#idk like I feel like most other professionals are way more patient and compassionate about their tools?
mivolasvivi · 7 months
A noninsignificant portion of my day is now spent fighting for my life in Linux and being fed unhelpful answers by tech support that refuse to give any actual comprehensive training on the cluster. What is it about Linux that makes people lose all empathy I stg.
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an-ambivalent · 5 years
For Our Friendship [Yandere! Prince! Bakugo Katsuki]
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Warning: As this is yandere fiction, this deals behaviours that may be uncomfortable or triggering to read.  Read at your own risk. This work is purely fictional, I do not condone this behaviour irl.
A/N: This is like meant to be yandere from a platonic perspective but idk I think  it can be perceived as romance too so up to you how you interpret it. 
Word Count: 3K 
Katsuki did not live a sheltered life per se. In fact, he was privileged with freedom that many of his status were never granted. Instead of being brought up to be scornful towards those below him in the social status hierarchy, he was encouraged to mingle and interact with children in his age group from all sorts of backgrounds. This was so he would be exposed to different people and their life experiences, learn and grow from them, and become an empathetic ruler who would make decisions that would be best for all of his people and not just a certain demographic. 
Even though his mother was feared for her seldom bursts of her brashness and fiery temperament, inhabitants knew of the kind and caring woman she was underneath her exterior. For that reason, they respected and loved her. The King was just as loved for his compassionate and understanding nature. With two wonderful parents like they were, people often wondered how Katsuki ended up as the way he did. 
It was evident to everyone from his toddler days that Katsuki had something akin to a superiority complex. Granted he used to attack others with insulting jeers and emphasise his own importance above theirs, but no one ever really paused to spare it too much thought. After all, with how his parents was, certainly he would turn out to be a fine young man someday. He would not be a cruel and selfish King like Endeavour from their neighbouring Kingdom. He would be just like his parents, kind and thoughtful, there was nothing to worry about. 
If only everyone had known. 
In his group of friends and friends of friends alike, they would meet at the outpost that was just beside the castle but was never used for anything essential. In the evening, when the days were longer in summer, 5 pm meant the sun still shone heavily and burnt on people’s skin. It was easy to sweat from simply sitting idly. 5 pm was just an hour or so before the temperature transitioned from being hot and icky to the relaxing and soothing evening breeze and the sky being painted with soft pastel shades of pink, purple, and blue. 5 pm was generally when majority of the people’s responsibilities and work hours for the day started to come to an end, and children, like the freaks they were, bustled with energy and excitement to play together. 
Of course, seeing as how Katsuki was the heir to the throne and was going to lead this country one day, it made sense that he was the leader for his friends’ group too. Sometime in the future, they would come to serve him and he was going to be their authority. It only made sense that his lackies established their positions now so they knew where they would stand with him in the future. 
They were going to play KING again because it was Katsuki’s favourite game to play. It was the perfect fit for him. Being the most important and strongest person who killed all the bad guys, saved the pretty princess and remained victorious — it enthralled Katsuki. 
The blond pointed the tip of his toy sword towards the only girl who ever bothered to hang out with them. Little [Name]’s eyebrow started twitching in annoyance before Katsuki had even opened his boisterous mouth. 
“[Name]’s the princess, I’m the king, and the rest of you are the evil goons I’m gonna beat up!” Katsuki exclaimed proudly, puffing out his chest and grinning ear to ear. There were collective sounds of groans and complaints heard throughout the small crowd of children. While they understood that they should do what Katsuki wanted, playing the same game over and over again with the same roles was beginning to become boring. 
[Name] was the first one to speak out. 
“I don’t want to be a princess again. You make me sit out on the action each time. I want to be the evil goon this time! Be the breeder of darkness and cause mayhem!” she claimed excitedly, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. In response, Katsuki’s eye twitched in annoyance and he opened his mouth to respond. However, he did not get the chance to speak because following [Name]’s example, others began to speak out too. 
“Yeah! I don’t want to be the evil goon again, I’m sick of being on the losing side. I want to be the king and be the winner for once!” 
“No I will be the king! I’ll do a better job in fighting than you!” 
“No! I want to be the king!” and so on everyone started to claim. It turned into chaos as one tried to shout over the other, and tried to justify why they would be the best suited for the new role they wanted to play. For the first few moments of the chaos, Katsuki simply watched others make their claims, his eyes shifting back and forth between different people. However, after the claims turned into yelling and they began to become louder with each passing moment, what was happening finally occurred to him: his position of authority and power was being challenged. Not only that, but if someone other than him played the king, then that meant they would be the one who would end up rescuing his [Name]. She was his best friend, only he deserved the honour to protect her. 
Truthfully, no one cared about protecting [Name]; they were simply fighting to be the king because that was the cool position. But that was not how Katsuki perceived it. In his eyes, they were all challenging him because they wanted to replace his self-proclaimed position of [Name]’s best friend. 
Anger boiled in him and he gritted his teeth. He exhaled slowly and while doing so, he  scrunched his nose. This was a clear sign that conveyed he was about to unleash his fury. 
“SHUT UP DAMMIT! I’M going to be the king, no one else!” he bellowed. The loudness of it caused everyone to halt and turn towards Katsuki. By this point, majority knew that an angry Katsuki was not an ideal Katsuki to be around. Slowly but surely, fear began to appear on his ‘friends’ faces and they all started to back away. Katsuki jumped from the empty beer barrel he was standing on and onto the ground, before he glared at them. He was going to go off, however before he could, [Name] stepped up in front of him. 
Momentarily, when her eyes gazed into his, his eyes softened. But they hardened in annoyance again once she spoke. 
“Katsuki you’re being unfair,” she pointed out. Instead of giving her a verbal reply like everyone was expecting, Katsuki growled. Instantly, he grabbed her wrist in a tight grip and dragged her away from everyone else.
Katsuki made them turn into a secluded corner where they would have their privacy, before he cornered [Name] into a wall. Rather than being intimidated by him, [Name] held her stance, although she was frowning. 
