#even tho she kinda talks to her in the present tense in this episode as well
darcyofmine · 11 months
Wait but like I’m rewatching THE BEAR and I’m watching that Marcus/Sydney scene in the last episode of Season 1 and Sydney said something that made me pause.
When Marcus asks her if she’s got a dream spot she says something like « yeah you’ll see it when I open it » and he says « I like the attitude, that’s how you win. » but then Sydney replies with « yeah or lose everything and end up living back with you dad and his stinky CPAP machine ».
And then it just hit me. Her dad is *sick*. I mean he must have sleep apnea at least to require such a device to help him breathe better ? So he definitely has some pulmonary related issues. The medications we all saw and were thinking it’s hers ? Someone already said they’re for her dad. Did anyone see what are the actual prescriptions or if it’s just the usual PPIs used for gastrointestinal stuff (like lanzoprazole etc) ?
So. Yeah….
Idk maybe it’s bc we saw him in season 2 and he didn’t *look* sick but I think the health scare we thought Sydney was gonna have in s3 ? Maybe it will actually be her dad after all and Idk how to feel about that. Like imagine if he has a heart attack or something… poor Sydney :((
And Idk why but I’m having this weird feeling Richie is the one who’s gonna be there for her this time around. Like Idk I just feel like Syd/Richie bestie era is upon us! (I hope so tbh I really love their dynamic!! Not in a shipping type but in a big brother/younger sister vibe or even paternal kinda)
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ectora · 3 years
Review episode 312
It’s weird because I enjoyed the episode but most of my comments are actually criticism so bare with me 😂
Overall it was a nice episode to watch. The acting was on point especially for Sarah and Poppy imo they carried this episode but also probably cause they’re the one with the most compelling stories on this one. The episode kinda felt like a filler but honestly that’s because the show is focusing too much on the allergy and we know that’s not gonna be fixed til the end so as long as they make that the main story of the sisters, most episodes are gonna feel like fillers when it comes to them. Macy and Maggie had their own little adventure with a ghost which was funny (again kudo to Sarah), Harry and Mel went on a quest for a soul tho we still have no clue what it actually meant and Abigael was going through her own little traumatic hell in the tomb (Poppy really has been particularly slaying this storyline acting wise ).
Screen time
Abigael: 6m11s
Macy: 17m24s
Mel: 11m15s
Maggie: 18m24s
Harry: 11m03s
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What I liked
Maggie still got the internship and I’m glad back she deserved it. I really don’t dislike Antonio but I’m also glad they kinda made it clear she wasn’t interested and that she finally made progress with her feelings for Jordan.
Abigael. I liked it because it gave us more insight on Abigael’s past (tho I still think they should have given us this earlier). I always theorised that from her childhood, she was obviously scared from the fact her mom never really accepted her demon side which created her deep feeling of rejection and how she was never accepted and never belonged. But I also thought she had some kind of loving family. Like to me these two things were not necessarily contradictory. Well apparently not. Her mom straight out abused her during her childhood. Which definitely explain why she choose the demon side like that. Both her parents were terrible to them but as she said in the past, at least she can understand demon a little but. She can rationalise it base on their nature. When it came from her mom however, it came fully from a place of dislike which must have been very harmful on a child. So obviously when I say I like it I don’t mean I like what her mom did to her, but I really like the insight and explanation. And again, Poppy did an amazing job. She made Abigael feel so vulnerable and scared, and confirmed that, ultimately what Abigael always wanted was acceptance. Which she first needs to give to herself.
Marisol and Macy sharing a scene. I have my issues with how it went which I’ll come to later. But I’m glad it existed and Mads really showed great emotions.
That was a short list because if I did enjoy the episode and there was some highlights I’ll talk about later, I also can’t really pintpoint things I loved.
What I disliked
Harry’s story. I just really don’t like how they make it all about the relationship when it could be so much deeper than that. I also am not sure I like the length to which he’s ready to go for it. Like the entire soul donation is a bit weird to me.
Marisol and Macy. Listen that one made me angry. Maybe it wouldn’t have if Macy actually had other stuff going on than her relationship with Harry but with the way the show has been writing her mostly around her relationship with Harry, it really didn’t come across well to me. The fact we had for the first time a in present tense scene between Macy and Marisol and all they talked about a man has me fuming. Maybe if they had had a longer time to talk. But they had like two minutes and most of it was about men.
The sisters. I don’t like the fact Mel wasn’t there when they were going to connect with their mom. I feel like that should have been a story kept for all three of them. I’m also annoyed that they once again refused to give us some Mel and Macy. I would have liked to see them a bit. Once again that sisterly bond feels like it’s non existent.
Melby. I cannot believe anyone would actually look at them and think yes that’s good. The treatment is absolutely terrible. The buildup was bad - because it was supposed to last - and the fact it’s all off screen is absolutely terrible. Ruby has been in three episode this season. One of them she didn’t actually share a scene with Ruby. The second episode they were full of drama and jealousy and they were so easily breaking up. And suddenly we jump to the I love yous. And were supposed to find that cute ? Like what are we supposed to think they love about each other? The constant breaking ups ? Cause that’s the most consistent thing about them. It kinda feels cheap in the way it’s done ngl.
What doesn’t make sense
Why was Jordan in the description ? I feel they’re kinda trying to avoid putting Abi’s name in the summaries (or at least it feels like it) but like .... Jordan had not reason to even be talked about. He didn’t appear once. It should have been Abi’s name in there.
The pills falling from the pocket Like ... Harry you had literally one job. How exactly did they fall ??
Why did they seem lost until their realised Jordy was a descendant and they could use his soul. Did I miss something saying it needed to be a male descendant ? Cause like ... Gil (Jil ? Idk) was literally right there. (Nevermind apparently I missed them saying « male descendent » my bad dkdjd
How did abi know she was in the tomb. Like I know my girl is smart but like ... she has basically no contact with the sisters at this point so how on earth did she learn how the tomb works and what happens inside ??
The hammer. Listen, don’t ask me why but this picture of abi has been sending me for weeks now and I’ve been wondering the context since I’ve seen it. Like it gives me the biggest dumb bitch energy ever. The fact that abi is a very smart person and just thought a hammer would get her out of the tomb just has me laughing like it’s just too funny to me 😭
“The British hot lady” Swan I understand You
The way Maggie calls for Abi and gets into her apartment. I don’t know why I just love it.
Macy trying to lie to Antonio. Macy’s face when she lies is always a delight.
No but do any of these older generations know what not having an affair even mean? But I mean like father like son I guess.
« Who footnotes a spell » Macy’s face was so funny 😭 she was so done with it.
Not gonna lie. I’m a bit scare about next episode. I think it might be really interesting but also I’m very scare of the execution especially when it comes to Abigael and Macy. I do believe Macy has valid to distrust Abigael. However the show has been terrible at portraying those. And ultimately, especially lately, the sisters and Abigael have barely crossed paths. They’re barely in each other’s lives. All the do is coexist in the same city and interact when demons are involved which isn’t really the case. So right now all abi is doing is keeping the demons in lines. So I’m scared that Macy’s rightful dislike and distrust is almost gonna come across as pettiness or jealousy. But I also think that there is a difference between not trusting Abigael and say she deserves to be in the tomb. Cause at the end of the day past episode 4 what has she really done so terrible that deserves eternal suffering/delusion or whatever the tomb actually does. She’s manipulative and self serving sure but she also helps more than anything. The sisters have actually nothing to win have having Abigael stuck in there. And more to lose.
One theory is that the perfecti are trying to isolate the sisters. Putting abi and Jordan in the tomb is separating them from their allies and helping Harry to lose his powers is taking their guidance/healer away from them.
Another is just that really just have a very strict black and white vision and Abigael being a demon and Jordan helping them makes them automatically in the black category. Which the title seems to be referring to so it’s probably this.
I think the upcoming episode might be a way to introduce the whole controversy around Macy’s demon powers. And slowly bringing up the story of Abigael giving them back to her.
I think it also might be a way to actually have the show approach the wrongs Abigael did in the show. But also the rights. After all, it seems like they’ll need to prove she doesn’t deserve to be in it. Which I personally don’t think she does. Though she definitely did wrong things in her life. So I think they might actually use this as an occasion to have the sisters talk about what she did do that was wrong. And hopefully also highlight that she did help them on multiple occasions.
With the “previously in charmed” it makes it feel like they’re still going with Maggie not knowing Jordan can actually touch her and this doesn’t stop confusing me. But I can see the show have them hug once he’s out of the tomb and then kinda admit their feelings finally and Jordan say something in the lines that he kept it from her because he didn’t want to put pressure on her or that him being able to touch her didn’t change the fact she wanted to focus on herself or something on those lines.
One thing I want to talk about is Abigael. Please don’t read this paragraph if you haven’t heard about the rumours going around. //// The fact is, there is a very strong change Poppy is leaving the show. And the way they made this episode made it very clear Abigael was abused as a child. But that she is also absolutely craving love and acceptance. And that she does love her mom and always wanted her love. I’m very scared that if they make Abigael leave (better than die) they’d make her go back to her sister and family and try to fix their relationship. Which would absolutely be terrible message to give as we literally know now that she was abused. And making a character go back to their abusers because of the trauma it caused (her fear of rejection and inability to actually accept herself) would just be disgusting. But I’m scared that’s the road they’re gonna take.
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anunvalidcritic · 5 years
WATCHMEN (series) EP1
I’ve been meaning to do this show for quite some time now but I was so wrapped up and watching and not commenting on it because it was just that good! But here I am now talking about it and that’s all that matters. Thou this series so far only has 1 season with 9 episode it’s pretty fucking incredible and the cast and crew outdid themselves HANDS DOWN. So anyways I’ll be giving some reactions and thoughts that I have about this episode and the rest to follow as per usual on this blog. Please enjoy {:*) <-- do you get it?}
           It’s Summer and We’re Running Out of Ice
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RORSCHACH is one bad motherfucker!
It’s crazy how ppl complain about subtitles now but just think of the ppl that had to watch the scene first and then read what the fuck was being sad smdh.... y’all bitchies got it made in the shade nowadays
“There will be no mob justice today. TRUST IN THE LAW.” - Black Marshall and the young boy
A siren is going off in the distance, the lady on the piano is fucking up now, and some type of bomb seemed to have hit the building wtf is going on is it some type of war?
TULSA 1921
Oh shit!
Racial injustice and public discrimination of African Americans but white members of the KKK...
The AA family of 3 is running for their lives
They meet up with some friends and they’re told that there isn’t enough room in the car. So the father of the young boy insist that they take their son only. 
While telling his son his final goodbyes he gives him a piece of paper. 
Bro that’s fucked up his parents didn’t even have a fucking chance!
There’s a car accident... the man and the woman are deceased and the boy is fortunate enough to be alive...
“WATCH OVER THIS BOY” - written on the paper
There was a fucking infant in the car bro!
All this shit was because a group of ppl didn’t like the success of a minority community coming up and being successful
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Aye that dude was really bumpin’ to that shit
Damn that light is bright as fuck!
lol PANDA must be dick if he didn’t want to talk to him
“It was a Rorschach mask.” - Police Officer
Bro the fucking dialogue going on in this scene while the office is in the car really had me dyin’ (from laughter)
OFFICER - “Panda come on release my weapon.”
PANDA - “Probability of drugs and/or alcohol in the subject’s vehicle?”
