#idk the fact that it's always conference call makes me so !!!!!! bc it means they always talk about it before and plan out the details :(
namchyoon · 2 years
my best friends calling me at midnight in ist on conference call as is tradition and then a kind guy letting me have the last ice cream even though he was ahead of me in line i'm so 🥺
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ao3gingerswag · 3 years
Prompt Submission by modernurbanfantasy:
I would love some sort of future situation (if/when) Dean, Cas and Sam when they are back at the inn around how smart Sam is. Like we know how smart Sam is (and I think Dean probably does as well) and he wants to get Sam some education (in the church or in some local school) but that is obviously v difficult. So he is all sad thinking about what he would need to do to get Sam into a school and is trying to hide it from Case and then like idk Bobby or something is able to help get Sam some sort of deal with the local school bc they see how smart and talented he is. Idk just an idea. 
To: Pastor Murphy
My name is Sam and I am 10 years old. I saw your pamflet on the phisics of momentem posted on the church bulitin borde. I liked it a lot. I am writing to you becase I think you made a mistake tho. You cubed the largest side of the triangel when I think you meant to square it. If you square it it solves the problem you were talking about. I tride to go in to tell you but the man at the door said no I cant come in becase theres no church today and only the students can go in. And I dont go to the college. I tride to say I need to see you becase you made a mistake and tride to show him but he said i dont know what your talking about. So I am writing this note and leaving it here on the borde for you.
Thank you.
Dear Sam,
In all the years I have posted my articles on the church bulletin, I have not once received a response from the local population. I have always continued to post them regardless, just in case anyone is reading them. I was so happy to discover that my efforts have not entirely been in vain.
I have received several letters from my colleagues since the publication of my paper pointing out my error, but none have been so polite as yours. Did you know, none of my own students caught the mistake you so kindly made me aware of? Authority is the bane of progress, I often think, as it seems since I took my position none but the few others in similar positions dare to question whatever I say.
Sam, I am delighted that Whitecreek is blessed with a child as inquisitive and bright as you. It is not often that I meet ten year olds who are interested in physics, much less those who can follow my published papers. If you like physics, I would be happy to meet with you and your parents this coming Sunday to discuss the subject and the possibility of furthering your education.
I am leaving this note with the guard you spoke to last week, and have asked him to give you this letter if he sees you again. If you have another letter for me, you can leave it with him and he will pass it along. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Pastor Murphy,
The Whitecreek College of Natural Sciences
Hello Pastor Murphy,
Sorry I didnt come to the church Sunday I didnt get your letter until now. I dont live in whitecreek we only come once a month to get suplies. I live at the inn outside of whitecreek they call it the willow inn becase it is near a willow tree. Maybe you have heard of it maybe not if you dont travel.
I like everything not just phisics I like biolagy and astranomy and math and I like reading and I like learning and I like looking at bugs and plants and things in the woods. My dad didnt like it when i read tho becase he didnt know how and he said do you think your better than me. I said no but he still got mad at me. But I dont live with him anymore.
I really like learning a lot. I would like to meet you and talk about phisics and other things but I dont have parents I just have Dean and Cas. They run the inn and I help them. They said I can meet with you but Cas said to tell you that we have no money for school becase he said maybe you think I’m rich becase I can read and write but we are not rich. I learned to read by myself becase I like it. So I cant go to school and cant further my educatin like you said but I would still like to meet with you please if you want to.
Do you have any books I could look at? I like books but no one has any books. Cas has a book and he let me read it but I read it like a hundred times now and memerized it. If you have any books I could look at I would be very gratful and I would not mess them up I would be very careful. But if you dont have books or dont want me to look at them thats ok i understand i would still like to meet you please. I have a lot of questins. Like is the moon hot or cold. And lots of other things. I used to ask my dad but he yelled at me and sometimes he hit me i think especially when he didnt understand the questin.
It is better now becase Dean was always nice to me and listened to my questins and Cas I dont know him so well yet but he is nicer than dad and he hasnt gotten mad at me for asking questins yet. He says you are very smart Sam and it is good to ask questins which is nice. But even tho Dean and Cas let me ask questins alot they sometimes know the answer but usually they dont. They say you know more than me Sam. I think I do know more than them but only becase they dont know how to read I think everyone could learn everything if they just knew how to read. Thats how i learn things.
Please let me know if you still want to meet with me even tho I didnt see your letter in time. The guard said you are not here today becase you are at a lectchure about math in a diffrent city that is so exciting maybe you can tell me about it when you come back. I will be here again in four weeks I will come and maybe I can see you or maybe there will be another letter eether way thank you I am so happy.
To: Sam, ten years old. Willow Inn, outside of Whitecreek.
Dear Sam,
I was truly overjoyed to receive your most recent correspondence. I had worried that I had scared you off or that your interest in science had faded. Clearly, these were merely the fears of an old man, who has become a bit too paranoid in his old age. I have in fact heard of the Willow Inn, and in fact I have stayed at it a few times when traveling that direction for a conference or a lecture. It has been a few years since I last had the pleasure of receiving their hospitality, but I had thought it was run by only a man and his son, who was about 13 at the time. Has the inn changed hands, since I was last there? Or has my faulty memory yet again betrayed my years?
In any case, I have sent a courier with this letter to the inn, in order to avoid missing you yet again when you again make your way into town. Sam, I am absolutely still interested in meeting you, regardless of your financial situation. Your literacy and thirst for knowledge is made all the more impressive by your lack of formal education. I will happily share all the resources I have with you, if you would like to learn. The college’s library has many books on all of the subjects you have expressed interest in. We have collections on physics, biology, astronomy, math, and several thousand others. All of these can be made available to you, and if you are as careful as you promise you will be, you can borrow almost any of them and take them home with you for the month. I would be happy to meet with you and discuss your readings when you make your regular trip to town, and could suggest which books you may want to start with, and which to continue with once you have studied those.
