#idk its a really close tie between season 2 and season 3. i really enjoyed them both
jenna-louise-jamie · 4 months
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Vibes Dream SMP members give off (in my opinion)
Barked at people in high school ironically but it became unironic real quick
Can’t cook very well but is good with a knife, especially at a fast pace
One of those kids who either purposely spells the first word wrong in a spelling bee to just be done with it right away or tries the hardest and manages to win (there is no inbetween for this heathen)
Bites ice cream with his teeth
Has snorted pixie stix far too many times and sneezed blue after each time
Eats bananas with the peels
Wears mismatched socks
Has taken a bite out of a pool noodle because he liked the texture and impulsively bit it (ADHD things✨😌)
Walks around looking extremely high but he’s just spacin out and stuck in his head
Dreams (lmao) in Minecraft and video games in general
Will flirt with anything that moves but has no idea how to respond to compliments
Makes fun of himself first before anyone else can
Has eaten an orange peel and it wasn’t that bad in his humble opinion
Wears khaki shorts
Eats the wax part of the baby bell cheese
Doesn’t actually know what genre his music taste is cause he vibes to everything
Picks at the skin on his lip when it’s dry so it bleeds and he tries not to give in by licking his lips often enough to the point where it became a habit
Wears velcro shoes because he doesn’t feel like tying them (he knows how, he just doesn’t wanna do it)
Eats peanut butter straight from the jar
Makes that disgusting “ants on a log” thing (celery stick filled with peanut butter topped with a row of raisins)
Can’t drink milk plain, it’s gotta have some sort of flavour
Can draw a perfect straight line but his circles look Terrible
Eats cheez-its like cereal without milk
Loves making little noises so much like he walks around his house doin chores and he’s just goin “memememenownownwnkwkshskshkshskhs”
Hates wearing socks
Coloured his tongue with highlighters because they’re non-toxic
Constantly tapping his feet and hands to a song/beat playing in his head
I can’t imagine this man using a bike of any sort, so Imma say he doesn’t know how
Can’t be licked by dogs because he’s used to being licked by his cat so it makes him uncomfortable
Can actually sing pretty well but gets real nervous in front of people so he fucks it up
No idea how to cook anything other than Mac and cheese please help this man
Meows at cats because he wants to confuse them and laughs Way too hard when he does (his laugh is like sunshine so I’ll allow it)
Would be fantastic at braiding hair Idk why
Gives the BEST fuckin hugs EVER
When singing, he makes noises for the instrumental parts too
Wanted to play the drums at one point
Really likes pit bulls but he’s more of a cat person so he loves them from afar
Only vaguely knows how to shave his face properly without hurting himself
Opportunities for him come up out of pure luck but mans is skilled for them so it works out well almost Always
Used to or currently has a skateboard and isn’t too bad
ALWAYS has bruises appearing everywhere for no reason, he doesn’t even know where 90% of them are from
Calls his friends twinks to jokingly bully them and gets away with it because he himself is not a twink
Gets sudden bursts of energy in the middle of the night and just shimmies around a bit to try and deal with it
Favours spearmint over peppermint
Banned from three (3) Dave & Busters in Texas
Washes his hands after doing literally anything
Likes the bird exhibits at the zoo (specifically the penguins)
Very good at cooking, best at soups and stews
If he painted his nails they would definitely be a baby blue
Overthinks very simple things and it makes him look less smart than he actually is
Drinks tap water
Probably prefers whiskey over beer
Knows how to tap dance a bit
Surprisingly good at taking and handling shots
Steady hands
Adds extra chocolate to hot chocolate
Plays sudoku and is really really good at it (only uses pen when he plays)
Everytime he sees a Himalayan salt lamp he NEEDS to lick it despite knowing it’s very salty and he’ll pull a face afterwards
Not great at Rock Paper Scissors
Wears sunglasses inside for no reason at all, he just,,,Does
Still has a stuffed animal from childhood perched on his bed
Probably tried his hand at archery
He has no idea how to use a baby voice on children or animals, so he just talks to them normally
Wears socks to bed
His fingers are double jointed
Always starts twitching if he stays still for too long because he’s gotta move around
His shoes and have different laces and it bothers everyone but himself
Doodles on himself in class when he’s bored or not paying attention
Has really good hearing, both with pitch and volume
Can’t eat tomato’s by themselves, it’s either gotta be in sauce form or with something else
Terrible handwriting
Favourite part of a slice of bread is the crust
Wants to paint his nails black to be cool and edgy but his hands are far from steady and he has no clue how to paint nails
Pretty affectionate with close friends (like Tubbo and Wilbur) off stream/camera
He likes pears for some reason
Wilbur Soot
Is constantly having to decide between leaving his hair as is or shaving all of it off
He also thinks about adding some colour but never actually does
Most tea is gross to him
Everytime he puts a breath mint thats circular in his mouth, he pretends it’s a pill and he’s taking drugs because he thinks that’s funny
He does that vacant state as a joke but that really what he looks like when he’s spacing out
Likes to aggressively flirt with his male friends but if his female friends flirt with him, he gets a bit flustered
Has probably accidentally swallowed a guitar pick
Once drank two entire jars of pickle juice
Bonks his head on anything and everything
He has broken a pair of glasses by walking face first into a pole outside
Thinks kinetic sand is fun
Has passionate arguments with others about trivial and random topics like chicken feet
Can open a beer bottle with his teeth
Would accidentally pop and swallow a bracket if he had braces
Hates sharp cheddar cheese
Everytime he learns a new word it’s in every sentence he says for the next week or so
Ate candle wax for a dare once
Doesn’t know how to tie a tie and will probably never learn
Wanted to do ballet at one point but decided not to
He has eaten multiple flowers for absolutely no reason other than wanting to know how they taste
Starts vibrating if he’s too excited
Used to bite his nails
Has eaten paper and says it doesn’t taste that bad
Enjoys telling his friends how much they mean to him (this has resulted in Tommy and Wilbur crying on a few seperate occasions)
Spaces out a lot and doesn’t often pay attention to his surroundings
Gets lost inside of Best Buy’s
Likes s’mores but doesn’t properly understand how to make them
Learned to cook purely out of spite and found it’s actually pretty fun
Constantly getting smacked in the face by trees when walking outside
Really likes apple pie
Everytime he looks at potatoes he thinks of all the hours he spent trying to win the potato war
Starts things as a joke and gets too into it
Doesn’t like the taste of most energy drinks
Has rubbed salt and lemon juice into an open wound to just,,see how it felt (he did it once and Hated it but did it again because he forgot what it felt like)
Sometimes hates how quiet he is because everyone he knows is loud and talks over him
Despite how he is portrayed in the Dream SMP, he is extremely loyal to his friends and would kill for them
Over seasons his food because he can’t taste it otherwise
Really good balance
Doesn’t like to wear bright colours, but still enjoys wearing colours
Good at knitting
Actually fairly quiet when off camera
Will accidentally use Spanish grammar while speaking English sometimes
Country music confuses him
Doesn’t really like kids but they really like him
Can’t dance
Hardest drugs he’s ever done is second hand smoke from a cigarette and children’s Tylenol
His favourite jolly ranchers are the red and blue ones
He uses lighters as fidget toys basically
Will have a breakdown, take a bubble bath, and call himself the self care king
Wants a pet rat but he already has a cat and doesn’t wanna risk anything
Constantly questions why his main source of income is playing Minecraft with two 16 year olds
Karl Jacobs
Probably ate a spider once
Would wear those socks that are like gloves for you feet where it separates all the toes
Eats ravioli straight from the can, cold
Can answer an incredibly complex math equation fairly easily but will stumble over 12x11
Loves kids so much and speaks to them in a soft voice
Tried making ramen in a coffee pot and broke it
Drinks 2 monster energy drinks a day on average
Likes to open walnuts with his teeth but doesn’t actually eat them
The embodiment of that one John Maulany joke where he says you could spill soup in his lap and HE’D apologize to YOU
Loves physical affection so so much!!!!
If he moves his wrists in a certain way, they pop Really Loudly
Fantastic at making cookies
Lowkey actually a furry but more on like, a cat boy level than fursuit level
Drives a Honda Civic
Likes ABBA
Adds parsley to almost anything he makes food-wise
Loves garlic bread so much, he’d commit a federal crime for it
Middle child vibes
Decent at skiing
Good at singing but isn’t terribly confident
Seems responsible at first glance but in reality he’s pretty chaotic and childish
Bad at spelling
Always cuts his nails way too short so they always feel weird/hurt
Likes bracelets and rings
Thinks pastel colours slap
Despite the character he plays, he’s actually really sweet
He’s genuinely that cryptic off camera as he is on camera
Can cook but chooses not to most of the time
Would probably say “what pussy size you wear” to anyone who asks him to buy pads
Not actually as intimidating as he appears to be
Lowkey would fight a child
Shuts down when someone compliments him, often using aggression as a front because holy shit they just called him handsome and kind what the Fuck-
Jokingly says his license is suspended but in all actuality he never got his license in the first place
He has two (2) extra teeth but they don’t need to be removed so he kept them
Has a stick n poke of a stickman on his ankle he got in high school
Likes physics
This is already very long, and I still plan on adding more.
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jade-marie · 4 years
GG 2x04 Rewatch
Not gonna lie, this is probably going to be the only episode I rewatch. The rest has been kinda tainted by 2x13 and s3.
Generally, my opinions tend not to line up with the majority of the fandom - sorry, not sorry. 
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1. What was your favourite scene of the episode? Tell us why!
It’s a tie between the bathroom break and the vette smash. Bathroom break - for obvious reasons - I’m a hoe and I live for that shit. The vette smash - I just vibe with Rio’s petty energy and the way you could see how much he was enjoying himself, Dean being metaphorically castrated by the guy who just fucked his wife... chef’s kiss. 
