#idk maybe I was more exposed to them as a child since they sang so many christian/christmas songs
brooklynisher · 5 months
It feels weird to say because it's such a popular song and it was also a big meme song back in the Vine days, but I think Mad World is very Commander Cosmo-coded
Specifically the Pentatonix version because I don't associate it with the meme and also it sounds a lot more intense compared to the original which sounds very soft. I feel Commander Cosmo is more intense than he is soft. Also, I just like their version more
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shyvioletcat · 5 years
Could you do a rowaelin angst prompt like thing where aelin dies giving birth to their second or third child and becomes a ghost that follows them around? Idk how to explain it very well at the moment... but it's obviously an angst prompt. Love you AND your writing!
Well, well, well anon… Thank you for making me cry at least three times while writing this. At one point I couldn’t see the screen. *WARNING* Major character death ahead… 
My hand was forced. But I still apologise. This is a long son of a bitch too.
Rowan held his new born daughter in his arms, the world quiet and still. She was so tiny, so perfect. But it did nothing to soothe the expanse of darkness within him that threatened to swallow him whole.
It was Yrene. He’d heard her approach but he didn’t look up from the squirming infant in his arms. Because if he did…
“Rowan, I just need to check her over. It will only take me a few minutes then I will bring her right back to you.” Yrene’s voice was so soft and quiet, as if speaking to him in any other manner might shatter him entirely. And it just might.
Rowan drew in a shuddering breath, feeling his will slipping. His daughter cried out her body moving involuntarily. She was minutes old, she knew nothing of the world. He envied her ignorance.
“Only a few moments,” Yrene said again.
Rowan complied, treating the request as a command, like a good soldier.
All of a sudden he wasn’t in Orynth, he was is Mistward in that dingy old room, fire roaring to help Aelin keep warm after her burnout.
I don’t want your pity she had said to him and then told him why.
Like a good soldierRowan had told her. He had meant every one of those words to her.
Rowan looked at his empty hands where his daughter had been. It was then that he saw the small crescent shaped imprints in his palms. They weren’t from his own nails, they were from hers… She had gripped his hands so hard as she made him promise her, as if the drop of healing power within knew what none of them had, she made him promise.
“You save him Rowan. If you have to save one of us, you save him.”
They had been so sure that it was a boy. The dream Rowan had had all those years ago as he searched for his mate had been right for their first two children and they had blissfully assumed he would be right again this time. And then it would be another daughter and then at least one, that would be a true surprise. They had quietly laughed about it over so many nights. Aelin had called him a seer and Rowan had flicked her nose and kissed her which only made her laugh, a wicked and joyous sound. Something he would never hear again.
Rowan turned around to face the bed where she lay, cold and unmoving. Someone had laid one of their blankets over her, just above her shoulders exposed. Rowan understood the sentiment but the blanket was useless, not when Aelin’s raging wildfire had burnt out, never to be kindled again.
Aelin was dead. Rowan’s mate, his wife, his love, was dead.
Rowan stumbled to the edge of the bed, falling to his knees beside it. He brushed Aelin’s hair away from her face, her skin already so cold and her face draining of colour. It was as if she had thrown every last part of her into saving their child. If there was one thing Aelin loved more than him it was their children. She loved them fiercely with every part of her burning heart and soul.
A broken sob cracked from his chest, the sound coming from the shreds of his broken soul, so devoid of anything now that the mating bond had been irrevocably severed. Then he said one word, so mournful and shattered that all those in the room began to weep at the sound.
Aelin felt warm as she slowly opened her eyes. It felt so strange after being so, so cold. Instinctively her hands went to her stomach and found it to be entirely flat. Panic gripped her and she sat up.
Aelin’s whole body stilled. She had not heard that voice in so long.
Aelin was enclosed in a warm embrace, so familiar and comforting. She’d never forget the strong arms of her Father and how they felt as they held her and kept her safe from the world.
