#idk like rose and mickey were both young
Thinking about ‘The Long Game’ and how the Doctor says Adam is Rose’s boyfriend and she immediately says “not anymore”
And just the entirety of her on-off relationship with Mickey
I feel like there’s something to be said too about how it’s implied Jackie is always with a new man...but she always loved Pete
Idk where I’m going with this exactly but I feel like dating for Rose must have been a very casual thing she learned from Jackie, I really never even got the sense that she and Mickey were in a serious relationship (neither one of them treated it that way honestly)
Maybe it’s why it’s so impactful when she talks about how the Doctor isn’t her boyfriend because he’s more important than that
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failedintsave · 3 years
G, M, I, L, F for the ask!
Sakaksjssjks perfect, thank you for the giggle
G- Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I wrote Rejoin pretty much start to finish, but now I go all kinds of out of order. Most of my WIP start as random scenes I jot down and then build out from and/or struggle to connect into something coherent. Lots and lots of disjointed docs.
M- Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
I've been thinking about two different Nategaar ideas lately, one of which I thought of a while back and haven't touched. Nathan's family has an annual tradition of going to Disney every summer since he was school age, but now that he's moved out to live in an apartment with the band, Oscar and Rose assume he won't want to continue those trips and they go on a second honeymoon. Nathan is disappointed and too broke to buy a ticket and go see Mickey on his own, so Skwisgaar suggests they start a new tradition...which idk what that is yet so I haven't started writing it.
I- Do you have any guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Oh writing angsty bullshit for sure haha, except I feel no guilt over it. Reading, I think maybe caretaking of some sort. When those prompts were going around a while ago I was LIVING. I love sickfics. I just want everyone to get tucked in and fed soup please thanks.
L- How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Not enough as I should. Mostly just edit as I go, then do a final read through out loud to make sure stuff sounds ok, spelling and formatting edit in ao3 and then I'm sick of looking at it, so off she goes!
F- Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it
From S is For...
"So boys," Rose began without preamble. "You've got the house to yourselves all weekend. I would like to see it still here when we get home on Sunday."
"Yeah, mom. We're not gonna burn the place down."
"Please no crazy parties."
"I know."
"The neighbors might not appreciate it."
"That said," she turned the chicken with a pair of tongs, other hand busy dipping and breading another piece. "I know that normally you don't like to...have company over."
Nathan paused his sorting, turning his head towards his mother. Skwisgaar continued putting away cans of beans and corn, but something about the inflection of Rose's voice pulled his attention from his task.
"But I understand that you're both young men. As long as it's nothing wild there's no reason you couldn't have a guest or two."
"Just make sure you use protection."
I'm very amused by Nathan's utter mortification during Dethfam when Rose is talking about frostbite etc. and I wanted to have a scene where he's similarly embarrassed. She just wants her boys to be responsible!
[Fanfic asks]
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stolen dreams took our childish days - chapter 3
read on FF or AO3
I hope you all enjoy this next chapter in Jamie and Claire’s foster care adventure. It’s a bit shorter than usual, but... Enjoy! xoxo
March 2020 
It’s about three weeks before they’re able to arrange a visit after school for Fergus to see his mom. It means Jamie has a few extra hours to kill before he has to pick him up from the visitation center. He’s finishing up at the office when his phone dings. It’s on do not disturb which means the notification is from Claire, the only person whose number will bypass the setting.
Maybe you should pick up a treat for Fergus. I’m sure that he’ll be sad to be leaving his mom. He told me that he loves chocolate chip cookies. Or maybe ice cream. Or idk, Jamie, maybe he won’t need a snack and his mom will have brought him something.
He could sense Claire’s frantic energy in the text, a grin splitting his mouth wide open. 
Breathe, Sassenach. What a fine idea. I’ll pick him up something special. See you tonight.
Glancing at the time, Jamie decided the workday was done and that he’d need a few spare minutes to pick up a treat for the lad. 
It didn’t take long at the bakery to pick out a cookie, and before he knew it, Jamie was waiting patiently in a vinyl chair with no support. He kept glancing at his phone, answering a few emails before he heard a door open and looked up. A kind woman with cropped curly hair and dark skin with a badge around her neck stood in the doorway of one of the rooms just to the right. “Mr. Fraser?” she asked, at which he stood and nodded. “I’m Veronica, I’m the one covering the visits.”
