#idk they’ve renovated like half of the house
strvwberryblcnde · 4 years
👫 preston & scout
send a 👫 and I’ll write four headcanons i have about our muses’ relationship.
i cn imagine them somehow being wrangled into babysitting fr her sister bethan one time n.... she has three kids who r all young (like 6, 7 n 7 bc she had twin boys then a girl) n they’re all a handful in their own way. the boys r SO boisterous n loud like they’re truly feral n the girl is very.... like scout bt..... an outspoken n absolutely fearless version...... the only time she’s quiet is when she’s reading a book. anyway. i cn see scout n preston being run RAGGED hving to look after these demons like the boys wld slap mud prints onto the wallpaper..... they’d pull drawers out looking fr their confiscated toys when they misbehaved n cutlery wld crash bc it’d fall on the floor... they’d run away frm the scene of this crime after..... bebe scout wld be like..... UR THE UGLIEST BOYS I’VE EVER KNOWN..... AND I HATE U!!!!! hurling crayons at her brothers fr their mischief... n scout n preston wld have to somehow neutralise all of this chaos. it wld be exhausting. i cn anticipate it mounting frustrations n tensions to the point where scout n preston might even bicker between themselves jst over stupid stuff like scout being like preston u can’t give them chocolate before they’ve had their dinner n preston being like cmon.... let them live a little...... this isn’t a dictatorship... n scout being like do u WANT them to b bouncing off the WALLS???? literally like a married couple.... they’d finally manage to put them to bed in bethan’s room (which ws renovated into a room w three beds fr them to stay in when bethan needs help aka needs scout to babysit) n scout wld usher preston frm the room to let them settle n once she thought he wasn’t watching she’d tuck each in n kiss their heads n be like love u hell spawns. then she’d go dwn n eye preston on the couch frm the doorway like >_> bt still go to get them a beer each..... i cn picture literally by the time she returns frm the kitchen preston being asleep bc the children r relentless.... n even if they’d been bickering a bunch scout wld roll her eyes n kind of smile abt it n swig her beer then put it dwn n grab a blanket n carefully tuck it over him so he didn’t catch a cold in their drafty house w a faulty boiler.......... sickening.
this is related to scout’s nephews n niece again bt in summer they always play in the yard w the hose n i can picture scout n preston having like.... a fight in the morning mayb n her storming dwnstairs n leaving him to get dressed n leave or whatever jst childishly........ n then by the time he got down if it ws summer the kids wld be prancing around outside n shrieking up a storm as scout sat angrily in a fold out chair watching over them........ mayb they’d all b like PRESTON PRESTON STAY N PLAY n he’d be like i’m gna head home............... n they’re like NO PLAY W US PLAY W US n one of the boys even sprays him w the hose. mayb preston wld join in playing w them just picking him up n pretending to fling him around n they’d all be laughing n screaming n scout wld be a tiny bit mellowed by this bt still stubbornly clinging to being mad...... her niece is like SCOUT PLAY WITH US PLAY WITH US n she’s like maybe in a bit. i cn imagine preston spraying her w a little bit of water frm the hose to b childish kind of joining in w the kids being a nuisance n scout being like WTF??????? n then snatching the hose off him n spraying him bk n it just breaking into an all out war where they’re trying to get the hose off each other n both end up soaking wet n she breaks  n laughs n he’s picking her up as the kids all cackle n scream. their fight jst somehow resolved in the space of half an hr when they were jst on the verge of another stupid breakup............. this tumultuous relationship........ no wonder their friends r sick of them.
scout’s dad is...... certainly a character n she hasn’t heard from him in yrs bt he made a big reputation fr himself in town to say the least.... was just in w some rly shady ppl n always fucking everyone over fr his own selfish agenda.... truly jst a liability to b associated w nvm to have as a husband/father so the wilders rly.... went thru it a bit w him. it ws like being buckled into a rollercoaster. nw he’s been gone a few yrs they’ve managed to pick up some of the shrapnel he left behind bt there’s still pieces n tht’s evident in the fact tht every so often guys he used to run w will come knocking trying to shake them dwn fr debts Poppa Wilder still owes them. he’s on the run frm the law nw n they hv no idea where he is bt they still have to deal w these repercussions. anyway. scout is very much like... I Will Deal With Everything In The World On My Own bt with luca in prison, jasper out n about all the time n rarely home sometimes bc he’s a free spirit, her mum working long night shifts n sleeping thru the day n her sister bethan being moved out w kids a lot of the time it’s..... just scout in the house which she wld never admit gets rly lonely after growing up w a big hectic family. i cn imagine one of these guys waiting fr scout after her shift at the diner n just asking her again when he’s gna get his money n her being like fr the last time idk where my waste of space father is!!!!!! n he wouldn’t make a threat or anything bt he knows where they live so tht night i feel like scout wld be kind of nervous n peering out of the curtains a lot jst On Guard in case he shows up to take wht he’s owed by fleecing the place or smthn. mostly paranoia idk if he actually wld bt. scout wld just be kind of scared sleeping there alone n even if she’d wna deal w it on her own i feel like she’d put off contacting preston until pretty late when she’d eventually snap n just be like. can u stay over tonight? n she wouldn’t text it either which is kind of unusual fr her bc she mostly texts bt she’d wna hear his voice to calm her a little i think. again none of this wld b verbalised she wouldn’t even tell him abt this situation bc she tries to be independent as possible n not rely on anyone else fr anything bt......... it would calm her down a lot when he arrived n ws sleeping nxt to her. i feel like his laidback attitude is quite gd for her in tht respect like it has a soothing effect at times..... others perhaps not bt <3 miley cyrus life’s a climb.....