I am sorry that you have had difficulty in the past when you have tried to express your curiosity. Unfortunately there are many in the world who don’t care for knowledge, and resent those of us who seek it. I am glad to hear that you are now living with people who are more understanding of your interests, ignorant though they might be of them. I must say that I am struck by your optimism regarding the natural learning capabilities of the general population. I strongly agree with your statement, which I have quoted here because it means so much to me: “I think everyone could learn everything if they just knew how to read.” This is an opinion which I have always agreed with, and have been trying to convince many of my colleagues of for most of my long career. I am glad we are of the same mind in this area.
In answer to your question: Unfortunately, no one knows for sure if the moon is hot or cold. The prevailing theory currently is that it is cold. The reasoning here is that we are fairly certain it is made of stone, and stone is cold unless otherwise heated. In the absence of an internal heat source, we assume the moon is likely cold to the touch. However, we cannot know this for sure without knowing exactly what it is made of and how this material would be affected by the heat of our sun at its current level of exposure. Perhaps when you grow up, you will be able to figure this out for us.
I look forward to hearing your other questions when we meet, and I of course will be happy to share what I learned at my conference with you. If I am correctly understanding your schedule, I believe you will be in town again two Wednesdays from when this letter should reach you. I will be at the church from dawn to dusk on that day. The guard will know to let you and your family into the building, and we can discuss the possibility of further meetings then. Please give my best to your family, and I wish you the best until then.
Pastor Murphy,
The Whitecreek College of Natural Sciences
Hello Pastor Murphy,
I asked the man to wait for a minit so I can write a letter back and he said he would but I cant take forever he said so I wont. I am so excited to meet you in two weeks I am going to write all of my questins down. I am so excited to see your books I am so excited to learn. Cas said we can all come meet you together and then they will go do shoping and I can stay if thats ok or Dean can stay with me if you want. That is so intresting about the moon i didnt think about that thank you for explaneing. I will be so careful with your books if you let me take them home and I will read anything you say I should I will be good and learn fast and you will be happy you let me learn I promise I will be good and you will not regrat it. Thank you I am so excited sorry this is mesy and there are stains I am crying a lot. I would wait to write later but the man wants me to hurry up. I used to dig in the trash to find anything with words on it to read and Dean would let the man at the church do bad things to him so he could bring me pamflets sometimes. I said dont do that but he did anyway and I was always so happy to get them even tho I said dont do that. Which I felt bad about but I still read the pamflets. Anyway if you let me take lots of books home I will learn everything and I will read to Dean and Cas so they can lean too and I will be very happy. I am so excited thank you I will see you in two weeks.
p.s. i forgot to say. Cas’s dad died and now he runs the inn with Dean who is my friend.
To: Sam Winchester, ten years old, of brown hair and brown eyes. Willow Inn, outside of Whitecreek.
Dear Sam,
I have sent the courier along once again with this letter. The suggested coursework I promised you is enclosed. I also again wanted to express how wonderful it was to meet you and your family, and how excited I am to have such a bright young man under my tutelage. Your questions were delightful, and I can only hope that I have answered them to your satisfaction.
Please do reiterate to your friend Dean that it was lovely to meet him as well, and that he will always be welcome in my church regardless of the content of his past.
I look forward to seeing you all again in person next month, and wish you the best until that time comes.
Pastor Murphy,
The Whitecreek College of Natural Sciences
Hello Pastor Murphy,
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam :)
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strvngemagics · 4 years
{ cisgender woman, she/her } ❝ I'm a juvenile product of the working class / whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass ❞ huh, who’s FIVEL STEWART? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually MOLLY WEASLEY II. she is a 24 year old HALFBLOOD witch who is a CHASER FOR PUDDLEMERE UNITED. she is known for being FLIGHTY, IMPULSIVE, DISORGANIZED, FORGETFUL, and REBELLIOUS but also TRUSTING, DEDICATED, VIBRANT, ADAPTABLE, and INDEPENDENT, so that must be why she always reminds me of the song GLAZIN’ - JACUZZI BOYS and ROLLER SKATING DOWN A STEEP INCLINE, FOREHEAD KISSES, AN OUT-OF-TUNE ACOUSTIC GUITAR, AN UNMADE BED WITH LOTS OF PILLOWS, CHERRY LIMEADE SLUSHIES, PUTTING ON YOUR FAVORITE SWEATSHIRT. i hear she is aligned with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX so be sure to keep an eye on her. 
Tumblr media
Molly Adelaide Weasley was born into a (relatively) peaceful world but adopted into an ever-growing and infinitely chaotic family - and her father, having had a near-catastrophic falling out with this family in favor of furthering his career, made it CLEAR to her that her status as a Weasley was to be cherished, not derided, never forgone for more ambitious aims. Percy, sometimes rigid, though always loving, threw this lesson in familial love along with his more practical teachings.
Her first real sentence was “Molly do it!”, which was put to excessive use as a toddler. Doing the laundry? “Molly do it!” Her father’s bent over a stack of paperwork with a next-day deadline? Molly’s rushing over to help with a fat, color-changing crayon in hand: “Molly do it!” When Audrey was ill with a stomach bug, Lucy happened upon her sister, barely even three, mashing a ginger root with the handle of Mama’s wand in an attempt to make ginger biscuits. In short, Molly has always been headstrong and maternal. She takes a lot of pride in the traits that she shares with her namesake, her wonderful Gran, but regrettably never learned to knit.
Molly arrived at Hogwarts with a gaggle of cousins who’d already set the tone for who the Weasleys were and how they behaved. She found it difficult to find a life and identity outside of them - and still worries that she’s just another face in the family, unimportant compared to their accomplishments and accolades. Her time in Hufflepuff house passed without any prefect badges, school awards, or major academic achievements — even her five-year stint on the house Quidditch team was marred by the fact that she was always playing against some cousin or close family friend.
