#make sure you hydrate and take care of yourself
wandixx · 7 months
Ghost of fries and hero of cookies part 6
All work words count: 14 643
Words in this part: 2 686
Summary of whole work: Duke wasn't expecting to wake up from his quick rooftop nap to some meta kid with fries. He also wasn't expecting kid to stay
Danny asked Dani to stay safe while she was in Gotham. Where would she be safer than under the wing of local hero? And he looked like he needed bad day combo anyway
This part summary: Batman wants an explanation. His kids however, wouldn't be themselves if they did add some chaos
Beta read by @audhumla-sailor though English is second language for both of us, so proceed with this in mind. I also know all of the charaters through fics alone, so probably ooc. Stay catious if it's something you don't like
First part, Previous part
Duke bit back a sigh as his last hope to leave Cave undiscovered disappeared. He shot Steph message of:
Having The Talk. Come as moral support
and turned around to face Bruce.
B grunted in disapproving and ‘Signal report’ way but Duke decided to buy some time and answer only questions that were actually asked. He slowly sat at the briefing table and looked at the man expectantly.
Lift chimed and moments later Tim and Cass went to Batcomputer and training mats respectively. Duke was, like, 80% sure they were there to eavesdrop. He knew them well enough. He knew them well enough.
“The girl”
“Izzy?” Was Duke annoying on purpose? Yes. He really didn’t want to have this talk. Like, at all. Psychological warfare it was “I mean, I know she is civilian and you don’t approve but at least she isn’t doing anything illegal, right? Like, you know, robbing museums or killing people?”
Bruce looked repulsed and Tim snorted.
“Low blow Narrows, low blow” Jason announced through speakers. He was slightly winded as if he just finished a fight “Good job kid”
“So you’re listening too, great” Duke muttered under his breath before louder he added “Is everyone who wants in on a show, here already?”
“Give me a sec- here Dick you’re going live now”
“Thanks Babs, you’re the best”
“I know. Donuts, you know which one”
“Of course. Glad we’re finally going to talk about Duke’s kid”
“Shut up, she is not my kid!”
“Steph ETA 2 minutes” Cass interrupted.
At least Damian didn’t show up- as if summoned by this thought Damian stomped down the stares, Alfred the Cat curled in his arms. Maybe others had a point, calling him Demon kid and stuff.
“What is an emergency?” he demanded and Duke decided to take what little relief he could from the fact that Bruce seemed equally defeated by sheer number of people around for this talk. 
“It seems like… oh, literally everyone lost an adoption bet” Babs explained. Huh, so Steph didn’t change her stance.
Damian looked genuinely terrified as he muttered “No” eyes darting between everyone present in silent calculation.
“Oh, shut up” Duke whined knowing all too well his stalling had to come to the end. Maybe it was wishful thinking but he almost heard roar of engine of Steph’s motorcycle. Her presence would be double edged sword but she would help him advocate for Dani and that was more important.
“Thomas, what have you done?!” if it was anyone other than Damian, Duke would call sound he made a whine. As it was, he preferred his entrails to stay inside and since the boy showed up, called by thought, the older boy preferred not to take risks.
“Nothing, Babs is overreacting”
“Don’t deny it. She went about it kinda Tim Lite style but it worked”
“I don’t even know her surname, where she stays or really, anything about her life outside of our patrols, how do you expect me to go about adoption?!”
“B knew even less about me when he decided, yes this tire thief is my new son!” Jason chimed in and Duke knew he was grinning despite voice modulator.
“What from my origin story was lost to make Lite version?”
“Identities weren't breached as far as we're aware. Just ‘came one day and refuses to leave’ part and some light stalking. She was smart about it, invisible, keeping out of sight and to the hot spots. Wouldn't find her if I didn't know she was there”
“She could still just not tell, I mean I knew for years before telling anyone…”
“There is no way. Believe me, she has no brain-mouth filter, I swear”
“She introduced herself by her first name,” Duke deadpanned ”She told me civilian names of heroes from her hometown, in context that didn't require me to do any actual research to clue me. I did anyway. I don't think she even realized she did it. If she knew our identities we would know already”
There was a moment of silence as everyone digested the thought of just how gigantic breach Dani accidentally caused.
“Well, it's as good of a proof as we can get for now,” Babs bristled. 
“Who let her in on such secrets then?!” Damian sounded genuinely appalled and Duke wasn't too surprised.
Like on a cue, Steph stormed inside on her Spoiler in civies. Bruce looked about ready to get aneurysm. Duke was a bit glad that everyone was doing such good job in distraction department.
“IT’S OKAY, WHY? BECAUSE I AM HERE!” Steph yelled, jumping from before her vehicle fully stopped. She threw something small in general direction of Batcomputer “Timmy plug it in, I made a PowerPoint!”
Duke felt blood leave his face. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know what Steph put together but he probably didn't. Tim opened it anyways.
The title slide said, one of the clearest photos of Dani from before she started wearing mask in the background. It was close-up of girl smiling, bits of brownie on her cheeks.
“Was this photo taken with a goddamn calculator?” Tim asked with disgust so clear Duke could taste it. Metaphorically of course.
“Nah, just body-cam. Her powers mess with technology a bit”
Tim still looked displeased at the craftsmanship.
“Don't worry, it's not  a bad photo. Baby Bird is just being perfectionist,” Dick placated.
Duke didn't realize that Damian froze until he unfroze and made his way to the screen, stopping less than one foot away from it. His movements were rigid, his face scrunched with distress. Alfred the Cat escaped its master probably due to hoe tense he was. Everyone in Cave quietened as soon as boy took first step and expecting mood had to run through microphones because nobody from the on-line crowd quipped in.
“This is the green of Lazarus” he whispered finally, sounding actually scared. Jason swore. Bruce and Cass visibly stiffened. Tim choked and he wasn't even drinking. Dick did his whinny breezy name saying thing when he wanted explanation and felt lightly betrayed. 
It was Duke's turn to freeze because… it wasn't. Of course he wasn't all that well versed in the Pit, less alone its color but he did bust quite a few trafficking rings with Jason and he saw his eyes afterwards all raging, toxic, neon green glory and it wasn't the same as Dani’s. As much as he liked English and how good he was at it, it failed him at simple task of describing the obvious difference between each other. He'd have more luck describing tastes with set of color samples from IKEA or something. And really, even if he tried he would lose the fight of competence with Damian. Who wouldn't.  But-
“There is no way she has any connection with LOA”
“Why is that?” Damian seemed to misinterpret it as challenge like he always did when emotions were running high. Duke took a deep breath. Well, it was a moment to use all of his diplomatic skills and speak in the language of the demons.
“I've seen her fight. She would be utter disgrace”
“It does not prove-”
“It does” Duke interrupted with the tone and mimic of person who saw too much because he did ”None of you have any say until you watch a tiny and I mean tiny ten year old tackle five Joker goons like it's a joke, by sheer virtue of super strength and intangibility-means-I-can-ignore-bullets-Signal-don’t-be-such-worrywart. She should get shot, like, three times at least. And she kept laughing!” he was low key wheezing at the end because even after all this time (a week) it was fucking horrifying. Bruce made a huff that meant he was laughing and put a hand on his shoulder as a sign of support. Dick's lighthearted laugh sang from the speakers.
“Don't worry Duke, it never gets better” B said with mirth.
He refused to elaborate whether he meant ‘kids keep jumping into danger like there is no tomorrow‘ or ‘it's equally terrifying every time’ and Duke decided to reflect on that sentiment later. It put some things into perspective. A lot of things if he was being honest.
Also, he was not ready for stuff like that to become even semi-normal occurrence. He was ready to give her all of his Alfred cookies if it could change anything. He knew it wouldn't. 
“Do you have any other evidence that your new acquaintance does not just fake being less experienced to make you lower your guard?” Damian asked warily.
“I had to teach her out of putting her thumb in her fist,” he deadpanned. Several people hissed in empathetic pain. Steph coughed to bring attention to where she stood in front of Batcomputer, other slide of her Power Point open. Duke recognised video from his body-cam.
“Exhibit A” she announced. She played a video with Dani’s first mugging attempt he witnessed. Let it be said, it was a disaster.
“Exhibit B '' One of Dani’s most epic fails at side-kick that ended with her falling face first to the ground.
“Exhibit C” Dani fumbled with zip-ties, looking at him utterly at loss.
“Exhibit D” the talk about her prior training.
“What’s was that sound?” Dick obviously on the verge of cooing when girl on video growled. Steph stopped video.
“Very angry kitten” Tim stated with soft smile.
“Honestly, furious girl” Cass corrected “She was really mad at you”
“Yeah, I know but promise of Alfred’s cookies was enough to placate her”
“You gave her Alfred’s cookies?!”
“She started by giving me a lot of food on a really shitty patrol, had to repay somehow”
“Was it from your share or-” Dick asked like it was most important thing in the world.
“Miss Hoopoe was added to my plans after she picked her new name” Alfred explained and shit, Duke really should get used to how man just appeared sometimes. Jumpscare the original.
“Alfred, you knew?” Bruce sounded so utterly betrayed.
