#idk if this makes sense but he def loves acting like a little married couple at the end of the day
bubbledtee · 10 months
something in me thinks that if you were dating him, modern!80s!james would call you “honey” when you’re alone together.
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thejilyship · 5 years
Blind Dates and Good Graces
I wrote a one shot!
I know, what? I don’t do that very often. And when I do, I write them in one go and very spur of the moment.This one was inspired by a prompt, but very loosely so I’m not going to bother posting the prompt. 
Summary: Mary wants to set Lily up with a stranger. She’s not interested because she’s not in the market to get murdered, but also because she’s crushing on someone else. Mary, however, won’t let up. 
college/texting au
WC: 2.2K 
ff.net | ao3
Lily sat down in her lab seat with a dramatic sigh. She should shove her phone into her bag and ignore her friends for the next two hours. She should pull out her notebook and look over her notes from last class. She should, quite possibly, get new friends all together and just call it with Mary. They’d had a good ten years of friendship, but all good things come to an end eventually, and maybe this was the anthill that they couldn’t get over.
But instead, she pulled out her phone and continued to feed the troll.
Mary: You never do anything I tell you. It’s not fair.
Marlene: It’s like you don’t trust her, Lily
Lily: Marlene, stay out of this, you’re not helping
Mary: I feel like you don’t TRUST ME
Lily: See what you did?
Marlene: She just wants you to meet the bloke. What’s the worst that could happen?
Marlene: Pretend I didn’t say that
Mary: Why would you say that??? Men are the worst, literally anything could happen at any time!
Lily: Men are the worst. So why do you want me to go out with one of them?
Lily: One that I’ve never met before?
Mary: yes, I understand your very valid points, but! I have met him, and he is hilarious and charming and dorky and sweet and exactly the kind of guy that you’d like
Lily: This conversation is making me itchy
Marlene: Come on, Mary. You know Lily is allergic to dating, lay off a bit
Mary: Who’s side are you on, Marlene?
Marlene: idk and idC
Lily: Alright, class is starting. You can harass me later
Mary: Just agree to meeting him! I can be there! It doesn’t have to be a date!
Lily shut off her phone and pushed it to the far corner of her desk. Once it was no longer in her hands, she went about getting ready for class.
“Lo, Evans,” She turned and smiled at the boy who took a seat next to her. The boy who was probably the real reason that she didn’t really want anything to do with Mary’s hilarious and charming boy.
“Afternoon, Potter,” He smiled back at her and pushed his hair back, away from his forehead and then ruffled it up. He was always doing that, but Lily, who had spent much time inspecting his hair during the course of their shared class, thought that it would probably have been just as unruly if he hadn’t. She thought it looked soft too.
And one time, he’d dropped his pencil and she leaned over to get it for him just a second after he had, and she got a face full of his hair. It smelled amazing. She couldn’t identify the smell, but whatever it was, she wanted to smell it again.
“You ready for lecture?” He asked, putting his notebook on an angle so he was facing her as much as he was facing the board. He’d been doing that lately. Lily ducked her head and smiled to herself as she dug through her bag for a pen.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” She said. This wasn’t anyone’s favorite lecture, and it was a long one. But at some point in the last couple of weeks, this had been the class that Lily was most looking forward to.
Her phone started buzzing again and Lily closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head.
“What’s going on there?” James asked, glancing at her phone and then going back to doodling. “Sounds like someone really wants to talk to you.”
“Yeah, it’s my friend Mary. And probably Marlene too. They’re harassing me.”
“Ah,” He smiled, adding more lines to his doodle. “And what are they harassing you about?”
Lily felt herself flush a little and she started tapping her pen on the table. “Mary wants to set me up on a blind date.” She blurted out.
“A blind date? I didn’t know people still did those.”
“Right?” Lily relaxed now that he seemed to be agreeing with her. “And she won’t let it go. But I don’t want to go out with someone that I don’t even know. That sounds terrible.”
“It does sound terrible.” James put his pencil down and ran a hand through his hair. “So she’s not listening to you then? I mean, I assume you’ve told her that you don’t want to do it.”
Her phone buzzed again.
“Of course she’s not listening!” Lily pulled her phone over to her again.
Mary: He and his mates are throwing a party this weekend
Marlene: I like parties
Mary: I was invited and you could come with me and Reggie! That would be a super lowkey way to meet him
Mary: Marlene, I was talking to Lily, not you.
Marlene: Sometimes I feel like you don’t love me
Mary: there’s no need to be dramatic
Marlene: Really? I thought that was kind of our MO
Mary: Okay, but our MO is like fight club. We don’t talk about it
Marlene: Why do you want Lily to date this boy so much?
Mary: I don’t even know! I normally am a strong advocate for everyone staying single as long as they can, otherwise you end up like me, married and boringly monogamous at a ridiculously young age, but I just feel like they’re supposed to know each other
Mary: Does that make sense?
Marlene: I guess
Marlene: You def got married to young
Mary: Yeah, why did you let me do that
Marlene: Because you and Reggie are soulmates and it made your taxes cheaper
Mary: Right, I forgot about the monetary advantages
Marlene: not for long if you keep yelling at her!
Lily: I’m in class. I’m going to mute you both if you don’t stop.
Marlene: Don’t be jealous, Lily. Mary and I can talk without you if we want
Mary: Yeah, and we can talk about you if we want
Lily: I’m busy this weekend. I’m not going to any party with you
Mary: What are you doing this weekend? I live with you. I know you don’t do shit.
 She clicked off the screen and pushed it away again with another huff.
James chuckled. “She’s still not letting up?”
“No,” Lily whispered, as their professor had now started the lecture. “Now she wants me to go to a party he’s throwing with his friends this weekend. I don’t know him or his friends, why do I want to go to their party?”
“I wouldn’t want to go to a party where I don’t know anyone,” James once again, agreed with her and she sat up straighter.
“Exactly! See, why can’t Mary agree with me like you do!”
“She’s probably not trying to get in your good graces.” He said this a bit quieter and Lily bit her tongue.
“And what makes you think you’re not already in my good graces?”
James let out a breathy laugh and pretended as though he was paying attention to the professor. “Alright, but her position in your good graces is probably a lot more secure than mine. If I started needling you to go to a party this weekend and meet new people, then you might just stop talking to me. Our history only goes back a couple weeks.”
“Well before you came in, I was mentally tallying the pros and cons of never speaking to Mary again so, you’re probably right.” She cleared her throat to keep from laughing and then leaned a bit closer to him so she wouldn’t have to talk as loud. “I’m not a stick in the mud or anything, normally I like going out and making new friends, but she’s just being… I don’t know. She never acts like this- I mean she’s always very loud and in your face- but she never wants me to date people!” She shook her head and glared at her phone again.