Life after Hogwarts has treated Molly well — she’s played professional Quidditch since age 18, something that she still can’t quite believe has happened. She was a reserve Chaser for the Kenmore Kestrels until 2027, when she was offered a contract by Puddlemere United. She took it, because wow that’s a lot of galleons, but Puddlemere’s always had a reputation for producing a lot of (painfully) straight-laced and by-the-book players………..which Molly definitely is not. She’s not allowed to speak at press conferences anymore due to PU’s management dubbing her “a PR nightmare” and “too foul-mouthed for a Dementor to want to Kiss”.
(TW DEATH MENTION) Memories of Uncle Harry pop up nearly every day - his voice, his rough hands positioning her arms and shoulders in a proper dueling stance, the smudges on his glasses, the way he looked at Aunt Ginny like she hung the moon in the sky. She misses him, dearly, but feels selfish and silly for doing so - she wasn’t his kid, and there are so many people who looked to Harry Potter as a symbol for the hope that carried them through wartime. She often worries that she isn’t doing enough - not enough to support her cousins, not enough for the muggleborns she knows and those she does not. There are days in which her inadequacy threatens to swallow her whole, when her hands tremble and breath rattles in her chest - but she’s able to bite it back for the moment. There’s bigger things ahead. (END TW).
okay so i always describe molly as a “disaster lesbian” or “chaotic dumbass” and i mean that with a lot of affection. she’s just very much motivated by pleasure and by fun, and much less motivated by duty or responsibility. she wants to stand out in both good and bad ways and more often achieves that in bad ways. she is also, like i mentioned, very headstrong. i consider her one of my funniest characters and that’s mostly unintentional because she just. says whatever pops into her head. i regularly giggle at what i make molly say. i am not ashamed of this.
uhhhh. what else? she’s a big old jock, one of those heinous people who for the most part actually enjoys exercising! will definitely ask you to join her on a sunrise run because she’s Ridiculous
loves her family so so so much, even though there’s at least 3 group chats where she’s currently trashing a cousin or two. is very down to take part in harmless pranks and shenanigans. someone outside the family tries to trash the cousins tho?!?!?! lmao kill bill sirens immediately go off. she and lucy probably call themselves twins bc they’re not blood-related but they are almost always on the same wavelength and in my eyes (jane u can confirm this for me) just get each other on a very fundamental level.
huge fuckin’ aries energy. you can find some personality assessments below:
aries (sun)
“aries is an active, energetic sign. people with sun in aries are direct, straightforward, and uncomplicated. they expect the same from others, and are baffled when they don’t always get it.”
gemini (moon)
“nervousness and worry are common traits with this lunar position. An underlying restlessness is common, and many lunar geminis need more stimulation than others. they usually read a lot, talk a lot, and think a lot.”
mbti.  esfj (the consul)
+ strong practical skills, strong sense of duty, sensitive and warm, connects well with others
- inflexible, vulnerable to criticism, reluctant to improvise, needy, worries about social status
name. molly adelaide weasley
nickname. molls
birthdate. 4 april 2005 (she’s supposed to be 24? idk math)
place of birth. st. mungo’s
family.  percy weasley (father), audrey weasley (mother), lucy weasley (sister), extended family in the form of various weasley-potter aunts, uncles and cousins.
residence. (tbd), but roommates: rose granger-weasley, natalia bardon, lucy weasley
occupation. chaser for puddlemere united
gender identity. cis woman
romantic orientation. homoromantic
sexuality. lesbian
blood status. half-blood
relationship status. single
pets. a bright pink pygmy puff named romeo
hogwarts house. hufflepuff
extracurriculars/leadership. hogwarts orchestra (clarinet), dueling club, charms club (president)
allegiance. order of the pheonix
n.e.w.t. grades. charms (o), transfiguration (a), herbology (e), d.a.d.a (a), potions (e), care of magical creatures (e), astronomy (e), history of magic (o), muggle studies (o).
wand. alder, ten inches, dragon heartstring core.
boggart. inferi
patronus. corporeal, brown bear
amortentia. vanilla bath fizz, lemon peels, sandalwood, mint
magical strengths. charms, nonverbal casting, transfiguration, flying
magical weaknesses. defensive magic, hexes and curses, potions.
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voxvulgi · 6 years
the rules: answer the questions given to you, write 11 questions of your own and tag 11 people.
under the cut for length
tagged by: @growinguphartless
1) How fast can you run a mile? I can’t :D 2) What was the last song you sang? I know I was singing something under my breath this afternoon but I don’t remember what it was. 3) Water, toothpaste, brush OR Toothpaste, water, brush? Toothpaste, water, brush. 4) Sushi? Favorite dish? Sushi is great. If you mean my favourite kind of sushi, then I have no idea. If you mean my favourite dish of all time, probably basic takeout Chinese ngl. 5) Weirdest fact? Dolphins kill babies to mate with the mother when they’re horny. (AKA dolphins are actually evil) 6) What do you know a lot about that’s a little weird? That’s the thing: I don’t know a lot about anything. Except maybe you could say I know a little more than the average person about schizophrenia thanks to Jacqueline? 7) Ever kept up with the Kardashians? No. 8) Earliest memory? I have no idea which one happened first, but one of my earliest memories is that one time we were in Egypt and my parents went into a store while I was still looking at the display outside, and some random guy comes up and says nothing to me but extends his hand. Now, my 4(?)-year-old self thought he knew I was a tourist (bc of course he’s psychic) and wanted to shake my hand. But I was too busy checking the display and decided to shake his hand when I was done. Then, my mom calls me and I go inside without doing so. And that, my dudes, is the story of how I didn’t get kidnapped. 9) Guilty Pleasure SONG? Shake It Off by Taylor Swift 10) Item of clothing you NEVER wear? LONG SKIRTS. 11) Favorite musical? I don’t have one.