“Aye, I am. It’s nice to meet ye as well,” he responded softly, taking a few steps toward her. 
“Fergus is having a difficult time leaving his mother. I’m not sure if you have a few minutes, the transition during the first visit is always the hardest,” Veronica explained, gesturing to the room.
“Would it be alright if I said a quick hello and tried to help ease the lad back to my home?” Jamie inquired, the bag from the bakery in his left hand, lifting it as if showing that he had brought bribery.
“Well, alright… As long as you’re comfortable.” Veronica turned back into the room and Jamie stepped toward it, stopping in the doorway as he saw Fergus crying in his mother’s arms, the woman’s own eyes appearing glassy.
“Fergus, lad?” he called softly, knocking on the dark wooden door. Fergus’ head peeked up before he started to cry harder, burying his face back in his mother’s neck. 
“I don’t wanna go!” Fergus cried out, his knuckles white from the grip on his mother’s shoulders. 
Jamie took a moment to observe the interaction. Fergus’ mother appeared younger than he expected. Very young, actually. Jamie was preparing to turn thirty-two in a few months and made the mistake of assuming that Fergus’ mother would be close to his own age, but she looked as though she couldn’t be older than twenty-five. 
Her curls were thinner than his wife’s, but she had the same dark hair. For a moment, Jamie envisioned her as a younger version of Claire, like a younger sister who had lost her way in life. Claudia was nothing like the monster that he had created in his head. She looked tired, her eyes were sunken in a bit. Her skin was pale and the lass was thin. Eerily thin. 
What Jamie then noticed was how fiercely she was holding Fergus, like she was afraid to let him go. He felt guilty, as if he was the one forcing the two apart, but he had to remind himself that this wasn’t the case.
“Och, lad. Are ye no’ going to introduce me to yer mam? I ken ye’re sad but I’d like tae meet the lass!” Fergus looked at Jamie and cracked a smile, likely at Jamie’s accent.
“Mama, this is Jamie. He talks funny, but he’s real nice. He and Claire… that’s his wife, you ken? They’ve been really nice. Claire said that maybe me and you could talk on the phone before bed at night if you’ve got a phone. And Jamie makes Mickey pancakes really good and…” Claudia held up a hand, a pained smile on her lips, though Jamie was sure Fergus couldn’t tell the difference. 
“Maybe I could introduce myself to Jamie, now?” Her smile became softer and more teasing as she kissed Fergus’ forehead before placing him on the ground, stepping tentatively toward Jamie. He squared his shoulders before holding his hand out.
“It’s a pleasure tae meet ye, lass. Fergus speaks verra highly of ye. He’s quite the lad. Brilliant and funny and charming,” Jamie trailed off, his cheeks going pink as he realized he was telling her about her own son.
“Oh, well… I thank you for that. It’s obvious he’s fond of the both of you.” Claudia looked at her hands, picking at the cuticles. She swayed on her feet before looking back at Fergus.
“I hate to say it’s time to go, lad, but ye have yer schoolwork to finish, aye? Say goodbye to yer mam,” Jamie instructed, feeling uncomfortable with the fact that he had to be the one to end the visit. Wasn’t Veronica supposed to step in at some point and do this? Why had he said that? Maybe he was being too forward?
“Mr. Fraser is right, Fergus, but I’ll pick you up from school again next week and you’ll get to see your mom again, alright?” As if on cue, Veronica stepped in and began tidying up the toys in the room, speaking softly to Claudia before Fergus gave his mother one final tight hug and kiss. Jamie picked up the lad’s knapsack in his free hand, gesturing for Fergus to lead the way from the room.
“I bought ye some cookies. Claire told me they’re yer favorite. Ye can have one in the car if ye promise to be careful with the wee crumbs. Do ye have a lot of work to do tonight?” Jamie filled the silence on the walk to his car, helping Fergus into the booster seat in the back. Fergus, normally chatty after a day at school, was noticeably silent as Jamie prompted him again with the question. Refusing to leave until Fergus had spoken to him, Jamie squeezed himself into the floor of the backseat, looking up at Fergus’ sad face.