2. Was there any scene that missed the mark for you? And if so, how?
I WISH beth would’ve bit back when Dean brought up the shooting. It irks me so much that she contnually rolls over for him. She spitefully gets payback, but rarely puts him in his place (if it were up to me, his place would be by boomer-jeff’s side in the dumpster)
3. This episode starts with each of the girls trying to make amends in their own way – Beth through her family, Ruby through charity and Annie through Marion. What do you think this tells us about each of them?
I feel like Beth and Ruby’s attempts at making amends always feel incredibly shallow and I can never tell if it’s down to shitty writing or if its because they genuinely don’t feel guilty. If’it’s the former - I’m not surprised. If it’s the latter - I hope the girls own their lack of remorse, in future. 
Annie strikes me as the one who feels genuine guilt over a lot of this, and it’s been pretty consistent - even when Lucy died in S3. I think it makes sense for her to be the most cut up about it because she always struck me as someone who’s ruled by her emotions - she doesn’t exactly think before she acts, and is typically pretty impulsive.
4. Rio offers Beth the keys to the kingdom! This scene is always hotly debated in the fandom! What do you think he meant in the moment of it? Do you think he ever actually saw or even wanted Beth as a partner?
Straying from the general consensus, as usual - I don’t think he was playing her and I don’t think he planned to take a cut of whatever Beth came up with. 
Personally, I don’t think it makes much sense. He’s already learnt that he gets further with Beth through praise and reward, as opposed to intimidation - more flies with honey, yada yada yada. 
If the whole thing was just a manipulation it would have made more sense for him to convince her that he had faith in her and offer her a 25% cut of any cash washing operation she could come up with. She would’ve bit his hand off at the opportunity.  
I think he was telling the truth when he said that he was done, I think he was genuinely flipping his game from cash to pills. At this point, Turner was looking closely and so it would make sense for Rio to want to distance himself from the counterfeit operation. He literally explained back in season one that it’s how he avoids being caught, he flips his game before the feds get too close. 
I get the feeling that he probably didn’t intend to have much contact with Beth going forward and was going to leave her to do whatever she wanted with the rest of the money. It’s not that I think he wouldn’t manipulate her, he absolutely would. I just don’t really think it makes sense in this context. 
5. Do you think Marion had any idea that Boomer was taking advantage of her?
I think it was probably similar to the situation with Beth, regarding Dean’s cheating: the thought was there, but she never really confronted the idea and lived in a comfy little denial bubble.
6. Dean’s attachment to the corvette is played in many different ways in s2! How do you interpret this?
I think it’s the perfect display of his narcissism and toxic masculinity. The car is as grandiose as his ego and he thinks it’s going to save the dealership, much like he thinks he’s going to be the one to save his family from ruin.
7. Why do you think Beth kept the money from Ruby and Annie?
I think she’s hugely manipulative and likes to be the be the one holding the cards. She only wanted to rob the store when she had her own problems to worry about and then convinced the girls to go along with it, she went to Rio to ask for more work back in season 1, she asked him to up their drops, the list goes on.
She tends to call the shots and drag them along for the ride, so it seems consistent with her personality that she’d keep the money to herself until she needed it, and then inform the girls. 
8. The birth of the cars for cash business! Is this Beth’s best idea? Her worst? How do you rank it, both in general and among the girls’ other schemes? And do you think it could’ve worked longterm if Turner wasn’t so fixated on Beth?
Probably the best idea she came up with tbh. The others were pretty poorly thought through, as far as long term strategising goes. It could’ve worked really well if they had an accountant keeping the books looking kosher. 
9. The Beth and Dean arc this episode is perhaps one of their most frustrating (in spite of the extremely cathartic resolution, haha). Do you think Dean’s belittling of Beth and his feelings of Beth emasculating him are new to their relationship or have been around for a long time? How do you think they really see each other?
I think they lived in a state of blissful ignorance and their initial interaction (love you, tunafish) was really indicative of that. Him belittling her was probably prevalent in the beginning of the relationship, but I think she probably just placated him and got on with her life. Now she’s clearly growing tired of his shit, just not. fast. enough.
I don’t think they’re in love though. I think Dean’s feelings for her are fuelled by narcissim. She’s obviously good looking and from the outside, he has it all. The house in the burbs, kids, hot wife, family business etc. That’s what he cares about - the image. I don’t think Beth is too dissimilar. I think she probably looked up to Judith as a teenager and idiolised that life, which Dean could provide. I don’t think she ever had deep, romantic, feelings for him. But she probaly does care for him, to an extent.
10. The Annie and Beth arc is also pretty telling of the characters’ history. It’s also one of the few times we’ve deliberately seen Beth seek out Annie for comfort (often it’s incidental that Annie’s there). What do you think this tells us about their relationship, both historically, and where they are at this point in the series?
I think it’s one of the few moments that their sibling bond is believable. It’s pretty accurate that, as Annie is maturing, she becomes less of a fuckup baby sister who needs everyone to clean up after her and grows into someone that beth can turn to for comfort/advice. Makes sense that this happens later in life, considering the significant age gap.
11. Ruby’s scene at the Quick Cash with JT is really significant – both in terms of it being a generally delightful scene, but also as a touchstone demonstration of Ruby’s increasing unwillingness to swallow her pride. Do you think Ruby prior to the series commencing would’ve reacted to JT’s goading in this way? And how do you think this scene compliments the scene earlier in the episode with Stan admitting he’s taken another loan too?
I thinks she would’ve wanted to, but literally couldn’t afford to. She had the means and opportunity to give him a dose of karma. But it’s always been in her nature to talk shit - diner dickweed in season 1. She refused to swallow her pride and apologise.
That, along with Stan taking another loan, seems to fit in well with the Hill’s entire arc of trying to be good people and being consistently shit on for it.
12. THE. BATHROOM. BREAK. That’s it. That’s the question. Please elaborate on your thoughts and feelings.
Am i supposed to be able to form thoughts or sentences that adequately express my feelings?
Petty king is also king of consent, he let beth take the lead - love it.
Judging from the papertowel dispenser, stroke game was strong.
Penis levitation is now a part of my vocab, thank you for your service, Rio.
10/10 - would definitely recommend being railed in a bathroom by this man.
13. Greg and Annie have what’s their last break-up in this episode (at least up until now). Why do you think this particular one stuck? And do you see any sort of future for them?  
I feel like the key difference was Annie putting her foot down and saying “no”. Idk if I can see them getting back together, becasue I don’t think she’d have another affair when there’s a child in the mix and he’s too much of a pussy to divorce Nancy unless he has a guaranteed backup plan aka Annie. Still kinda ship it though.
14. Annnnd lastly, what do you make of the final scene at Boland Motors? What do you think Rio thought following both the bathroom break and this moment?
I think that Rio was genuinely flipping his game and moving away from cash and, in turn, Beth. But the bathroom break changed his mind, so he got curious and wanted to know what she came up with for the money, only to find out that she gave it to Dean. Given how possessive Rio is of his money, in combination with the feelings for Beth which had just been stirred up, I think his jealous side came out and he took back the money. 
Up until this point, the entire Brio dynamic was him holding the power and exerting it whenever he saw fit. The second he followed her into that bathroom, he gave up whatever semblance of control or power he had left. The man is a very obvious control freak and so I don’t think he does well or feels secure in those situations. Him smashing up the car was basically an attempt to re-establish dominance and convince himself (and Beth) that he was still in control; with the added bonus of emasculating dean and making money.
And daaaayyyyyyyuuuuuuummmmm if I don’t enjoy watching that scene. The emasculation of Dean, Rio being petty, Beth malfunctioning at the possibility of Dean finding out she got dicked down in the bathroom, while he sat outside trying (and failing) to get the waiter’s attention. I DIE
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vonlipvig · 5 years
Fodder vs. Freelancers - Finale (Part 2)
(If you’re looking for past episodes, just check the “Survivor RvB” tag in my blog!)
Quick recap! The game got real intense last time after Church won immunity, putting Simmons, Donut and Doc in danger. All seemed to be lost for Donut, the outcast, but miraculously, there was a tie between him and Simmons, thanks to Doc voting with Donut! And then ANOTHER tie, which led to a tiebreaker challenge. In the end, Donut ended up victorious, and we had to say goodbye to Simmons. 
After many, many eliminations, we’re finally here. The game started as a fierce battle between Fodder and Freelancers, but now there’s only the 3 that survived it all. Church. Doc. And Donut. Each played a different game, with their strenghts and weaknesses, but each one managed to achieve what all the other failed to do, and that is get to the Final 3.
The simulation doesn’t do this, but I’d like to explain a bit what really happens in a Survivor game here, because it’s such a lovely moment of the show. Once the three castaways wake up, they’re greeted by a congratulations message and lots of food to celebrate their accomplishment. But there’s also one more thing to do before the last immunity challenge, and that’s the Rites of Passage. This is a little ritual done to remember all the competitors who didn’t make it, with the F3 thanking them for taking part in their journey. The F3 walk towards torches which have their fallen friends’ nametags and reminisce about their time together (Imagine them remembering Kai, the first one eliminated, and how she made the camp a little bit brighter, even if it was for a short time. Or them remembering Tex, which manages to get some tears out of Church’s eyes. Or Simmons, their friend who made it so far...). At the end of the journey, they gather all the torches and nametags and burn them, finally closing the Rites of Passage.
And, with that done, it’s finally time. This is where champions are made. It’s time for the final immunity challenge. Whoever wins this gets to decide who goes home and who sits beside them in FTC. Boys, best of luck to all.
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And it’s Doc, with his zen attitude and incredible concentration, that manages to snatch the most important immunity win of all! You can say he has coasted along during the game, but he won what needed to be won, and there’s no denying he deserves his spot in the F2.