He let her go and Aelin took in the smiling faces of her parents. They were smiling but Aelin could read the sadness in their faces, the unshed tears in their eyes.
“I’m not supposed to be here,” Aelin whispered.
“I know, Aelin,” her father said, his hand reaching for hers.
It came back to her, in flashes and moments.
Pain pulled her from her sleep, or maybe it had been her essence of healing power telling her something was wrong. Very wrong. Rowan was already awake and she murmured his name as he assessed her. When he pulled back the blankets that’s when she saw the blood.
Using the same portal they had used to bring in the Wolf Tribe in the final battle Rowan brought Yrene to Orynth. They had agreed the portals were only to be used in emergencies. This was most definitely an emergency. Despite the late hour Yrene arrived clear eyed and wholly awake.
“Just so you know, you’ve interrupted our first night alone in months,” Yrene said as she rolled up her sleeves.
Aelin huffed a laugh, grateful for Yrene’s attempt to lift the mood.
“You’re not missing much,” Aelin said, her voice trembling as much as her body.
Yrene snorted at that. “Alright let’s see what is going on here.”
Hours passed and Aelin had been in constant pain, she was feeling herself grow weaker by the minute.
Her fae hearing picked up Yrene’s whispers. “There’s too much blood. I can’t stop it.”
Aelin turned to Rowan, his face was stricken. She could feel his fear as though it was her own. She took his hand, another contraction ripping at her body as she locked eyes with her mate. This was different to the births of her other two children and it scared her.
“You save him Rowan. If it comes down to it you save him.”
Aelin could feel her fingernails biting into Rowan’s palm but he didn’t flinch. He only nodded once.
I understand, his eyes said to her…
“I’m not meant to be here.” They memories blurred and Aelin shook her head. The hand that was not held by her father flew to Aelin’s chest. It felt, hollow, empty. She reached for Rowan, reached for the mating bond, but neither were there. Aelin cried out, a sound of true heartbreak. Again she reached for Rowan, hoping desperately that some thread remained to bring her back. There was nothing. Instead a scene opened before her, Rowan knelt beside their bed, whispering things she could not hear. He knelt besides her lifeless body, tears streaming down his face.
Aelin’s own cheeks were wet with tears as his voice became clearer.
“I kept my promise Aelin, our child is alive. I hope you can hear me from wherever you are because it was a little girl, not a boy like we thought it would be,” Rowan said.
Then Yrene was beside him, handing him a bundle. Instinctively Aelin moved forward, wanting to see what she had not been able to while she was living. The face of her daughter. Rowan cradled her to his chest her perfect face peeking through the blankets, her eyes were open and she saw those Ashryver eyes search her father’s face. Rowan let out a shuddering breath.
“I know I promised to find you, to rip through all the hells until we were together again. But I can’t right now, Fireheart. She needs me, Elsie and Finn. They all need me. Terrasen needs me. If I left themnow you would find me yourself and kick my ass for good measure. So I won’t leave them yet, any of them. But we will be together again. To whatever end.”
Aelin let her heavy tears fall, the pain unbearable. She felt as if she was being torn to pieces. Her children motherless. Her country without a Queen. What had she done to cause this?
“It wasn’t your fault, Fireheart,” Her mother said, reading her thoughts. “You did nothing to cause this and you could do nothing to stop it. Sometimes life is cruel.”
Aelin turned away from her husband to look at her mother and her father. They understood what it was to be taken from a child too early, they knew her pain.
“Will you come, we’ve been waiting for you?” Evalin held her hand out to her daughter, beckoning and hopeful.
Aelin turned back to Rowan weeping unabashedly, tears staining the white blanket that kept they’re newborn daughter warm. Once again Aelin felt torn, even in death she could not rest.
“I can’t,” Aelin said. “Not yet.”
Rhoe nodded. “We understand.”
Aelin’s parents walked away from her, fading away into a white light. She wasn’t sad to see them go, she would see them again. And soon.