“I don’t want to leave my mama. I don’t want to be apart from her anymore. It’s not fair!” Fergus sounded frustrated, and Jamie didn’t blame him. To only be eight and have to leave your mother not once, but twice. With no say in the matter, either. He didn’t blame Fergus for thinking it wasn’t fair.
“Och, weel, the both of us ken it’s not quite fair, but ‘tis what must be done until yer mam can keep ye safe and healthy. And in the meantime, ye’re always welcome with me and Claire, whether ye want to be there or not. We love having ye in our home, lad. I hope ye ken that.” Jamie was worried that his attempts at reassurance were a waste of time, but Fergus appeared to be comforted by them as he reached his small hands down to pat Jamie’s shoulders.
“Thank you,” the boy whispered softly, letting his eyes close as he sunk back into his seat. 
Assuming the conversation was over, Jamie moved back into the driver’s seat and began their journey home. He had much to discuss with Claire before bed that night.
“Claire, ‘twas mebbe the most horrible thing I’ve seen in my life. The lad wouldna stop weeping. ‘Tis a shock my own heart isna torn in two at just the thought of it!”
Claire couldn’t contain a giggle at his dramatics, even if it was a depressing thought.
“Jamie, of course he’s sad! He had to leave his mom after finally getting to see her. I can’t believe you met her. What was she like?” she asked, the question coming out before she even knew it was one she had.
“Kind. And sad. Thin. Tired. Young. Verra young. Mebbe ten years younger than you, Sassenach. Sae thin, sae young. The lass looked like she would fall apart. She’s got a heid of curly hair just like her son. Much like yers, in fact. She was… She was just his mam.” Jamie’s shoulders felt at this last statement, his body settling into the mattress for the night. He hadn’t expected the thought to shake him so much. Jamie hadn’t even planned on meeting her, but something had pushed him to go in that room and coax Fergus out. Rolling onto his side, he thought deeply about what brought them to take in a child in foster care. Their goal had been to provide a safe and healthy home to a child in need. He thought he was protecting Fergus, but in fact, he was worried he may have been doing the complete opposite. Were they keeping the boy from the one person in life who would unconditionally love him?
Claire could sense that Jamie was deep in thought, and she took the opportunity to wrap her arms around him, climbing on top of him. Her cheek settled against his chest and she let out a little sigh when his hands found their place in the curve of her lower back.
“She’s just his mam,” Jamie repeated, the words causing a shiver to run down his spine.
“It’s not your fault that he’s here, Jamie. We’re just keeping him safe and giving him a good home until they can be together again, that’s all. You’re doing a good thing.” Claire peppered kisses along his skin between her statements. Her left hand rose to cup his cheek, thumb stroking over the curve of his upper lip. She felt her fingers start to dampen and realized that Jamie had been so shaken that he was crying. It was only then that she realized Jamie had lost his own mother, Ellen,  at Fergus’ exact age. 
“Oh, Jamie,” she breathed out, her hands going to his shoulders, holding tighter to him. “It’s alright. He’s going to be alright.” 
“I ken, I just hope we are more help than hurt for the lad.” Jamie’s voice was hoarse, his hands stroking at the soft skin on Claire’s back. 
“I love ye, Sassenach.” The words meant many things, more than he knew how to put into words, and he knew that Claire would understand the hidden meaning.
“She would be proud of you,” Claire whispered, the words coming out before she even knew they were there. Jamie stiffened beneath her for a moment before letting his body relax. His grip tightened for a fraction of a second before loosening his hold so that his hands could stroke beneath her t-shirt. “You’ve turned into an amazing person, Jamie. Ellen Fraser would be so proud of the man you’ve become.”
Jamie didn’t say anything else, just let the tears he had been holding in freely flow while his wife wiped them away.
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beccaland · 6 years
What are your opinions on the RTD era's companions' relationship with the Doctor? 'Cos personally, they bother me a little sometimes, and I was curious what your opinion was.
Yeah, they bother me a little too. I’m actually going to share some thoughts about the characters themselves, as well as their respective relationships to the Doctor. Partly, I want to do that because not to do so would be an injustice to the characters. So, here goes.
