#thank you though!!!
kidovna · 1 year
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i was actually looking for this!
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except now i’m more confused because i think that’s meant to be will the wise but he was never in hellfire club lol
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soaps-mohawk · 7 months
Lmao my second ask of the day 🫣 Are we gonna get a threesome??? Potentially??? 😗😗 A Soap/Gaz/Reader threesome. But like mate, any threesome is a dream with these boys.
Addicted to this story of yours! Thank you for keeping me fed!!
Tehehe you'll just have to wait and see!!! 🤭
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Hey pyro, it's me, @emotionally-dead-archer. I heard you wanted to go to Disneyland? Did you all just wanna crash at me and my friend's place instead of paying for a hotel? Can I come?
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larkingame · 3 months
KC!!! HAPPY PRIDE!!! will you be doing another short game this year like you did with A Slow Death??
happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
if anyone’s curious anon is talking about my neo twiny submission last year, a slow death
and to be totally honest I know as a game dev you’re like *supposed* to participate in jams and all that to get your name out there but I’m not the biggest fan of them lol + a slow death kind of came out of me being really off the wall mental health wise, so idk if I really have it in me, I’d rather just focus all my energy on Larkin at the moment.
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atomic-rattz · 4 months
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i put thank you though twice..
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solivagantingrebel · 1 month
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500 kudos?? Jesus Christ, thank you 😭
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youredreamingofroo · 4 months
You reposted stuff with Kyle without a beard and it took me a minute but eventually I realized I was recognizing him from a Criminal Minds episode. So yeah if you haven't seen Criminal Minds Season 7 Episode 19 "Heathridge Manor" you should because it's great if you like spooky things okay byeeeeeee
YEAAA !! I knew that :) I remember reblogging (or at least remember seeing) a gifset of him from CM, it's on my very lengthy watch list (which tbf I'd prolly only watch that episode and only that episode just for him cuz I don't wanna go thru seven seasons LMAO)
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scandals-r-us · 1 year
where and with what do you draw? your content made me feel something that i haven't felt in YEARS, idk what you're doing to me but keep doing it
omg jkdfs THANK YOU im just out here doodlin up a storm because we're all so normal about the o'haras I just use clip studio and a wireless tablet! nothing fancy at all!!
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millenniumdueled · 10 months
equiusssss you scared me, i thought i posted that 9 times!!!
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nsfwitchy2 · 9 months
I mourn for my unanswered asks lol. Curious what you will do with this blank slate and the chance to reinvent your blog. Good luck!
That’s very fair 😅
Honestly if you sent them recently and remember them - feel free to send them again!! I don’t really have a queue now - both one that my blog is running on and also one for backed up asks - so with any luck I’ll get to them way faster XD
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I appreciate the "but where's the whenever you want option" but consider. I am indecisive and crave the opinion of others
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uredrunk · 9 months
💚: one million dollars. for you. what would you do with it tho lol ?
this is a boring answer but i’d invest in something to keep getting more money. and i’d love to visit japan since that’s my dream vacation!
i don’t care much about expensive brands or clothes, perhaps i would buy a macbook/ipad but that’s all. and those are “cents” for a million dollars lol
i’m a very simple girl :|
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cupid-tune · 2 years
bruh the way tyou render out your art and like your shading djhgfrhegfr I EAT UR ART ITS SO GOOD BRUH
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foolsocracy · 1 year
(it really well replicates the art style and you handle both of them so so well design-wise. the pose.. I can see Noir standing over the two of them, the two between him and 2099. Nobody says anything. All he can hear is his own voice echoed back, out of rhythm, out of time, late, always late, "Please come back to me.")
Thank u anon I need to walk into the sea
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inkats · 1 year
I... may have asked alot but I'm just too curious!
2. What do they think is their best feature? This can be both physical or personality wise.
3. What is something they are really self-conscious about?
5. What do they like to do in their free time? Do they have any hobbies? Do they even have free time?
16. How organized is your OC? Do they like to have a place for everything and everything in its place, or do they live inside a tornado of chaos and mayhem?
11. Tell me a random useless fact about your OC.
17. What is something annoying about your OC? Do they chew with their mouth open? Are they a know-it-all? Are they too oblivious for their own good?
21. What sets your OC off? What will make them go from a docile little lamb to a rampaging, fire-breathing dragon?
24. What is your OC’s favorite food? Can they cook it? Where do they get their food? (And most importantly, do you feed your OCs enough? Don’t forget to throw them a meal once in a while.)