“I have yet to meet her but I was informed about her presence about two weeks ago”
“He caught me printing mask for her”
“About that” Steph clapped and skipped her slide show “Look at thi clueless child with such horrible disguises and codename ideas” There was whole list of every name Dani wanted to try out and photo of her bare face.  Duke kinda repressed his memories of it. It was worse than he remembered.
“Did she really tried kenting that?”
“Got it after her cousin. He used his first name as part of his alias for almost half a year” Duke admitted in carefree tone, knowing it would cause a mess.
“Cousin?!” several people yelled in surprise.
“Caped cousin?!”
“Yup. Small time hero from Illinois. As far as I’m aware she’s alone in Gotham but they’re in regular contact and she has strong believe that he can and will help her if she used her panic button”
“Who in their right mind let’s kid alone in Gotham?!” Jason sounded about ready to strangle Phantom.
“He seems to be fifteen himself. And has anti-meta parents if I’m picking things up correctly. She didn’t mention them much. I highly doubt she has present parents at all, so…”
“What the hell Narrows.”
“I don’t know, it’s just a wild guess”
“Does it call for the rescue?” Steph asked eagerly.
“We’re not going to Illinois to rescue Phantom if he doesn’t ask for it. He has means to it” Bruce interrupted with bone deep sigh.
“How do you know I meant Phantom?” Duke perked up because he never mentioned this name.
“He is from Illinois, looks almost the same as far as I can tell from the photos and they share a lot of powers”
“I didn’t know you knew about random kid hero from other state?”
“He dropped by on few Justice League’s mission. There is still dispute whether we should approach him in his city or not. He was very clear on his opinion that we should stay away. I think we really shouldn’t”
“How you haven’t gone or sent anyone there yet?” Tim teased.
Bruce just stared at him then gestured at mountain of cases they were currently working on. Yes, they were printed. Apparently for man it made it easier to work on them like that.
“Can we focus back on untrained child you let join you on patrol, Duke?”
“You act like I could stop her from doing her own thing if I didn’t  let her. Plus, even though she doesn’t have combat training, she can handle herself well enough. And has this damn intangibility that makes her really hard to punch”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t tell anyone other than Alfred and Steph and I wanted to wait a bit before leaving her to the wolfs”
“The bet”
“Shut up Steph”
“When did you plan on letting us know?” Bruce ignored what blonde insinuated. Duke was utterly grateful for that, he knew he would get lecture for that later but he was more than happy to leave it be for now.
“Somewhen next week. I hoped to introduce her gradually but apparently everyone knew already?”
“Kids tell me things. Hoopoe made a good impression on them” Jason explained.
“Hero sightings on Twitter” Dick admitted without a shadow of shame.
“What he said” Tim agreed “This person from crochet dolls made one for your kid too, so in public eyes she’s our already”
“For the last time, she isn’t my kid!” Duke groaned but as always went ignored.
“Nobody expected old man’s tendencies to rub on you so fast, Narrows”
“Shut up and this is half a reason I didn’t let you meet her. All of you”
“With all due respect Duke” Babs started teasingly “You gave us ammo yourself. You improved her diet, you brought her to The Food Track Of Mental Breakdowns, you teach her stuff, you check in on her almost as often as her cousin and their friends do…”
“How did you hack her pho- No, wrong question, why?!”
“We’re all paranoid bastards, I needed to check out the newest bird. She legally doesn’t exist btw so I suspect some shady stuff with her birth but otherwise nothing sus about her. Comms and trackers for her are waiting in drawer C19. You will give it to her tomorrow”
“Aye, aye captain Oracle ma’am” he joked.
“Wait, you showed her The Food Track?”
“She deserved it” he gritted out.
Before this could turn into a fight or something, Alfred demanded:
“Since we are all on the same page now, I would like to extend an invitation for family dinner to miss Hoopoe”
“We’ll eat it down here in full costumes”
“As you wish master Bruce. Master Duke make sure to let her know”
“Of course Alfred”
And he planned to do that but Dani didn’t show up. He hadn’t thought much of it because she was unpredictable like that. She tended to disappear from the face of the Earth for a day or two and return with tales of her “autograph hunting trips”
But then she didn’t show up on the next patrol too. It was unprecedented. And she hadn’t responded to the check in. Three times in the row. He was getting kinda sick from the stress.
He knew Dani well enough, she wouldn’t ghost him like that and in Gotham disappearing meant three things: getting kidnapped, trafficked or six feet under. To their knowledge, Dani didn’t have anyone who would pay ransom for her other than Signal and no demands were made so the first option was out.
Bats launched full fledged search.
Duke himself found and busted two trafficking rings in three weeks which was around how much he did in two months on a daily basis.
Thanks to Oracle, they found Dani’s utterly crashed phone in the dead end in the Narrows. It didn’t look any better.
Duke really hoped they wouldn’t be too late.
With each day it seemed more likely.
Bruce: *wants to have private conversation with his son about unknown child he's been working with*
All of the Batfam: Hello there
Duke: I managed to keep Dani secret my family of detectives!
Everyone other than Bruce: I knew for past two weeks, but goood job kid
Random o Twitter: I'm sooo disappointed with Signal for letting Hoopoe fight crime. She is just a little child, she shouldn't have to witness Gotham's worst
Other Random: Have you heard about Robin????? Have you seen teories that Signal is teenager???? With proofs????? Are you mad at child for not taking proper care of the other child????? That's messed up my dude/gal
Yell at Batman
Signal: You act like she isn't personification of feral cat I try to coax home so I can prevent her from getting in trouble. I dare you to try and stop her
Phantom: I do too, 100$ if you manage. It would save me from so much stress
Random: Now, who the f*ck are you?!
(Guess who never touched Twitter with 20 meters stick in her life)
Next part
Tag list: @pickleking8 @mynameisnotlaura
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dovedewdrop · 3 months
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Trailing behind him and collecting the rose petals for our bed later that night🤭🌹❤️
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rosylamb · 6 months
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I am sorry my friends! ♡
I am still not much for talking so I have not been able to answer asks or get back to everyone’s kind words, but I plan to and thank you from the bottom of my heart ; ;
I thought I would share some fun things from my evening though in case anyone else needed to be cheered up ? ♡
Here are a few of my favorite fragrances and lotions, and my favorite body glitter! (It smells very good, too — a bit like frosting?) I really like using pretty stuff after a long day cus it always brightens my mood so much c:
Sending love, and hugs as always — I hope you have a happy day ~ ! XO
♡ 🍓 ⊹ . ˚ 🧁 ⊹
⊹ 🧸 ˚ . 🤍 ⊹ ˚ 🎀 ♡
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
Can I join the blanket fort and pay the sweets toll later? Been at work all day but I can pay the toll tomorrow? 🥺
Beloved, the snack tax is for those who want to bring something along with them, it ain't mandatory. I'll get you some cookies and a hot drink, you put your feet up and vibe with us! :D
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xianyoon · 5 months
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stormyoceans · 1 year
Have a nice day, Monica! 🌸How are you feeling? Do you sleep better or are you worried about insomnia? I have a question for you: what are your favorite interviews with JimmySea? Can you make a top? I like their interviews, where the boys tell something special about their character, about hobbies outside the set or about their family. But I think the most favorite interview is Mint Hang Out. Very beautiful bright cafe, delicious dishes, Jimmy and Sea in flirting mode, and Jimmy, who did not come out of the image of Puen, because there were shootings the day before, and driving everyone crazy with gentle looks. Take care of yourself!🌸
hello, dear anon!!!! 💜
this is such a sweet message and that’s also a very interesting question!!! unfortunately im not the best at keeping track with interviews and events, so im probably going to miss some major one, but im going to try to make a small list of my favorites anyway!!!
praew magazine Q&A. YOU WILL NEVER GET ME TO ADMIT HOW MANY TIMES I’VE REWATCHED THIS INTERVIEW JUST KNOW I WOULD HAVE ORDERLIES AT MY DOOR READY TO DRAG ME INTO A PADDED ROOM IF I ADMITTED IT OUT LOUD. im not sure why i like it so much tbh, maybe because it’s a recent one and you can really see how much more comfortable they are in front of the camera and with each other, especially sea. my favorite part is how after the 15th time sea touched jimmy’s leg in the span of 3 minutes even the editor of the video was like if im forced to bare witness to things not even god could withstand then so are y’all [zooms in]
mint hang out vlog. jimmy truly be having some residual method acting left in his system with how ridiculously FOND he looks throughout the entire video. the only reason it doesn't get first place to me is because technically this isn’t exactly an interview but more of a vlog, as the title says, however since i love it and the ACTUAL interview doesn’t have any subs (if anyone asks this is my villain origin story btw) i’ve decided that i don’t care and that im gonna add it to the list anyway. ALSO THIS PERFECTLY SHOWS WHY WE NEED A JIMMYSEA EATING PROGRAM @ GMMTV LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE!!!!!!
our skyy vice versa interview. LISTEN i know it doesn't have any subs so it's not fully accessible to international fans, however it deserved a place here even just for THEE HUG™, i know it was for a challenge but sea clearly didn't expect it and you can tell he is SO DELIGHTED by it AND SO AM I OKAY IDK WHAT TO TELL YOU I AM ONLY HUMAN. also even if you don't know what they're talking about the vibes are just so immaculate and unmatched i would listen to them FOR HOURS
open the world interview. im so very fond of this one because i feel like it's a very good starting point to get to know them. sea is still very shy here, but you learn a lot of things that if you follow them for a while you find out are true: that behind the scenes sea is clingy and determined, that jimmy is always there to guide him, that the way they express their love (even the platonic kind) is by supporting and taking care of the other person, that they do end up spending time together swimming and singing and wakeboarding......
let's talk BL podcast. i knew i could trust them with my life when they were asked which was their favorite vice versa episode and jimmy replied that it was episode 10 (because he is so proud of himself for the derangement he unleashed upon us) while sea eventually picked episode 11 (because he is a man of culture) TRULY KINGS OF TASTE VISION AND CORRECT OPINIONS ONLY!!!!!!! honestly it's just a great interview all-around and i always love how both jimmy and sea try their best in everything they do
i wish i could add more but sadly all the other ones that come to mind (like the oishi magic of zero episode with milklove and the jd's birthday party live with earthmix) don't have any subs ;;;;;; let's hope we're gonna get a lot more when last twilight finally airs!!!!!