OFFICER - “High.”
PANDA - “Probability of firearms and/or explosives in the subject’s vehicle?”
OFFICER - “High.”
PANDA - “What’s your overall perceived threat leave of this?”
OFFICER - “High. Just... buzz me, okay?”
PANDA - “...Stand by...”
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PANDA took to fucking long!!!! (PANDA is the type of dude that does things by the book.)
That whole traffic stop had me tense af!
BLACK OKLAHOMA (shit was lowkey lit though)
That beat drop though!
Looks like the boss man is getting called in because of the incident. 
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Listen, man, if you don’t like the show can you at least appreciate the dialogue that the show has to offer?!?!
LOOKING GLASS - “Maybe there was something in the truck he didn’t want found.”
CAPTAIN - “Something like what?”
LOOKING GLASS - “There was a head of lettuce in the Sutton’s car. The shooter must’ve tossed it in. I believe it was Romaine.”
CAPTAIN - “...Were there any croutons?”
LOOKING GLASS - “...Not that I could assertain.”
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LOOKING GLASS has the best mask on this show hands down!
It is pretty how the police have to hide their identity from anyone around them. 
The fucking WATCHMEN.... how legendary
Vietnam's a whole fucking state of the USA?!?!?
Is it just me or doesn’t that little boy they keep showing looks like he could be related to the girl that plays X-23?... just me alrighty then...
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Why do I feel as if ANGELA is about to traumatize these kids with a story that happened to her?
LOL the way the teacher
“Did Redfordations pay for it?”/”Your bakery... Did you pay for it with Redfordations?” - TOMMY
Idek what Redfordations are yet but that little boy looks racist lol so I’m not surprised he asked her that question. But he played his part so good for him. 
WTF IS THAT?!?! Are those baby squids?!?! They didn’t even live for that long.
ANGELA doin’ her bad bitch walk while being watched by an old man in a wheelchair. 
Of course, PANDA looks like shit!
“Black Oklahoma was delightful.” - CAPTAIN
LOOKING GLASS was right... she not happy about not being contacted when the incident happened.  
“I got a nose for white supremacy and he smells like Bleach.” - ANGELA
That integration pod is pretty cool lookin’
ANGELA got that man right on the nose when picking him. 
... just tell her what she wants to know man!
Dang, I hope nothing happens to those cows....
Damn so much for hoping the cows would be okay
ROFL the way she’s slapping him!
“They're right under you?” - ANGELA..... These motherfuckers are in the sky!!!!!!!
Wow JUDD was really about to risk both of their lives to get those dudes and he’s laughin’ like that shit ain’t nothin’...
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alright... we’ve got some nice classical music playing...
Wow naked as a jaybird and has that girl rubbin’ his thigh like this ain’t nothin’ new.
Anniversary.... is a fan of Mariah Carey??? (get it because Mariah Carey refers to her birthday as an anniversary... boujee shit)
Proceeds to eat only a forkful of cake
A play in 5 fucking acts?!?!?!?
BLACK OKLAHOMA is the musical that’s the talk of the town... HAMILTON WHO?!? (jkjkjk)
Y’all I just had an epiphany.... in the musical of Oklahoma the “bad guy” character name is JUDD just like the captain... now Idk if that’s foreshadowing but... it's whatever.... for now 
The animation of that show that’s being played for American Hero Story is so damn good.  
Damn this dude really played himself... his wife suggested that he shouldn’t drive...
I’m sorry but once again I don’t think that scene was necessary but then again ig something needed to be put there for that transition my dudes. (kinda fucked up that they had to do it the closet tho DEAD)
“Is this ANGELA ABAR?... Is your father MARCUS ABAR? Big Oak Tree out on Rollin’ Hill somethin’ you need to see there. I know who you are so don’t wear no goddamn mask.” - WHEELCHAIR MAN
That’s probably the coolest fucking headboard to ever be created.
Wow did he really hang that fucking man??
WHEELCHAIR MAN is the boy that survived the TULSA MASSACRE
A good way to end the first episode with the ICONIC blood splatter.
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All the episodes within the series are at least an hour-long so it’s good to binge it. Once again it’s really an amazing series and since the majority of the American population is under quarantine you might as well spend your time watching a show that has an outstanding production value. 
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roominthecastle · 5 years
Ok so since you’re a believer/supporter of Agnes Gate I have this question. Lizzy’s memories were wiped, but how do you explain Red? What does he know/suspect? How do you explain his behavior? Where does he stand in all this? Hope you got my point because I’m sick and I’ve lost my ability to think clearly and transform thoughts into words 🤒😂
*cracks knuckles*
Yes, you’re coming across clearly, anon, these are all valid points/questions, and I hope you’re feeling better.
Now “believer” is a strong word but I do believe there’s enough wiggle room in current show canon to accommodate this theory. In other words (bc I really don’t want anyone to misunderstand me here): there’s still enough story space for this idea to emerge but there is no direct, overt proof that it is there or that it will.
So consider what follows NOT a proof post but a simple, albeit long AF - thought experiment that presupposes two things:
Liz and Red slept together while on the run (canonically that’s the period when Agnes was conceived)
Liz’s memory of this has been either altered or removed by Dr. Krilov
Now, behavior was, in fact, the one thing that initially put me off this theory bc I didn’t think Red would be willing to just step aside if he suspected he might be the baby’s father. BUT the following seasons revealed a couple of good reasons why he would not speak up (Kirk and the never-ending list of other hostiles, Liz’s “I hate your guts” phase, Liz clinging to Tom, Liz’s selective memory - courtesy of Krilov, fake-DG & the issue of the suitcase, an illness).
They also continued to show just how apt both Red and Liz are to not deal with stuff that’s not an immediate threat (e.g. Liz’s ‘I love you’ which they both willingly continue to just not address), and the thing is: despite not contesting paternity in any overt way, Red never actually stepped aside.
I think this paternity issue and its various complications - from Red’s perspective - can be separated into 4 major time blocks:
Even if there’s a reason for Red to think he might be Agnes’ father, I don’t believe he works off anything more than mild suspicions in the S3B–S5A period.
During this time, his relationship with Liz is rapidly unraveling and several other roadblocks and threats emerge that likely discourage him from openly broaching this issue. Then he gets to raise Agnes for 10 months, which provides the perfect opportunity to safely run a paternity test and maybe even another genetic screening (they made a point of telling us that baby Agnes was getting a standard one back in S3 + it was emphasized how having the correct info about her parents’ medical history is crucial for accurate testing - info Tom couldn’t provide). The beginning of Red’s collaboration with Dr. Stark roughly dates back to the time period when he had Agnes with him. If Red has a hereditary (late-onset) illness, he could have been driven to seek a cure once the tests confirmed his suspicions, and he’s now testing it on himself to make sure it works and is safe before giving it to Agnes.
– more on all this behind the cut – (apologies, mobile users)
- [ S3B ] -
Confirmation of the pregnancy is a wedge between Liz and Red, and it’s Red who screws up first when he rejects the baby right off the bat and tries to bury himself in work. It understandably hurts Liz and the tense tone of their interactions begins to snowball. The main issue concerning Red’s behavior in S3B, right after Liz tells him that she’s pregnant and he bounces back from his initial rejection, is that he becomes “suffocating” and more committed than ever to keep her and the baby in his orbit (which also alarms and later sets off Mr. Kaplan). Red has little sense of boundary, he starts isolating Liz, and he barely tolerates Tom’s presence. When he makes an effort to tolerate him, that’s bc he is trying his best to respect Liz’s choices/wishes (just like in “Ruin”) regardless of his own feelings, but it doesn’t prevent him from repeatedly trying to push Tom out of the picture. He saves him from going to prison but he still has a hard time dealing with Liz having a close relationship with him. This also echoes his original plans for Tom: being there for her but also keeping his distance. This, in turn, echoes his original “invisible benefactor” role he cast himself in (and both of them clearly crossed these lines as the years went by – more on this later).
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Despite telling her that he’s known about the pregnancy for some time, Red does not act out until after Liz doesn’t deny that Tom is the father. Red knew about the pregnancy already, he had weeks to vent and get used to the idea, so his spiraling is kind of puzzling unless it’s not the pregnancy itself that sets him off. The only thing he wasn’t sure about was paternity (why?), so the only emotionally logical reason for his weird spiral is that part of him was still hoping that the baby was not Tom’s (tho, in theory, nobody else was in proximity other than the two of them + a more closer look at the timeline reveals that Tom was, in fact, nowhere near Liz when the baby was conceived).
But when Liz didn’t deny it, that’s when it became too much for Red: he didn’t want to have a child (for several reasons) but what he wanted even less was Tom to be confirmed as the father. Then his entire outlook on this subject changes by the end of the episode (after reminding himself how Katarina, too, dreaded having a baby but changed her mind completely). This also brings that Samar/Aram conversation to mind where she tells Aram how being around him changed her attitude towards having children, but now she cannot raise one bc of her condition.
But back to 312 and the “I’m pregnant” moment:
This whole conversation is just weird. Red is tense from the moment he sees Liz at the Post Office, then feeds her the answer to his own question, presenting it as a statement: “I assume Tom is the father.” Why not just give her the opportunity to name him? What this feels like is him giving her an out instead, and his closed-off, prickly, I-am-being-very-inconvenienced-by-this behavior (and Tom’s enthusiasm) is practically willing Liz to take it. And she hesitates for a moment, then instead of saying “yes” she just says, “I haven’t told him yet.” And this is where Red’s barely civil behavior veers into total assholery rejection, then he does a 180 at the end of the episode. By then Liz is sufficiently pissed off and is already pushing him away and sliding back into Tom’s arms. So in many ways ep 312 is where things truly turn and then get worse, and it all happens over Tom, essentially.
After this fallout, we get the episode where Red is thinking back to Josephine who was maneuvered into marrying an abusive scumbag for strategic reasons (as usual, we have parallels too). It was all arranged by a third party, which reminds me of Mr. Kaplan referring to Tom as her “confidant”, which makes me wonder about the extent of their off-screen interaction. Mr. Kaplan was doing everything to tear Red and Liz apart bc she saw that bond as fatal to both and a danger to the baby. Maybe she arranged that 2nd session w/ Krilov (who might have planted images that switched Red and Tom like he did w/ the fire memory where the roles were switched around), then she tipped Tom off, urging him to rekindle his relationship w/ Liz (his proposal was so out of the blue, I still don’t know what to do w/ that).
When Liz wants to give up the baby for adoption, she is told that she has to discuss this with the father, too, as his consent is also needed. Liz says the father is busy with work, then she has 0 conversation about this w/ Tom and goes to Red who, now being very pro having the baby, tries to talk her out of it. He also sabotages Tom’s teacher job and, at the same time, swoops in and presents Liz with a trust fund he set up for the baby, insisting that it’s for the child. As far as symbolic actions go, this one is screaming “I am the provider, not him”. And if it’s not clear enough, he also spells it out by telling her Tom’s not worthy of being her husband and of raising the baby. But it’s too late. Liz rejects him and clings to Tom. She even re-watches the video of Tom being interviewed as a potential adoptive father, which we saw in S1. Liz has been show to chat with potential adoptive parents, so her watching Tom’s adoption agency interview kinda makes it look like she picks Tom to “adopt” Agnes.