“Can I ask you something?”
Lily frowned at him, but nodded.
“Do you, uh, have feelings for this girl? For Mary, I mean?”
Lily smiled, pressing her lips together. “I get asked that quite often, actually.” She shook her head. “And I suppose that would be one explanation for why I’m so upset about this. But no, I just don’t like her being pushy. I mean if I did have feelings for her, I’d probably be much more upset about the fact that she’s married than her trying to set me up with someone I don’t know.”
“Married? Okay, I have one more question now.” He brow was knit together. “Is her name Mary MacDonald?”
Lily frowned at him and blinked a few times before she nodded her head. “You know Mary?”
“I play football with Reggie.” His furrowed brow relaxed, and he started smiling. “You know, my mates and I are throwing a party this weekend.”
Lily was still frowning.
“Do you think…” She started but then shook her head because that would be impossibly and ridiculous. “No.” She kept shaking her head. “Maybe,” She looked back at him and bit the tip of her tongue.
“She hasn’t been trying to set me up with anyone,” James put his hands up, “So she might be trying to introduce you to Remus. I doubt it’d be Sirius or Peter. She’s always arguing with Sirius and Peter is a little frightened of her, so they don’t talk much. But she has a couple classes with Remus. Could be him.”
Lily’s frown was still in place and her heart was beating too quickly. “Is Remus hilarious and charming and dorky and sweet?” Her voice was too quiet, but he heard her, and he was smirking.
“Well see, that sounds like me.” But then his hand was in his hair. “But yeah, I suppose Remus is pretty great too.”
“Hold on,” Lily reached out and pulled her phone close, keeping it on the desk so it wasn’t too obvious to any TA who might be looking that she was on her phone.
There were more texts between Mary and Marlene about how difficult Lily could be and how she was such a jealous girl when it came to their friendship and Lily rolled her eyes.
Lily: Hey, quick quesh
Lily: I’m in my lab, sitting next to James Potter and he told me that he plays football with Reggie and that you, Mary, know him and his friends, who are throwing a party this weekend
Lily: Could this mystery guy you’ve been trying to get me to go out with be my lab partner???????
Mary: Does he know that I’m trying to set the two of you up? I haven’t told him yet, I knew that you would be more difficult to convince
Marlene: Wait, what is going on?
Marlene: Lab boy is the boy Mary wants you to date?
Marlene: How perfect!
Mary: Perfect?
Marlene: Yeah, Lily’s been crushing on lab boy for weeks now
Mary: you fancied someone and you didn’t tell me??
Lily: I don’t fancy him
Lily: I didn’t tell Marlene that I fancy him
Lily: I just sit next to him
Marlene: And stare at his hair
Lily: He’s got really nice hair!
Lily: Why must you be like this. I’ll talk to you later
Marlene: Yeah! Get it girl!!!
Mary: twirl that hair, flutter those lashes
 She clicked off her screen again and clicked her tongue before turning back to James. “So yeah, she was trying to set me up with you.”
He was looking up at the board, a smirk on his lips.
The both of them took a few minutes to write down some of the notes that they’d missed of the last fifteen minutes or so.
Then he cleared his throat. “So?”
She turned toward her.
“Any interest in coming to the party now?” He was still smiling, and his smile was a bit contagious, so she found herself smiling too.
She shifted in her seat. “You know, I might be interested. I mean, you’re not a stranger anymore so I don’t have that excuse anymore.”
“I’m not. And I’m in your good graces.”
“For now.”
“For now.” He agreed and she laughed.
“I can’t believe this.”
“It is quite the coincidence.” James nodded. He laughed quietly and shook his head. “You know, I was going to invite you to the party before you started saying how much you didn’t like going to parties where you didn’t know people.”
“I don’t like being Mary and Reggie’s third wheel- Though Marlene wants to come… wait, you were?”
James nodded, turned back toward her. “Yeah,” He smiled. “Actually, I wanted to start with dinner.”
“I like food.” Lily grinned.
“You do?” James chuckled. “Well were you planning on eating any after class?”
She snorted. “I think so.”
“You think I can take you out? Even though Mary’s been harassing you about me?”
“Fuck Mary.” Lily waved her hand and James laughed. “I’d really like to go out with you.”
She could already hear Mary singing a song about how she was right and now Lily would have to listen to everything she ever said.
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laughing-with-god · 6 years
BTS as Yandere (Based on their Venus and Mars Signs)
(We don’t know BTS’s exact birthtime and location so the placements are just general predictions and not precise.  Astrology is something I think reveals a lot about a person but I am in no way saying that all the members are like this)
Venus in Capricorn.
Takes a long time for it to develop yandere habits/mindset.  But once he gets there, there is no turning back.  
Probably fell for you bc he can see a future with you. He’s very strategic and attracted to accomplished individuals so your career, work ethic or lifestyle probably drew his attention.  You had to impress him in some way.
Fan of older partners.  it’s okay if you’re younger but you still have to be mature.  Childish behavior really pisses him off.  
Capricorn is about control, once he has you he wants to be in charge of the smallest things about you.  Your diet, what products you use, what shows you watch, the music you listen to and the friends you spend time with. 
Public image is very important to him, so he will not deal with any disobedience esp if you guys are out in public.  Wants the world to think you two are the perfect couple.   
Not that romantic, but very traditional.  Obsessed with planning for the future with you.  Looks at houses, talks about the schools nearby for your future kids.  While a venus in Pisces might write poetry for you and get you flowers, venus in Capricorn would ask to sign up for a joint bank account.  That’s romance to them.
Venus in Capricorn apparently like bigger butts, thighs and even duskier complexion.  Tall partners too.
Venus in Capricorn likes to take their time.  Even though he’s yandere, he still wants to progress slowly with you to savor the buildup and think about the story he will tell his kids about how he got with their mother.  No kisses on the first few dates, probably took months for you guys to fuck.  
Mars in Cancer
very protective of you.
He will have a family with you.  That’s not up for discussion.
Although his venus in cap makes him attracted to ambitious women, his mars in cancer makes it so that after being together for a while, he would ask you to be a stay at home sweetheart while he works and provides for you.
loves being depended on.  His cap and cancer both agree on this.  
Very lenient on punishment.  His cap will try to set harsh ground rules, but if you were to break them, just give him some teary eyes and he would fold completely.  he tends to settle on lectures instead of physical punishment. 
“Darling, it’s never to early to start shaping our future.  We need to figure out what private school to send our kids to and that would dictate where we live next.”
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Venus in Aries.
While other members would despise a partner who fights back all the time and gets mouthy, Yoongi would adore it.  
The sassier and more outspoken you are, the more Yoongi loves you.
