#idk if noir would like it and this is probably very OOC for him but man I think its cute!!!!
veryfranticdame · 11 months
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This probably doesn't make any sense but its cute okay!!! I like the idea of Hobie making DIY stuff as a love language to his friends!!!!
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ladyofthenoodle · 3 years
season 4 from chat noir’s perspective
aka why it’d be OOC for him to be angry at ladybug rn
an important thing to remember is that, in addition to his fear of losing ladybug that he explains in hack san, per wishmaker, adrien is worried ladybug will replace him as she has been recruiting more temporary heroes
truth and lies: ladybug is stressed and busy. adrien loses his girlfriend after he bailed out several dates and lied about it. per kagami, “He let me down.” he just lost 1 important woman in his life because she couldn’t rely on him or trust him
gang of secrets: doesn’t know ladybug told someone until 11 episodes later, still doesn’t know the details. he does know she doesnt confide in him about what was bothering her, but again does not know much else. he is left to make his own assumptions about why she was upset (a broken heart, he guesses, which is part of it) and why she didn’t confide in him (we don’t know what he thinks of that)
mister pigeon 72: ladybug recruits rena rouge because adrien was turned into a pigeon. this is exactly what happened.
furious fu and sole crusher: pretty standard ladynoir in these eps
queen banana: ladybug recruits a new bee holder to fight an akumatized chloe. chat noir sees firsthand that a replacement bee effectively distracted queen banana and therefore why ladybug had to recruit her, i doubt this really impacted much.
mega leech: they needed the mouse’s specific power. and then defeated it as a team effort because that was the theme of the episode, something adrien probably picked up on since he was there for most of the civilian drama hat led up to it and followed it, though he may or may not have dwelled negatively on the details later (based on the end card, i don’t think he really did at the time, but perhaps he’s rethought it since then).
guiltrip: ladybug recruited another hero because chat noir was too sad to help. an oversimplification, sure, but essentially what happened (especially since his memories while under guiltrip’s influence aren’t likely to be very detailed and objective, remember we’re looking at his POV)
crocoduel: i still don’t exactly get purple tigress’ power but she was cool as hell and i think that sums up chat’s POV too (i know it’s “clout” but like. idk i was not able to apply critical thinking while she was on screen)
optigami: ladybug had to recruit rena rouge and carapace because he was stuck in an elevator. half true, but missing the details that civilian ladybug was also stuck and rena was the one that recruiting carapace. he’s not allowed to know who they are. no idea if chat realizes hawkmoth knows who they are.
sentibubbler: marks the first time chat noir doesn’t know why another hero was brought in and not coincidentally, the first time he’s angry. notably, his anger doesn’t have a target, because he doesn’t know the details. since the previous instances were either that specific hero being needed or him being MIA, he’s probably assuming that ladybug is now preemptively recruiting other heroes if he doesn’t show up immediately and therefore is frustrated with the situation as a whole and probably himself too, but is likely still assuming ladybug had good reason. which she did, even if it wasn’t his original assumption: if chat noir thinks back on this post rocketear, it would immediately be very obvious why rena was there, since he knows all the people in the bubbles were connected to alya.
hack san: chat noir learns someone else knows ladybug’s identity and she recruited them as her replacement without telling him. he doesn’t know the details of when she told scarabella or why and is left to fill in the blanks. he’s probably giving her the benefit of the doubt on that, because adrien doesn’t assume the worst of people, especially people he cares about. he understands, even if it hurts.
so that’s why it would be weird for him to be angry at ladybug in hack-san, since from his POV he’s the one that is unreliable and ladybug is just doing what she has to do. but of course he’s still angry, in general, with no where to direct it, and after rocketear, is starting to question these decisions. idk at this point if he’s going to find out something else that will turn this anger towards ladybug (rena furtive being a permanent holder might do this, but maybe not, depending on how he finds out and rationalizes it). based on wishmaker, his anger in rocketear has already faded to a dull sadness and acceptance, so he might just… give up. but that goes into speculation territory and i just wanted to look at what is actually happening from his pov
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ghostmaggie · 5 years
hey so in your MKAT post (which you’re 100% correct about) you also mention you’ve had some issues with RT in the past. i’m fairly new in the fandom and also watch his other show iZombie, but i wanted to ask what issues they were?? i like to be informed about the media i consume lmao
Oof okay so I'm on mobile and therefore this will probably be more rant-y and opinion-based than you might be looking for, so I invite anyone with opinions or sources or thoughts or contradictions to reply or shoot me asks and I'll share them (plus I'm curious of other thoughts) but,,
Idk if this was clear in my original post, but my issues are mainly contained within the actual show as opposed to things about him irl, because idk that much outside of secondhand info, so take it with a grain of salt I guess, lol
Also, I feel like I need to say that this is really negative about vmars--which, to be clear, is a show I love dearly--and I know sometimes I like to avoid negative commentary on things I enjoy because it gets stuck in my head and ruins my enjoyment. So if that's you, feel free to skip this! I wont be offended and you shouldn't feel bad about it! It's also just one person's opinion, and I'm most definitely not always right :)
So mostly setting aside the brand new season because I have no clue how to talk around spoilers effectively, in short (with spoilers up through the movie and maybe some spoilers for the books and new season, I cant really tell at this point):
(Editor's note post finishing writing: it's not even all my thoughts, but it's not short. Sorry.)
