos she'll have to Rio: unlike Drew she can't just pass it around and hope everyone else does it for her Indie: yeah but she know your ma in law got her back & your real Rio: She can't let Bea raise her kid for her Rio: or Ma Rio: anyway, she's got too much pride in everything not related to Drew, trust Indie: tru Rio: I promise, it's gonna be fine Indie: i got trust in you babe thats how im here Rio: 💘💘💘 Indie: dont be letting it slip now you got 💍 Rio: Never Indie: its chill then Indie: what we tryna wear tonite bitch? Rio: got enough trust in me to lemme pick you up some fresh garms or? Indie: hmmm Indie: cos you in a ☁ yeah Indie: theres your engagement gift ✌ Indie: do it how you gonna Rio: 😂 you know I'm good Rio: and no 👗s Rio: not taking the piss Indie: 👀 Indie: no 🤡ing Rio: would I do a thing like that? Indie: nah but mckenna will if he gets pissy you aint shopping for him 😂😂😂 Rio: We already had to treat him 'cos you know Rio: men don't cuffed 'til the day of Indie: you rode him in there say no more 🤐🤐🍾🍾 Rio: 😂 Rio: Not what I meant even but not gonna lie Indie: 😏😏😏 Indie: i been knew Rio: Keeping it unpredictable is our predictable, babe Indie: you out there vibin 😍😍😍 its a day when you can be extra Indie: make most Rio: As if there's a day when I ain't 😉 Rio: At least my Ma can't say shit to me, she was a marriage and 2 kids deep by now with Eds on the way so Indie: his gon get vocal tho man i feel it Indie: 👀 his dad @ me like 😒 how she livin Rio: I know Rio: Hoping they don't notice, like lemme forget which finger this meant to go on Rio: 😬 Indie: she gon be busy @ the business end of her sis when we hit dubs you all good 😂😂😂😂 Indie: & you could always swerve it so the 💎 not facing out when they 👀 Indie: ✌ hacks Rio: am I tryna stop a muggin' or 😂 Rio: you jokes Rio: also never wanna think about her business end thanks 😷 Indie: innit her drum not got dem thin walls like ours 🙏🙏🙏 or they aint vocal how you and mckenna do Rio: Literally can't imagine how this baby came to be Rio: but I'm chill with that, I don't wanna Indie: used that medical shit fr he aint been near her thats how i clue it Rio: i'm creasing rn and can't even explain 'cos nah Indie: serious she that bitch you tryna lips her & she gotta go shower Rio: I know Rio: Childbirth gonna break her 'less she got that c-section on lock Indie: hit her w all the good gear 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Rio: Probably wanna do it without for the brag idk Indie: o snap Indie: truuuuuuuu Rio: She gotta be ready to drop any day, like Indie: 👀 &👂 Indie: we turnin up if she want us or nah Indie: how many mckennas 👶👶s you gon have? Rio: We'll be about, can't avoid School forever Rio: and shut up bitch 😂 Indie: cmon man i kno you 💭 on it Indie: he a pretty boy Rio: nah Rio: i got a life to live babe Indie: your ma been proved you can have it all bitch Indie: birth dem 👶👶s give em posh names & send em to fancy school like they da Rio: yeah n she given me enough sibs to never need my own Rio: not to mention all your drama 😜 Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: im a drama free zone now ty what you sayin Rio: whilst we in this postcode maybe Rio: but not for long babe Indie: nah for long imma be swervin that shit ✌✌ Indie: any postcode Rio: 👏 sounds good to me too Indie: got ink to jog me if i tryna slip Rio: yeah Rio: least you didn't get the M too Indie: like i been said id just put an a on it for that shoutout to my 3 mas baby 💖💖💖 all good Rio: there's always that Rio: if you really want you can add to it Rio: reclaim it, like Indie: hacks Indie: but i aint got no 💸💸💸💸 for Rio: I can pay Rio: or Ma would do it Indie: o yeah Indie: imma hit her up when we home Rio: Have you decided where you gonna be? Indie: mayb w bills cos she 😢💔 idk Rio: Yeah? Indie: if edie back then naaaaah Indie: or if drew been locked up can squat in the flat til it reclaimed Rio: We'll work something out Rio: I'll probably look for a new place Indie: you not gon move in mckennas dubs yard