tagged by: @cupido-periculosa
1) Describe another muse or OC that you have and aren’t playing right now! I guess you can call my son Ivan an OC. He’s one of those bitter characters, a little on the dark side. His loyalty levels are higher than Hailey on faerie drugs, but those are reserved for only two people, one of which is no longer in his life. Otherwise, he is not trusting and will form a bond with another person with difficulty. Something happened to him when he was 16 that set his cynicism in stone; he was betrayed by the people he was putting himself on the line to protect. So from now on, he’ll only work hard to ensure the safety and wellbeing of one person only. In case anything happens to this person, his next motivation would be revenge. 2) Sci-fi, romance, action, horror, or genre-of-your-choice movies, and why? Don’t judge me, but probably dramas/thrillers. I like to watch them on my solo movie nights with an extremely unhealthy snacks, but they’re not always good and I usually just watch them when I’m familiar with an actor or two. 3) What’s a book (or any piece of media) that really struck you and made you reconsider something about yourself, your life, or your opinions? I haven’t really acted on what it taught me yet, but Love Letters To The Dead by Ava Dellaira really stuck with me. I always give myself shit for things not playing out exactly how they’re supposed to, and this book just screamed at me really loudly that there is no such thing as “supposed to.” It’s also a good reminder that even the brightest heroes burn out sometimes. 4) All passions and interests start somewhere. When did you start writing and what made you want to start? I started writing when I was an 11-year-old living in her daydreams and realised I could use my imagination to actually write a story and maybe make a very cool job out of it. 5) What’s the ideal life for you? Again, don’t laugh!! But It’s quite honestly a cliche life in a small apartment in a city where rain is frequent. I’m writing for a living and going to conferences about something I care about (mental!!! illness!!!!) and have enough money to give my mom all the nice things she deserves. I’ve met all my favourite tumblr buddies and can afford to see them when I’m near their town for work purposes. I’m married to someone who reminds me why I ever had a poetry phase and I have a cat. And maybe actually go to the gym. 6) What show/book/movie do you look at and immediately get hit by a wave of nostalgia? Playhouse Disney stuff!! Little Einsteins, Rollie Pollie Ollie, and this Arabic cartoon channel called Spacetoon where I used to watch Teen Titans and Justice League. 7) What inspired your current muse(s)? (multis pick one, or your main one, if you don’t want to go down the entire list) Supernatural. I mean, obviously, Hailey was a Supernatural OC until like two weeks ago. I was really invested in the show when I made her, and when I am invested, I usually imagine what it would have been like if I inserted a character into this show. Like, what if there was a badass hunter called X who appeared in episode Y, OR WHAT IF THE WINCHESTERS HAD A SISTER. I was really interested in Adam, but we know nearly nothing about him to begin with, and he died even before he was introduced, and I would rather never eat rice again than RP a canon character, so *shrug emoji* 8) Very unoriginal but whose writing style do you really admire? @aworldfullofmuses and @the-storm-within-me I have one word for the likes of you: HOW???? 9) Ideal way to spend your birthday? Have cake with my classmates and go out to dinner with the fam sounds great, but one time, my mom bought me a cake and made an academic cap out of cardboard (I was almost done with high school) with candles on it and got me lenses as a present!! And as cheesy as this sounds, nothing I could do for my birthday (not even a trip to Disneyland, you hear??) would beat something small my mom got out of her way to make for me. 10) What’s a plot you’ve always wanted to do with your muse(s)? Anything with a Sam or Dean tbh, but I guess *shrug emoji* 11) What’s a casual interest of yours that when it comes up, you still like it and are passionate about it, but don’t devote a lot of energy to? ?????coffee?? idk Cip, I’m an all-or-nothing kind of person. (which is to say, nothing at all, ever, i am not a human being)
my questions:
1) What’s your favourite trip you’ve been on? 2) Who’s your favourite superhero? 3) What did you want to become when you were 10? 4) Who’s the first muse you’ve RPed on Tumblr? 5) Recommend a book, movie, or video game. 6) How many siblings do you have? 7) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 8) If your muse(s) could change one thing about themselves, what would it be? 9) If your muse(s) were given the chance to punch you, would they? 10) You start getting paranoid when your phone battery reaches __%. 11) Finally, any life advice for my fetus self?
tagging: @elysiahellfire @ribbedxgloves @survivics @endlessdrifter @aworldfullofmuses @the-storm-within-me @scarredhistory @ericbrandonrp @warrioroflondonbelow @qoldhearted @notaseamonster
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nochuandgochu · 4 years
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. I am *respectfully* not saying (mainly bc it’s v ethnic & I don’t want to narrow down my identity that much first thing getting back into tumblr)
2. 21 ... sheesh
3. May 26
4. Gemini
5. Green!
6. 8
7. no :( but once I become financially stable I’m adopting the first reptile I see
8. Southeast USA
9. haha yeah I’m 5’10 and some change ... but in the spirit of the DMV which forces you to round up or down on your height for your license, I just tell ppl that I’m 5’11
10. haHA I’m a women’s 12, men’s 12, in US sizes
11. 11 lol!
12. it is *extremely* rare that I remember dreams, so I just assume I don’t dream at all
13. no talents, just a lot of miscellaneous things I happen to know how to do, (disclaimer: I don’t claim to be good at them though) ... i can make shoes?
14. wouldn’t that be the dream ... sadly I am not
15. literally can’t choose ... so I won’t but I CAN MENTION that I’ve been recently loving Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monáe
16. once again ... I can’t choose, this time bc I hardly watch films diligently like that unless it’s apart of a franchise ... would love to get into pretentious indie films though, so leave any recs below
17. honestly? idk myself? idrc either??