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haerni · 28 days
[ ♥︎ ] ── drunkenly in love  |  lhs.
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in which heeseung comes to you with stupid smiles, slurred words ‘nd with tipsy thoughts of you.
content : fem reader , fluff , intoxication , drunk hee! , petnames , wc. 811 , minimal proofread . hes a lil bit clingy & a loser but hes charming ! ><
notes. videos of heeseung giggling while drunk is actually cute like omg i will bite u
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“hi, baby.”
heeseung smiles at you like you have just saved the world and frankly, maybe you did in another universe—maybe you did not, either way heeseung adores you with any shape or form that he could muster up.
and his smile is contagious, muttering off into the night his eyes fluttering as he shift his weight on his right leaning to the door frame of your home with jay beside him on his left assisting him in fear of him falling on his own weight.
jay smiles apologetically, “the guys kept giving him drinks. he kept losing in the game, to be honest.” he says as he tries to keep your boyfriend upright. “sorry, yn. he kept saying he should see you and he wouldn’t stop whining.”
you crinkle at the thought, “it’s okay. thank you for bringing him home safe.” you waved off. “you should go, i’m pretty sure jake is vomiting out.. the window?”
you hear a curse leaving from his mouth, panicking as he looks back into the car.
“shit. i’m really sorry, again. gotta get those guys home.” he sighs exasperatedly.
a giggle escapes you, bidding the man goodbyes and a well safe travel. taking heeseung from his arms and from your door frame, your boyfriend drapes himself over you. a strong smell of liquor comes from him, making you scrunch away a little from the scent. he hums from the contact instantly melting over you.
“you smell so good,” he muttered, nuzzling into your head. “i’ve missed you, pretty.”
“you got pretty drunk, huh?” a lilt in your tone tells him you’re not all too mad at him. not really finding any reason to do so, you figured he deserves to loosen up a little bit and have fun with the guys.
he only nods thoughtlessly, dragging himself inside your home all the way to your shared bedroom with you by his side. he plops down the mattress as he lays there smacking his lips and frowning trying to relieve the reeling of his head.
“i should get you some water. stay here, ‘seungie.” untangling yourself from him, you stand making your way outside, but not even a step forward a hand wraps up to your wrist forcing you to stay on your spot.
“where are you going?” he looks a little like a lost deer under the warm lights, his eyes sharing the same shine. “don’t go.” a pout resides on his lips as he tries to keep himself up from the bed.
“i’m just getting you water, you need to stay hydrated, hee.” you try to reason with him.
“‘m fine, just stay here.” he tugs you to him.
you try to resist, standing your ground into getting him some water, but his grip on you only stays as you move some more.
in your endeavor of keeping your boyfriend hydrated has somehow ended up with you losing your balance and him dragging you to lay by his side of the bed with his arms encased around you. you huffed, accepting your faith and would have to get him something in the morning (you can only trust that jay has already took care of him and managed to get him to drink something other than alcohol in his system.)
heeseung hums pleased, feeling your body against his as the night descends upon his mind and eyes. a semblance of comfort takes him with your warmth that he recognizes. admitting defeat you let yourself be engulfed with heeseung’s embrace.
it’s quiet.
but you don’t mind, you bask in it and so does heeseung. his fingers trail over your skin, drawing random patterns of anything just to feel you. the night strolls a little slower now.
“..hey,” heeseung whispers softly.
you grin at him, you couldn’t help it. after all it was heeseung, it was just him, but it was enough for the butterflies finding themselves in your stomach, “hey, you too.”
there was something in the way his cheeks are all in a soft cherry color and that dopey smile that adorns his face whenever he drinks a little too much than he would take, was just endearing to you. and his eyes just flutter more and his face breaks out from adoration—you couldn’t fall just a little more than you already did.
“i love you.” he did so, breathing it as if a prayer he utters every night. “i love you so much— god, you probably have no idea, baby.”
it’s desperation that you yearn just as the same, and maybe the simplicity of it, was everything all at once that was enough for you. your eyes find his once more as they hold sincerity that can rival how deep the ocean can go.
“i love you too, hee.” you whispered just as the same. “more than yesterday, less than tomorrow.”
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© haerni 2024 . likes, comments & reblogs are highly appreciated!
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neolithicsheep · 1 month
I've been meaning to write this down for some time because there are some fundamental errors that people keep making in crowdfunding/sales that shoot their campaigns in the foot. So here's a list of easy principles.
Who am I and why should you listen to me? I am a freelance chaos marketer who has raised well over $100,000 when totaling up various crowdfunding campaigns, mostly for aid to Afghanistan. In addition I've managed to successfully market everything from stuffed plush koalas to hydration salts. Why am I putting this out here for free? Because despite a years long track record of success in social media marketing no one will hire me because I don't have a college degree, so I might as well help people out who can't afford to hire full time marketing. 
If you'd like to hire me to help you evaluate your marketing and sales and teach you better skills on a 1 to 1 basis then hit me up, I am often willing to barter, esp with artists in a variety of mediums! 
TL;DR: use positive messaging that humanizes everyone involved and make it as easy as possible for people to give you money.
1. Shame and guilt are demotivators. They will not inspire people to give you money. “Why aren't people helping” “I guess people don't care” “This isn't getting enough shares/donations” etc etc. Online fundraising is often frustrating, heartbreaking, and will make you angry, especially when there's a humanitarian crisis involved. It is critical that if you are raising funds for someone else that you have a place to vent that is not the audience you would like to donate to the cause. 
2. Use motivating messages instead! “You can help!” “Even a small donation is important because it tells Recipient they're not alone, and people care” “We can't fix the whole world, but we can make this one thing right, and that means something”. Emphasize that this is a problem that the reader can help fix with even a small effort. With items for sale, tell a story. "I drew this thinking about how safe I always felt under a tree in my childhood backyard". "I chose the colors in this shawl to remind me of sagebrush and piñon pine in my favorite place."
3. Make it easy for people to give you money. Never talk about your product or cause without a link that leads directly to where people can give you money. They should be able to click one link on your post and land at the fundraiser or your shop. Every required click is going to lose people, so minimize the number of them required. This also means if you have a list of fundraisers for people to choose from the ones at the bottom will be neglected - people will hit the ones at the top. Be sure to take those off when they're met or periodically shuffle the list around to make sure everyone gets a chance to be in the first 5 spots. In online stores people will often only look at the first page or two of items so be sure to shuffle things around and remove out of stock items that are taking up prime real estate.
4. Humanize the recipient - this can be tricksy when raising charitable aid because you don't want to be exploitative. But to use my last Afghan campaign as an example, “We need to raise $500 for an Afghan family” is less effective than “This Afghan family's home was damaged in heavy rains that caused extensive flooding. They only need $500 to repair and rebuild so they can stay in their home and not become displaced.”  If possible, tell as much of the recipient's story as they consent to. Eg “Fred is seven and loves dinosaurs. His favorite is brontosaurus, and he carries a stuffed one with him everywhere. He wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up and discover a complete brontosaurus skeleton that he can give the same name as his stuffed friend. Unfortunately he's also a trans boy living in Texas and his family needs $1500 to rent a Uhaul and get to Colorado so he can grow up in safety and do that.”
5. If you're not the recipient, humanize yourself while you're at it! “I'd be really grateful if you all could share or donate” “This fundraiser really means a lot to me because…” “Thank you so much for any help, whether sharing or donating” 
6. Treat the audience like humans. Speak to them like they are people you're having a conversation with, not ATMs. This ultimately is the goal of not using shame/guilt and humanizing yourself and the recipient. 
7. Set low goals and bump them up when met. One of the weird things about people is they prefer to give to successful fundraisers. Yeah I don't know either. So you're more likely to get the full amount you need if you set a partial goal initially and then raise it when that's met. Raise it in small increments and raise it repeatedly as those goals are hit to keep momentum going. You can't always control this so if you're boosting someone else's fundraiser you can do it artificially via asks like “Hey y'all can we get together and put $500 on this?”
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yuulettte · 28 days
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐟𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫?!"