RT shares in the grand tradition of showrunners I do not care for along with Steven Moffat and Jason Rothenberg, for many parallel reasons. Moffat thinks hes cleverer than he really is, jroth is a douche about romance and character motivation, and both are smug jerks who drove me away from shows I used to love, so.
So number one I guess would just be the sense that he really fucking does not care about the fans. It's especially egregious, as I've seen others point out, when he literally would never have gotten his show back (after driving it to the ground) without the LITERAL MONEY donated by devoted fans. I'm not saying you have to do things just because fans want them, but to go out of your way to do things you know fans will hate just to be contrary is,, yeah.
He thinks he's so very smart, and yet his plots are riddled with holes and inconsistencies (hello, Moffat). It speaks, to me, of a lack of respect for everyone involved--fans, writers, actors, crew, critics, just everyone. Write down a timeline. Something. Try.
One of my bigger issues, though, is that the misogyny in vmars is just...beyond appalling. Not just narratively--i understand representing the flaws in society, I guess, but veronica is honestly one of the most misogynistic parts of the show, and she is never ever ever held accountable for it. Ever. The show never sends the message that she's wrong for the atrocious way she treats, to name a few, Madison, Kendall, Gia, and even Carrie during the s1 plot with Adam Scott. The carrie thing is especially fucked up bc iirc the narrative only condemns her for guessing the victim wrong. (As another note, her treatment of other marginalized groups or basically anyone she ever treats badly--logan, Keith, Wallace, weevil, the list goes on--is rarely or never narratively critiqued. Veronica mars can do no wrong, apparently, even when she's obviously wrong.)
She's far from the only example of misyogny, of course--duncan's s2 dream about madonna/whore meg/veronica comes to mind in screaming color, yet donut is somehow treated like a prince forever and ever and v's lost true love even though he's basically the scum of the earth (pardon, my true feelings are coming out a little here).
Somewhat connected is, of course, the show's treatment of rape in general (hi, season 3), but especially Duncan's rape of veronica. I'm still not over the way they walked it back to "not a rape" and took back holding him accountable. I live for all the fanfiction that addresses it, because at least there people remember that, whether he "thought she could consent" or not, he literally thought she was his sister and didnt know. That's uninformed consent at best, babe!
And if that wasn't bad enough, to "resolve" that plotline and then come back at the end of season 2 to be all, "jk! You WERE raped, by SOMEONE ELSE [too]! Enjoy that reenabled trauma, and some chlamidya to boot!"
Speaking of retconned instances of sex, how about that piz/veronica tape that suddenly became full on sex in the movie? Fun times.
My favorite bout of misogynistic writing, you ask? That would have to be "narratively-enforced nicest girl in school who stands by her friends and is sweet and loyal becomes a raging hell bitch yet also the representation of misogynistic virginal innocence because she was knocked up and abandoned by Mr. Narratively-Claimed-to-be-Perfect-but-Actually-the-Worst and completely undergoes a 180 personality change then dies for plot reasons" because holy fucking shit.
Okay sorry I got way more into that than I meant to. I'll try to wrap up.
RT does a very jroth job of treating fans like shit for giving a shit about a romantic relationship he created. He acts like fans are a bunch of stupid girls for caring about romance, but then pushed it at every level of promo to reel us back in. Make up your mind, asshole. It's desperately unfair to bait fans with romantic promo (even in the form of an inane and ooc love triangle) and then snap back with "oooh it's noir, shut up about the romance!"
If that's how you feel, stop making every other plot point and promo about the fucking romance.
RT seems to want to be making a show that he isnt. He wants to be grimdark and angsty and awful, I guess, and while there have been elements of effective darkness throughout vmars, they have been tempered by the show as a whole. That made it (mostly palatable) for people like me. To flip the script now does a disservice to long term fans and does nothing to attract new viewers. If you want to make a different show, make a different show. Don't drive beloved characters into the ground because you're bitter about how your work is perceived post-death of the author.
To wrap up--he hates character growth. He must really hate it. This is dipping a little into the new season, but he just. Won't let anyone develop. Well. Maybe some people. A very few. But not veronica. Never veronica. Because heaven forbid your main character, the person we've followed for 15 years, be anything other than she was at 16. Her personality, her approach to the world, none of it has changed. Which begs the question: what has been the fucking point?
Sorry this is so long. I'm not sure I even answered your question, so feel free to ask me to try again 😂
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