S3B is the time period when the threat from Kirk starts emerging. Mr. Kaplan also begins to view Red and Liz’s bond as sth to sever and Red himself as a threat to Agnes, saying that the baby hasn’t even been born yet but is “already paying the price for her association” with him. Then Liz kicks Red out when he asks to see the newborn baby, and soon after Liz’s “death”, Tom tells him that Agnes would only need protection if Red remained in her life. The three of them manage to gaslight Red to such an extent that he completely breaks down. He begins to contemplate ending it all and wanders around, cataloging the reasons.
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And that episode-long contemplation is where we get to see (his version of) Katarina in this exact position, her pain at losing the man she loved at a time when there was so much anger and tension btw them, at not being able to raise her daughter, and all her reasoning for committing suicide (all paralleling Red’s). We can also glimpse Red’s innermost thoughts/feelings regarding Liz, Agnes, and Tom. He says “her mother is dead. All she has is the father.” Somehow he cannot bring himself to call Tom “her father” and this is reflected in future real-life interactions w/ Tom as well, when he switches between calling Agnes “Elizabeth’s child” and “your daughter” in his presence. Liz similarly switches btw calling Agnes “my” and “our” around Tom, and initially she refuses to refer to Agnes as anything but “my baby” even after Tom corrects her. It’s almost like both she and Red need some time to adjust. She does. Red? not so much.
Dom further adds to Red’s crushing guilt by reminding him how his choices doomed Liz like they doomed Katarina before. But then he also reminds him that he still has a reason to live as there are others out there who depend on him (“God help them.” - I LOVE Dom). So Red returns to make sure Agnes is safe and to exact vengeance for Liz’s death, two goals which are tied in his mind as he claims that the only way to protect Agnes is by killing Kirk who’s responsible for Liz’s death. He makes a deal with Tom: he lets him participate in the hunt in exchange for being allowed to spend time with Agnes. Again, this whole exchange has a vibe of negotiating visitation rights.
And Red’s interactions w/ Scottie give us a feel for why he will not argue much in the future when Liz decides to pick her to look after Agnes: Red calls Scottie “a brilliant strategist” who - despite Red’s visceral dislike of her - is a suitable “guard” as long as she believes Agnes to be her granddaughter. So not giving any reason to undermine that belief is in the little girl’s best interest (for now).
- [ S4 ] -
This is a period dedicatedto the overarching theme of “truth vs. appearances”, and we have afew interesting ideas and info snippets introduced that can help furtherexplain Red’s behavior if (he suspects that) Agnes is his.
First of all, we meet Kirkand gain some insight into the relationship dynamics of the past - dynamicswhich reflect those in the present.
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Mirroring is a curiousfeature that’s utilized right at the beginning, in 401. It’s briefly touchedupon (here) but what makes the Red-Kirk-Liz scene especially interesting isthat the mirroring btw this exchange and the Red-Tom-Agnes one in “CapeMay” is not merely visual but also verbal, giving some weight to thesuspicion that they are linked by design. In both scenes we have the“designated dad” in a room with his daughter while the real father(Red is not Liz’s father but in 401 he “stands in” for real Reddington) is separated and looking in from the outside. On top of that, the dialogues are verysimilar, too:
Red (401): Are you okay? || Red (319): She’ll need protection.Kirk (401): Unlike you, I’d never hurt my own daughter. || Tom (319): Only ifyou are in her life.
And to push it even further,Kirk’s words (“What I desire is to raise my child. To watch hergrow.”) reflect Red’s innermost wish he voices in 319: “ I’d giveanything to be a part of that child’s life […] see her, hold her, watch hergrow.” And this also echoes Liz’s fantasy she shares with Red when theyare on the run. And Red’s retort to Kirk in 401 (“She was never yours toraise.”) also matches Red’s dance around the issue of Agnes’ paternity in319 where he refuses to directly call Tom her father, paralleling Katarina’s pain that she feels due to being separated from her daughter.
So I think what we can statewith certainty here is that there is confusion around paternity inboth scenes.
As the season unfolds, we dolearn that Kirk was a “cover dad”, designated as such by Katarina formultiple reasons (that happen to match Liz’s reasons for wanting to“escape” Red in S3 and be with Tom instead):
best chance at a normal life: Kirk did not work as an agent or any kind ofoperative, he had a (relatively) stable life in Russia. Katarina wasmarried to him and they lived together until real Reddington, believing Mashato be his daughter, took their daughter back to the US.
safety: asRed put it, “Your safety was guaranteed because Kirk believed you to behis daughter.” This belief was cemented in by a fake DNA report andentries in Katarina’s journal where she writes about their relief that Mashawon’t be exposed to the genetic illness that plagues Kirk’s family as it canonly be inherited by sons.
“no other path”: despite loving Reddington, Katarina accepted that she was never gonna endup with him. The circumstances were forever against them. This is why she began distancing herself from him and this is why she didn’t want to know ifhe was Masha’s father.
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If Katarina had written apro/con list for her baby, I bet it would have looked a lot like the one Liz wrote, exceptit would have said “Kirk????” instead of “Tom????” But, as Redtold Liz, being Katarina’s husband didn’t make Kirk her father, which is apotentially relevant observation given how Liz kept trying to marry Tom at allcosts to force a “normal family” into existence that was never more than anillusion + how she was trying to distance herself from Red.
Those three main reasons abovealso provided the motivation for a cover-up that Kirk refused to acceptas the truth until multiple tests confirmed it when he fell ill and needed agenetic donation from a blood relative. As Red pointed out, “You saw whatKatarina wanted you to see.” This also echoes Mr. Kaplan’s words to Red atthe end of S3: “You saw what we needed you to see.” which might godeeper than “merely” faking Liz’s death and could be a hint at Kaplan’srole in arranging the 2nd memory manip session with Krilov.
In this season, Red alsostruggles with appearance vs. truth, with the cost/benefit ratio of deceptionsand false assumptions. This happens indirectly when he “auditions” hisnew cleaners in a pristine white apartment where one of his friends wasmurdered. He is both upset and marvels at how clean everything looks –“your cleaners removed even the memory of his blood”.
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This practicality takes on asymbolic meaning as it carries over into Red’s relationship with Mr. Kaplanwhom he calls his confessor: “every trespass I committed, expunged.Cleansed as if it never happened.” Mr. Kaplan claims that Red betrayed Lizand held her “emotionally hostage”. These are rather extreme accusations… unless Red and Liz slept together while on the run and Redconfessed this to Mr. Kaplan. Now that act could be easily and understandablyconsidered trespassing by her, a crossing of a line that never should have beencrossed (= a betrayal). Red felt rage when he learned that Tom had become intimate with Liz. He considered this a betrayal, too, and Tom an immediate threat. He went about correcting the situation the same way Mr. Kaplan goes about correcting Red’s behavior in S3B-S4. Perhaps the trigger was the same type of trespassing too.
Mr. Kaplan makes it her mission to separate Liz and Red,and it all begins back in S3, around the time somebody hired Dr. Krilov to takecertain memories from Liz. Red is very close to directly confessing his feelings for Liz in 302. If he ended up confessing that he’s in love with her and they ended up in bed, that can be considered “a truth” about him that Liz uncovered – a truth that someone who doesn’t want them to be together would definitely object to.
Mr. Kaplan urges Liz to “do what yourmother never had the courage to do: walk away from Raymond.” IF Red and Liz slepttogether and Agnes was the result, then Dr. Krilov’s 2nd memory manipulationdid what Red’s cleaner(s) did in the white apartment: the “trespass” got “expunged”. Even the memory of it.Truth became elusive and assumptions took its place (like “I assume Tom is thefather.”).
Red is trying to complete a white puzzle in the white apartment,which takes on potential relevance after we can hear him compare memory toa jigsaw puzzle in 514. The possible relevance? Maybe he’s wondering (puzzled, if you will ;) why Lizacts as if nothing happened between them on the run, as if her memory of it were wiped clean. And while it is undoubtedly simpler and safer thisway, and it’s best to leave that topic alone, it is hard for him to accept, esp with Tomin the picture and taking on roles Red wishes to be able to fill, roles Liz now rejects him in.
In this episode we can also hear Gale make a pointed, suggestive remarkto Liz about her time with Red in S3A: “What was it like on the run withhim? Did he charm you?” And all this happens while Mr. Kaplan is hell-benton tearing Red and Liz apart for the sake of all of their safety, claiming thatRed’s presence in their lives is a threat to Agnes, Liz, and also to himself.
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Memory manipulation - or the presence of holes in one’s memory - has itsown “footprint” in the show. It usually manifests as images drifting outof focus and echoing voices. There are two instances where this happens to Liz with no apparent reason. One is in 308 when she is in a gas stationbathroom - already pregnant - staring at her reflection in the dirty mirror. The other is in 317when Red marches towards her in the church, calling out her name and interrupting her and Tom’s wedding -both are situations where her baby’s father and her husband are likely on her mind. In317 she even connects the two by saying she wants to build a life with thefather of her child and Red keeps pleading with her to not marry Tom.
We are periodically reminded that Red is a Proust fan, and Proustjust happens to be the author of À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time) - a monumentalexploration of the various connections that web reality, perception, and memorytogether. The concept of involuntary memory originates from this novel series,and we can see this in action on The Blacklist, too, when Liz’sburied memory of the night of the fire gets triggered in 222. It’s also possible that she was close to being triggered in those twoscenes mentioned above, and maybe she won’t even need Krilov’s help in regaining the memories she’s lost the 2nd time as they could also be triggered unexpectedly by the smallest, most random thing - a smell, a taste, a voice, a gesture.
The white apartment incidentalso coincides with Liz, Agnes, and Tom moving to a new apartment. Redhas a hard time adjusting to this change, to no longer being able to see Agneswhenever he wants (and he was visiting her regularly while they were in his safe house, always showing up w/ the request to see her in particular), which brings the downside of deception into focus: separation. And Redstruggles with this despite understanding the safety that lies in it and inhiding truths - something Katarina knew a lot about, as well.
It’s not surprising that he soon starts musingabout the importance of truth (in 412):
“You said something before. The truth doesn’t matter, that the only thing in this world that matters is just the appearance of truth. I fear you might be right about that. Lately I find that the truth has become… so elusive. Often imaginary. But in the end, it’s all that we’re left with, isn’t it? What is real, what you can taste and touch and feel. The words that pass between us as we look each other in the eye are… all we have to hold on to. The truth. I hold it dear.”
then he proceeds to make a cuckoo clock forAgnes in the following episode (x, x). His first remark on how he is no longercomfortable with the idea of dying at any second also pops up in 412, and itgets reaffirmed in 415, in the same episode where the bad guy of the weekexpresses the same sentiment: his reason for clinging to his miserable life is fatherhood andhe wants a family even if he is barred from being physically present in their lives.
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Red faces this issue, too. Tom remains Agnes’ (designated)dad and Liz’s husband while he is now kept away. He stillkeeps prodding that family unit, though, keeps teasing Tom about his pastand keeps involving him in missions to strip away his thin veneer of “normaland safe” to prove to Liz that she is mistaken about him. (sidenote: Tom also“takes over” the sentiment of Liz - and Agnes - being his future; thisis Red’s “thing”, has been since S1)
Meanwhile, Red keepsflip-flopping between accepting Mr. Kaplan’s accusations and rejecting them (“Maybe I am the person you need protection from.” vs “She was wrong to think Elizabeth and Agnes were safer without me in their lives.”). Hecannot seem to make up his mind as others join the chorus of blaming him forhow badly things turned out.
