lauralovely · 9 months
One Day Private 12 Step Cult Religion Deprogramming Course Here!
Hello Enlightened Readers! Do you still question your self-worth, your ability to trust your thinking and decision-making, and fear for your so-called disease-doing-push-ups-in-the-parking-lot? (I mean, really how utterly gaslightingly ridiculous the notion!) You may benefit greatly from this short, brilliant, evidence-based course linked here!  I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday…
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lauralovely · 2 years
Giving Up - How To Stop Undermining Your Life
Giving Up – How To Stop Undermining Your Life
Hello Enlightened Friends! It’s been a minute! I’ve found myself giving up on this fight exposing the behemoth 12 Step Cult Religion and it’s rabid disciples. Sometimes it’s just too depressing a fight when the cultural hold, especially in the USA, Is so deeply imbedded, enduring the same ad hominem attacks ad nauseam. It’s enough to make it safer to just slink away in protection mode. Sometimes…
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lauralovely · 3 years
AA Claims of Being Self Supporting Through Contributions is a LIE
AA Claims of Being Self Supporting Through Contributions is a LIE
A quick truth vaccine for you enlightened folks who will and have certainly come across the “It’s free” lie. For those times when the 12 set cult disciples spew the “it’s free” lie. Here’s the best response. A Vaccine of Truth:What about AA’s claim that: “There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions?”According to Alcoholics Anonymous’ Annual…
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lauralovely · 3 years
The Orange Papers Working Link
The Orange Papers Working Link
The brilliant Orange Papers have become more and more difficult to find. This link below works today and I do hope it stays that way. Happy Summer fo 2021 to my powerful-beyond-measure Readers! Enjoy! http://asite.us/menu1.html
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lauralovely · 5 years
Harmful Platitudes of the 12 Step Cult Religion
Harmful Platitudes of the 12 Step Cult Religion
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The entire idea that your perfectly normal feeling of anger is somehow a poison you are choosing to drink just by allowing the feeling… is a 12 step cult platitude designed to stop you from living in your immense power.  Reject the very idea that “anger is a luxury you alcoholic/addict cannot afford.”  Or the ever-popular “resentment is death.”  Anyone who’s tells you this is trying to shut you…
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lauralovely · 5 years
Rehab Riviera Fraud Arrests
Rehab Riviera Fraud Arrests
Although there are thousands of criminals still getting away with murder in the 12 step cult religion, here’s some good news
“Orange County and the Greater Los Angeles area are so dense with addiction treatment and sober living facilities that it’s known as the Rehab Riviera.
Over the past several years, the Southern California News Group has chronicled disturbing reports of deaths, sexual…
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lauralovely · 5 years
Harm Reduction – The Truly Free Program Oftentimes, you hear steppers make the "it's free" claim regarding their beloved cult religion. First of all, it's NOT free when you consider the vast majority of rehab facilities mandate the cult to clients not only while in rehab but as aftercare.
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lauralovely · 5 years
12 Step Trauma. Your "Drug Rehab" Does NOT Want You To Get Well.
12 Step Trauma. Your “Drug Rehab” Does NOT Want You To Get Well.
Treatment as usual (TAU) in the 12 step cult religion world of the $35 billion rehabilitation business does not want you to get well.  They want you to repeat your substantial investment in their very low cost cult religion tax-free business as many times as possible during the course of your life and the life of your family members… since addiction is a family disease according to 12 step cult…
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lauralovely · 5 years
Victim-blaming in the Violent Crime known As Rape
Victim-blaming in the Violent Crime known As Rape
April Smith has written a great piece for rehab.com see link below. Sexual assault and harassment is rampant in the 12 Step Cult Religion. They even have a 13th step devoted to minimizing and blaming the victim built into the cult. Enjoy link below and please share everywhere!
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lauralovely · 6 years
The Orange Papers Are Back! Alert the Media!
The Orange Papers Are Back! Alert the Media!
Much to the dismay of brainwashed steppers, the Orange Papers are back up and running!  It works if you share it!
See link below for access to this brilliant and comprehensive website.
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lauralovely · 6 years
Ritual Abuse in Alcoholics Anonymous
Ritual Abuse in Alcoholics Anonymous
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lauralovely · 6 years
On Leaving Alcoholics Anonymous
On Leaving Alcoholics Anonymous
The truth! Whether stepper disciples can admit it, this experience and those like it are far too common. Steppers are encouraged to abuse others since you either become as abuser or you GET abused. It’s a diabolical cult religion. Make no mistake. Educate yourself. Stop the abuse! It starts with you. It can end with you.
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lauralovely · 6 years
A Star Is Born... & the 12 Step Cult Religion Continues To Kill
A Star Is Born… & the 12 Step Cult Religion Continues To Kill
In case you haven’t seen the film and you somehow think that the following article will spoil it for you, stop reading right now.  If you want to stop the dangerous cult religion of the 12 steps from continuing to thrive, keep reading (or come back after you’ve viewed the film).  After all, A Star Is Born is just another film, but the 12 step cult religion is always harming people who deserve…
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lauralovely · 6 years
How's To Deprogram From The 12 Step Cult Religion Alcoholics Anonymous by Mark W. Scheeren
How’s To Deprogram From The 12 Step Cult Religion Alcoholics Anonymous by Mark W. Scheeren
Hello Readers!  Just a quick introduction to the Freedom Model with a short article on how to deprogram from the 12 step cult in case you or a loved one is struggling with the “disease doing push-ups in the parking lot.”  The fear-mongering of this cult can be a thing of the past for you or someone’s for which you care.
Here’s hoping this finds you well and remember, there are alternatives to the…
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lauralovely · 6 years
Radio Interview With Laura Tompkins - AA Cult Religion Negative Affirmations
Radio Interview With Laura Tompkins – AA Cult Religion Negative Affirmations
Take Two!  Sorry about that, the first link was broken but it works with the one provided below. (Just ignore the advertisement at the top)
This interview happened 5 years ago and I was just reminded of it.  Enjoy, share everywhere, and keep coming back!
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lauralovely · 6 years
Blog Talk Radio Interview With Laura Tompkins - The 12 Step Brainwashing
Blog Talk Radio Interview With Laura Tompkins – The 12 Step Brainwashing
5 years ago, I was a guest on a radio pod cast with Monica Richardson.  I was recently reminded of this interview.  All you gotta do is listen.  (Link below)
I hope you enjoy it and please share everywhere.  And keep coming back!
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lauralovely · 6 years
Orange Papers Archive Here
Orange Papers Archive Here
If you are an Orange Papers fan, you may have noticed this invaluable resource is no longer available on it’s original server.  I have been unable to locate Sir Orange and have not gotten verified accounts of his whereabouts.  I can only hope he is alive and well and has good reason for his website being archived.
I can also pass on the archived website to you 12 Step Cult Religion Exposed…
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