18. Childbearing? No. Adoption? Yes.
19. lol I’m not getting married.
20. Raised Christian so I guess, but I’m still finding my place within all that bc I feel like there is *some* good in it underneath layers upon layers of human manipulation and oppression and bigotry rooted within the abuse of its teachings.
21. yeah
22. lmao not yet, I’m black in America it’s only a matter of time before I breathe the wrong way and someone calls the cops
23. one time in middle school, my choir went to Disney World and a small group of us girls rode rock n rollercoaster & when we went to go see our photos, we saw Debby Ryan a row behind us in the picture & we all flipped out & ambushed her just as she was leaving & got a photo with her. She was so sweet, frazzled, but sweet, sorry ab that Debby.
24. Showers. Period.
25. I’m barefoot, it’s too hot for that
26. Girl no, I’d be the worst famous person, like I genuinely do not aspire for that
27. Nope!
28. I love anything that can tastefully fuse different genres together — and I’ve been finding recently that movie scores & anime ops do that successfully A LOT
29. no ma’am
30. This is funny bc I’ve noticed over the years, the number just keeps increasing, we’re at 4 at the moment
31. Lol so I always end up in some variation of the fetal position on a normal night but when it’s really hot, I have this pose that kinda resembles the tape silhouette of a deceased person’s body at a crime scene.
32. It’s in the south, so even though I think it’s average size, ppl from the north claim my house & property is huge? lol no it’s not y’all just live cubicles.
33. yeah I don’t really remember to eat breakfast ...
34. Nope
35. Nope
36. Imbibe
37. Ass, I always add it onto another word as a suffix to emphasize my point unnecessarily
38. 24 hrs in college during finals week, never again
39. Oh yeah
40. Weirdly enough, yeah
41. Nope, I *truly* wish I was sometimes, all I can do is evade until my conscience finally gets the best of me & then I yak it up
42. I’d say so.
43. Yup, I can do a Nigerian accent (a lil rusty) and a southern inner-city kind of accent
44. I personally don’t think I do, but I know the ppl in my life say I do so ...
45. Don’t have a favorite, unless it’s Tom Hiddleston speaking
46. INFJ-T
47. My platform Docs
48. No
49. In-between-ie? It’s weird ...
50. Right
51. Nah
52. Time and time again I always come back to French fries
53. Roasted seaweed (the ones that comes in paper-like sheets)
54. Clean
55. “it be like that” & “so it would seem”
56. “oof” & a randomized keyboard smash du jour
57. About an hour if we’re including showering
58. Not really?
59. Suck
60. Absolutely
61. Yessir
62. Nah
63. My overprotectiveness of my thoughts & interests stopping me from putting myself “out there” & regretting it later
64. No
65. idk?
66. on me? short. on guys? loooong. like we’re talking ponytail game strong
67. sure, as long as there’s no time limit or external pressure
68. astronomy, there was no pressure to be right or wrong, it was just so wholesome
69. semi-extroverted introvert
70. nah
71. to this day, public speaking
72. Nope
73. Depends on the mistake
74. Only on my feet, I give the ladies at the nail shop HELL whenever I’m getting a pedicure I’m so sorry lol
75. No, what would you gain from that?
76. Nope
77. I mean technically nooo bc I was in a foreign country & the drinking age was significantly lower & I was old enough there but not in the US
78. Nah but honestly want to (only marijuana not the life-threatening ones)
79. Celebrity? Zayn Malik. IRL? some theatre/choir boy a few years older than me named Matt.
80. 4
81. Sure can!
82. Average speed ig?
83. people go around measuring these things? with a stopwatch? I would say average speed again
84. black and brown
85. The deepest of browns
86. No allergies :)
87. yeah
88. A paralegal and a freelance audio mixer & producer
89. I mean there’s nothing I can do about it ...? It’s just a fact so I don’t really feel any specific way ab it?
90. Being told to do something you were already planning to do. it’s really dumb but it really agitates me.
91. I guess. I can’t imagine myself with a different name. (Oh it’s Melody btw)
92. Nah
93. Idc I just want to adopt the bestest boys and girls who just want love & guidance
94. Incredibly empathetic and articulate
95. MANY but I have an internalized fear of being overbearing so whenever I have something worth saying that needs a little bit of power or force behind it, i fixate on my delivery and nitpick my speech patterns & what you get is a really mousy, quiet voice that’s barely heard
96. Parents were at church conference & my dad randomly received “divine inspiration” for my name to be Melody and my mom didn’t disagree
97. Actually, yeah, on my mom’s side
98. I think this question was asked already, but the answer is still yes.
99. I’m assuming bedspread mean bed sheets so teal!
100. Green :)
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moreracquetball · 7 years
oh my GOD that idea that you just mentioned about the fan response??? would literally die for that wtf and tbh i just want to see a lot of jason and whizzer interacting because i Always live for that
the media finds out about them before they’re even like officially dating. Somehow one lucky paparazzi person that is on like stealth mode gets a picture of a tender moment when Marvin and Whizzer are out together somewhere. In the picture, Marvin is like brushing an eyelash off of Whizzer’s cheek or holding his hand or doing something really sappy (basically trying to communicate to an emotionally-stunted Whizzer that hey sleeping together is cool and all, but I want to actually date you, you know). Well, the news BLOWS UP with headlines like ‘Whizzer Brown’s Mystery Man’ and ‘Playboy baseball player settling down?’ and everyone scrambles to find out just who Marvin is. Once they find out that Marvin is a divorced dad, news outlets like TMZ are flooded with headlines like (thanks to @a-lesbian-from-next-door-too for this GEM of a headline) WHIZZER BROWN WITH DILF???
Whizzer Brown secret boyfriend is the most searched thing on Google that day.