This is also the seasonwhere Red has an awkward and out-of-the-blue exchange with Cooper about thelatter’s sick daughter (414), and in another ep (404) - one featuring a parentand child sharing the same disorder - Red is asked point blank if he has achild with special needs but he doesn’t answer.
His personal struggle with appearancevs truth, however, is temporarily suspended when Liz blindsides him with the DNA test in 422. Despite his visible discomfort, Reddoesn’t correct Liz’s false assumption because it happens to provide theperfect cover he so desperately needs to find the skeleton Mr. Kaplan unearthed.But this strategic move comes with the price of having to keep his silenceabout Agnes for the foreseeable future. Thanks to Mr. Kaplan’s parting gift andCooper’s (accidental?) “antidote” of running that DNA test and providing cover, Red is now backed into a corner where the only way topreserve his secret is by not challenging appearances.
- [ S5A ] -
this block is nestledbetween two high-impact turning points: the DNA test and Tom’s death. The DNAtest locks Red into a false role, that of Liz’s father, which holds throughoutS5 and to a lesser extent in S6. The only reprieve is the 10-month period duringwhich he gets to take on the role of father in Agnes’ life (=inhabiting thetruth). Liz spends this time unconscious, which I find quite symbolic, as well (her being not conscious of his true role).
The DNA test is both a curseand a blessing. Red undoubtedly enjoys the sudden warming of his relationship with Lizbut he clearly does not enjoy her referring to him as “father”. Everytime it happens, we can see him wince, cringe, or glare in silence. But it happensto be the perfect cover for him to keep searching for the skeleton since it preventsLiz from asking the very questions he doesn’t want her to wonder about.
So Liz confrontinghim with the DNA test closes the window of opportunity Red still had in S3B andS4 to contest paternity. This turn of events also forces him to prioritizepreserving his secret over almost everything else (he is only ready to give it up when he thinks Liz’s life is at stake), so the struggle we can see him having in S4 - the onebtw appearances and the truth - promptly takes a back seat as keeping upappearances becomes the #1 strategic necessity.
That being said, Red still onlydoes the bare minimum (= not denying it outright) to play father to Liz. And this time block brings some interesting remarks about geneticsand secrets, which may have more significance than simply serving as empty redherrings until the impostor reveal hits at the end of the season.
Smokeydrops some comments about being “just like daddy” and having “noway to avoid the family curse” because “DNA is what it is.” Onthe surface this ties into the (beyond grating) tendency of some characters to blame-shiftand refuse to take any responsibility for their shitty life choices. But what makesthis exchange stand out is the wording “family curse” becauseKatarina uses a similar phrase (“this accursed disease that has afflicted his family for generations”) to describe Kirk’s condition.In 506, Tom also remarks to Red that “family secrets” always comeout. And now Red is sick and is in need of a pioneering geneticist’s help to find a cure. Somehow I don’t believe this is all just coincidence. + judging from those (brief) (glimpses) we get at Agnes, she is already a lot like her dad. ;)
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Ep 504 in particularhas some curious details because they don’t line up with Red and Liz’s pretendrelationship but they do line up with the idea of Red having “a familycurse” that puts Agnes at risk. In this episode, asoldier gives up her child to get him out of harm’s way, but when the child presentswith an incurable disorder, she takes him from his adoptive parents, thencommits suicide to provide the donor heart needed to save his life. Witnessing this,Red remarks that “given the same circumstances, I’d like to think I’d beas brave as her. I know I’d wanna be.”
And then Tom dies, Liz endsup in a coma, and Red is left to take care of Agnes. If she is his, this 10-month period gives Red the perfect opportunity to finally confirm it and, asI mentioned above, have her tested for whatever disorder he knows he - and thus she too -carries. The timeline is always tricky on this show but by my rough estimateRed invested in Dr. Stark’s gene hacking research around the time he still had Agnes or not long after.
- [ S5B–present ] -
In this period, Red shouldalready have confirmation about paternity, about whether or not Agnes is atrisk, and Dr. Stark is already working on the cure for both. However, theskeleton and all the threats attached are still out there, circling them, and Liz is stillunder the impression that he is her father, which Red cannot push back againstif he is to keep his main secret secret.
We’ve seen how far he is willing to go tokeep his identity hidden, so letting Liz believe he is her father is really notall that out there for this guy. Only life-and-death situations can push him to reveal certain things, so it might be unruly genetics that will end up forcing his hand this time around. If Agnes needs treatment, that’s gonna be tricky to administer w/o somebody eventually noticing.
Red is still in a false role for now but its confines have weakened since he realized that Liz now knows he used to be someoneelse.
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WhenLiz decides to go away for a while and entrusts Agnes to Scottie, Red questionsbut eventually goes along with her decision. “It was what youwanted,” he tells her later on. Even locked in his assumed role hecould have dug his heels in and claimed that he had a say in this matter, but he letLiz make the decisions and respected them. It carried way more risk to let her disappear alone than to let Scottie take Agnes, yet Red did not argue and did notrepeat the mistakes he made in S3B when things got so out of hand, Liz began toresent him and he was genuinely worried he was suffocating her. So he did what everybody toldhim to do in S4: he let her - and Agnes - go. And then she came back to him.
But for now, it is best if Agneshas safe distance from both him and Liz. In 520, Red told Jennifer that she was notabandoned but protected. That’s Agnes, too. Red may detest Scottie but he doesacknowledge that she is an excellent strategist with the skills, insight,motivation, and resources to keep the little girl safe. Shebelieves her to be her granddaughter, which - imo - in Red’s book ensures her loyaltyno matter how he feels about her otherwise. And in ep 512, we can see that Redknows exactly where Agnes is and, knowing him, he has his own invisiblemultilayered security web in place, monitoring everyone in Agnes’ life 24/7 and sendingdaily reports to him.
Whenhe and Liz observe Agnes from a distance at the end of the episode, the topic oftruth once again emerges, making it the third time that Agnes and talk of“the truth” co-occur: one is earlier in this episode (“If I misseven one more day with [Agnes] than is absolutely necessarybecause you’re not being completely honest…”)and the other is the cuckoo clock scene in S4. Red tells Liz heknows how hard this separation is and that they want the same thing here, whichechoes his remark in S4 about how they are in lockstep where Agnesis concerned. It also reminds me ofhis stunned reaction when Liz shares her fantasy with him in S3 (“I’mwalking in a park with my husband. Inbetween usis our little girl. I’mholding her hand in mine… and Inever let go.”). They do want the same thing and they are on the same page about Agnes, but everything else is still in disarray. For now, there is safetyin separation and keeping up appearances, even uncomfortable and painful ones.
In 514, Red gives us and Liz areminder when he points out that in the criminal underworld you can neverreveal how important someone is to you without making them an instant target. Theshow continues to provide examples of this specific danger, and the cases thatdirectly touch upon this topic “borrow” elements from Red’s situation: in518, Mosadek’s son is abducted by business associates because they suspect himof being an informant, and in 610, criminals attempt to extort money from a fatherwhose daughter was born premature with a condition to which there was no cureat the time, so the father came up with one.
Ep605 is extra curious because it features the story of a guy who never knew hisfather and only learned about his identity when he was unexpectedly summoned to the readingof his will. Van Ness was fighting an illness, too, and decided to change hiswill to include his only son that nobody even knew about. His last written message to himwas: “I loved your mother but didn’t have the courage to stay withher.” Van Ness’ seat and vote in an international criminal syndicate are also automaticallytransferred to his heir, making him a target for various reasons. It’s also a reminder of what kind of dangerous entanglements thechildren of international criminals have to deal with once their family ties arerevealed. In this episode, we also get a reminder from Aram that “in arelationship, the truth always comes out.” and Dembe continues toplead with Red to be honest with Liz, tell her the truth and leave the rest to fate. Red, however, stubbornly keeps his silence.
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Theparallels btw Red/Liz and Samar/Aram also continue in S6, and what Samar tells Aram in 613has potential relevance to deciphering Red’s perspective and reasons for not speaking up about Agnes. Samar says that she made peace with the idea that she was never gonna havechildren (back in S3, she told Liz she picked career over family) but meeting Aram changed everything. After that, she wanted nothingmore than to try and balance the two, to build a family with him. But now that she knows she has anirreversible condition, she cannot raise a child, and she feels he deservesmore than what she can give.
Ifeel all these sentiments also play a role in how Red evaluates the possibilities of hisrelationship with Liz (even if Agnes is not his). His initial reaction to the baby was rejection,remarking that a child would make their difficult work infinitely harder. But then he changed his mind. In 319, he confessed that hewould give anything to be able to raise Agnes but he was also painfully aware of the factors preventing him from realizing this wish.“Your baby deserves more than we can provide,”Mr. Kaplan told Liz right at the moment she decided to separate her from Redfor good. This idea also emerges in 614, when Red notices Liz staring at thephoto of herself with Katarina, and tells her that the photo represented everythingKatarina wanted but couldn’t have after she became a hunted woman. Being a fugitive himself, Red facesthe exact same problem. And now he alsohas an illness to overcome, so him having the same attitude as Samar - i.e. writing himself off as notbeing a suitable match and accepting not being with “the one” - feels right on the mark, imo. Katarina also shared in this heartbreak where realReddington and their daughter were concerned. She, too, had to let go of what she really wanted.
bottom line (bc it’s time to wrap this up): everything that’s happened since Liz confronted Red with the pregnancynews has been discouraging him from “coming out” as Agnes’ father:
initial uncertainty regarding paternity
Liz’s growing resentment towards him that culminated in a faked death
Tom + Liz choosing him over and over again coupled w/ Red starting to accept that Tom somehow makes Liz happy while he only manages to bring pain and hardship into her life
the constant threats and Red’s growing worry that he might indeed be athreat to Agnes and Liz
the unexpected DNA report that was also the perfect cover
Red’s emerging health issues
Liz’s missing memories (without which how would he even begin to explain it or have any hope she will not freak completely or worse?)
But we are in a period now where there is tangible improvement regarding these main issues. Red now knows whether or not he’s Agnes’ father, so that uncertainty is gone. Tom is dead. Liz’s resentment subsided and she knows Red is an imposter yet loves him anyway and told him so. He also knows about Krilov’s 2nd interference that explains some of Liz’s behavior. His illnessis being treated, too. But the risks and threats in their lives still remain. For now they are mitigating this by staying away from Agnes, but if theimprovements hold, hopefully the time will come when this issue of paternity - along with some other questions - can be broughtforth and sorted between the two of them.
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callistawolf · 6 years
my Arrow 7x06 thoughts
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That was... a heck of an episode. I spent 3/4 of it upsettingly confused and the last 1/4 of it utterly enthralled. That sort of encapsulates Arrow as a whole, doesn’t it? Like, your average Arrow season these days is 3/4 “what the hell is this all about” and 1/4 “ohhhh my god i get it now, that was AWESOME.” And while I love the awesome, I sorta wish there was more consistency and less relying on the ending to save the whole pie, ya know? 
Anyhow, here we go: 
Poor Anatoly. He was rotten last season but he doesn’t deserve this.
Listen… jerkoff dragon boy. Oliver is in Slabside. He’s already destroyed.
Stan’s still fangirling on Oiver. Just another day in prison.