(Also if u can add a pic of the oc that'd be incredible!)
ohhh ok im gonna do. half rinnie half minimin. 👍
2. He figures he gives good hugs :)
3. He doesn't think he's ever doing enough. He's spent a lot of his life with a lot of expectations and eventually it got hard to keep up and he's decided he's just. worse than what he 'needs' to be.
5. Eventually he picks up knitting! He makes a lot of small things, socks and the like. He likes seeing the progress quickly.
16. Its an 'organized' mess. He mostly knows where things are, but things go missing... that being said he'd get pissed if you tried to clean up. For like, schedules, it's all in his head. If he forgets, whelp. must not've been important. <- will beat himself up over it later
11. His pants button in the back also for his tail. He knows how to sew a little bit to alter pants that don't have that.
17. He's a silent treatment user 😔 difficult to get things out when he's upset. <- actually like. a bad thing. not just annoying. but uh.
21. he's got very simple but a very strict moral code and if someone acts against that he'll make it known his thoughts on that.
24. Cheap mac n cheese 👍 its comfortable and unsurprising. he can cook it (and other things too. hes not a bad cook hes just got silly taste). He eats well (and makes sure rinnie does too)
uh im on my laptop and dont really have anything neat or new to put as an image... theyre like most of my art tag (hello yes see i draw) minmins the kitty rinnies the redhead 👍thank you for the questions!
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pomfiores · 1 year
💌 🖤
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💌 - How would they confess to their love interest? Would they wait on a confession?
Vil often gives hints and usually would expect someone to catch on. To him, it's obvious. He expects them to see that he's messing with them out of genuine interest (wanting to spend time more, asking some questions that he usually wouldn't ask, trying to not be too dismissive/lenient with error). He can only give so many hints without everyone catching on or suspecting but in the event that it ever does happen, it might be obvious (especially to Epel, if he's ever to witness Vil letting someone have some leverage bc Epel only see's Vil's iron fist but so does most of the student body akfjsa).
But as I've said before, Vil is probably (and I hate to label it as such) moronsexual. I kind of see him as a demi but definitely watches the morons a little more, despite his status especially as queen, oh my god. Vil wouldn't wait on a confession though it definitely depends. If he feels like it's them who came onto him first, he'll let them confess bc he won't do the work for them. As if. If it's him who had fallen first (miracle), he'd give bold hints or say bold things to get their attention but at the end of the day, he'd likely confess in private. Probably over the phone, when he's alone with his interest. Vil's just reserved that way and really values his privacy with certain people.
He knows he has a strong approach without meaning to so he tries to not overthink it, assuming these feelings are kind of new but at the same time not as much. It's a weird in-between he'd find himself in bc despite the regal vibe, he can totally let himself wonder too much and hold back until he knows it's reciprocated or he's frustrated enough that they're being too stupid to catch onto his hints. That's a little more interesting of an approach imo but akfjsa definitely flirts though. definitely, definitely flirts. Flirting is almost so obvious it'll get people's heads turning bc Vil? flirting with someone (some limp noodle or smth idk lol)??? How the fuck.
🖤 - What's something that will instantly make them dismiss someone as a romantic partner
Temperamental behavior. While flirting and playing that game of feeling one another out, dropping hints and both parties are clearly passing hints of interest is one thing. Vil doesn't like being totally blind and playing guessing games for indefinitely prolonged periods.
He'll indulge in flirting if he likes them, he'll even play around in the beginning because that's how he flirts and tests this supposed crush but when it starts dragging on and the person he's talking to gets dodgy, displays traits of lying or overall sketchy behavior, switches it up, and gives him the feeling like he's looking crazy for wanting to pursue something with the other person, he'll drop it. No questions asked.
Hot and cold behavior isn't cute. The guessing game isn't cute. He loves teasing but when he has to stop and ask himself what's happening and take himself into the third person to self-reflect and think about how the other person is making him look in front of other people, he'll lose interest quickly. Especially if he feels like he's being played for a fool, that's a good way to get hated and/or ignored lmfao.
Vil would likely feel inclined to just cut them out without feeling the need to communicate it - why shouldn't he? If the person he's seeing isn't communicating anything to him and making him feel stupid, why should he give them the respect of explaining where he's at and asking? It's obvious there's something off. This is a waste of time. Thank you, next. :/
romance Our Queen: Vil (your cheat sheet)
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