One of the few members to not mind if you are independent, in fact it turns him on to know how capable you are on your own.  
He likes tension and fighting, bc it keeps the spark alive and he thinks you’re the sexiest when you are fiery and livid.  
Likes the chase.  Will def play your game.  If you give into him too easily, he’ll loose interest very fast,
Tends to like more tomboyish partners, laidback and straighforward.  Don’t be too sensitive or feminine, it will only anger him.
Likes for the relationship to move fast.  Will fuck you on the fist date if you let him.  He doesn’t understand the concept of waiting when you set his heart on fire like it’s nothing.  
Do. Not. Undermine. Him.  
If you say something, esp about his masculinity, he will flip shit and prob go out to kill some ppl just to prove that he is no bitch.  aries are sensitive to their assertiveness being tested.  Very competitive as well.  
Quick tempered at times, but not the type to hold a grudge.  
Any competitors for your affection will be dealt with.  utmost violence as well.  
Not the type to take you out for dinner and a movie every time you guys go out on dates, wants to have exciting dates with you.
Enjoys the company of younger partners, a youthful energy is needed to keep up with him.
Mars in Cancer.
protective as hell.
He will be violent, but never at you. The type to hurt people around you rather than you.  Just enough to get his point across.
“Thanks to your bitchy behavior, (friend) can expect a broken arm tomorrow.  Hope you’re happy.”  
possessive over you.  
Needs to be told you love him.  Just for reassurance.
A family would be nice, but he would be happy with just one kid or some pets.  
Your guys’ shared home is sacred to him.  People can’t just come over.
“Doll face, I’m bored.  Let’s fight.  We can have hot makeup sex afterwards.”
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Venus in Scorpio.
Run bitch.
High key, venus in Scorpio is one of the most yandere placements to exist.  
Obsession is his middle name.
The moment he met you, he knew he had to have you.  His mindset is almost scary.  
He could barely know you but he already is experiencing a need to consume your entire mind, soul and body like no other.  
The deepest desire which taints his mind until he cannot think of anything else.  
Convinced you two are soulmates.  
Attracted to partners that are sexy, mysterious, able to enchant him whilst barely trying.  Darker and more sensual clothes are preferred on his lovers.  For girls, something very womanly and grown.  For a guy, something manly and appealing to your form.  
Possessive.  An unquenchable thirst to dominate his lover.  He loves the idea of completely taking over someone so magnetizing.  
You have to be very intelligent, he needs stimulating conversation.  You can’t just be sexy without a brain.  
really likes your scent.  Not the perfume you wear or the shampoo you use, but your actual natural scent.  Might sniff your used clothes to get it.  Doesn’t mind if you haven’t showered in a couple days.  (weird but I read this somewhere and I can totally see it so hop off)
Doesn’t take things slow.  why should he when he knows that you two are going to end up together either way?  would fucking marry you after knowing you for two months.  
Not above mind games in order to get you to stay.
Very romantic, but some of the things he says raises red flags.
“I would kill for you, (Y/n).”
Mars in Cancer.
This only enhances some of his venus in scorpio.  
VERY protective.  VERY possessive.
Way more likely to end up with a younger partner, this would also aid his venus in scorpio’s need to dominate and consume his partner.  
Unlike the other mars in cancers, I think he would physically punish you at times.  (more sexually themed punishments though) never enough to actually seriously harm you.  A light spanking here and there that feeds his need to be the dominant one.  
very smart with getting rid of people in your life.  It happens over time and they would always be labelled missing.  
Wants to be the only person you need, will provide for you too.  Idk if he would want a fam bc venus in scorpio is very tunnel vision and kids may fuck with that.  
“We’re soulmates baby.  Don't kid yourself.  No one on this god green earth will understand you or care for you as much as I do.”
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Venus in Pisces.  
Attracted to softer and sweeter partners.  He wants to be slapped into a dreamy state when he sees you.
Very romantic.  Poems, songs, flowers, chocolates, five-star dining ect.  
eager to please you in any way.  Type to leave his house at 4 am and hit up your place to deliver ice cream just bc you ran out.
very emotional with you.  Your phone could die and you can’t answer his text, therefore 30 minutes later Hoseok would be sobbing and begging at your doorstep to not leave him.  
Very self-pitying.  Hard to explain but have you ever been mad at someone and instead of defending themselves, they just kinda say stuff like; “You’re right.  I’m the worst kind of person.  I should just die already.”  
He’s like that whenever you’re mad at him.  He likes to play the guilt card a lot.  
Enjoys smaller lovers, or petite people.  Likes feeling bigger than his partner.  (don't come for me guys, I literally just read this and it kinda made sense to me. Pisces are depicted as more elfish figures so he probably finds it attractive.)
Cuddling is so vital to him.  it’s as if he charges himself up or something because he can literally experience withdrawls.
Loves it if you’re really sweet and charitable. also if you are into arts or occult themes, Hoseok would be so intrigued and want to learn from you
Works himself into obsessive fantasies, Pisces love escapism and he tends to day dream about you 24/7.  
Least likely among the members to be violent to you or anyone else for that matter.
He would hurt himself before anyone else.  He likes acting very depressed or gloomy (in extreme cases, getting himself bruised and bloody) in order to get your affection and worry.  
Mars In Aquarius.
Still stands true that he wouldn’t hurt other people.  He’s very logical despite being yandere and he knows that you’re not sleeping with the waiter who lingered too long.  
Aquarius is very logical, so he could be very calculating with his emotional manipulating.  Like tell you his dad just got diagnosed with cancer and induldge in your cuddles and coddling, but little did you know his dad has had it for years.  
Punishment is very aloof.  You just loose privilages.  
Least likely to have an age preference out of the members.
Into some really kinky or odd/taboo things in the bedroom.  At the very least, he’s very willing to experiment.  
“Sugarplum~!  Aren’t you so sad for me right now?  Please, give me cuddles.  Those always make me feel better.”
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Venus in Scorpio
Very desperate to know every little thing he can about you.  
You haunt his mind even if it was just a brief encounter that you had with him.  
also wants to consume your very mind, body and soul.  
Attracted to sexy over cute.  Curves, dark and sensual clothes, alluring mannerisms and husky voice.  He wants to be magnetized by you, unable to forget you even if he tried.
Obsessive, mind consuming, passionate love for you which depths kind of terrify you.  
loyal and dedicated.  Your enemies are his enemies now.  (This includes anyone who happened to give you a less than warm glance).  
Sex is very important to a venus in scorpio, he feels like it’s the only way to properly express his love through mind-numbing pleasure he can give to you.  
He moves fast once he’s with you.  he doesn’t want to go through the fluffy bullshit of waiting so long to kiss, fuck or move in together when he’s 100% convinced you are his soulmate.  