Poor Oliver expects to see Felicity and gets…. SIREN. What a downgrade. HIS FACE IS SO DISAPPOINTED. 😂
Their bickering pleases me. He’s just SO NOT HERE FOR HER.
I had a moment where I was all “listen, Oliver, stop being a jerk and just let her help get you out of prison” and then I realized how ridiculous it was cuz Siren deserves his scorn.
I have priorities, people. I feel I’m pretty clear about them. Him back with Felicity first, the rest can be dealt with later. 
Okay Siren comparing him to the E2 Oliver is just stupid. it’s not his fault Diaz got away, you dime store villain and you know it.
STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE. I love this song.
Oh good. Flash forwards. 😬🙈
A couple weeks ago. LIKE THREE MAYBE?!? LOL like when the Hozen started up? Coincidence? I THINK NOT. 
Murdered. Hmm.
The Calculator. Hmm.
So not buying this, by the way. It’s a nice story, Dinah, but I’m a bit disappointed you didn’t even TRY to provide any proof of this. 
Also… love the line they’re drawing between this and the current day.
William, how are you believing she’s actually dead? Did he ask Dinah if she SAW THE BODY?! No he did not.
But GOOD ON HIM not stopping now. He’ll find out she’s alive. Eventually. 
THE ENTIRE BRATVA?! 😂that’s… like Curtis having 14 PHDs tho. So yeah no. Nice try. 
Felicity frustrated that Oliver won’t let Laurel represent him… hehe. But, darling, what did you expect?
I don’t like Siren but I still enjoy this teamup. And I enjoy Rene’s incredulous reaction to it. Rene is all of us. YOU TWO ARE FRIENDS NOW?!?
Also: Rene still gets points for helping Felicity. Where’s DIGGLE THO?!
Ahh there’s Dig. And Dinah. AND ANATOLY. and a bomb. YOW.
So it was a trap.
Dig you cannot be upset about Felicity working with Siren given EVERYTHING. Are you kidding me right now?!
And there’s fucknut Curtis worried about his birthday. SMEH. There’s a regrettable villain on the loose and Felicity’s husband is in prison getting lobotomized but LOL YOUR BIRTHDAY IS SUPES IMPORTANT. Asshat. 
Felicity begging Siren is tugging my heartstrings. I FEEL SO BAD FOR MY BABY. FREE HER HUSBAND.
So William knows Zoe pretty well. Easier to move on than hold on. HMM. WHere is Oliver. IS HE DEAD TOO?! LOL
“He’s Oliver’s son.” “That is exactly what worries me.” WHAT HAPPENED. That is literally my first reaction. WHAT HAPPENED A FEW YEARS AGO?!?
Stan is laying this sob story on pretty thick. 😑
Diaz wants to destroy the city. YAWN. THat’s so five seasons ago.
Felicity threatening Anatoly is delightful. But also I’m getting worried for my bae. She’s unraveling. She needs Oliver. 
Felicity… find your sunshine. Too much dark…. is not good. I’m not saying she CAN’T play with the darkness but also that... I don’t want her to do something she’ll regret later. We’ve seen what guilt has done to Oliver. 
FELICITY. You should be more concerned about ANATOLY’S LIFE.
Oh good, Anatoly is fine. Dig… talk to your girl. YOu’ve neglected her too much. SHE NEEDS HELP. LOOK AT HER. THIS IS NOT RIGHT.
Wait. No. You gave up Dig. Don’t rewrite history here.
Okay Dig is pissing me off. Where does he get off judging her? He’s supposed to HELP her, not shame her. 
Siren might not be a real lawyer but she’s making a good case here. At least for me. Then again how can she talk about what it takes to be a hero? YOU A VILLAIN BABY.
But yes, “Oliver Queen deserves to be a free man” I agree with that. I will always agree with that. My priorities are clear here. 
Apologizing to Anatoly is a good start, Felicity.
Also can I just say I LOVE THEM SHARING A SCENE? The me from s2 is THRILLED. Remember when I just wanted Anatoly and Felicity to acknowledge each other??
Uhm this is bad advice Anatoly. Don’t encourage her to kill Diaz. But also... is anyone getting any “flash forward” vibes off this? What did Felicity do in the future? Did she go ruthless?
LOL at Siren going after the judge for not ruling for her.  Pretty villainous.
uh oh… future Felicity is targeting their asses.
That’s a pretty genius way to turn off the security.
Wait… FELICITY was gonna level Star City?! Hahahaha, okay but also... no. If she was, there was a good reason. Otherwise, let’s not just assume the worst DINAH. 
I’m so damn confused. What the hell is going on.
I do like everyone working together in the present though. That’s good to see. For a change. A LITTLE LATE THO. 
This is pretty fraught. I’m tense watching this fight.
OOoh New GA showed up anyhow. YAS.
So the Longbow Hunters get away but they HAVE DIAZ YAS.
Curtis shut up. Looking back over these notes, I have NO idea what this was referencing but I’m sure he deserved it. He always does. He should just always shut up. I’m so beyond done with that guy. LEAVE MY SHOW. 
Poor Felicity. She’s not happy. This doesn’t fix anything for her.
I’m afraid she wanted him dead.
LOL I love when Oliver digs at Siren not being a lawyer.
He’d rather eat shit than thank her, that’s clear. LOL
Does Oliver have Felicity in a box? Is she in the “good” box and he’s gonna not enjoy realizing she’s not in that box at all?
Awww… Felicity gave Anatoly a way to get away. That’s so cute. I love her so much.
“these past few years”. So it hasn’t been 22 years since he’s seen her, guys. There ya go.
I gotta know who Blackstar is. Is it Maya? Tell me it’s Maya. 
“I liked you better with pink hair.” Dammit Diaz. But also LOL everyone liked her pink hair. 
Dude. This is juicy af.
I knew Siren would stop her. Are they like switching alignments or something??
They need Diaz to help Oliver… OHHH A TRADE. OH SHIT.
HAHAH ohhhh nooooo
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So okay. Wow. Those flashforwards were actually not too bad this time. I feel like we got some good information out of them. Some good clues. And GUYS, the FERN was in her little lair and she used Oliver’s favorite training method as a security protocol and there’s just OLICITY stamped all over this. I love my ship. Their impact. Wow. 
Also, how amazing is it that Felicity is such a FOCUS right now? In the present AND in the future? It’s just... incredible. We are truly watching Felicity and Friends right now and I could not be happier. That said the “friends” are kinda... that’s pushing it. About 70% of these people could be doing a LOT MORE. Especially Diggle. I want my old Dig back. Why is he acting like this?? GAH. Anyhow. So good. Next week: prison hijinks. For the last time, hopefully. 
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shooting-the-walls · 5 years
The Empty Hearse: my inner monologue because I like writing these
I would just like to point out before we get going that I was rather a latecomer to this fandom. I got into it just as Season 4 was released, so early 2017. When this episode was released in 2014 I was only 10 years old!!! Still probably my favourite fandom though, the one I always find myself returning to.
Anyways, on with my crazy monologue!!
• We stan a quick rundown of the Depression of the Century
• #creepymaskmuch
• Molly be like "oh damn"
• Uno reverse bitches!!!
• Molly be like "YAAAAS"
• I'm sorry can we just acknowledge how hot the window jump is
• Bet John wished he could be Molly in that sitch XD
• Still feel so sorry for John :(
• Greg is so fucking done with Anderson's theories XD
• "You're a guilty lil bitch Anderson, stfu": Lestrade 2k14
• "I BelIEVe iN sHErloCK HOLmeS"
• Eyyyyyyy Sherlock is not guilty!!!! (Obvs)
• When depression hits, get a (terrible) moustache bitches
• Ooooo helicopters and running, Mission Impossible style
• When you just..... give the fuck up
• When you can't stand that screaming so you just turn your music up
• I mean torture is pretty harsh man
• Of course Sherlock would deduce his way out XD
• When Mycroft just doesn't give a Single Shit
• John be like "nah imma just stare at this wall"
• Mycroft's got a fancy fucking office guys
• John stop tryna be Sherlock with your terrible imitation coat and scarf
• Mrs Hudson always cares for her adoptive sons, but she does with high sarcasm and sass
• Mycroft, why does your office look like a torture chamber??
• Benedict is HOT Jesus
• "Definitely. Enjoying it.": You! Don't! Appreciate! Your! Brother!
• Anthea prefers Sherlock to Mycroft, they have bitch sessions about him pass it on lol
• Mrs Hudson is so sassy and honest XD
• John you fucking liar you're not sorry
• Mycroft is so Done with his little brother XD
• Sherlock, stop personifying London dude
• "Yes, we meet up every Friday for fish and chips": Mycroft, the sarcasm is not needed
• Mrs Hudson is such a fucking Queen
• "What's his name?"
• "Sherlock was not my boyfriend": YES HE FUCKING WAS SHUT UP
• "I AM NOT GAY": wow, denial is high there John
• Mrs Hudson ships Johnlock more than the rest of the fandom combined XD
• Mycroft: "oh yeah but the other wine is like so much better. Anyways, your bff hates you now byeeeee"
• Sherlock is such a fucking little twat when he wants to be lol
• "Would I suggest you look at this menus, it's... completely identical"
• The way he's just tryna be like "look at meeeeeeee" and John gives not a single fuck
• "Surprise me" "certainly endeavouring to, sir"
• Awwwwwww hey Mary
• John is such an awkward lil hedgehog
• Mary: I agree I'm the best thing that could have happened to you
John: bitch you're not Sherlock
• Oh damn. OH DAMN.
• John just having a mini mental breakdown here
• "Short version. Not dead."
• John looks like he's about to kill someone (preferably Sherlock)
• "Oh God" "Not quite"
• The look in Sherlock's eyes when he realises that John isn't happy to see him
• #deflectiontechniques
• In the cafe, Sherlock just looks like a kid that's like 2 hours late home
• "You know for a genius you can be remarkably thick"
• "That's a little more difficult to explain" "I've got all night bitch"
• "Just your brother, Molly and a hundred tramps"
• I love that they end up in a chip shop XD
• John, your moustache is terrible. Accept it lol
• "One word to let me know that you were alive"
• Mary just laughing her head off in the corner XD
• Sherlock: BITCH STFU IT'S A SECRET (whilst entire chip shop is listening in)
• *headbutt*
• "I said sorry, isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
• Mary knows what's up BUT SHE A LIAR
• Honestly don't know why Mollie looks so shocked, like she knew he was alive
• Greg is just like a proud Papa
• "Oo you bastard!"
• Sherlock being vaguely confused/irritated by a hug XD
• BBC, can we talk about the random shot of the back of Una Stubbs' throat?
• Anderson just doesn't ship Sheriarty XD
• Think the Chip Shop Argument got spilled lol
• Mary is having the time of her life reading the blog XD
• Mary really ships the boys right from the start lol
• "I don't shave for Sherlock Holmes" "You should put that on a t-shirt"
• The terror alert is on critical and these bitches are just playing chess
• Ngl, missed the burgundy dressing gown
• "Oh bugger!"