It had been weeks and still Rowan hadn’t named their daughter. They had been so sure it was a boy they hadn’t come up with any names for a girl. Rowan had been in a haze since her death, barely functioning. He cared for their children and that was about it. Aelin was flattered that he grieved so deeply but she wanted to smack him on the back of the head for leaving their daughter nameless.
Elide and Aedion were effectively leading the country as Rowan kept to their, now his, private quarters. All of the court visited him, helped him, helped Elspeth and Finnian as they grieved too. Aelin watched, but most of all her new daughter. She was so small, it made Aelin’s heart ache that she couldn’t hold her, feel the smoothness of her cheeks, the softness of her hair. Aelin knew what she would call her. She would call her Alora. It was a name from a book she had read when she was younger. Aelin had loved the name, she didn’t know why, and it fit her daughter somehow. It meant light, and that’s what she was. A light in the darkness.
The babe stirred in her sleep, eyes blinking open. She’d been asleep for only minutes. Her mouth opened and she wailed and Rowan was by her side a moment later. Aelin watched as Rowan picked her up shushing her quietly.
“I have you, my little one. I have you,” Rowan murmured as he rested his daughter on his chest. Rowan paced and bounced, but still she cried. “I know. I know. I miss her too.”
Rowan hummed, a lullaby he sang to all their children. Aelin knew he wasn’t singing the words because he was too overcome with emotions right now. The baby stopped crying, soothed by that ancient melody.
“I’m sorry,” Rowan whispered. “I’m sorry I haven’t given you a name. I’m sorry your mother isn’t here, she would love you with all her heart. I’m sorry I’m not more.”
Aelin’s heart ached. Rowan was still selling himself short, always doubting his worth. If Aelin could she would contradict him, kiss him until he agreed with her. But she couldn’t.
She tried to reach for him, her chest still hollow from that severed bond, but still she tried.
“Alora, Alora, Alora,” Aelin said over and, hoping by some grace Rowan would hear her.
Alora Alora Alora.
Rowan tilted his head as though he was listening for something.
He looked down at the baby and Aelin held her breath.
“Alora,” Rowan whispered. “I love you, Alora.”
The years went on and still Aelin watched.
She saw Alora take her first steps walking between Elsie and Finn as Rowan cheered, pure joy on his face.
But he scowled as she said her first word. It was Fen, as in Uncle Fenrys. Aelin had laughed but sobered when she saw tears lining Fenrys’ eyes. By far Fenrys was Alora’s favourite. Aelin loved to watch them play when he was in his wolf form. He would snarl at her and she’d snarl right back, her four teeth bared.
Her older siblings adored her. One of them always seemed to be by her side, holding her hand or carrying her. If it wasn’t one of them it was a member of her court. Initially Aelin had tensed when Lorcan had taken her into his arms after she had wandered away from her sister who was meant to be watching her. But there was a gentleness to him that calmed her anxieties. Alora had grabbed at his long hair and he had let her.
The day her powers manifested Rowan had cried. She had been playing with Lysandra and Elide, they chased her and Alora chased them back. Lysandra had evaded Alora again by she stumbled as her foot caught on the floor. Entirely encased in ice. Everyone had gaped but Alora clapped her hands excitedly, entirely too proud at herself. Rowan looked on from where he sat, a tear rolling down his cheek. Aelin wiped her own away.
Alora grew and grew and Aelin could only watch as she became more beautiful by the day. By some cruel joke, maybe lingering from the damned gods Aelin had banished, Alora was a twin to Aelin. Same hair and eyes, almost identical face. Sometimes Aelin saw the way Rowan’s heart twisted in pain. He didn’t begrudge her or love her any less for it. If anything it was a beautiful reminder of his lost love.
Aelin watched as Alora fell in love and had her heart broken, a few times. Rowan was there for her holding her as she cried, threaten to rip arms off and freeze favoured appendages of the culprits. That made Alora and Aelin laugh. Fussy fae bastard.