like you own that? Rio: Don't think the rest of 'em would appreciate that like 😏 Indie: other mckenna would rollin in that big drum solo gotta be dry Rio: Yeah still don't think I'm housemate choice no.1 Indie: thats her bad cos you 👑👑👑🔥🔥🔥👑👑👑 Rio: 💘💘💘 Rio: You biased Indie: nah i not Indie: im not here for drew just cos he blood Rio: Anyway, can't be presuming that's how he wanna be living, like Indie: is it? Rio: Yeah, he ain't coming here 'til October imagine if I'd legit moved myself in 😂 Indie: he put a 💍 on it how he not gon be down Rio: that's like rule no 1 init Rio: gotta make sure you've got your own taken care of in case everything goes tits Indie: safe Indie: 👑 moves be like Rio: If I really was probably shoulda said no shouldn't I Rio: kick it like his Ma Indie: if he wants a girl like his ma you need to have a convo Indie: that some freaky shit Rio: 😂 Rio: psych101 would blow your mind Indie: i aint even tyna kno what you mean Indie: old white dudes be cracked Rio: Yeah wouldn't have you buzzin' 'bout your daddy issues Indie: what they sayin bout? i wanna fuck drew now? plot twist fam Rio: you know Rio: we all do but clearly got it twisted 'cos my type ain't ever been my da Rio: no offence boy but Indie: your da be 😍😍😍 god bless Rio: have we swapped? 😂 Indie: he raised me higher than drew done so Indie: daddy caleb come thru Rio: 😷 Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: Such a grown convo Indie: hoe im keepin you grounded Indie: livin that grown life 24 7 w mckenna Rio: tru Rio: it's a madness i should still be in school Rio: i feel so 👵 fr Indie: you is Rio: cheeky cow Rio: meant to hype me not wreck me 😂 Indie: he be too tho Indie: so tamed its a madness Indie: remember how he used roll Rio: well you know Rio: 😻 game so strong Indie: you no need my hype bitch Indie: you know what you done Rio: You reckon Indie: girl aint be gettin a callback you got 💍💎💎 & 💒 hype Indie: he kicked it long distance for you & he aint putting in effort no way fore then Rio: Yeah Rio: ignore me Rio: just the fear init Indie: get a new drink Indie: chase that Rio: 🍾 Indie: check your boy i bet he aint feelin no fear Rio: He wouldn't say if he was Indie: hed chat it to you Indie: that boy always talking Rio: 😂 thought you reckoned he was the strong silent type Indie: that was afore he was my new daddy Indie: now i 👀 Rio: 😏 Poor boy Rio: I'll keep it on the dl, protect his ego Indie: ill keep it uncommon knowledge to protect this roof over Rio: yeah, least wait 'til you safe in the 24 to be rude 😜 Indie: innit Rio: right, we heading back Indie: ✌✌ Indie: in a few Indie: less he wants you all to himself Rio: he already been had that Indie: he gave you 💎 you can give him a day 😂😂😂 Rio: is it? Rio: why you want air? 👀 Indie: jam ma im tryna do you & your mans a solid Indie: fore i 3rd wheel your nite like Indie: aint this bitch in your pocket & way when we rollin in the 24 Rio: hmm Rio: if you're sure Indie: trust Rio: then we'll be back with your garms and the reservation later then Indie: safe Indie: dont be doing anything i aint tryna Indie: 💖💖💖💖💖 Rio: 🧡🧡🧡
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Rio & Indie
Rio: 🎂🎁🎊 Rio: Your Birthday present is here! Rio: And no, it isn't just me with a 🎀 Indie: 💖💖💖💖💖 Rio: Withhold your blatant disappointment on that score and get your glad rags on, baby girl! Rio: I got it sorted for you at XS, whoever you show up with tonight, gonna look the other way when it comes to ID Indie: wicked idea and im mad grateful but and watched you dont get vexed but im gonna have to dash on that Indie: private party happening, innit Rio: Awh 😞 I really can't convince you??? Rio: Who got in there before me and with a better offer Rio: AND HOW Rio: I must know! Indie: nah can't bail on this Indie: rudeboy would never handle it Rio: I know the feeling Rio: so gutted 💔 Rio: won't be right, when'd my baby get so grown? Indie: ive kept him hanging long til the date cos hes got years on me Indie: girl i always been grown Indie: this just a formality like Rio: umm how many years we talking here Indie: idk what am i the feds Indie: jam its chill Rio: yeah bitch it won't be chill when the actual show up Rio: the jailbait nickname ain't meant to be more than that Rio: he's like what, my age, then??? Indie: allow it Indie: you gotta have trust Rio: on no info Rio: i weren't born yesterday Rio: or 15 years ago even Rio: where'd you meet then? name? anything? Indie: you don't need to use me to prove your perv radar still works after the recent blip Rio: alright, fair Rio: but how sneaky you're being says it all so Rio: don't do anything stupid, yeah? Indie: cos i dont want you all in my birthday business Indie: I'm not a kid I can handle my own Rio: Clearly not, if you're meeting up with some random creep Rio: I'm not trying to be all up on you if that's not what you want but I can still see you have a good time with or without Rio: and at the very least, make sure you're safe, standard Indie: weird flex when you want someone to roll with or to score for you Indie: not a kid then innit Indie: and you aren't my ma so stop being extra Rio: Don't be a dick Rio: as if I've ever used you Indie: you and your fam striking at me first Rio: what? Indie: give me air im just shook for my celebrations Rio: don't go Rio: come to the club Rio: i won't even be there Indie: nah i gotta Indie: it'll be off the hook when i get there like Rio: cool Rio: keep me posted, yeah? Indie: when i dont get owned i'll send you an i told you so Indie: 😂 Rio: Cheeky bitch Rio: Just tryna look at for you, smalls Indie: but i didn't ask so you can't tell Indie: dems the rules Rio: I don't have to play by the rules, honey Rio: 🤷 Indie: ✌ Rio: [Later] Rio: Give me one good reason I shouldn't come over there right now and beat his ass back into last century where he came from Indie: me Indie: if you wanna beef with me come through Rio: THIS IS ILLEGAL INDIE Rio: even if it weren't, it's so fucking sketchy Rio: if he's happy to go out WITH A CHILD, who knows what else sick shit he's happy to do Rio: you need to leave now Indie: you a fed now? didnt realise we had a new jakes in the ends Indie: he thinks im 18 so you need to chill and let me get paid Rio: Yeah, sure he does Rio: You don't look it so I'm about as fooled by him as he is you Rio: This is serious Rio: If you want money, I'll give you it, fuck this shit Indie: it's no big thing Indie: we aren't gonna mash its just dinner and drinks Indie: stay out of my way on this Rio: are you mad Rio: who am i suddenly that you think that's even an option Indie: who am i that you think i need to sos you Rio: you never ask for help Rio: but you don't need to for it to be there or be warranted Rio: i'm serious, you don't wanna get in shit for this Rio: you'll be lucky if you've not been clocked by staff and they've got the garda on the way Rio: if they think you're doing more than you are, you're fucked Rio: just leave, please Indie: i'll go cos ive slipped with this posh nosh and am marvin still not cos everythings on top Rio: you swear Rio: 'cos you know I'll come through Indie: im out Indie: stay where you're at Rio: alright Rio: fucking hell girl Indie: don't let it kill your vibe Rio: i'm not bothered about that Rio: what was yours going out like that, like? Indie: 🤑🤑 Rio: of all the ways though, babe Rio: i'd put it behind the bar, like, you woulda been sorted, not that crap at gifts Indie: i dont want yours Rio: why not Rio: it isn't an IOU Indie: cos im trying to earn my own Rio: Then we work out a way that doesn't involve underage sex work Indie: shut up Rio: Come on then babe, sort it out Indie: don't babe or ma me Rio: You acting it, you gonna get it 👶🍼 Indie: in this case never better than too late Indie: leave me out of your guilty parenting Rio: Never Indie: have a word with just yourself then Indie: im out of here too Rio: Catch you later tomorrow Indie: dont know where im be Indie: text me first Rio: will do
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