• Mycroft be so defensive
• "Both of us thought you were an idiot, Sherlock. We had nothing else to go on until we met other children" "Oh yes, that was a mistake" "ghastly. What were they thinking of?" "Probably something about making friends": I feel SO sorry for the Holmes parents XD
• Mycroft, I think your brother is trying to set you up with a lil someone (
• "Change the subject. Now"
• Mrs Hudson: :)
• "He's pleased to see you underneath all that--" "Which of us??" "Both of you"
• Sherlock straight in there with the gender equality
• Sherlock: Icelandic sheep wool bitch
Mrs Hudson: ah yes, because the world need a blog on that -_-
• "I'm not lonely": yes you are stfu
• I love the wink to Mrs Hudson :)
• Mrs Hudson really wants her boys back lol
• Loving the use of transitions to show how much of a dick John is being to Sherlock lol
• "Have dinner?" "Solve crimes?"
• Molly knows she's replacing John really
• "Weight loss, hair dye, botox, affair, lawyer. Next!"
• Sherlock is so gentle with the poor woman :)
• John is so fucking convinced he's right, but it's kinda sad that he doesn't think Sherlock will respect his personal space (because he never has before): JOHN SUBCONSCIOUSLY WANTS SHERLOCK THERE
• Can we just agree that Sherlock is such a sweetie and that it is heartbreaking that John is now his awful internal monologue because he's convinced he hates him after how he reacted once he returned?
• Lestrade just being a concerned dad in the background
• Molly and Lestrade are both just so spooked out
• *dramatically blows dust off book*
• HE WANTS JOHN BACK SO BAD awwwwwwwwwwwwww
• Quick aside, but I have a friend who is a train fanatic (he's coming to prom on a steam thingy) and the train dude reminds me of him lol
• "Excuse you": JOHN YOU SASSY QUEEN
• John: Makin' my way downtown, walkin' fast, getting kidnapped and I fall down
• "Did you get him off a murder charge" "Nope helped him put up some shelves"
• "Do you fancy chips?": HANG ON A MOMENT. In S4E2 Sherlock states that "You're suicidal you're allowed chips. Trust me I should know". Does that mean..... oh Jesus, Sherlock, you little sweetie, you need to talk to someone
• *when you wake up after a night out and you don't know where the fuck you are*
• Sherlock is just immediately alert like: wtf is wrong with my John
• The chips just... don't matter, okay
• When you steal a motorbike to help your bff
• Ngl having the little kid right at the front is real creepy
• But like can you imagine Sherlock and John going to bonfire nights with Rosie when she's a bit older and both of them being dead tense as they watch the bonfire being lit?
• The fact Sherlock figures it out JUST as the bonfire lights up: PERFECT
• Sherlock, with a complete disregard for his own safety: *jumps into a fire and drags John out before tearfully begging him to be okay*
Hetero shippers: ah yes, what a good male friendship
• I love Sherlock's face lol: he is SO done
• Sherlock totally resembles his mother in terms of personality
• I think the fact this is Benedict's parents makes that scene a million times better: do you think that's how he wants to act during the small talk sometimes XD
• Mr Holmes just looks so Done, and Mrs Holmes is just like "fuck it I'm used to this"
• "She worries!": well of course she bloody does, one son is the British Government, the other is a recovering drug addict who solves crimes as an alternative to getting high and her daughter is locked up in a secret facility
• "Promise?" "...promise": HE LOVES HIS MUM AND DAD REALLY
• Tbf John, you couldn't expect the poor guy to lead his parents on like that, really
• John stop making bad puns
• "Is it to get to you through me?": JOHN KNOWS WHAT'S UP
• Awwwwww he's got his John back and he's just so happy
• Aw c'mon, you've gotta admit that a bit of Sherlock's massive concern is for his brother being in parliament that night
• "Illegal!" "A bit": yeah, like this is anything new tho John XD
• "I don't understand" "well that's a first": JOHN LIVES ARE AT STAKE STOP BEING A SASSY BITCH
• *sudden flashback to the great game and the painting*
• I actually love the scene in the train carriage so much, because even though it ends up with Sherlock being a little bastard to get John to admit his feelings, I like how it demonstrates that everyone expects Sherlock to know everything all the time, and that's a very unrealistic expectation: despite the fact he hates it, he is only human, and I think this scene nicely acknowledges that
• Two bros, chilling in a tube train, trying not to freak out cos they might die!
• Sherlock: ooooopppsss, John, might have just set off this fucking bomb :/
• "Mind palace!"
• "You think I've just got how to diffuse a bomb tucked away in there!?" "YES!" "...maybe"
• Sherlock may be a little bitch but you have to admit he's a bloody good actor
• John, the whole way through the tube scene: wtf wtf wtf wtf
• "I wanted you not to be dead!" "Well, be careful what you wish for": Sherlock, sweetie, it almost sounds like you wish you were dead.....
• I wanna know what that information Mycroft gave Moriarty was
• "His death wish": yeah, let's be honest Moriarty was just like "I crave heckety heck death"
• How difficult do you thunk Sherlock found it up on that roof, having to tell John all of that??
• You've gotta admit that it was a pretty good plan
• You can bet that all the conspiracy theories were on Anderson's wall XD
• "You COCK"
• "You said such nice things, I never knew you cared :)"
• "I will kill you if you EVER-" "scouts honour" "BREATHE A WORD OF THIS ANYONE"
• "Terrorists can get into a lot of trouble if they don't have an off switch"
• "Oh please, killing me. That was so 2 years ago": WE STAN
• Mycroft is just so desperate to get out of Les Mis: "but the pain. The HORROR"
• Lestrade just seems a little disappointed
• John tryna act surprised at Tom XD
• SHERLOCK'S FACE (the memeeeessss lol)
• Sherlock is just so determined
• Sherlock: oh yeah heard your graveside speech btw, super sweet
0 notes
Sports Festival Arc
Okay so I’ve just decided to talk about each episode individually since so much happens in them and I have a lot of things to say that nobody cares about ANYWAY MOVING ON here you go!
Episode 14: That’s The Idea, Ochaco
•Can we talk about how Todoroki had the prettiest animation in the intro please???
•Aizawa shows up like I LIVED BITCH we love one grumpy crippled old man (reminds me of this English teacher I had who showed up to class after breaking 3 ribs and couldn’t laugh or move and was in visible pain while teaching, Professor Saunders if you ever see this please just take a day off my dude)
•Mido: “Mineta don’t you know how important the Sports Festival is?”
Mineta: “yes but I just don’t want to get MURDERED”
...you know what he has a point
•Jirou to Kami: “most people miss their chance and end up just staying sidekicks. You know what that’s probably what’ll happen to you. You’re kinda dumb” BRUH SHE DIDNT HAVE TO MURDER DENKI LIKE THAT
•Kirishima being so excited for the Sports Festival is so cute I’m gonna cry
•Ojirou and Hagakure are so fucking ADORABLE
•Uraraka getting all pumped up/ ragey and Mineta being ✖️Mineta✖️ and Tsuyu just straight up SMACKING HIM IMMEDIATELY I LOVE HER COLD BLOODED ASS
•“YOUNG MIDORIYA!!!...do you want to eat with me?” I LOVE DADMIGHT
•Todoroki eavesdropping on Uraraka and Iida talking about Mido/All Might: Secret Child Theories activated
Episode 15: Roaring Sports Festival
•TESTUTESTU!!! loving the other classes showing up like fuck y’all 1A bitchass nerds right now honestly
•Kiri stop thirsting for Bakugou when he’s being an ass we get it, you’re gay and love an angry Pomeranian also WHY ARE YOU JUST STRAIGHT UP JUMPING OFF A BUILDING BOI WHAT IS YOU DOIIINNNNGGGGG ROCKS CAN STILL B R E A K
•Todoroki you dramatic hoe I love you but just. Take a nap. “We’Re nOt hEre To MakE FriEnDs” bitch you soft, shut up
•I’m genuinely curious what exactly is Midnight’s quirk? She’s the “R rated Pro Hero” but like...what is it? Is she just Super Sexy? Is it the pheromone thing that makes people think she’s sexy/ feeling aroused? Like what is her power exactly?
•”I just wanna say...I’m gonna win” KACCHAN HONEY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
•Todoroki freezing EVERYTHING and being unimpressed by the giant robots sweetie you’re so extra
•Birth of Icy Hot Bastard nickname
•Mineta got fuckin MURKED MAN lmao at least he tried
•Mama Midoriya is Best Mom she worries so much
Episode 16: In Their Own Quirky Ways
•KIRI BREAKING THROUGH THE FUCKING ROBOT SCREAMING IM ALIVE HOLY FUCK (Also Testu bursting through too. Intro to the Hard Boi Twins)
•Lets go Sero and Tokoyami!!
•All Might’s little YES watching Mido using the robot part as a launcher for the explosion warms my heart he’s so proud of his boy
•”THIS JUST IN ERASURE HEAD IS A TERRIBLE TEACHER” “wait wHAT” I love 2 chaotic teachers
•Shiggy you’re gross please invest in some cortisone skin cream it majorly helps my eczema it can help you too sweetie
•”the 1st place winner is worth...10 MILLION” Everybody around Mido: Activate Instant Kill
Midoriya my boy rUN
Episode 17: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
•”Wait, remind me of your quirks again. And your names” Bakugou I’m gonna kick your entitled ass square up babe
•Kiri we get it you want Bakugou to top you. Also I love how Bakugou’s just like let’s fucKIN GOOO SHITTY HAIR
•Iida I love your dramatic over-energetic ass so much
“YOURE SO CLOSE TO ME WHO ARE YOU???” Hatsume please. Take a dozen chill pills
•Ah. There he is. Monoma. Rat Boi 3000. Let’s go babey
•Ah. Cue the Daddy Drama
•This game is just Kill Midoriya, huh
•Monoma is a pro monologuer and honestly? I respect that. But then again it doesn’t take much to get Bakugou riled up
Episode 18: Cavalry Battle Finale
•Shouji is a SCARY BADASS and deserves more acknowledgement
•no matter your opinion on him, Monoma is an interesting character and has a REALLY COOL QUIRK
•Endeavor? Just. Shut up
•Bakugou- I am powered by rage and nothing else
•”Has anyone seen Deku?”
Todoroki: tragic backstory time
Episode 19: The Boy Born With Everything
•Yo FUCK Endeavor lives, man
•Mido ”so why did you bring me here”
Todo ”...soooo THIS IS THE STORY ALL ABOUT WHY I’m depressed/ also are you All Might’s secret love child or something?”
•Okay but All Might asking Endeavor on how to raise a powerful child I’m cackling. But the more Enji talks, the more All Might’s just like “what the fuck are you doing to your kid??”
•Todoroki’s whole monologue is literally just him over sharing and rambling about his trauma I love it
•Bakugou why you being such a creep boo
•Midoriya telling his friends/rivals “I’m gonna beat you” is basically just his equivalent of “I have a crush on you” change my mind
•Kaminari. I’m disappointed in you. I expected the uniforms from Mineta but come on dude
•Ojirou is so PURE long live Tail Boi he is also too under appreciated and he is just. So good
•Kendo is best girl Class 1B
•”Uraraka? Who the hells that?” Bakugou don’t be fuKING RUDE
•Midoriya what did Ojirou fucking TELL YOU
EPISODE 20: Victory or Defeat
•Dadzawa activated, time to adopt a Sleepy Boy into the Hero Course
•Complete BAMF Midoriya has been UNLOCKED PEOPLE
•Poor Shinsou when he goes “im used to people thinking I’m a bad guy” I just couldn’t NOT think of Billie Eilish IM SORRY now I have Bad Guy stuck in my head YOU DID SO GOOD BABY IM PROUD OF YOU
•”Spooky IM A GHOST???” God I love All Might
•”Stop rebelling Shouto”
“It’s NoT a PhaSe DaD”
•Todoroki did you have to go so HARD BRUH WHAT THE FUCK YOU DEPRESSED SHOW OFF
Episode 21: Battle On, Challengers!