“You think I’m unfair?” 
[Name] was about to answer, but Katsuki shook his head. He stepped closer to her and put both his hands beside her head. Feeling uncomfortable with having her personal space invaded, [Name] shrunk into herself. 
“Don’t do that ever again, don’t question me ever again. I’m the only one you will listen to, and who protects you. You’re my friend. No one else’s.” 
It was well known that Katsuki had a fiery temper, and lost his patience easily; and it was also known that when it came to [Name], he was more relectuant in losing his temper, and compared to others, he was more generous and patient with her. But even Katsuki had limits that she should not have crossed. Granted that these limits that Katsuki considered generous would be viewed as toxic and harmful behaviour by an average person’s standard. However, that was not the case for him. In his eyes, he was one of the kindest and sweetest to [Name]. That’s why it really pissed him off when she pushed him past his limits. 
Ironically, it was a beautiful sunny day for the events that had taken place. Gone were the carefree days that consisted of childhood laughter and playing until the sun went down. Now, they were older, and forced to mature through inevitable responsibilities and needing to contribute their own part to the country. In terms of lifestyle and the occupation that fed them, some were more fortunate than others. While her occupation was not the most ideal, [Name] never pondered over it too much because it helped her live a decent life and she did the best she could with it. She always reminded herself that it could always be worse. 
Being a maid at the royal castle was not the worst. Sure, she had to spend most of the hours in her day doing chores and other things she did not like, but it was tolerable. She did not need more, she got enough to support herself and everyone she worked with was nice to be around. She was okay, even if Katsuki did overstep professional boundaries was intolerable, and did not leave her alone like she wanted him to. She reassured herself that she was fine despite her distaste for his overbearing tendencies and how he always bullied others if they ever interrupted ‘[their] time together’. She continuously tried to affirm to herself that her powerlessness against him did not bother her, or the fact that he always tended to pick on one of her closest colleagues in particular. 
She could only be in denial about her issues and avoid dealing with them for so long. 
It was on that one particular sunny day when she found that Katsuki was hovering over her closest friend, Izuku. There was a crowd consisting of other maids, butlers, and common workers of the castle surrounding them. Some even refused to look Katsuki’s way, and others had their mouths hung open in horror. They were left speechless due to the unbelievable gruesome sight that they had seen. 
[Name] had rushed through the crowd  and made her way to the front. She gasped when she saw Izuku lying on the floor with many bruises and wounds covering him, and blood gushing out of him. Right away, her eyes averted to Katsuki who was looking down at Izuku with a bright grin on his face, seemingly looking proud of what he had done. 
“That should teach you to not play the hero and tell me how I should be treating [Name]. Learn your place, and stay away from her. And stop bothering her when she’s spending time with me,” Katsuki went on to proclaim. However, he was not given the chance to speak any further because [Name] had roughly pushed past him and ran towards Izuku’s beaten up body on the floor. She dropped to her knees so she could be closer to Izuku’s eye-level. Then, she started to  rip bits of her apron and began to use those bits to wrap whatever wounds of his that she could. At the sight of his barely conscious form, tears welled up in the corner of her eyes. 
An expression of fury had appeared on Katsuki’s face when [Name] pushed past him, and when he had noticed that it was her, his eyes had softened momentarily. But when he saw that her attention was focused on the dumb good-for-nothing Deku, instead of him like it was meant to, he became prepapred to unleash his wrath. 
He stomped up to her and grabbed her roughly by gripping her upper arm. 
“What the hell are you doing?! I thought I told you stay away from him!” Katsuki snapped.  
Despite the tears in her eyes, [Name] only looked at Katsuki with cold eyes that were etched with revulsion. 
“I’m staying away from you,” [Name] hissed, as she yanked her arm out of his grip. Subsequently to this, she picked up Izuku gently, in order to take him to the infirmary. 
“You disgust me. Don’t come near me or my friends ever again,” she seethed, making Katsuki freeze due to her hurtful words. As a result, he simply watched her carry Deku out of his sight with feelings of betrayal, sorrow, and anger weighing heavily in his heart. 
My sweet 
Approximately, two weeks had passed since [Name] had seen Katsuki beating up Izuku which had resulted in her cutting her ties with him off for good. Although, she had done that, seeing Katsuki was inevitable since she did work at the castle. Fortunately, because her colleagues had witnessed the entire situation with Katsuki, they were understanding of her position and went out of their way to support her. Her superior made sure to give her shifts when they knew Katsuki was preoccupied with his duties and studies. This lessened the chances of him going out of his way to corner her. [Name] was also assigned to work in parts of the castle that were far away from Katsuki as possible, and whenever someone saw him turning a corner, her colleagues made sure to hide her and help her get out of his possible line of sight. 
[Name] was grateful for everything they did for her, and she felt blessed with how thoughtful and brave her colleagues were; rather than leaving her alone out of possible fear from what Katsuki may do to them, they had reunited and chosen to support her. It strengthened their bond; however, surprisingly, their efforts weren't needed. To everyone's surprise, Katsuki had left [Name] alone like she had told him to. While that was something [Name] was thankful for, somewhere in the pit of her stomach, she could not help the inkling feeling that Katsuki was simply biding his time. The Katsuki she knew would never back off so easily. Pondering on such thoughts left her feeling jumpy and on edge. 
Presently, [Name] was mopping the floors of one of the many hallways of the castle when she was approached by one of the butlers, who wore an expression of unease on his face. From the look on his face as he stopped in front of her, [Name] knew whatever he was going to say to her was not going to be good. Her stomach twisted itself in knots due to her rising nerves. 
"[Name], Prince Katsuki requires your presence,” he said, and just after those words were uttered, [Name] felt her heart drop to her stomach. 
“I, I-I’m presently preoccupied with my chores. Can I not see him sometime else?” 