But with great power comes great responsibility. Now it’s up to Doc--and only him--to decide who gets the chance at the million dollars. Does he take his friend Donut, who he cares about, but will certainly get votes with the Jury due to his great performance? Or will he pick Church, who was in his alliance, and who has probably pissed off some people in the Jury?
Doc, I wouldn’t wanna be in your shoes right now. Or I do, I guess, you have a 50/50 chance at a million dollars! But this decision right here...this could be a million dollar mistake...
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HOLY FREAKING SHIT. HE HAS SPOKEN. The eighteenth person voted off Survivor Blood Gulch is Church. Doc has voted against his alliance member (well, that alliance was done anyway), and has chosen to keep Donut around. That could be a good move or a disastrous move. On one hand, he shows the jury he’s not going to sacrifice his best friend and bring someone like Church to the Final, who he can win against easily. But on the other hand, Donut is a power player, and the Jury will certainly reward that. 
I honestly have NO idea how this is going to go. BUT OH MY GOD, WE HAVE DOCNUT IN THE FINAL TWO. THIS SIMULATIONS LOVES ME.
So Doc and Donut get to spend their last night in the island, together and happy that they’ve made it as far as they could. But the game’s not over, and now they have to face the Jury, who will eventually decide who gets to keep the million dollars. That means that, in Final Tribal Council, Doc and Donut will each get an opening statement, explaining why they should win the game, and then each Jury member will be able to ask any of them, or both, a question. Then a final statement can be issued, and then it’s up to the Jury to vote for who they think deserves the prize.
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So imagine that. Doc and Donut sitting down facing Tex, York, Carolina, Wash, Caboose, Sarge, Simmons and Church (people who they’ve had a hand in voting off), and trying to convince them to give them money. I can also imagine the kinds of questions the Jury would ask. Church would ask a very loaded, angry question, maybe asking them if they truly think they deserve to be there when other, more deserving people (cough him cough) are sitting right there, and Caboose may ask...idk, for them to pick a random number, that stuff happens for real.
The thing is that all is ready, now it’s the Jury’s time to vote, and all Doc and Donut can do is hope for the best...
...But this is not TV, so we’re doing it right now. Just imagine that now everyone is clean and washed up and at a live studio in NYC. The pressure is on. 
So, yeah. Doc, Donut, tonight you wanna see your name on the votes. Tonight is the night. 
And the winner of Survivor Blood Gulch: Fodder vs. Freelancers is...
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~ DONUT! ~
We have a winner! The man, the lightish red legend, it’s Franklin Delano Donut, who’s beaten the odds and done the impossible to get here! And by a 7-1 vote, almost an unanimous decision! How did the Jury vote, then?
Tex was the only one to vote for Doc, as she thought he had a more balanced game.
York, Carolina, Caboose, Simmons and Church all voted for Donut because they thought he deserved it after winning so many immunity challenges.
Wash voted for Donut because they had a strong relationship.
And Sarge voted for Donut because he liked him much more than Doc.
But that’s not all! We still have to give the award to the Fan Favorite! Drumrolls please...
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THE WINNER IS CABOOSE! Guys, I swear to GOD I didn’t pick it myself, the simulation just did that, but I was THINKING IT. I bet he was such a fun, lovable character during the season, so yes, well deserved, Caboose!
And that’s the show! I can imagine Donut smiling with joy and bursting into happy tears, Doc hugging him and being tremendously happy about him winning because c’mon, he totally deserved it (and you can bet in the Reunion Doc’s gonna get asked if he regrets not picking Church over Donut, but no, he really doesn’t!), and everyone getting together and having a damn good time after all the excitement of the season...
And with that, we’ve reached the end of this wonderful, crazy journey. I still can’t believe how accurate this simulation ended up being, with all its flaws and problems, of course. It was such a joy for me to share this with you guys, and a BIG BIG million dollar thanks to everyone that liked, read and reblogged my silly posts. I do this because I’m a total Survivor nerd, but seeing other people enjoy it makes me so unbelievably happy. Of course, I encourage you all to try a simulation for yourself, either a Survivor one, or from any other reality show! (Please, someone do an America’s Next Top Model one, PLEASE), because they sure are fun.
Here are some statistics, if you’re into that! Judge for yourself!
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And with that, this has been Survivor Blood Gulch: Fodder vs. Freelancers! Until next time!
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chronotopes · 7 years
tagged by @benjameme-sisko; answers and questions (?!) under the cut
1. which starfleet uniform is your favorite? 
it’s a close race between the later-season ds9 ones that were introduced for first contact and the red-and-white wrath of khan uniforms. i think both of them reflect the tone of the works they’re in very well and also they look damn cool. i know a lot of people on here don’t like the gray ones but they’ve grown on me big time. 
2. do you create any fanworks of your own?
my m.o. before this has been “make fun text posts and call it a day, feat. occasional art”, but yeah for ds9 i’ve written two fanfics and .... WANT to write more, but who fucking knows am i right. in a true-to-brand fun fact, they both involve Jezri Hell in some way. 
3. if you could have a holodeck program of your own, what would it be?
if this is assuming i already live in the star trek universe, i think it’d be, like... definitely one of the #historical #rpf ones that all the NERDS on the shows are so fond of. maybe one that lets u hang out with byron and the shelleys for geneva ‘16. or maybe i could do one that’s themed after a dumas novel, that’s the right mix of romanticism and fun adventure  
4. your favorite tacky costume in star trek
ooh um it’s a tie between a) the mauve shirt jim kirk is wearing in the search for spock / the voyage home, which makes me Very Angry but is also funny, b) julian bashir’s asymmetrical v-neck, because garak so obviously made it, and c) quark’s vacation look. (GOD i’m so mad at that episode for being bad. i’ve said this like three times now but it SHOULD have been gold.) 
5. your favorite character in all of star trek; you’re allowed to choose only one
kiraaaaaa. she was my introduction to ‘women in star trek that are written like actual fucking people’ and i would die for her. 
6. if you could change any plot line in any trek media, what would it be? 
oh god. um i feel like the objective answer is to fix either a) the maquis storylines on voyager, or b) the development/’mentorship’ of seven, also on voyager, but i haven’t SEEN voyager so i can’t exactly be a #1 source on this. so.... i think i’d change ziyal’s arc so that a) she isn’t used as a convenient resource to straightwash garak, and b) she lives to see the end of the war. waltz still happens tho, i guess she fakes her death or something. dukat’s arc post-waltz is another thing that i think needs fixing (summoning bajoran satan kind of seemed to come out of the left field) but right now i don’t have any good ideas as to how. 
7. wackiest crackship pairing? 
quark/grantaire from les miserables. they don’t even fuck, they sit in the bar and tell one another all the ways in which they’re terrible people and this gives them sexual gratification. yes i’m aware that i’m the only person who finds this concept funny, am i going to stop bringing it up? hell no. dril voice “i will never log off”. anyway this relationship would be something that’s detrimental for them both and validates their worst aspects, which means it’s an in-character enterprise. 
8. favorite rarepair? 
kira/cretak!! i like kiradax but after the early seasons they REALLY don’t interact a great deal, and i guess kira/cretak creates lots of exciting post-canon possibilities. that jumja stick conversation? yeah, they need to fuck. 
9. episodic storytelling, or serialized storylines? 
hmm i mean. this is just in application to star trek (everyone knows the episodic x-files eps are the best ones) but i think i’ll go for serialized; there’s a reason ds9 is my fave, and i’ve been a lot more into dsc lately. that said i like the way ds9 does serialization more than dsc sometimes, in that i wish (i know this isn’t in line with today’s conception of television) that dsc had more in the cards-style episodes, where serialized plots are still happening in the background but the characters get a chance to slow down and relax and have nice things happen to them. we kind of had that with magic to make the sanest man go mad, which i think was one of the strongest early-season dsc episodes; i think we could do with more of that.  
10. which is your favorite title theme? 
it’s a tie between ds9 (which i am the most emotionally attached to, and which i think sets the tone for the series so well, and it’s ALSO absolutely beautiful) and tng (which is just.... A Fucking Banger)
11. give us an episode that never fails to make you happy, and an episode that never fails to make you sad. 
happy: in the cards (jake! nice things happening in times of war!), sad: what you leave behind (jezri! everyone saying goodbye to everyone they love!) 
okay uhh i don’t have that many star trek mutuals that i know for sure enjoy doing these things, but i’m going to tag @ensignhoshisato and @little-vulcan (SORRY, i know you were already tagged in the prev. one, you Really don’t have to do these), @bajroan, and @twentyeightghosts (idk if you do these but i like hearing your Thoughts on things so it’s worth a try.) yes anyway none of you have to obviously, and if you’re someone who wants to but wasn’t tagged then please do it. do you guys see why i don’t tend to tag people in these things. 
you’re called in to make a new season for the star trek series of your choice; which do you pick, and what are some things you plan to do? 
similarly, you’re called in to create a series bible for an entirely new star trek show; are there any characters/settings/timelines/gimmicks/central themes that you’re drawn to?
you get to make any recurring star trek character a regular, but to do this you have to demote an existing regular on that show to recurring. whom do you swap?
if you had to swap fashion senses with a star trek character for a year, who would it be?
what’s your stance on the mirror universe?
this link takes you to a random memory alpha page; what did you get, and do you have any opinion you’d like to express on this thing?
do you care about any kind of star trek Lore(tm) in terms of like, years, names of dominion war battles, runabout types, conlangs, etc, or are you like “fuck the lore this is my town now”?
do you read star trek novels? if so, what’s your favorite one, and if not, what would convince you to read one? 
which star trek show was your first, and is that one your favorite? 
what’s your ideal endgame for your Favorite Star Trek Ship Of All Time Ever? (i mean ‘pairing’ here but if you’d rather answer for a literal ship then go ahead) 
if you served on a starfleet ship, what would you like its name to be?