Jealous.  No one should be able to look at you the way he does.  He’ll loose it.  
Wants to control you.  it’s the end-game.  
Doesn’t mind if you are younger or older but he will be the one in charge.  
A partner who has the appearance of dominance but will be very submissive to him is what he craves.
Likes marking his territory.  Leaves bruises, hickies or makes you wear couple clothes, his clothes or a necklace or something to make him feel the thrill of ownership.  
will write his name on you if you let him.  Just a permanent markered ‘Park Jimin’ on your forearm or something.  
But he would be so happy if you did the same to him as well.
You belong to him just as much as he belongs to you.
Mars in Scorpio.
Protective, possessive.  you know the drill.  
Punishments with you are sexual.  
Power play with him in charge is also a big factor in your sex life.  
Can and will murder anyone he deems a threat.  
Even your family and friends have to keep their distance.  
“Jagi, my name is beginning to fade off your arm.  Let’s touch it up, yeah?”
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Venus in Aquarius.
Attracted to someone very different and unique. 
It can be your looks, your ethnicity, personality, career or interests but for whatever reason; you stood out.  
Big age gaps are seen here.  Doesn’t matter if you are younger or older but chances are, it’s by ALOT.
Doesn’t follow dating normalities.  Couldn't give less of a shit about dating or courting. if he wants you, he is going to get you.  
Turned on by taboo relationships and sex.  Like if it’s forbidden for you two to be together, it’ll only spur him on more.  
Teacher/student, boss/worker, affairs, age gaps.  Anything society might look at with an eyebrow raise.  
Very kinky in the sheets, wants to try everything at least once.  
Aquarius is very cold and aloof sometimes, so Tae wouldn’t get jealous.  He has mastered the mask of indifference.  If someone tries talking to you in effort to get with you, Tae would just laugh bc it’s almost funny how they thought they had a chance with you.  
You must be very interesting intellectually, he wants a partner he can learn from.  
His yandere habits come out when you try to block him out from your life, or try to lessen his control over you.  
He craves authority over you, this is only added to bc his mars is in Capricorn. 
Wants to make small changes about you, then eventually big ones.  
Like it’s really subtle too, he’ll say something like “Oh, I really like that style, you should wear it more.”  And then a month later, he’s in control of your wardrobe. 
His methods are very sly.  He doesn’t threaten you or make a big show of putting you into submission, he much rather just plant a seed in your mind and wait for nature to take it’s coarse.  
Loves surprising you and playing games.  Will stop talking to you for like a week and then theres a knock on your door and damn, he sent you Gucci.
Doesn’t want you to be able to figure him out.  Always thinking of the next unpredictable thing he could do to keep you one your toes.  
Mars in Capricorn.  
After the push and pull game is over and he has put you into a submissive state for him, he wants to begin a more traditional life.  House, kids, you became a stay at home lover.    
Just bc he becomes a family man doesn’t mean that the freaky sex has to stop.
Possessive of you and your future kids.  
The type to teach his future kids on yandere and how they should make sure ‘mommy never tries to leave daddy’.  
Punishments are physical, and very harsh.  He’s all about that discipline and will not be talked down when he thinks you broke one of his rules. 
“Why is it wrong for me to make choices for you?  I know what best after all.  Have I ever failed you?  Even when people told me to break up with you because our relationship wasn’t cookie-cutter.”
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Venus in Libra. 
The opposite of Yoongi. He wants someone who is very feminie and ‘girly.’
Dresses, pastel colors, nice perfume, charming, docile manners and sweet sounding voice.  
Wants very bad to prove himself to you.  Virgos and Libras are people pleasers so the fact that his sun and venus are these two signs just tells me that he desperately will try to get you to like him.  
Will change his style, his hair, his voice whatever he has to do to get you to pay him attention.  
Very romantic.  Thinks you deserve the best so that will always reflect in the dates he takes you on or the gifts he gives you.  
Libra is ruled by venus so love is something that he simply cannot live without.  He fantasizes about marriage and furture plans with you.  
Will call you ‘wifey’ if you let him.  
He adores you.  
Worships the ground you walk on.  
Which is why his yandere tendencies will have to walk around your desires.  
Like you tell him to stop looking through your bedroom windows at night,  he can’t bring himself to do it anymore bc that would be going against you directly.  
BUT you didn’t say he couldn’t install cameras.
King of loopholes.  
Like a mechivous kid who loves his mom and doesn’t want to get scolded, but he still wants to sneak in some cookies from the jar.  
He isn’t the punisher of the relationship, YOU are.  
If he does something that angers you, just don’t talk to him for literally an hour or so and he’d go crazy.  
the fear of losing you is too great.  
Another one who really enjoys your scent.  It’s like crack to him.  
Prone to stealing a small thing froom you, like a scarf or a blanket that has your scent on it.  
If you were to be away from him for a while, he would just steal your perfume and spray it on his hoodie so he could feel like you were hugging him.  
Might even buy your perfume for himself.....
Mars in Scorpio.
Very protective of you and cannot handle the possibility of anyone being with you the way he is.  
He will get very brutal with anyone he considers a threat, no one is safe.  You can literally walk an old man across the street and Jungkook would still think the fucker was trying to cup a feel. 
very sexual, switches between being dominant and submissive.  It’s mainly focused on pleasing you bc of libra and virgo but mars is the planet of sex and with that in scorpio means he can be a dom.
Jungkook is (and I say this with all my heart) a switch with sub preference.
Wants to know you like no one else ever has.  You know how the members with scorpio venus are so intense? Jungkook has that side to him too.    
….it’s just hidden behind the sweeter venus libra.
“Princess, please stop ignoring me.  You’re my goddess, I can’t handle not being acknowledged by you.  Just tell me what to do to make it better.”
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punk-rock-pixie · 6 years
Y'all literally don't shut up about them, so just.... DO THEM ALL. ALL THE FUCKING QUEEN ASKS (Ps. Y'all would be cute with young Brian May and MAYBE Roger Taylor but mostly Bri. Okay bye)
Lord… Okay. I guess I did say that I would answer them all at once. I just wasn’t expecting someone to do it.
(Also aw. lmao)
I’m gonna do it all under the cut.
Who would you dance with if you got the chance?
When you say dance what do you mean? Slow, fun, or like??? Idk. Probably John Deacon
Whose voice do you like least of the 3 singing members of the band?
In your opinion what is the worst outfit any of them ever wore?
Hard Life. It’s rediculous and I love it. (Actually highkey would totally wear John or Brian’s costumes lmao)
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If you could steal one of their features what would you take? (ie. Roger’s eyes, Brian’s hair, John’s butt, Freddie’s stache etc.)