i feel like her ex............. wld not be happy abt scout dating preston. he’s quite a loose canon / volatile character n jst............... scrappy.......... n antagonistic sometimes...... not the worst bt definitely not the best! honestly i feel like if he ever bumped into preston he wld maybe even pick a fight w him except he wouldn’t mention scout he would just act like it wasn’t related bt it Would Be. if preston ws injured in any way via this then i can’t even express hw furious scout wld be she’d actually lose it a bit.... KJGFKHFKGHSFKGHS hell hath no fury like a scout wilder scorned <3 she’d nurse preston better if he had a bust lip or whtever (she’s quite gd at doing these things after yrs of living w reckless brothers who were always getting into fights n also hving a mother who’s in nursing n taught her first aid etc) n she literally wld refuse if he tried to be like i can do this myself she’d b like SIT. DOWN. stomping around the place grabbing her supplies n being so angry until it actually came to like.... dabbing his face where she’d b extremely gentle. stark contrast. she’d keep ranting abt how she was gna confront her ex fr it n even if preston was like just leave it she’d refuse at first then eventually be like ok :) w a tight lipped smile bt. the next day bc she knows where her ex hangs out she’d storm up to him on the street n jst fking RIP him a new one she’d b fully shouting at him unleashing such an ungodly rant w no fks given to who was watching..............if it was in a tv show i’d imagine her rampage all silent as opera music plays over the top n she’s jst yelling in slow motion as a child across the street gasps so loud at the multitude of swear words raining in his direction.... honestly i cn imagine this getting bk to preston w how public it was bt i get the feeling tht even tho he might’ve been like nah leave it he wld find her unbridled wrath funny n know it ws rooted in hw protective she is of those she loves which. as reluctant as she ever likes to admit it definitely includes him at this point.....
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chocolate-failure · 5 years
today was a success in many respects. i successfully finished the day without feeling like i wanted to fucking explode. i successfully made half of a christmas dinner with my brother. i successfully purged the stomach full of food i consumed to seem like i’m okay. i always like purging in old houses. you can do it in the sink unless they’ve recently renovated. i don’t like purging in the toilet, not because i’m putting my head in close proximity to excreta but because the position isn’t as comfortable of productive. idk, i just get a whole lot more out with i’m standing. sometimes things get stuck when you’re binding over which is always a fucking bummer. but yeah i made a lot of delicious food that i promptly liberated myself of within the hour. 
idk if i’ve mentioned it... i’m fairly certain that i haven’t but i somehow infected my parents’ house with bedbugs. or at least i’m pretty certain i did. i think i did it a while ago, maybe when i thought i didn’t have them anymore, because i had been avoiding coming here for months and the one time i did stay the night i woke with such bad hives that it was like sleeping in dig’s room back when we thought they weren’t there. i think the bites are worse from adult bugs. of course i could be pulling this entirely out of my ass but it seems that when i sleep in rooms where there no previous pesticide treatment that the bites are much worse. i think the pesticides are good at killing the adults but not the larvae and eggs so when the nymphs start feeding on me the bites are not as bad. i remember my bites before being incredibly bad and scars lasting months. this time they only stick around for about a day before going back down. i can’t explain that.
my dad doesn’t believe they’re here, or that i’m somehow carrying them on myself and that’s how they’re biting me, not in the bed but on my body. i take insane amounts of precautions. everything i brought to my parents i put in the dryer before leaving, even the clothes i wore that day. i put the bag i carried everything in in the dryer. idk how i could possibly be bringing them with me. my room at my parents’ is covered in diatomaceous earth. the bed was treated. idk why or how i’m still getting bitten. AND I’M THE ONLY ONE. out of all the people in both houses that i inhabit i am the only person who shows signs of being bitten. it makes me feel as though i am losing my mind. what are on my body are definitely hives, they are definitively a symptom of something that occurs at night when i go to bed. from previous experience i know them to be bed big bites. i have seen bedbugs in past experience and have found a bedbug in my room. i keep it in a little baggy to remind myself that i am not in fact insane. the bites will crop up anywhere on my body but mostly my stomach, ass, and thighs. i get them on my face a nonnegligible amount of the times. i’ve been bitten on the lips, eye lid, and chin 5 times in this experience. i was only bitten on the cheek once when i had bedbugs the first time. sometimes it feels like they’ve bitten my hands they’ll be itchy, painful, and red in spots but it also seems like i’m having a weird inflammatory response beyond what it is normal. it just hurts so much and the redness will be in stops that seem highly improbable they’d be, like the webs of both my thumbs at the same time. that just seems odd that they’re in the exact same spot. and maybe my carpal tunnel is acting up but it’s never hurt like this before and never my hands. it’s always my wrists and my fingers will get numb and tingly. honestly i just feel like i’m thoroughly losing my mind and my family and dig aren’t helping to assuage that i just might be. it just doesn’t seem like an issue to address because the urgency isn’t there for them. they aren’t plagued by the parasites that are relentlessly consuming me and my well being. and maybe i am crazy. maybe my mind is just making this up. the physical response is quite real and it seemingly happens no matter where i go. i can’t get a single night of relief regardless of what i do. i’m so tired.