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 18 - Finale - “praying Devon's fricking cat was gonna knock him tf over” - Matt S.
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Holy Fucken Potatoes. Those three rounds were crazy. That immunity challenge was fun but my dumb as was putting astrological instead of astrology but i got to the 4th clue. The youtube video pretty fast but Timmy was quicker and I was happy for him to win. Luckily we had a plan already set which was to target Cullan. It was a 4-3 vote which was suprising cuz thought it would have been a 5-2 vote. The 10 minute to talk was very awkward and weird but oh well. The challenge unscramble was soo hard and my paper looked crazy. Im happy i have immunity for this f6 vote but i feel sad and guilty for snakely taking it away from Timmy. He tbh deserves this immunity but spelling typo has handed it to me. Which im grateful though. Timmy is my ride or die in this game and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure he survives this round without being targeted and help us reach the final 2 together. Theres more tea but for now, Timmy knows that I have the cote steal and he is the only one that does. More info tomorrow.
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I’m legit flipping my game upside down right now. Matt wants to go to final 4 with me, him, Timmy, and Maynor. which like sis are you TRYING to lose this game? Like even if we did that, why the FUCK would anyone vote for Matt over TIMMY? Obviously idk where the jury’s heads are at but..I have a feeling they’re not gonna enjoy voting for Matt right now. So I’ve decided to take this horse by the reigns (making red coats redder with blood stains) bc fuck it I’ve already beat my tumblr survivor placement and I know I’m not winning a F3 immunity comp, so if I’m gonna go down with this ship before FTC, I’m not going down without a fight. I’m working with Devon. I KNOW RIGHT?! Who knew? As of now I’m going to manipulate this so either Timmy/Chips leaves, OR we send it rocks and Devon uses his power to take one of them out. I know Devon wants to use his power because he thinks it’ll look like a big move at F5 to the jury, but sis if I tie the vote? And get you to use your power to my advantage? That’s my move. At least that’s how I’d look at it as a juror. In short, snake Madison, Lady Madbeth, any other nickname for my villain side that’s been given to me thus far, is coming out at Final 5. And it’s going to make or break my game, but I’m gonna have a BLAST either way. 
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I cannot believe I've made it this far. A lot of us were expecting a live tribal, and I was in between plans to do either Chips or Cullan. I realized though in voting for Chips I'd be getting rid of someone I could trust over someone I couldn't trust at all. Sorry I screwed over Madison in the process but I had to do what I knew was best for ME. It's not pairs anymore unfortunately and a lot of my problems earlier had to do with allowing myself to be tethered to somneone else. It's an individual game and I have to do what I have to. I'm so glad Chips is here because he wants to do Timmy and so does Madison. He's definitely the biggest player here and I like him, but he's dangerous. It's just about convincing Devon to vote with us, which is something I consistently cannot do because Devon be a little cray cray and hard to reason with. 
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It looks like the ‘majority’ should be voted Devon out. Devon should be voting Chips. Is that really gunna happen? I Don’t Fucken Know TBH. Devon said that Matt and Chips were voting for Timmy. Which means Madison will also be voting that way as well if its true. There is a whole lot of mess right now and Im hoping that Timmy doesnt go tonight. His my #1 and I would be 100% vulnerable the next couple rounds if he leaves tonight. Im trying my hardest to get the votes to stay on Devon.
This is fucken nuts. Matt wants to take out Timmy for being a threat and Timmy wants me to use my vote steal to help him. Im trying to keep vote on Devon so Timmy would be able to stay. I need him here but also dont want Madison and Matt mad at me and vote me out 4th or 5th. I dont know what to do. I’m just ahhhhhhhh.
Operation Save Timmy’s Ass. Is good to go. I was able to convince Matt that Timmy had an Idol. So plan is to ‘flush this fake idol’ but vote for Devon. The vote should end up being 4-2. I hope this works. I busts my ass for 3 something hours trying to save Timmy. Id be livid if it doesnt work.
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So I’m probably going home tonight and it’s not lit. Of course I would be getting 6th, stay shook America. Maynor is too trusting for his own good I think, like I don’t believe Matt when he tells maynor that he believes maynor when he says I have an idol bc let’s be real...that’s just too convenient. But Devon does have the tie thing or does he but I know maynor has the vote steal. I want him to use it tonight but also I want him to save himself in final 5 if I’m not there because it’s his advantage and he deserves to use it to Hepburn himself. I just don’t want go to jury right now because fuck, I’ve been trying so hard in this game and it’s just the so close yet so far of it all.
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Alright, so yesterday there was a live challenge that was a scavenger hunt. The first clue had you look at the astrology page and then solve a slide puzzle. For some reason no matter how slow I took it or how much I paid attention to detail my youtube video would not work. So I ended up not getting past that clue.
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Timmy won individual immunity because I guess his video worked. And then we were told that there was a twistos twist where we had to vote without talking before casting the vote. Luckily for me Devon had already considered this eventuality and had already brought it to my attention that it was a possibility. The thing is that when he brought it up he didn't say anything else to my response. I assumed this would mean I was getting the vote for the night...
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And, it did Devon and Cullan both voted for me with one person from the "other" group of Matt and Madison. I just went with my instinct and voted Cullan since I assumed he'd be most likely to get votes. And he did. After that we were told we would immediately move into another immunity challenge! This one was like a decoder for a line of words. I was figuring it out pretty good and then my internet decided to crap out on me... so I was trying to fix that so I could be on the hangout since I thought I had to be on the hangout to progress in the challenge - I dunno.
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Anyway, whenever my internet came back it was announced that Timmy had won immunity! I was pretty much set at that point to target Devon as the vote since I don't think anyone wants to particularly vote for Maynor... ... then it was announced that he did in fact not win immunity and Maynor swooped in and claimed it!
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So I kind of had it in my head that maybe this might be the round to vote out Timmy since he's showing (especially the last two challenges) that he could finish out the season in an immunity run. I think it's better to have the option of voting someone out if you want to as opposed to being forced to vote out someone else. Also there's the fact that he and Maynor have a tight final two and that makes very little space to budge for others. Anyway, I touch base with Madison (who is now speaking with me about stuff, believe it or not) and she admits that she was the third vote for me and that she had voted for me before Matt had changed his mind on a plan to vote me out. I thanked her for her honesty. Alright, so then Matt approached me asking what I was thinking for the vote and I decided that since he saved me and I saved him... that why not be honest with someone. I told him I was considering Timmy. And that I just wasn't sure how exactly to swing it. Then he let me know that he and Madison were down for that. So I was pretty shocked that a plan could work out. Then Devon started freaking out - he told me that he is going to vote for me. Then I get back online a bit later and apparently he's flipped his vote to Timmy. He wants to vote out Timmy because he thinks that Timmy and Maynor and I are in a trio and apparently (got this from Matt and Madison) thinks that I am going to be playing an idol so he feels safer targeting Timmy. And now Timmy is basically telling me to please not vote him.. and things are awkward because he's telling me all of this "I've never voted you stuff" and I'm really not sure he'd understand that I'm doing it for game reasons. But I don't want to tell him that I'm voting him because Devon's already done enough damage being extra I don't want to give Timmy and Maynor (by extension) a shot at it. Anyway.. if everything works out I guess Timmy gets a majority vote with four people voting for him? If it doesn't then we could see something wonky with people not voting how they've said. Maybe I'll be voted out this time? If I am I'd be really shocked but then kind of not... or you know, maybe somebody else entirely... like Matt or Madison? Or maybe some people in my "group" will lose their nerve and Devon? I guess tribal will be exciting regardless. Anyway, I think it's hilarious that Devon wanted to target me because he's sure I'll be winning this game whenever I'm sitting here in the knowledge that I can't.
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I am extremely sad right now. I lost Timmy in this game and him leaving knowing we cant talk like normal is ugh. I want to get Matt and Madison back for and send them home 5th and 4th but atlas that me being emotional. Im just shutting everyone out until i get myself back together.
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This was a crazy round with the instant tribal then the immediate immunity. At first I felt like I had to get chips out, but in the end Timmy was the way bigger threat strategy wise. Chips definitely has the better story and the most adversity to get here but Timmy is good at immmunity and had Maynor as an extra vote every time. Last 5 just have to find a way to get to the end. 
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This challenge is ugly. The only good thing is everyone is having trouble so hopefully im able to get points high enough to win.
Welp. Never mind. I doubt my bs of a list will win me immunity. I suck at this challenge and i just hope it doesnt cause my vote out.
It looks like its suppose to be Devon tonight which is alright with me. I just hope that it isn’t me going home. Ive made it this far and dont want to be cut short like right here towards the end. Matt said he would never vote for me so Im trusting him a lot right now that he’s going to keep me. Im just plain nervous right now. 
All this got crazy in the last few minutes. Its still between Devon and Chips so thats all I care about. And looks like Matt would be the target if he doesnt in immunity in f4. So i think im good for f3. Cross my fingers. I can make it.