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐥𝐥 ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
✰ Tags: gn!reader x various JJK men, fluff, reader has a cold oh NOOOO!!, sfw, just sugary sweet
✰Characters: Gojo, Yuta, Yuji, Geto, Megumi, Nanami
✰ A/N: I tested positive for covid so I decided to be self indulgent.. First time writing hcs for most of these boys ( ´ ▽ ` ) I apologize in advance
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
You tell him not to come near you out of habit, but he reminds you about his limitless technique! Can germs touch him? Who knows~
Long movie watching sessions, he'll buy you whatever you want to eat. Shoko told him to make sure you're hydrated, so he might force you to drink. Good luck!
Still manages to make you laugh with his antics. He'll wave his hands over you, using that eccentric tone, "Get better~ get better~!" as if it'll magically heal you
One time you catch him reading articles online on how to take care of a sick partner. The expression on his face is that of pure focus
He eventually gets fed up and says something about how 'the strongest never gets sick!' And thus turns off his technique to cuddle with you. He catches your cold the next day LOL
Guess even the strongest isn't immune to flu season
𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐎𝐤𝐤𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐮 °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Attentive in every way. Is absolutely unafraid of getting sick. He always ends up catching whatever bug you have because he takes care of you no matter what
Runs you warm baths. He'll help you wash, dry your hair, and get dressed.
Rubs your back if you're feeling unwell, even when you're not sick ( ´ ▽ ` )
"What do you need? I'll go get it for you. Is there a dish you'd like for me to cook?"
He's an insanely good care taker (no surprise)
Has a habit of buying you plushies whenever you get sick, so your bed is over taken by them after a few years of dating. It's an army.. Or so you call it!
Will give you that sad puppy look if you refuse to let him hold you, even if it's out of love. He just wants to make you feel better
Doesn't let anyone else enter the house unless it's your family, he's your boyfriend and so it's his responsibility to take care of you! (he's protective)
𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Will show up at your place with a bag full of medicine and goodies
Also doesn't care about catching whatever you have.
"I've got a super good immune system, so it's no problem!"
It's true too, what takes you a week to get over he'll tank in two days. It's actually kinda scary
He'll do whatever he can to make you laugh. And if you can't, then he'll comfort you
You'll have video game tournaments in your bed, and by the end he's always curled around you like a guard dog. The both of you fall asleep like that often
He'll wipe the sweat from your forehead and give you a cooling pad when you wake up as an apology :'D
𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨 °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
He's not very good with germs, so he might keep his distance if you have a nasty virus
He still really cares! Just may approach you with a mask and some anti bacterial
Lots of praise. Reminds you that it'll be okay, you'll feel better soon and he'll make sure of it
"You'll feel better soon my love, don't worry. Just drink this,"
He'll sooth you with his voice to help you fall asleep.
Like Satoru, he'll ask Shoko for advice on how to care for you. He takes to it more naturally, though. It's the dad vibes! Care taking is in his DNA
You find yourself getting sick way less often when spending tons of time with him. He just has that sort of aura?
𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨 °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Not the most emotionally attentive, but he'll come over and bring magazines/books for you to read and some medicine
Will sit with you in silence. He doesn't want you to hurt your throat from forcing yourself to talk
If you'd like, he'll summon his shadow dogs for you to cuddle with. He'd do it himself but he doesn't want you to feel sweaty
He's surprisingly strict about what you eat. It has to be homemade and full of nutrients
He cooks recipes that Tsumiki taught him for you ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ ) they're delicious!
Even if he doesn't show it outwardly, he's honestly extremely worried. He wants you to get better as soon as possible!
𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
He takes time off work, you're his number one priority. He WILL be the one nursing you back to health
Husband material. He knows all of your favorite sick foods and most effective medications
Firm about you getting rest. "Please, allow me honey," and it's you literally reaching for a cup of water
He cooks meals that are easy on your stomach. Took the time to educate himself on what vitamins to give you
Will likely also catch your sicky, but he honestly doesn't mind because that means more time off with you.
The two of you will be wrapped around each other in bed while he reads to you, both with wet towels on your foreheads <3
⠀ ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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agirlwithglam · 4 months
🎀 The It Girl Lifestyle Guide 🎀
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hi girlies! this guide is a part of the big series: The Ultimate It-Girlism Guide. in this mini guide i'll be including all things health, morning/nighttime routines, and more!
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How to create your ideal morning / night / any other routine:
Here’s a mini step by step guide to curating a routine that works specifically for YOU, tailored to your own needs and wants. This can be for any routine u wanna create: morning, night, after school, after work, before school/ work, etc etc.
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Apps / things needed:
ChatGPT (or an AI like that- it’s not completely necessary but it’s useful)
Notes app / docs app. (Or a pen and paper- this will be to write down the routine!)
Calendar app (optional tbh)
Ok so first off: decide what you want in your routine. Make a list in no particular order of what you need/ want in the routine.
Some examples:
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Once you’ve created this list, you’re pretty much half way done. In this next part you can use chat GPT to make it easier, or use your own mind.
The next thing to do is: ask chatGPT to make a routine with the steps u wanted.
Make sure to mention what time your routine starts and ends. And if there’s anything you want to change, you can just ask the AI or make those changes yourself!
The last step is to write it down!
You can either write it down on the notes app, docs, on a journal/ piece of paper, anything that’s easily accessible to you. I heavily recommend writing it down somewhere, but if you dont want to you can…
Put it into your calander. This can help you be a bit more organised, but it’s not completely needed. As long as it’s written down somewhere- so you dont need to always remember it- you’re good.
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Health and wellness
In this section, i will be talking about fitness, mental health and physical health. I will mention some useful tips to finally start, how to overcome procrastination, and how to take care of that area of your body.
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Numero uno: fitness! I’m not going to go yapping on about how fitness is so important- im assuming you all know that by now. But let me just remind you that staying fit is not only exercising or going to the gym everyday. It can be: running, going for a walk, playing a sport, yoga, pilates, dancing, cycling, and THE LIST GOES ON. DO anything that moves your body and gets you fit!
Here are some tips to help you get started:
Start small. Set small goals first. Set SMART goals
Choose the activities you enjoy. Like i mentioned earlier, there’s tons of ways to stay fit- cycling, running, swimming, yoga, dance, sports, etc. etc. (if you like, joining a class or working out with friends can help you stay motivated!)
Stay consistent. I know i know, this is said everywhere. But there is no progress without consistency. Even if you can’t do a whole workout one day, try and do 10 jumping jacks, or 5 pushups. Do whatever you can. Remember: 1% is better than 0.
Create a vision board. You can create one yourself, or find tons of them off Pinterest. Vision boards will make the process so much more fun and will certainly motivate you.
Set a reward system. Tell yourself: if you do this high intensity workout now, you can go to the spa later or watch tv.
Find a why. This goes for like everything tbh. If your why is big enough, you are capable of doing anything (even finding that lost book that you owe the library!) basically, are you doing this to get ripped? With tons of abs, or to get strong and impress people? Or are you doing this to boost your self esteem and improve your health?
Balanced diet: eat the rainbow! Meaning- eat meals with a variety of different colours. Fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. it’s completely alright to eat a chocolate, but remember: EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.
Hydration: aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day. Trust me, drinking the magical potion that is water will help you SO much! It can help you clear your skin, have pink uncrusty lips, keep you fit and soooo much more.
Mindful eating: in the book IKIGAI it is said that you should only eat until you’re 80% full. Not 100%. Why? Because the time it takes for you to digest the food will have already made you extremely full. You may even have a stomachache. Studies also show that cutting back on calories can lead to better heart health, longevity, and weight loss.
Here are some tips to manage cravings:
Find healthier alternatives. If you are craving something sweet like chocolate, have something like a sweet fruit. If you crave something salty, try nuts. If you can’t think of any, search up some healthier alternatives to it!
Create more friction for junk, and less friction for healthy. This concept was said in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. What does it mean? Make sure that it takes a lot of energy to get the unhealthy junk food. Maybe keep them high up in a cupboard so whenever you want it you have to go get a ladder, climb up, and then get it. And keep the healthy food in easy reach. Like some fruits open on a table, etc. (also remember to keep some actually yummy healthy food like Greek yogurt or protein bars.)
Distract yourself. Go do a workout or engage your mind in a hobby that you enjoy. Basically take your mind off food.
Yummy water. Make some lemonade for yourself. Or perhaps add slices of lemon, cucumber, mint or strawberries to it for some flavours. I’d do some research on this cus i know that some combos can rly help for things like clearing your skin, boosting energy, etc.
Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. It affects how we think, feel and act and also determines how we handle stress, relate to others, relationships, etc.
Of course there will be ups and downs for our mental health. It’s not something that you can just fix once and it’ll be good forever. No, it’s a rollercoaster. But having a “good” mental health is really important for a successful lifestyle.
Here are some tips to help you improve your mental health:
Meditation / deep breathing. I can’t emphasise how important this is. Even 1-2 minutes a day is good. Start small. You dont even need to be sitting crossed legged for this. Whether you’re in class, on a vehicle or in a stressful situation; just breathe. Take a deep breath, and out. Do it right now.