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Mary Poppins Diary 2018
well hello There, I had diary of the show last year, so I'm making one this year, or at least I'm starting it, I won't continue it until we get into the opera house on Thursday, so in 4 days, also I don't have much down time in the show, so idk if it'll be longer or not, and similar to last time there's a hurricane a-comin, hurricane Florence is apparently going to hit North Carolina hard, it won't be as close to us as irma, but we will probably get some bad weather, oh also, do you remember noah from the last show, he is playing Bert in this show. Welp that is enough introduction so... se ya Thursday!
  Surprise I'm back, they are reworking step in time... a week and a half before the show..... UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH!
In other news, there is a big group chat (like last time) and it's a bit bigger now, there is: holden, caraline, Lillian, savanna, cadence, noah, lolly, kane, Damaris, Bethany, mary grace, Clara grace, Brenley, kasha*, Lydia*, Cassie*, hope*, caleb* and Zoë* (* means they are new)
ALSO we have 2 sets of Janes and Michaels. So that's a little bit of an introduction, so ye, NOW I WILL SEE YOU AT THE OPERA HOUSE.
  Hi, it's the next day, I've decided that Imma still update it a little before we get to the opera house. Hurricane Florence is now a category 4, and South Carolina has evacuated its coast, o boi. Also we aren't moving into the opera house on Thursday like I thought, we move in on Saturday.
  Im at rehearsal right now, they are about to start practically perfect. Clara grace isn't here so margo is having to say her lines from the audience. Mortimer and I had a long conversation about video games; his favorite is Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, mine is Super Paper Mario. Winston and Holly are playing Jane and Michael Oh shoot, gotta be on stage, I'll be back.
 Im back, hi. The bank scene is next and i have to be in that, they are doing spoonful of sugar now, holden is KILLING it as Robertson Ay so that's good, aight gotta go
 Im back again, it's feed the birds right now, and I think I'm going to finish with the diary for today. So see ya tomorrow.
 Hi actually another thing happened, someone is filling in for Clara Grace, she is doing ok surprisingly (considering she hasn't done this for 2 months like CG, and that she is a fair bit younger, so I am pleasantly surprised) ok NOW im gonna end it here, today was a lot.
   Hi, I'm back at rehearsal, we are about to run the show. The talking is way worse than normal, and I'm not feeling well; so rip today. The new Nintendo direct is hopefully coming out on Thursday, last week a huge earthquake hit Japan so they had to cancel it, which was the best thing to do in that situation. Either way, they are doing jolly Holiday, so ye.
 I just did the scene where I yell at the kids, the anger in it skyrocketed, and the book slamming perfectly only multiplied that anger, which sounds bad, but it was actually really good; I actually think I scared Everyone on stage
  Hiya, it's Wednesday now, not much has happened today, there wasn't a rehearsal today, so tomorrow is our last day before we get to the opera house
  Today is the last day before we move into the opera house, they are doing a flying rehearsal tomorrow but I don't fly so I want be able to tell how that will go, there is normal rehearsal tonight, we have 5 days until media night and 6 days until the show, so hell week (tech week) has officially started
 Im at rehearsal now, the fly guy, Marquee, is here and all of the props and set have been moved to opera house. I'm STRUGGLING without my umbrella. Oh also the Nintendo direct came out today and Isabelle from animal crossing is in smash bros so I'm HYPED. They are about to do jolly holiday. We haven't been able to condense the show into an hour and 15 minutes yet, and that is our max time for the school shows, so that is extremely stressful. Amelia is being adorable as ever, god I love her, we haven't gone on another date in a few weeks so we need to do that after the show is over
 Marquee seems impressed so far, we are at supercalifragilisticexpialidocious now, the show is going well so far
 I just did the yelling scene, Marquee is taking notes, that's both good and stressful.
 Mrs Andrew is singing her song now, Marquee was really impressed with the last note, we are about to start fly a kite, trisha is doing better as Jane, ok I gotta go on stage soon
 Ok, rehearsal is over and the next is gonna be in the opera house, I got sauce containers for my accio sauce; I will be eating in my dressing room a lot and ranch gets everywhere so Imma just bring the  accio (also noah may want to try some). Hurricane Florence is hitting land now, North Carolina has declared a state of emergency, I hope Abbie doesn't get too bad of weather.
    Well hi, so today was stressful. Imma get all the good stuff out of the way first, so, amelia and I went on a date today so that was good. And that's all the good stuff done, NOW THE STRESSFUL STUFF.