Elspeth came of age, and after travelling and taking time for herself she assumed the throne and Rowan stepped down. Alora went travelling as well, visiting cousins in Wendlyn and Doranelle, making friends wherever she went. Such a bright light, people couldn’t keep away. Aelin wept when she found her mate in Doranelle. A brash young boy who would grate on everyone and give Fenrys and Aedion a run for their money. But Alora loved him and he adored her, so Aelin was happy.
Years passed, families were had, friends passed. Each one Aelin would greet and usher on, telling them that she would follow soon. She had someone in particular she was waiting for.
Rowan started to become weary of the world, his long years finally catching up to him. His sole joy were his children and grandchildren but it was almost time. It was Alora who told him to go. She was pregnant with her third child and she was sitting quietly with Rowan in his private room. She closed her book and sighed heavily.
“Papa,” Alora said and Rowan looked at her, “I think it is time for you to go.”
Rowan straightened at her words and went to say something but Alora raised her hand to stop him.
“We are all happy and content. We are safe and you have raised us in love and kindness. But I think it is time you soul was whole again.”
Aelin’s hands were on her chest, over that emptiness that was a constant dull ache.
Rowan nodded. “I will wait for this baby and then I will make plans.”
Rowan kept true to his word. Alora welcomed a healthy baby girl, as Rowan took her into his arms for the first time Alora told him her name.
“Rowenna. For you, Papa,” Alora’s weary voice whispered.
Aelin couldn’t tell who was crying harder, herself or Rowan.
Soon after he packed up his things, put his affairs in order and farewelled his loved ones. He left on a ship, arriving in Wendlyn a while later. Aelin was with him every step of the way as he trekked to the ruin’s of Mala’s temple. Where he had brought her all those years ago, to help her.
Rowan laid down on the broken stones and let out a heavy sigh. “I’m coming, Fireheart.”
Aelin placed her hands on Rowan’s chest even though he could not feel them. His breathing slowed and he placed his hands over his heart where Aelin’s hands were as if he knew. Aelin watched as Rowan breathing stopped, the light going from his features. She waited, prayed. Prayed to the Sun-goddess that she had banished but had left Aelin with a kindness that gave her a life with Rowan. Aelin begged for one last kindness. For her mate to find her once more. Although she could not feel it she knew Rowan’s body had gone cold, but he still wasn’t with her. The tears she had fought to keep at bay fell as Aelin began to despair that this may be her punishment for her wickedness. To be like Elena, always banished from her mate.
Aelin looked at Rowan’s handsome face, the face she had once hated but had come to love so fiercely.
“Find me, Buzzard,” Aelin whispered, her voice wavering. “You must come find me.”
Then Aelin heard a voice, the voice of her husband, her mate, the love who had made her want to live.
Aelin stood and saw him there. Then they were in each other’s arms, lips pressed together in a sweet reunion they had waited life times for.
“I knew you were with me,” Rowan whispered leaning his forehead against hers. “I knew you would always be with me.”
That hollowness in her chest began to fill, the mating bond flowing freely between them once more. Aelin sighed at the feeling, she felt whole again.
“Will you come with me?” Aelin asked as she interlaced their fingers together.
“Where?” Rowan asked back.
Aelin shrugged. “I’m not sure. But I do not fear it as long as you’re with me.”
Rowan smiled and raised her hand to his lips.
“To whatever end, Aelin.”
“To whatever end.”
Then hand in hand they walked until the bright light enveloped them, caressing them like warm summer breeze and welcomed them into the beyond.