Journalling. Write. It. Out. Writing your problems and worries out is SOO therapeutic, especially when you want to calm down. There are SO MANY benefits to journalling. But remember that once you’ve ranted on the paper, tear it, rip it, and watch it burn. (Don’t keep a journal for this unless you KNOW 150% that no ones ever gonna read it. Trust me, it’s terrifying knowing that someone’s read that.) other things you can do is create a gratitude journal, so whenever you’re feeling low you can just go to it or write in it.
Self careee!! Create time for self care in your week. Because if you do that, it’s gonna be that one thing which you’ll be looking forward to each week, which will make life SO much more fun and bearable. For me, my forms of self care are watching thewizardliz or tam Kaur, reading, watching a movie at night, etc.
POSITIVE. SELF. TALK. Need i say more? What you say to yourself, is what you believe. And what you believe reflects in your external life.
Sing your heart out to Olivia Rodrigo. I swear this is actually so calming and therapeutic. Basically: express your feelings. If you’re angry at someone, feeling grief or really hurt by someone, screaming to Olivia Rodrigo songs in my bedroom is my go-to (i just make sure not to do it when others can here hehe). You can punch your pillow, scream, cry, etc.
Remember honey: this too will pass. Repeat that over in your head. This will pass. This will pass. This will pass. I know you may be going through the toughest time ever, but this too will pass. Nothing is forever. You’ve gotten through so much worse. You’ve got this.
!! Girls, please remember that these are just some tips. I am NOT a professional. If you really feel horrible every single day, go to therapy or counselling. Also contact mental health hotlines or emergency numbers if needed.
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Mkay thats it! I hope this was of some value to you, and stay tuned for the next guide in the it girl series!
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cvnt4him · 3 months
Reader who got hit w a bunny quirk during a mission w izu please smuttt I love yew💋
I love you too bbg💕
This is actually like a great idea and I had the EXACT same one except izuku was the bunny. Yeah this one is way fucking better.
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"don't be amused, it's just the news! This just in; we have more details about pro heros deku and y/n's fight with the new and upcoming villain; sphinx. A local has given us amateur footage of y/n getting blasted with sphinx's quirk! They have the ability to turn others and themselves into animals! Y/n has been out of the hero scene for a while, as far as we know with the information her close friend and partner deku has given us, she's going to be out of hero work for a while, they haven't found a cure or much of a loophole with sphinx's quirk. Next in a cat stuck in a tre---"
You shut the TV off with a groan of annoyance. Why hadn't this gone away yet? You've been like this for a week. A long, miserable, insufferable, week. You weren't alone, even if you wanted to be, izuku wouldn't let you. He felt guilty, he felt as if you were like this because of him. During your fight together he pushed you out of the way when a flying car had come your way, you'd known nothing about the villain upon fighting them. Izuku however, knew everything about the villain, he pulled his mask up before the fight even began.
Izuku always got in a certain head space when fighting whether it be a measly robber, or a very experienced and high tech villain. He always made sure he was ready and that morning could take him out of this state. He just wishes he had warned you beforehand of what the villain was capable of.
You look at your reflection in the black TV screen with a frown. You hated the way you looked. Two fluffy bunny ears standing tall before falling to either side of your face. Izuku walks into your room going completely unnoticed, he spoke and sat down your cup of water but his words falling into deaf ears.
His voice nothing above a whisper, sitting beside you while patting your head lightly. People always shipped you two due to the way he treated you, don't get me wrong hes nice to everyone regardless of who they are or where they come from. People just liked to do stupid shit in their free time so you never really took it to heart, mostly because izuku always avoided and shut down all questions that surfaced about you two during interviews. Saying he only saw you as a friend.
You turn to him slowly your sad eyes staring up at him. He sighs while giving you a sad look back, putting your foreheads together. He hadn't left your side at all besides when he and to work, but he made sure to come right back to your apartment to assure that you were alright. It's not like you were sick or anything because you weren't. You could walk, talk, shower, cook, and do everything just fine, but he insisted you do nothing he felt far too guilty to even allow you to lift a finger. He once apologized for you telling him you thought about cooking on your own.
He whispers an "I'm sorry" while your heads are together, you simply chuckle and try to smile. Your quirk had been disabled due to being transformed. There's always a loophole in quirks so why hasn't anyone found one for sphinx's quirk? It was weighing on you far too heavily for either of your liking. Izukus heart ached for you to get better, he hated seeing you like this, all sad and unable to do anything for yourself. You can but for some odd reason he thinks you can't do you just let him take care of you.
Izuku pulls away, putting his fingers in your hair and scratching your scalp, the soothing motion making you sigh and lay your head on his shoulder. He hums with a smile that didn't meet his eyes, he grabs the remote from you and puts on a movie, grabbing your cup of water to ensure that you are hydrated.
You both had fallen asleep on each other, his head on top of yours while you laid on his shoulder. You got up and stretched making him get more comfortable and turn his head to lay on a pillow beside him. You looked at him closely, admiring each and every freckle that littered his cheeks and slightly down his neck his chest moving up and down in a smooth rhythm. He looked so peaceful not having to worry and feel guilty for your current state. Your body moved on it's own, one of your hands moving to his chest rubbing up and down his body. He was very toned, you knew this you could practically see it through his new skin tight suit. It hugged his body deliciously.
You couldn't take your eyes off of him, his shirt was slightly raised and scrunched up ending just above his v line, the way it looked like it was sculpted by gods. He looked like a Greek god himself. His body was fucking hot.
Your tail wiggled and twitched against the bed light noise coming from the way it moved. You bit your lip lightly while looking down where his shorts hugged his waist. Your eyes kept trailing down his figure landing on where a tent in his shorts sat. He was completely flaccid yet his thick cock made a very visible print. Fuck this was really turning you on, he was completely unconscious and unaware of how you were fucking him with your eyes. Your hand moved down to his dick print and gently rubbed over it making him take a deep breath and breathe out slowly, you noticed this and continued your movements while staring at his face, a pink hue forming onto his baby-like cheeks.
You watched as he gulped and turned his head in your direction with a breathy and quick sigh, he was getting bothered by how you teased his semi erect cock. His brows slightly furrowed while you stopped your hands movements completely, his cock twitched against your hand making your eyes shoot down to his cock, seeing it fully erect and leaking slightly against his thin shorts. God this was such a sight, it was so fucking hot and lewd, you felt guilty for getting him all hot and bothered but seeing the way his cock twitched and bobbed up and down for your touch was hypnotizing.
Without thinking you hopped onto his lap you weight sitting on top of him making him shift under you, that was almost enough to snap you out of whatever trance he put you in but the way he put his hands on your thighs and rubbed them out you right back into the daze you never got out of.
Your tail wiggled against his thigh as you slowly grind into him, rubbing your clothes pussy against his clothed cock in a slow yet rough manner. a moan accidentally slipped out of your mouth when his cock rubbed against your clit in the best way.
You panted lightly as the grind of your hips started to quicken in pace, you dug your hips down into his to feel his cock press against you. A noise left his throat as he gripped your waist tightly, his grasp bruising your skin while pushing you down more into him. You didn't think about the fact that he might've woken up due to your moans and the way you moved helplessly on top of him. He rubbed his cock up into you to feel that light friction that had him dizzy.
You grabbed onto his shoulders and rode him like you were actually riding his cock. The thought alone of actually getting to ride his cock getting you to that building release. He moaned deeply before his eyes slightly opened and peered up at you, you were too busy in your own haze to acknowledge the way he looked at you, your fucked out face contorting in such a pretty way.
He couldn't believe you were using him while he was asleep, riding his clothed cock for all that it's worth. He bit his lip and flipped the both of you, a scream ripping right out of you as you look up at him with wide scared eyes. He could only look down at you with lust filled ones. His emerald orbs looking at every feature that painted your body, the way your thighs looked more plump because of your shorts. Your boobs spilling out the top of your tank top. You looked so good and the way you looked at him with those scree and glossy eyes went straight to his aching cock. He was so ready to split you in half on his thick cock, he knew you'd have a struggle but it'd be worth it just to be inside of you. He'd wait as long as he'd have to just to feel your pussy squeeze around his cock.
No words were said as he went in to kiss you, lightly pressing his dry but soft lips against yours. A moan left you as your tail wiggled underneath you, you were so horny and you could feel the way it ate you alive from the inside out, you were so close to crying from how much it burned inside of you.
"please.. please fuck me, I need it."
You whispered up to him with a raspy voice, whining as your eyes moved down to his cock, it looked like it was going to burst out of his shorts with the way it stood up proudly.
He smirked at you with lidded eyes while he kissed you neck, you closed your eyes and fell into the soft kisses being planted on your sensitive neck, he moved his kisses up to your bunny ears blowing on them lighting, the soft feeling of it all making your pussy throb and a whimper leave you lips.
He chuckled lowly to himself as he flipped you over into your stomach. He pressed his chest and his hard cock against your ass cheek as he whispered in your ear.
"using me while I sleep? naughty thing. poor bunny, must need it badly, hm?"
You nodded your head aggressively while rubbing your ass against his hard on, earning a low groan from the muscular man above you.his weight on you felt so good and it wasn't even sexual at all.
