#idk just some thoughts. i helped quara out with her headset that was picking up fm signals and the convo we had got some
syn4k · 1 year
when it comes to ghosts and demons and hauntings on the mortal plane, i'm a skeptic by default. i grew up not really interacting with ghost stories- i was the sort of kid who read books about science for fun -and as a result the scare stories never really did more than scare me for a short amount of time.
however, despite that, i'm still enraptured by the intersection between folk tales like these and modern science, which often have a reasonable explanation for them.
your house is haunted and you feel on edge constantly? well, you just installed a new AC last week and it's been emanating these signals that you can't hear but your body can feel and it scares the shit out of you because back when humans were living in jungles hiding from large beasts we evolved to hear things that we couldnt really hear to keep ourselves safe. that sort of stuff. that's what gets me.
because these tiny subsonic noises that we evolved to hear? maybe the wind is blowing weird through a crack in the wall in the haunted house. maybe the foundation is a little shaky. maybe that cryptid in the woods you saw at 2am was just a deer that had chronic wasting disease and/or rabies (poor thing).
and it's so easy with the supernatural to immediately assume ill intent and get spooked, but those ghosts that wail in the night? maybe they needed their bones to be put to rest. i think most of them are nice but if i had to be stuck in the same place for 200 years with my fuckin skeleton in the wrong place i think i'd have a short temper too!
i hold that everything has a logical explanation even if we don't know what that explanation might be but i will listen to your campfire stories nonetheless because that's just what humans do. and i think that's so cool
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