The butler shook his head and gave her a sympathetic look. “I’m afraid not [Name]. He insisted that he needed to see you right away and that if you do not see him he can’t guarantee if Izuku will continue to receive his treatment.” This caused [Name]’s shoulders to tense and instantly she threw her mop on the floor carelessly, and quickly ran towards Katsuki’s room. 
She threw his door open roughly. As she entered his bedroom and her eyes met his ruby ones, Katsuki clicked his tongue in disappointment. 
“Make sure to shut and close the door gentler than how you threw it open,” he remarked sharply, narrowing his eyes. In response, while [Name] did as she was told, she still glared at him. Then, she stomped up to Katsuki until she was right in front of him, and started to roughly poke him in the chest with each word she spoke. 
“What the hell is your problem with me?” 
Katsuki grabbed her by her upper arms before he pulled her right into him. He wrapped his arms around [Name]’s waist tightly as he nuzzled his face into her hair. She tried to pull herself out of his grip, and she was close to succeeding. However, she halted in her movements when she felt Katsuki’s warm breath lingering near her ear, and he spoke the threat that made her freeze. 
“Try to force yourself out of my grip one more time and it would be a shame if your parents were to suddenly lose their jobs,” he threatened. Even though [Name] had physically stopped, it did not mean she had given up entirely. 
“You can’t do that. I know a heartless bastard like you would do that but your parents wouldn’t let you abuse your power like that,” she retaliated. 
“I hate it that you’re right; they wouldn’t let me abuse my power. At least, not without a valid cause. But I think that you and I can both agree that it would be a shame if the essential royal jewels that recently went missing were suddenly found in your parents belongings, don’t you think?” 
[Name]’s shoulders tensed and she snapped her eyes up at Katsuki in disbelief. 
“You wouldn’t.” 
Katsuki smirked. “Wouldn’t I? Do you really want to test me?” 
[Name] gritted her teeth in anger. 
“What the hell do you want Katsuki?" [Name] asked in a murmur. 
Katsuki tsked at her tone of voice in displeasure. 
"All I wanted to do was give my own personal maid a warm welcome and congratulate you for earning that position," he began in a soft whisper, as he tucked a lock of her behind her ear. 
"What?" [Name] asked, feeling utterly baffled. 
Katsuki sighed. 
"You know [Name], when you went to Izuku instead of me and told me you weren't going to bother with me anymore, I must admit it really hurt. But, I was so hurt it made me keep my distance from you. And doing so, gave me time to reflect and think about how I could truly have you all to my myself, even if you wanted nothing to do with me. 
"So I thought, well, why don't I just make you my maid? That way, you will not only get paid more but we can spend as much time as we want together without someone else interrupting us. This way, you'll have to do whatever I tell you to do and I'll have you all to myself."
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neozoneships · 3 years
HiHi !!! May i get a personality ship with The Boyz, Enhypen and Treasure ?! Ik you probably get a bunch of these so take ur time ! To start off I’m an INTJ and my sun sun is a cancer while my rising is Leo, I have almost only fire signs in my chart 😃 I’m very athletic and competitive, I play indoor club and beach volleyball ! I love reading, writing, art, photography, fashion, sports and music !!! I listen to mostly alternative and rock music BUT I literally listen to everything just mostly it’s alternative and rock. I like everything tho, my playlist(s) are literally so messy bc of it. I also really like video games and I play/watch a lot of game plays and all that ! A bit about my personality is I’m very aggressive, argumentative and hot headed and those together are horrible. I also am a know it all 🙄 I seriously try not to be but I have no filter and won’t stop when I get started. I don’t like to admit it but I have got some anger issues and I get agitated extremely easily, I’ve been working on it but not much improvement so far. When I’m not angry tho I’m very chill and flirty and apparently funny. Idk but people around me find me hilarious ig. I’m also very ambitious and have very big dreams !!! I want to be and Architect Contractor and have my own business and all that. I also wanna be a professional vb player, let’s see how that goes 🗿 when I like someone I become a huge softie and I’m a lot nicer unless they piss me off 🤦‍♀️ in all my relationships with anybody I’m almost always the dominant one. Anddd I’d say I’m more on the confident side especially when it comes to skills and my talents !!! I hope this was good enough and enough info, thank you I’m so excited 😆 take care !
hiii thank you so much for requesting and waiting patiently hehe hope you like your ships! (´ ∀ ` *)
from the boyz, i ship you with... juhaknyeon!
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juhaknyeon has a good mix of air and fire signs in his natal chart + his sun sign is a pisces so he'll definitely be able to mix well with you. furthermore, his mbti type is entj, which was the most compatible amongst all the members. he is someone who speaks your language, and your conversations usually include intellectual debates. juhaknyeon is more extorverted than you so he's probably the one to approach you first. he'll also start some small talk but you'll find it's so easy to talk to him because you two share so many similarities and common ground. both of you are rational types, so you're both open-minded and appreciate the value of fairness and intelligence. that said, the dates between you two often involve activities that challenges your mind and body eg. visiting museums, taking on classes on obscure activities, exploring nooks and crannies of a city, or perhaps just play a few sport activities together. under his cool facade, i think juhaknyeon is also a huge softie, especially for you. juhaknyeon is competitive too so he wouldn't let you off easy when he's challenged (although when he realises he's more overpowered, he would relax a bit and let you win sometimes). the two of you are athletic so you'd be able to play certain sports activities together. and if you'd end up in a volleyball competition, he'll be your biggest cheerleader ever!
from enhypen, i ship you with... jake!