•Lmao get wrecked Denki
•Mama Kendo to the rescue come get yo kids
•Everyone at Mido, Please. Shut the fuck up and stop being CREEPY
•Midnight. Please stop lusting over your students it’s gross
•Hatsume played Iida like a fiddle and I’m crying baby boy tried so hard
•Poor Momo
•Bakubabe you’re so UGLY I can’t why is your face like that
Episode 22: Bakugou VS. Uraraka
•”Pink Cheeks” Bakugou just learn your classmates names it’s not that hard
•Ochaco is so fucking STRONG
•”like I always suspected. Bakugou’s a total sadist” sometimes Mineta is just. Accurate.
•Can we please talk about how Aizawa was just like “The FUCK are y’all talking about Bakugou is doing what he’s supposed to do in these games it doesn’t matter if his opponents a girl or not y’all are DUMB” like THANK YOU AIZAWA
•Mic has no chill I miss him real talk we don’t get enough Present Mic
•”You’re wrong Kacchan” YOU TELL HIM MIDO
•Bakubitch may be a little much sometimes and I get why a lot of people don’t like him but he does understand his classmates ARE also strong and powerful and you know he respects them in his own weird way even though he’ll never admit it
•We love supportive parents (Ochaco’s parents. Fuck Endeavor. Just leave these kids aloonnneeeee you asshat)
•”I’m not worried about a couple of kids” you’re clearly not worried about your crusty skin either Shiggy learn some priorities
Episode 23: Shoto Todoroki: Origin
•All that power in one little fucking finger what the FUCK Mido also PLEASE STOP BREAKING YOUR BONES “I’ve only got 6 more chances” well there go your fucking hands my dude
•Aaaaand there goes your arm
•”You haven’t been able to put a single scratch on me yet, Todoroki” you’re doing a pretty good job of that by yourself Midoriya
•Baby Shouto kills me every time IM GONNA FIGHT ENDEAVOR
•Shouji grabbing Mineta by the leg so that he doesn’t fly away oh my god
•Endeavor and All Might come get y’all kids
•Midoriya’s fuckin dead rest in fucking pieces you masochist
Episode 24: Fight On, Iida
•Okay but why is Endeavor such a fucking Brick House holy fuck absolute unit of pure shit
•”In his first match he looked so sad. I was trying to figure out why...” it’s because you have a crush Mido
•And the first of many scars appears
•Recovery Girl is right and she should say it
•All Might said Quirkless Rights send tweet
•Highkey completely forgot about Stain OH WAIT THAT MEANS THE INTERNSHIPS ARE NEXT I really forgot the whole timeline wow
•Explosion Boy vs. Shitty Hair I love competitive boyfriends but Jesus Bakugou
•Testu cheering for his new friend tho? That’s the content I love to see
•Legacy Children Battle (Iida vs. Todoroki)
•”I didn’t know he couldn’t kick like that” he is ALL LEGS that’s literally his quirk Denki what do you mean
•Anybody fighting Todoroki: time to drag a Sad Bitch
•Bruh why did Iida tense up like that was your phone up your ass dude???
•Yo Stain is ugly as fuck
Episode 25: Todoroki VS. Bakugou
•Lmao Midoriya literally triggered Todoroki into using his Left Side
•And Todoroki triggered Bakugou by asking about his past friendship with Midoriya these boys are a MESS
•oh look it’s a Fucking Fire Gremlin
•oh my GOD Endeavor shut UUPPPP
•Everyone listening to Bakugou go off at Todoroki: ...please seek some therapy
•The first time I saw this I highkey thought Bakugou actually killed Todoroki.
•Bakugou going feral for winning I can’t he literally looks like a trapped wolf
•We respect Tokoyami in this house
•About Bakugou ”Look at that face” I’d really rather not
•I’m sorry but Mineta sitting on Shouji’s shoulders is actually adorable
•Iida running through the hospital to his brother: It’s Loss
•I love the Iida Brothers so. Fucking. MUCH
•Shouto I’m so proud of you sweetheart
•Honestly I need more family stuff they’re all so interesting in their own ways and it’s a nice reminder that yes these are just kids and they have lives outside of hero school
SO that wraps up the Sports Festival Arc! I’m going to do the second half of Season 2/ The Internship Arc/ Final Exams all in one post so get ready for another long one ✌🏽
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girlwiththeglow · 6 years
Continuation of LoK Rewatch/Recap Book 1 Eps 6-12
One of the first things I did when I started this blog back in 2013 was to do a LoK rewatch/recap while waiting for Book 2 to begin (the wait for that was BRUTAL as hell btw) I had done up to episode 5 I believe in separate posts.
As I just finished rewatching Book 1 yesterday (20th time? lost count) I felt a small push within me to continue where I left off as I did have every intention to finish it but BOOK 2 excitement pushed that aside and well.... I never ended up finishing them. I suppose I’ll just sum it up briefly in one post just so I can get all my thoughts out of the way.
With 5 already written (check my first archive July-August 2013) I’ll just continue with 6-12. SPOILERS ahead....
EPISODE 6:- “...And The Winner Is...”
~ So, the standout of the episode is of course the REAL MVP that is Korra. Moments spanning from that sneaky power move to Tahno’s face with that water kick (slo-mo camera and separate angle and her “SUCK IT” expression); where she was hanging off the ring, holding up herself AND Mako and flinging him back in there and last but DEFINITELY not least, that badass fight between her and Amon’s Lieutenant where she held up her own and generally kicked ass in a proper one-on-one fight. There was also so much determination in her eyes when she saw Amon (and this was AFTER her last encounter where she was really scared that time he ambushed her) even in the face of that, fierce Korra unleashed that fire punch knocking Amon’s henchmen OUUUTTTT. That’s my girl!
~ Did I mention Tahno was a little bitch? Even though karma came calling for him and his cheating teammates...  THAT FACE still haunts me. Generally, this episode raised the stakes where Amon’s plans are concerned, where the public (and audience) is now well aware of his growing power and the ever-increasing threat he brings to benders. Lin Beifong too I remember just being like HELL YEAH, she and Korra teaming up - Lin especially showing off that she is quite capable with her metalbending - and her quietly growing respect for her was also a big highlight for me. I definitely remember feeling so tense and this exhilarating rush after this ep. This feeling of anything can happen and it was amazing overall.
EPISODE 7:- “The Aftermath”
~ A lot also happens in this eventful episode... Hiroshi Sato revealed to be the Equalists’ benefactor, Asami uncovering the truth and truly realizing the deep hatred and bigotry he has been harboring for benders all this time and... that tense moment where we weren’t sure if she was gonna join him or turn against him and ultimately making the latter decision... maybe it wasn’t too surprising but I feel like how it was executed with her just zapping them and using her self-defense to quickly take them down was kind of a jaw-dropper. We were never really sure and then it just kind of happens. (Part of me wonders if Bryke had stuck to their original decision to have Asami indoctrinated all this time and only befriended the team in order to betray them - and possibly, having to make the decision to become good and redeem herself throughout - if that would have made her more interesting. I feel like it would have given her a better arc throughout the Books and then the love triangle would have been handled differently for sure.) The unexplored angles JUST MAKE ME WONDER....
~ It was cool to see Korra accept that there was more to Asami than what she originally perceived (and for us too) and just added another compassionate layer to Korra, as she genuinely felt empathy for her in this unfortunate situation, even when she didn’t want to be right. At the end of the day, it was her duty to carry out her suspicions for the safety of Republic City... even at the cost of her friendships... it’s a tough call. In the end, Korra selflessly looks out for the team  with the open invitation for all of them to stay at Air Temple Island.
~ Action scenes in this ep, once again, just great. Tenzin using his airbending to dispatch the mecha-tanks, Lin using her metal spikes to crush them... they were on point.
~ This EP. OH EM GEE. This ep! It was one of those heart-pounding episodes that actually kept giving you chills especially after the end. Noone could have foreseen the way this ep was gonna go... and it was frickin’ crazy/nerve-wracking.
~ The new Team Avatar was formed for the first time and it was really cool to see Korra have her friends’ support after she felt like a failure for not mastering airbending and feeling alone and burdened. The look of hurt and helplessness when Tarrlok called her out... she deserved a hug. They all worked well together and I enjoyed their action scenes in the car. Tarrlok’s plan to arrest them in order to get to Korra... how snaky can this one man be? I was about ready for his ass to be handed to him. Korra was about ready to let him have it then, with some pavements aimed to “say hello” to his face, however Mako was able to eventually talk her out of it before she too got arrested. The man was going after innocent people, locking off their power and trying to arrest them because they were out of their houses after curfew. Wicked man I tell ya.... and Tarrlok was well aware this would play right into his hands as we see when she goes to eventually confront him, frustrated with the inactions of the WORST CHIEF OF POLICE EVER...!!
~ That fight tho. Sure, we saw that steely, take-no-prisoners look when Korra confronted Tarrlok and we knew one way or another, she was gonna make sure she got her way. HOWEVER, Tarrlok was clearly SO rattled by her comparing him to Amon, he was OUT FOR BLOOD attacking her first. It was looking bad when she was getting scraped up his icicles and boy it just escalated from there.... ideally though, Tarrlok was NO MATCH for Korra’s sheer power and when we saw her use her earthbending and firebending and he had no water... I wondered if she was gonna burn his face off..... AND THENNNN.....THAT PAUSE. We knew SOMETHING was off, and then when he started moving her like a puppet and her groaning in pain, it allll became so clear and it was horrifying. Those final scenes were unsettling... he threw her like a rag doll against the wall and she was helpless to do anything. And that whole part about “never seeing Republic City again” and her just screaming in the back of the truck while he drove off.... And that whole camera panning up to the sky showing that it wasn’t a full moon..... and credits. CHILLS.
~ I really liked this episode. There were some surprising revelations and familiar appearances with flashback scenes that served to connect the past to the present. I liked that while Korra was meditating on Aang’s past (loved seeing the Gaang btw) to uncover what he had been hinting from earlier eps, the other subplot was spent focusing on everyone trying to find and rescue Korra.
~ Loved seeing Korra use her natural intellect and instincts to discover the truth about Tarrlok (being Yakone’s son) through finally connecting to Aang and of course when she overheard Amon tell his equalists not to underestimate her and electrocute the box before they opened it. She takes the cloth from her wristband and uses it to hold herself up thus preventing her from being shocked. Genius. Then she firebends with such immense power and successfully uses that opening to incapacitate them AND (narrowly!) escapes from AMON by herself. Then Naga being the best damn tracker there ever was being the first one to find her, never giving up on her master.
~ Tarrlok also had his bending taken away by Amon. It’s only until later we find out how significant this will turn out to be....
~ Seeing Yakone bloodbend the entire courtroom with just his mind.... Freaky as hell... Didn't like seeing him bloodbend Toph and especially Aang... That scene disturbed me because it looked extremely painful and maybe he had lasting damage after that who even knows.... :O Aang went into the Avatar State and finally ended his reign of terror by energybending his abilities.