He slipped your shorts and underwear down in one swift move, he pulled his own down as he teased your dripping hole, slipping his engorged cock head in and out of your lips. Your eyes roll as you lift your ass in the air and wiggle against his cock. he's surprised by this, a chuckle leaving him while he pulls you back by your ears, a squeak leaving you while he slaps your ass.
"you're so fucking needy huh? this sopping wet cunny of yours dripping around my cock, hm?"
You nod again, not being able to speak due to your throat getting rather dry. He hums and slips his cock in halfway before taking it out quickly, this went on for about 5 minutes, the torture was so funny to him yet painful for you. You felt as if you were going to die, the heat forming inside of you burned badly. You needed release, finally being def up with his teasing, the second he tried to do it again you slammed your ass back onto him taking his cock fully, a choked moan leaving his pink lips.
He groaned loudly while lying his head on your shoulder with a smile, he was out of breath from you taking his cock fully. He chuckled against your skin while kissing it, he bit harshly on the skin of your shoulder making you scream while he thrusted vigorously into your soaked pussy, the squelching noises clouding his mind while he moaned into your ear and grabbed onto your bunny ears. The sensitive muscle being pulled painfully hard went straight to your throbbing cunt, the way he slammed his hips into you and hit that spot repeatedly was just enough to make you cum, but he knew you were going to by the way you started squeezing his cock for all he was worth, milking him and slicking his cock up with your fluid.
“A-Agh fuck don’t stop- don’t fuckin stop.”
You command him while throwing your ass back, you were feeling too good you felt as if you weren't even in control, the way your body moved lewdly against him was inhumane and unlike you. You'd never felt the need to be near someone like this, like you yearned for his very touch, for him to cum inside of you. Oh. God that sounded so good, the thought of his warm thick cum spilling and spreading inside of you made you squeeze around his cock even more.
Just when you felt as if you were going to cum you felt the need leave. He had pulled out of your cunt with a groan, his cock twitched from the cold ajr hitting the leaky tip. He looked down at your pussy squeezing around nothing, god you were so fucking needy and that made him go feral. He could practically smell the delicious scent you released. Your tail twitched fastly, catching his attention. He had asked you before questions about your body and if anything felt different, he hadn't asked about your tails however, he was curious if it was sensitive. Out of pure curiosity he pushed his thick cock back inside of you, and yanked at your tails, his tight grip on your ears never leaving.
He used them to bring you back more into him. You let out a high pitched moan as your arms gave out, your body felt like it was on fire, throwing your ass back against him while your thighs burned from the work.
“fu— m'cum— cumming!!“
You couldn't control it, it just ripped out of you. The feeling was far too strong to hold back or even pretend not to acknowledge you groaned while sobbing, tears falling from your face due to the extra stimulation. He cooed in your ear, coaxing you through your orgasm while never letting you in the way he fiddled with your tail, his other hand leaving your floppy ears to go to your clit, rubbing it slowly while speeding up his hips.
"nngh~ izu— Izu-"
You couldn't speak from the immense pleasure, it began to hurt due to overstimulation. You sobbed and hiccupped against the pillows as he drilled his cock into you, he groaned and grunted behind you moans leaving his lips as well.
"shit...- fuck— god dammit, u/n I'm gonna cu- cum again.. shit take it, fucking take it all.."
Again?! He'd already came?? Maybe that's why you thought about his warm cum spreading and claiming every spot inside of you. Because he already did.
You couldn't move or even speak, the way he bucked his hips into yours, stuttering and rhythm becoming uneven. He threw his head back with a moan as he came again, tears welling at the corner of his eyes. He felt so good, your fluttering walks squeezing and convulsing around his soft turning cock.
He collapsed beside you without a word. His eyes closed as he tried to steady his breaths, he hasn't felt this good in so long, it's been a while since he'd last been with anyone. He took pride in his job, he'd wanted to be a hero since he was a kid, however it did take him away from a lot of things, including interacting with people and making new friends.
He needed this and he's glad you gave It to him. He turned to check on you to see you had already passed out, he rubbed your back lightly making you shiver underneath his touch. He got up to assure you were alright, making sure you water was refilled and that you could be clean, he grabbed a warm damp towel to clean you but before he did he got a good look at the two loads that were fucked into you, slowly oozing from your still convulsing lips. Fuck this was a sight to see, he was afraid he'd never get to see it again. He hates what he did but, he had to save this moment forever! A picture to remember this morning by! After all, you won't be a bunny forever.
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AN: this was very fun to write actually, I've recently been in a chokehold w top!izuku there's something ab him being mean or js taking care of me that gets to me.
Dividers by @anitalenia
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
trans, intersex and folks of any identity who take HRT (both testosterone & estrogens) please be careful as we enter summer in the northern hemisphere. hormone replacement therapy can cause your body to experience fluctuations in temperature, heat flashes, and changes in experience with ambient temperature. you may notice you're very cold or very hot a lot of the time. please be careful if you are going to be spending a lot of time in the sun, you may be more affected by it for a while as your body adjusts its experience with thermoregulation. we are approaching pride month, enjoy yourselves, but make sure you stay hydrated and don't let yourself overheat when and where possible, as you body may also be purging a lot of electrolytes if you are on spironolactone or are sweating a lot.
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rosylamb · 10 months
Do you have Instagram?
Aw, hi there, my friend !! ⋆˙⊹ 💛 🌸
It’s so wonderful to see you again ♡
How are you? Have you been having a nice day ?? I hope so !!
I feel bad saying this again, but no I do not ;-;
I’m sorry! Social media just isn’t my thing! I’m surprised I keep even this blog honestly :’)
(I’ve thought of deleting, but people tell me they enjoy my cheery posts, and that they brighten their day! So I stay :D I don’t know if I do much, but I’m always truly happy if I’m ever able to cheer someone up here)
Thank you for asking though! It was nice of you to do so, and I appreciate it! ♡ ♡
Sending hugs, hearts, and many happy thoughts! Please take care, and all the best to you ~ !! ♡
💛 ⊹ 。⋆ 🌸 ꒰ঌ XOXO ໒꒱ 💛 ⋆ 。 ⊹ 🌸
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tbaluver · 1 month
When You're On Your Period- The Love And DeepSpace Men
parings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader genre: fluff, comfort a/n: posting my drafts atm bc i just have writers block sorrys /ᐠ - ˕ -マ
any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy!
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He's not particularly educated in the realm of menstruation. So when he saw you clutching your sides in agony, he was so worried about you and ran to your side. He thought you were sick or injured. You try to explain to him that you're just on your period and he eagerly listens to you as you explain it to him.
It's his mission to try and make everything easy for you and makes a special effort to bring you things that might make you feel a little better.
"Can you buy me pads with/out wings?" And he would be really confused at first. He would think you want pads and wings. He would stand in the aisle for a while figuring out which ones you needed. So he'll come back home with a BUNCH of menstrual products with wings from your favorite restaurant.
But also the type to buy you your favorite snacks and drinks before you even ask. Sometimes he'll come home with a small plushie for some support.
Lowkey worried if you're going to be alright but he knows you're strong and will remind himself that you know how to handle yourself.
He would gently massage any areas that were aching. Lots of your time is spent in his arms or resting your head on his chest and he explains that the health website says its "beneficial" to do so and you're not complaining. He's so comfy.
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In the beginning of your relationship, he was kind of inexperienced in this department. He knew some knowledge about the menstrual cycle but not too much so he made sure to educate himself so he knows how to take better care of you.
He runs down to the pharmacy to get you some pain medication and any menstrual products you need without any ounce of embarrassment. He doesn't find a reason to feel ashamed or embarrassed about getting you things for your period. Makes sure you have enough supplies to last you the whole week.
Prepares you some yummy warm foods that are nutritious for you and all cooked to your liking. He would also make sure to run down to your favorite bakery to pick you up some baked goods.
If you suffer from cramps, then he would find the best pill for you or make you effective tea. He'll also offer any massages you want on your body and let's just say this man is good with his hands that you don't want his hands off of you.
The type to not tell you that you stained the bed. He'll prepare you a soothing bath while he washes the sheets. When you come back the bed is nice and warm.
He'll start marking it down on his calendar so he can be prepared more in the future
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He would kind of forget periods are a thing but once you remind him, he'll try his best to take care of you. He has good intentions looking out for you and getting whatever you need. You would text him if he can get something for you and he's already on his way to you with whatever you requested.
He'll pay attention to your specific needs and preferences. He'll make sure you're getting your rest, staying hydrated, and eating well.
Would joke around and call this "Shark week." Would pray to any gods to bring mercy on him if he were to ever to be sassy to you on your period.
He'll be worried about you but he knows that you're strong. That doesn't mean he'll leave you alone during this time, unless you want him too. He'll be there to try and ease everything as much as he could.
If you were to have any bad cramps, he would give your lower abdomen a small massage while talking too it. "Hey don't be so mean to my cutie....." or sometimes he'll tell you some stories about Lemuria or maybe hum you a song in Lemurian to get your mind off it. Your head would be resting on his chest, his hands massaging gently into your aching sides.