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Alright, so that immunity challenge with the massive amount of letters and discovering Survivor players turned out to be too much for me. So I flopped and scored a 1. I feel close with Matt so I think he won't vote me out and he's the one with immunity, so I guess technically the one who calls the most shots? Apparently he and Maynor already discussed it and they are going to vote Devon. So Devon was told that he is leaving and sent me a weird message about how I won a game of tug-of-war with him but that he is voting me to win the game if I am in the final tribal council. I told him I did not understand the metaphor...mostly because I have not been pulling at "the rope" and he has... three rounds in a row. I wanted to go to the END with Devon up until that "live no hands tribal" stuff. I'm pretty aware that I am at the mercy of all of the other players and if I make it through this round I have to do my best to find in-roads to have a guarantee that I at least get to do a fire making if I get to the final four. I let Matt know that I want to go to the end with him and hope that builds up enough trust that he will want to take me. I took that opportunity to openly admit that I know the negative view of me as a player and that I have no shot and he and I compared some of Devon's notes and how Devon thinks that I am the most threatening person in the end... for some reason. Also Devon let Matt know that in the chopping block order it would go me and then Matt - I'm not entirely sure how strategy factors into sharing that information given that he wants Matt to not vote him. Honestly, I'd be shocked if Devon was even actually voting me if I made final tribal council and is not using it as some sort of ploy to try and swing people to his side to get me out this round only. Excited to see if this round shakes out unanimously against Devon, if they vote me instead, or if an idol is played by somebody?? Or FOR somebody.
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Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. I dont know what to do. Devon just offered to be f4 boot if Matt wins immunity next round. I might take it up and vote Chips cuz he is a threat and then hopefully take out Devon next round.
This crazy as mess. But looks like itll be a tamed vote 4-1. Perhaps.
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Final Immunity Challenge is tonight and Im very nervous for it because I want to win it to make sure I’m in the final 2. If not Ill be very paranoid the whole time until the vote. I dont want to go home 4th when Im just one tribal away. I know Matt has my back and Madison made a promise but both of them have lied to me so they could easily be doing so now. I just have to try and win it for myself or I have to make sure it isnt me next.
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Well here it’s the last shot to guarantee a spot in the final. Almost 2 months has come down to one night to ensure you make it to the end. I have to be honest when I saw the cast I was a little out of depth for myself. So many motivated individuals and so many chances to go home. But 20 people have gone before me and there are 4 left, it has been a journey for sure. So many people wanted this position and now I have to take it, or else it’s bye bye time. If Matt wins it almost guarantees him the finals win with his character arc. From having a majority and smooth sailing his allies went home one after another. He was at the bottom and he held on and eventually controlled the game at the end until last round where an hour before tribal I was going home. But I was able to convince Madison and Maynor that chips was the bigger threat and Matt went along with it. It’s been a ride and I sure hope it’s not over! 
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Im literally hoping I can pull of a win for the last immunity. I just want safety for the last round. My heart is pounding cuz friend picked me up and he fucked stopped to sit down to fucken eat food in less than a hr before the challenge. I might die if he eliminates me from the this final immunity. 
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Devon: was shot in the shoulder and can’t do a pressure cooker me: has muscular dystrophy and can’t do a pressure cooker. my game ends here folks
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Tonight is the night and I literally just went to the bathroom just to make sure there are no bodily inhibitors to me succeeding in beating Devon (and hopefully everyone else) so that I can guarantee myself a spot in the F3. I have never ever in my life come this close and it's so so so crazy. I'm proud of the way I played and hopefully I won't have to start exploring contingency plans on what happens if fricking Devon steals a spot from the MMM alliance. I truly feel that it would be me going home. 
I swear to god I was sitting there, on the eve of my 2 year anniversary with my partner, praying Devon's fricking cat was gonna knock him tf over. Waking up and seeing Maynor won is an absolute ray of sunshine because I was SO worried it would come to a point where I would have to go to a tiebreaker with Maynor or Madison whom I love or just probably end up going home. Not to say there isn't still a chance that things don't go my way here, but I think it not only makes strategic sense to eliminate Devon, but also I just have faith in the bond I've formed with M&M that they will take me through to the final 3. From there, I don't know what will happen, but I can honestly say I'm proud.
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I won the Final Fucken Immunity. Im so happy. It was my first ever doing an endurance comp. I wanted to give it my all and I was luckily able to win. Now what to do Madison, Matt or Devon? Matt has been one of my closest allies in this game. But he can be seen as the ‘leader’ of the endgame. Theres Madison who played kinda like me, only got 1 vote, and a huge social threat. Devon has been playing a lackluster game and idk if he would win but has friends in the jury. Gunna be a tough choice.
I have to go on a date today with a slight limp. Thanks for that you guys. 🙃 So it looks like Madison is giving me the power who to tell her to vote for. Im leaning towards Devon now because this comp performance was very good and could get peoples votes in the end. I feel like I can dismantle his game more than Devons.
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Well this is is it, I should have tried harder in that challenge I just was getting so tired I was gonna pass out from being so tired. Now I am in the predicament where it’s me or matt tonight. The plan was since f6 for it to be me Madison and Maynor but I feel that slipping a little today. I really believe I will more than likely take another 4th place. I have done my plea and I do really feel matt will win in the end if he gets there. I guess I just couldn’t keep my foot in the game. 
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Well. Matt stayed. I hope it was a mistake to keep Matt. I wanted out M&M&M alliance to be f3. Hope im able to gwt enough votes to win.
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This truly could be the game that I actually win. I felt in the beginning that I was in a better mindset to play Survivor and that I had a good idea of how I was gonna play the game lined up. Of course that was thrown away almost instantly thanks to twists but I still kept the attitude. This game has been all about growth for me, finding idols, winning immunity, making genuine relationships with people, it's all new to me, and it's not the same person I was in Maluku, Ancient Greece, or even Solomon Islands; although this is the first game I've played on anti-anxiety medication so maybe that was the ticket for me. I can say with certainty that it's the best game I've played and that I truly believe I am the best of the three finalists, and maybe Maynor would agree with me considering he tried to pull a fast one on me AND blame it on Madison. All I can do now is present myself in the best way I possibly can, own my game, and hope the relationships I've built will get me the win.
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I dont know if we need to do anymore of these but heres one. Maybe ill do one more. Idk. Its crazy that I made it to ftc. Do I have a chance of winning. I dont know but someone told me to be confident in the game i played and be proud. Im going to try and do that. Havent had much luck in these ftc. Im just happy I made it to the end. I hope i have a chance to win. 
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theperfectladiesman · 7 years
Saiyuki meme part 2
34) What character do you think is least like yourself?
~Probably Ukoku. I’m not a psychopath or sociopath looking to snuff out life and light. And he’s super cunning and manipulative. 
35) What is a shipping you’re not on board with? (Be respectful!)
~I pretty much ship nearly everything under the sun for the most part. Or can at least understand or respect a ship. I ship I wouldn’t really be on board with though would be Li Touten x Nataku. Or Dokugakuji’s mom x Doku/Gojyo. Just not my thing.
36 ) Which Saiyuki character do you think could easily adjust to modern times?
~I’d say nearly all the main cast. I think they’ve all been through so much & they’ve learned to get really good with adapting and rolling with the punches. But if I had to narrow it down, perhaps Goku. Followed closely by Gojyo. They seem the most easy going & quickly accepting & adaptable. Likewise, I think Kougaiji would be one of the ones who would struggle the most perhaps. 
37) What is your favorite quote?
~There’s A LOT of good ones. Seeing as I have the opposite of a photographic memory... I can’t remember what my fav would be. A really good, memorable one though is where Kou overcame Ukoku’s mind control & gave him the whole speech where he wont be controlled again & his friends helped him to the light. Idk, something to that effect. Maybe I’ll come back to this question later after I find the exact lines.
38) Do you binge read the entire series or read selected chapters?
~Usually when I binge read or binge watch, it’s from start to finish on the entire series. If I just want to research something or remember a specific thing, it’s selected chapters.
39) Are you more a fan of Gensomaden Saiyuki or Saiyuki Reload/Gunlock?
~With the anime, Gensomaden. With the manga, its definitely Reload. 
40) Your favorite character became a mythical beast. What would they be?
~This.... is a tough one. If I wanted to take the easy option, I’d say it would be Kougaiji and he’d totally be a dragon. Or if I wanted to be funny, saying Gojyo being a kappa. I could see Hakkai being the male form of a Dryad. But I think my favorite is Sanzo... and the only thing I can think of to liken him to is the Phoenix. Sanzo’s “like the sun” and Phoenix is a sun bird. Phoenix’s rise from the ashes and Sanzo got burned by Kou’s fire and still rose to his feet. 
41) If you HAD to choose a character to die, who would it be?
~Well, this doesn’t say -MAIN- character. I wish I could say Ukoku... that would spare everyone so much misery... but I like the psycho bastard. So...Gyokumen Koushu. Then maybe Kou would get his mom back & he could team up with Sanzo!
42) Would you rather: Have all characters die or Have only one survive
~The question is.... would it be like Goku? Have them forget & then be reunited with the reincarnations? On one hand, it would be nice to have one survive to carry on the memory of everyone who died. But....I feel like there’s something incredibly unfair & cruel about having only one survive... so I guess I’d rather them all die. 
43) If [character] got into a fight with [character] who would win?
~Lol its hard to do these ones when I’m just answering them myself. 
44) What does Gojyo’s marking look like to you?
~I answered this one already, basically, a tribal flame
45) If Sanzo became a demon, what kind of marking do you think he’d have?
~I kinda wanna say something like the youkai Suika. Something small & round on his forehead in place of the chakra. Or it would probably be somewhere more discrete like his back or upper arm, a red color instead of black...idk the shape/design.
46) If [character] died, what do you think they’d be reborn as?
~I think Zakuro would love to be reborn in the golden age (Elizabethanera) cuz that’s when theatre, music, poetry & literature flourished. Perhaps Kougaiji/Hazel in the Victorian age and Ukoku in the Edwardian era... I know that’s not what the questions asking, but it is interesting to think diff era’s you’d put them in. 
47) After the journey, what do you think [character] will be doing?
~Hmm... I’ll just stick with Gojyo for this one. Assuming he’s still alive after the journey. I think he’d stick with Hakkai. (grudingly)Helping out around the shop if Hakkai worked/owned a shop. I could see Gojyo maybe being a bar tender or an escort/host... or whatever those equivalents are in the Saiyuki era, or just keeps raking in money with his gambling while being domestic with Hakkai.