Rose (and Mickey a bit, because you can’t really separate an analysis of their characters and he’s a companion too):
Rose is a charismatic character, and I think just right for relaunching the series. She’s young and displays many of the flaws of young people, yet in other ways is more mature than other adults, including her own mum–indeed Rose is often seen taking on a role of parenting her parent. While Jackie seems content to live off the dole, Rose has a job. It’s not a particularly good job, but she seems to be given a fair bit of trust and responsibility, probably above what her official position warrants, which suggests that she’s earned the admiration and reliance of her boss–and given her home life, that’s not surprising. Rose is clearly used to having to be more responsible than her peers. She’s vibrant, curious, compassionate, and brave.
She also takes advantage of Mickey’s affection for her, perhaps without realizing it (at least at first). She’s pretty judgy generally, and she’s not above using the Doctor as well. This suggests that despite (perhaps in part because of) being brought up by an emotionally immature parent and having to take on a lot of responsibility before she was really old enough to bear it, Rose is quite selfish.
Now, as to her relationship to the Doctor, meeting him does two things for her: it gives her an apparently easy escape from a life she feels trapped in, and it gives her the opportunity to develop a relationship with someone unlike anyone she’s ever known, who seems to see potential in her far beyond what any other person in her life has ever shown (especially Jackie and Mickey), and who is both willing and able to protect her and to care about what she feels and wants. Am I saying the Doctor started out as more of a parent-substitute than a boyfriend? Yes I am. Is that kind of creepy? I think so. But not necessarily more creepy than him being her boyfriend, given the age gap.
OK, so Rose gives Mickey a kiss and obliquely tells him “thanks for nothing” before swanning off with the Doctor. By the time she comes back, a year has passed for everyone she knows but just one day for her. This causes ENORMOUS problems for Jackie and Mickey in particular, and she does seem genuinely sorry (well, sorry to Jackie–she seems mostly annoyed with Mickey’s anger AT BEING SUSPECTED OF MURDERING HER. BECAUSE SHE RAN OFF WITH AN ALIEN). This gets swiftly brushed aside by alien shenanigans, and Rose swans off again–leaving Mickey apparently in some doubt as to their relationship status. The nature of her relationship to the Doctor is also left ambiguous at this point, but she’s clearly not thinking of him as “substitute for parental acknowledgement and affection” anymore. She flirts like crazy with Jack who flirts like crazy with both her and the Doctor and both she and the Doctor seem vaguely jealous of the other’s attention to Jack. Back to Mickey meeting them in Wales, who apparently STILL DOESN’T KNOW that Rose has basically dumped him, and does she make that clear? No, but the Doctor is acting more and more like a jealous boyfriend (and really doesn’t stop treating Mickey like garbage until the poor guy saves them and stays behind in Pete’s World, thus earning his respect, I guess, and also removing the threat), and none of this is Mickey’s fault. He’s astute enough to see, at least, that the Doctor and Rose’s relationship is destructive to others.
After the Doctor regenerates, they’re 100% in couple mode, with Rose referring to the events of S1E2 as their “first date” and the Doctor happily assenting to this characterization (has Rose actually broken up with Mickey yet? Honestly can’t remember, but I don’t think Mickey knew it if she had). The Doctor and Rose have a deeply codependent relationship. We might attribute this to her dysfunctional relationship with Jackie and the Doctor’s recent PTSD. They latch onto each other like needy puppies, and this isn’t a criticism, because there are really people who fit these profiles, and they are not bad people, and it does make for interesting characters and good storytelling, but it’s by no means a healthy depiction of a relationship.
Consider, for instance, that the Doctor tries to send her away (no doubt he felt he was making a noble sacrifice, but he did this against her clear and repeatedly expressed wishes, and with the complicity of Pete). Rose ignores the Doctor’s clearly expressed wishes and comes back, which, fair enough I guess, but it all ends in tragedy anyway. So what does he do? HE BURNS UP AN ENTIRE SUN just so he can say goodbye. I mean, I’m sure he verified it was not an inhabited solar system, but seriously. In that goodbye chat, he specifically tells her that they cannot get across the barrier between universes because “the whole thing would fracture. Two universes would collapse.”