          ༼strong language is used here༽
 Today was a cluster fuck. The new staff at the opera house has no clue what they are doing and can't think ahead far enough for anything to get done. So for starters the stage left stairwell is being remodeled, and the ensemble dressing rooms are under the stage, that means that anyone who is in show that enters from stage left has to walk behind the god damn psych. And in the event of a fire, they won't have an easy exit, because the pit doors are usually locked during shows, and the stage right staircase is a spiral. And what is the opera house doing about this? Jack fucking shit. Also the school shows are being fucked up too, some idiot thought it would be a fucking brilliant idea to have the school buses park 2 blocks north of the actual opera house on an unpaved road. That means that 1000 elementary school children will be walking in a line to and from the buses for 30 minutes before and after the show FOR 2 BLOCKS DOWNTOWN, and we don't even know if the weather will be good or not, if it rains then to fucking bad, those kids have to walk in the rain. Because why not, it's not like there is a HUGE parking lot for the civic center across the street that has been more than welcome to hold the busses OH FUCKING WAIT THERE IS. The fire Chief almost had to cancel the show because the opera house crew can't actually finish the INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT FIXES before the show. NOT TO MENTION THE HANDICAPPED ENTRANCE IS ACTUALLY BLOCKED OFF BY THE CONSTRUCTION. AND NO ONE THOUGH THIS WAS POSSIBLY A BAD IDEA. The city isn't doing anything about it either, what can they do, none of the new opera house staff will respond to their calls. And I get that they are busy but the previous staff had all the work done for them, they've just been sitting there with their thumbs up there asses for A MONTH finishing none of the work and only making their jobs HARDER. I just don't understand how a group of adults can fuck up so badly to endanger the lives of not only all of the 88 kids in the cast, but the 1000 that are going to just be walking the streets during school shows and not have one person, just one person, say "hey what if instead... we didn't" also the renovation to the stage left stairwell is purely to make a new room, there are no structural readjustments or improvements being made.
     ༼ok im done yelling and cussing now༽
   So yeah, today sucked, I have my first rehearsal in the opera house in over a year tomorrow, so YEET
    So today is my first rehearsal in the opera house, im getting ready to leave soon.
 Cherry tree lane just ended, we are now working with flight so that is fun, we are having to re block some scenes to work around it. Holden actually hit his head on the desk this time so that ain't good they are working a scene change right now. The curse of the opera house, everything that seems to be going well suddenly isn't and has to be changed. They are about to start jolly holiday, I gotta get to stage left now
 Ok so it's spoonful of sugar right now and the moving around is stressful,
  ok so they are doing feed the birds and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious now, next is intermission, this show is extremely stressful, and having no stage left is... oh boy. We haven't even gotten to intermission yet and we've been rehearsal for an hour and a half
  rehearsal is almost over, they are working on the flying parts
  Im heading to rehearsal now, we are doing act 2 and whatever else we can today. The stress is really getting to everyone, Lillian almost had an emotional breakdown all throughout yesterday.
Both holden and I actually did have an emotional breakdown, we hugged and both almost cried. It's gonna get better though, tech week is always the most stressful. I have a lot to do when I get there, I have to get my makeup on, then my costume, then my mic, then who knows what else .
  Hi im at rehearsal, in costume.
 Ok so we just finished the show and are doing it again, Winston and Holly are now Jane and Michael. Ok imma check and see if im needed
   Im back home, and a FRIPP ton of stuff has happened; for starters, Carrie Elaine almost died, not exaggerating either, her flight was horrible, she was sideways and nearly slammed her head on the balcony. Noah was basically drunk after the run through due to his harness being so incredibly painful.
  It's spoonful currently, Andrew is changing right now next is the bank scene, Andrew looks like a freaking albino raccoon because of the makeup.
 I just did the bank scene and Andrew is still getting his makeup off. im sitting in my dressing room for the next few scenes and intermission. They recording aswell, also I just learned that a piano is a percussion instrument and I don't know how I feel about that. But now my question is, what type of instrument is an electric keyboard, like is it wind, string, or percussion, I know that there is brass, woodwind and keyboard, but like the three basic types. Also I hate the fact that there is a "keyboard" type I mean like all of the keyed instruments can be placed into other categories other than the electronic keyboard, organs are wind, pianos are apparently percussion, accordions are wind, so why make a specific type?
  Act 2 has started, and there have been a few hiccups here and there but so far, it's good. The audience is enjoying it too. My feet are killing me.
  Today is media night, oh boi. Media night is always cursed, and we open on Wednesday, another cursed day
 Im in costume the entire main cast is jamming out to Africa, take on me, boogie wonderland, and we're not gonna take it. We were gonna listen to jimmy buffet but other people had to change so rip. A PERFORMING ARTS SCHOOL CONTACTED AMELIA, IM SO HAPPY!
 Ok house is about to open.
 I'll update the journal later, my phone is at 6 percent
 I ran directly into a wall.
 I'm heading to the opera house now, amelia is gonna watch it tonight, and considering that until recently she didn't even know that people could fly on stage, she will LOVE it.
 I just carried Winston, also we can't have our phones on during the show, it's interfering with the mics.
 Act 2 just started and a cable has broken, marry and mrs Andrew can't fly for the rest of the night, bert still can but still.
 Other than the lack of flying the show went very well.
 Hi it's 2 days later, flying is working again, we have already done 2 shows today, and are about to do a 3rd one, someone is stealing some of the costume pieces, Lillian's apron and gloves are missing and hope's apron was found in someone else's dressing room. Lillian had to take all of her clothes with her when she left so it won't get stolen.
 We are heading to the show, dancing queen just came on the radio so yEET. During the break between shows today, Andrew and I listened to music in our dressing room, he tried to squat on top of the trashcan.
 School shows were fun today, we had to cut jolly holiday because of time.