48) If [character] had a tumblr, what would they reblog?
~This one’s a fun question. I think if Gojyo had a tumblr, the majority would reflect the 3 things he likes most- women, booze, and smokes. Probably sprinkle in some selfies of himself being all sexy, cheesy pick up lines and puns, maybe some crude jokes, more scantily clad women, and gambling tips. Then there’s probably some stuff he’d reblog for the sake of Sanzo,Hakkai, and Goku if they had tumblr as well. Monkey posts to tease Goku, life hacks for Hakkai, & random stuff that would piss off Sanzo. Probably jokes about cranky old men or something. 
49) What is your favorite animated scene?
~umm.... idk... all of Gaiden?
50) [Character]; Boxers, briefs, or commando?
~I feel like Gojyo would have an occasion for all three. Briefs when he’s planning to get with a lady or impress. Boxers when he’s lounging with the boys. And sometimes commando, mainly when sleeping if he has his own room. 
51) What 3 or more tropes fits your favorite character?
~ummm.... running gag, ship tease, and funny moments. (gojyo)
52) What are 3 tropes that describe [character]?
~fiery redhead, the alcoholic, and jerk with a heart of gold (gojyo)
53) If Saiyuki got a 4th series, what would it be called?
~Well now that there is a 4th season coming out... Saiyuki Reload Blast XD (now we just need an Ibun OVA!!!)
54) If your favorite character could control an element, what would it be?
~Fav charater’s always been between Sanzo and Kougaiji... though recently I often wonder if it’s not Hazel now. I think Lightning suits Sanzo. Fire for Kou. And Ice for Hazel. Earth for Goku & Hakkai. Wind for Yaone.
55) Was there a character you used to love but no longer do?
~I dont think so actually. I think everyone I love I still do and everyone I hate I still do. 
56) What has been the saddest moment for you in the series?
~Yakumo’s death. Yakumo’s whole chapter arc.  And the end of Gaiden.
57) What is your favorite anime/manga genre?
~Psychological thriller/horror (but I also like romance & action & drama)
58) Name 5 other characters you like along with your fav Saiyuki character.
~Spike Spiegel, Axel, Seto Kaiba, Zelos Wilder, Alvin Svent, and Snow Villiers
59) Do you prefer subbed or dubbed anime?
~Dubbed. But most of the time subbed is 100 x’s better... obviously.
60) Did you watch the anime first or read the manga?
~Gensomaden anime came first.
61) Do you seek out spoilers or avoid at all cost?
~I avoid them at all cost, most of the time. Unless it’s something I’m not planning to watch or read.
62) Do you write fan fics or draw fan art? If so, link!
~I do, on both accounts. I don’t have any Saiyuki fanfics though. If anyone really want links, I’ll send them privately in IM’s. My Saiyuki fanart can all be found on my blog. Other fan art of diff fandoms is on DA. I only have a couple of completed fanfics on fanfiction.net... most of my work isn’t finished so that’s not really worth linking, I wouldn’t think.
63) What was the most pointless filler in the anime?
~I can’t really think of anything... maybe the sauna one where Goku thinks Sanzo turns into a demon. Or the kitty one. Don’t get me wrong, I loved both those episodes... but in regards to the plot, they don’t contribute a thing. 
64) How do you describe Saiyuki to a friend who has never heard of it?
~Four guys travel west to stop the resurrection of a demon lord. Um... there’s lots of humor and action. It’s amazing. It’s.... kinda gay without actually being gay.
65) If you RP what is your favorite thing to Roleplay?
~answered this one~
66) What is your favorite Saiyuki Opening or Ending for the animes?
~The opening for Gaiden is very gorgeous, perhaps that one <3
67) What’s something you think would improve the series?
~HAVING MORE MANGA TRANSLATED AND PUBLISHED HERE IN AMERICA! And bring back some minor characters, that’d be cool to see.
68) Who, in your opinion, has the most tragic backstory?
~Geez... that’s like comparing a life time of stomach issues to someone who has a life time of mental illness... both are equally tragic. If I HAD to pick.... Yakumo.... I’m just gonna go with Yakumo. Technically, it’s not really a backstory but what’s he was presently doing. Having such a kind, soft heart... wanting nothing more but to save, shelter, and raise youkai kids... and choosing to kill them when they go berserk, perhaps with the whole mentality of ‘kill a few to save the whole’. It’s so tragic. Other than that, I can’t choose 1 over the other for tragic back stories cuz everyone has it equally bad in some way. 
I guess I can say the tie would be between Gojyo, Sanzo, Hakkai, Goku, Dokugakuji, Hazel, and Nataku.
69) Who would be best at pleasing their lover?
~It kinda depends on what said lover wants most our of their partner and if it’s true love or a fling. If they both knew what they were doing, Goku & Kou would be very thorough, patient, and thoughtful lovers. Gojyo would be best at bringing the skill/pleasure in a pure sexual aspect. Hakkai’s difficult to pin down. He’d be gentle with the same qualities I listed for Gok/Kou.... but he’d have this wall up at the same time. Sanzo... just probably wouldn’t be the best, if he got intimate at all to begin with. Hazel’s so... antagonistic. I’ll just go with Gojyo or Dokugakuji. 
70) What do you think Saiyuki would be like if Kougaiji and co were the main protagonists? Do you think you’d still enjoy it? 
~A lot less humor and more dark because it would be more from the “villains” POV. Kou’s kinda angsty. I don’t think Saiyuki would be as well recieved and loved from Kougaiji’s & co’s pov... and there’s several characters we might have missed out on.... but I think it’s something I would still really enjoy. If its written by Kazuya Minekura, she’d make it amazing regardless. 
71) What minor character had a significant impact on the plot?
~I think that would have to be Hazel Grouse.
72) On a scale from 1 - 10, 1 being not much and 10 being too much, how much does Saiyuki Gaiden hurt you?
73) What character is still a mystery to you?
~Perhaps Koumyou or Ukoku (maybe even Yaone in the sense that we kinda know next to nothing about her... that I can recall). But with Koumyou especially, both of them are just so complex & different than I am that they’re difficult for me to understand. 
74) What is the funniest moment in the series?
~It really says something about how much a perv I really am if the very first scene that pops into my mind after thinking about what my fav moment could be is.... Gojyo & Goku wrestling & arguing on the bed and that lady walks in & thinks they’re doing, or about to do, something naughty. Oddly, I Really like the scene where Gojyo mimics Sanzo too. 
75) Who is your favorite minor character?
~Hazel or Banri or Zenon ...... Yakumo & Zakuro are p great too
76) Which character has had the most growth?
~I think that would have to be Goku
77) Which character needs more development?
~hmmmm........Lirin maybe? 
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s3venpounds · 7 years
damn seriously whos doin this fam. like im enjoying myself but im not sure yall even care at this point lmaooooo 
1. have you ever been in love?
i’d like to think yes. if im wrong ive got a HUGE storm coming. pretty sure im in love atm who knows tbh.
2. what are your favourite colours and why?
a sort of lilac shade of purple. idk. 2 reasons i guess. i remember in a video i saw purple is the best color to stand out in terms of cartoons and clothing so thats how they get some villains to stand out so im like heck yeah attention ! lololol that and the color itself just seems “soft” idk
3. who was the last person you held hands with?
4. what is your zodiac sign?
Taurus stubbornly proud.
5. how many times have you read your favourite book?
6 times.
6. what are your favourite films?
how to train your dragon. treasure planet. high school musical series. hercules. pacific rim.big hero 6
7. what kind of weather do you like?
rain. lots of it. or just sunny or slightly cloudy with  ALOT of wind. i love wind. it makes me sleepy.
8. do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sun sets. crazy mindsets and shenanigans happen once the sun sets. but sunrises are good for waking up to while cuddling.
9. what kind of weather represents who you are as a person?
a flood. literal flood warnings. overbearing, extra, clings to the area long after its done. damages everything a little bit. everything is dirty afterwards and everyone is highly annoyed. some idiot decided to swim
10. what’s your favourite animal?
avians. most birds really. i just REALLY want to fly without the aid of a huge plane or something. like squirrel suits or jetpacks
11. what is your favourite song right now?
Lie to me George Nozuka
12. what is your favourite song of all time?
uhm no. I actually don’t show everyone this song because its special to me so i only show it to people who are either close friends or lovers.
13. do you like sunny days or rainy days better?
rainy days. most def.
14. have you ever been heartbroken?
15. what does the perfect kiss feel like?
it feels like every other kiss from every other person doesn’t compare. the lips feel like theyre in the right place. times seems to stop. nothing around seems to matter. past present and future intertwine and creates a phenomenon around you two and suddenly you aren’t aware of anything but the feel of their lips, how warm they are and how fast your heart is beating.
16. what is your favourite poem?
i don’t have a specific poem in mind but i loved a bunch of poems from lang leav’s love and misadventure
17. who are you most inspired by?
a multitude of people. depends on what youre asking about. say if its volleyball im most inspired by the manga characters from haikyuu most notably hinata shoyo because he loves to fly. if its in terms of how physically fit i am it would most likely be chris pratt. its different things and people depending on what youre asking
18. are you spiritual?
pfft i’d like to think no. but its a pretty general term so i could be who knows.
19. what is your favourite plant?
anything that eats spiders, mosquitos and any other venomous creepy crawlies or just any bugs.
20. what is your favourite feeling?
freedom. rushes of adrenaline. or just love. passion burning in the form of love.
21. what is your favourite word?
22. are you an artist?
nope. i would like to be but i lack the discipline and patience for it.