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astrologically, jake is a scorpio sun so you'll get along swimmingly with him. plus, his mbti type is istj, making him perceive things the opposite from you. while you are absorbed in the abstract, jake will most likely focus on daily practicalities instead. this is good as jake's perspective will remind you of what you'd forget, or keep you grounded. while jake gives you a reality check, conversely, you'd show him to be confident in the face of uncertainty. albeit your differences, you two actually appreciate organisation and structure in your lives. furthermore, you two are more introverted than extroverted, hence your social levels will be similar in nature. therefore, you two wouldn't be overstimulated by each other from different energy levels. you'd also rather go on lowkey, chill dates like picnics or just a stroll around the city, or just stay at home and enjoy each other's company. like juhaknyeon, jake is also quite athletic, which is a common ground you two have. jake is also quite an intellectual so he'll be able to keep up with your interesting ideas. he'll always want you to be happy, so if you're feeling angry and upset, he'll give you time to cool off while he does certain acts of services to cheer you back up. despite your differences, you can trust jake will always be by your side no matter what
from treasure, i ship you with... jihoon!
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as a pisces sun, there will be a good synergy between you and jihoon. in terms of mbti type, jihoon is an entj, which means you two will have a lot in common. like juhakyneon, you and jihoon would often end up in endless mind-engaging debates about various of topics. because of your shared interest in interesting topics, your conversations are rather interesting and stimulating. oftentimes, your conversations involve certain impressions, opinions, ideas and theories. the two of your prioritise logic and reason, valuing factual and empirical ways of understanding things. you two appreciate the value of fairness, admire intelligence and seek competence, hence why you two are often open-minded and receptive to new ideas. i think jihoon would appreciate photography as he likes to take in things around him. that is probably something you two would have in common too! you two can also appreciate art together so your dates concise of going to art museums or picnics by the park where you paint the scenery around you. jihoon is more extroverted so he'll be the one driving the conversation between you two when you guys meet for the first time. however, i'm pretty sure once you have warmed up properly to jihoon, you'd be constantly engaging him in conversations instead. considering jihoon is very soft and compassionate, he'll back down if you get too angry or hot-tempered. he'll probably understand what you need so that you'll be okay and happy again
GIFs not mine; credits to owners!
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ofgrveyards · 5 years
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Hey angels, I’m Faye, and I’m extremely excited to be apart of this group with you all! I’m 22, I use she/her pronouns, and I’m in the EST timezone. This intro is....a whole ass mess and it’s too long, but I’m throwing it @ you anyways! My discord’s fuck ya chicken strips !#2658 if anyone would prefer to plot there! 
─ *✧ [ DANIELLE CAMPBELL. CIS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ] little hollow welcomes you, JOSEPHINE HAMILTON. an/a TWENTY-FOUR ( 500 ) year old known for being a PARAMEDIC, have you settled in yet ? i’m sure as a VAMPIRE you’ll have no problem fitting in but your COMPASSIONATE + RECKLESS personality might have something different to say. residents have described you as candles burning in the dark, daydreaming about a different life, & open windows at night, i wonder what that means ? [ faye. 22. est. she/her. ]
Born in 1519 to a seamstress and a blacksmith, Josephine Hamilton’s early life was spent indoors, shielded from the death and decay that played such a prominent role in London’s history.
Her mother, Agatha, was taken by the plague when she was just 10 years old, leaving her with just her father and younger brother.
The next fourteen years of her life were spent fighting tooth and nail to build a better life for herself and her aforementioned brother. Their father, Joseph, spent more time drinking than providing for his two children, and as a result, became quite belligerent and abusive. 
This was, in part, because of his children’s magical abilities passed down from their mother’s side, to which he refused to attempt to understand and instead forced them to suppress.
Just before Jo’s twenty-fourth birthday, the stress of containing her powers combined with her fear of her father becomes too much and she blows, quite literally. The windows in their flat explode and the entire block is lit aflame shortly thereafter, leaving nothing but ashes in her wake.
After deciding to leave their father to fend for himself in the burning building, she grabs her brother, any belongings they can easily carry, and sets off into the night.
With no surviving relatives in the immediate area and little to no money to their name, they begin their commute to France to visit their mother’s great aunt.
While waiting to catch a boat in Folkstone, Josephine has another episode, resulting in flooding in the town surrounding the docks. This is where she meets the vampire who turns her, who takes pity on the woman’s declining mental stability and lack of bodily control.
That very same vampire, who takes herself and her brother into their home, helps her acclimate to life as a vampire for a few years. This time is spent learning how to feed, control her urges, present as a human in public, and how to compel. 
The final of the four is not something she often used, as she found it to be manipulative to the point of losing what was left of her humanity. She also refused to force feed, and other than her first year, has only ever fed on consenting parties or through other means.
Her brother is turned by them a few years after her, as she refused to be the one to do it to her own flesh and blood. Once he was acclimated to life as a vampire, they set off on their own and travel around London aimlessly.
In her spare time, Jo studied everything she could get her hands on to become a doctor. But as it was a profession society deemed unfit for women at the time, she had to wait.
She went from hospital to hospital working as an aid to patients, biding her time. Eventually, in 1862, when learning about a school in Boston for Women to be professionally trained in the medical field as a physician, she drops everything to head to the states. 
The siblings live there from 1863-1874, during which she also attends a school for nursing. Not long after, they return to England, where she works as a nurse until 1892 when women are officially allowed to practice medicine. 
With the help of her brother and another doctor at the hospital she’d been living at, she opens up her own clinic in a more rural part of England. This is where she stays until the mid 1900′s, when she and her brother part ways. 
Josephine then moves to the states in attempt to continue her practice without raising any red flags. She starts out in Boston where she received her training, then moves on from there, going state to state every few years.
It was six years ago to date when Jo moved to Little Hollow, originally intending to open her own practice like she has in so many other cities, but she decides to postpone it when she realizes just how significant the supernatural population is in the town.
Due to the considerable fortune earned through the many facilities she’s built over the years that are still in her name, she buys herself a nice house in town with a white-picket fence and a dog. The life she lives behind closed doors may be unspeakable to most, but she does her best to be relatively normal in spite of it.
Continuing working even though she doesn’t need to is a decision that’s made due to her innate desire to continue helping people to the best of her ability. `
Becoming a Paramedic felt like the best option for her, considering she never spends very long with any of the patients, so not only are they unable to get fully acquainted with her, there’s always a change of pace.