Tag: @fucking-winchester-trash // @literary-licorice // @galyxsy // @tangledraysofsunshine // @highqueenofelfhame // @3am-reading // @soup-that-is-too-hawt // @aelinfire-bringer // @nalgenewhore // @highladyofthesith // @http-itsrebecca // @sleep-and-books // @average-girl-at-best // @alifletcher2012 // @westofmoon // @sleeping-and-books // @ttakeitbacknoww // @armixers-unite // @mariamuses // @chocolate-eating-bitch-queen // @velarian-trash // @queenofxhearts // @princess-galathynius // @heroesofterrasen // @ladyofstoriesandmusic // @empire-of-wildfire // @camerooonchiu // @crackedship // @lowhangingtreebranches // @over300books // @yourwhisperingshadows // @thesirenwashere // @tswaney17 // @impossiblescissorspeachpaper // @cat5313 // @judelovescardan // @flowerspringsea // @chaoticskyy // @the-regal-warrior // @starseternalnighttriumphant
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michin--yeoja · 7 years
Hi again ^^ Sorry I'm still anon and haven't been responding. I got hit with a huge wave of work and have barely slept the last few days. But it's all over now and I'll get your gift to you soon!! Biotech is essentially trying to make a biological product! It's a huge field so there's a lot of things from like pharmaceuticals, cell therapy, to things like bio-remediation and environmental stuff. Your genetics teacher might be thinking about bioinformatics which is biotech and a lot of coding XD
But good luck with applying to med school! If that’s your dream there are always ways to make it work! I believe in you ^^ Oh I’m from around the New England area. I did my undergrad in New Jersey and now I’m doing my master’s in Rhode Island. Yes I studied in Stockholm! I traveled to the more touristy areas of Europe because I’ve never been to Europe, but I really wanna just take a backpacking trip around one day. There’s so many different places to go TT And so much foooooood      
I have been to Taiwan a few times! It’s been a while though. Most of my mom’s side of the family is back there, but my dad’s side of the family is in the US. I have a younger sister! Haha I know what you mean about being asked where you’re from though. When I was abroad I’d get asked where I’m from and I’d say the US, but then one person was like “but where are you REALLY from”. Honestly I also feel pretty out of touch with Taiwanese culture even though I have some habits. I really feel American       
I saw True Love but I haven’t had time to hear the whole thing! That’s my weekend goal. But I believe City of Angels (lol laser) was the one he sang at the fanmeet so I’m already in love with that one. So good TT And he wrote that one himself
It was only Myung in the Winter Olympics one! It’s understandable though, there were so many groups in the summer competition one and Infinite was a little neglected imo. But they still managed to get me with hamster gyu and like 5 seconds of Destiny lol. Actually MBLAQ was in this ep too! Lee Joon and Kwangsoo make the most amazing combo ever omg. I def miss the name tag eliminations though. They hardly do them anymore. I really liked the time period when they did creative versions of the game.   
Ohhhh I think I’ve heard of MBLAQ Goes to School. I should look into it haha. I’m always up for a laugh. Sesame player was amazing. Lol and those pranks XD I remember (I think it was Dongwoo) was like “when did this become a prank house” after that salt prank and I’m like lol only infinite. Can’t even safely eat food in their own home. These dorks.       
Ahhh tell me was so good. I like Infinie’s old style of music but I like this kind of softer edm music too. It’s like the stuff I usually like to listen to lol. Idk if that was a good description of the song but that’s kinda how I see it lol. And Sunggyu and Dongwoo were so good that comeback. Like that second verse was a Donggyu attack. I don’t know if I have a favorite concept from them really? They kind of have everything for every mood. But I have a running play list of their upbeat music.     
The stuff like Julia, Amazing, Lately, etc. I keep that playlist around when I’m having a hard time studying and stuff. It brightens my mood. As for english songs I kinda just….turn on the radio and find something I like haha. I don’t really have a preference with those. Ahhh I feel like I did a really bad job of getting to know you, I always just talk about myself haha. Tell me 5 random things that make you like or make you happy that you haven’t talked about!
Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry for taking forever and an age to reply back to you!!! I’m so sorry, and I don’t even have a good excuse like being busy with work, it’s just honest to goodness pure laziness on my part and not going on my laptop for forever. I hope you haven’t forgotten me and that you’ll reveal yourself!!