23. what is your favourite flower?
lavender or lilac? idk
24. are you happy?
im not SAD. but im not happy either. im not neither im more of a constant sad and happy. at the same time
25. what are you thinking about right now?
should i confront this person or not on the day of birthday and assuming i get a negative result shall i drink my memories away? most likely.
26. what emotion do you feel most often?
annoyance and frustration
27. what is your favourite season?
28. are you in a relationship?
29. are you an introvert or extrovert?
ive been told im extroverted so ill go with that
30. do you prefer the moon or the stars?
31. what is your favourite scent?
her. she smells like happiness, the adventures shes been on, the smell of comfort. i just REALLY like it when someone im interested also smells delightful. it like amplifies everything. 
32. where do you feel most at home?
st clements park i ‘spose. maybe my computer chair. in the rays of sun in an open field?
33. what scares you the most?
34. do you believe in soulmates?
35. what is your favourite thing about yourself?
my singing? i guess? i use it the most and i enjoy it when i get to sing. or say dumb things with impressions of famous characters or actors/accents
36. what is the nicest compliment you’ve received?
“nice outfit” 
37. who is your favourite music artist?
ahhhhhhhh its a 3 way between Hedley, Goo Goo Dolls, and Aj rafael
38. what was your first kiss like?
awkward, literally not a full kiss just a peck.
39. are you a sensitive person?
apparently so. i’ve been described as emotional and passionate so i suppose.
40. when was the last time you cried?
couple of weeks ago?
41. do you believe that love can last forever?
not forever. forever seems like a label or chain if i die i don’t want to tie down my partner. if they fall even harder for someone in the next life i think i would be wise to let them be happy. 
42. what do you think happens to us when we die?
this is a bit morbid but i personally think we becomes ghosts but we can’t leave our body. when we pass we’re still conscious and see everything that happens to our body but we can’t move. so we get buried, burned etc. screaming at the top of our lungs but unable to do a thing.
43. have you ever broken someone’s heart?
sadly. yes.
44. what do you think about when you can’t fall asleep at night?
how many rounds of masturbating can i go before i pass out involuntarily. lmao jk . i set up my dream like “ okay i’ll be in… a zompie apocalypse living in a somewhat safe city having a sort of drama with other survivors and trying to live day by day off the little rations everyone gets.”
45. do you believe in aliens?
it’d be a lonely ass existence for earth to be the only life for a couple billions lightyears
46. what is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
deal with my shit. honestly im a handful.
47. do you find it hard to trust?
no. i sort of trust everyone until proven theyre not to be trusted. 
48. are you secretive?
to an extent yeah. anyone is usually.
49. what colour are your eyes?
brown? idk i really dont care ahahaha i’ll let my future spouse deal with that.
50. do you have a nickname?
Ag(silver on the periodic table since yknow. my names silver. >.>), tinman, silver yo yo, silverado, silver city.
okay seriously, whoever is doing this, are you doing this out of curiosity or because i asked for it? lmaooo
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Episode 6 Confessionals
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I mean I didn't make the idol play. But um #LUKEDIDTHAT. Love he did that. But Lexi self voting??? Ruining Luke's plan of getting someone out? ICONIC!! Poor Lexi is prob going to go home lol. But I'm happy the idol I found did something but sad that its now gone and a new one? might be able to be found for those  4 remaining.
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One more fake swap / fake merge and I'm going to vote myself off this island.
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So iconically, Luke idolled, which i'm happy about. I'm NOT happy about Ryan being voted out considering I was kind of wanting to play a game with him. It also doesn't make sense considering... he's tried in every challenge, and has helped out the tribe greatly imo, but then again - we don't know the social dynamics and tribe outlook on their tribe. Carson told me he found an idol, and i'm superbly excited. Will he use it on me? Likely not. But it's still good to know we have it in OUR possession, and i'm not planning on leaking a word. The fact that he told me is satisfying though, and I do truly feel as if he's my #1 in the game right now. The challenge? Pass. It's something... logic puzzles are... awful (yet a little fun at times, sure). The cup thing... whomst... and the counting? I'm fairly triggered. I'm going to likely sit out because i'm busy today and I just couldn't care or want to do ANY of that. also why is there no SWAP!
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Last tribal was fun with my idol play but Lexi made it less iconic with the self vote but that was completely understandable since she has a lot going on personally and I hope she's okay <3 It worked well in the sense that Jordan and Jay can still convince Lexi that they just had to do what they had to do with the tie and they saved her over Ryan. I compleTELY FUCKED UP THE COUNTING PART OF THE CHALLENGE WHICH I WAS ALREADY EH ABOUT DOING SINCE IT'S THE WORST BUT EUUURGH I MESSED UP. I'm hoping that we can win but if we don't then I hope I can trust Jay and Jordan enough to keep our 3 alliance strong and just vote our Lexi unanimously providing she doesn't have an idol or anything like that. I'll make an update after results...
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Can you believe we win again? If we merge, it's gonna be 7-3. What a time to be alive!!! 
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WHEWWWW i searched Mancos for the idol bc of my idol clue i got and i fucking found the idol and wow... i decided to tell Zach because I definitiely wanna nurture a relationship with him (love him so much) and we're a dynamic duo for sure!! i only talk to hi9m though and i def gotta fix that. playing this game AND another game at once is just a bit much but im still doing my best.
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OKAY IM SCREAMING HOW DID I EVEN GET ANOTHER REWARD?? Idk how many rewards there have been in total bc I forgot but I've gotten 3 and didn't do 1 bc it was too risky but like what the heck how is this even happening?? I'm shook 
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WE WON IMMUNITY YESSS!!! going into the final 10 7-3 is definitiely amazing and im assuming luke goes on the other tribe. im fine with that bc it seems like everyone on my tribe is close to luke, so theyll be closer to me if hes gone!! im definitiely enjoying this tribe but like.. where does everyone stand?? who knows. we havent gone to a tribal since eric combusted and i dont know where i stand. i trust zach and i kinda trust bryce even if we dont talk strategy but idk where everyone else stands. katie truists me i think, but idk if i talk to her enough for it to be a FULL trust between us?? shes probably the one i trust the most after the other 2. charlotte is... whew?? she hates zach im pretty sure so like... idk about that personally. shes a good player and also like... idk i just dont talk to her as much as the other returnees. willow is cool and shes super nice but we NEVER talk strategy and also she like gave tons of info to eric allegedly then voted him out so idk if i can trust that rlly but like  thats a bit hypocritical bc i kinda used him too. i need to try talking more strategy with her. and chris... we talk and they're pleasant conversations but like willow, i dont talk strategy enough with him. plus hes a good game player from what ive seen in this game?? i know hes busy so i just gotta start getting a bit more out of him. my social game has def been slipping and if i dont get it up, im looking at a merge boot status bc tbh? i think im a pretty big threat. ideally, jordan pines is merge boot, then we can use lexi/jay to possibly get out some of our tribe, maybe charlotte?? on second thought i could use jordan for that too but like.. i dont trust jordan lmao. IDEALLY, id like a boot order of... f10: jordan f9: charlotte f8: lexi f7: willow f6: chris f5: jay f4: bryce f3: katie/zach, depends on who i think i can win easier against?? then ideally a final 2 of me winning. but survivor is always changing, so nothing is for sure. thats just how id LIKE it to happen, but nothing is gonna happen exactly so ill just pray!!
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We lost immunity...again...shocker! Jay approached me earlier to potentially blindside Jordan and get him out since he's a huge threat at the upcoming merge but ultimately decided that using his connection with Katie and his reputation as a meat shield would be to our advantage since we're both winners and that is enough to get people to target us. It feels weird working this closely with Jay. If we merge next then plan to get Katie using Jordan, Carson using Jay and Zach using myself and then add Charlotte into the group and we should have a strong group. I also want to find out who gave me the immunity idol so I can first of all thank them, second of all ask them why and third if all work with them. I just hope I'm not being screwed by Jay the same way he was trying to screw Pines. 
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Confessional #1 this round: Fuck ulta, i hate this tribe, i want to leave, ryan palmer let me go home
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I accidently self voted last round and it tied between me and ryan because luke used an idol. so they voted ry out and i cried alittle. thats about all. 
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Confessional #2- Rip Lexi, this is wrong, how the fuck are we gonna be at 3 players, after this wtf they have an entire tribe waiting to fight us
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Im so happy we won again to be able to go into a merge with 7-3 majority maybe and a 4 person group into the 10 person game! Things are going well
Wish I can find the idol and hope luke doesnt go out either here
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bye lexi! honestly like... idk. all newbies on their tribe are gone, it's so funny. im anticipating merge! or a swap.. or something. its 7v3 for crying out loud! im not sure what my move is going forward, but i think im confident. just kidding, i'm likely leaving. this is a bs conf but i may make one tomorrow hehe
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haha I beat Jay
wow can't believe I'm this seasons challenge beast
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We're really that tribe that's completely decimating everything.
I've been out all day and I see that they voted out Lexi. Every tribal that Jordan pines makes it through makes me even more nervous about getting to a merge with him around. We didn't have a good history in our last game but I'm hoping that there are more people around with bad blood with him so I can kinda just get by without getting any shots fired at me. I just want to go into a merge already. None of this potential "tribe swap" to make things even for one more round. I usually get fucked in a swap and I'd rather not have history repeat itself.