Being so settled has become a foreign feeling, though she’s grown to thoroughly enjoy having a home, feeling like she belongs.
She’s fairly active in things around town, known to donate to charities and help the homeless. She also dips into the hospital blood supply on occasion for vampires looking to stray from feeding directly from the source.
When it comes to inter-species politics, she tries to stay out of trouble with the other supernatural people in Little Hallow, instead opting to attempt to keep the peace.
Of course, this doesn’t always go over well, considering she’s got such a big heart and wants to keep everyone happy.
Kind, gentle, soft, dedicated, passionate, thoughtful, stubborn. She’s also enthusiastic, eager to please, and wildly ambitious; both at school/work and in her personal life.
She’s a certified Mom Friend™ and proud of it.
Would literally go to any length necessary if it means keeping those she cares about safe.
Josephine’s got to be one of the most attentive people when it comes to her friendships and loved ones. She is always taking time to spend time with them no matter how busy she may be, will stop whatever she’s doing if they are in need, and gives the best gifts. Her philosophy is that if she’s got to spend her money somewhere, it may as well be on others.
She tends to see the best in people, even those who don’t deserve a moment of her time.
Honestly??? She’s the softest vampire ever, probably much too soft to have survived as long as she has.
Is very, very protective of the less fortunate, be that financially, physically, or in minorities. She doesn’t believe in violence as the answer, but hates any prejudices people may have even more. If she sees anyone being mistreated, she definitely steps in ready for a fight.
CHARACTER TROPES: The Idealist, Nice Girl, Running Gag, Workaholic, there are more but I’ll never get off the trope site if I keep going.
CHARACTER INFLUENCES: Leslie Knope, Kimmy Schmidt, Peggy Carter, April Kepner, Phoebe Buffay.
Friends, friends, all the friends.
Frienemies/ex-friends ( this is so hard for her bc she tries to see the best in people, but if they’re a hateful person, she’s not against writing them off ).
A best friend would be super cool, lord knows my girl needs someone to confide in and to turn to when things get rough.
The vampire who turns her and her brother is definitely a wc!
An old friend she’s known for centuries, someone who has seen her grow through the ages.
A neighbor, or maybe a roommate she’s asked to live with her, because the house she bought is so big and she gets lonely lmao
ex fwb maybe???
Enemy turned friend!
Yeah, idk, these are all super random and probably lowkey shitty, but I’m down for anything !!!
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sylvieusedhyperbeam · 7 years
annnd hacking away in my own little corner
just.  casually hammering away on my own Villainous AU don’t mind me folks.
AU isn’t really titled yet so for now i’m’a just call it ‘Virtuous’.  idk i’ll think of something better.  if there’s an AU out there called Virtuous already then i’ll work faster to think of something better and change it.  for now i’ll... just have to ask you to be patient.  :I;;
White Hat
Not much different from other White Hats of various other AUs, though the backstory/origin is different.  As a youngling incarnation, he was an embodiment of good that went about the multiverse to keep things in balance against the Chaos, which his fuckhead ‘bro’ Black Hat embodies, respectively. 
Used to be a lot more erratic and somewhat violent in this purpose, since in those first few early millions/billions of years, he operated a lot more around instinct than reason or logic.  He was a force that didn’t really have a chance to... think about what he was doing.  In other words, yeah, in those early ages of the multiverse he saw things in very black-and-white terms and he and Black Hat caused some shit for some worlds.
Of course, he does know better now and has developed a much more refined, intelligent response to evil and malevolence.  And nowadays, rather than a mansion of splendor and indulgence, he lives in what some might describe as a white and turquoise airship that comes down to base to settle every now and then, lending it the appearance of a mansion. 
He runs a business similar to Black Hat’s, where he gives heroes that serve the Light shields, cures, elixirs, all the stuff they need to help balance the multiverse and drive back the Chaos.  He doesn’t do it for money, of course, though heroes ARE inclined to give him some generous donations because ‘eeeey, airships that sail the multiverse don’t keep themselves in repair, not without White Hat seriously taxing his reserves, anyway.
These days he’s very polite, as well as far kinder, more compassionate than he was in his early days.  He’s also a huge dork with a soft spot for antiques who loves learning about the cultures and shit of other worlds, since even as old as he is, new worlds emerge in the multiverse all the time and so he feels very humbled by it all and seeks to always learn more!  Loves gardening, loves cooking, loves art, loves anything involving the act of creation or bringing harmony, really.  Also really loves singing, and his singing voice is very soothing, pleasant, with the inherent ability to help ease away sadness or anxiety. 
Standard design for him might be like any standard White Hat, though I’m contemplating teal on him instead of blue.  :|a  HMMM.
Doctor Trug
To answer potential questions, roughly translated, trug can mean a lot of things.  One of which includes ‘deception, swindle, elusiveness’, meaning yeah, Trug was basically a conman alchemist who worked his way up to a professional thief of many talents.  Being well versed in both dark magic and evil sciences as well as being manipulative as shit, he served the Chaos and sought to undermine the Light as a more direct agent.  How he managed to get the direct attention of the eviler Embodiments, well slap my ass and call me Betty, that’s anyone’s guess.
Buuuut a mission gone wrong with an attempt on the life of an early Embodiment kinda found him facing some hard-ass time in a multiversal prison.  Which... yeah, a questionably normal human facing time in THIS particular prison, it was bound to be a preeeeetty bad time.  Because you don’t wanna end up at in a multiversal prison.  You really don’t.
Until of course White Hat intervened and opted to ‘rehabilitate’ him, and seeing a chance out of serving time at Holy Shit Eldritch Horror Sing-Sing, Trug of course ‘jumped’ on the chance and played it up all ‘OH THANK YOU SIR WOW SIR SUCH MERCY SIR’ thinking ‘wow what a fucking sucker’.  He assumed that working for White Hat would be simple enough if he just played on White Hat’s kindness but... yeah, it’s a hell of a lot more taxing than he originally thought it would be.  TEEHEE.