I hope you haven’t gotten busy again (you’re graduating this year right?). What are you focusing on in biotech? And I think you may be right about my professor meaning bioinformatics… I vaguely remember that term ^^;
You’ve certainly hopped around during your university years ^^ What countries did you visit in Europe? My parents surprised me by sending me to the UK for 2 weeks after my exams to join my sister there… It was amazing and I’ve always wanted to go there, but we ran out of time to hit everything we wanted to do. We couldn’t go to Ireland, which was my biggest disappointment. What is your most favourite memory from exchange? And what place did you like best?
I actually feel like a complete stranger… I don’t feel Canadian, Singaporean or Indian. I don’t really fit in any place completely, I’m a bit too traditional in Canada, too modern in India and Singapore… Well, I’m not exposed to the culture at all really. Funny thing… Singapore used to be not as well known when I was younger and I remember a kid trying to convince me it was part of the US. Even now, some people think it’s in India. The funniest is actually when I met Chinese international students, so many think that Singapore has only people of Chinese descent. When I explained that my dad’s family is from there and my mother from India, they thought my dad was Chinese.
What’s this whole City of Angels/Laser thing? I’ve seen mention of it, but I don’t get it… Did Sunggyu think the song was called Laser? (This shows up much I keep up with them, except for their music ^^;). You must have heard the album by now… So what’s your favourite? (Also, I didn’t know Sunggyu wrote that… Good to know and it makes me love it even more!)
Um… I think I started giffing around 2013 ish? Then I stopped while in uni, in fact my blog was basically inactive, and only just recently started fooling around on Photoshop again. I was quite atrocious in the beginning and am much fonder of my new stuff. But… I’m also quite lazy so I tend to not gif as much as I want to.
I 100% recommend MBLAQ goes to school. Joon and Mir are such jokesters. Sesame Player is still my favourite variety show to watch, all that screaming and backstabbing… And Sungyeol? He’s just too awesome. I would never have thought of injecting vinegar into bananas the way he did, that was a true genius move. Myungsoo’s, that was predictable, but that banana prank was just first class.
Do you prefer their upbeat songs more or is that just better to run to? My favourite upbeat song is Cover Girl… Have you heard the concert version where Sungyeol raps? I wish he would get a chance to do that in their songs, I think he raps pretty well.
I think we got to know each other pretty well? In fact, I too often think I wrote too much about myself.
5 things I like/make me happy… Hmm…
1. Being with my family - yes, we fight a lot, but we’re also really close and really stupid… My mother is crazy, my father is bullied… They’re what I missed most in uni.
2. I love airports/airplanes! As a child, I used to wish I could live in one ^^
3. Good books and movies… I love reading, but it’s so rare for me to find writing and plot that suits my taste. When I do, I devour the author’s entire works.
4. This is dorky… But I love learning ^^ Maybe it has to do with feeling smart? I love watching Jeopardy, especially if I get the answers right, but also to learn new facts.
5. I love puns… I quite literally cry with laughing over some of them.
Also, last post, but I saw your rant and I hope you’re feeling better :( I get the being introverted thing too. I’m pretty reserved and I like my alone time–there’s nothing wrong with it! I’m sorry you had to listen to all of it TT Please be happy!
Thank you for this! Ahh… Tumblr is my place to rant, but I tend to get over my anger quickly.                 
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freohrdatia · 6 years
tagged by @thespectacularspecter
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself
last 1. drink - uhh either water or Good Belly Blueberry Acai juice 2. phone call - it wasn’t even a call I made, lol. my husband and I were shopping, he couldn’t bring his phone probably because it was low on battery. He had a question for his mother (we were running an errand for her) so he called her from my phone 3. text message - my dad! he was talking to me about a song one of my brothers sang, possibly for a talent show? and told me I’m the only child now to not show off my vocal talent and told me he’s waiting >.> 4. song you listened to - Hills Like White Elephants - Isles & Glaciers (I mean the last music I heard was the 2nd teaser for BTS Fake Love but I’m not sure that counts here~) 5. time you cried - not that long ago? idr how not-long ago. I’m a baby though.