Does Rose accept the judgment of the person who is unquestionably the foremost person in either universe able to evaluate the risk of such an attempt? No she doesn’t. We learn in series 4 that even before the stars started going out, she was having Torchwood build a DIMENSION CANNON to P U N C H. A. H O L E. IN THE UNIVERSES!!! like presumably as many as it took for her to find the right one. Just so she could get back to him. AFTER HE MADE IT CLEAR THAT IS NOT WHAT HE WANTED. BECAUSE IT WOULD DESTROY THEM. This is portrayed as romantic rather than horrific. Seriously. And then he dumps his problematic clone on her and goes back to his own universe. SO ROMANTIC. Sorry, I try not to be rude about Rose’s relationship with the Doctor. I think it’s actually an interesting dynamic that makes sense in context, but it really bugs me that so many people view it unproblematically, and it bugs me even more that people don’t imagine both Rose and the Doctor growing out of it. Like, I can’t lie: I think that’s wacked and super unhealthy, in much the same way (though to a lesser degree) as the Twilight series and its fans are, except Doctor Who is still better-written and far more interesting.
That said, I’d be willing to read a well-written fix-it fic that depicts them growing out of their unhealthy codependent dynamic while staying together romantically. TBH I’d be more interested if it were Rose and Tentoo because then it would be canon-compliant, but I’m not too picky on that point. I AM picky about it not even remotely disrespecting the relationship the Doctor had with any other companion though. And it would have to have a whole “you were so obsessed with me that you were willing to destroy an unspecified number of universes, INCLUDING THE ONE YOUR FAMILY AND BEST FRIEND WERE IN, just to see me again for a brief period of time before this universe also collapsed WITH US IN IT and honey, that’s actually CREEPY AND GROSS even though I thought it was super sweet at the time, but in my defense the universe was already ending at that point anyway and you don’t have that excuse because in your case it was PREMEDITATED” conversation because otherwise I won’t believe they’ve actually grown as people. Also it’d be nice if it were funny more than angsty (but lbr you can’t write what I’m talking about without a fair amount of angst). So, y'know, if anyone has actually written that fic lmk.
Meanwhile, there’s MARTHA.
OK so I’m on record about how awesome Martha is. This is already getting long so I won’t belabor Martha’s total awesomeness as a character, but even though I got a bit tired of dysfunctional family relationships in New Who, it was novel to see them have any ongoing family relationships at all, and Martha’s was particularly rich, partly there were so many of them for her to interact with, thus revealing lots of different facets of her character. And despite her fractious relationship with them, she remained fiercely loyal, which was an interesting source of tension between her and the Doctor, and one that diverted attention away from the dental-drill painfulness of the unrequited love subplot.
It’s super gross that the writers made her hung up on the Doctor all the way through series 3. Not because it’s ridiculous for an intelligent, perceptive, professional young woman to be hung up on an emotionally unavailable man. No, that really happens to actual human beings (and again, possibly related to serious parental issues, so it’s not even without narrative justification). Handled with any sensitivity at all, it could have made for a lovely level of complexity. What really bugs me, and I’ve also written about this before, is how the Doctor treats her like GARBAGE, and this is barely addressed as a problem that he is responsible for. In the end Martha realises her mistake in sticking around for so long, but her attempts to call out his bad behavior in the past fell on deaf ears. Martha is the rebound girl but he acts like he doesn’t even know he’s doing it. Which, IDK, maybe he really doesn’t know? Like for all his 900+ years the Doctor has little previous actual relationship experience and also he’s super blindingly hung up on his high school-esque sweetheart Rose. And it’s not just in regards to Martha’s romantic feelings that he treats her poorly. He also dismisses her VERY VALID CONCERNS about her own safety and well-being when traveling in the past for the sake of his own whims. And he brushes off legitimate questions about how stuff works. Anyway. This is well-trodden ground. As is the fact that RTD later inexplicably fobs Martha off on MICKEY, the only other black companion in the series up to that point, despite having already paired Martha off with a cute, sweet doctor who seemed like a MUCH better fit, and there literally being no narrative reason for them to be a couple in that scene.