Anyway, Trug is rude as shit and looks out for number one.  He’s an ambitious motherfucker though, with a really solid work ethic based mostly around prideful standards he holds himself to whenever he’s researching a cure or a counteraction to a villain’s bullshit.  He thinks nothing of experimenting on human beings or using dark magic for his own means, but White Hat forbids it on all counts, and well... talented as he might be, Trug isn’t stupid and knows better than to try going toe to toe with an Embodiment. 
He can also be very manipulative when he wants to be, and often is for either something he wants or just for the hell of it.  He’s the kind of asshole who will literally argue that the sky is green just for the sake of arguing, if he’s bored enough.  He hates people, for the most part, though he does enjoy people-watching to an extent and making up bullshit backstories about them (if you’ve ever seen Always Sunny in Philadelphia, you get my meaning here). 
Don’t really have a design in mind for him yet.  LMAO i act is if though i’ll actually draw them, or that i actually CAN draw for that matter.
A very peppy young girl with a few magical abilities, in lieu of the more physical/likely genetically mutated abilities of her respective counterpart.  Gemencia is a girl who can utilize telekinesis, as well as low-grade stasis fields that can freeze people or objects in place for a short time, about ten or fifteen seconds or so.  How she does this, well, she can’t say even she knows.  She doesn’t really remember much about her own backstory, just that she kinda-sorta raised herself in the more nature/magic based world she came from before she decided to become a treasure hunter.
And BOY HOWDY does she love treasure hunting.  Like, the girl is GOOD GOD unafraid of anything on so many levels, so she often tends to do crazy parkour shit on the face of rocky mountains, pick fights with people ten times her size, annnnd maybe do a whole mess of shit without really thinking.  She tries to do RIGHT by people, don’t get me wrong, but if the rules look like they need bending or broken?  She’ll bend ‘em a little.  Or a break ‘em.  A lot.  And not give any shits.
Her impulsive love for adventure and helping people in her own crazy way eventually led her to hear tales of the Embodiments, super eldritch beings that maintained the balance of a neat nifty thing called the multiverse, and instantly became determined to see it all for herself.  Loving to do things for people and help people, of course she wanted to seek out the Light Embodiments and become the most awesome treasure-hunting hero the multiverse had ever seen.
SO!  Seeking out White Hat to be her teacher seemed as logical an action as any!
With the help of some magic users who showed her how to travel to other worlds, she kinda world-hopped and bummed around for a while in search of White Hat until she finally found him, when his airship settled in the same world she was in by pure chance. 
She just... kinda started following him around.  And when he got back to his airship one day he just sorta found her there, where she was all ‘HEY ‘SUP I’M STAYING HERE NOW LOOK I BROUGHT CHIPS :D’ and White Hat just kinda... sighed and rolled with it.
Gemencia loves, loves, LOVES spontaneity.  She’s a wanderer at heart, and loves seeing what entire worlds have to offer.  She loves a good brawl every now and then, cartoons, hard hitting punk rock music, collecting artifacts and treasures, and has a refined interest in mythology and lore that might surprise people who don’t know her very well.  As a treasure hunter, she’s been inside old temples, ruins, torn palaces, catacombs, all things that have exciting stories of old war and battles and ancient evils falling at the hands of ‘super TOTALLY badass’ heroes, and it’s from these legends that she became inspired to strike out on her own and become ‘THE MOST SUPER BADASS HERO’ that ever hero’d. 
Not above swearing, indulging (be it huge meals or drinking), or pulling dangerous/impulsive stunts though when White Hat doesn’t keep her in line.  If you befriend her, you have a fiercely loyal buddy for life who will fuck others UP if they try to mess with you, but be warned that you’ll be getting dragged along for a few... adventures when the mood strikes her.   
Her design includes light blue hair, and rather than a lizard hat, she has a big-ass fox hat with long fox-styled hair.  :U  I chose this because foxes are natural foragers, known for leaping to literally pounce into the ground to find their prey.  Gemencia is about the same as a treasure hunter, known to leap right into things in search of the various rare jewels and treasures and ‘OOOH NEAT’ artifacts that she kinda hoards away even if she doesn’t know WTF they even do.  Also tends to wear orange and black stripes, in lieu of Dementia’s magenta.  :T 
EDIT you all thought i forgot 505′s counterpart didn’t you?  ....well you’re half right.  i half-forgot, half-okay-what-the-hell-am-i-doing.  but anyway, here we go!
404 was originally an animatronic for a family restaurant - no not THAT one this ain’t a FNAF crossover get that shit outta here.  He was a regular animatronic up until Trug decided it would be super funny and edgelordy to reprogram it to not only frighten kids, but hell, rob the restaurant’s safe during closing hours and bring him the loot.  The restaurant owners kinda pitched him, Trug took him, and installed a few more fun TRICKS on him while he was at it to make him a better partner-in-crime.  Because why not, it would be a waste of perfectly good machinery otherwise.
Of course, it began smoothly enough at first... until 404′s AI kiiinda-sorta gained sentience.  After that point, he became lazy, grouchy, and at times outright refused to obey Trug’s orders on the grounds of ‘I don’t feel like it fuck you’. 
Trug deactivated him and decided to use him for spare parts, but kinda never got around to disassembling him.  When White Hat took on commuting Trug’s sentence, the two traveled to Trug’s hideout so that Trug could pack in order to feel as comfortable as possible while out traveling the multiverse with White Hat.  White Hat took notice of the big cuddly looking bear and whoops reactivated him, and then promptly forbade Trug from deactivating him again because LOOK AT HIM ALL HE NEEDS IS LOVE.
Trug wishes 404 would rip White Hat’s leg off and beat the shit out of him with it.
404 won’t do it out of pure spite.