ever 6. dated someone twice - dated as in two individual dates, or as in breaking up with somebody then returning to them? if the first, yeah, if the second, no. 7. kissed someone and regretted it - nope. The only person I’ve kissed is my husband, I better not regret it 8. been cheated on - I’d say “not as far as I know” but I’m confident enough to say “no.” 9. lost someone special - idk how loose the term “special” is, but yes. 10. been depressed - I’ve had a much sadder period in my life before, but idk if it would count as depression. 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - nope
fave colours 12. brown 13. burgundy 14. some sort of green. probably celadon/sage green or dark teal
in the last year have you… 15. made new friends - I think so 16. fallen out of love - no 17. laughed until you cried - most likely 18. found out someone was talking about you - maybe? it’s not quite something I find out about often, but a year is a long time for me to try to remember all of 19. met someone who changed you - uhh... don’t think so? My life’s been pretty stable lately 20. found out who your true friends are - don’t think so 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - I don’t really.... have one~
general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - same as above 23. do you have any pets - ok so. 1 dog. 1 cat. 1 snake. 2 geckos. 5 goats. 38 chickens (16 of which are a new flock we just got that I’ve been raising lately and THEY’RE SO WONDERFUL I love them) 24. do you want to change your name - I’m still meaning to change my name to “my last name - husband’s last name”.... We’re supposed to do that soon because I want to do that before I work on getting my passport. 25. what did you do for your last birthday - juggled a bunch of places to go to. I ate out, shopped, hung out at a park near the school @thespectacularspecter had a meeting at, and hung out at a nice coffee shop before heading back home and playing video games ^o^ 26. what time did you wake up today - LATE. I went back to sleep after my alarm (just to keep me on a regular sleep schedule) went off because I haven’t been sleeping well lately. I got up at like... 9:35am? I’m supposed to get up at 8am every morning. 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - either sleeping or attempting to sleep 28. what is something you can’t wait for - BTS COMEBACK. BTS CONCERT. GEN CON. @roymblog IS VISITING US SOON. Also I’m going to my brother’s graduation so that’ll not only be fun but I’ll also get to see my high school and familiar teachers again. 30. what are you listening to right now - music! Tomorrow - BTS 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - uh...... I’m trying to remember. I think I knew a Tom before. It’s not actually a name I’ve encountered in person that often. 32. something that’s getting on your nerves - atm? lately? nothing, I don’t think. 33. most visited website - in terms of the entirety of my life, Serenes Forest Forums. I’ve been on that forum for 10 years. 34. hair colour - Black. Not pure black but more just a natural looking black. Just the tiniest hints of brown. 35. long or short hair - long 36. do you have a crush on someone - does park jimin count? Not somebody I’d seek a serious future with since 1. I’m married 2. he’s an idol, but jimin is still amazing 37. what do you like about yourself - ever since I’ve started working and being exposed to other people, I’ve recently gotten comparisons to come to appreciate the amount of patience I have. I kept wondering why I kept coming across so many impatient people, but then I realized it’s probably just that I have an ungodly amount of patience in me.