  Hey so is the final day and there were two shows today and both were really good, noah didn't knock over the vase in the second show and I played it off and he did too and the scene continued and it was AMAZING. Also in the first show the flying kite didn't work. Abbie was here for them and really liked the shows, ALSO ALSO tate and trisha really stepped up their game for the last show, and it really worked. IN THE FINALE HOLDEN KISSED HOPE ON THE CHEEK AND I FREAKING LOVED IT. Andrew strapped a bunch of wire hangers to himself to try and conduct electricity. Lillian was bawling and it was really sad, she was literally born to play mary poppins, and now it's over. But like actually though, Lillian just actually looks like Julie Andrews, the hair, the face, the VOICE, etc. It's gonna be hard to not do this show anymore but not as hard as others. But I'll make another diary soon, for next show. I guess you can say "the showS must go on". Also my favorite part of this was watching noah walk up the opera house proscenium during step in time.
  and now i guess it's over, this show was incredibly fun, but incredibly stressful, from the opera house construction, to the rivaling theater companies, to the costumes being stolen. All in all, I don't want to start the show over, nor do I want to do one more show, I want to be done and be ready to move forward, and to remember this show as a good memory, not a bad one. So that's what I'm gonna do.
 I'll make more diaries soon.
                        -Gorge Banks
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shego1142 · 6 years
Life Update part I actually managed to clean the house a bit be proud
Hey peeps!
Long time no life update!
Okay so I don’t fully remember what the last update was about so I may repeat some stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
First and foremost,
The Rat Situation/Home Stuff
We still have rats, of course, because rats aren’t really a problem that go away on their own, no matter how uninhabitable you make their (and your own) environment.
Good news though, Burger King has absolutely stepped up his rat catching game tenfold.
In the past two weeks he’s caught at least 20 or so. Like, he’s seriously a beast.
I kind of think his improved hunting miigghhtt be because there’s a a smol little orange girl kitty who is wandering around here and he’s trying to impress her (or show her up)
She’s also helping us with the rats too, so kudos to her! I’ve named her Creamsicle and I plan on capturing her and taking her to a no-kill shelter ASAP, but she’s very shy rn so I’m currently building trust. In the interim she has a nice warm home under our house and plenty of food and water. ^__^
Even Better Good News I’ve been talking to extended family member after extended family member in a real life version of crowdsourcing and we can finally get an exterminator/humane trapper up in here!!!
It’ll still take a while because we need to clean but!!! Freedom is in our sights!! Rat freedom! ^___^ this is like a good ending to The Judge’s House.
Bad news just to keep you on your feet, out stove kind of exploded last night.
Well okay it didn’t really explode explode, but damn was it scary anyway.
It made an extremely loud sound and blew fire up from the one stove eye that was on and then the fire went out and it started hissing gas
We turned it off and then turned off the main gas line in total and well, this is what the gas lines leading up to the stove eyes look like:
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Yea they’re all four broken like that. Idk how or why but they seem to be made out of aluminium? For what ever reason? And they’ve just broken in half. Yes this is a terrifying discovery :/
We are looking at some “new” stove options, there’s a lot of Renovations going on around our neighborhood and a lot of peeps who want to just get rid of their old stoves for cheap or even free
So we might be able to find something nice and affordable. ^_^
(Also we aren’t sure how long the gas lines to that stove have been leaking so I’ll keep you peeps updated on if our health improves any lol)
Alright so Next Up is
Or idk, lack there of.
So, big deal, I’ve finally and officially been diagnosed with Tachycardia!
Which is one of the many things I’ve been saying all along!
I have supraventrical Tachycardia, meaning the top part of my heart beats 3 times for every one time the bottom part beats. They are also looking to see if I also have POTS, which is very likely because it seems to be postural
I’m on Digoxin now and it’s been somewhat mildly improving my dizziness, so yay!
In even more exciting news, I finally finally finally have an appointment to see a bone/joint doctor.
So we can figure out why my joints dislocate like crazy. (Idk if it’s EDS or not but we will know soon I hope)
And hopefully this will help me get to a place where I can get medical treatment and maybe even recover some.
Meanwhile I might make a separate post about the idea of retroactive disability, which should absolutely be a thing that exists and goes along with my socialist ideals but I’ll make that later so shhhhh
Otherwise health stuff has been frustrating for me lately, both of my ears have severe inner ear infections and I think I have a mild flu, despite having gotten my flu shot for the year -_-
And of course I had my period twice this month (that’s also something I’m going to talk about in a different post bc it’s a little tmi) which means nearly 3 weeks of feeling like a hibernating bear and sleeping almost 24/7
Which btw is why I haven’t been on much
Okay so like I said in a previous post, I am absolutely making a poster for Markiplier’s charity livestream (December 1st, 10 am PST)
And I’m actually really excited about making it. I’ve been practising sketching peeps and practising the human form for a few months so I’m kind of ready to make it.
Plus it’s just nice to have something to work towards ^__^
Also, I think I might make a Minecraft playthrough.
So the short version of a long story here is that while I’ve played Minecraft for years I’ve never finished the game.
And that’s not for a lack of being able to, I could have done it at anytime... but I’ve never felt ready.
And now I think I’d love to record it, because why not?
The End Poem is actually really special and meaningful to me and I think I’d like to experience it for the first time first hand (I’ve read it before but like I said I’ve never gotten to it myself) with you peeps.
Idk if I want it to go up on YouTube or not but perhaps?
Anyway let me know if you want me to make a Single Person Vanilla Minecraft let’s play I guess?
It might not be anything new but it would at the least be my own...
And finally
So I enlisted some help in my extended family members and we went wild with cleaning my grandma’s house.
