#idk if this is the kind of thing people will read in the mcc tag but its about mcc so im tagging it as that
dreamnotnapper · 3 years
ok, listen. i will gladly hivemind about many things, but one of the things i will never hivemind about is mcc
i am way too invested in that block game tournament to not have my own opinions, and trust me i have a Lot of opinions after sapnaps stream
(this will be very long, feel free to ignore. also, this is all typed up on mobile so i am so sorry)
the most prominent things is when he said he thinks he should be an s-tier, and when he said he thinks cyan is the best team
1. i dont think sapnap is an s-tier. god forbid i post this on twitter where everyone thinks he should be, but genuinely i dont. he is definitely the closest non s tier player to s tier, but i dont think hes s tier yet. i dont have stats on hand (bc im not a Nerd /j), but comparatively, sapnap isnt as good. hes one of the best pvpers and parkour players, yes. but hes pretty weak in build mart, rocket spleef and bingo, and hes decent at ace race and hole in the wall. a question we have to ask ourselves when ranking sapnap, is he at the same level as the other s-tiers? is he as good as pete, quig, fruit, techno, and dream? so far, all current s-tiers have: won at least 1 mcc, had 1st individual at least once and have 3000+ average coins. sapnap has only achieved the first. another thing is that sapnap isnt balance the way an s-tier is balanced. most notably, pete, fruit and quig are all balanced with weaker teams. pete and fruit are commonly teamed with hermits, when not with hermits pete is with b tiers or below, and quig is usually put on for fun teams (techno hasnt played in a canon mcc in a while so i cant rly say how hes balanced nowadays). sapnap isnt balanced this way, he isnt put on weaker teams. if anything, hes put on teams where someone else helps take up a leader role. mcc15, he'll most likely co-lead with dream, mcc14 he had punz, mcc13 he had dave krtzyy, (i dont remember his mcc12 team), mcc11 he had dream, etc.
so sapnap hasn't gotten 1st individual or 3000+ average coins, and scott doesnt balance him the way he balances the other s-tiers therefore i dont think sapnap is an s-tier. however, if he continues improving the way he is now, i believe he will be s-tier eventually. dont say that i'm too hard on him and that my requirements are too harsh because i'm a firm believer that once a player is s-tier, they dont leave (unless they just fuck up that bad, in multiple consecutive mccs)
2. i think sapnaps prediction of cyan being 1st is wrong. first of all, theres a reason why nearly the entire subreddit predicts cyan to be lower on the leaderboard, and its not because the subreddit is biased or playing an elaborate prank. i think both sapnap and dream really overestimate cyans abilities, especially with 2 new players. both dream and sapnap agreed that wisp is cracked, 5up is cracked, antfrost isnt bad, and scott is decent. the stats kind of do tell a different story though. again, i dont have the stats on hand, i only have what i remember from posts ive seen on the subreddit so take what i say here with a grain of salt. i dont think wisp is as cracked as dreamnap think he is. wisp has only played in (iirc, and if the subreddit was correct) 3 events, and his first 2 were very average with his mcc14 performance being the outlier. another thing is that they have two new players. that is not going to be easy. when you look at new players that joined after mcc began getting more competitive, youll see that they always underperform during their debut mcc. take illumina, for example. illumina is one of the best speedrunners in minecraft. he spent hours practicing and studying vods to optimize his performance. iirc, his first mcc he got 17th. that is already impressive, especially for a debut but his next placement was 5th. that is a huge improvement. 5up and antfrost are no illuminas, they dont have the same skill that he does. if illumina couldnt get top 15 during his debut, there is no way 5up and antfrost will during theirs like dream and sapnap predicted they would. the last thing i wanted to say about this is that 5up can practice all he wants on the practice server. he can get himself acquainted with ace race mechanics and the environment of battle box and parkour tag, but the practice server =/= the real event. no amount of time on the practice server can prepare new players to the atmosphere and pressure of the real event
thats my rant over, thank you if you stuck around. also really sorry if you stuck around, i doubt my thoughts were very coherent as its 4:30am. but yeah, i just wanted to get my thoughts out because sapnap and dream discussing mcc predictions made me very frustrated. especially since their predictions were all based on their initial thoughts on the teams and absolutely zero statistical analysis. absolute himbos, the two of them /lh
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spayceghoul · 7 years
11 questions tag
tagged by the wonderful @diascordium thank you! 1. If you could see one band from the past in their prime, who would you choose? Winger 2. What’s the last thing you bought for yourself just because you really wanted it? my VARG and MCC merch bundles 3. You’re on death row - what do you want as your last meal? Any kind of sushi, I'm not picky 4. What’s the last book you read that you really liked? The Reluctant Journey of David Connors It's basically about this man who contemplates suicide because his life sucks but finds a small carpetbag buried in the snow and it ends up being a kinda magical carpetbag that conjures up items that people need and he runs into a bunch of characters. It's a really lovely book and I enjoy the realism/fantasy of it. It's described as 'a tender and often humorous tale of grace and redemption'. 5. You win a weekend trip to anywhere a train can take you, with hotel included - where do you go? Colorado, I've always wanted to live or just visit there 6. You decide to get a(nother) tattoo - what is it? Either an MCC or In Solitude related tattoo 7. What’s your favorite tree? Birch 8. What’s one of the professions you wanted to go into when you were a child? Disney princess? idk can't really remember 9. If you could go back in time, is there anywhere you’d want to go? The Breaking Benjamin/Shinedown/Sevendust concert with my dad and brother 10. What do you want Papa IV to be like? Well from what I've heard he's already pretty sweet and aesthetically appealing but he's not gonna be very funny or out-going so that sucks. But yeah very dark and spooky, for lack of a better word. 11. What’s your newest favorite song? Darkest Day by The Great Discord I'm on mobile so I couldn't really format this correctly but I'm a very lazy and horrible person so I'm not gonna make up 11 more questions solely because I can't think of any but thank you so much for tagging me!
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