Roger’s Eyes. I don’t think I’d look good with the other two lmao
Have you ever seen Highlander or Flash Gordon?
I’ve seen Flash a couple times. It’s super bad lmao
Is there a Queen song you really don’t like? If so what is it?
Is it a cop out to say some stuff from Hot Space? I really don’t enjoy much off Hot Space other than maybe Cool Cat.
Do you know how to boil an egg?
I don’t, but I’m sure a quick google search will tell me.
Opinion of Hot Space
I guess I answered this one, but I’m not a huge fan. Given what was being done behind the scenes at the time.
If you were friends with the band who would you go to for comfort?
TRICK QUESTION. I internalize all my problems because I cannot burden people lmao
What Queen song can you absolutely not skip even if you’re not in the mood for it?
‘39 and Good ol Fashioned Lover Boy
I’m In Love with My Car. Love it or Hate it?
A jam ™ lmao
Do you play Scrabble?
Not often but my sis and I do sometimes. I love that the band did that while on tour.
Who has the best fashion sense in the band?
All? All of them… 
If you could meet any of the three living band members (including sneaky Deaky) who would you choose to meet?
Brian. He’s been such an inspiration to me and his solos were the reason I began playing in the first place.
If you had to pick an inanimate object to have a crush on would it be a car or a guitar? (Yes, I’m poking fun at Brian and Rog)
I’m already mocked for being in love with my music so defs guitar.
Have you been inspired to pursue something musical because of Queen?
Literally all of my music career.
Millionaire Waltz or Dreamer’s Ball?
If you were friends with the band who do you think would come to you for comfort or advice?
I’m not sure. I feel like John might, but it’s hard to say. People generally seem to open up a lot to me because I am a listener but?????
Do you want to be a penguin when you grow up?
Always. Slide on my belly and avoid financial problems? Hell yeah.
Who do you think is the best looking member of the band?
UH. Brian. Uhm. I haven’t had a crush on him for over half my life lmaooo Although Roger was and still is a very pretty person lmao
Opinion on Queen + Adam Lambert
It’s not Freddie, and it never will be. However, Lambert is very talented and I am so excited to see them in Concert this summer! I’m sure they will be great
F**k, Marry, Kill… go!
Fuck Rog
Marry Brian
Kill Paul lmao????
Favorite outfit worn by any of them
I love their Radio Ga Ga outfits so much, ��Crazy Little Thing Called Love”, and Brian’s “Don’t Stop Me Now” look. Also there’s an early look from Roger that makes me cry when I see it, but I don’t remember what tour it was
This is them respectively:
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Is there a song by Queen that you feel is overrated?
Not completely, but I feel there are some very UNDERrated songs
Have you seen Queen in any form? (With Freddie or Adam or Paul)
Nope, but seeing them in summer!!!
Do you follow any of the band on social media?
Of course I do lmao
Do you own any Queen albums and on what format are they? (Vinyl, tape, cd, etc)
I don’t actually, but I listen non stop on spotify lmao
Freddie with or without the ‘stache?
I think the stache was a very iconic look, but I love them both.
Favorite song written by Freddie?
Defs “I was Born to Love You” 
John with long hair or short?
Favorite John song?
I love “You’re my Best Friend” because he wrote it for his wife, and it makes me so happy
Do you like badgers?
They p rad
Favorite Brian written song?
Driven by You or ‘39 defs
Rog with or without sun/glasses?
Defs without. He has a nice face
Favorite Roger song?
It’s lowkey not good, but I love it so much “Future Management” Aka (You don’t need nobody else but me)
Do you think you could beat any of them at Scrabble?
Not at all
Do you think you could out drink any of them?
DEFS NOT. I am such a light drinker. One swig of (probably aged) vodka was enough to put me out lmao
Whose house would you choose to live in?
idk I never went to their houses?
Thoughts on the song 39?
I think I’ve made it clear lmao
Do you like cats?
Very much!
Do you like kids?
I just get anxious around them
Do you like space?
Do you like cars?
I was never quite able to, but my dad is and so was one of my exes which is where I get me (very minimal knowledge)
Favorite album?
Great fuckin question
Who has the nicest eyes in the band?
You already fuckin know but also they all do! Especially when they all smile. 
If you could go back in time to any concert they ever performed, which would it be?
I would love to see Wembley or Liveaid tbh, but I’d also love to see when they just start after Smile.
Do you think John Deacon will ever come out of hiding?
Not sure, and I think we should 100% respect him and his family and his privacy tbh??? Like??? Let him live.
Who do you think will outlive the rest?
Brian probably because he bikes so much.
Do you prefer pre or post synth Queen?
I’m okay with both! I think they’re both good for different reasons!
If you could tell any one band member something (including Freddie) who would it be and what would you say?
Of course Brian. I would thank him (and the rest of the band) for inspiring me so much. Probs about the story of first hearing them on the radio and listening to those solos and saying that I wanted to do that. Idk. 
Realistically, I’d probably be trying not to cry and make a fool of myself and ultimately fail…
Bohemian Rhapsody - What matters to you more than anything in the world?
My music and my friends probs?
Don’t Stop Me Now - What makes you feel unstoppable?
Hitting belt notes perfectly
Another One Bites The Dust - What one thing would you wipe off the face of the earth?
Mosquitoes and homophobes
Under Pressure - How stressed are you currently?
Not particularly. Just tired
We Will Rock You - What was the last concert you went to?
It was Anne Wilson, Rick Springfield, and (I think his name is) Jeff Beck. Went with my family over summer
Somebody To Love - Are you looking for somebody to love?
I have someone. I’m polyamorous, but I’ve very happy with the person I’m with!
We Are The Champions - What achievement are you most proud of?
Still staying passionate about my music no matter what.
Radio GaGa - What do you think of today’s popular music?
I respect the artists but I’m more into oldies.
I Want To Break Free - If you could move to any part of the world, where would you want to live?
NOT BECAUSE OF QUEEN I SWEAR. I’M NOT BEING SARCASTIC But I’d love to move to England. I was there when I was 13 and I fell in love with it. Either there or the LA area
Love Of My Life - Have you ever had your heart broken?
More times than I’d like to admit lmao
Killer Queen - What is your favourite thing about yourself?
my resilience 
The Show Must Go On - What is something you will never give up?
Music. 100%
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Name some of your favourite musicians.
You mean other than Queen? Lmao. I’m a fan of Heart, Fleetwood Mac, Cheap Trick, Beatles…. oldies lmao Also Fell in love with a ghost is really good. 
Who Wants To Live Forever - If you could be immortal, would you?
I don’t think so… I think I would get bored and like it can also get really sad yknow?
Fat Bottomed Girls - What are some traits you look for in a partner?
