#idk sorry this is just rambling but it's 1am so that's what's happening i guess
what a time to be a twst fan
oh boy, I know I'm late but that's because I unfortunately have responsibilities, but like. what the fuck, I can't not say something about this
they announced March sched a day before the last day of the month . huh. and Japan doesn't have Feb 28 as a holiday so Hm
but anyway
what the fuck, dorm Malleus on early March????
they're not gonna wazowski him on anniv dorm banner???????? you can actually get him???????????
or will they pull what EN did for bday Malleus and run dorm Malleus banner the same time as the anniv banner and not add his card into the anniv banner WWWWWWWW
but also anniv banner is just a glorified standard banner, and all dorm cards are automatically added to standard SOOO huh. that's funky.
anyway. HELLO???????? MAGIC 3??????? FOR LIMIT BROKEN SSR CARDS?????????????????
oughhhhhhhhh this is so fucking exciting how is it gonna be like. are there new effects the card can do??? can you do more duo magic????? can you deal 4 hits in total??? rn I'm just so excited about doing magic 3 with my lv110 dorm Azul because HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW STRONG WILL YOU BE YOU SEXY BITCH
what. is boost in HP/ATK for LB though. like. is it like a buddy boost thing ??? guess we'll find out soon huh
OK GUEST ROOM FINALLY WILL HAVE VOICED LINES???? THANK YOU????????? suddenly I am playing the guest room with volume every day
I wonder if only friends can visit. It would make sense
ok but hello??????? SPARK SYSTEM IN TWST?????????? 200 PULLS GUARANTEED SSR
I am fully believing that the spark system is here because Yana Toboso had to throw 300 rolls for Masquerade Azul and she didn't like that at all. Everyone say thank you to Azul Ashengrotto.
900 pulls silk Jamil JP player must be malding in their seat right now though
Also I have known people who threw 400-500 rolls for Halloween Jade. Rip to them too
ngl I will miss the gacha horror stories of needing to throw more than 200 rolls to get one single copy. there's a kind of thrill those give.
anyway at least I'll still kinda get the EN gacha horror stories. I'm sorry guys but .. I like hearing about others suffering in gacha .......
the fact that there are still going to be more updates.... like. what Else are they gonna do
actually, unified exams being late March is so sudden??? We just had them. BUt I'm not complaining, I got 109k in the last one. this time. this time I'm getting SSS.
course, can't forget about the latest update ramblings, but that's gonna be in a separate post after I go through 19080980180481209850128042190 messages worth of people screeching and links to tl summaries but it's like. 1am. and I need to sleep.
haha how fitting, right? absentmindedly hums Once Upon A Dream
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tyrannuspitch · 3 years
ok coffee cup emoji i forgot to copy it but 1) doctor who just in general 2) alternative fashion takes
okay i don't think i have anything very insightful to say abt either of these but. let's see
1. doctor who... hmmm. i have a lot of conflicting feelings from consuming it sporadically over years. i almost subjected you to the full list of level of enjoyment by season, like a malevolent genie catching hold of the phrase "in general", but then i realised i did actually have one solitary point to make so here is that instead:
re: ten's era and class: i can respect much of what each are doing but i wish scifi writers would invoke "genocide" less often, bc it's not actually an edgy moral grey if you the writer have created a situation where an entire people is synonymous with one evil army (a situation which never occurs irl bc real ppl simply do not work like that.) like at that stage we're talking mass-murder-in-self-defence, not genocide, bc genocide by definition includes indiscriminate killing of innocents and you've literally *written out* all the innocents? like the only way you can make it a palatable storyline is by making the species effectively just an extension of one single evil character. which is not how real people work. so why not just ask this question about one character. "is killing in self defence ever okay" is a legitimate question. "is genocide ever okay" is not a legitimate question until you bring in implausible scenarios. i know scifi does thought experiments but.. urgh. this one goes the same way every time and it's never genuinely interesting or satisfying. it's just uncomfortable.