~ I liked that when everyone was searching for Korra, Mako was the one who expressed his anxiety and worry the most. We’re talking about someone who was so guarded, he didn’t trust anyone else he met... until Korra. He was worried out of his mind, believing that Amon had done the worst to Korra. Mako witnessed Amon’s power for himself, watching his brother’s bending almost being taken and he also understood the threat he posed (it doesn’t help that he was personally affected by watching his parents being murdered, therefore he grew up becoming hardened and more cynical to how harsh life is) He may have been a little brusque, but that was brought on by the stress of potentially LOSING another person he cares so much about. (I don’t believe he would have hurt that Equalist either... honestly he just wanted to intimidate him into talking so he knew how serious he was.) This was an eye-opener for Mako himself (even though it won’t be revealed until the finale) how much he couldn’t stand to lose Korra.
They really shared a sweet moment when they reunited, and it warmed my heart when I first watched it.
~ This ep had a lot of great moments, ones that either made you laugh, made you gasp, and a few that left you pretty down.
~ You would think after Korra’s capture and rescue in the previous episode that this one would kinda be a breather right? Yeah.... not so...much.... turns out that this is the takeover. When all of Amon’s plans come to fruition and he pretty much acts on his plans like he promised. All the council people are captured, except Tenzin who is left as the default leader of RC, and while he manages to send out a distress call to the United Forces (contacting General Iroh - Zuko’s grandson!) he too is ambushed, with mecha-tanks subduing the rest of the police metalbenders and leaving Tenzin to defend the rest of the members. Team Avatar proceeds to come in at the right moment to save him and kick some booty..... unfortunately, Amon’s airships are at Air Temple Island (!) leaving Lin and the airbender kids to utterly dominate the Equalists. Shoutout to Meelo, you cute lil stinker you.
~ Pema gives birth at the wrong time (HOW INCONVENIENT PEMA) - Rohan is adorable though. So it’s a bright, hopeful moment in a heavy ep. They find out they have to evacuate right after or else the entire airbending legacy will be in jeopardy if Amon captures them. Tenzin and Korra share a hug before he urges her and Team Avatar to hide and to be safe. It was a nice moment and shows how they worry and care about each other, despite their occasional disagreements.
~ Lin Beifong (heroic and badass lady that you are) makes a huge sacrifice to hold off the rest of the airships from reaching Tenzin and his family.... in the end, she is captured and..... loses her bending as well! I remember just reacting to this with a “nooooooo damn you Amoonnnnn!” This was the downer part of the episode. Just never expected it to happen to Lin...
~ I remember feeling shocked by the huge revelation in this episode. And funnily enough, I remember reading a fan theory online before this ep aired which actually predicted one of the major revelations but I dismissed it. It was the reveal that Tarrlok and Amon are brothers and the sons of the bloodbending crimimal, Yakone. Before we get here... let’s backtrack....
~ I have to point out the reflective quiet scene that was shared between Korra and Mako... which really speaks to the volumes of how much their relationship has evolved since they first met. Korra leans against Naga (contemplating on all that has happened and what will occur for tomorrow) and Mako goes over to check on her. She opens up about how she didn't believe she'd end up in the middle of an all-out war since four months ago she was at home practicing for her firebending test. Mako then says how they didn't know each other then and now he can't ever imagine his life without her in it. (quietly swooning over here, sorry). This is coming from the same guy who when he first met her he thought she was a crazy fangirl and barely even raised his eyebrows at the fact that she was the Avatar and now he then proceeds to share that "she is the most loyal, brave and selfless person he's ever known" - this is the closest admission he's ever come to so far hinting at how he feels about Korra and she, feeling touched, reciprocates her admiration for him too. While it is cut short due to the magnitude of what's happening, it is definitely a significant turn in their relationship and it shows how much Mako supports and appreciates her for who she is, and the positive changes she has brought to his life.
~ So General Iroh finally makes it to RC with his fleet reinforcements, and ends up joining Team Avatar to take down Amon’s forces. This is where the team splits up: Korra decides to stop hiding from Amon and wants to face him head-on; Mako (following up on their last scene and fully aware that he loves Korra) volunteers to aid her as there was no way in hell he was gonna let her do this alone if he could help it. The rest of the team will try to intercept and destroy the mecha-tanks/destroy runways etc. You can see from Asami’s expression (silent acceptance) that she understood now where Mako’s heart truly was once he expressed going with Korra. Their breakup was...real subtle and implied... though I do think that Bryke could have made it a bit more obvious what with certain parts of the fandom misunderstanding that scene...  Korra and Mako then leave in their stolen Equalist uniforms (which I have to say, they look pretty damn good wearing them) and sneaks into the arena...
~ The last half of this ep is spent on the revealing tragic backstory about Tarrlok, Amon (Noatak) and their father Yakone. As soon as they encounter Tarrlok locked in a cage, he simply lets the bombshell drop. BOOM.  Yakone was an obsessed, revenge-driven and abusive father who raised his sons to be exceptionally skilled bloodbenders so they can take over RC and avenge him due to Aang energybending his powers away. (he pretty much RUINS their childhood and scarred his sons for life) Noatak became Amon, this cold, detached, master PSYCHIC bloodbender and ended up carrying on what his father wanted... taking over RC and wanting to destroy the Avatar, with the added bonus of equality for non-benders. Tarrlok, on the other hand, ended up becoming something he hated... realizes this too late and urges Korra to stop him. It was just the saddest backstory we’ve seen thus far in the whole series and despite everything they had done, you did feel sorry for them. Korra comes up with the great idea to expose Amon to his followers thus ruining all he had built up.  And now it’s time to stop Amon once and for all....
All of this leads to the conclusion that is wrapped up in the Book 1 finale....
~ Endgame - such a fitting title for the finale. I remember feeling so hyped waiting for this episode, and it blowing all my expectations out of the water. Several moments had me gasping, screaming, shouting, feeling ALL kinds of emotions. I’ve rewatched it several times since and it always brings out SOMETHING in me, that’s how much it still resonated. So let’s go....
~ Firstly, quick talk about the minor sub-plot. Bolin, General Iroh and Asami are captured by Hiroshi (I believe it’s the first time she’s seen him since she rejected him) and are saved by Naga (the BEST polar bear-dog that has ever existed). Asami and her father go head-to-head in mecha-tanks and they’re doing some serious damage to each other - I admit that I did feel bad for her that her own father sees no problem in attacking his own child... he is really off his rocker. Bolin, I agree that he is a horrible father. In the end, Hiroshi is taken care of and that’s pretty much it. Iroh-man (this was actually a meme created by the fandom back then) does some crazy stunts shooting fire from his feet and hands and jumping on airplanes, and throwing off Equalists, and ... man, Zuko you must be so proud of your grandson. Iroh should have joined the team... would have created a lot of possibilities...
~ The most nerve-wracking and intense parts of the finale involved Korra and Amon. EVERYTHING about it was a nail-biter, and I was constantly on the edge of my seat wondering what next and I was genuinely SCARED for Korra. 
When Korra and Mako hide in an empty room and Amon starts walking around ominously looking....  this part felt like a horror movie. You could see the close-up angle on Korra’s face and eyes and the sweat dripping down her head... some detailed animation there. Then....Amon is just bloodbending her (sharp note moment!) and Mako comes out of hiding to firebend him once he hears her in trouble but unfortunately, Amon was just too strong and paralyzes them both. Pretty much everything after that is .... *explodes* When Amon took Korra’s bending away, the sheer look of terror on her face.... with Mako, just watching helplessly unable to stop it... it was just so crazy and I just remember feeling so shocked in that moment... that this happened to our heroine. It had been building up to it from the beginning of the season but to actually see it happening was a huge blow....
I love how tightly packed the pacing and scenes were executed here because everything that happened after was so significant I can’t even skip over anything. So I’ll try to sum up my standout moments by character breakdown as best as I can without going so much into detail... (otherwise this will be an extremely longer post than I planned...)
- -  Mako’s actions in this episode all served to show his dedication and love for Korra and bravery in the face of danger. He musters up enough energy while Amon was distracted to lightning-bend him, thus completely blindsiding him, causing him to release his grip on the two long enough so that Mako could stall him further, carry Korra and run like hell before he got to them. Even while he is incapacitated by Amon, he gets praises from the latter for getting the best of him when no one else has and being a talented firebender. After Korra saves him, he supports her and tries to stop Amon while he’s escaping. When Korra is devastated at the loss of her other bending elements, in a heartwarming moment, Mako runs after her letting her know he is there for her, and assuring Korra that he didn’t care whether she was the Avatar or not, that almost losing her made him realize that he loves her. Even after she runs away, he follows her all the way up to the cliff determined not to have her deal with her grief alone, witnesses her going into the Avatar State where she shows all of her bending in a display of absolute power.  He’s so much in awe yet so genuinely happy for her that all he does is walk up to her with his arms out, wanting nothing more than to share his relief and joy with her that she’s whole again. The look on his face said it all… 
- - Watching Korra being brought down to her lowest point (the very thing she’s feared all season) and seeing her rise to overcome that and have the will to keep fighting was nothing short of inspiring. She is weakened by the loss of her bending, however she comes to and upon seeing Amon about to take Mako’s bending, reacts instinctively throwing out a punch full of air from a distance NOT KNOWING that she would unlock her airbending in an attempt to save the man she loves. (Cue shocked looks from everyone) Now realizing she can finally airbend then proceeds to knock the breath out of Amon with a series of punches in such a satisfying way (*cheering like crazy!!*) She breaks free from Amon’s bloodbending grip with a forceful air-kick flinging Amon out the window and into the water causing him to inadvertently expose himself, thus proving her right. I felt it for her when she believed that she was no longer the Avatar and that she gave off the impression that she didn’t feel she had value to others as just herself. She needed to hear that admission from Mako even in her state of grief. I honestly got very emotional watching her cry like that. When Aang appeared (cleverly done) and restored her bending with the appearance of the decades of past lives, and we just see her open her eyes connected to the Avatar State at last, it was honestly such a cathartic moment (*cue “The Greatest Change” playing, music swelling and Korra bending ALL the elements in such a powerful moment) and then she senses Mako’s presence, proceeds to jump into his arms and tells him she loves him too. That kiss to me was the icing on top of the cake, reaffirming that these two were indeed meant for each other.
And of course, last but not least, Korra displaying to everyone her newfound energybending in her Avatar State (Tenzin’s face was the best) and restoring Lin’s bending. Loved that whole scene and then Tenzin looks at her, tells her how proud he is of AVATAR KORRA.
- Amon’s lieutenant catches him in the act bloodbending, and proceeds to denounce him as a traitor/fraud even attempting (and failing) to attack him. (Brave, yet foolish)
- Noatak and Tarrlok agree that their life in RC is over and try to repair their fractured sibling bond… Tarrlok realizes with detached resignation that their lives can never be normal again and…. kills them both… (shocking moment)
- Everyone who loves and cares for Korra gather in the South Pole, awaiting word from the best healer in the world, Katara, only to find out that she cannot restore her other elements.
 *Well, this is the end of my Book 1 recap/rewatch. It was fun rewatching my favorite Book and seeing the original vision that the creators intended to stick with... ya know, considering that this was SUPPOSED to be the original ending they planned. (*side-eyeing*) I guess I’ll come back and cover Book 2. As for the other books, well.... don’t know about those. 
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