TREAT ME LIKE A DAMN HUMAN, make me laugh, be passionate and outspoken, COMMUNICATE…. 
Superficially, I’m generally partial to people being taller than me (even though my partner is shorter lmao) and other musicians (so long as they are humble cuz bitch I can do that too)
I Want It All - If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?
To live comfortably and have good mental health.
1) Brian’s fluffy hair or Deaky’s fluffy hair?
Brian lmao
2) How do you feel about Freddie’s 1976 brushed back hair?
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What a look tm
3) Roger’s drum solos or Brian’s Guitar solos?
Of course the guitar solos. Though, I can appreciate the drums as well
4) Favourite member of Queens entourage over the years?
5) Most underrated Freddie look?
Idk that it’s underrated but oof those Harlequin days. Also that one sequin jumpsuit is such a look. 
6) would you rather work on Freddie and Rogers Kensington Market stall or go to Uni with Brian?
I think the stall because going to uni… There’s a lotta kids and the likelihood of seeing the same person twice unless your schedules match up is pretty impossible. Plus I’m a psych major not astrophysics lmao
7) Ben Hardy or Joe mazzello?
I love Joe more than I love many people.
8) Who do you think looks/acts the most like their irl counterpart in Borhap?
Definitely Gwilym. He looks so much like Brian I literally had to double take once or twice. Also if Joe does the specific pout he defs looks like Deacon
9) Which era of Roger is your favourite?
Early 70s fluffy boy
10) Who has the best shirtless look?
11) favourite cast member overall?
Definitely Joe
12) Jim and Freddie or John and Veronica?
I love them all. 
13) Whose spouse would you most like to marry?
I wouldn’t, but I wanna be best friends with Anita Dobson (Brian’s current wife)
14) Who is the bigger Thot, Roger or Freddie?
15) Live with Joe or marry Ben?
Live with Joe. I wanna be his best friend. I’m not at all into Ben actually. Cool guy though!
16) Who do you think is the most charismatic out of the cast?
They all are I think. I definitely think Joe is one of the more outspoken of the four, but????
17) Twink Roger or badass grandad Roger?
18) Brian and space or Brian and music?
Uh. Space music.
19) What is your favourite photo of the whole band?
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I FOUND IT ‘73! They all just look so happy and ughh I love them.
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Also this one. I LOVE WHEN THEY SMILE.
20) Purple rain or superfreak?
Superfreak. Purple rain was overplayed for me after Prince died I think.
21) What element of your life is most queen-esque?
I’m not sure. Probably the clothes I (can’t afford) want to wear
22) If you had to choose any year to tour with queen, which one and why?
Early to mid 70s. When they just start out. Idk Just seeing their improvement over the years would make me so happy.
23) Which John Deacon shirt in Bohemian Rhapsody is the best?
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That one. Also I love the Liveaid look because I love button ups.
24) Is I’m in love with my car a good song?
25) Which section of the ‘I want to break free’ music video is the best?
The sit com part I think
26) moustache Freddie or Stubble Freddie?
Uhm unsure
27) Bearded Bri or clean shaven Bri?
Clean shave. He looks great with a beard- don’t get me wrong. But oof. Clean shaved guys….
28) What Freddie outfit should have been in the movie?
Harlequin always
29) Brian and Gwylim or Roger and Ben?
30) Ben Hardy playing the drums whilst smoking or Roger spinning drumsticks?
Roger spinning drumsticks. “WE’RE SAVING YOUR LIFE, BEN”
31) What is your favourite aspect of John Deacons personality?
He’s such a humble person- they all can be. And also just how snarky and silly he can be.
32) Who worked the fringe best, Freddie or John?
33) Joe’s Instagram or Luke Deacons Twitter?
FUCKIN UHHHHHHHHH Both are fucking iconic. Let me be both of their best friends. When do I get to meet them.
34) Which of Roger’s kids is your favourite?
35) What was your most Freddie Mercury moment?
36) What Queen song would you most like to fall asleep to?
I’ve fallen asleep to Brian May/Kerry Ellis’s “Love of my life”
37) who has the best solo album?
Unsure… I think Brian defs but still. 
38) If you could see the cast recreate any live performance what would it be and why?
39) Who would beat a shark in a fight, Joe or Ben?
Ben probs. 
40) Which queen song would you play at your funeral?
41) Do you think the script did Freddie justice and if not what would you change?
For being  a biopic and not documentary I think it did very well! Of course it isn’t gonna be completely accurate, but I think it did a good job of showing both sides of Freddie. 
42) What is the best thing about listening to Rami talk about Freddie?
ALL. He just speaks so passionately.
43) Roger’s lime green trousers or John’s Arrow suit?
44) Does Gwylim suit a beard more than Brian?
Personally I think Gwil does, but I also like no beards on both. 
45) What Chaotic Roger story is your favourite?
“ONE AND THREE-SEVENTHS SUGAR” and also pinching Brian’s butt in an interview
46) Which one of Freddie’s cats are you most like?
47) Which BoRhap scene is most like you?
Probably them in the farm talking about the songs they wrote. 
48) Which member of queen and which cast member has the most chaotic energy?
Joe all the way
49) What is your favourite queen related memory?
The first time I saw the Bo Rhap trailor I nearly cried. I was also sobbing  the whole first watch through
50) How many times have you seen Bohemian Rhapsody?
Upwards of 5
0 notes
HELLO LOVELIES!! ;D As said in my post in the ooc blog, here’s a bio on Amelia and as I’ve also mentioned,  I’m a huge plot-whore, so do come on over and IM me if y’all wanna plot a  connection/anything with Amelia here or LIKE this post and I’ll come to ya instead!!~<3
So damn excited to be heree and I can’t wait to  rp and get to know everyone of u soon!!:D~<3 <3
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So she’s the only child ( so far for now,as idk yet whether I want her to have any older siblings or not) to the a high-ranking Duke and Duchess in Bearoria, the kingdom where she had been  born in , grew up in and where she stayed & called home for many years till she was married off to a Duke in Dracborough (when she was 20)
I kinda have it that her family was always invited to the royal court whenever there was an event or function happening there or  even invited to stay there a few times over the years due to her family’s position and possibly her parents being good family friends with the King and Queen.
As it was during her time spent in the royal court was when she bumped into and became friends with Emrys’s, the adopted son of the royal physician there, when she was 5 and he, 7.  Their friendship grew greatly over the years  and evolved into a very close one whereby they eventually even became besties.
Her personality is that of a kind, warm, calm, mature and wise lady, who's also well-mannered and socially graceful as well as keeping in with social etiquette expected of her when she's out in public but she's humble so she doesn't mind making friends with anyone of any societal ranking.  And at times she may be quite compliant to her family's wishes except of course when it comes to who she makes friends with or who she chooses to help cos she simply cannot agree on her familiy's elitiist or classist views. She also knows how to speak out for others if she sees something unjust being done but she'll do it in a direct , mature way.