It's easy to fall asleep in his arms because he can be so warm from his evol
He'll offer to make you a bath and gather your favorite bath bombs and your oils that might ease your discomfort. He would have the perfect temperature for you and would help undress you and help you into the bathtub. Would also feed you some yummy fruits like a princess while you were in the bath
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Sylus treats you like royalty the entire time you're on your period. He's extra patient and understanding. You don't have to feel embarrassed at all with him and he will never be disgusted by you being on your period.
If you ever stained the bed, he would clean it up for you. He would reassure you that everything is okay and that bleeding is normal. He'll help run a bath for you while he cleans the sheets. He would never use these situations against you or even embarrass you about it.
He's always there to give you a massage knowing how bad cramps can be. Tell him where it hurts and he'll immediately massage the area with his hands. If massages weren't helping, then he'll warm up a heating pad for you and would find the best painkillers to make it go away.
The first time you were on your period, he bought way to many products for you so you were stocked up. Eventually in the future he knows the exact brand and everything you could possibly need.
When you wake up, he already has a meal prepared for you. Sometimes it'll be made from a private chef or he made it on his own. He'll gladly carry you to the kitchen so he can feed it to you or if you want, you can eat in bed.
Would give you random and frequent kisses. He knows that during this time you can go through a lot of emotions so he'll make sure to give you kisses to remind you that he loves and cares about you.
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dollfacefantasy · 2 months
so this isn't just puppy love ♡
puppy hybrid!satoru gojo x fem!bunny hybrid!reader
your owner, suguru, is away for the week, leaving you alone with satoru. you're typically kept separate from the wild puppy hybrid, but now that the two of you are alone, you can play without supervision.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, dubcon, forced breeding/creampie, breeding kink, scent kink, hybrids
thank you to @nexysworld and @kaitkatme for beta reading <33
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The pads of your fingertips trail down your long floppy ears and massage the hydrating oil into the fluff just the way Suguru always did for you. You watch yourself in the mirror on your vanity, taking care to make sure your movements mimicked his. When you're satisfied with the result, your hands move to fasten the ribbons at the base of your ears.
Even when Suguru wasn't here, you still wanted to look good for him. He was only out of town for the week. You couldn't fall apart in that short of a timespan, no matter how terribly you missed him. You had to prove to him what a good girl you were. And you knew when he came home, he'd be extra inclined to pamper and love on you. He often told you he missed you, his sweet bunny girl, just as much as you missed him while he was away.
You reassured yourself that you could manage the four remaining days without your beloved owner.
That was the last thought you had before you saw him in your mirror trying to creep into your room. His slender fingers had just released the door knob silently as it shut.
"Satoru, what are you doing in here?" you ask and spin around to face him.
His white ears perk up and twitch at the sound of his name, his long tail swishing back and forth out of instinct. He turns around and gives you a sheepish smile; though you know him well enough to know that innocence is feigned.
Satoru was the rowdy pup that accompanied your owner seemingly everywhere he went. If Suguru was walking somewhere, it was almost certain Satoru would be strutting by his side. If he was relaxing on the couch, Satoru was lying next to him with his head in his lap.
You were kept separated from him most of the time, and on the first few occasions you had been together, he made it clear why that was. When your owner initially took you in, he tried introducing you to his puppy hybrid. It was supposed to be good for the both of you, socializing with another of your kind. You could "understand" each other as Suguru had put it. But you didn't understand a thing about him except for that he was the most annoying creature you'd ever come across. 
He was all over you, yipping for your attention the second Suguru scooted you off his lap to sit in front of his first pet. Immediately, he pestered you with an onslaught of questions about who you were, what was your name, where did you come from, and on and on and on. It only took a few minutes before you were trying to climb back into your owner's lap and burrow into his chest, a refuge from the rambunctious canine at his feet.
He was too affectionate as well, slobbering all over you whenever he got the chance. And when he "played," he was far too rough, knocking you around and jabbing sharp teeth into your delicate skin. That was why Suguru kept him out of your room and only allowed the two of you near each other when he could supervise.
This was the first stretch of time where he couldn't monitor you two himself. He was out of town and Satoru couldn't go with him for whatever reason. He had to rely on the strength of the hallway door's lock to keep the house divided into two. That and his friend Kento who stopped by once per day to check on each of you, making sure you didn't need anything and were still safe and sound in your own halves of the house.
Kento also understood the necessity that you have your own space. He understood it to be deeper than Satoru having no tact. Suguru had told him about Satoru's interest in you. The way his eyes locked onto your small, plush form. How he took in lungfuls of your scent whenever he had the chance. The semi-hard tent that formed in his pants when Suguru allowed him the opportunity to play with you. Satoru's rough nature didn't rear its head around you out of pure obliviousness.
It was why Kento was supposed to make sure the door to your part of the house was locked each day when he came over. Today he must have made a mistake, left it unlocked or not seen Satoru slip through before it shut. Either way, he stood before you now, tail wagging back and forth.
"You're not supposed to be in here," you pout.
"It's boring out there. I never get to come in here," he responds and resumes walking into your room, albeit openly this time around.
"Yeah cause you're not supposed to," you repeat. Your eyes watch him with a timid gleam over the irises. Confrontation went against every instinct you possessed, but you did not want him in your room! He was not going to get the chance to mess up your hair or put marks on your flawless face.
He continues around your furniture totally unbothered by your gaze. He glances around inquisitively. He was genuinely curious. He'd only been in here once before with Suguru holding his leash as tight as physically possible.
It seemed very soft. All the colors were light and muted. Every surface, spare the floor, was covered in something fluffy or puffed up. Dainty decor occupied the walls and empty table space. The collection of inanimate objects embodied your presence. Something Satoru didn't feel about his own room on the other side of the house that sat there, sleek and dark. He didn't care though. He didn't sleep in there much anyway. He wound up at the foot of Suguru's bed most nights of the week.
Right now he's on your bed. He slides onto the foamy mattress as if he owns it, stretching out and nuzzling his face against the blankets.
"What are you doing?" you ask, watching him shove his face against your bedding and inhale.
His head shifts so that he can see you. Ghostly locks hang down over his bright blue eyes. "I'm not doing anything. Why can't we just hang out together?" he asks with a pout that mirrored yours, "It's lonely out there. No one to play with."
Your eyes linger on him, unconvinced of his lack of ulterior motives.
"I'll be good," he continues, "You won't even know I'm here."
You continue to stare as though you had a choice in this matter. If he didn't want to leave, there was really nothing you could do about that. He outmatched you in just about every capability; size, strength, speed.
"Ok, I guess. Just don't touch anymore of my stuff," you say and turn back to your previous task.
Your nimble fingers resume tying your ribbons into place. Only a few twists more, and they're done. You smile at your achievement and grab your lotion next. Every night Suguru lotioned your tender skin before you went to bed. As you squirt the cream into your palm, you glance at the reflection of your room's other occupant in the mirror.
He's lazing about on your bed, watching you intently. His eyes are cast down, but you know what has him fixated. Your little round cottontail that puffs out near the waist of your shorts. While he takes you in, you can hear the steady rhythm of his tail thumping on the mattress.
Your palms spread the moisturizer out into circles in preparation to smooth it over your skin. You start with your forearms, massaging the cool substance onto your flesh. As it coats your limb, the smell drifts through the air. It's obvious when it reaches Satoru. His head pops up off the bed, and his brows furrow with confusion.
He rolls off the mattress and clambers over to where you sit. Kneeling next to your elegant chair, he grabs your arm and pulls it to him. He smells your skin and cocks his head before a scowl takes over his features.
"What are you putting that on for?" he asks. He rubs at your arm with his hand as if trying to scrape the lotion off.
"Hey, stop," you say gently and slip your limb from his grasp, "Suguru does this for me all the time. It's just lotion."
"You don't need it," he says. His eyes practically glow when he's this close. They shine with earnest though, so you know he's being genuine and not just making fun of your extensive nighttime routine.
"I like it," you say and shrug.
He shakes his head. His hands drop to your thighs but slide up almost immediately to hold your waist. He brings his head close to your tummy and nuzzles against the cushion of your torso.
"Why would you wanna change how you smell?" he asks.
You tense up a little. He wasn't gentle like this. He never seemed to move at a reasonable pace before. You would've assumed he'd try to lick the lotion off before swatting the bottle off the table. You tentatively pat his head in an attempt to be nice while sitting in his clutches.
"I don't. I just like how it feels," you say.
He hums, and you're not sure if it's with acceptance or disapproval. He pulls you a little closer, causing you to slump in your seat a bit. The mop of white hair floats closer towards your face as his head drifts up your body. You could vaguely smell him, the scent rich and musky. It was just a hint, but it still affected you and sent a little spark of heat through your belly.
Satoru drags his nose up from your tummy to the space between your breasts. He nuzzles into the warmth there, taking deep breaths while rubbing your sides and massaging the lush tissue. His head lingers in that spot and soon his hands slow to a stop. Enough time passes without movement or speaking that it becomes a bit awkward. You nudge at his forehead with the tips of your fingers, but it does little to snap him back to reality. Seconds later, you feel drops of his saliva drip from his mouth onto the top you were wearing.
"Gross, Satoru," you whine and push his head away harder. You go to sit up, but it's like the sudden movement triggers something in him.