Donna! Well, as we all know, Donna is among the best-developed companions ever.
She didn’t start out that way though. She started off as a Deeply Problematic (read: disgustingly misogynistic) Stereotype who was never meant to be more than a one-off, but CT and DT got along so well that they brought the character back full-time, and so we got a lot of deconstruction, exploration, and development of that first impression. And I’ll forever be happy we did. But even in The Runaway Bride, she had moments of surprising depth and pathos. Deep down, Donna was always better than she seemed. The fact that she was the last person (other than her mother) to realize that fact is part of what makes her so compelling.
Her relationship to the Doctor is also the least problematic, because they’re both on the same page about being platonic bffs. To be fair, part of the reason he does make sure this is clear from the outset is because he has finally realized how he hurt Martha (NOT THAT HE EVER APOLOGIZED TO MARTHA FOR THAT–for a guy for whom “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” was basically a second catch phrase, Ten actually sucks at apologising to the people close to him). Unlike Martha, the Doctor doesn’t overlook Donna or brush off her concerns. Unlike Rose, he is not codependent with her. Donna calls him on his BS, and he listens. She helps him to face his emotional vulnerability rather than running from/shutting out potentially scary personal relationships (like with River and Jenny). The Doctor helps Donna to see that she really is brilliant and important, and she grows to believe him.
That’s not to say that Donna’s character was handled perfectly. No, indeed. Even after her first story, we’re repeatedly subjected to jokes about her desperate need for and inability to get a man. Even the Doctor, who is otherwise kind to her, takes these jokes for granted and sometimes participates in them. At the end of series 4, we’re shown that the one person in the universe that Mr. Pansexuality Personified, JACK HARKNESS has no interest in flirting with is Donna Noble, the man-hungry middle-aged slightly overweight loud temp from Chiswick. And then, of course, the Doctor denies her agency and takes away her access to the memories of everything she saw, everything she did, everything she discovered about herself while traveling with him. Just so he wouldn’t have to see her die. It was selfish of him. She made her choice and he ignored it to spare HIMSELF pain. But, y'know, at least the Doctor cheated the lottery to make her rich as a wedding present to a very attractive, kind-looking, and clearly adoring man–right before he regenerated. So she did get a happy ending.
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harringtons-hair · 6 years
Ok ily and I ship harringrove, but I actually do wanna know why you ship it. Everyone has a different take on the relationship and why they'd work together. Idk I just wanna hear your take on it💖
Sorry for this late ass reply! I’ve been working all day, so I haven’t had the time to write up an answer.
But now I do!
Warning: this shit is gonna be long ASF.
Before getting into why I ship harringrove, I gotta talk about what I appreciate about the two characters involved and how they could help one another in terms of growth and development.
Let’s start this off by talking about Steve. What can I say about Steve?
Well, for one, he’s a selfless protector. He couldn’t give two shits about himself or being strong or being The Big Guy- that is, until someone or something threatens those he loves/cares about. We see this when he fights the demogorgon/demodogs/Billy.
Like, he literally doesn’t care when someone comes at him- he’ll take the beating. (Well, he cared when it was Jonathan, but that’s a whole other story.) He stopped fighting Billy when he knew the kids were safe and let Billy hurt him. He threw himself at the demogorgon and demodogs, even while terrified out of his damn mind, just so he could protect those he loves.
Two: everything he ever did, he did it because he believed it was the right thing to do. (Except for the “Nancy The Slut Wheeler” thing. I’ll never excuse that shit.)
He broke Jonathan’s camera for Nancy because he was perving on them, and then he bought him a new one, even after how creepy that whole ordeal was.
He always defended Nancy from his friends, even after the whole “slut” thing happened. And then he dropped their asses because of it.
He even apologized for anything and everything he did that was wrong. He wholeheartedly admitted that he messed up and was ready to make things right, and he did.
Three: that boy is so full of love and warmth- it’s not even funny. And it really isn’t: it stems from the abandonment issues he has.