Although, the amount of patience I have largely depends on the context~ 38. want any piercings? - don’t currently want, but I’m not turned off by the idea 39. blood type - I think O-? O for sure, though. 40. nicknames - Kate or Katie 41. relationship status - married 42. zodiac - taurus 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - I can’t remember all I’ve been exposed to lately enough, but I know Gotham’s been pretty great. I still quite love Avatar the Last Airbender, too. 45. tattoos - have none, don’t have any plans for any, but again it’s not something I’m against 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - never 48. piercings - none! 49. sport - none currently. I’ve played softball before. I’m awful at bowling but I enjoy it and would like to do it more. high key want to get into contemporary/ballet because jimin is an inspiration, but nowhere offers classes for my age~ 50. vacation - have had, or want? There have been plans to go to Germany and potentially China. Dream locations are New Zealand and Japan and Ireland and..... basically anywhere tbh. There’s a reason ISFPs are called adventurers. I’ve been poor all my life, so I’ve never been off this continent except for one time we accidentally landed on Vancouver Island. 51. trainers - I don’t wear any casually, and I don’t really pay attention to what kind of shoes I have for exercising or for the barn. So I guess I can’t really say anything on this one? >u>
more general 52. eating - what about eating? uhhhhh well just now I had leftover spaghetti and some clementines. And this morning I had toast! 53. drinking - by the time I’ve reached this question (since the “last drink” earlier) it’s just water 54. i’m about to watch - either random stuff that pique my interest on youtube or Orphan Black once we have dinner 55. waiting for - EVERYTHING I LISTED IN “something you can’t wait for.” It’s funny that I “can’t wait” for them, but I’m “waiting” for them anyway. 56. want - to return to making money in Guild Wars 2 after I finish filling this out. There’s a kitsune mount skin that I need to make LOTS AND LOTS of money to buy, so I’ve been dedicating my attention to that lately because the red fox is my favorite animal and Ninetales (along with Vulpix) is my favorite pokemon 57. get married - already am 58. career - .... housewife?
which is better 59. hugs or kisses - both are great, but I really do love hugs. 60. lips or eyes - eyes can be so pretty 61. shorter or taller - no preference 62. older or younger - no preference 63. nice arms or stomach - hm. still no preference? 64. hookup or relationship - I’m a romantic. relationship. 65. troublemaker or hesitant - uhhhhhhh. Troublemaker is a good complement to my own personality. But thanks to my personality I don’t really want to get into trouble. The only problem is if there’s another hesitant person I’d probably never go anywhere in my life. But I think I will side with hesitant.
have you ever 66. kissed a stranger - no 67. drank hard liquor - don’t think I’ve ever been given hard liquor to sample, no 68. lost glasses - during the short period I wore glasses instead of contact lenses, I can imagine I probably have at least once 69. turned someone down - Sort of?? I guess the answer is yes. Just the situation was a bit more complicated than “do u wanna date” “no sry” 70. sex on first date - I have not I’m not that cool 71. broken someone’s heart - I don’t think so? 72. had your heart broken - in a roundabout way, sort of but I don’t quite think it was on levels of “heartbreak” 73. been arrested - no 74. cried when someone died - Somebody I knew from high school committed suicide. That was one of the most miserable moments of my life. And one of the most life-changing. I think it was sort of involved in my conversion from religious->atheist (although I eventually became agnostic) 75. fallen for a friend - yes. one of them became my husband.
do you believe in 76. yourself - sometimes, but I don’t trust my judgement often 77. miracles - probably depends on the definition of “miracle.” There are events that happen that I would call a “miracle” 78. love at first sight - I mean, maybe it could happen, but I certainly wouldn’t think that’s a common occurrence. 79. santa claus - my dad tried to make sure I believed in him for a really long time. He had his belief in santa claus ruined pretty early on in his life and he said that ruined one of the huge joys of his childhood, so he tried to make sure his children could experience that joy for a really long time. 80. kiss on a first date - I don’t think that’d be too much of a problem, so I wouldn’t say I don’t believe in it. I personally tend to be more slow-moving than that though. 81. angels - Kim Taehyung. But as for actual spiritual angels, I have no clue if they truly exist or not!
other 82. best friend’s name - rae my bae 83. eye colour - very dark brown 84. fave movie - I..... am not sure, tbh. 85. fave actor - again, something I’m not sure about! I guess I’ve quite consistently liked Alan Tudyk though, and Neil Patrick Harris. And I’ve only seen him in one thing, but Hugh Laurie has left a lasting impression on me.
Well, have you been tagged for this yet @robotsfromouterspace? I will tag you for this, if you’d like to participate!
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