Eventho, she accepts the way that most of them are living in male-dominated society plus she does abide to society's protocols while conducting herself in public, she internally however, doesn’t feel that the whole situation is really fair to women but then what can she do about it ? Except to sometimes try to defend a poor helpless woman if she comes across any men abusing them.  She doesn't really see women being any lesser than men in terms of intelligence and all that stuff, but she just remains calm about it and currently now as a lady she  just keeps those thoughts to herself and isn't an activist or anything tho she might voice her thoughts to Emrys if he eventually tries to get all unbearable in his views of male superiority (that's when she's gonna knock some sense into him again as she has tried to do during their childhood)
Over their many years of friendship, both Emrys and her  then very slowly , gradually and subconsciously fell for each other.  And they both kinda realized it one day when they were each individually self-reflecting on their own but then decided to suppress those feelings as they were afraid that the other might not reciprocate those feelings. Thus,  they didn’t  confess to each other their romantic feels as they both didn’t want to potentially lose or risk the great friendship they had going on that time.
But then one day, early in her 20th year, she found out that her parents were going to get her married off to son of a duke (an old family friend) in another kingdom due to a couple of social/financial advantages and she became utterly dismayed and against that idea.  Cos eventho she had thought of the possiblity that her parents might set her up for an arranged marriaged in the future, she kinda hoped that it would to be someone she could have a bit of romantic feelings for or at least she could potentially she herself falling for him or even the possibilty that her parents might let her have a small say in the choosing of suitors? BUT unfortunately, her now-arranged betrothed was someone she just couldn’t muster any romantic feelings for no matter how hard she had tried when they had met a few times before in the past and she had only come to tolerate him as a friendly acquaintance and nothing more.
So she tried to negotiate with her parents to not marry this guy or at least find someone else of equal stature which they felt was required but unfortunately for poor her, her parents were strongly adamant and wanted to see this particular marriage through, for their own selfish reasons. Thus, broken-hearted and helpless Amelia then felt very down as she could see herself ending up with a lifelong loveless marriage with her future husband as they had  very little in common & didn’t really connect that much and plus she’s secretly quite the romantic at heart.  Feeling a lil  depressed , she then calls upon Emrys and asks him to come out for a night out with her in the in the city. When they were finally out in the town, she then tells him that she wants to do something impulsive and wild for once in her life and he either supports her and stay by her side tonight or just go away, as this was her last night of freedom before having to be shackled into a loveless marriage as she was shipping out tomorrow to meet her fiance & start the engagement & wedding arrangements. (this whole wedding/ quick arranged marriage ordeal is making her act a lil uncharacteristically that night XD) She then  proceeds to drown her sorrows by drinking in a small inn, something she has never done before in her life(!) and  pours out the story of her sudden engagement & woes about her future marriage to Emrys.  While listening, he then tries to reason with her & stop her from drinking to no avail.
As a last bid-attempt, he then snatches a few pints from her and chugs them down himself.   She then gets mad at him and then they struggle a lil bit while shouting at each other which included   vague and heavily hinted sentences abt their romantic feels for one another  They then stop struggling upon recognizing some sort of romantic/heat/sexual chemistry was happening between them atm, and they oops, slept  together and have one night of unbridled pent-up passion XD And early next morning, despite feeling slightly awkward abt what had transpired between them the night before, she & he, both didn’t speak much except to quickly and say their goodbyes and she left after a tight hug.
She then only finds out some weeks later, on the eve of her wedding day, that she was  pregnant with Emrys’s child! She then  decides that there’s no way she can get married now because she doesn’t want to lie to her future husband that she’s pregnant with another man’s baby as well as she doesn’t want to bring terrible shame on her family name cos she def wants to raise the child lovingly & properly, so she impulsively decides to run away? Thus she leaves a letter explaining everything except for the identity of her baby daddy and scrams, but during her getaway , she accidentally gets into a very minor accident and hit her head very hard. So went she wakes up, she’s an amnesiac of some kind and her head is utterly empty of who she is and stuff? Her family then successfully finds her and selfishly decides with her groom, that they keep the secret of her being pregnant with another man’s baby from her and do their best to restore all her other memories about her life including planting a couple of fake ones like she’s currently in love with her groom and she’s having his baby as they had slept together before the wedding :P So the poor girl believes them cos really, what else is she to think?XD  And thus gets married and lives with her husband in Dracborough.  She then has the baby which is a girl and falls in love with her so much so her daughter is the biggest sunshine in her life rn? And then gradually over the next 5 years, she eventually  gets most of her memories back except for that one night that happened between her and emrys XD . And currently her relationship with her husband is distant and def not so good cos she just can’t seem to fall in love with him eventho she tries her best and she also doesn’t like him very much as a person as he has some ugly character traits she dislikes. And he in turn, is currently pissed at her cos she doesn’t love him after all this time, he’s a lil possesive of her and despite wanting her to love him back, he’s also half-hating her for having another man’s kid and them unable to produce any kids together despite them trying sometimes. (she’s secretly dreads their time in bed together as she doesn’t love him nor feel anything for him). Plus, she’s very unhappy about the fact that he seems to dislike, or if she didn’t  know any better, she would say he hates“their daughter” and is pretty cold and distant with the poor lil gurl and so Amelia just concludes that it’s  probably some sexist thing he has going on that he prefers to have male heirs and probs views girls as lesser beings or something. So she’s also kinda secretly angry at him too for treating “their” daughter so.
So right now, she does remember Emrys very well as all their great friendship history, and the fact that she had (or maybe still might have? ;) ) suppressed romantic feelings for him  but she just doesn’t  remember that eventful night at all…yet.
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briarthedragon · 7 years
yes to ask all 70 questions do i send 70 asks or can i just say all 70 questions? 1-70? :3c plz
omg yea thanks >.
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?Kinda? I love my parents and they love me, for sure. But they don’t really support my identity - they’re rly homophobic and transphobic to the point that I can’t come out as genderqueer safely. So kinda? Eh?
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?Either my Zukes or my bestie Skye. I say “I love you” to p much all my friends every day so it’s hard to keep track, but I last talked to them xD
03: Do you regret anything?Oh yeah, I regret tons of things. I regret attending the university I went to, I regret not seeking help with my mental health issues earlier, I regret time wasted, I regret investing in toxic friendships. 
04: Are you insecure?Yeah, definitely. I doubt myself a lot, I fear that I’m annoying or bothering or hurting my friends, and I don’t really feel like I”m enough.
05: What is your relationship status?I’m in a QPR with my two wonderful zukes, @twixtandscream and @flowersalesman ! 