disclaimer having written this: most of the rest of what i had to say was positive, it just wasn't interesting. anyway... twelve my beloved
2. alternative fashion takes: god idk i do not dress well and never have and therefore am not qualified to have Opinions. my personal relationship to alternative fashion specifically is v weird for two reasons:
a) i can appreciate the aesthetic as a whole and even somewhat identify with it but you offer me each thing individually and i'm suddenly like nope. nope. nope. like... idk. i like how lip piercings look but i feel like i wld find them gross to actually have. and i will not do makeup for dysphoria reasons and i-have-a-skin-disease-anxiety reasons. and i am nowhere near confident enough in my own decisions to ever get a tattoo. and i feel kind of just, ambiguous gross and unlike myself wearing most casual clothing during the day. (not cheap clothing. specifically *casual*. wld much rather wear cheap formal stuff than designer casual. and i think the main problem i have w casual stuff is being loose/oversized. i just... want to feel *neat* i guess? and not clumsy? and loose clothing that moves a lot just makes me irrationally feel rlly uncoordinated and graceless and generally messy?) (the more i try to word this the more autistic i sound rip)
b) i naturally lean more towards like, idk. formal/historical stuff rather than modern/grungy/futuristic. but as much as ppl talk abt wanting to look like vampires, the majority of alt men are doing a p straightforward ripped skinny jeans + black t shirt thing and even finding examples of men who are doing Just Straight Up Dress Like You're In Interview With The Phantom Of Crimson Peak Or Other Miscellanous Goth Film is not easy. let alone actually finding the clothes to do it yourself. (like no i don't literally mean historical dress but like. urgh. i feel like goth *women* dress like witches pretty frequently and therefore the clothes themselves are out there.)
all that aside my hot take is. um. i need nicer shoes and maybe some rings and/or nail polish. sidefringes are overdone we need to bring back bobs on men. yes from the middle ages. uhh. gender noncomformity in men includes androgyny and not just straight up wearing dresses and ppl discussing gncity in theory never seem to demonstrate understanding of that so maybe look at an emo man once. uhh. glasses on chains (monocles, even) are good and on theme for an aesthetic which incorporates lots of other metal jewellery. that is all i have to offer
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maerenee930 · 3 years
7, 10, 34, 47, 55 from the 65 questions :)
7. what shirt are you wearing?
- a black cropped tank top i got from Torrid and a Black sweatshirt i got from Hot Topic that has Sam from Supernatural on it and on the back it says Moose 😅 (it’s one of my favorite sweatshirts 🥰🖤)
10. what were you doing at midnight last night?
- i was laying in my bed. my depression was (and still kinda is, tbh) pretty bad and i didn’t feel like watching anything, so i just laid in bed, was letting myself feel how i need to and just let myself be. idk how else to describe it lol. i just was there 😅 and then my younger cousin came in my room (she stayed the night for the past few nights lol) and she was gonna get ready to go to bed and then she was being all goofy and singing some weird song she made up and that made me think of something, which lead us to bringing up random little (i guess) inside jokes we’ve made over the past 2 days and from last week and we got in one of those laughing fits for like almost 10 minutes 😅 like where we just ended up laughing at each other laughs and it somehow made it even funnier even though all of it was really stupid lol.
47. if you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
- are you living the way you’ve always wanted to and dreamed of?
(going on adventures, traveling with friends and a significant other. doing what my heart desires. living life to the fullest and doing what makes me truly happy)
55. can you do any accents other than your own?
- umm… i can kind of do a british accent. like not a super cheesy or the typical one people do to make themselves sound fancy lol. i love doctor who and have watched so many other english shows so when i’m alone i will talk to myself or my cat in those accents lol. oh or one time one of my best friends and i talked in british accents the whole day and later that night (like maybe 1am lol) we went out to eat with my brother and we were still talking like that (it was hard to stop and we were having too much fun lol) and when we got to the restaurant, my brother told us that if he didn’t stop with the accent, he was gonna get in his car and leave us there 😂 it was so funny. we didn’t mean to annoy him lol but it was an added bonus lmao. and then when we got in the restaurant we slipped in and out of it and it kept making my brother so mad 😂 we weren’t doing it on purpose 😅 we just couldn’t help it.
and i can kind of do an italian accent. both my grandparents on my mom’s side are from (born and raised) italy. so they have kinda strong accents and when we make fun of my papa (my grandpa. it’s okay, he’s an ass and deserves to be made fun of) we all talk like him and do his accent 😅
and i can barely do an irish, australian or russian accent. i just try them after watching certain things and i’m not really good at them lol. if anyone wants to hear me do any of the accents i mentioned, let me know and i will absolutely make a fool of myself to entertain anyone who wants it lol.
34 is answered under here ⬇️ my answer for the next one is super long (i am so so so sorry, i didn’t mean for it to and just thought i would do this so that no one had to try and scroll past it if they didn’t want to read it. i hope that makes sense lol)
34. what was your last dream about?