Anyway, 404 contrasts 505 by way of being pessimistic, coldly logical, seeing no point in frivolities and only wishing to lie around all day and eat.  Thanks to Trug’s alterations, he does have nifty things like heat sensors, night vision, and even a vehicular mode where he can turn into a small car for quick escapes, but good luck getting him to actually use a single one of these things without bribing him with honey. 
He also contrasts 505 by being... well, mechanical, instead of organic. 
404′s design consists of purple fur, and atop his head is a little satellite dish instead of a flower.  His eyes are big red iris shutters, the kind you see on camera app logos, with a yellow center.
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jihwcn-blog · 8 years
hi pals!!! i’m holly and i’m from the gmt+8 timezone (which is the worst i s2g, like every god damn intro post i’ve made would have me swearing at my timezone because it’s literally the worst) so i’m usually up when you’re asleep and asleep when you all are alive and wild. but that doesn’t stop me from waking up at 4 for events before so, my timezone can come at me all it wants tbh. below the cut are some points about jihwan!! i apologize if it’s messy?? and if it’s a bit long?? but i’ve separated it in into small little categories so you can skip all the boring parts and be selective on those you wanna read. but yeah!!! hmu for plots or just like this and i will come to you?? i’ve got some brief ideas on connections below but i love to brainstorm and such!!
family background
the oldest and the only son of the kim family (so the pressure’s on for him lmao)
with that said, he’s jia’s older brother
don’t fuck with her cause if you do he will come at you!!! he’s very protective of his family!!
his dad’s a prominent surgeon which plays a huge role in jihwan’s life because he literally grew up wandering around the hospital and high key yelling at how much he wants to be like his father!!
he grew up in california, but moved to new york when he was 13; out of his father getting a better job offer
comes from a very close knitted family of four
even though he’s born in america, his parents always reminded him of his roots and they’re quite korean-oriented
he loves his family very much and aims to do everything in his power to make them all proud of him
he also hopes that he could repay back all the good his parents had given him and hopefully see his little sister grow up to a beautiful woman he has always seen her to become
he cannot bear upsetting his parents and knowing that they have already drew out his life for him the second he had made up his mind of his ambition when he was younger, he feels obligated to stick to it even though he changed his mind the more he grew.
his academics and sports + his fear with swimming
jihwan’s the type of guy who’s great all round tbh
he was one of the best students in his year and he’s always scoring high grades
in addition to that, he grew into becoming a well known athlete around his high school earning a reputation he didn’t ask for
frankly he’s an introvert but with his social status and popularity growing, he was pushed into behaving like an extrovert
he’s great at all sports, especially basketball and soccer
he doesn’t know how to swim tho. that’s one of his weakness and his worst nightmare
he actually has a trauma from swimming as he experienced a terrible accident where he almost drowned during a pool party back when he was relatively young. back when he wasn’t taught how to swim
after that incident he would get nightmares and wake up in cold sweat dreaming about drowning and suffocating. he still can’t swim?? i mean he doesn’t mind dipping his feet into water, but anything above his waist he will literally freak out.
so anyway, back to sports. he’s an athlete??
i mean, his sister’s an athlete too and they would always just play together and train together when they were young
he would always be chosen as the leader of the team, because he has strong leadership skills and is the best player so i mean?
he realized that he really enjoy playing sports and began to consider it as a career when he was 15. but as he grew older, and with his father determined to make him the doctor he wanted to be come when he was young, he struggled in juggling his full focus on both academics and sports.
at first he followed his heart and began to take sports seriously, but during this time, his grades were slowly slipping, which caught his father’s attention.
eventually he had to choose and without wanting to disappoint his father, he chose the road he promised his parents he would pursue. he began to shift his focus towards his academics; his activity on the field eventually decreasing.
no one knows (apart from his sister) that he actually got an offer to be trained as a professional athlete and to actually pursue his dream. he didn’t tell his parents as he knew it would disappoint them so he sort of just declined the offer and kept it in between his sister and himself.
he no longer is as active as he wishes to be in sports
he still works out and all that, but he hardly plays anymore. it’s just books and research for him now
okay so like i said before he’s an introvert
he was pushed into behaving like an extrovert
but sometimes it’s a bit too hard for him so he would lie to his friends and tell them that he can’t hang out cause he’s got a big family dinner to attend when really, it’s just him in bed watching movies, reading a book or just studying lmao.
the most important thing to remember is that he keeps a lot of his emotions to himself
he often comes off a an easy going person and he is tbh, but he has a lot of things going on and there’s a lot of on-going self conflicts in his head
he thinks way too much for his own good tbh. he over thinks constantly and worries a bit too much
he’s currently working his way up to be a hematologist and though he loves the idea of saving lives, he doesn’t know that the exact opposite ruins him
this career he’s pursuing it causes him some what emotional damage
as he is currently under medical training, and is under-studying a hematologist (one of his father’s close friends) he meets up and checks up on a lot of patients 
and what usually happens is that he forms a certain attachment to them which eventually takes a toll on him when they pass away
instead of letting out that pain, jihwan would keep it to himself; repress them and bottle it all up
sometimes he kinda cries to himself because he can’t handle the attachment he built and how quickly it was taken away from him
overall, this career hurts him way too much but he’s still pursuing it out of wanting to save lives and not wanting to disappoint his father
apart from him constantly repressing his feelings jihwan is the type of guy who feels a bit too much
but he never says anything about it only because he doesn’t want to come off a bit too strong
he’s actually quite a shy guy lmao 
but very caring and compassionate
an extremely old fashioned person
he loves art but he’s not much of an art person himself lmao
ask him to draw a portrait of you i sweAR
ask him to siNG
idk what else to say tbh
fun facts
back in high school he had this system or business (what he likes to call it) where he would accept requests for assignments and would do them for people in exchange for money 
probably has a hidden tattoo somewhere on his body
i will probably add on to this list when i can come up with something
currently staying together with jia
a graduate, who’s currently under medical training
currently a physician who’s under supervision
his secret is basically him having an affair with a fellow doctor who’s engaged lmao
after his secret broke out there’s a lot of gossip going around at the hospital but like pls idk there’s nothing too grand or interesting
possible connections
unlikely friends???