We stuck to the kitchen and living room but we had it nearly spotless by the time she woke up, her being none the wiser to what we were doing
And I mean, my left knee was completely dislocated the entire time, and my back and hips hurt like crazy now
But I am honestly really proud of myself for forcing myself to do it.
Okay well I think that’s all of the major life updates for the time being!
Here’s an obligatory pic of my Burger Man
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And you can kind of see my grandma’s arms in the background, lol. Honestly if you had told me a few years back that she’d willingly have a cat sleeping on her bed I’d have laughed, but BK is a charmer if there ever were one. ^__^
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hotgirlinahotcar · 6 years
I’ma try the live blog thing... ish... spoilers under the cut
so i’ll watch and pause to make notes here...
Wentworth - 6.01 - Clean Slate
04:25 - new bitch 1... so she’s an observer... making mental notes on everything... conquerors... i’m guessing some sort of dykes on bikes thing...
06:14 - what’s happening? - d’oh, shit’s hitting the fan all over... but Vera seemed to have a handle on it -ish at the least... hoping to see her bamfing more! - And Boomer! Charging toward the gate! XD
07:11 - bamf!Vera again! Yay! Channing’s been fired! Woop woop! - So they’ve been locked into their units since the escape. Gotcha. Everybody’s going stir crazy and shit is happening all over. biker thing... half right so far... and throwing her in with Kaz... I predict Red Right Hand vs Conquerors...
07:52 - awwww and Vera covering for Gidge!!! <3
09:33 - new bitch 2 - sugar tits XD okay I’m digging this one so far... hells yeah, get on board Liz, can’t go wrong with more attitude! XD
10:57 - here comes the run, franky, run scene! They better not just make her run to Gidge’s place tho... cause then why didn’t she just cross the street at the end of 5.12?
11:49 - okay I expected a Franky on the run montage... oh well.
13:01 - Go, Vera, go! You keep kicking his slimy ass! - But I’m with Kaz, all that keeping everyone locked up is gonna give you is more shit you don’t need right now, come on, be smart babe...
16:23 - Top Dog found herself a new bone, huh? Yeah she’s not gonna let it go until she knows wtf was going on... and the new bitches know each other... yah, caught that earlier... are they gonna have them be related or something? Ugh please no... no soapy family relations drama
okay the pausing for commentary is starting to bug me... so maybe only every now and then from now on... (she says right before the fridget scene XD...)
17:31 fridget scene - omg wait what?! Yeah I’m gonna need a few run throughs here...
door’s just randomly open... sure okay... so straight to Gidget’s place it is... I mean I know it’s not the first morning after the night at the end of 5.12... but still... that’s a bit lame. Not that I’m not yaying over Fridget tho XD Also, they did some redocorating, right? Somewhere between S4 and 5... that’s not the same layout as before... and the door was different too... or it coulda been another door... but on the inside too... so either they moved or did some major renovations... that house confuses me... gah... anyway...
fridge poetry! I love those!!! XD omg I gotta stop pausing for shit like that, there’s time for that later... 
awww poor baby... I call surfing accident XD - you would’ve talked me out of it.... awwww XD - and she’s so worried about franky... awwwww ... of COURSE that’s when the cops show up... come on... okay and now those doors look familiar again... 
fuck fuck fuck.... okay Gidge, up to you now... come one use your sapphic psychologist superpowers
of corse she’s gone... but them cops were super easy to get rid of... eh... moving on... but now i’m really gonna slow it with the pausing
21:23 - nope, not buying it. she ain’t dead til I see a rotting corpse
28:21 - this with the noobs looks more and more like mother/daughter shit... come oooooon... but at least they’re finally not pretending anymore like there isn’t racial shit going on... not that I wouldn’t love to live in a world where it wasn’t an issue, but when you have a show that depicts all kinds of issues, that’s a pretty big one to ignore. So, yes, more cultural diversity! Always! 30:28 - so this is the beginning of Jake vs. Vera, huh? - UGh! NO! Biker dude...
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But I mean, that show is full of BAMF bitches and hey, no way the attitude one isn’t lez... XD So I can let that one slide... but still, woulda been awesome. 35:59 - d’oh and repetitions in case anyone forgot, check... and now Franky’s gonna find something that the moron cops overlooked... and apparently Franky can pick locks. That’s a nice new tidbit. But like I was once told ‘rehab is like prison... you learn things...’ and it’s true. If I ever go to prison, I’ll come out a criminal mastermind.
37:28 - fuck what? bitch used to be a cop? okay, did not see that one coming
37:43 - okay, I did not register the younger newbie as black until they started pointing it out... I mean I don’t classify people according to color or anything else in general, but Wentworth is starting to make me wonder about my own genetics... they have Franky as olive and this one as black... then I’m definitely not all that caucasian either! yay! I might just have some sort of heritage after all! Not that I’ll never know for sure (adopted), but up until now I just assumed there prolly just was nazi shit there cause Germany... so I never even wanted to know. I always felt like I don’t belong here but I never considered there might be something to the whole finding your roots thing... well, fuck... thank you Wentworth for making me realize even more about myself. But enough with the self-discoveries for now... I wanna keep watching!
38:29 - sisters! Ugh, but at least not mother/daughter... but close enough. So soapy bs coming up for those two, eh?
39:32 - ugh noooooo come on there still is a way out, isn’t there?
39:44 - lmao, seriously?!
42:43 - awwwww Vera! *hugs* You haven’t lost yet! Don’t go giving up! You can do this!