- so i don’t remember my dreams from last night, but i do remember the ones from the night before 😅 so i was at some hockey game (no idea why, not really a fan of hockey at all lmao) and so in the dream not only was Robert Sheehan there, but there were some characters from a movie i used to love as a kid (a live action movie. not a cartoon lol) and the characters from that movie were flirting with me and at some point randomly one of them told me they made a bet with someone that i wouldn’t give them a kiss (i have no idea why… lmao) so i ended up giving them both a kiss each and then nothing ended up coming from that lol.
and then there was this really cute girl in my dream who was flirting with me on and off through out the whole dream and at one point she was leaving this restaurant i went to after the hockey game (she was at the game as well and then happened to be at the same restaurant afterward lol) and gave me her number, told me to call her sometime and then she kissed me and it was really cute lol.
and then not long after that, Rob came to that restaurant and i guess in my dream, he was one of my best friends and so we sat down at a table and after we ordered food and while we were eating, we were talking and catching up. and okay one point he was asking me how my day was and what i’d been up to and so i filled him in on all of it and i could see he was getting a bit bothered by it. so i asked him if he was alright and he ended up saying to me, he wanted to tell me something that’s been on his mind for a while now but didn’t know how to say it and didn’t want to make me uncomfortable.
i remember getting really nervous cause i didn’t know where he was going with this and was pretty sure i made him upset and i didn’t know why or what i might’ve done. (my anxiety likes to make me feel like i’ve done something wrong at any chance it gets 🙃) so i asked him if i did something wrong and he reassured me that i didn’t but he didn’t wanna talk about it in here. so we end up going to his place (apparently in my dream he was renting a house to stay in while he was in the US cause we were definitely no at his place in London lol. it didn’t look like it at all 😅)
and so we get settled in his place and sat down and he took me hands and apologized for not wanting to talk about this in the restaurant, for making me wait to talk about it and he understands i must be feeling pretty anxious because he didn’t give me any indication as to what he wanted to talk about. and then he also apologized for not saying this sooner. so i reassured him it was alright and that i understand him wanting to talk about whatever it is at his place and asked him again if everything is alright. so as we’re sitting on his couch, i’m sitting on it facing him but like with my legs crossed up on the couch (idk how else to describe it lol)
he scooted in closer to me and told me that he had a hard time hearing me talk about flirting with other people and saying that i kissed them. he told me it hurt him even though he tried so hard to not let it get to him or bother him but he couldn’t help it. (i honestly didn’t expect things to go in this direction lol)
so i nodded and apologized that it hurt him. i told him i truly didn’t mean to and didn’t know that was something that would’ve bothered him. i told him that i don’t ever want to hurt him and i’m so sorry that i did. he smiled sweetly at me and put his left hand on my right cheek and kinda on my neck and jawline, and told me that it was okay and i didn’t need to apologize. he said that’s not why he told me that. he didn’t mean to make me feel bad. he just wanted to be honest with me. and as he said it, he gently rubbed his thumb on my cheekbone, and said speaking of being honest, he told me that for so long he had a crush on me. he really likes me and wish he had said something sooner.
he told me he hadn’t because he couldn’t tell if i was just being nice to him or if i was flirting with him and he said honestly that he didn’t expect to have feelings for me or fall for me.
he said when he met me for the first time, he could tell we were gonna become really good friends but he honestly didn’t expect to fall for me. he said he realized how shallow this was going to sound but i’m not normally the type of person physically that he’s attracted to. (i mean, i highly doubt he would be attracted to me seeing as how i’m 5’1 and plus size lol) so he apologized for how rude that came off and i reassured him that i completely understood and wasn’t offended.
i could see he was starting to kinda beat himself up because this wasn’t going how he wanted it to and it broke my heart 🥺 i ended up putting my hands on his cheeks, pulled his face in close to mine and told him that it’s okay. i understand what he’s trying to say and i appreciate him being so honest. he gave me a little smile but still looked somewhat upset with himself. he kinda sighed and thanked me for understanding. he gave me these sweet little puppy dog eyes and said “i just- i just love you and am so in love with you and i don’t want to lose you”.
so extremely touched by what he said i blushed and gave him a smile, looked into his gorgeous green eyes and told him that i feel the exact same way about him. i said that i’ve felt that way since before we met but didn’t want to say anything because i honestly didn’t think he did or would ever feel that way about me. (and i didn’t wanna come off weird and only have him see me as a fan and then not wanna be my friend lol) but i told him that i’m so unbelievably happy that he does and i’m so in love with him, too. he gave me the cutest smile. then i pulled he face closer to mine and we kissed 🥰 after we did, he smiled and said “you have no idea how long i’ve wanted to do that” and i told him, me too. so then he kissed me again and things progressed pretty quickly to where we ended up making out for a bit 😅 and then after that, he asked me if he could be my boyfriend 🥺 and i said i would absolutely love that 💙 and he gave me a little kiss on the nose and then i snuggled up into his side and we watched something and then i woke up 😅 - sorry i didn’t mean to ramble so much and go into so much detail lol. it just really stuck in my mind and wanted to share as much as i remembered 😅 i know it’s pretty cheesy lol.
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