He yanks you from the chair and practically tackles you onto the ground, his lanky body crashing to the floor on top of you. You wince from the slam into the unyielding wood planks. He holds you there, not allowing you to push him off. You see him grin before his head ducks down to the crook of your neck.
"Get off of me, Satoru! I don't wanna play," you protest and try to push at his head and shoulders.
He doesn't respond verbally just yet. His nose nuzzles against your silken skin. His body rolls against yours on the ground, and you hear a quiet groan rumble from his chest.
"You smell so good," he mumbles. Then his tongue darts out and laps at your neck a few times.
You whine again, but it's not with total displeasure this time. It felt good feeling him lick over the column over your throat, even better when his lips move with a little more strategy and actually kiss.
You still try to get him off though. "Stopppp, you're getting your spit all over me," you say and tug on his hair.
The move doesn't work as intended though. Instead, he whines and bucks his hips, letting you feel his solid bulge. He grips your hips harder and ruts his pelvis against you. You whimper a little, but the squeaky noises only drive him to grind with more force.
"Cute little bunny," he mumbles against your neck before scraping his teeth over it.
You shudder and squirm below him, trying to wiggle out of his hold. One of his hands lets you go only to slide under your shirt and paw at one of your breasts. His mouth goes to the collar of your top and tugs on it while his fingers massage the plump mound.
"Satoru," you whimper with less conviction.
Unfortunately for you, the expression 'fucking like rabbits' was absolutely true. You could only resist for so long before he reached that innate part of you that had the same urges as him. Every nudge between your thighs from his stiff cock chipped away at your resolve.
His fingers hook beneath the hem of your shirt and push it up over the swell of your chest. Your nipples perk up from the combined sensation of cool air and his warm touch. His mouth slides down to kiss them, lapping over the little buds like he'd done to your pulse point. Your back arches into the attention, and your ears pin back with the realization that this was going to happen and that you kind of wanted it to.
His lips encompass your nipple in a warm, wet embrace. He flicks his tongue at the sensitive peak, drawing mewls from you and making you writhe with desire. His free hand dives down to feel the warmth of your cunt over your bottoms before ripping them off. Even through the barriers of cloth, he could tell your poor little pussy was drooling for him.
The rest of your clothes are gone with urgency. He tears his shirt off and leaves it crumpled on top of your things. He then pushes down the loose sweats that sat on his hips, his swollen, leaky cock springing free. It smacks against your thigh. Little beads of precum land on your skin. He slots himself at your center and puts his face back in your neck.
"Pretty breeding bunny, all for me to play with," he grunts
His feet slip and slide on the polished hardwood floor in a desperate attempt to mount you. Finally, he manages to bully the tip into your tight hole. Letting out a strangled groan, he works more of himself inside you. Your walls spasm and try to accommodate the intrusion.
"Never- ah," he whimpers, "Never had bunny cunt before. So fucking wet and tight."
Your cheeks heat up, and you wrap your arms around him tighter for support. Satoru's shaft wasn't overly thick, but it seemed never ending in length. 
He finally gets it all the way in. He gives both of you a second to breathe, a moment to feel your soft curves flush against his hard body. The warmth of you, the rapid pittering of your heart. Every entrancing part of you.
But it's only a small second. And then he starts moving.
His hips rock against you in needy thrusts. His pelvis slaps the fat of your ass with each movement. He can feel your sticky arousal smearing on his skin, wetting the swath of white hair down there. His fingers dig into your flesh, and he keeps pumping.
Your body bobs with his momentum. His pace doesn't have a defined rhythm to it, but it pleasures you all the same. Each stroke makes your thighs quiver and has you preening for more of his attention.
He pants against your neck, letting soft whines and groans against the safety of your skin. You roll your hips upwards to meet his hips, and that causes something else to break inside him. His hips slam into your particularly hard and nips at your neck, taking a tiny area of your flesh between his teeth.
You whine and push on him. "That hurts, Satoru," you whimper, "If you leave a mark, we're gonna get in trouble."
"You'll be fine," he breathes and lets your neck go. His eyes catch on the pretty markings left on your throat. He laps at them like he'd done earlier, brushing the pain away with the tender swipes of his tongue.
You shake your head, getting a little pouty while he had you all filled up like this. "Sugu's gonna be mad," you huff. Your voice trails off into a whiny moan that makes it hard to take you seriously.
"Don't care," he whimpers, "Need this pussy. He kept it away from me for too long."
Heat rushes through you at the thought of Satoru longing to be inside you, yearning to try out your body and have a taste.
"He can't keep me away if I fill you up with my pups though," he mumbles.
Your eyes widen, but your cunt involuntarily locks around him. You whine and shake your head. "Don't Satoru," you say.
"Mhm, I'm gonna," he pants, "Gonna knock you up and keep you mine."
The thought of being bred made every nerve on your body go haywire, lighting up with desire and all but screaming yes, yes, yes. But it was still Satoru. You didn't wanna carry babies that would come out as wild as him. Your legs squirm and kick lightly.
"Don't wanna," you whine.
"Yeah you do. Pretty bunny like you was made for it. Gonna stuff you nice and full, watch your belly swell with my knot and then my puppies," he says.
It was as if speaking it made the idea real and possible to Satoru. He's fucking you even harder now, humping your cunt like his life depends on it. It felt so good. You couldn't deny that. Made your eyes gloss up and your lips part dumbly. Slowly wiped any worries you had about the situation away.
"You're gonna be the prettiest. The most precious breeding bunny doing what you're supposed to, carrying my pups," he mutters, "Sugu won't mind, baby. He'll see how well you take to being a mama."
His thumb rubs one of your cheeks while his head presses against the other side. He knew both of you were getting close. You were all fucked out and high on the bliss, ready to cum in a few more thrusts. He could hear you mewling next to his ear, little sounds and half-coherent sentences dribbling from your lips.
"Gonna be mad," you babble, "Gonna say I'm a bad girl."
"No, he won't," he coos, "Even if he does, you'll be my good girl. My sweet little bunny to take care of. Mine to keep safe and warm while you grow our pups. Fucking this cute cunt full whenever I want."
Your eyes flutter, your mind going blank for a moment as the idea of what he said takes root. He wanted to do more than breed you. He wanted to keep you. The concept appealed to you in every natural sense. You tried to tell yourself that it was Satoru, he was still the reckless puppy whose tail would whip your thighs so hard they stung. Who'd crush you when he wanted to cuddle with both you and Suguru. But you couldn't bring yourself to care right now. Your body wanted him, wanted his cum fucked deep inside of you.
He feels you tighten up and nuzzles your neck. "Good bunny," he moans, "I'll give you what you need. You just gotta take it like the pretty breeding pet you are."
You're still wrapped around him, but your body goes loose, limp with pleasure and completely at his mercy. He follows through and keeps fucking you until he hits that special spot and rips a release from you. You shiver violently, but he holds you through. Fucks you through it too because his hips never stop.
He whines and grunts as he slides in and out of your gushing pussy. His limbs go taut when he gets close. His movements become more rigid. You feel a wave of electricity ripple through him when he cums.
He pumps his load into you, rope after rope. A few seconds later, his knot swells up inside you. You whine and scramble to grab at him, seeking relief from the stretch.
"You're ok, you can take it. Just a little bit longer," he murmurs and strokes one of your ears.
He awkwardly scoots the two of you over about a foot to the corner of your room that had a plush rug and cushions for you to lounge on while you came down. Once the two of you are situated, he rubs your tummy and noses at the curve of your neck. His knot keeps the two of you connected in the deepest sense.
Your eyes droop a little as sleepiness washes over you in the haze of post-release.
"My bunny. Better than I imagined. So perfect for me," he mutters as he also settles down into drowsiness. As tired as he was though, you could still hear his tail whacking against the pillows while the two of you lay there.
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nolife-sin · 2 months
Don’t report just block
Tips and tricks to pũrg1ng
Foreword- only do it when it’s the last resort ( consistent vomiting can be very detrimental to your health).
Foreword 2- I don’t encourage anyone to do this, but this will make sure if you have to, it can be less painful, tiring, and quick. It’s not a pleasurable experience and I don’t want anyone to do it all the time.
1. You have a 30 min window to insure all food comes up after eating
The longer you wait, the more acidic it will. Ofcit will be acidic still bcus it was in your stomach at some point, but less is better .
2. Chew food thoroughly! The mushier (gross word) it is the easier it’ll come up.
For dry foods, take a small sip of water during bites to help.
3. Take sips between chews, if you drink w/e all at the end, that’ll be all that comes up- and only a little bit of food
4. Sometimes your finger doesn’t do shit, so use the end of your toothbrush (nothing else or you could hurt your throat more)
5. Once you find that sweet spot, keep going at it until you start to gag, that’s when you know you got it all ( or at least most of it)
6. Be gentle! You’re already doing damage to your health, you don’t want to cause damage to your mouth/ throat.
7. DO NOT FORCE IT! It is OK if you can’t do it or slim to none comes up. Forcing it can do more damage than the actual act
8. REPLENISH! When pũrg1ng you are dehydrating yourself. Drink an electrolyte beverage (most are 0-10 cals). It will replenish and hydrate you more than plain water
9. Rest. You will feel tired afterwords, so be lazy for awhile
10. Take care of yourself ❤️
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