His parents are always gone, so he’s always alone at his giant house. Nancy told him everything they had was bullshit and then she moved on to Jonathan. (And he was even ready to apologize to her with a bouquet of ROSES after that just to salvage any kind of relationship they could have had after that mess.) And then there’s the fact that he dropped everything just to help out a kid he barely even knew for two whole days just so he wouldn’t be alone and have to deal with the pain of being alone by himself.
And finally, I just love Steve, and I’m glad he’s become a better person and gotten such substantial character development.
It’s good writing.
Now, let’s talk about Billy, everyone’s favorite! (Blatant Sarcasm.)
First off, why do so many people like Billy?
Is it cause of his looks? No.
Is it because he’s played by Dacre? No.
It’s because a lot of us actually related to his character.
When you see characters who have gone through abuse, you RARELY get to see ones that deal with it through rage and self-destruction. And it’s even RARER to see them grow from it and become better people.
I’ve only seen that ONCE and it was Mickey from Shameless (US). (And he was still treated like trash. BIG SIGH.)
Growing up, I was regularly abused and reacted to it with violence and anger. I lashed out at people who didn’t deserve it (including siblings). I made people feel bad to make myself feel better. I put on this big, fake, rebellious front to feel more brave and better about myself. I was self destructive and chaotic. I didn’t care about outcomes when it came to the stupid shit I did. Didn’t care if what I did could kill me.
I was in a really bad place when I was young.
So when I saw Billy? I immediately latched onto his character. As did others who share my story.
So you can imagine how it makes us feel when we get death threats/hate for liking him and/or shipping harringrove. Because it’s actually personal for most of us.
I’ve even seen people on here making fun of Billy for crying after Neil abused him. It’s disturbing and gross.
ANYWAYS, now I’m gonna talk about why I ship harringrove.
Like I said, Steve is full of love and a genuine kindness- which are things Billy desperately needs.
He’s only a seventeen year old boy- he doesn’t have a Mom, he’s regularly abused by his biological father, he was taken from California to bumfuck nowhere, Indiana, and no one actually cares about him. (And NO, that doesn’t excuse the shit he’s done. It’s just to show what he’s going through.)
And Steve? Well, he’s all alone now. (Except for the kids, but … y’know. They’re kids.)
Enter: harringrove.
I don’t know how it’d happen, and I know it’s Not gonna happen, but they both could be good for each other, in the sense that they could help each other grow (Steve helping Billy way more than Billy helping Steve, obviously. But it’d really show people the kind of person Steve is- in that he’s selfless and he’s got a fucking heart of Gold.)
And in turn, it’d show survivors of abuse that deal with it through anger that they can and will grow as people. That there are people out there willing to help and show love, as unrealistic as it may seem.
I hope that answers your question, and I hope you find my take on it understandable.
Please, have a lovely day! 🍒🌙❤️
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k-rkarchive-blog · 8 years
- Rose Tyler - romantic. It wasn’t long after the Christmas special where I regenerate. New New York was our official first putting date, and we continued on happily until Doomsday. When we were separated, I was thrown into a deep depression because of it and began to spiral until I met Martha.
- Mickey Smith - frenemy
- Jack Harkness - platonic but flirty
- Martha Jones - platonic but she had a crush on me I think
- Donna Noble - platonic
- Amy Pond - one sided?? Platonic. Amy had a big crush on me for a bit but then she was happy with Rory.
- Rory Williams - platonic
- River Song - originally romantic. Became platonic. River was super gay and eventually came out to me as a lesbian and we got a divorce of sorts but not all planets recognized the marriage or divorce.
- Clara Oswald - platonic
- The Master - Romantic. Started when we were very young on Gallifrey. Eventually we grew apart as we grew older and broke up. There were issues and miscommunications and we became “”“”“enemies”“”“ aka Angst Lords. We both seemed to disappear after the war before resurfacing at Utopia. When he died, I genuinely felt as if I had loss half of myself like I had when I lost Rose the first time. Spiraled horribly after losing him and then also Martha after. I often refused to sleep because I would dream of him or Rose. Eventually met him again at End of Time and was so Scared of seeing him again that I forced myself to keep everything Strictly Platonic. But if I think about the end of that episode too long I will Cry. Idk about missy at all. Or if I even had a Capaldi!12 but I know the Master was likely female around the same time I was. And was gay. So gay.
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