the doctor who had an affair with him idk.
neighbors - could get along or not at all
childhood best friends
fwb (this could vary tbh, from the usual to maybe some sort of a distraction for him)
you’re my sister’s friend plot ;)
crush (he could be crushing on your muse or your muse could be crushing on him)
each other’s cornerstones
puppy love (when they were younger and such)
idk tbh just come at me
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evverest · 3 years
some thoughts on Anxiety/panic disorder from someone whos cried too much today and still cant fucking sleep
i have never been able to describe my anxiety and generally still can't. it's the illness people i love have the most difficulty understanding and that's like, not on them, i just can't explain it in a way that makes sense. and now my anxiety has gone beyond my control, and consumed my life, and ive been unemployed for 9 months because of it.
and i have very patient compassionate people in my life who have loved me regardless of my reasons, but like i could not tell them why my anxiety about a job - ANY job - was so fucking terrifying to me and it made me so mad because this has been the most humiliating 9 months of my life. i have never felt more intense shame and embarrassment than i have over being unemployed. and i started to just convince myself i was faking it cuz like... how is this real. how is this happening to me. how am i losing my financial independence to a fear i cannot even describe. how am i this shitty, this incapable, this cowardly.
and then i read something a few weeks ago about agoraphobia, and how a lot of people develop it. people had an experience that for whatever reason triggered a panic attack, and they are now scared of that experience. not because the experience itself is always (or even often) bad, but because panic attacks are fucking intense and terrifying, and once you have one you'd really rather not have another. and then they have more panic attacks because of that fear, and then the list of fears grows and intensifies.
and just like that, i understood why i'm so fucking scared. it put my brain in perspective. i had a job i left almost two yrs ago exactly. it was a very bad job for me and i was there too long and by the end i was having panic attacks nearly every day. at. work. i'm talking like, while speaking with customers. hiding in my car for 10 minutes, unable to breathe properly, crying, catastrophic and often suicidal thoughts. coming back in with smeared eyeliner, shaking like a leaf, lightheaded, and forcing myself through the rest of a shift. losing all fucking control in a professional environment and feeling the judgement and the shame and the sense of incompetence. it was so fucking awful and i thought once i left that job it would be behind me so i ignored it. naturally, it's blown up in my fucking face.
i hadn't talked to my partner in m o n t h s abt my unemployment or my anxiety or why i was at a standstill. cuz i couldn't look him in the eye and say "im giving up my independence and freedom and even the chance of having dreams because im scared of working" because i didnt fucking know what i was scared of!!!! any job scared me!!! customer facing, not customer facing, small business, big business, medical, animal related, warehouse. just fucking going on indeed induced panic attacks.
and today i finally talked to him. and i was able to tell him what i was scared of. and it didnt sound stupid or fake or shitty, it was not wanting to lose control of myself, in an extremely scary way, with very unpredictable and varying triggers, in a situation where i was absolutely expected not to. where i needed to show up, be friendly, be professional, which i could do at any other time. its so humiliating it makes me want to scream, and i couldnt do a damn thing about it.
idk where i'm going with this but like understanding my illnesses is so important to me and now my situation still fucking sucks but at least i get it. i know why my brain is reacting like this, and if i know maybe somebody will be able to help me. and maybe i can feeling deserving of that help, or the compassion my partner shows me, or just fucking being here. maybe i can feel justified in that one day. cuz i sure fucking havent for 9 months.
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doctorofwhut · 7 years
~Getting to know you~ Medblr edition
tagged by @medschoolmanic
Where are you from? The Southeast 
How old are you? 26
Are you an applicant, student or medical professional? 4th year medical student, half-way through the interview process for the Match. I swear my angst will return to regularly scheduled moaning about my garden and my knitting in January guys.  
When did you decide you wanted to be a medical professional? I kind of always wanted to do it? As in, I grew up in a household where it was known without question that I was going to college and I was always a super nerdy, passionate person who liked helping people so becoming a doctor seemed like a natural progression from all that. IDK, I feel like I don’t explain it super well. 
What did you do before deciding to go to medical school?
Mostly I was a full-time student but I did work as: 
Dog walker/Pet sitter 
Bookstore employee (as an the university bookstore, no some fun indy thing) 
R&D lab tech 
What area of medicine are you really interested in? Internal Medicine all the way! Give me your adults with unmanaged diabetes! Give me your compassionate dialysis! Give me your hypertension! Your COPD! Your AKI on CKD! Your vague abdominal pain (but if turns out to be your gallbladder, I’m calling General Surgery). 
Do you plan to/ Do you/ Did you work through medical school? If so what as? Hahahahahahahaahahahahahaha no.
(I’m just going to keep @medschoolmanic���s perfect answer right here. Incidentally, this is the same response I give people who ask me if I have kids). 
What’s your most rewarding moment working/ studying in health care? Finding a new murmur on a patient who had come into the outpatient clinic for a skin complaint. It really taught me the importance of doing a basic but complete exam on every patient, no matter what their chief complaint is.  
What’s your most embarrassing moment working/ studying in health care?
I had a patient in the ER come in for hematemesis (vomiting up blood). This patient was my age and quite attractive and my idiot brain decided to say “Okay, I’m very sorry but I’m going to need to stick my tongue in your mouth to check that it’s not a bleed from your gums or your tongue. ”
I died. 
Of course I was trying to say “I need to stick my finger in your mouth” but nope! Whole bouquet of whoopsie-daises right there. Thankful the patient and their significant other thought it was hilarious. 
Whats the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Everyone is swimming their own race. Comparison is the theft of joy. 
What advice would you give others?
Get TSA pre-check for your fourth year interviews. I wish I had gotten it but it feels too late in the process to bother. I really only have one or two more interviews I’ll be flying to. 
Tagging @quixoticandabsurd, @doctorkintsugi, and whomever else wants to jump in! 
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