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Over the course of the past week or so, i've been attempting to mend things with Charlotte. She's the only person that I feel like would be dead set on getting rid of me, so to weaken that desire would be sufficient. I also want to work on Katie and Chris a bit more so that the newbies (since i'm already decent with Willow, I believe) would be more loyal to me. I need opportunities! As for the pending upcoming merge or swap, i'm not ready. I would hope the 7 Ulta stay together for a BIT or something, like vote out Jordan. I'm semi-close with Jay and Luke, so would I want to vote them out right away? Well, in the wise words of Jay - absolutely not. But I would if I had to. I'd be more lenient with voting Jay since i'm now developing a friendship with Luke (because of another ORG) and I really like him, he's a cool kid. Him and I have NEVER worked together in past ORGs so if we manage to survive and make it on a tribe together, it'll be something refreshing. Carson's still my favourite though. He's a social god and it's scary. The kid has school from like 7-3pm and still finds more time to message me somehow or someway. It's... wildt. I trust him to an extent and him and I both have agreed that like we'll go far but obviously we are bale to betray one another if essential to our own game. I likely won't make it that far though RIP. I told him i'd be his lapdog, despite the tag of the season o.O Bryce. I didn't mention him yet. He's cool, him and I rarely talk but I think he's overall a great person. I'd like to talk to him more but our last conversation felt dull and I can't force a convo (not his fault, communication is indeed a two way street.) Nonetheless, it's something I may have to work on for my game. Also lowkey it's so funny because two tribals ago, you provoked the question regarding returnees and newbies, and here are some facts: - Ryan asked you to stop shoving it down his throat. He got voted out consequently. Iconic, right? - All newbies on their side are eliminated - All the boots in the game in general are newbies (with the exception of my Bahamas representative Willa...RIP good soul. The good die young!) So basically a returnee will win this game. It might be slightly worrying to Katie/Willow/Chris and they may want to extend and form bonds with OG Copa so that they have backup, because obviously there's a trend with voting out the newbies. Anyway, this is my third confessional this round... more than expected hehe hope you enjoy! P.S look at this rude ass message: On 2017-09-14, at 6:36 PM, carson wrote: > Use the Golden Rope to hang urself please HSDGNISDGNDS It was so funny I choked bye now
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I seriously thought I was being screwed this round because I didn't think Jay would flip on Lexi but he did and I'm still here! 5 votes against me and I'm still here which is great!! There are only 3 of us left on Copa and we're an alliance so if we don't swap/merge and lose immunity then....it's going to suck. I think maybe I'd be in the middle? But equally Jordan and Jay have known each other a lot longer than they've known me so they might see me as disposable and get rid of me which I hope isn't the case. I really wanna merge and go work with Zach, Charlotte and Carson who I know and think I could work well with. Also Bryce, a newbie from last season, someone who I'd be interested in hooking up with in this game and working with!
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So I got another advantage which is lit, I guess all these advantages are making up for kvaloya, anyway who knows how I'm gonna be able to explain the randomized vote?
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Okay so like I just realized I'm in another game with Eric. And I kinda led the charge to get him voted out so I'm trying to win immunity otherwise he is totally killing me so sorry this is a terrible confessional but I'm STRESSING. 
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If we don't merge I'm so incredibly fucked
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I hate talking to Ian. Oh my god. Ian is so boring. Nick is the fakest person in the history of persons while Ben is the most illogical. If I'm on the jury there is a 0% chance either of them get my vote or probably Zack or Jev's because any situation that would have landed me on the jury would have probably been 100% preventable by them but since they wanna be shady (or in Ben's case stupid) I'm going to be fighting from the bottom from now on. Tyler is the most transparent balding bitch i have ever met in my life and that's all I'll say on that. Last tribal was the first time I had ever been on the wrong side of the vote in a Survivor game ever, and I knew it was going to happen and bc I'm a loyal heaux. I felt like Sandra in Game Changers getting "outplayed" by flops. I know I can't go on an immunity run because eventually there are going to be time consuming ones and Brett lives his life on Skype so rip my chances of winning challenges. FUCK MY LIFE
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Y'all better get your sunglasses on because a guardian angel is protecting me and beaming its light on y'all!!
We DID that!! OMG, I am so fucking relieved right now that I scraped by that vote. I was legit scared for my life!! THANK YOU OG MONTE ROSA!!
Sorry Abel, I don't give a shit if you're loyal. You threw my name around and now I'm coming for you. You're at the top of my hit list and loyalty ain't gonna save you.
Zack though, woo calling Tyler out was like a bomb. Now there's gossip that Brett has an idol. Brett then tells me he does have an idol, which I already knew so I acted shocked. Nick also claims that Luke almost used a vote stealer but he stopped it from happening. Well idk if what Nick's claim is true but rn I'm just SO HAPPY I WAS SAVED.
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If this game was the film Mean Girls, I'd be Karen Smith
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Damn it all, how many times do I get second in these individual immunity challenges. I lost because of that damn tie breaker :/
The price isn't always right. :(
Now with Luke safe, that leaves us Jev and Abel. Personally I want Abel gone because he's messy and he brought up my name last tribal. But it's still kinda early and it's risky to try and split the vote because of Luke's vote stealer. Here's to hoping my name ain't roaming around again.
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Super stoked that I managed to win immunity, after the events of last round I definitely think I needed it. I need to start working on Nick and Dom so that we can see if they will vote with us and work out getting out either Ian, Ashley or Tyler
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I'm so stressed that I'm going to be the one leaving tonight, Brett says he's trying to make a case for me with the people he's working with but I feel like that's not gonna be enough, if I'm gonna stay I'm gonna have to fight for my place.
I've started a thing with Dom, Nick and Abel but whether or not it'll work out I have no idea. I sold out Luke to Brett (without revealing his name) but my intention was to stir up Brett's emotions and make him reconsider who he's working with, paranoia can be dangerous for someone in this game and that's exactly what i want to make Brett: Paranoid.
I still have Luke kind of but idk how I feel about him, like can I trust him? He was a double-agent for us with the other side but how do I know he isn't doing the same for them? I'm honestly so stressed. There's not much I can do about Luke yet though since he has immunity.
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Okay so... I've still heard nothing and it's 40 minutes from the vote which is never fun!! Luke has this whack ass plan to take out Ashley-Sarah but that would require Nick and Dom voting with Me, Abel and Luke and then Luke would use his vote steal so that we would have the majority for this vote. BUT that isn't going to work because for some reason Dom wants to keep Ashley-Sarah around because he said "She won't win at the end" ...bitch it's only F10 why are you thinking about Finals we have to make it that far yet!! So that's shady.
I've still been trying to get closer to Brett, but he just asked to be my "advocate" and to leave my game in his hands, which is really hard for me to do because if I'm gonna survive this round I want to do it myself, y'know?? If I survive this then maybe it's time to throw Luke under the bus to Brett as the one who was leaking information to the other side after finding out their plans. I mean, I'm playing this game for me and not Luke at the end of the day. Sorry 'bout it!
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I played my Garlic Necklace to no effect, but I'm not exactly bothered by it. I got my desired end result. Zack went home. One Matterhorn down. Three to go. Zack's final words, however, were a bit more of an issue. Zack took the opportunity to slide Tyler hard under the bus and I didn't need that at all because this version of sliding Tyler under the bus featured displaying every secret I had ever told Tyler to EVERYONE just to demonstrate how horrifyingly untrustworthy Tyler is. Yikes. This is not good.
I revealed my idol to Ashley Sarah and Ian after this just to get them up to speed on happenings. After that, I had Tyler's attempt at damage control enter my Skype inbox. It really crushed me that Tyler sold out all my secrets to Zack. I believe that he did this to make himself more palatable to original Matterhorn at the final swap when he was in the minority with Logan and Maximilian. I, of course, told Tyler that everything was fine and that he should do damage control with Dom and Nick, who Zack had claimed Tyler was rather outspoken about in hatred.
The challenge was code breakers and I LOVE this challenge! Ultimately, I tied for first and then lost a tiebreaker. Whomp whomp. Luke won immunity and initially, I was defeated by that because at that point, we had only 2 Matterhorns that we could vote between instead of 3.
Dom approached me about voting out Abel. He spread the word. Nick also knew this and he chose to tell Ashley Sarah "Brett really wants Abel." And this is the second time Nick has done that--ran to Ashley Sarah to feed her information and then stamped my name on it as the official owner. Seriously not cool. Of course, Ashley Sarah turned right around and told Tyler, Ian, and myself. Nick's overplaying is rather messy, if you ask me. He's just way too shady.
Before piling the votes on Abel, Jevvon approached me about making sure it wasn't him and I extended an olive branch to him, and Luke as well, telling them I couldn't leak information, but I was very forthcoming with both of them and respectful.
The last order of business: Benjamin. Nick had told me Benjamin has close ties with Abel and that is part of the reason why we got rid of Benjamin the first time. So we opted to tell Benjamin to vote for Jevvon so we could safely blindside his ally, Abel. Unfortunately, Tyler disagreed with this as he felt (correctly) that it would alienate Benjamin (I really don't care). Someone, probably Tyler, told Benjamin about the situation, and now Abel knows going into tribal that it's going to be him. Great.
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TBH this is probably gonna be my last confessional of the season which SUCKS but I don't know, anything could happen I guess but Nick has just told me that he's heard my name, Abel is sure it's between me and him and Luke says although he's heard my name but has heard Abel's more prominantly, so hopefully it'll be Abel and not me tonight.
If I make it through this round then I'm pretty sure I'll make it through the next one, simply by revealing to Brett that Luke was the informant who gave me and Zack the information from his side of the game, and then hopefully they'll pick Luke off before me which gives me at least another round in this game. I feel like my best chance this round is to vote for Abel so then hopefully the majority of the votes will swing his way rather than mine.
It'll suck writing Abel's name down tonight (if I do it) but it's all for all and who knows? It might make Brett's side be open to keeping me around as a number and trust me a little bit more in rounds to come.
Nick told me that he isn't sure who the other side are voting for, yet he just told Luke that he thinks they're voting for me. And NOW. Nick isn't replying to me and Abel is trying to get everybody to vote for me so I have nobody but Luke by the sounds of things!!!
Goodbye Switzerland, it was fun! See y'all in jury.
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