#idk if they were thinking of making her dad sick in s1 and changed their mind
darcyofmine · 11 months
Wait but like I’m rewatching THE BEAR and I’m watching that Marcus/Sydney scene in the last episode of Season 1 and Sydney said something that made me pause.
When Marcus asks her if she’s got a dream spot she says something like « yeah you’ll see it when I open it » and he says « I like the attitude, that’s how you win. » but then Sydney replies with « yeah or lose everything and end up living back with you dad and his stinky CPAP machine ».
And then it just hit me. Her dad is *sick*. I mean he must have sleep apnea at least to require such a device to help him breathe better ? So he definitely has some pulmonary related issues. The medications we all saw and were thinking it’s hers ? Someone already said they’re for her dad. Did anyone see what are the actual prescriptions or if it’s just the usual PPIs used for gastrointestinal stuff (like lanzoprazole etc) ?
So. Yeah….
Idk maybe it’s bc we saw him in season 2 and he didn’t *look* sick but I think the health scare we thought Sydney was gonna have in s3 ? Maybe it will actually be her dad after all and Idk how to feel about that. Like imagine if he has a heart attack or something… poor Sydney :((
And Idk why but I’m having this weird feeling Richie is the one who’s gonna be there for her this time around. Like Idk I just feel like Syd/Richie bestie era is upon us! (I hope so tbh I really love their dynamic!! Not in a shipping type but in a big brother/younger sister vibe or even paternal kinda)
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