06: How do you want to die?Idk. I want to die after improving the world a little bit, that’s all I know. 07: What did you last eat?A bowl of cereal lol08: Played any sports?I played basketball as a kid, I ran cross country in middle school, and I did marching band in high school. 09: Do you bite your nails?Constantly. I accidentally gnawed down to one of my nail beds last night rip 10: When was your last physical fight?shit uhhhh idk? I come close to physical confrontation a lot but I don’t think I have been in a fight recently? 11: Do you like someone?I like a lot of people! lol. but romantically? yea i have,,,, some crushes................ im very gay it’s a problem 12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?Yyyyyep. I pulled a couple all-nighters at uni. One to finish a project for an art class, and the others to make sure my roommate was safe when she stayed up 13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?Yeah, I hate a lot of people. No one I know personally, but I hate a lot of nazis and also Donald Trump14: Do you miss someone?Yeah. Wish I didn’t, but it’s hard to get over things sometimes. 15: Have any pets?My family has a wonderful dog named Tumnus! He’s a gorgeous silken windhound. I also have an outdoor cat named Tib. 16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?Pretty sick, and not too great, but I’m gonna try to make today good anyway 17: Ever made out in the bathroom?nah that’s nasty. so many germs,,, no one washes their hands. people shit in there 18: Are you scared of spiders?eh? i don’t like bugs and they make me feel creepy crawly stuff all over but I’ve been designated spider squisher at my apartments and stuff. and i like tarantulas 19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?eh, enough to fix mistakes i’ve made? totally. but way back in time? absolutely not. i dont need smallpox thx20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?uhh a few weeks ago? 21: What are your plans for this weekend?I’m meeting up with one of my zukes! :D 22: Do you want to have kids? How many?nnnnnnope. i’d be a terrible parent and also i just don’t wanna 23: Do you have piercings? How many?yea i have one set of ear piercings. i wanna get more ear piercings tho and maybe a nose piercing. idk 24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?science, language, art, music25: Do you miss anyone from your past?yep. wish i didn’t. they don’t deserve it. 26: What are you craving right now?snugs 27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?not that i know of? 28: Have you ever been cheated on?nah i haven’t been in a romantic or sexual relationship so 29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?i’ll apply this to my zukes and idk? have i? i mean maybe with headcanons or fics or something idk 30: What’s irritating you right now?my nose is all gunked up and there’s road work outside my house going constantly 31: Does somebody love you?i hope so 32: What is your favourite color?i like a lot of colors but i usually say pink and blue 33: Do you have trust issues?kinda? i trust my friends but i worry that they try to spare my feelings (these fears were Confirmed for some ppl who used to be very close friends so it’s,, bad.) 34: Who/what was your last dream about?uhhhh i don’t remember dreams that much but i def remember there was gay shit 35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?i cry a lot, it’s hard to say. 36: Do you give out second chances too easily?sometimes 37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?easier to forgive. i’ll forgive a lot but i don’t forget and i don’t always trust again 38: Is this year the best year of your life?idk. the first half was rly shitty 39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?20. it was only a few weeks ago tbh 40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?nah 51: Favourite food?idk tbh. i like a lot of foods 52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?yea, kinda? 53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?messaged my zukes goodnight 54: Is cheating ever okay?never. 55: Are you mean?when it’s deserved ;356: How many people have you fist fought?i punched a friend once jokingly, and i regret it and feel so bad even years later lmao. my next fist fight will probably be with a nazi or somethin 57: Do you believe in true love?yea, but not exactly in the traditional sense 58: Favourite weather?chilly cloudy days, rain, thunderstorms, snow 59: Do you like the snow?yea!! 60: Do you wanna get married?idk.61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?no 62: What makes you happy?my friends, my fandoms, comedy, animals, nature, magic, art, the smell of books and holidays, making things, good food63: Would you change your name?i mean. i kinda have. legally? idk yet 64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?nah dude i’d totally kiss her again if she wanted ;) 65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?uhhh i don’t rly look at ppl in terms of sex? but gender? ehhhhh i don’t rly have an opposite gender so it’s hard to say. sorry im too special snowflake sjw uwu 66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?i’ll just go with “different gender” for this and yes 67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?i’ll go with “different gender” again and say my mom, i was talking to her about work 68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?either Skye or my zukes again lol. most recent convo 69: Do you believe in soulmates?i believe in people you can spend forever with 70: Is there anyone you would die for? absolutely, but dying for people is easy. i’m trying my best to live for them until i have to 
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sebyuns · 8 years
same.. I really want a joonhyung in my life is that too much to ask or a joohyuk since he's literally the same as his character! have you watched his bromance eps with jisoo?he's too funny they're like a married couple lol Aaand now I have another drama to watch! I'm going to add Reply 1988 to my "to watch" list. I'm kind of new to the drama world so if you have any other dramas that you've loved pls help a sis out!! I'm also watching Hwarang (mostly bc of Minho) but I really liking it so far!
I DIDnt watch it yet i really have to!!!! i love them both :// AND YES I DO HAVE OTHERS THAT IVE LOVED OMG
These r some iMPORTANT DRAMAS TO WATCH ( i rlly love them all ):
 Its okay thats love ( its w/ d.o ♥♥)
i remember you ( its with d.o too and im not kidding ive watched this drama over 4 times ajsndkjesn iTS SO GOOD)
Shut up flower boyband ( This was my fist kdrama actually ,, its a little bit old but is has def. has a big place in my heart )
You’re beautiful (classic™ )
Playful kiss (classic™ nr.2)
You who came from another star (classic™ nr.3 )
Flower boy next door (classic™ nr.4)
To the beautiful you (classic™ nr.5)
The Heirs ( if you like kim bok joo you have to watch this !! )
City Hunter (classic™ nr.6)
Pinocchio ( SO GREAT !!! SO. GREAT !!)
High School: love on
Liar Game ( This is so fun to watch because you can actually like,, guess w/ them idk it doesnt make sense when i say it you have to watch it asdbaknxsd)
Sassy gogo (Its i lil bit cliché but !!!!!! i love it !!!!!!!!! )
She was pretty (♥♥♥)
School 2015: Who are you ( THIS !!! THE ACTRESS ACTS 2 PPL SHE HAS A TWIN AND ITS SO TWISTET AND SAHBSJ !! GREAT one of my favss )
Cheese in the trap ( Wait till the next season comes out,, the ending,, im still salty hsdcfskjdxnc anyways its great ( based on a webtoon i think)
Cinderalla and four nights ( :’’))))  )
I watch too many kdramas,,sadbasjd omg anyways theyre all great and have a place in my heart !!!!!!! ♥♥♥♥ 
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