43:13 WHAT?! NOOOOOOO!!!!! I HATE IT!!!!! UGH!!!! Even more soapy bs?! COME THE FUCK ON!!!! Did you seriously have to resort to that one?! Gah :/
And that was that... but idk if the liveblogging thing is for me. Maybe not every week.. we shall see. All in all, nice beginning to the season, but ya know what I coulda done without and what I wish they had done differently... not sure what else to say. So yeah, overall opinion: okay but coulda been better. 
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lassieposting · 7 years
Romance head canon ❤️ in all the fan fiction I read its Valkyrie initiating the relationship/kiss👄 , her flirting. I read this piece and it was like from ghastly POV and he picked up on the way skul 💀look at her. Want some head canons of skulls POV. 👀
oho do i have some shit for you
seriously anon i think this might be the longest fucking post ive ever made
the way i read the books, skul starts to realise he’s in the process of falling for val when she’s 17-18. which is dodgy in some parts of the world, and idk where you’re from anon, but in my country the age of consent is 16 so i’m cool with interpreting it like that
the first instances of like, gentle flirting, from him are in death bringer and kotw. 
1. “You’re late.” 
“I’m beautiful.”
“You’re always beautiful.”
“I’m always late, too.”
skulduggery is from the 1600s, and flirting back then was not as obvious as it is today. this is roughly the time where he starts complimenting her regularly on her appearance. “you’re always beautiful” is a pretty safe compliment to give any girl, especially a girl like val who’s fairly vain and aware that she’s beautiful. i think here he’s kind of. testing the water? like not openly flirting with her, but more seeing whether she’s receptive to that kind of comment coming from him? whether he should bother to keep them coming? because if she’d responded here with an immediate awkward or disgust reaction, or if she’d kind of gone “that’s a little weird, skulduggery” i bet you none of the other semi-flirty stuff in the books would’ve gone down. he would’ve backed off, immediately
but she doesn’t. she just accepts it - we don’t get a physical reaction from her, but he keeps the compliments coming so there was probably some vaguely positive physical cue, i.e. she smiled at him or something, and says, “I’m always late, too.” The ‘too’ acknowledging that she knows she’s always beautiful. Thank you. Which let’s be real, is a response to half-flirty compliments that he’s probably used to from china. She’s not told him to fuck off, so that’s a positive.
And then he’s treated her to a gorgeous dress. 
2. “The dress was long and slinky, strapless, silk and chiffon. Her shoes were gorgeous”
I’m sorry, but if you see someone as a surrogate child, you don’t buy them a sexy dress. You just don’t, it’s inappropriate and wrong. And yeah, you might buy a dress like that for your platonic friend if you know that’s your friend’s style, but val isn’t a regular dress-wearer. so chances are, he bought her something he’d like to see her in, and hoped she’d like it. It’s not mentioned in the book, but it’s also possible he had to actually buy her underwear at this point. “Long, slinky, strapless” dresses usually require panties that don’t leave underwear lines, and strapless bras. Since val isn’t a regular wearer of slinky clothing or dresses, chances are she doesn’t actually own any suitable underwear for this dress. So either she went without, which would’ve been kind of uncomfortable for her during the whole nonsense with melancholia that went down at the requiem ball, or skulduggery bought her underwear to wear with the dress. 
how does he even know what size she is? either he asked ghastly, or he paid a lot of attention to that naked reflection. 
“I thought I’d spoil you,” he says. We know skulduggery spends a lot of money on the important woman in his life. China says he used to bring her priceless books and artifacts which would’ve cost him an arm and a leg, and it’s probably safe to say he bought her outfits, too, while they were together. He doesn’t seem to spend his money on people who don’t matter to him (as much). You don’t see him splashing out to get tanith a set of protective clothes, and he doesn’t so much as take elsie through the burger king drive-thru. Yet, I googled how much it costs to remodel a house and the answers I’m getting are all in like the £40,000 to £75,000 bracket, which might be out, but since I know nothing about house renovation, I’m gonna run with that. So he spent over £40,000 on doing up his house so val could essentially live there and spend more time with him. You don’t spend that kind of money on someone you’re not planning on having there long-term. 
He also implies that he would’ve gone to Ghastly to get val’s requiem ball dress if he hadn’t been so busy. ghastly’s clothes are implied to be expensive. it’s one thing for skul to buy val protective clothes - she’s his responsibility, and he wants to keep her safe, it’s an understandable expense. but splashing out just to buy her a fuckin expensive dress tailor-made by ghastly just to spoil her? dude got feelings
i mean let’s also take into account that that was what dudes did in ye olde days, right? they were the primary source of income. in 1600-whatever, the girl would’ve moved in with the guy, put her own touch on the home, and it would’ve been her husband’s responsibility to “keep” her; to pay for her clothes, her food, her entertainment, etc
What’s val done in the past few years?
“Moved into” skul’s house - not full-time, but it’s implied she spends a lot of time there, put her own touch on it via having it entirely fucking remodeled to suit her, what with having the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom put in, and spent a whole lot of skul’s money. he spoils her. in exchange, she makes his house into a home - probably just by being there, bc lets face it this is val and she’s no domestic goddess. but it mimics, i like to think, the way he would’ve treated his wife. money no object to make her happy
if you look at it like this, he’s basically treating her as though they’re in a relationship already. i doubt he’s actually taking that seriously and deluding himself that they’re a thing, but again, he’s testing it out. how does she react to him treating her like this? does she have issues with it? is she comfortable? and she’s totally chill with it, so another positive
There’s also this:
3. “Now she had her own bedroom, there was a bathroom with a huge shower and a kitchen with a fully-stocked fridge.”