All production in the tabloid industries stops as editors bark for their reporters to dig up more on this story. Journalists scramble for any bit of info they can get on Marvin.
And here comes disastrously incorrect articles like:
Marvin was actually still married when he and Whizzer started “dating.” Whizzer was the cause of his divorce.
Marvin is like 15 years older than Whizzer and is basically using Whizzer for his money.
Marvin has been Whizzer’s secret boyfriend (HUSBAND???) for over ten years now and it’s been kept well hushed hushed secret bc Whizzer has built a brand out of Gay Baseball Player/Playboy.
Jason is Marvin and Whizzer’s adopted child.
CONSPIRACY THEORY: Marvin and Whizzer are not actually together at all. Marvin is not even gay! Whizzer just wanted to rebrand himself from “player on and off the field” and so hired Marvin to be his fake boyfriend (pretending to be “settling down”). (this prompts a startled Marvin to exclaim, “How could anyone think I was straight???” to which Whizzer dead-panned responded, “Honey, no self-respecting gay man dresses like that.”
Also consider the TMZ panel (also credit to @a-lesbian-from-next-door-too for this exchange, too)
“Marvin? What kinda name is Marvin?”
“I know. It’s such an old man’s name!”
“It’s like he was born a middle-aged dad, you know?”
“Uh, guys, Whizzer is a pretty stupid name, too. When you think about it. I mean, who names their kid Whizzer?”
“No one asked you, Brent.”
“Yeah, Brent. Shut the fuck up.”
Marvin finds out about the news bc he goes to work the next morning and some asshole coworker has taped all the headlines around his desk (the DILF headline is blown up and taped over his entire desk).
Marvin is obv pissed and lowkey anxious bc he doesn’t want this sort of attention to negatively affect him or (GOD FORBID) Jason. Whizzer himself is just a little annoyed and sees that Marvin is upset, so he tries to like make the issue go away by tweeting out: “tfw ur out with one of ur booty calls and ppl think that just bc he held ur hand u two are getting married’. And uhh, this makes the media die down but Marvin gets more upset bc hey asshole I think I’m falling in love with you but apparently I’m still just one of your booty calls, huh? And Whizzer gets mad bc Marvin is mad and he just tried to make Marvin less mad, and angst angst angst.
When they do get together, Whizzer posts a picture on Instagram of the two of them with the caption 'tfw you fall in love with one of your booty calls’. And the Internet just kinda explodes.
Fans are a little mixed. On one hand, they’re happy that Whizzer seems to be happy. On another, they’re terrified that a relationship will somehow hurt Whizzer’s playing. They then shut the fuck up when Whizzer plays the most vicious game of his entire career and just throws the best pitches and just basically almost single-handedly eviscerates the other team. At the press conference, people ask what’s up with Whizzer’s playing, and one of Whizzer’s team members just sorta smirks and answers for him, “He has a lot of pent up tension and aggression. He hasn’t seen his boyfriend in like a month [bc it’s the peak of the season and they’ve had to move around a lot to different cities and such]." 
Guys guys guys guys, I cannot begin to describe just how i c o n i c Marvin becomes so quickly. 
Because once they’re like “official,” Whizzer spams his instagram account with Marvin - Marvin in a new gifted Red Sox jersey while Jason (in his decked out Yankees uniform) glares mockingly at him; at the park during a crisp fall afternoon, Marvin breathless and red-faced and caught mid-laugh; Marvin comically but dead-seriously holding a baseball bat with a stance and grip that makes Whizzer and all baseball fans around the world weep; Marvin Jason and Whizzer, in a cheesy selfie after a really tough game; a picture of Marvin’s back as the man is hunched over an oven (this one has the caption “I love when a man puts the steak in ;) ” ); a particularly artsy one with a black and white filter, with Marvin (asleep, hair mussed, naked but only his bare arms, shoulders, and upper back is not obscured by the white sheets) asleep in their bed. The fans lose their minds over these pictures, along with the little tibits of info/stories that Whizzer shares when prompted about what a dorky/lame/baseball-hating/he-writes-me-poetry-literally-what-a-fucking-nerd that his new boyfriend is. 
When tweets and questions about Marvin keep buzzing Whizzer, Whizzer kindly asks (not forces, Jeez, Marv, don’t make it sound like I held a gun to your back) that Marvin get his own instagram/twitter accounts so they can just fawn over Marvin directly and leave Whizzer the hell alone to answer questions about baseball and photography and not about his relationship every fucking five minutes
This turns out to be a mistake. Marvin amasses ten thousand followers in six months. The guy barely even posts about Whizzer himself. He posts about broadway reviews and retweets funny cat pictures and every once in awhile, he posts partiuclarly needling things like how chess is better than baseball and he tags and @’s Whizzer in all of them. And everyone??? Loves it??? Whizzer is a little jealous at how people fawn over Marvin?? Like where’s some Whizzer love??? Whizzer is still the twunk that everyone loves, right???
Marvin is slowly accepted by the baseball wives. They’re catty and cliquish and they make Marvin’s life a living hell those first few months, but when Marvin does not take their shit and keeps pushing back, they grow to a mutual understanding that soon turns into begrudged respect that eventually turns into tentative friendship that eventually much much later turns into “if you dare utter one mean word or look at Marvin the wrong way, I will slit your throat with my sharpened, manicured, pastel pink-painted nails.” Whizzer shares one picture on his insta of Marvin with the baseball wives, with a glass of champagne in his hand and looking like he’s talking shit and the other baseball wives are laughing and eating this shit up, and he captions it: I think my boyfriend joined a cult.
