#idk man the concept of gender vs. sex vs. societal roles is really fun to explore in this au
cornerofcaelest · 3 years
Some Makoto A/B/O Headcanons!
Content Warnings: This is mostly general information/background, but it is an omegaverse post, so if that doesn't float your boat, totally understandable, and now is a great time to go. Don't like, don't read, ya know? Have a great day! There is some talk about heat cycles but in a pretty informative/non-sexual way. Stay safe!
Spoiler Warning for Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Yeah, so I do write some omegaverse stuff on occasion, but it's not my main focus, and admittedly my world isn't super developed yet or anything like that. That being said, if I get anything wrong, let me know! Here are some details about Makoto as I see them in this AU in case I ever do decide to write about it more formally!
Makoto Naegi
Omega, but occasionally gets mistaken for a beta because he doesn't particularly stand out, and his overall demeanor is a bit unassuming
That being said, their scent is pretty sweet. Snickerdoodle cookie-type beat.
There isn't too much to say background-wise; he had the same average upbringing he did in canon.
In my universe, omegas aren't really discriminated against, though roles pertaining to second genders do tend to be enforced. Overall, though, every role is considered equally important in society. Being a stay-at-home parent is just as noble an occupation as any other, and omegas are respected and honored for their capabilities in these areas. They certainly aren't seen as weak or inferior.
All that being said, Makoto never really had any grief about their dynamic. He's fine with it, and he feels pretty comfortable with the gender roles associated with it.
Some of that omega instinct really becomes apparent when it comes to other people. On a basic level, he's just really nurturing and empathic towards his friends, and he'll fight for them tooth and nail if one of them is hurting.
Omegas are scary when you piss them off :'D.
Mom friend supreme.
They pretty much always have a nest built, though theirs always consist of a (seemingly) incoherent pile of soft things all thrown together in a lump.
I headcanon him with ADHD, and nesting is just really nice when he's feeling stressed or overstimulated. There's plenty of soft things to stim with, it's quiet, and it's an environment where he controls any and all of the sensory input.
That being said, as long as they're not in mental distress or heat, they're usually pretty chill with other people (friends, family, etc.) hanging out in the nest with them. Especially other omega friends.
Speaking of which, his heats are usually pretty mild. He doesn't take suppressants of any sort; he just takes a few days off when needed and deals with it as it comes.
He just gets really clingy and seeks a lot of physical affection
When he was single, this just manifested as feeling really snuggly and tired and drawn to soft textures, but after bonding with Kyoko the clingy level shot up to a hundred
Honestly adding Byakuya to the mix made it even worse
Also, they get the hella munchies in pre-heat. Mild nausea, increased stress, and sensory issues make it really hard for them to eat enough while they're actually in heat, so it's mostly to prepare
He tries to keep this in mind and make easy, safe food snacks ahead of time to mixed success
However it works out, they tend to manage just fine
This isn't 100% related to A/B/O specifically, but Makoto is still transmasc in this AU
It causes a bit of conflict with some of their traits as an omega
For example, he does really want to have kids someday, but particularly with the occasional misconception that he's a beta, the thought can be really uncomfortable and does occasionally lead to some dysphoria
And honestly, his second gender is a blessing and a curse in this way
Yeah, it can be a negative, but it also gives him an opportunity to try to reframe things. If a particular AFAB trait is bugging him, sometimes he can try thinking about it as an omega thing instead
Obviously, this doesn't erase the problem, and sometimes it doesn't help at all, but he tries to stay positive about it. It's just one coping mechanism among many; it doesn't magically fix everything
As I mentioned before, they're bonded with Kyoko, and eventually with Byakuya, too.
I could go on for ages about how the three of them end up together
They're already bonded to her by the time they even start courting Byakuya, though
Initially, it causes some tension between Kyoko and Byakuya, but honestly, the dynamic between the three of them is even better than it was with just Kyoko and Makoto
Say what you will about two alphas sharing an omega, but when you both have family businesses per se to run and a world to rebuild, it's not the worst arrangement. Particularly since Makoto can demand a lot of attention at times
Hey, he's just a people person. Socialization is important to him
The pack instinct is strong with this one
This applies to all of class 78
Also the Remnants
Makoto took one look at them and subconsciously adopted all of them
It's part of why he's willing to go so far to help them
Like I said, omegas are scary when you piss them off. Especially when you hurt their pups
(Yes they're all a year older than him. Does he care? No.)
Honestly, I could go on all day. There's a lot of specifics I could explore, but I'll just leave it at this for now! I've simultaneously put way too much and not nearly enough thought into this AU, so I'm sure you'll hear more eventually. For now, thank you, and I hope you have a great day! <3
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