So not only did he refurbish for her, but he refurbished with quality. Which, yeah, it’s skulduggery, he’s got expensive tastes, but tbh i think he let her pick out everything. which means she picked all this expensive shit that looks great but cost him a mint and he doesn’t care, bc this is how he shows affection
4. “sometimes she wondered how much money she’d cost him with her insistence on refurbishment”
So refurbishing was val’s idea. The fact that she wanted skul’s house changed for her probably came across as like. not flirty, exactly? but to him, she’s saying that she wants to spend more time here. more time with him. she wants his home to be her home. he probably saw that as encouragement, tbh, he was so happy about it? 
then in kotw, we have this:
5. “Remember that sorcerer who went missing?”
Valkyrie raised her head off the pillow even as she woke. For a moment she didn’t know where she was, then she recognised the house on Cemetery Road…
“Patrick Xebec,” Skulduggery said, standing in the morning sunlight that streamed in through the window.
he’s. in her room. while she’s asleep. at this point, they have no boundaries. skulduggery would’ve been raised that to come into a young lady’s room while she is abed is just. not done. the only woman it would’ve been appropriate for him to do that with would be his wife, or a lover - women he’d essentially share a room with anyway (don’t quote me on this, but i think a lot of couples in his era had separate bedrooms as standard? and then just slept together when they wanted to? because a lot of marriages were out of convenience and not love?). but im pretty sure there’s also another scene of him doing it again - coming into her room before she’s up and waking her up by talking at her - so either he’s just utterly lost his sense of propriety over the years or he’s so comfortable with her and she with him that they no longer have that boundary
6. “She took a quick shower, dressed, and Skulduggery had a bowl of cereal waiting for her when she emerged.”
so not only is he a-ok with coming into her room while she’s still in it, they’ve also got into a morning routine with each other. he makes her breakfast. it’s wonderfully domestic, a little gesture of affection in his very understated way. skulduggery is an over-the-top personality who doesn’t do emotions very well, and val has no subtlety. he’s treating her like he’d treat his significant other, but because he hasn’t actually smacked her in the face with a brick stamped with “I LIKE YOU” in big letters, she’s not picking up what he’s throwing out there
it’s also worth mentioning that like. in death bringer and kotw, he starts touching her a lot more. hugging her, or letting her hug him. that scene where he pushes her up against a wall and kinda feels her up to check if she was shot, even though she’s wearing protective clothes and so he knows none of the bullets would’ve hurt her. that bit in kotw(?) where she gets stuck in the hole and he has to pull her out. it’s pointed out on the skulduggery forums in the valdug thread that if you pull someone out by their underarms, like he tries to, you’re gonna touch boob. you just are. it’d be shockingly difficult not to. and again, no negative reaction from her, not even an awkward joke
again, for the most part of skul’s life, male-female physical contact was very limited. he didnt touch her very often for the first half of the series, and i think that had a lot to do with the fact that in his mind, it would’ve been inappropriate. touching is something you do with the girl you’re courting. so like, he’ll hug her if she needs to be hugged, or comfort her if she needs it or whatever, but there’s no casual touching. but in the last four books, he touches her an awful lot. because he is kinda courting her
kotw i think is the point where skul stops dodging around on the edge of flirting, and starts actually flirting. and tries to let her know he’s got feelings for her, because he’s a whole lot less subtle in this book. there’s this whole exchange: 
7. “It’s just, if you were feeling somehow…unattractive…”
“I don’t mean unattractive,” he said quickly. “I mean, if you were thinking that maybe you’ll always be alone -”
“You think I’ll always be alone?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
We know that when skulduggery was alive, he had a stutter. this isn’t a stutter, but he’s definitely nervous, and you can tell? i can count the number of times skulduggery was visibly nervous in the books on one hand. he’s a very confident, very self-assured man. but this is the first time he’s kind of made it obvious to val that he likes her. this is him kind of going, i’m an available romantic prospect, valkyrie. but she doesn’t let him get it out, she won’t let him finish. he phrases it wrong and loses his chance.
8. “I was only trying to be sensitive.”
she’s hurt him. she won’t let him talk, won’t let him tell her how he feels. she “doesn’t need him sensitive”. she’s kind of. pretty much completely dismissed that he’s also a person with feelings, and she’s hurt him.
9. “you can’t run from your feelings!”
“i can walk from them.”
he doesn’t deny that there are feelings to walk from. by now he’s picked up that valkyrie is dense as a fucking wall, so the flirting is getting a little bit more obvious. and even though she just hurt him, and he’s now kinda pissed at her as a result, he still acknowledges that he has feelings
and then, in lsodm, we get this absolute fucking gem
10 “tight trousers don’t count.”
he’s given up, everyone. this is outright flirting, it even sounds flirty on the audiobook, he knows he’s not fucking getting anywhere and now he’s just not even bothering to be subtle
and then, going totally outside of canon, i like to think that the Big Reveal is essentially skulduggery says something even more obvious than the tight trousers comment, and val kind of pauses and goes, “are you flirting with me?” and skulduggery is just like
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