The media as a whole leaves the two alone after they turn out to be just a regular couple and not that interesting?? EXCEPT EXCEPT EXCEPT (see next bullet point)
Okay, so Marvin hates baseball, right? This is established. This is well known. This is Fact. Well, after they become like “official” and the media now knows who Marvin is, news outlets start to attack him/make fun of him/crucify him for looking bored at Whizzer’s baseball games. Like he’ll have his phone out or he’ll have his chin propped up with his hand as if trying to combat sleepiness and sometimes he brings like a magazine to read and he always has that bored, vaguely pained “I do not want to be here right now” look on his face. And any time that the Red Sox makes a good play or gets a homerun, it’s clear that he’s been spacing out bc whenever the people around him start cheering, he likes jumps and does that weak, wide-eyed “Idk what just happened and i kinda want death right now but I am being supportive” clap (one time, he zoned out and Whizzer’s opposing team got a homerun, and Marvin just started meekly clapping bc he heard the crowd doing it and ESPN and TMZ and all the news outlets had a field day of making fun of him).
And the media??? is like “why are you not supporting your partner? You embarrass him by looking so bored. Can’t you learn to love the sport if you love him??” and being really bitchy about it. And Whizzer gets pissed and so goes on air during a press conference - when some smart-ass reporter tries to make a barb about Marvin looking bored and in pain - and says really bitchily, “Guys, Marvin just doesn’t like baseball, okay? Yeah, that makes him an idiot - because baseball is incredible - but it doesn’t make him a bad partner. I don’t expect him to love the things that I love. I like that we’re different, you know? That makes him less boring. Like, he goes to my games even though he hates baseball. That is being supportive. Like fucking hell, guys, I’m with him because he makes me laugh and has a great ass - not because he’s some super baseball fan.” CUE MIC DROP.
And yeah, there are homophobic reactions to the relationship. Facebook groups dedicated to it. Marvin gets hate mail and one time got like yelled at on the street. Some of the media’s stories are overtly homophobic and overly crass. It’s 2017, sure, but there are still idiots out there.
Marvin and Whizzer don’t let the attention - good or bad - get to them. They just keep being in love and posting overly sappy instagram posts about their anniversaries and poking fun at each other on twitter and the attention never breaks them.
I will posts Jason specific headcanons later but like dang, this took a lot out of me bc I have a lot of FEELINGS and if you have more headcanons about this topic, reblog and add your own bc I’m curious how you feel the media/fans would take this.
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electronicneutrino · 7 years
but fanny...as a field biologist/professor of biology, esp at the undergrad/graduate level, teaches the field biology courses but also ecology, evolution, zoology, etc. depending on what she esp likes at the moment. has little to no interest in microbiology/genetics/etc, knows its important and she knows the basics though. just. can’t understand why anyone would dedicate their life to studying it yo ucan’t even see a cell
new students don’t even ask her former students about her they already know she yells a lot. it’s not even she’s super loud all the time, just her tone sounds like a yelling tone even when she’s quiet enough that the floors above/below can’t hear her. she’s pretty good at controlling the actual volume of her voice in dB, but it just. seems like she’s yelling all the time. so everyone says she yells all the time
no one ever falls asleep in her class. also she doesn’t like it when students fall asleep. so she makes sure to yell louder if anyone looks like they’re doozing off. the students who are already paying attention hates it. fanny’s aware they do. she uses that to further pressure students into not sleeping
it’s also known that she’s actually a pretty good lecturer and reeeaally knows her stuff. regardless of whether she remembers knd or not, she still retains the experience from leading teams and has gotten very good at giving very very clear instructions/explainations. despite making lesson plans the day before class, or not at all
her students are kinda scared of her, but it’s known if you get her actually angry she’s really quiet and looks about ready to punch someone so after the first week there’s less fear over the yelling. just less. like it’s actually not hard to tell when she’s in her normal mood or when she’s angry. she continuously emphasizes extra help is avaiable they must all pass the class gdi why else would they take her course
field biology is the one time fanny’s actually reeally quiet bc don’t want to scare the animals. it’s a bit of self control and also intense focus on completing the task, and even when students call her she’s actually quiet. it’s weird. afterwards she’s loud again but whatever about scaring away the animals at that time. 
still a risk taker and a bit reckless and impulsive, and still. still wears skirts. she’ll be out in the field, spots something up a tree she wants to make a remark about and will just start climbing up, wearing a skirt. she’s almost always a bit roughed up, proably has leaves in her mess of her hair half the time, her legs covered in scratches, she doesn’t care. 
also known for being loud during lectures and conferences. she’s just. well known. because not only does she  k e e p  publishing journals, they also have decent ideas at the least, especially for the amount she publishes. and often it’ll be having research supporting one thing bu t then a couple weeks later a journal going ‘i know i said that before but given this new information--’. also tons and tons of journals pretty much telling anyone, who write an journal arguing against her, ‘fight me i have facts and your facts suck’ but if they’re right she’ll accept it and maybe even cite it in a later journal of hers. 
loves it when people criticizes her work. like she’ll argue like ‘fight me’ but she’d much much rather be criticized than no one saying anything or even her work be praised. like she’ll take compliments, but they don’t mean as much unless said person has also been critical of her work. she absolutely hates it when people think she’s so renouned that they’re scared to say ‘you’re wrong’ to her
like in general she’s just known as outspoken and rather rude and abrasive but also a great biologist. probably won some prizes, although idk what bio prizes exists. keeps them as well as certificates and stuff in her room on the wall or shelves. like. even some of the public knows her. she’s probably written a popular science book or two but honestly. enjoys giving out public lectures a lot more
by the end of the course/some time, whether her students like her or not they respect her. they really really respect her.  
also random headcanon but while she’s not good at understanding abstract math or whatever, and it takes her some effort to get calc/whatever math she needs, and she rarely never study more math than she needs, fanny’s really good at mental math. like adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, even finding roots and logs. somehow she’s very fast at it. like you ask her what’s root 244 and within a couple of seconds she’s huh about 15.6 like how does she do that?? she just can. can’t do abstract math but no problem with root random number. 
#knd#knd talk#why am i going on about fanny as a biologist again? idk i think i'm thinking of making more fanny explaining bio doodles#then got carried away with headcanons#really i'm just waiting some time for the meletonine pills to work and to be tired enough to sleep#i think its fine if i use my computer on lowest brightness + flux to make the screen dimmer and pretty much orange?#idk. it doesn't do anything about the cursor though so the cursors still bright and. its funny#i really like coming up with knd  in stem headcanons though okay i tried#the only things i really know about uni is tumblr posts/that one samplle lecture i attended/online uni courses/physicist daily lives#also partially based off high school bc...that's what i know. so whoops if i got anything relating to uni classes/professors wrong#i think i lowkey headcanon rachel as a computer programmer but that may just be me projecting my interest in comp sci on her#at the same time though...she's a spy. she does problem solving a lot. she works in quiet#like...that sounds kinda math/comp sci to me? at the same time she could also be a politician of sorts#bc well she's supreme leader later also she's probably really good with people and figuring out intentions and stuff#due to being a spy id imagine she's good at telling when someone lies; motives using word choice; etc etc#or idk she works in government intelligence but more with tech and stuff. idk. i do like the idea of rachel liking comp sci though#besides as supreme leader she has like 50 monitors and probably has cool spy tech from her days as a knd spy so#anyway yeah i really like biologist fanny okay?okay#personal //
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ashitfriend · 7 years
right well i haven’t posted in a while, but that doesnt mean never-wrong friend hasnt been up and at em, so here’s a post about everything shes done in the past while thats pissed me off~ :)))
1. I’ve mentioned before that she thinks shes really hot shit when shes writing bc it was her major in college, and also ive mentioned before how shes not that good. so she takes like MAJOR issue with the fact that I get revisions and advice on my writing from referee friend. RF came to visit me in October, and before she came, NWF was like “which friend is this again?” (the one that likes writing and fanfic) “oh, I need to talk to her. I think shes giving you the wrong advice for your audience.” so I had to remind her, bitch my audience is me and RF, bc I dont post it anywhere, and also you are never going to meet her if youre just gonna start drama. and I in fact did not introduce the two of them, bc i am 100% positive RF wouldve snatched her bald, bc ive told her all the shit NWF says lol.
2. I’ve also told yall before NWF likes to do a lot of talking with little thinking and she likes to talk a lot about America even though shes never been there and I’m the first american shes met. so at the thanksgiving party this year, she was telling this story that shes told a million times. its about how australians say “yeah, nah,” and “nah, yeah,” and how “most americans dont understand it.” which 1) im confused bc shes been saying this about “most americans” not understanding it since she met me last year, when I was the FIRST american shes met, and I understood the difference. so I have NO idea who these fictional other americans are that dont understand it. also confusing bc literally every american shes told this story to since meeting me has understood the difference, but she still insists on telling the story as “most americans dont understand it”. and finally, americans also do this. I say “yeah, no,” all the time???
3. we also know NWF loves australia and loves to brag about australia. and the other week, I cant remember what we were even talking about, but somehow australia came up and she was like “thats the reason everyone calls it the luckiest country on earth!” and I was like ?????? Ive never heard it called that by anyone ever. maybe /australians/ call australia that. and the other aussie,  last-minute friend, was like “I think ive only ever heard the mayor call it that.” Like i seriously have no idea what NWF is talking about half the time.
4. recently, she once again wowed me with her feminist views when she called some girl on instagram a slut for posting a picture of herself in a swimsuit. besides everything that is wrong with in a general feminist sense, is the fact that she called another woman a “slut” literally a few hours before she planned on sleeping with a guy she was meeting for the first time. She was gonna meet this guy, FOR THE FIRST TIME, that night, and then take him home, and fuck him. Thats like, THE epitome of what sexist people would call “slutty”, and here she is, planning this, and at the same time, looking down on a girl for posting a swimsuit photo of herself on line. ??????
5. NWF likes to talk in general. after my dad met her, he told me “wow she sure can talk.” and at a skills development conference last year, in a small “”group”” discussion, she talked about her own problems the whole half hour and no one else had a chance to speak. so /this/ year, we have to present at the conference, and she suggested I join the ““group”” discussion shes gonna lead on dealing with difficult teachers at the schools. LOL NO. the poor people that go to that discussion are gonna have to sit there and listen to her bitch about /her/ teachers for the whole time. theres not gonna be any discussion in that group discussion.
6. so theres this really cute guy at the BOE that we work with, and NWF and I both have a little crush on him. its not anything that makes us malicious towards each other, tho, bc neither of us are pursuing him. but my supervisor knows I want a bf, and NWF let it “slip” that I think the guy at the BOE is cute. So my supervisor was like “oh! I’ll ask him to set up a gokon for him and you!” gokon is like a group date, where everyone gets to know each other, and then at the end people write down the names of who theyre interested in, and its a match, then they date. I was like OKAY!!!! and then she added “yeah so he’ll bring a friend, and then you and [nwf] will go.” NOooooooooooOOOOOOooo!!!!! if nwf comes then shes gonna talk the ENTIRE TIME and i wont get a chance to say anything, and also she loves to EMBARRASS ME. she goes OUT OF HER WAY to make me look bad. im gonna seriously, if this gokon happens, have to talk to her and be like listen you need to fucking cool it at this gokon. you need to let me talk and also not say shit thats gonna make me look bad.
7. speaking of her always trying to make me look bad, I have this guy im interested in rn, and idk if we’re dating or what, but we’ve hung out just the two of us a handful of times and we really get along. and nwf is like “when do i get to meet him?” uhhh bitch never? i cannot think of anything worse than you talking shit about me in front of me to the guy i like.
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